"...okay." | FANS REACT to THE LAST OF US on HBO - Episode 9 FINALE (SPOILERS)

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so for today's finale we have something very special for you ready yeah [Laughter] wait this is our ninth week yes this is our ninth week hanging out every Sunday but because today is kind of special it's the finale we dressed accordingly uh I'm wearing the same shirt I wore in our episode one reaction and obviously I'm serving I can't really see my my bun there you go and I've got the [Music] we've got our our canadiana oh yeah our our all dressed chips are boxed green tea I love this stuff but God I have to stop eating a bag a week and last but not least the bagged milk the bagged milk so exciting and neither of us drinks milk so here's the thing yeah so they only sell these in packs of three I thought there were two but there are in fact three and we also don't have the like specific jugs that you're supposed to like put this in you're supposed to put this in and like cut a corner yeah uh luckily my roommate drinks milk so we will be catching three bags to my roommate who actually drinks it um I'll probably use some in my coffee because we're out of coffee cream there you go but uh small sacrifice welcome to Canada we have Canada we should draw little faces on them we should make them our Joel so for today's finale we have something very special for you ready yeah [Laughter] I tell it's our children Ellie bagged milk wait so Joel's got his little his little gun it says Pew and he's got his mustache and his messy hair and then Ellie has her little middle finger because yeah she loves to say [ __ ] and then a little [ __ ] with her down there yeah and a little eyebrow scar even though she has no eyebrows yeah this is our job that's what we're doing uh from this point on we might talk about spoilers for stop saying Mike because we're going to we're gonna okay from this point on we are going to talk about spoilers this is a spoiler zone for The Last of Us uh part two which will be season two of the show so if you haven't seen anything beyond the finale of season one this will be a spoilers for you potentially yes they will be they will um come back after like season two has aired and then you'll come back and watch this one and be like wow they were so smart and insightful I can't believe I missed that one wow they were real yes I hate that word real fan real fans no we're just big fans of the games in the series and we like to talk in depth about things like this yeah and this is this series means a lot to us and so this is how we have chose to enjoy the show we're not like a React channel like this is the only series we're doing we just decided to do it for fun yeah because we love this the story and we really didn't expect anything to cover this no here we are we're YouTube partners so maybe we need to continue I don't know we're talking about it we might we might um I'm I'm gonna be uploading some gameplay stuff I'm planning to do a playthrough of both Last of Us games where I talk in depth about the writing and the characters and the story and just nerd out over them as soon as I can figure out how to capture I will do that um and that's so funny that I couldn't figure it out because it's literally my job like if you know I'm thinking about making stuff for my channel eventually or just starting one but if ever that changes I'll post here and like come check me out oh yeah um follow me on Tick Tock this is the last episode so I'm really gonna plug this hard I finally hit 10 000 followers hooray and I just did my first Tick Tock yeah I just we're gonna upload a couple tick tocks they're your first one they're hilarious it's great it was fun um in our like Ellie costumes um so yeah the link is in the description um please follow me there's a lot of like cool stuff there there's like game analysis Last of Us memes Neato um Bella Ramsay did an interview about season two she was like yeah I'm looking forward to like going back to Canada and like being back with Pedro for a little bit she is I was like a little bit I was gonna say either she knows or she really doesn't know I don't think she's played this out I don't think so but she probably knows but she went to like the writer's room yeah from season two which by the way please hire me I'll do your Logistics I'll literally do anything like Neil if you need a coffee Runner if you need someone to like go to crafty for you I'm I'm a Canadian I can work locally you can get the tax credit and I'm a woman and I'm queer I'm gonna take all your boxes you just have to join like ayotsi whatever section that is I'll do whatever or whatever the equivalent is for writers I don't know if they have dgc yeah do we want to talk about episode eight a little bit so apparently the so the the religious aspect yeah was in the game yeah which I'm vaguely remembering I don't remember that no but only I feel like it was just the backdrop yeah and apparently some dialogue lines there's like people praying but like that I wouldn't I wouldn't hear people pray and think I'm really just cult I mean no I feel like the middle World maybe I would but I think what I I think what I kind of like about it now like like I watched it again as well is David himself wasn't actually religious yeah he was just using it mm-hmm so it that that to me is like kind of a different approach to like the Trope thing because like and I don't even know if like his flock necessarily were Believers either like I'm like are y'all just playing like Catholic chicken you're like who's gonna who's gonna say it first but also that he like yeah saw himself as like this God figure this paternal figure um and compared himself to the cordyceps yeah I think that definitely his um comparison with the cordyceps was more interesting take on it um and yeah I think he definitely saw himself as like you must like you know as we would see a typical religious fanatic and say you must follow my word you must follow the word of God you must follow my teachings etc etc I think there's still a lot of parallels between like very deep faith um not necessarily just Christian and how David was acting and how he was controlling his flock it's been really interesting so far in the show to like see these consistent cycles of like Vengeance and Seeking Justice and like just destructive Behavior like we saw it in episode one even with like Joel and Tess trying to get back at Robert for selling the car battery we saw it in um episodes like the the the Kansas City Section with Kathleen trying to get uh Henry because he sold out her brother uh and then we saw it again in episode eight with David's group trying to track down Joel for what he did to what's her names uh Daddy um and there's also this pattern of like that Vengeance being connected to like seeking yeah seeking um Justice for like our loved ones because like everyone has that one person um at least one that they're like living for right like Joel said I think in episode four like you keep going for family and that's it so your family whether it's blood relative or not is like your reason to keep going like obviously we saw that in episode three with Bill and Frank and when Frank got sick bill was like well you were my purpose that's it um episode five like Sam was Henry's reason to live and as soon as he realized what he'd done he himself even Kathleen her brother was like her one person and like perpetuating this Revenge was like her way of keeping him alive um and we're starting to see Ellie become that person for Joel oh yeah I think she has been um I don't know if Tess ever was maybe because he could he did say Tess was like family too yeah but Tess was also we know that their Dynamic was more one-sided yeah because she makes a comment of I never asked you to feel what I feel yeah um and it's not to say that Joel didn't care for her but I think that Joel was her person yeah and I think Joel's person for the longest time with Sarah and until Tommy too yeah that's fair right that's like a change from the game yeah it's a very big change because we have the dynamic where he's going to find Tommy and honestly I like that because I feel like I was thinking about the game like and I'm gonna replay it so maybe I'll I'll see but I'm like what the hell is Joel living for until he meets Ellie yeah because even in the game like he kind of holds Tess at a even more of a distance I think than he did in the show I feel like in the game he held most people yeah even Tommy yeah at a very like arms length not getting close yeah but you're right like his main reason for leaving the um the qz well the town really town city um was to find Tommy yeah and it just so happened that Ellie became a part of that plan because they were going in the same direction yeah and then he ended up you know he found Tommy which was his initial objective and then he kept going because she wanted him to oh I think it was also but yeah like he wanted to as well but I think he just needed to get some reassurance from Tommy um in that he's not a total failure or that he won't let her down and just because he makes mistakes doesn't mean that the same thing is going to happen with what happened with Sarah yeah you know yeah that's a lot of growth in one season holy crap yeah I was actually just watching like Dr Mix play through which if you haven't seen you need to he is amazing but he basically analyzed the the scene in the game the like everyone has left me or died except you the scene and basically his like analysis from like a psychological perspective was pretty much exactly what they ended up doing in the show like he talked about Joel's fear of failure and like how that whole conversation was actually coming from that um so I was like wow good doctor myth but um just quickly going back to the whole concept of like living for one person I think David was an example of someone who was living for himself only and that's like kind of an interesting take on that concept because he said like I feel like he's he's like a narcissistic cycle like an actual psychopath and that he had to like repress that part of himself when Society was like you know there were all these rules but now there's no rules there's this Lawless Wasteland and he makes he makes the rules he's the leader what I was gonna say is that this cult it's he's now the person making the rules yeah he's Now setting a precedent and a standard yeah and can kind of do what he wants which is even more scary considering that he was a teacher before yeah oh my God that detail yeah that's and him comparing himself to the cordyceps too he says well the cordyceps loves yeah she's like I love he loves himself it loves itself so much that it's going to spread itself yeah even with violent means disgusting um so yeah I thought that was kind of an interesting an interesting approach on that concept because they they've really like nailed in like what their message is I think with this story as a whole they've like taken everything a little bit further in the show than they did in the first game um and I wonder if it's like it's probably a lot of things it's probably because like part two has come out since like the IP's gone through so many iterations in the last 10 years the fandoms evolved the world has evolved um and so I think it totally makes sense that they're like making almost like a definitive you know version of this story saying everything that they actually want to say yeah it's just like how many I don't know how many opportunities you have to like go back on like a beloved story and very few refine it with like a new lens because like I think Neil became a father like at some point during the first game so that shifted his perspective and also I think I've said this before that like now they have left behind in part two yeah to kind of draw so much context there's so much like calls to part two yeah in season one they've even used a lot of the soundtrack from yeah and we've been making comments throughout this entire series saying this is going to be a call back to season two this is going to be or this reminds me of Abby and Ellie's dynamic or the need for revenge and it's doing so like for this season has foreshadowed callback for those who know the games so much to the second part of the series yeah um the Kathleen and Ellie parallel is gonna be insane and we've just like been clocking it since episode one honestly I love it it's so cool and also this kind of reminds me of something else I wanted to say about so last week like our initial reaction to the sa scene in the episode was one of resistance because there is kind of an argument to be made for like you know this is a female character and to have her endure like sexual violence is like disappointing to see um especially one like Ellie especially one as young as Ellie but I think and and I mean that that was always in the game but it wasn't as explicit as it was in the show and apparently a lot of people missed that men missed that because I mean like if you're a woman and you're playing Last of Us like you know exactly what's going on yeah and I think that's in part because we've been conditioned to like see it yeah conditioned is a better word than trained yeah um to see it and to recognize these things because we as women and and people who present as female are often the victims of this kind of violence yeah and it's not to say that it doesn't happen to more um people who identify otherwise but that we are a very large demographic who is affected by this kind of violence and so we're taught super young these are the signs to look out for how to like protect yourself and we have instincts we do like and it's unfortunate yeah it's a huge source of anxiety is just being on edge when you're walking down the street and yeah not trusting anybody no let alone a you know middle-aged dude in the middle of the Apocalypse when you're by yourself as a 14 year old girl um and like everything that he was saying was like quintessential grooming yeah um it was disgusting it was gross but that perspective has not changed even though I think initially I was resistant to it not like I've thought about it a lot I've like looked at other people's opinions and I've refined my own opinion on my Tick Tock account but like I think what they did was actually the right thing because I think there's I don't think the answer is to like not show essay in media ever because I think that's just like ignoring it yeah or pretending it doesn't happen um or if you like dance around it and like have it happen like there's a there's a ambiguous yeah like ambiguous ambiguous there's a rape scene in um Outlander well there's many rape scenes in Outlander but there's one that happens entirely off camera and you just hear it right it's still very impactful but and I'm not saying you always have to see it I guess what I'm saying is like there's ways to represent it like in good and better ways and I think that they did that and I think that the way that they changed like Ellie finishing off the kill herself and not having Joel come in and rescue her was also a really good change like it allowed Ellie to take back like control an agency and that it was like her moment it wasn't a Joel hero moment and then he was there for her afterwards in like an emotional sense right and so scenes for me that involve sexual assault rape that kind of stuff um have never been easy for me that's always been something that feels very violent and I feel it very deeply and so it's not that I want to never see these scenes because like you said um there are ways and moments in which we should um be exposed to to violence of this kind and other kinds because I think it gives us context to the world that we live in and it's not letting us um just pretend that they don't exist but um one of my biggest pet peeves was that there wasn't a warning there should have been a warning yeah um I mean at the very least we knew that like they were either going to suggest it yeah or they were going to go a bit further so and at least in that sense we were kind of prepared but I don't think either of us were ready for it to like be that and be that like upfront all right go ahead no it's okay I was just gonna say like we only know that because we played the game yeah exactly if we did it then people who don't people who don't want spoilers this was out of left field I think yeah um because we haven't touched really like we very very briefly touched on this kind of content um when we were with Kathleen when she was talking about the way that the qz people were treating um the citizens but that's it so we know that it's a reality and I mean it would be yeah it is it is in this world in a world with like no laws and no you know CCTV and [ __ ] like that like shit's gonna happen um and it's gonna be like it often happens in like political violent overthrows right especially which we know has been going on all across the country since the virus or behind closed doors exactly so and I remember what I was going to say before which is that I think it's another reason why I think the choices that they made last week were good is because now we know exactly what Ellie has been through yeah exactly what she managed to get herself out of especially going into season two I think it's really important that we understand Ellie as much as possible because I think there are a lot of people who played the games who just don't understand Delhi yeah and she is the main character and if you don't understand her you're not especially part two like it's gonna be like you have to be able to like empathize entirely with the characters yeah and that's I mean that's key to any game yeah or any TV series you want to be able to empathize um and relate to the characters that you're seeing yeah whether it's that you wish that you were strong as them or you've gone through similar experiences and so you're seeing someone who can be a role model or that you don't feel alone you have to connect in some way yeah and that's not I don't know I think that the creators are doing the best that they can with the TV series yeah and I think that they're succeeding quite well because it's had such profound impact like on us um that I'm I'm excited to see where it goes but I am a bit wary about people who who are struggling with that yeah I think seeing how this first season has been received has been encouraging for me in terms of season two mm-hmm because you know as a big fan of part two it was like really hard to like and it still is kind of hard to like be in this fandom and in this community because there are a lot of people who didn't like part two at all um who really hated on Apple Abby in particular yeah but I mean just just across the board and like I there's nothing wrong with like not liking something but so many of the issues that people have with it are like rooted in misogyny or homophobia or just a just a blatant complete misunderstanding of what the entire game series is about um so I think like my initial reaction to like finding out they were going to make season two was like oh [ __ ] like I don't know do I have the strength to like go through this again but right but I mean TV audience is going to be different than game audience yeah they're not going to have to wait seven years between Seasons um and I think it's also television in general is a bit more accessible for people of um different genders yeah and different backgrounds whereas gaming isn't because the first game had like a widely like success male audience um whereas part two had more queer and female audience and the TV series is like pretty much everyone yeah well it's more accessible right almost everyone has a TV but not everyone has a gaming system exactly so I feel like that is helping because it's not such a niche market yeah you know and they've planted so many seeds throughout season one that I feel like season two is not gonna be like as much of a surprise yeah they we've gone through these cycles of Vengeance and violence so much already that and Joel and Ellie have always walked out of it yeah like they leave this trail of dysfunction wherever they go but in part two they're not Joel's not gonna get out of this one no and I remember thinking that the first time I played it like when Abby had him I was like I don't think he's gonna get out of this one I think this is it yeah and like having that moment of like oh they're going there no no oh are you [ __ ] me can we see how much see I'm so upset we're not touching the camera we'll just keep we had it minimized so that we couldn't see that's why we didn't know we're trying really hard not to keep looking at the screen I know right now this is screen this is camera screen because we got one comment on one video If someone'd be like you're just looking at yourselves and I'm like we're not vain we're just [ __ ] we have we're not gorgeous we're neurodivergent and we're awkward look if something moves I'm looking at it that's why every time this [ __ ] sweating yeah we're like oh oh so you're gonna have to put up with this uh for as long as we decide to do this oh okay because we're not a React channel this isn't what we do a lot of our reactions all of our reactions are without time to process yeah really right after the episode like we are just watching this for the first time with you guys which means that our opinions can change um some of the things that we comment on might not always be accurate um you know like last episode we didn't we didn't catch the religious undertones in the game people pointed it out and now we see it yep um but a lot of what you're gonna get is just like raw um brother yeah it's really just us reacting um we're not trying to curate this for anybody we're just sharing how we feel in our process with it and we usually come back and talk a little bit about the previous episode to you know talk through if we've had any changes um and I think initial reactions are still important you can reflect on it and change your opinion like that's totally fine because it's also like you need to have the reaction in order to understand that there are things subconsciously that you're not exactly clocking or to figure out things you know um and they say like your reflection of your reaction is actually more of like reflection of who you are too like your initial response to things is usually like conditioning or something and then your thoughts afterwards or who are you yeah and I think that's important because it's like after each episode I reflect on certain reactions that I had and I'm like why did I feel that way or why did I react this way and I discover something deeper or I discover the actual reason that I was reacting to yeah and it's like last week's um content warning you know I was upset at the scene at first and thought it went too far but after reflecting I realized no it's actually pretty like useful in this context and was done in a way that might be better than other Series yeah but what was frustrating for me and what caused me to have such a severe reaction was that there was no warning yeah and so I wasn't prepared I wasn't able to approach that scene in a way that was healthy and I think a big difference strong reactions to scenes like that are totally yeah totally normal normal nope uh you're not supposed to watch that scene and be like wow that was great and entertaining fun I'm in a good mood yeah so just being understanding and kind with ourselves and we appreciate everyone who's been here yeah honestly this has been really fun I'm really sad that it's coming to an end for now this Series has been great yeah uh this season has been incredible and we're gonna come back for season two it's gonna happen even the ground opposite sides of the world we'll make it work we'll figure it out maybe it'll be in Edmonton yeah maybe I'll be working on it if you want a tea man if you get to work on this I know you have to sign an NDA but you [ __ ] tell me like NDA except format yeah this is a spoiler warning yes that's what we're doing uh from this point on we might talk about spoilers before we have to stop saying Mike because we're going to we're gonna okay from this point on we are going to talk about spoilers this is a spoiler zone for The Last of Us uh part two which will be season two of the show so if you haven't seen anything beyond the finale of season one this will be a spoilers for you potentially yes they will be they will okay [Music] oh my God yeah it's been over an hour okay oh my God this is we also don't know how long this episode's gonna be it's the shortest one right at 44 minutes holy holy [ __ ] they have a lot to Crime into 44 minutes oh this is it this is the last one for now for now we have to keep reminding each other it's only for today oh I didn't think it would open with her I was like really I thought it would I'm so confused for a second [Laughter] we have pause because I was so conditioned to know that that's Ellie's voice that when it was just like black and just her I was like oh we're starting with Ellie [Laughter] I'm guessing this is Ellie's mom yeah oh Ellie gave birth to Ellie oh my God it's El reception it's actually crazy that Bella Ramsay looks more like Ashley Johnson right than Ellie does yeah so I've known that that Ashley was playing Anna since I think the second trailer because they actually had included a shot of her okay uh but you didn't know no but I and I had a feeling I honestly I did have a feeling they were gonna do a cold open with her I feel like she's not actually going to be in it very much oh this is I'm gonna cry I just said this but like I literally did not associate like when I heard her breathing I was like oh it's Ellie Ellie and I thought we would open on Bella Ramsay [Laughter] [Music] and daughters really yeah I haven't I don't think it's an actual I don't think it's just like a reference in another game it's not like a comic or anything it's just like a poster and people have been there's been so many fan theories since that was Ellie's mom and now this is oh that's really cool we're like admitted we're like that should be the screen the the screen just I was going like I'm literally gonna and she like honestly her voice is so iconic too I I mean everybody loves Ashley Johnson hard not to oh yeah I just watched litter I think last night or the day before like her um acceptance speech that the bath does popped up on my for you page when she won for uh left behind and I watched the whole speech and it made me cry all over again because at the end she's like this is for the Misfits and the outcasts like you can sit at my table live long and prosper I was like you're the best human ever you really need to watch um Fox imagine yeah yeah because her character is [ __ ] wonderful and gives gives very undertones Valley because she's always like God [ __ ] so good it's because Ellie is just like is Ashley Johnson yeah they're one of the same I'm so okay oh God we're only like four seconds into this episode I'm already destroyed totally gonna get bit that's been my theory for the longest time is that she got bit while she was pregnant yeah I think that's a lot of people's theories that Ellie's mom got bit while she was pregnant and that's why Ellie's yeah she was born with it already yeah I guess we're gonna find out oh she's in labor yes oh [ __ ] yeah you didn't hear that did you no there's too busy oh she just fell right on her belly set Boston in the background do you think yeah oh my God the Firefly tag on the I missed that it was on the um I don't know what it's called oh it's a safe house Marlene yeah her voice oh well there goes the water oh good detail though oh [ __ ] it's so weird because it sounds like I know it's her the switch blade oh my God that's terrifying that's really scary I wonder if it's a child record oh my God my God she sounds just like it was a [ __ ] she got bit 100 totally 100 come on whoa [ __ ] what welcome to the world Ellie oh she's gonna it was on her leg though so she has some time yeah oh my God what a [ __ ] badass [ __ ] what a way to come into the world wow oh look at that little feet hi your baby it's okay well that's a way to open a finale so weird hearing Ellie talk to Ellie I know it was really wholesome Marley I call it yeah so Ellie's mom was in contact with Marlene yeah well they were like best friends yeah how long did it say for leg bites like eight hours or something 12 to 24. oh God it's not your fault we would delay getting out of his own she's hungry I didn't want to nurse her I cut it before I was bit before she didn't no cheated she's just trying to protect take her with you to Boston find someone to bring her up and make sure that she's safe the jacket give her this that's the jacket Ellie was wearing it's her classic green one belly how long have we known each other it's all you pick her up right now and then you kill me this is from part two okay no please please please don't let her turn okay cover her ears have you ever played this it's I we have that at home if you want to beat me or something it would be this [Laughter] this is the first time that we've had like confirmation as to why she's immune he had a guitar in that RV it's all smashed up but got me thinking maybe I should find one I haven't played in Forever in fact I was going to teach you to teach you 'd be great at it okay so this is what I'm thinking cut through that building to get around that stuff find the skyscraper go up and look around [Laughter] uh actually this time I was thinking would blast our way through that Rubble I found some dynamite in that RV back there and no so we're going to cut through that building didn't I oh he's teasing her he's trying so hard though maybe we'll go through that one come on I'll give you a boost [Music] I hope so but also like I'm excited for the Boost get on the palette it's just such a classic part of the triangle yeah it's just such an important like moment in the gameplay of both boobs you have to do it you're like transitioning from one area to the next it's like a hidden transition yeah they do it all the time I've been waiting for this draft since [ __ ] it's the drive [Music] [Applause] come on Ellie he's walking by [Music] the giraffe [Music] don't scare it it's all right come here hurry up come on oh so [ __ ] cool oh where's she going come on come on oh the giraffe and her family meanwhile I'm scanning the skyline for the hospital got exception dance you can't deny that for you oh my God is the title I'm gonna be exact same even when she said you gotta see this maybe there's nothing bad out there but so far there's always been something bad out there still here though I know I'm only saying there's a risk we don't have to do this I just I want you to know that what do you mean what else are we supposed to do nothing we just go back to Tommy's we forget about the whole damn thing I've been through everything I've done you can't be for nothing I know you're saying well I know you want to protect me you have and when we're done we'll go wherever you want Tommy's sheep Ranch Saloon I'll follow you anywhere you go not yet but there's no halfway with this we finish what we started I had me in one just like this with Sarah no she's gone already so what was wrong with you he's opening up it's for this not the guy who shot him this I figured that would have happened nope second day well I gotta hand it to the army people they were way better at stitching you up than I was he was me that was the guy who shot and missed this is new there's no story Sarah died and I couldn't see the point anymore simple as that that's what I was saying I wasn't scared either I was ready I couldn't have been more ready we went out went to pull the trigger I flinched still don't know why anyway the reason I'm telling you all this is why you're telling me all this so Time Heals all wounds I guess I wasn't telling that did it are you kidding me I'm glad that that didn't work out me too we should probably get going yeah are you kidding me do you know what I'm in the mood for what shitty puns oh oh bro what the [ __ ] is it time for the Kleenex people are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow [Laughter] this one moon rocks tastes better than Earth rocks why why because they're meteor that's terrible that's a zero out of ten what a purple grape you idiot ICS [Music] oh what why what the [ __ ] no oh welcome to the fireflies wait yeah welcome to the fireflies okay the window of things threw me off what'd you think it was oh okay it's pain it's the fireflies Berlin mother mama five men whose only job was to protect me I still almost got killed almost dying a lot she felt like hell to get here she would have been dead on day one you are the one person I never wanted to be in debt to but I owe you we all know he had to take me to her I can't she's being prepped for surgery what surgery our doctor he thinks that the cordyceps in Ellie has grown with her since birth why is she in surgery it produces a kind of chemical messenger it makes normal cordyceps think that she's cordyceps it's why she's immune he's going to remove it from her multiply the cells in a lab produce those chemical Messengers and then we can give it to everyone he thinks it could be a cure Joel oh [ __ ] here cordyceps grows inside the brain find someone else there is no one else we didn't tell her we didn't cause her any fear there won't be any pain no you take me to her you take me to her right now you don't understand they do I was there when she was born I promised her mother that I would save her child I promised I do understand I'm the only one who understands him I'm sorry I have no other choice I do hmm he's gonna kill everybody walking out to the highway leaving there with his pack getting this her knife he tries anything shoot him I didn't hear anyone say stop pediatric sixth floor which way downstairs Joel come on shoot him in the dick door kick his ass he's got two of them on them oh he's gonna [ __ ] take that that's not an issue all these people not an issue not a problem for good old Joel he is gonna wreck them oh come on keep walking said keep walking yes oh I'm gonna die for this [Laughter] yes [Music] oh Joel is gonna y'all are getting [ __ ] oh the music bro and but also the ruthlessness like he is just he's double tapping everybody Petra has never looked hotter he's not letting anybody go dude he surrendered music no it's interesting because with the music and how he's doing everything he's not a hero oh my God look at the walls oh my God oh my God Ellie okay how did you get in here I said unhook her I won't let you take her mom cover her arm fast is that Laura Bailey [Laughter] all the cameras Laura Bailey was in the room when Abby's dad died yeah oh my God he just [ __ ] yeah I was about that's what I wanted to bring up is like he literally just point blank down [ __ ] dude yeah [Music] okay sorry yeah no I just wanted to point out just like Abby's Dad yeah just popped just done just nothing just just gone as it should be honestly yeah but like and I'll get into this later but this whole sequence has just been so different than the game and like oh my God he was just out like not even a second thought turn around well he let the rest of them go we'll see rip Jerry Anderson rip Abby's dad Joel you just sealed your fate buddy you can't save her you can't keep her safe forever no matter how hard you try no matter how many people you kill she's going to grow up Joel and then you'll die or she'll leave then what how long until she's torn apart by infected or murdered by Raiders she lives in a broken world that you could have saved Maybe but it isn't for you to decide for you so would she decide what to do what's right and you know it it's not too late even now even after what you've done we can still find a way Jerry's dead yeah how many uh neuros virology whatever kind of scientists do you have in the Apocalypse yeah we're running some tests on you and some others turns out there's a whole lot more like you people that are immune dozens of them the doctors they couldn't make any of it work they've actually they've stopped looking for a cure Raiders attacked the hospital and barely got you out of there we'll find you some new ones on the way your people are hurt yes Marlene okay I'm taking us home I'm sorry you just come after her Gustavo coming in with Unbroken probably about a five hour hike but we can manage that remember yeah she was a big climber or a scampering that's probably the right word that girl she'd see a big rock and just should have liked you not to say the two you're the same definitely different kids hospital well she was a lot more I want to say girly and I'm not saying that you're not girly I'm not [Laughter] so that she's taller she had a killer smile again not saying that you don't you know why I think she'd like you doing great Joel why so good because you're funny I think you would have made her laugh anyway I bet you would have liked her back oh yeah but I would have her face man not much further now hey wait back in Kansas City you asked me about the first time I killed summer when I got bit in the mall I wasn't on my own my best friend was there and she got bit too if we didn't know what to do and she says I can just wait it out feel poetic and just lose our minds together and then she did and I had to her name was Riley and she was the first to die and then it was Tess and then Sam that's not on you I know look sometimes things don't work out the way we hope you can feel like like you've come to an end you don't know what to do next but if you just keep going you find something new to fight for maybe that's not what you're saying to me swear to me that everything you said about the fireflies is true okay foreign okay it's not Ashley Birch but it's Laura Bailey [Music] for now until season two I think I think it was a great finale yeah I think uh it was very loyal yeah and well there's one thing that not one okay I'm gonna frame this differently but there's a very clear difference that I saw between the game and the series which is that in the game when you're playing as Joel going to rescue Ellie you feel like a hero mm-hmm you feel like you're going to save her you feel like you are justified in your decisions and I feel like the way that it's framed while you're playing doesn't make you feel all that bad for the people that you're killing yeah whereas in this iteration mixed in with like how they filmed it his brutality of just like Point Blank also using the music from the game that like normal companies carrying her out yeah during the killing instead the the composition yeah the fact that he was just so I don't know what the right word is for this but like every time he killed someone he didn't even Flinch no and it was one shot two shot that's it like it wasn't an exorbitant amount of violence it was just like he was doing he had a job and he did it yeah and that is I personally for my play experience I felt that that was very different from the game where because this didn't feel like he was a hero this just felt sad yeah um I think that that's actually super important because you don't want to feel like a hero in this kind of decision because there is no hero there's no right decision no matter what Joel does yeah and I think that the series made that a lot more clear in that like this world and this world isn't full of right and wrong good and bad and we we talk about this when we see Sam and Henry because Henry says oh I know what you think I'm the bad guy hmm we don't yeah us as an audience we see him as someone who made a really difficult decision yeah and we understand why and I think this is the same thing and I think that that the way that they're framing it in this sequence in the series carries forward more of that like the world is gray it's not good and bad it's not right and wrong you just make decisions based on the people that you want to care for yeah and that's it and I think that carries much more impact and weight than just feeling like a hero at the end yeah you know and to to have him take out Abby's dad just so just oh like he didn't he he didn't Flinch at anything no and he didn't even pause he was like you're not giving me internally I think he just went no answer or doing the wrong thing like dead not even a question about it yeah and the way he killed Marlene too geez that was like shot the exact same way from the game yeah this this last episode was pretty much a shot for shot for a lot of things obviously not the first scenes because oh my God yeah so they kind of confirmed like how Ellie became immune and they also confirmed her first kill and they confirmed what happened to Riley which is like these are things that we have not gotten in the games even in the sequel series these aren't things that we're that we got answers to or even the DLC like everything was hinted at but now we have confirmation as to how Ellie became immune the fact that may I feel like confirming it hints at the fact that there could be others and we have gotten proof that she killed Riley and that that was her first time killing somebody and I feel like they were really a bit more explicit with what Ellie would have wanted even though they were still speculating because nobody no one asked her again no one talked to her she even said we didn't uh we didn't tell her no which is like to me that's the biggest issue but anyway um but I also understand why Marlene didn't do it yeah and this this is I just keep coming back to this but it's it's these difficult decisions that characters are making and I can understand both sides I can only understand why she did it like she said she just wouldn't have any fear so she's doing it to protect Ellie and also because I think they couldn't risk her saying no because what if she says no Then what yeah you just force it or you have to let her go and then what and then what you know um it's interesting that Marlene said I have no other choice and Joel said well I do yeah yeah it was a good finale I liked it yeah I was wondering where they were going to cut it off because when they hung on Bo's face at the end for just a little too long I was like are they gonna cut it is it gonna go to Black I was wondering that too it's like they better say they're okay yeah why was Ellie's mom running through the woods by herself that's a great question why was she being chased in the first place Marlene said something about we were delayed getting out of the yeah out of Boston because they hinted they kind of hinted in like Marlene's journal in the game that you find that anime had been a firefly too oh for sure at some point yeah because she said like this is what like you were after it was like this this cure that little additional scene that they had between John Ellie yeah where he like talked about the suicide attempt yeah yeah that was new it was new and I [ __ ] appreciated it oh there was that uh what did he say exactly he said oh yeah [Laughter] it was heartwarming and it just it is tackling issues that are prevalent in our world with a lens where we feel slightly removed it feels easier I really appreciated it I I think it gave Joel more dimension and added a bit of he's not just this Stone hard cold unfeeling individual you know he's someone who's gone through a lot of trauma and feels so much that he needs to like close that off where he has had to yeah and then he's able to slowly start feeling more when he was able to communicate yeah how he feels about her which is like huge for him but I feel like with Sarah he didn't have a hard time like I don't know but no but sorry what I mean is like it's not the his difficulty expressing his feelings didn't wasn't a character flaw from the beginning of time or no being born yeah no it's really from losing Sarah and now also failing a suicide attempt and so we know that it's something that he can work through if he works through the trauma you know I'm just thinking back to the that episode where she was asking about the the scar yeah and how he responded interesting it's a cool response yeah okay cool is not the right word but I I like how he handled it and I think it's more interesting than him just right out saying anything else mm-hmm and he was really trying to connect with her he was he was like really worried about her you know he was like are you okay oh and the giraffes I have been wanting this scene for so long um so yeah subscribe follow me on Tick Tock she'll like subscribe thanks for joining us it's been good it's been fun it's been fun yeah I mean if we continue to do stuff it won't be on Sundays well hey we might end up being roommates and so filming stuff together might be a lot easier easier because then I don't have to go home yeah after almost 12 30. yeah okay bye [Laughter]
Channel: jude
Views: 16,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us, tlou, the last of us hbo, hbo, reaction, pedro pascal, bella ramsey, when we are in need, the last of us finale, the last of us episode 9 reaction, episode 9, look for the light, ashley johnson, the last of us episode 9
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 66min 23sec (3983 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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