HBO's The Last of Us 1x9 Reaction!! "Look for the Light"

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welcome back ladies and gentlemen to the Raggedy pack unfortunately the season finale of The Last of Us the greatest TV show that ever was is never will be we are coming off of the David episode which if you watched our reaction to I was not very happy with but we're not going to spend very much time talking about that this week uh so if you want to get our take on that by that I mean my take check out last week's episode um but to give a quick little recap we uh wound up in like northern Utah where they wound up at the resort that David's little Cult of whatever uh was located at we ate some venison that wasn't venison which igli very astutely picked up on rather quickly that was like I was laughing my ass off in a in a post-apocalypse setting the first thing people are going to turn to like after violence is cannibalism at some point it's always um it's a given I mean they they had horses okay that's a method of transportation you gonna eat your car a car and a horse or two different things if the horse is dead sure I I don't I there would have to be some very vile [ __ ] going on for me to start eating my homies I mean well it's venison bro there's a difference between kissing my homies and eating my homies it's medicine bro because don't worry about it hey we're starting I give you an arm you give me an arm deal sure all right we're good um so uh the episode ended on Ellie killing David and Joel finding her after she was killing David and them continuing on to our destination of Salt Lake City which is sort of where it got left off which is I'm pretty sure that's how the game goes it's that uh bang bang bang and then cut scene and we're in uh Salt Lake City so short short finale it's only what 40 something minutes 48. um I'm interested to see how they get everything squeezed in to this because I mean this is easily one of the best parts of the game you know my I mentioned last week that my favorite part of the game was the David Arc but I mean this is just as good if not better and so I'm interested to see how they fit all of Salt Lake City into this episode little worried but um so far the small stuff I've seen the small spoilers I've seen on Twitter which aren't really spoilers since I played the game indicate good things so uh igli got any predictions for this episode uh I mean giving us its finale I imagine there's going to be some discovery made uh about at least immunity whether or not like they can actually make a cure for me and I also imagine there's gonna be like some like maybe there's gonna be some additional lore dump lower dumping um but as for well events play out uh maybe the fireflies turn bad they try to use Ellie for something evil or I don't know that's kind of where my head's at I think that's fair yeah that's a good wrap up to be honest like if good hypothesis I guess like whether or not they can Ellie just becomes a lab rat and like Joel realized hey you're not gonna do that to her and decides uh you know what she's not gonna be the cure for the world if it means she's gonna have to live a life like that or something like that okay okay I mean are those two separate theories because they're both interesting kind of building on each other it basically it's not going to turn out as good as we hold potentially that's what I'm thinking all right um okay so yeah I think we're good to roll into this unless I'm I'm not even gonna ask I know kojo doesn't remember the end of the game um I do remember the end of the game on this one surprise that's good for the first time ever yeah just the entire middle bit that I'm you know foggy on I think that's pretty funny I remember like the start out of a book you just don't remember like the middle sections yeah I don't have my note back my notebook with me as well today brother in the other room it's a good thing it's the last episode yeah it's a great thing that we have this pause between our intro and when we react yeah I can't do that no no all right that's true I'll do that all right well before we get into this if you enjoy our reactions hit that like button subscribe consider hitting the notification Bell so you don't miss anything else going on on our Channel if you're only here for the last of us igli will be playing The Last of Us Part One on the channel once it drops on PC at the end of this month I think it's the 28th so stay tuned for updates on that for updates on that you can actually head over to our Discord there's a free link for that below along with a link to our patreon where you can get full length access to all of our reactions including this one two week early access to some reactions like some series I mean and then we have uh social media's Twitter twitch Tick Tock Instagram all that stuff and yeah let's watch let's go all right okay oh what's going on here this is the original actress for Ellie really what I guess they had uh Ashley Johnson Ashley Johnson yeah wow it's me bro just like her it's it's insane dude this is wow I mean this is crazy bro this is even crazier to me than Joel's real or in-game voice in the thing I mean it makes sense they did for other characters yeah but this is like pulling me out of it um yeah that is not good man oh geez oh no no no no okay okay what did you think was gonna happen bro I I don't know yet okay oh geez this is terrifying all right got the knife here we go oh I did just like that that's crazy she got very lucky well that works is she a bit though yeah [Applause] god dude oh man just have a lot of time so do you think this is This Ellie and her mom right now yes I was thinking okay really cool but they gave Ellie's in-game character the mob I know I think it's awesome that they worked everyone into the show nice that's really cool [Music] so I guess this is still flashback yeah that's what I'm guessing Okay yeah yeah more leans about that they're gonna find Ellie [Music] oh my gosh oh God spread him I cut it before I was bit it's a lie before Oh cheated take her with you to Boston find someone to bring her up and make sure that she's safe I can't I don't want you to give her this how long have we known each other up now and then you kill me that's tough yeah she's acting like it's a simple favor no oh come on now it's a mercy kill she doesn't want to turn got over with quick [Music] I'm really happy they did that we got backstory even more backstory on Ellie in such a cool way with the in-game actor too honestly her actress that's backstory on Marlene Ellie yeah do you hear me I guess that's true I found this in there Beefaroni Chef Boyardee let's go dude have you ever played this boggle boggle it's a word game just trying to take her mind off some things they had a guitar in that RV stuff but got me thinking maybe I should find one I haven't played in Forever in fact I was thinking maybe I could teach you you want to learn how to play guitar I'll be good for Ellie [Music] I wonder what she's distracted by it I mean if this is right after last episode there's a lot to think about true part of me is also feeling like uh like the Journey's coming to the end to an end so she's wondering what's gonna happen afterwards what Joel's gonna do true very true okay so this is what I'm thinking cut through that building to get around that stuff find a skyscraper beloved uh actually this time I was thinking we blast our way through that Rubble I found some dynamite in that RV back there really no so we're gonna cut through that building that's great spread them like a book where'd you go yeah I'm thinking you might be right ugly she seems like really down yep this is bruh oh God whoa no [Music] what is it you'll find out you just have to wait and see brother well like she said whoa like she saw it like she's standing pretty far like you saw this all the way back there okay no you didn't see anything we played the game full well no Ellie Ellie said whoa then started running you just watched the show brother oh [ __ ] it was moving you were right though damn busted out the zoo that's what she needed that's a lot okay mm-hmm I mean honestly it makes sense nothing's they have no Predator that's gonna kill him I doubt humans are gonna take him down that and it's probably a zoo somewhere that's what I was thinking so is it everything you hoped for it's got adoption down you can't deny that view remember her saying that in like the first or second episode we don't have to do this I just I want you to know that what do you mean what else are we supposed to do nothing we just go back to Tommy's we forget about the whole damn thing hmm natural we've been through everything I've done you can't be for nothing and when we're done we'll go wherever you want Tommy's sheep Ranch the moon I'll follow you anywhere you go that's great but there's no halfway with this we finished what we started I think he's feeling it too what do you said igli are there Journeys kind of coming to an end kind of gave her way out there and she didn't take it yeah she mainly like offering a choice so like Shorty's up she does have to force herself to do this we had me and one just like this no she was gone already they're very open about it okay for this not the guy who shot and missed yeah I figured that would have happened later definitely a time to talk about it second day well I gotta hand it to the army people they were way better at stitching you up than I was he was me I was the guy who shot and missed oh how's that work there's one story I don't know Sarah died was it a blank and I couldn't see the point anymore simple as that oh I was ready well did you say slow ass you guys didn't get it I'm going to pull the trigger I flinched still don't know why anyway the reason I'm telling you all this is why you're telling me all this yeah I reckon you do so Time Heals all wounds I guess it wasn't time that that's cute hmm oh sir I'm glad that that didn't work out yeah me too I still don't really get it but you previously shot himself no I get that part okay I don't get how he missed I I'll just leave it to the imagination slow ass people are making a pocket oh my God oh my gosh gold every time she opens this damn thing let's hear it it's terrible that's a zero out of 10. this is a real book about three or four yeah I do actually this is a three out of ten oh she's lined them hold up hold up flashback I didn't see oh my god oh you're screwed if that was a real flashbang oh man [Music] that's all they were seeing this is a real Flash Player what is that oh Firefly logo Arlene [Music] some [ __ ] welcome that was it to be fair that's I mean not even a scratch better than just killing them if they're worried about you especially if they didn't know who they were where is she well you know like you're looking for a girl that's true that's very true five men whose job was to protect me I still almost got killed we all know yeah just take me to her I can't she's being prepped for surgery what what surgery our doctor he thinks that the cordyceps and Ellie has grown with her since birth why is she in surgery it produces a kind of chemical messenger it makes normal cordyceps think that she's cordyceps it's why she's immune hmm I wonder if that had anything to do with her being born as her mom got bit yes those chemical Messengers and then I can give it to everyone he thinks it could be a cure Joel cordyceps grows inside the brain hmm sorry about the killer find someone else there is no one else we didn't tell her we can cause her any fear there won't be any pain they lie to her right now please you don't understand yeah it's heartbreaking I do promise your mother that I would save her child I promised so I do understand this is an Avenue I do oh you're not taking away Joel's second reason to live walking out to the highway leaving there with this pack give him this he tries anything shoot him the thing is is if she's gone he has nothing to live for so it doesn't matter man's yeah got nothing to lose here he tries anything he's got a knife oh that's true I probably wouldn't give him that stairs said keep one [Music] there's no prisoners oh my gosh this is about to be insane oh my God he's just walking up oh that that's this is incredible game of thrones-esque music yeah the music's going crazy right now the strings oh it's the theme too I know bro it's like but like slower string version of this of the theme I guess the original is two technically it's like a mashup of like Last of Us and like the Reigns of Castamere oh this guy's dead I don't know if he's gonna actually yeah wrong day oh my goodness bro hold your angles oh no don't tell he's got zero generation now yeah look at it look at that look at that pull on oh my God this is awesome oh he's about to wipe out the rest of the fireflies eat yeah this is a mass extinction event ually will love the spin [Music] oh my God so cool nice because what what would Ellie want in the situation we didn't exactly lie to her but once she wakes up how's she gonna feel about all this mm-hmm it's a good question and she was just talking about not you know doing a half-assed job on her Mission screw but I don't think she fully knew that she was meant to die oh my gosh on the hooker how did you get in here I said unhook her I won't let you take her all right okay bro oh my gosh oh I got chills the man really pulled the scalpel and what now though exactly um the queen oh Marlene oh [ __ ] super safe forever how long until she's torn apart by infected or murdered by Raiders she lives in a broken world that you could have saved Maybe but it isn't for you to decide for you so what would she decide um because I think she'd want to do what's right you'd even ask her so you can't be saying that now it's true very true it's not too late even now even after what you've done we can still find a way hmm oh gosh take it slow the drugs are still wearing off what drugs yeah we're running some tests on you and some others turns out there's a whole lot more like you people that are immune dozens of them you can't lie to her hmm the doctors they couldn't make any of it by everyone right now they've actually oh [ __ ] they stopped looking for a cure where are my clothes Raiders attacked the hospital I barely got you out of there Raiders okay some new ones on the way Marlene okay well I'm taking this home sorry good you think about it Marlene's been shot for like 60 percent of her appearances on the show true you'd just come after her oh my God merciless I love how blunt this show is man they never drag stuff out but yeah that's brutal back to Tommy's I assume it looks like a snowy mountain in the distance it's kind of start with that sheep Ridge well she got us close enough it's gonna happen eventually we gotta walk the rest of the way it's got to tell her the truth um well Sarah and I used to hike like this all the time bad girl she'd see a big rock she knows something's up you know she would have liked you not to say the two of you are the same definitely different kids hostile well she was a lot more I want to say girly and I'm not saying that you're not girly I'm not yeah you're not you know why I think she'd like you why because you're funny I think you would have made her laugh anyway I bet you would have liked her back yeah but I would have it was thumbs up not much further now hey wait back in Kansas City you asked me about the first time I killed someone when I got bit in the mall I wasn't on my own oh it's almost there and she got bit too and I had to her name was Riley she was the first to die and then it was chess and then Sam that's not on you I know it look sometimes things don't work out the way we hope he can feel like like you've come to an end but if you just keep going you find something new to fight for maybe that's not what you're wearing me swear to me that everything you said about the fireflies is true well put him in a tough position here I swear bro that was then that's the end bro I like the way igli was like he's got to tell her the truth and he doubled down I swear like do 45 minutes has never gone by so fast I like to hear that means you liked it well like it would it's the game the game ends there yep the first one where's the game ends there oh my God bro I don't know about liking kojo but at the beginning when you were like guessing what was gonna happen in your second theory I was like dude I was losing it just wait till you see my face I guess it was ridiculous so first off versus Joel did nothing wrong I want to make that okay okay I'll make that clear okay all right but besides lying to Ellie that kind of [ __ ] up um because now he's gonna have to keep that [ __ ] going until I'm sure she eventually figures it out and might despise him for it but um yeah I second is I imagine that like finale seen at the hospital obviously obviously it's gonna be dragged out more because of gameplay reasons um let me pause you there the Rampage that Joel went on yeah I think they did that perfectly I mean it was really well done at least like for my viewing experience it was very to show there's so much you can do only so much you can do yeah of course I think that that was the perfect way that like he went god mode and it was like guys cowering in Corners him like making a guy surrender and then still busting a cap in them like I thought they did that perfectly so carry on but I mean like Joel on this episode like he he wasn't gonna let Ellie go like there was no chance especially when he like what like the seat literally was like the scene before he was basically telling her like that she is her new like she's the reason he he can go on in life pretty much um so like him not letting her die for the sake of a cure now for Humanity I mean it's understandable but I also don't like the fact that he's lying to her about it yeah right I mean it I think ultimately it should have been her choice but uh neither the fireflies I I don't know I mean she might feel the like she's she's pretty young so I she might feel the pressure to just sacrifice herself for Humanity but um I I like on both sides of things um neither the fireflies give her a choice nor drill they made decisions for her um and I think in season two or the second game that's gonna come back uh like tenfold so I mean that's that's like the one thing I don't like about Joel's actions this episode that he didn't give her the choice despite previously offering her choice a way out um and then like continually to lie to her twice doubling down like you said so kojo and I have spent the last 10 years arguing over Joel being right slash show being wrong so kojo yes you said something that was mildly flip floppity from that stance I need to know okay are you still a Joel hater or are you still have you now changed yourself this is what I've told this is what I've told you in the past so because you like to you know uh embellish things I'll say ah is that so other people say um I've said in the past that objectively Joel is a bad person oh Nina that's all I've said it's it's literally okay so the potentially the cure for Humanity I mean yeah yeah oh yeah 100 like that's the cure to take that away but in the way that he did it it's very it masks it you know but objectively that is not a good thing to do the only thing Joel did wrong is lied to Ellie exactly 100 that's the only thing he did wrong because the fireflies did the opposite they gave Ellie one choice and the choice was to kill her they didn't even get her a choice oh yeah they didn't let her know she was gonna die that's what one choice means yeah um so by Joel going on a rampage it can like from the perspective of the greater good can be deemed an evil action yes but yeah in no way shape or form Am I Ever Gonna feel Sympathy for the fireflies uh I don't I don't either I don't either but and objectively my man is a menace to not only Society but also Earth now hey man mother nature mutated cordyceps for a reason bro I think um I mean I I definitely can understand why Joe Joel did what he did oh I can't yeah I do side with him even though it's an evil action and it's it's dooming uh the fate of the world uh fate of um Humanity I I ultimately I understand and I agree with it even though it is an evil action um it's it's uh it's a selfish option but totally like but it's one we probably all would have chose yeah um and while it would be right to tell her the truth instead of building the rest of your relationship with her on lies uh I don't know how the [ __ ] you even begin to tell or you murked entire Hospital full of people because she would have died to be the become the Cure I don't know how Ellie herself would feel about that but ultimately like it goes if this was like back like back in in Salt Lake City okay but the fact that they're having this conversation like back in Wyoming like [ __ ] hundreds of miles away I think how far away are Wyoming and Utah I don't know probably at least far away 500. okay okay so Grand distance away you pretty pretty much have no option but to double down on your initial lie otherwise I mean I guess you could seek out some other like you can you could still tell her at that point and then I don't know maybe uh the settlement is called Jackson right yeah um maybe they develop a cure at Jackson if she's given the choice like if she wants to do that I mean like I don't know how they're I don't know they have any scientists uh or if Joel just murdered the one scientist that could have done the it's 303 miles okay the the reason the Joel can't really tell anyone this you might tell Tommy I actually can't remember if he tells anyone that he did that uh but it's because people who have lost family members and close like loved ones to this disease or infection uh would absolutely go and try to kill Joel if you if you if you let that slip if you're Joel it's it's an evil action but like it's due to it's due to itself it's very complicated yeah it's also dude out of love um yeah it's like it's almost like ever since uh like in the last episode uh when Joel basically views her as like on her as another as another daughter um he's extremely obsessive and protective over and obviously like based off everything we see to draw all the traumas he's experience the fact that he it come out it came out that he attempted suicide after the death of his first first daughter everything you can see how you can see like the path he took you could understand it but ultimately like we've repeatedly said it's an evil action on the grand scheme of things objectively it is wrong because it's it's one person's life versus the rest of humanity right that's like uh you could uh sacrificing her is causes the most good for the most people yeah and uh I'm like I feel like she would have chosen that choice but you can't you can't make the decision for her I understand exactly and it was being made for her but yeah it like that that's like like the I get that's like the big like [ __ ] scope I guess you have to look at like of like this little finale section is that she was never given the option but people it was made by other people if she ultimately came to that decision for herself that she wants to sacrifice herself for Humanity's sake I would accept that not that oh fireflies or Joel is just are deciding for her mm-hmm so it's it's like it's it's a suit I don't want to say it's anticlimactic with the ending like this just sudden ending it's like oh what the [ __ ] happened I need answers too don't play the game dude okay don't do that okay I'm not gonna jump into two I'll do play one first but how much of a like time Gap or like was it between the first and second games or at least it was because like the first thing came out on PS3 and the second one PS5 2013. part two was like the uh last one of the last games released on the PS4 okay it came out June oh I remember it got delayed it came out June 2020. okay it got delayed like really weirdly like the last possible second I remember being Furious um part one came out it was one of the last like both of them were coined as like Swan songs to the PS3 and PS4 respectively I see so yeah given the time gap between the two games I guess I always kinda assumed the story of Last of Us won um was kind of like wrapped up nicely I didn't know it was a like yeah like the the second one would just kind of like a continuation um from there well here's this wrapped up nicely well I I can see I'm assuming this flows into the last of us too nice uh like I I don't know I'm not gonna say anything because I it's a complicated ending man yeah um I think the way it ended uh was good in the way of it's open-ended you could release a sequel but there's nothing left of this story to be told okay so and then when you you know play part two without spoiling anything uh holes in the Gap holes in the wall like I don't know what the phrase I'm looking for here is those those pieces between then and now are bridged okay so you get more of like the aftermath of the first game okay so this like appetite you have for more like post-reaction of this they they do go about telling that aspect okay what I'm looking for right now is I first of all my issues aside this is the best video game adaptation of all time yes I agree oh big time by by a long shot they stayed 100 true to the story from beginning to end with only minor changes along the way and not only that they included voice actors and actresses from the game and even if they weren't in their you know original roles put them in somehow any way they could and that is that is really cool this is this is a blueprint on how to succeed yeah there there is no excuse for anybody else failing a video game adaptation now that it has been proven that you could just take the game and turn it into a show and make thousands millions of dollars imagine respecting The Source material instead of like whatever writer director feels like they have a better Vision than the original thing it's insane I'm looking at you halo I can't wait for Pedro Pascal to be cast as Kratos dude just everyone's dead so here here's here's my one more comment um okay I'm like I'm in love with this TV show 10 out of 10. I hope that going into now this is obviously more directed to the people that have played Last of Us Part Two I hope they can continue the success while fixing the mistakes so again not trying to spoil anything but going into part like season two I expect a little bit more deviation um but in a good way decisions made in two now listen stop talking it's just very interesting now I have nothing else to say on part two but I'm I'm excited this has proven to me everything that I've always assumed us Gamers have always assumed that these shows these games can be turned into good shows aside from like this just being an absolute Banger of a series like that's the real biggest takeaway is oh wow you can make millions of dollars by just control C control V yeah yeah mind-blowing a lot of love still goes into it because you played the first game the way they recreate some of the scenes to look exactly the same like the set it's just beautiful man a lot of love goes into the craft and I appreciate that it's like I'm I'm when I'm thinking of adaptations obviously the freshest in my mind is Halo um brutal not brutal once is there something that you're like oh that's from the game not once we had that this entire show and I'm not saying like that's the only reason this is better but like bruh at least like Craig Nason and Neil druckman were like I guess Craig Mason was like chief on this like head uh producer director but Neil druckman was intricately involved when you have a show director a showrunner like the show runner in Halo saying yeah I've never played the game I don't care red flag yeah red flag and so I I do believe that that's why this succeeded as much as well as it did is you had the original writer of the story hand in hand with the guy writing and directing the TV show yeah so you never lose the direction of the game while still blazing your own trail like Kansas City similar but different still managed to to stay true to the game giving more lore to the game and they even mentioned you know the other place in in I think it was last episode um it would have been last episode or the left behind episode they mentioned yeah another qz that is featured in the game that isn't featured in the show Okay um so just the ability to stay true even with the changes that were made so my biggest gripe obviously last episode the change at the end they still have Joel come in and say the exact same lines that's staying true while making a change whether I agree or not with that change I stomach it better because it's it's not egregious it's not um so debilitating to the atmosphere from that scene in the game that it's not like oh yeah I can uh see past it basically um the one thing I will say is we didn't get a lot of infected yeah like that was a little weird I was expecting since they're in the city now like they're back in the city before they're out in the wilderness makes sense they're not gonna be as many but like since they're back in Salt Lake City or not back since they were back in a populated area it does it was surprising there wasn't much of a presence maybe the fireflies got it locked down there yeah or maybe the underground again but it's it's just kind of like um that's a little weird because it felt like they got the entire virus kind of got swept under the rug I agree that yeah I didn't feel like that I think it feels that way because a lot of the infected moments in the game are gameplay moments yeah yeah um so it's hard to replicate that obviously and in reality at this point I think they mentioned it as they were one of the first three episodes when Joel's like when you're this far away from a city you're not worried about infected you're worried about people yeah and so they did a good job of playing people as the number one threat playing that up but it's just like how many times do we see a clicker uh I haven't seen one since Kansas City yeah once right saw bloater once oh yeah they didn't reuse yeah okay so it is a little weird that's weird but it makes sense it makes sense the drama aspect is going to come from interactions between opposing like people right uh you can I mean you have the threat the threat like the infected the cordyceps they're still a looming threat and like they're still the driving force for the plop uh in terms like you said it's a gameplay element most of the time right so it's hard to fit in it's it's I get the way they did it I just wish it would have been slightly different or Incorporated more but it's not the end of the world I think the show was still it's like I can't really not give it a 10 out of 10. so yeah that's it's 10 for me I the only way it would have been better is if it fact it were Incorporated more but I it doesn't again does not take away from my enjoyment of the show at all yeah yeah I mean like it's I don't want to say that infected are just padding but like it's it's a gameplay it's a gameplay element as opposed to being like part of like the main story you know it's it's it's impossible to capture the gameplay completely yeah um so only I mean the Rampage in the hospital that's the only time I felt like oh yeah they captured this one thousand percent that's how you felt you felt like Joel trying to save Ellie dog you literally feel Invincible in that scene I mean yeah he was just [ __ ] want to happen to everyone basically he felt like me on fortnite yesterday um Circle back is something uh coach over yeah we played fortnite yesterday it's fun um kojo had mentioned how uh you know Ellie's immunity was probably because of her mother Anna what's her name I believe getting this while the umbilical cord was still attached now I don't know how long it takes like nutrients or like things from the bloodstream to transfer from a mother to a child through the umbilical cord but that was pretty quick and if it did work like that then it would make sense what did they say like the cordyceps recognizes her as cordyceps even though she's new right because it's from birth you know that's one thing I feel like Marlene should have picked up on that was part of the Cure because we picked up on it it's the one we know everything that Marlene knows yeah like that no one so everyone else that gets big gets infected this child that ended up getting bit didn't get infected well when she was born her then again Anna lie to her and told her that she cut the umbilical cord before after she got bit so she was getting false information okay Marlene should have picked up on it because like she's not a scientist yeah but like we've played in the game we know everything that's going on I get it but the doctor I would pick up on that an infectious disease expert which the doctor could be he could not be um he couldn't be that smart to challenge Joel the scalpel I mean he thought he wasn't okay scientists pledged their whole lives to better the world and Joel is like the complete opposite of that in that scene so my man is out there with the scalpel hey respect but he wants to do nothing with that he probably knew he was gonna die there yeah I just don't think Marlene would have been able to easily recognize that I mean he's a big outlier huge outlier plus it's years later right maybe she did pick up on it finally when Ellie got bit but I guess that's true yeah quite frankly I don't really think I totally I'm glad that they provided like this explanation saying you know it's been growing in her since birth that kind of thing I really don't get it because I think Corey you just said like you don't understand how long it takes for nutrients to transfer from the mother to daughter like she got that umbilical cord pretty damn fast yeah yeah so apparently um blood travels can travel throughout your entire body within a minute it's very quick yeah so in like 30 seconds okay well listen that's still enough time sure believe it this it's not to say it's the case that like that they could essentially replicate this because it could just be a very unique situation I mean it's all fiction of course but like I don't know if they can replicate given to getting a cure by having uh someone else skip in uh right when they give birth and cutting the biblical cord of the baby yeah what if like the umbilical cord with Ellie got cut at the perfect time and if like in a future scenario the baby ends up getting effect infected because you waited too long or something you know like it kind of like a vaccine like you it gives you like your body you're giving your body a small dose and like it was just enough it was a it was a miracle freak accident yeah so probably not something replica replicatable replicable probably not I'm like I'm chilling I don't think anyone's gonna be willing to test it out no no you're gonna have to be you're gonna have to yeah yeah it'd be rough it would be rough rough situation to test that out like I'm pleased with it the explanation is fine um yeah I just it's just like hmm strange so um ask you guys a hypothetical before we wrap up okay if um when they arrived If instead of flash banging them and knocking Joel unconscious and taking Ellie straight into surgery like they're in a rush like the world's gonna end in 15 seconds if they would have like met up with Joel and Ellie and I don't know like either sat down for a talk or had dinner together or something and explained what needed to be happened for the possibility to save the world which is Ellie essentially sacrificing her life for the research um do you think Ellie would have agreed to it and do you what do you think Joel I feel like his initial reaction like he wouldn't um he would say hell no and maybe Ellie would be undecided but over time like if they gave him some time like a couple days what weeks whatever to think about it do you think this could have all played out differently than what we saw I think Ellie probably would eventually come to terms of like of going through with the surgery however I don't know if Joel because I think Joel's actions are very obsessive um so I don't know if he'd be able to let go uh a value that easily still if Ellie made the conscious decision to do it then yes I think Joel would have been oh eventually okay yeah yeah the the fact that this and this is what like I said I will never feel Sympathy for the fireflies the fact that it was decided and these two security guards are basically teabagging Joel as they're walking him out like it it's literally it could like they couldn't have handled it poorly they jumped these guys in Utah or in Salt Lake downtown Salt Lake and Joel never gets to say goodbye and I I don't know if obsessive is the right word I think his actions are just done out of love I mean they're definitely it mentions the the attempted suicide like and now he said Ellie's brought him back yeah she's brought Joel back not you know post Sarah Joel but the real Joel Miller back yeah so I don't I think it's just done out of love it's definitely love but I can't help like it's it's not like they're mutually exclusive I think he's a bit obsessive and uh protective of course but it's protective is better than obsessive obsessive just seems like vile obsessive in the sense that like so well I I say obsessed this is kind of obsessive I say obsessive because at the end of the day he didn't give her the choice he decided for her yeah so he's being selfish and he's taking away Ellie's ability to choose which makes it obsessive yeah so did the fireflies no one no one gave her like a Fair Shake right here he he it was a two wrongs don't make a right situation um uh uh so I I I'd see where you're coming from with the obsessive thing because he's he's very afraid of going back to that old Joe I imagine as well if he loses her yeah that's like that was the main driving force behind besides like behind his actions because she was getting pregnant for surgery it was about to happen so something in them snapped but yeah right it's like I understand like upset say me saying he's obsessive his actions are obsessive does have negative connotations but like it's yeah I I think it fits in this scenario if it's yeah it fits perfectly also given how like I don't want to say this ending is controversial um but more so it it definitely especially from what I'm hearing between you two it definitely got people talking I'm genuinely surprised I have not been spoiled on the ending of this show given or like of the game given that it's been 10 years almost like can't even go onto Twitter for 15 seconds without being spoiled on something I can do it I guess I would say like for more modern stuff like I I guess I can say this here I have been spoiled more on stuff regarding last of us too regarding Last of Us One unfortunately um I'm on the internet I see that [ __ ] I mean it's just it happens you know I did it so but I guess 10 years ago it was slightly different and I spoilers were as widely posted or maybe I wasn't as chronically online as I am now I think I was using Facebook more than like Twitter or Instagram and I feel like no one really posted flip shared spoiler stuff back then mm-hmm spoiling [ __ ] is cool now no no it started with Star Wars the Force awakens that's the first time I remember being spoiled on anything through the internet you know what let's put the ending of last of us too in the thumbnail I don't know really I really I really enjoyed it it was unobjectively one of the greatest games of all time but I hate that game unobjectively objectively brother objectively and I unobjectively hate that game subjectively it's it's tough out here I know I'm a journalist okay who's out throwing us but before Oh no hit uh your ratings boys I didn't think it needed if you gave it a 10 then obviously we all give it a 10 right you were the biggest critic of the show true honestly give it a nine okay I know where you live dude under under the context of this big video game adaption I hope it trailblazes other video game adaptions like Blake said use as a blueprint to not [ __ ] up the story Henry Henry Cavill got [ __ ] persecuted for wanting to respect the source material um it's it's a [ __ ] joke like so under the under the uh all right can I say something here can I say something it's gonna piss me off it might piss you off and it's gonna make you a couple enemies well You're Gonna Hate out until I talk about here uh so my roommates and their family and friends I monitor their situation or their their conversation about this a lot okay um and some of the episodes were boring to them okay so and I think it was actually just the one where um they get into the first town with what's her name Karen Kathleen Catherine Catherine Kathleen something like that I mean that's fair um where there's not much happening that episode obviously it's a 10 for me but like I I can understand lower ratings as well if we're rating each individual episode not all of them are gonna be tens but like create a scheme of things well you want me to say 9.3 or some [ __ ] bro no no no no no no no well that would round down brother careful out [Laughter] but anyways I'm just saying that there's I think the we are just a tad bit biased a little bit look because because it paves the way we we all know in the back of our heads that this show paves the way for how video game adaptions are supposed to be done and that is a 10 no matter what so and that adds extra points knowing that this is going to inspire other shows to take the same route and that gives us good content but I do know other people that don't know that and they this would not be a 10 for them it'd be awesome but it wouldn't be a 10. people that can't appreciate good story that's fine you know not everybody's the same right but boring they did say that in one just admit you got a small brain bro listen not me just submit you live with people with small brains bro oh I'd admit that all day ha admit that all day um oh yeah I mean it was narratively slower at some points for sure but um I I will not accept boring I'll accept slow I will not accept every show has boring points but you don't call it boring just because you're not sitting there on the edge of your seat the entire time right right you want to do that go watch a freaking Michael Bay movie you'll really enjoy the stories in those yeah there's there's a lot of story in those it's a good point yeah good point I mean there are some people that are gonna like if there are some people like that there's no action every single frame like they're gonna get bored like slow snow slow Parts don't necessarily make the show bad it's just it's pacing you need slower moments yeah I'd agree I think it was more the issue with uh we was like in their mind we've established the first couple episodes in terms of getting Ellie to this base because she's special and then it went into a couple Side Stories getting there and that threw him off a little bit and then going back to the main story um I think that was the issue but honestly I see no issue I love those Side Stories yeah so and it makes sense for them to encounter things along the way you'll fight them I mean the main the main deviation I guess would be like the bill and Frank episode where it was primarily like that episode okay they absolutely love that episode hated that episode but that is I get objective I'm not going to keep saying objectively because I'm gonna overuse the word um but that is by far like the most deviation from the main story like of following Ellie and Jill but it served its purpose and uh bills final words his final letter were a motive like a driving force behind Joel's actions right so it's it serves its purpose it's important but like just because it's not 100 focused on the main plot all the time doesn't make it bad I agree it's just I agree all right listen these are my thoughts it's a 10 out of 10 for me I'm per you're saying them so they're yours oh great great like if okay if we had to pick the worst episode like or like at least enjoyable episode what would it be [Music] okay all right then I'd say that your least I'll answer for Blake Faith episode yeah this episode was the one with uh oh what's his name I have in my notes David yeah mine would probably be the one right before uh the guy with the um deaf son but they're getting into that City brother Henry brother the brother my bad so I mean yeah it was yeah I mean yeah Sam that's his name yeah I forgot they were brothers yeah it's worse um but honestly I still liked it but that would be my least there's not a lot happened the Riley and Ellie episode is the least rated [Music] I mean don't yeah those are gonna that in episode what two or three are going to be the lowest rated episodes that's just yeah review bombing so I'm not taking that opinion with a grain of salt at all I think it's it's really gonna be for a lot of people the ones with the least amount of action coaches right it's gonna be episode eight just because you know that specific they're so different it wasn't it's just that specific change is just leaves a bad taste in my mouth but I've already been over that enough and if people want to debate me join Discord foreign Corey did you give your least favorite uh no I'm looking through them right now I'd probably have to agree with kojo episode 4. yeah I think I believe I think that was my least favorite but it's still like like I loved it it's just if I have to pick one out of everything that'd be it episode four especially coming off episode three which yeah yeah it was the episode before the salmon Henry episode where they're just getting into Kansas City okay that's basically all they do that episode if I remember correctly they established Kathleen Ellie gets her second kill I want to say yeah yeah and that's kind of Brian is that or sounds right she also finds the magazine Bill's magazine right so yeah that's probably the least amount happening in that episode actually I think I already shot him but Joel finished him off correctly yes um so all right well this was uh probably one of the best shows we've watched on the channel arguably yeah yeah so no not even arguably I don't think it is is definitely one of the best if objectively it's one of the best and that's here so yeah I mean hopefully you guys hang around for other shows check out some of the other stuff we got going on the channel Mandalorian reactions that's the other big one Attack on Titan's back very very soon plenty of other stuff in the future coming up um so like we said if you enjoyed this like subscribe hit that notification Bell so you don't miss anything else including our last of us live streams that igli will be doing yes he will shaking my head up and down as I'm sure he's shaking it side to side I'm holding him at the stake and saying you're doing this or you're burning bro yeah um decisions being made for me full-length reactions available on our patreon account link to join our Discord both of those links are down in the description below Twitter twitch Tick Tock Instagram and we hope to see you guys back pretty soon see ya see ya
Channel: Raggedy Pack
Views: 7,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: last of us, the last of us, TLOU, joel miller, ellie, tess, boston, hbo max, hbo's the last of us, marlene, pandemic, sarah, plane crash, zombie, zombie outbreak, cordyceps, clickers, fedra, tommy, joel, robert, fireflies, darkness, light, playstation, naughty dog, left 4 dead, l4d, neil druckman, troy baker, ashley johnson, pedro pascal, bella ramsey, mandalorian, Clicker, Kiss, Tendril, Tendrils, Henry, Sam, QZ, Gun, Death, Anna, Ashley Johnson, Giraffe, Hospital, Doctor, Surgery, Lie, Part 2, Playsation, Finale
Id: 3K3-aTscvAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 58sec (4198 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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