The Last of Us 1x09 "Look for the Light" Reaction

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hello everyone and welcome to my reaction to the finale of The Last of Us okay so I'm sorry that this is a day late as some of you guys know if you saw my updates um I just had a little emergency with Rocco uh who those of you who don't know is my dog and I had to deal with that and so I couldn't record this um as early as I wanted to so I apologize for it being a little little bit late but I just needed to deal with that first and that's about it okay truly I um I don't really know what to expect with this final episode but I do know that you know the bulk of this season has made me super super emotional so I'm trying to prep myself for what could happen in the finale and without further Ado let's just get into it oh no it's me oh [ __ ] I was gonna say maybe get somewhere try to barricade yep that's I guess the best you can do because she was running for something you know what I mean oh [ __ ] that's not gonna hold that is not gonna hold at all I don't blame you girl there wasn't many options oh my God [Music] oh [Music] okay holy moly well that baby just popped out oh my goodness oh no oh no [Music] oh really [Music] oh my goodness I was thinking Marlene was going to have to eventually show up to get at least I'm not super familiar with the exact timeline of events you know oh God find someone to bring her up and make sure that she's safe and I want you to give her this oh how long have we known each other oh oh my goodness crap now and then and then oh my God [ __ ] kill you no please please please Marlena oh my goodness okay I don't know [Music] oh God she's still so [ __ ] trying to serious what Beefaroni Chef Boyardee oh cool oh she's Breaking My Heart if you want to beat me or something it would be this oh he's trying oh all right my whole heart is like cracking oh my goodness I was thinking maybe I could teach you I bet you'd be great at it oh my goodness this is you want to learn how to play guitar that'd be great he's trying to find something that's going to give her a little spark a little something but all right okay so this is what I'm thinking cut through that building you get around that stuff find a scratch wow I actually this time I was thinking we lost our way through that Rubble no so we're going to cut through that building look around I'm gonna hit him girl oh my goodness girl what did she oh oh my goodness I would have ran too [Laughter] oh my God it oh my God everything is sweet not everything there's a lot of trauma but you know what I mean this moment is sweet [Music] we'll have to do this I just I want you to know that what do you mean what else are we supposed to do nothing we just go back to Tommy's we forget about the whole damn thing oh it can't be for nothing oh my God Billy okay I'll follow you anywhere you go oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God I'll follow you around they finished what we started they were way better at stitching you up than I was it was me I was the guy who shot and missed Sarah died and I couldn't see the point anymore simple as that oh my God I'm going to pull the trigger out I flinched huh so Time Heals all wounds I guess it wasn't turning that did it oh my oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness I am so nervous guys they are sharing all of these okay that didn't work out oh they're sharing all of these profound intimate moments and I'm just nervous moon rocks tastes better than Earth rocks why because they're meteor it's terrible there's a three out of ten oh my God [Music] oh my goodness can people stop manhandling Ellie like seriously the [ __ ] is going on holy moly you were the one person I never wanted to be a net to wow and I owe you she's being prepped for surgery oh I guess it could be a carriage hole chair wow okay I'm going to such grows inside the brain oh my god oh no no oh no oh no oh [ __ ] wait tell her we can cause her any or any fear there won't be any pain oh my God oh [ __ ] you don't understand what do you do what do you what do you do you do I promised [Music] thank you he tries anything shoot him sweetie listen this is very complicated and messy and all that but like if he tries anything they die like it's not like you get what I'm saying like it's not I feel like they won't have time to react just to guess from what we've seen from Joel thus far [ __ ] I don't even know how to process this I guess I shouldn't [ __ ] thought that that was a possibility but I just really truly didn't even I was so worried about them getting there that I [ __ ] they're dead red shirt one red shirt too I said keep walking dead okay [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus [Music] it's gonna kill everybody in this [ __ ] place [Music] before [Music] I I like not even processing this it [Music] [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I won't let you take her oh [ __ ] how many people did a lot I mean obviously he killed a lot of people oh my God can't keep her stay forever because she lives in a broken world so what would she decide I think that's possible did you knock Ed even after what you've done you can still find a way [Music] oh my goodness oh my goodness did he kill Marlene it's all right did he kill her not that I like I'm not shocked and then we just jumped turns out there's a whole lot more like you dozens of them oh Joe oh Joe they've actually said we stopped looking for a cure I really don't know okay nope holy [ __ ] [Music] sorry [Music] you just come after her [Music] unless she was a lot more someone said girls again I'm not saying that you're not girly I'm not yeah that you know why I think she'd like you why because you're funny when I got bit in the mall I wasn't on my own my best friend was there and she got bit too and then she did and I had to oh God but if you just keep going you find something new to fight for me swearing me that everything you said about the fireflies is true oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] just I swear okay [ __ ] [ __ ] okay [Music] um I may not be entirely sure what I would do in Joel's situation um I feel like a lot of people may not know exactly what they would do in that situation um but I knew for a fact what Joel was going to do in that situation I feel like as soon as foreign figured out or was told that Ellie would not survive I I was just like okay he has absolutely made up his mind that he's going to do everything he can to get her out of this situation um and I do I love these types of shows where there's a a loss of civilization a post-apocalyptic and certain you know um moral decisions such as this come up I mean this is this is a moral decision on a very big scale um and what is really interesting and you know there's a certain discourse that comes out about all of that you know I feel like if you dive into the comment section um some people are going to be like I would save Ellie too um and some people are you know going to be like that it was super selfish for him to save her and I feel like we all as people we all as individuals kind of you know have different experiences and and might gravitate towards one way or another and even watching I mean truly I just felt I I felt shocked and it was weird because I feel like I shouldn't have been as shocked it didn't even cross my mind that whatever they would do would kill Ellie it just didn't honestly I was just worried about them getting there and surviving and I think the show did a great job of sort of you know having us focus on on just them surviving coming across you know all these very life-threatening situations and stuff like that and and I just feel like you know that was just my main focus for so long that it didn't even come across my mind that oh well you know maybe um she's not gonna make it out of this surgery and what they're going to do is actually going to kill her and you know the gut reaction because we we've gotten to know Ellie we love Ellie or at least I do as a viewer like I'm just like oh my God I really don't want her to die I don't you know um so weirdly the the initial reaction is is very similar to obviously Joel's but there is something to the fact that it would save it it had the possibility of saving um so many lives you know probably not guaranteed but but there's a possibility which is more than so many of the you know people in this world really had um prior to that so it's just I I I was just so conflicted but it was it was really funny because regardless of what I was thinking in the situation of what should be done or not done or whatever I knew what Joel was gonna do um I had a a very you know if I was a betting woman I was like he's gonna kill some [ __ ] and he's gonna get Ali and get out of there now the thing that's really heartbreaking is that that final bit I think she knows in my opinion again try not to spoil where it goes if you guys have played the game because I know for a fact obviously I have said so many times in these reactions I have not played the game so I don't know these characters and I'm going in blind um and I I kind of only know the characters through what the show has has shown and everything like that what I what I do want to say is just don't spoil if I'm correct or not if you can just don't talk about where we go forward um but the way I interpreted that last scene is I think Ellie knows that he's lying and she's giving him kind of one last chance to kind of come clean and tell the truth because I think she does she gets I think she understands why he would want to protect her overall as and I don't think she knows the the extent of everything I don't think she knows like obviously she doesn't know exactly what went down you know um I think she's very aware that something's off and he's not being 100 truthful about stuff and this is somebody that she's just grown to to really trust with her life and and she even said before that she she wanted to see this through um and I think that there's a there there is a possibility you know with um Marlene saying you know what would Ellie want and I think that there is a strong possibility that Ellie would want to sacrifice herself to help people I think there's a very strong chance um but we didn't get to find out um on one hand of things I do think that it's very very possible that if presented with the options Ellie would have chosen to stay and Joel took her out of there regardless of that right um but but you know let's be fair you know on both sides of things you know um it's possible that maybe she wouldn't have wanted to stay and maybe you know um much like what Joel was saying about taking that shot and flinching sometimes when it's your life on the line and and you don't really know right um what how you would feel until maybe you're forced to come to that decision and they were gonna they were gonna kill her anyway they were gonna cut you know get what they needed regardless so I think maybe both sides of the coin didn't really ask Ellie uh but I do think that it was it was an interesting point that Marlene made she's like it's very possible and I kind of agree with this again you guys have so much more perspective on Ellie's character and where she goes so try not to spoil that for me but um you know I think it is possible that she would want that you know I think Ellie takes the loss of people very hard and um particularly you know she I mean there's just these these beautiful moments of when you know when Sam tried to like rub the blood on him and you know obviously that didn't work but she she wants to to help people she wants to save people and she feels a tremendous amount of guilt with that she keeps going on even though all of these other people who have come into her life you know been a good uh a good relationship for her something positive for her and and they all die and and they don't get to go on but she does so I think I think there isn't an element that she would definitely want to save people and uh you know how I read that final scene is is her kind of truly asking and just seeing if he would lie to her and I started to get emotional you know I was tearing up a bit because I genuinely it it's a tragedy it just broke my heart I mean there's I'll talk about Joel in a second but you know there's a tragedy here of a relationship that you know um despite maybe getting off to a rough start and and to you know um people that are dealing with a lot of Their Own trauma and baggage and and everything connecting and relying a hundred percent on each other and and having that love and that bond with each other you know we see earlier on in the episode where she says something like I'll follow you anywhere you go and on the other side of it he says um it wasn't time that healed the wounds it was you know basically implying that it was her and you know we're sort of watching this these beautiful moments of two fairly I would say fairly guarded people with emotions but in different ways you know obviously Joel is a little more kind of just stoic and keeps to himself type of thing and where she kind of masks a lot of stuff with humor obviously not since the last episode but but she in the past has done that and they're actually having these these genuine moments with each other where they're just being honest and they're saying things to each other that are just very sweet and letting each other know that they they care and then a tragedy happens Joel makes the decision which again I'm sure many of you might argue over and I truly I don't you know I I would you would think genuinely if I got faced with that choice I would you know um like to think that I would want to save the world or whatever but it you know when you put yourself in the in those shoes and which she means to Joel I I I I I don't know really um I don't um but I think through his perspective you know it's not just the fact that she's um that she means a lot to him I mean she gave him sort of a reason a spark to move on you know I think Joel for many many many years was just going through the motions he was a he he was barely there emotionally you know um and he really to have something to fight for to have something that he cared about I I just want to focus on that because I do know that there's Joel's gonna get a lot of [ __ ] and I know that but probably deservedly so but I do want to say just from his perspective in that sense to be without any purpose any care for so long and then to suddenly get it it I feel like watching him I just felt like it was almost autopilot to him that he was just like no I'm she she's not dying I don't care and um I don't know I just felt like that was really I weirdly love where they went with this I mean I'm I'm sad I'm I feel horrible I mean it was tearing up in that final scene because I just felt like there's this beautiful relationship that is now never going to be the same um and you know I think it would be one thing if Joel did all of that and and got her oh my God some of it was really intense though I mean you can see how he just completely disassociated from what he was doing I mean the way that he just shot some of those you know and and the way he just but I I'm not surprised by the fact that it happened that he you know killed Marlene in such a you know such a quick and uh sort of way or or the doctor or whatever right I'm not shocked we've seen him do we've seen him kill we've seen him you know be relatively ruthless now um but it just there was something still about those scenes that was very like you know like just oh my God just so quick and the way that he was able to separate himself from what he was doing for the benefit of Ellie in his mind you know uh wonderfully shot and and performed by Pedro I mean really wonderfully um I lost my train of thought I'm so sorry um but I guess uh you know I think it was just complete autopilot for him and I think oh oh this is what I was going to say I think it would have been a maybe a different story if he did get her out of there you know before they killed her because it was about to go down and then asked her and she might still not be happy that he went and killed a bunch of people just to save her but I think it would have been maybe stomached a little bit better if then he was honest and was like I couldn't lose you and asked her what she wanted to do but he then continued to lie and I think that that's really where there's going to be a bit of a crack in this relationship and I don't really know where that's going to go you guys have so much more knowledge about that than I do but this is just my analysis of what I've seen in this episode and try not to spoil anything for me um going forward about their relationship and everything like that um the other thing that I wanted to say uh stylistically about this episode um which is I guess kind of odd maybe but like I really loved how they um it felt quiet and it felt like they made that a choice and the beginning was quiet Ellie's dealing with some trauma of what happened in the last episode and she was quiet she's not her same bubbly self and that scene with the giraffes really kind of brought that out and you know um you could see before that Joel was really trying to do everything he could to just get a little bit of that spark that her telling jokes you know um but you know some people need to process and then and then cope with everything you know when they go through something really traumatic like that so it's not like but I don't blame him for wanting to try to help her find some happiness I'm not I'm not saying it in a bad way you know um I I think and it was a very beautiful scene like with the giraffes but in general there was this this quietness even when Joel was doing his I mean what are we gonna call the massacre I mean he went and killed it he was killing everybody whoopsie doodle um and that was even shot very quiet there is this numbingly quiet vibe to this episode and not quiet in a very peaceful sense maybe a little bit with the giraffes um it was sweet and nice um but more so the just the it just felt like this violent calm which is kind of terrifying and I I loved the way that they did that I love that there's this sort of moral question of what would you do um and I would I you know I would ask you guys I I would say you know only share in the comments if you're comfortable with people coming at you because I just I have a feeling I've done this for a long time there are people who are going to be like I would have done the exact same thing that Joel did and there's going to be other people are like no that's horrible these all those people you save everybody you know but I think there's different arguments on on different sites but um you know I love that it there there is this question and and genuinely my reaction to when I found out that they were going to have to kill Ellie in order to get this out I just I just I like froze because it was just tragic what do you do what the [ __ ] do you do I did know what Joel was going to do okay let's be let's be real I think a lot of us watching you know even if we're conflicted on what we would do we knew Joel was gonna do what he was gonna do right right guys all right um truly I have absolutely loved this show and I'm really really grateful for everybody um who has watched these reactions and just been so supportive throughout all of it I really really appreciate it and you guys are amazing and I think that is about it if you would like to support me on patreon or subscribe I would really appreciate it but if not I'm just happy that you were here thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you next time
Channel: sesskasays
Views: 35,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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