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I ain't crying this episode yeah you are not that's able to see it I'm not what's happening now who are you oh [ __ ] Mama Maybe um it is hard being a woman in the world it looked like that one girl like you know what I'm talking about oh lord it's time girl oh girl where you bathtub that's the thing like you can't stop it it's gonna happen you think maybe that's why she's a man because while she oh oh come on Jesus Jesus oh the baby just came out she was fighting she was pushing pushing yeah that's crazy that's real crazy but she had a bite though don't she Ellie Ellie I mean she did get bit but this is why she's immune got it oh she heard it oh awesome that's your mama from birth she's been casting yeah did y'all know it'll be looking for her right maybe her mom was always a fire for us would you be able to do it in time you think um her name is Ellie I'm gonna pick her up and take her please please please [Music] imagine Ellie grow up and she run into her mom and her mama bite her now I got a complex turn that's hard my friend I'm like I would ask him to do it yeah close my eyes downstairs you remember that have you ever played this it's a word game if you want to beat me or something it would be good yeah it's like have y'all talked okay so this is what I'm thinking cut through that building to get around that stuff find a skyscray it's not a whale uh actually this time I was thinking would blast our way through that Rubble I felt some dynamite in that RV back there really because I want to be the one to stay the plan she's not in the mood to play babe she is not something is heavy on her yeah look at that you just gonna get just what are you doing well if you would have given me the ladder what are you doing it's a recovery I just had surgery you always see all that from down there she's on the stairs oh they're in oh it's a solid leg or something that's so cool it's all right to go that's so cool y'all ain't be eating cordyceps have you all right all right don't be rationing the girl let me have it exactly where this hospital is yeah we'll find maybe there's nothing bad out there but so far there's always been something bad out there we don't have to do this I just I want you to know that what do you mean what else are we supposed to do nothing we just go back to Tommy's we forget about the whole damn thing after all we've been through right what was I think a lot of people who died you can't be for nothing I know you mean well I know you want to protect me you have and when we're done we'll go wherever you want always sheep Ranch but there's no halfway with this you finish what we started not that you've motivating you she said get your [ __ ] together I'm talking about going back to timings so what was wrong with you it's for this the guy who shot me missed I figured that would have happened later it was me oh I was the guy who shot and missed hmm oh Sarah died and I couldn't see the point anymore I went to pull the trigger I flinched I still don't know why you clearly wasn't ready so Time Heals all wounds I guess it wasn't time that didn't um enough of y'all just hug each other call him daddy call him daughter and let it be over with it it's happening now shitty puns people are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow what did the green group say to the purple green you idiot um are you guys fireflies please be fine please be fireflies ah you saw they weren't they were just come on [ __ ] him mindly business they were leaving they didn't even know welcome to the fireflies hey yeah they got she just couldn't uh take care of Ellie because she was too hurt oh she wasn't hurt not even a scratch just mostly worried about you where is she lost half our crew crossing the country I had five men his only job was to protect me I still almost got killed I didn't ask your dad I know where's where's my child can't why she said our doctor he thinks that the cordyceps in Ellie has grown with her since birth why is she in surgery it produces a kind of chemical messenger it makes normal Court assessing that she's cordyceps it's why she's immune he's going to remove it from her multiply the cells in a lab produce those chemical Messengers and then I can give it to everyone he thinks it could be a character where what are you removing okay okay but will she survive the surgery removing grows inside Jesus what wait there is no one else literally that's my child don't cause her any fear there won't be any pain no you take me to her you take me to her right now hey hey hey I wonder if that's why she had kind of like her demeanor has been the way it's been this whole episode maybe she knew I don't think she knew you know if they let him out he's gonna bust in at all ain't no peeping through the window on him behaving welcome out to the highway leaving there with this pack no getting this because she's not gonna survive y'all are refrigerator shoot him you could have at least let him say bye at least say goodbye like you don't understand what we went through to get here and angry I'm angry yeah mm-hmm real fast he's like this is awesome you about to get your nose broken your arm about to be broke [Music] John Wick he's like okay Lord be with me what the [ __ ] are you doing keep walking hold on okay well then he did ah you want to tell me oh yeah that's the thing like Marlene knew the kind of man Joel was way back before they even left wherever they were so why did you think that he would take this Lane down right you should have just left him wait yes picked up the girl and left him wherever they were [ __ ] and because now all you may got to die he said I want to trouble she over there oh yeah maybe he just died wait a minute from day one they said he's sad he's bad so he is not a good man I'm not surprised that he's not taking No Prisoners because where is my child and I'm gonna take your gun now yeah my God [Music] Joseph but you're losing another child [ __ ] a vaccine daddy sorry oh no step away wake her up don't kill the dogs no we kind of need them I just back away he gonna shoot him okay how did you get in here I said unhook her I won't let you take her oh yeah unhook her we ain't doing this long talking the doctor this okay nobody do the surgery it sucks but life ain't Fair all right y'all said get somebody else to do it I don't know it's gonna be waiting for them yeah I don't see why they wouldn't be right um but Marlene the doctor dead shot Marlene and good day because what we're not gonna do is you're not cutting into her brain and just leave her for dead sorry did you leave her no no Marlene got dead Joel you're better than that it's all right girl you know it's gonna cut your brain absolutely because how would he know that doctors they couldn't make any of it work he shot it yeah it actually that way she doesn't feel guilty for not going through with it what are my clothes Raiders attacked the hospital I barely got you out of there we'll find you some new ones on the way you just gonna take a big life oh my God he sure just come after her oh um it's the fact that like in this show you know how it seems like that there's these long soliloquies and like this brand whatever monologue and Joel was like no you did yeah I appreciate it get straight to it because that's real that's real we don't have time to be giving you know you can say whatever you want to me you you coming back so yeah my mind is not going to change about how I feel right same definitely different kids I want to say girly and I'm not saying that you're not girly I'm not she said I know myself so that she's taller she's gonna kill her smile forget nothing swear to me that everything you said about the fireflies is true she know you lying yeah I swear Joe is she gonna find out she know deep down she know she got two oh that's how your internet always really really yeah yeah I was expecting you know more chaos I guess I mean he saved her and I mean it could have ended there um I would expect more drama in the end but nothing okay maybe this is the Calm before more storm in season two absolutely yeah yeah just when we think we're getting like a sense of peace and like calm and okay everything's worked out and yeah um now it is yeah yeah like I'm glad that Joel is still alive yeah because for a minute there I thought it was gonna be one of those moments were like that we thought we were going to lose a character they came back oh and now they're going to take them from us for real this time you know do a glint on us right um yeah but uh I think she know he lying yeah and she gave him an opportunity to tell the truth and I think she would have forgave him but he doubled down and I think you know I'm curious how that's gonna affect how she abused him yeah um and how that will change their relationship because it's like while you understand why he might want to tell the lie for you or like to you um because of what you've been through it's very hard to trust people and so now it's like I know that you you do want to protect me because I've seen you actively protect me but why would you not just tell me the truth if we want to be closed if we want to have this very um you know child parent relationship that it seems like you want right I appreciate that you want me but you also took a choice from me yeah and I was just trying to tell you how guilty I feel and how like I am willing to sacrifice myself so that other people don't have to go through this and you took that from me and that's why I feel like maybe she had some understanding that well maybe it's just understood that I might not survive regardless of what the procedure might be and so I feel like that's why her demeanor was the way it was the whole episode very serious very like stoic um because she kind of knew like this could be the end and yeah it's just what it is like how he was saying like you know you know why I'm telling you the story she's like I know why because I feel like she was very much in the same mindset of him like this could all end and I'm done and he was trying to tell her like no don't we don't have to do that and for me I was saying it as she's in a very dark place but it's about after all the crap she just did oh absolutely I feel like that is why she feels like yeah I'm over this it was a ride it was yeah I'm I'm at least you know happy with the season though that the whole mission for this season was to get her to the hospital get her to the fireflies to get this um for them to look at her or whatever they got there I'm glad that wasn't you know drawn out to the next season or something you know some shows this that one Mission will be five seasons right it's like y'all ain't there yet give up right just give up so I'm glad that that's the end of this and we'll see what the next season brings for them we can start on a new adventure yeah and we'll know that it's going to be there's going to be some trust issues yeah yeah and are they going to be able to survive where Tommy and them are at I'm very curious if this season one is exactly like part one of the game How It Ends yeah and then part two of the game will be season two I'm really curious to start playing this game because I'm like how how do you play a game that's like this like from the clips that we've the little you know clips that we've seen from the game it's like it seems like it's just a movie or story yeah so like what is the game play part I've never played a game like that so I don't know like when the game starts right it's like Assassin that's right like assassins even like Call of Duty you said there's part of it where it's just narration okay now you fight you do this part but it'll be interesting to see like how this is what's in the game yeah all right you guys we are going to play and we are going to live stream with you guys so stay tuned for our announcement on when that's gonna happen but we are going to play the game and you guys can play along with us and you know help us get through it because we don't know what we doing 80 80 up down left right left right let's see what happens but you guys are going to be on that Journey with us so uh like I said stay tuned for announcement on the exact date and time for when that happens but uh I think that's it that's the last of us you guys let us know what your favorite moments was from this episode from the entire season um don't tell us nothing about what you think we're having season two because you know we want to be surprised you know and we want to see how the video game goes for us so uh thank you guys for watching this with us and chatting with us on this um that's it see in the next one see you on the next one bye foreign [Music]
Channel: What We Watchin'?!
Views: 35,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reaction Video, Review, Humor, The Last of Us, Pedro Pascal, HBOMAX, Bella Ramsey, Gabriel Luna, Anna Torv, Nico Parker, Storm Reid, Merle Dandridge, Joel Miller, Ellie, Tommy, Tess, Video Game, Sci-Fi, Action, Adventure, Cordyceps, Fungus, Ants, Zombies
Id: zWxycpiBRt8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 51sec (1371 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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