The Last of Us 1x9 REACTION!! Look for the Light

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welcome back everyone storm akima here we're going to be watching more of the last of us we are on the finale oh boy of season one end so episode nine they can do anything now that's actually killed David so yeah yeah that was a very good very terrifying episode but I love the ending I mean I know so many of us enjoy that ending it happened in the game it was a little different in the series but they did a really good job with Joel and Ellie reuniting um and she was so upset and he calmed her and yes it was a good moment baby girl that's right shall we get into this episode let's do it yep shut it dawned on me oh my God oh my God it's me oh so she has family here she sounds like Ellie from The Game oh her water's breaking is [Applause] oh my God it's coming he's not gonna do it she can't oh my God [Applause] oh my God already no no no no no no no no no no no and her babies yeah oh my God oh my God oh geez in labor oh baby's coming oh that's out [Music] oh no wow oh now the baby's gonna be infected too right oh yeah oh no determined mother so that must be the same switchblade that Ellie has right no oh it's probably okay Marlene oh she's just gonna kill us oh she's just saying that and more find someone to bring her up and make sure that she's safe I can't do that yeah that's her name yeah okay her name is all right she came just in time then oh God please please oh God okay please do please [Music] [Music] hear me no what I found this in there Beefaroni Chef Boyardee oh my Square [Music] [Laughter] oh go that way guitar in that that Arnold smashed out I haven't played in Forever she'd be great at it it's hard you start talking up now than she is yeah and she probably doesn't want to leave yeah separate with him yeah [Applause] we've done this before actually blast our way through that Rubble I found some guy died laughs [Laughter] hey yeah fine just kind of seem extra quiet oh watch out baby that was so noisy [Music] say this okay okay it's being too quick oh my gosh she saw the legs oh my God I'm scared I'm scared oh my goodness it's all right [Music] do not expect to see this yeah yeah it's pretty incredible too let's do that oh okay he's so happy to see him come on oh wow sure far there's always been something we're still here though I'm only saying there's risk I'll have to do this I want you to know that what do you what do you mean what else are we supposed to do nothing we just go back to Tommy's we forget about the whole damn thing and when we're done we'll go wherever you want homies sheep Ranch I'll follow you anywhere you go yeah looking so beautiful yeah [Applause] [Music] I'm definitely talking about that so what's wrong with you uh I figured that would have happened later [Applause] well I gotta hand it to the army people they're way better stitching I couldn't see the pool's ready telling me all this yeah I reckon you need it wasn't time that day [Music] Now's the Time to give him a hug yeah [Music] [Applause] oh wow [Applause] perfect like there's no tomorrow [Applause] crazy with it oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh my gosh too late oh they're here wow so they were just observing them [Music] come on no wow all right our crew crossing the country killed well she's being prepped for surgery foreign [Music] [Music] that's his baby now oh come on they're gonna lock you in there there's nothing you can do Joel no oh no so that's it yeah he didn't realize that she would have to die ah all right [Applause] oh he did all this right now what about the other guy oh boy oh where is she okay next guy oh I'm sorry guys I'll take that oh this is going down with a fight [Music] look everywhere I'll take that yeah [Applause] [Music] oh my God I was just plowing right through the mall look everywhere I'm surprised there's not more guards right there yeah me too okay they just put it on there she's ready no she's not no no how did you get in here oh my God they're all gone all right wow just in time oh sorry doc 's brains on the floor where's Marlene though well the doctor's gone so they can't do the surgery forever oh and you'll die it's all right you're with me to wear it off oh he doesn't want to talk he's just telling her that the doctor what does shooter he must have had the gun under her yeah where are my clothes always gotta live with this tail it's cold wow [Music] wow jeez hmm yeah well she got us close enough done about a five hour hike that girl IE and I'm not saying that you're not girly I'm not taller made her laugh back in Kansas City you asked me about the first time I killed someone I got bit in the mall in the mall my best friend was there she got bit too you didn't know what to do and she says wait it out people poetic and then she did and I had to and then it was Tess and then Sam that's not all you I know look sometimes things don't work out the way we hope find something new swear to me swear to me that everything you said about the fireflies is true I knew that was on your mind yeah um oh my gosh oh my God okay no but I think I don't think she believes in though still yeah ah just like the game man all that way get there and it wasn't a simple blood test I mean they needed to remove it yeah and then in order to do that they had to kill her I mean I'm really curious about your thoughts with this one because playing the game they you know the show did it very well um very similar to the game and I mean what do you think of Joel in his decision he feels like that's his daughter now when he wants to protect her and he knows that if they do the operation and things like that she's gonna die but then it could save a lot of people so it is really a hard thing yeah it's very difficult yeah and that's what Marlene said it's not up to you it's not even up to her that's right but and maybe if they approached Ellie then just grab our scooper and just do this you know I don't think she knew I don't think the ramifications of going under yeah you know what was going to happen I think like I mean this episode was so well done and it really comes down to this hard decision on what is right to save one girl or to save all of humanity I mean it's not a hundred percent where they're like we're definitely going to get a cure but it sounds most likely that they will um and you know Joel he decided to kill all these fireflies and doctors who could do the surgery um so he just like eliminated so many chances if not most chances of and Ellie's the only one we know that is immune that's right right and it happens so quickly I think um there was an error on the Firefly side I understand the urgency to get a cure out there but I think if um they approached it differently we're thinking of Ellie's you know if they were thinking of Ellie like what do you want to do I mean she did cross the country to get there you know not knowing the like I say the ramifications of you know what she would have to do to have a cure yeah I mean if she had known that would she have gone through with it and it would have been ultimately her decision you know and she is she is a very um mature kid for her age I mean she went through this freaking apocalypse you know she grew up with these fireflies she grew up with Marlene and now she went cross-country and we got so close to Joel I mean she could have thought about all this if she had known and if Joel had known how she would have you know given the Cure and what they would have done like would they have actually gone to this Hospital yeah yeah so I I think it's very difficult but I think Marlene is right where she's saying you know it's not up to you but and it's not up to her either I think it would have been up to Ellie yeah what she wanted to do and that's what's so hard because I agree like where I wished I did talk to Ellie because if Joel heard that it was Ellie's decision um to sacrifice herself to save everyone um he might be more open-minded but again I'm just talking because I'm not really sure if he would be or not um right but it would give him time and also you know they didn't give him a timeline either okay take him out bring his pack if he tries anything funny shoot him I mean they didn't give him any time either you know if they gave more time to you know have them digest this whole thing but I understand their urgency like I said I mean yeah they're trying to get a cure and she is the only one that they know yeah like Precious Cargo I mean not anymore but like she's the only one with this cure right you know and like Humanity's barely holding on yeah and Marlene said you know one day you're gonna be gone Joel and she's gonna be she's gonna she's gonna be alive and you know could she you know yes this could happen again you know another doctor could approach her you know but tell but lying to her that's you know cheating her out of an opportunity that she could say yes I want to give myself to humanity ultimately I mean if it's a cure but yeah I mean that's you know it's it's you know it's love at the deepest core you know he's being selfish and you know um you know maybe he'll change his mind maybe he'll tell her once he talks to Tommy I'm sure he's going to talk to Tommy about it and he's gonna say that was you know Ellie's decision but they didn't give any time that's the whole thing and time is of the essence you know I mean yeah and that's what makes this so interesting because there's so many ways to look at it because you just don't know how people are going to react and you know telling a young girl you know who traveled all this way like if she knew that she was gonna die in the end she might not have went through with it and they don't want to make that like take that chance to you know lose their only chance to help people yeah and telling her when she got there might make her freak out and rebel and try to get out there like get away and then Joe might you know fight back then you know hearing Ellie scream or whatever you know so I think they were thinking of all these scenarios of what's the easiest smoothest way we could do this and Joel has a history like Marlene knows what he's like yes so she tried to shut it down immediately before he went all yeah you know like rainbow what do you call it yeah um and that's what's so devastating because we've heard things on how he was in the past and we've seen him do certain things um you know in this show and that was enough information in the game like there's just so much brutality that like I wish there was a little bit more not that I like saying that but it really just shows like how how far he'll go and this was like a great scene to see on I mean like it made me sick to my stomach but how devastating it was like Joe was just so selfish and I get it like he really loves it Ellie now like a daughter and he just completely shut down and went full on murderer and I think Marlene because she didn't know his softer side didn't know the relationship you know how it's grown that's right yeah and the time to get over to them she you know didn't take that into effect that you know he's going to do whatever he can to get her back yeah yeah this is a hard decision it's it's so hard I I really like this I mean I was devastated of course when I played the game and I was like holy crap he's gonna murder everyone here even people surrendering he didn't want to leave any risk behind he's like everyone's a threat to Ellie I'm gonna kill them so not only I mean he murdered a whole Hospital full of people and they I mean and that's a hard thing too where I'm like not that anyone's like truly good anymore unfortunately like you do have some good people left but um you know he did murder a bunch of people that weren't like thieves or whatever like they were the fireflies and they were trying to do what was what is right for Humanity and he just murdered all of them the doctors um to save one girl um and even down to Marlene like he had a long history with her too he did and she had a long history with Ellie and she promised her best friend that you know she would protect her and she she did an ultimate sacrifice as well she knew it was hard for her very hard very hard and she didn't want to do this but she wants to save so many other people and um you know that was a very difficult thing that she had to do and be a leader to this group you know to the fireflies get the right you know people to trust to follow through with this yeah there's a lot of bad people out there but to get to the fireflies and to have them be a trusted group that's right you know under All Odds I mean Against All Odds I think she was magnificent in that yeah I really felt bad for Marlene at the end I mean to take on a child you know in this apocalypse like you're barely holding on and um and it was like a really good friend of hers a true friend and she did good by her in that way and to actually be told like you know Ellie has to be sacrificed to save everyone I like seeing how much that weighed on her as well um and I want to go to Ellie's mom where I'm pretty confident at this point that she was originally Ellie's voice actor and probably model because she kind of looked like her from the game and she sounded she looks like that kind of actress that some sitcom that back in the day maybe I'm not looking right now yeah but in this show um they did a great job they brought back people from the game to play different roles like James before he used to he played Joel in the game um and a few other ones too that we did see so I thought that was kind of neat to have that like have them come back in that must have been fun for them the only thing that was weird to me was that like James who was Joel in the game Ellie in the show actually ends up killing him with the cleaver or whatever like it's like it was cool having them in the show as well so I think that was Ellie actually playing her mom in this so the voice was 100 her like I'm like that has to be her like so I was just like her and after so many years like she sounds the same you know so it's pretty cool um but yeah so to actually see how Ellie was able to fight the disease the infection yeah and even the last stretch before they got to the hospital how Ellie was you know not really present you know when he was trying to really you know talk things up and we're gonna play games and we're gonna eat you know yeah he was very tall he was very he was really trying to make her feel like okay after we do this then we're gonna be together we're gonna be a family and I think um how she was acting was like you know this might be the end you're real are you really gonna just dump me you know be with the fireflies and then leave am I Really Gonna Be cargo or am I not I think that might have been a thing too that where she was like not there and trying to like say is he gonna really just drop me off or is he really going to go further but I think he was trying to make up for it more where okay there's gonna be you know after this then we're going to be together you know trying to reassure her that we're not going to separate yeah so maybe she thought maybe she was thinking you know are they really going to you know get a cure out of me but keep me alive I don't think she was thinking that I don't think she was I think she was thinking more on the lines of is he going to separate from me yeah yeah definitely yeah that's kind of like the feeling I got to but I did have all these other like reasons on why as well so that that's actually great that you brought that up and um yeah so at the end when she asked Joel and he lied to her what do you think she was feeling I don't think she believes him I still don't think she believes someone when she finds out the truth that's going to be different because all her life Marlene's been telling her you are you know yeah special you are special you are the one and if there was so many others and it was like it was like oh they have so many other you know there's this new turn and when she finds out that he lied to her she's going to resent it that he didn't tell her yeah the truth yeah you know it's hard to say you know it was a sad ending like a bitter not even a bittersweet because I like Joel and Ellie together but you just felt the tension and when Ellie's looking at him and goes okay like in that moment I was like she knows that he solidified the lie to her when she put so much trust into him and knowing that not only is he lying to her but he murdered a whole bunch of people trying to save the planet for her so I feel like that's a huge like punch in the face in a way you know just a very sickening like I trust you and you're lying to me to protect me but you're just full outlined and murdered a bunch of people you know yes and I really feel when they get back to camp and you know it's gonna come out through Tommy I think Tommy and Marie are gonna tell her I think ultimately that's how I feel I think it's going to come back it's going to come out yeah and she's gonna have to make the decision who knows she might run away and try to find the dot find other fireflies try to find she might want to sacrifice herself yeah thank you she might get really ticked off and yeah that was my decision to say that Marlene did say that you know you're not always going to be around and she might leave so there's a lot of different meanings behind it exactly yeah if she finds out or if yeah whatever you know there's a lot of other doctors out there I want a lot but I mean you never know are there networks out there that can you know try to help her you know yeah I mean you killed that way surgeon that was going to hopefully cure the world and yeah so that was and they didn't want to do it you can yes you can tell that they were you know you know they were they're scientists they want to you know they want to have a cure yeah now we've been following obviously um Ellie and Joel mainly through the series and you know we really grew an attachment to both and I'm going to talk about Joel where we really like him right like we really like him we think he's a good guy he's he's a very loving father figure um he's a a great protector and seeing him like we've heard things about him murdering innocent people in the past and then we saw a little bit of that when you know he was confronting David's group and he killed those guys that he had hostage um and even when he was told what he wanted to get out of them he still murdered them um right and then here we see him go beyond and murdering all these people you know who were just defending themselves and yes like they had Ellie but it just shows how far someone will go to protect someone they care about out and he's not really I mean what do you think like he's not really a good guy like he murdered a bunch of people throughout this series that we know of that we've seen right and the and this group this last group they were really good people they were doing they what they thought was good and if you think about overall Humanity it is a great thing but you know they ultimately were going to kill you know his daughter you know and that was the end of the line and she just you know about them that's it yeah his emotions took over sure see that's why like I really enjoy this series because there's no like perfect answer to anything because you have good people that turn bad bad people who maybe have turned good a little bit and you just have a lot of gray areas and hear like Joel like before the apocalypse he was a good caring father but then when he lost Sarah you know nothing mattered anymore except his survival and his brother's survival so he did what he had to murder people you know innocent people he's on he's been on both sides he said before um so here we're following someone that we get to know to a certain extent and we really care for him and so I'm like it makes you think that just because someone is one way doesn't mean you can judge be like oh they're a good guy for it you know like people do terrible things and um so you know even the people in the hospital like you know they could have done really bad things too to survive so no one's like really perfect in this world but um to see how violent Joel can get and like he just completely shut down murdering these people like yeah and we kind of knew his personality going down the stairwell and we knew okay he's at least going to try to you know get rid of these two guys yeah you know at least he's going to try I mean the father in him he's not going to just walk out of there yeah and let them you know you know kill her ultimately but um so you kind of knew like his personality is going to he's going to at least you know die fighting you know to get her back and can you imagine like if this ended differently say Joel started fighting but he gets killed right away and then Ellie dies saving the world I mean that would have been I'm glad it ended like this ending better but you know that would have been an interesting ending too but very like after all of that but it just shows you that it's not going to be riding off into the sunset and it's not going to be him just getting out being kicked out of the hospital and him walking back to Tommy he's not gonna do that either so I knew there was going to be at least he was going to at least try to get her back definitely yeah in his own way whether he die or not and you know losing Sarah and then having 20 years of hell you know just killing people or at least for quite a few years in the beginning with Tommy um and then finding that something to hold on to again made him even more dangerous because Sarah was one thing but then he was a different man after she died brutal in the apocalypse and then he found reason to keep going again with Ellie so that made him even worse to other people you know in my opinion and it just it just shows you like how terrifying one person or many but like how someone that you really care about can surprise you you know yeah and what they're gonna do what lengths are going to go to um to have you know that person with them all the time you know he's he's sacrificing really Humanity I mean it's a very selfish act yeah I mean I understand it because you know he's you know he loves you like a daughter yeah but I mean that is a very selfish act maybe he will you know eventually you know think about it and confess to her yeah and say it's you know your decision almost like when he wasn't gonna go with her the rest of the track and have Tommy go you know to the tail end and then she decided it was her decision yeah you know give her you know she can make decisions and yes she's very young but um you know especially now she knows that he's you know he's he's lying to her oh yeah so um I really liked this episode for like Joel really being talkative and switching places with Ellie and really trying to interact with her and have fun and and Ellie was just absent-minded you know um that was great to see that he completely changed he was very removed from her wouldn't talk about Sarah wouldn't talk oh yeah even tests you know when Tess died yeah he didn't want to talk to her at all yeah and then his walls are completely down with Ellie now he's talking to her he's he's talking about Sarah and just talking about his experiences side attempt so that that's huge and um you know so that really made me sad too I was like happy for him but then I knew it was going to happen so I'm like oh this is so sad but it just shows like how you know how much of a connection they have and one scene that I have to bring up is the giraffe scene I love that and that happened in the game yeah that was so she must have seen the giraffe legs and it just was because I was like why all of a sudden is she just running upstairs that she doesn't know the outcome when she gets up there but that makes sense it's such a pure peaceful like just happy moment you know and to see giraffe like kind of out in the wild I mean they're surviving out in this brutal world yeah they're flourishing there was like what a dozen of them you know they have plenty of vegetation oh my goodness yeah and hopefully the infected just leave them alone it seems but um or they're just lucky maybe they're closing lucky yeah and that's what made them feel like they didn't have to go you know scoping out the area except for um you know other people you know Raiders or something but as far as infected that they must not have been around because yeah which is great and I know because people are looking for food and all that too so you have a bunch of Raiders there they might be like oh that's a lot of meat right there you know you know people are going to do whatever they can to survive um but I love that because I remember playing that scene in the game and you're constantly on edge waiting for something to attack you and you come around she runs off and you see the giraffe and you're like oh my God that's such like a beautiful like I get to breathe and it seems It's a beautiful scene so I love how they did that in this because it's very similar yeah so that moment I'm glad they did keep in for this but yeah I mean really good finale I really did enjoy this series I think you guys did too I did too I love you know learning about the people they met along the way and yeah that helped them along the way even though you know Ellie didn't meet Bill and Frank so you know but they did help them you know with a lot of supplies yeah but I'm learning about everybody like Henry and Sam Bailey yeah and I mentioned this a couple times already I really loved how they did this series especially in Nine episodes like it's not a lot to work with like I get selfish and I'm like I want more episodes you know but um they mainly focused on the main points of the story and they did a great job with it having said that I know it's not about action always infected attacking it's more about the people and I enjoy the game for that I enjoy the story for that but Bill is was in the game with Joel and Ellie and I like how it wasn't just a separate story like he had a beautiful story with Frank and I enjoyed it but he was always with um in the beginning with Ellie and Joel and he survived he never died unfortunately Frank did but um you know I just liked him being part of the story and we were just focused on Ellen Joel and then people coming in and working together with them like Henry and Sam were more with the main story with them but they did a lot more together and survived together problem solved together like they did so many more things that were almost like someone was about to die and then they would like help each other and survive it and there was one part of the game where um the pair or Ellie and Joel and Henry and Sam get separated and then there's infected all around them and they switch places where Henry is with Ellie and Joel is with Sam and they're yelling at each other you better protect so and so and then they take off and then they go through all these adventures and come back and it works out but I love those scenes and you can only show so much and that's the thing in a series like this but being selfish I can't talk about part two I don't like spoilers but I really enjoyed part one a lot and I really wish they made this two seasons and if you guys know the game I really think they could have made that work well you know it would be a lot more action and and I know again it's not always about the action but particular things that happen in the game really show you how Ellie and Joel learn to survive together and I think it's so important like at one point Joel gives Ellie a rifle because these Raiders or these bad people are coming after them and in that moment they're just like not literally against the wall but they're trapped and he just gives her a huge gun and he's like okay this is what you do you get to pull back you know get the bullet out and put you know put another one in right away shoot he goes you got to be quick and you got to be quiet up here so she had a snipe while he went down and attacked a few of the Raiders below and there were certain scenes like that that I think were important to really feel like how she learned you know again this was really good and it was paced well but all that action and all these like um dire scenes like a lot of that was missed um besides the main points you know so I kind of wish I had more of that but you know I'll stop babbling if you guys play the game have played the game you know exactly what I think you know what I'm talking about but um um otherwise like I think this was really well done for just Nine episodes uh sticking with the main points of the story and you still felt and you know what everyone was feeling and the acting was just so incredible in this oh yeah and you know being a person that didn't do the game um I thought it was a great story I I absolutely it's petrifying it's almost so real that you like was this really gonna happen yeah you know could it happen yeah I mean they have elements that um I mean any kind of apocalyptic thing you can kind of be like oh that is a possibility you know it's like that's a scary part but this one I feel is more realistic because it is actually something cordyceps actually does exist in our lifetime and it's been around for a while and it does do these things to insects and um creatures that have a temperature below what was it 96 or something or 94 I remember oh yeah foreign makes it more real and scary um and I just wish I saw a little bit more of that they made them more um the infected more challenging in this or more chaotic where they flooded like you know they one would be set off yeah they would communicate with the others I think that happened in the game I think I said before oh yeah I did but I really can't remember now a lot less people that they didn't do that yeah it's like it's like it's so immediate and it's like you're done you know just like with Henry and Sam and would they were attacked like sometimes that does happen in the game and that the Henry and Sam thing with the chaos there you know was similar with a bunch of infected coming out and fighting um but it just made it more hopeless than this so they didn't have as many infected because it's like they're just gonna wash right over everyone right it's done right away but in the game every moment like every single like story that you would see here in fact it would just come out or bad people would come out right away and you were constantly just battling and trying to get out and yeah very entertaining but it's a game too so you needed to to do that to you know stay entertained exactly so let us know what you thought of this guys I'm glad we watched together I love there's the season too gotta find out what's gonna happen yeah so thank you guys so much for watching everybody and we'll see you very soon as always bye guys bye
Channel: Storm Akima
Views: 46,941
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TLOU, The Last of Us, Reaction, Reactions, React, Joel, Ellie, Infected, Zombie, cordyceps, fungi, disease, apocalypse, scary, horror, first time, game, Pedro Pascal, Bella Ramsey, Tess, Tommy, survive, smuggle, United States, runner, stalker, Clicker, Bloater, Anna Torv, Nico Parker, Sarah, Gabriel Luna, Merle Dandridge, FireFlies, rebels, military, quarantine, zone, QZ, Storm Reid, Riley Abel, death, infection, scream, cry, shock, surprise, fight, mom, sisters, spores, afraid, cure, immune
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 31sec (3151 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 14 2023
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