The Last of Us 1x9: Look for the Light is Satisfying and Frustrating [Blind Reaction]

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this week's reaction to The Last of Us finale is brought to you by our friends at geology to find out how you can combat those dark swollen eyes from all the crying that we've been doing this season stay tuned what is up homies welcome back to another reaction from Heroes reforge we are reacting to the season finale of The Last of Us [Music] Santa get to my face again I can't believe we're here uh I know I know I'm gonna say what I always say with every finale it feels like we just started watching the show but seriously it's March and we're like what happened to January and February they just ran away um but before we get into this reaction of course you can watch the uncut reaction to this episode of the entire season the Mandalorian every other thing that we've been watching a ton of movies on patreon Heroes reforge the links are down in the description below if you came to this channel because of the last of us and you've stuck around this long thank you we are doing reactions to the Mandalorian we're going to be doing plenty of stuff for the rest of the year don't go anywhere lots of cuddle never ever also if you like our commentary we have a whole podcast that we do longer discussions we're gonna be talking about this show in the next episode most likely possibly breaking down other reviews and things like that so go over to the checkskins it's probably in the description below if not it's somewhere on the channel oh somewhere also we didn't hit our goal of getting to 200 000 subscribers by March you know you know and and the prize for that goal was that we would all play Through The Last of Us video game and do reactions to The Last of Us game I've been playing through the game for work for some other stuff I'm doing over at Nerdist but I'm gonna declare it right now if we get to if we get to 200 000 subscribers by April 1st April Fool's Day then I will take these boys on the Journey of playing through the entire The Last of Us video game front to back start to finish and we will do reaction videos for every major like I could break it up by basically the way the episodes of the show seasons were broken up that's how we could play the video game yeah so tell your friends tell your mom tell your dogs tell your uncles tell your brothers tell your sisters tell your aunts to subscribe so we can get to 200k by April 1st for The Last of Us hashtag that's it quick question for you guys this is the last episode we're gonna see how it ends do you think we should play part two before season two comes out if we make it to 300 000 subscribers by April 1st you will play The Last of Us Part One and The Last of Us Part Two and the DLC left behind and we'll read the comic book if we get to 400 000 subscribers by April 1st we'll do the entire Last of Us video gamematic Universe we'll do everything predictions for season three yeah exactly you guys ready oh yeah I'm sad me too the last episode was a killer episode pun intended I hope everybody just walks off into the sunset and is happy for the rest of their lives in this episode remember that part where you said that there's a part two I'll go some doggy Heaven yes exactly this is my shadow goes to Doggy Heaven indeed oh God all right ready count us down yeah here we go in three two one go oh is that actually Johnson oh pregnant oh is she gonna is she gonna be playing Ellie's mom whoa oh that would be amazing it's definitely I wouldn't be coming after her now that you said that I totally see it oh is this are they are they gonna explain how Ellie is immune because she's like blade her mom got bit and then gave birth baby this is incredible and his music is done honestly I never would have thought that yet until looking at her with the with the darker hair I'm like oh yeah anyone this is definitely after I mean it's a flashback and this could line up so far because it could be after years after the yeah 2003 right and let's see real quick math if at least 14 she was born in 2009 oh no lady you can't really give a natural birth silently I don't think I don't think that's a thing I don't know but I don't think it is it is Ellie's mom because that's at least knife holy [ __ ] this is incredible woman yo she's stabbing fools like Ellie does oh oh she didn't even realize it it's Ellie oh God that is wild oh no she's gonna cut the umbilical cord wow that's crazy that's how Ellie that's yup oh [ __ ] that's that must be how isn't that how she oh literally Ellie Ellie's the day Walker literally Ellie is the day Walker she's blade yeah whoa babies are so tiny yeah she [ __ ] told me it sounds like her whoa yeah because she's Ellie she's she plays Ellie in the video games absolutely Marlene this is we're still in flashback anytime somebody gets pregnant they have to purposely infect them right before they give birth so that all of humanity the next generation will be immune no it wasn't the bite Hector remember the bite takes forever it takes a long time hours or days it's the knife it was the knife to the umbilical cord no that's how babies get their nutrients before they're before they're born interesting she stabbed the zombie and then she used that knife to cut the umbilical cord see she's not even turned yet I know but let me ask the question that baby could have got that blood with the bite there's no way it could have gotten through the umbilical cord not that quickly damn I think you might be right I cut it before I was bit oh cheated take her with you to Boston find someone to bring her up and make sure that she's safe I wrote her a letter and I want you to give her this a cold knife on a baby don't put it that there don't accidentally open it her name's Ellie how long have we known each other our whole lives hey I would race I would raise y'all's zambi babies for you a heartbeat and then you kill me okay that I don't know if I could do cover her ears no she's a mom she knows for baby all right real talk I love both you bro so much I would shoot you in the head if I had to I would do it okay those Bagel Bites what you got there have you ever played this oh boggle boggle it's a weird game if you want to beat me or something it would be this all right all right you have to be a little bit of therapist here Dad you want to learn how to play guitar oh he is reaching out so hard oh yeah that'd be great so heartbreaking mentally out in outer space she's not there this time I was thinking we blessed our way through that Rubble I found some dynamite in that RV back there [Laughter] no so we're gonna cut through that building find a skyscraper go off and look around I'll get you up there you can drop that ladder down maybe we go through that way come on I'll give you a boost you got to have a sit down oh what is she looking at I'm curious too this is something that happens in the video game what the [ __ ] was Ellie up here Lily come on what what the hell just that what did you see Ellie hey you gotta roll with it Ellie seems happy about something uh I'm terrified you guys remember the uh thing I said happens at the end of the first video game that hasn't happened yet the giraffes this is what happens in the video game oh this is an iconic moment at the end of the first game You Dropped a ladder that was loud as hell it's all right it's like that's like that's hard okay hurry up the herbivores plant eaters plant asauruses yo is that a real giraffe or do they see like it looks good I think that's a real giraffe [Music] yo giraffes are cool animals I don't think about giraffes enough they're really weird looking horses huh said okay thank you this show has given me some of the new Planet of the Apes movie Vibes whoa there's little families look I don't know exactly where this hospital is yeah we'll find it maybe there's nothing bad out there but so far there's always been something bad out there truth we don't have to do this um I just I want you to know that what do you mean what else are we supposed to do we just live we just go back to Tommy's we forget about the whole damn thing yeah man after all we've been through everything I've done he's scared he doesn't want to lose her he can't be for nothing ever trauma what they're gonna do there with you I know you want to protect me you have and when we're done we'll go wherever you want oh sheep Ranch will follow you anywhere you go oh my God this is gonna make me cry but there's no halfway with this that is one wise 14 year old kid can't ask for anything better so what was wrong with you it's for this uh the guy who shot and missed it was second day it was he it was it was it was me it was him who shot and missed he tried to kill himself oh my God I was the guy who shot and missed oh my God anyway the reason I'm telling you all this is why you're telling me all this yeah I reckon you do so Time Heals all wounds I guess no kind of it wasn't time that did it thank you that didn't work out don't you start breaking your voice Bella Ramsay because I'm gonna start to losing it we should probably get going yeah these these two these two stubborn stoic characters what just happened is basically them saying I love you more than anyone on this planet I love you you're my favorite person you know that was a outpouring of emotion people are making apocalypse jokes like there's no tomorrow moon rocks tastes better than Earth rot why because they're meteor terrible that was actually good say to the purple grape you idiot those are three oh God oh God oh God oh God that's a flashbang yo that blurry guy in the background stress me out I knew somebody was gonna pop up you're gonna be true God damn it they're having too good of a Time [Music] I swear to God the credits roll I'm gonna throw the computer across the table [Laughter] I hear getting hit in the back of like the head with the butt of a gun is like like worse than I don't know being hit by like well probably not bad I hear it's horrendously painful the way Hollywood plays things if you get hit where you get knocked out in your head you've suffered severe brain damage yeah like it's it's like you couldn't have just said hello you could have just said hello she lived where's Lily she wasn't here not even a scratch just mostly worried about you this is wild to me that they made it she felt like hell to get here she would have been dead on day one yeah you would be one person I never wanted to be in debt to but I owe you you're damn right just take me to her I can't she's being prepped for surgery see this is what he was afraid of why is she in surgery it produces a kind of chemical messenger it makes normal cordyceps think that she's cordyceps it's why she's immune he's gonna break her ass out of there cordyceps grows inside the brain Marlene hello it's the only way to extract what they need though I promised her mother that I promise I have no well this just became Mission Impossible ladies and gentlemen this just became a heist movie why not extract blood samples and study the I need to work on those for for a while you need brain fluid oh my God he tries anything shoot him oh my God he made one mistake Marlene you kept Pedro Pascal alive no one keeps the Mandalorian alive all of a sudden the music's gonna go stairs this is like some Dr Evil [ __ ] what I'm gonna leave him in an easily escapeable plan and assume it all goes according to plan what like Joel's not gonna kill these two guys the [ __ ] are you doing keep walking no man that's my daughter up there on that table it's a boy oh what floor quickly oh [ __ ] that's at least nice oh and this is the part of the video game where you kill a thousand men we saved it for the last episode of the show yep I'm Coming For You John Connor don't worry the Detonator The Detonator will be back fools everybody's gonna die in this Hospital yeah [Music] it's a hospital yeah paging Dr Death paging doctor death please don't shoot don't shoot kill this [ __ ] boom he's gonna kill him now foreign oh Lord he's just gonna grab the next gun and go wow and also I want to point out the music is like this is not triumphant this is like tragic this is sad yeah he is so far gone I think you guys are gonna get your uh walking off into the sunset shot but but then there's season two stances are not so bright and prosperous Ellie's mom didn't even know that she was ultimately asking Joel to keep this promise and Joel's gonna keep that promise she's ready well not today on the hooker yep how did you get in here I said unhook her I won't let you take her next next we ain't got time for this [ __ ] oh cover her arm fast I will kill your ass right now I don't like it I don't like it I like it oh God oh finally oh there's a car oh I knew it I knew it of course no matter how hard you try no matter how many people you kill she's gonna grow up how long until she's torn apart by infected or murdered by Raiders but it isn't for you to decide for you yeah her so what would she decide because I think she'd want to do what's right and you know it she did say she did at least did say you know we gotta go all the way we can still find a way absolutely no question I don't think so [Music] oh my God Jesus I told you yeah we're running some tests on you and some others turns out there's a whole lot more like you people that are immune dozens of them he's lying the doctors they couldn't make any of it work they've actually did do it they've stopped looking for a cure oh foreign Raiders attacked the hospital I barely got you out of there oh what a lie this is not gonna lead to good things yes it's Marlene okay maybe just shot her in the leg I'm taking this home to Tommy's yo this is gonna ruin things I bet you I bet you Ellie knows that was all [ __ ] I think she can tell probably sneaky gun under the legs boom you just come after her oh oh my god dude I don't think I like where Joe's going I don't think I like where Joe was going yo is Joel the villain of season two I mean after all the Death we saw that should not have surprised us but somehow they made they managed to make that final moment yeah maybe oh he killed her but it's just the way it happens you killed her and then lied to her about everything that's horrible yes yes that's gonna create a lot of it's kind of sets it up perfectly because at the end of the episode or like right before they get they get taken in they have this like moment where you're like oh these characters want to confess how much they care about each other and they're right stubborn to do it and now it's the setup of like oh you lied to me well she got us close enough but he did it all because of his love for her yeah yeah you know that's the theme of this show and it's not justified right but it's it's it's not justified to him it is you can manage that is Tommy gonna be a dad well Sarah and I used to hike like this all the time oh that girl she'd see a big rock and just she would have liked you the two of you are the same well she was a lot more I want to say girly and I'm anyway I bet you would have liked her back um yeah but I would have probably not that's very interesting now this is like okay Ellie you you decided to stick with Joel and you guys grew a bond and now you're stuck with Joel he's gonna be your dad and now you're kind of rolling your eyes like maybe maybe this isn't the best there you go safety yeah she's like not about it hey wait I think she's gonna confront him on it back in Kansas City you asked me about the first time I killed summer when I got bit in the mall I wasn't on my own my best friend was there and she got bit too if we didn't know what to do and she says you can just wait it out be all poetic and just lose our minds together and then she did and I had to kill her sometimes things don't work out the way we hope but if you just keep going you find something new to fight for maybe that's not what you're saying oh swear to me that everything you said about the fireflies is true oh I told you I swear oh nope she knows okay no no no no no oh my God are you kidding me [Music] now that we made it this far to the finale let's talk about how we can combat those dark puffy crying eyes with this week's sponsor geology geology is a 16 time award-winning skin hair and body care company recognizing Men's Health GQ spy Esquire and ask men grooming Awards geology creates simple and effective skincare and Hair Care routines customized just for you with ingredients that are proven to work their products have been trusted by dermatologists for decades for someone like me who naturally has very oily skin being able to use geology to tone that down keep that in check and to keep my face moisturized at the same time has been incredibly important to my daily routine judge also helps to fight acne reduce oiliness prevent wrinkles combat dark and puffy under eyes have smoother hydrated skin and Target signs of aging how does it all work well simple go to their website take a 30 second diagnostic quiz 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will be some Redemption to it but Lord that's not what Ellie wanted that's not what she wanted I'm the truth straight up Ellie wanted the truth Ellie deserved the truth Ellie wanted to stay and try to save the world Joel made a terrible call by murdering everybody in the hospital and breaking her out and then lied about it dude to the one person spent his whole life trying to protect I'll I'll give you this I'll give you this I'll give you this maybe I'm giving maybe I am giving Joel too much of the benefit of the doubt but Joel and Ellie were not even yet in the community with Tommy with Joe's brother they weren't even in that gated community I saw that like that he Joe was like there we are we're right there and Ellie was like stop hang on let's go through this stuff first my sort of dad brain protective brain went to Joel is like I'll say or do anything just to get her ass in that place and then we're safe you know what I mean like and then we're because they're still out technically and Anything could happen on the way there and you know an infected could pop up or a Raider or whatever maybe I'm giving him too much of the benefit of the doubt but once they sort of like well no seriously once they kind of like land in a what Joel is expecting to be like a normal life then maybe he'll be like Hey listen I lied to you and I did it to protect you and I did it to bring you in here and we're here and now that I know that you are safe this is what happened and I would do it again but I knowing how closed up and yeah when it's a 14 year old kid that's hard that's so hard drama it is that's that's it's gonna I mean regardless of your age but I think it just hits you that much harder when you're 14 because you're you're also going through things as a 14 year old kid yeah then you start to question like can I trust anybody if I can't even trust Joel exactly that's that's a problem I don't think you should lie to anybody at any point whatsoever at all that you love whatever you love that you love look yeah I'll light some weirdo Rando that I don't know this is an utter betrayal of trust regardless of what age you're at she's she's old enough to understand to put her that she put her trust in Joel and she is also emotionally aware enough that he's lying that last look that she gave him she's like you're lying to me and I know it you're holding something back and I know you like when you know somebody on that level where you can just read them like that that's the level she's on with Joel like this is a deep this is a deep connection these guys have and yeah no matter what it is bro lying to somebody who you have that kind of emotional connection with not good regardless of what happened ears regardless irregardless irregardless like there's been I don't know if there's been situations where your parents have lied to you right there's it's very possible that parents don't always know what's best and they they lie to you because they think they know what's best and in this situation goofed heart hard man and next season I can't wait for next season because I need this guy too I know what he's done man because I think I think obviously Joel was very scared because he didn't want to lose Ellie because he doesn't necessarily know what the result of that sort of a serious operation entails that's a terrifying thought that's a terrifying thought for someone who is like a parent like Joel so in in that one sense I understand why he had the reaction that he had but even so I still would not have lied to Ellie I still just think that that's I know huge betrayal and I think the next season is going to be a lot about earning back that trust and that's yeah you're basically almost kind of like going back to where the season started in a lot of ways where there's a similarity and there is a trust to some level because I think Ellie still knows that Joel wants what's best for he wants to keep her safe but I think you know I think there's gonna be a lot of hurt and a lot of pain and I I again we don't play we haven't played any of the games so we have no clue what season two is or the part two is about so it's going to be interesting to see oh I'm also like I hope we're able to kind of avoid it as much as we can before we get into season honestly I like to honestly okay gross honestly this experience of first of all watching the show with you is tops secondly then I'm doing this job for Nerdist where like I have to like re-watch the episode and like comb through for all of the cool like nuance and extra special stuff has been really fun but thirdly I am playing the video game in the week each week in between each new episode and it is making me enjoy the show more it's making me enjoy the game probably more than if I had just like started like playing the game by itself or if I played the game when it came out which I never did and I don't necessarily regret that either because like you said Adam I kind of like not knowing what the show's going to do but then seeing the the original sort of source material their perspective on it it may and it's and it's almost increasing the stakes of what would otherwise be a really engaging game experience do not get me wrong the story is really engrossing on its own without having to imagine Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey and this whole cast and everything but dude as I'm playing the game I'm like oh look what they did here look what they did there I can't wait to see how this story plays out in parallel to so you know what maybe we should play the first game in the next year to kind of wet our appetites but then when season two comes out whenever it comes out we should watch it and then we should spend a night playing part two up to that point in the show and then doing it like that every single week it would be cool dude and that's like do like I do like the perspective you bring Hector that you know this stuff and that you have to like you don't just have to know it you create content on it too right after so you really have to like take down notes and be observant and really really understand the material yeah and look look I do this with a lot of the media that I'm into already and like you guys are saying you're not trying to watch the the little like after show or the previews for the next week's episode or HBO has also been putting out a really interesting and well put together audio podcast hosted by Troy Baker every single week where he it's really well edited where he interviews somebody usually just Craig Mason and Neil druckman the sort of showrunner and creator of the game for about 45 minutes and they kind of just go through the whole episode and talk about it and it's really insightful it's the same as as me listening to director commentary for a movie that I love it's just I'm just doing it each week as the show like we're in the middle of the show right to go and explore all this stuff is um is always valuable and it's really great after the series has ended but it that is is something that I'm already used to doing but it is only kind of enhancing my experience of the show each week right because I'm I'm thinking back to how they this all came together and how the the game was made years ago and they're talking about that and then how they found Ramsay and Pedro Pascal and Pedro Pascal got the job and you know his nephews were so on board for him doing this thing they did he he there's no way he could have shown his face to his family and his nephews had he not taken this job and yeah exactly so it's all that stuff just makes me root for this project even more and again playing the game I already liked Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson I've met them I know who they are they know who I am we know each other they're super nice they're great but to then play the video game and really see their performance that inspired and informed this new show performance and then to see Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson in the show it's like oh man they're great like I'm like I know you you're great it just enhances the whole thing so man I think that's our plan boys I think we're gonna play part two okay when season two comes out like each week as it comes out we're just gonna be last of us all the time we're gonna be the number one last of us Channel basically right and be really depressed we've got a lot of content between their this and their here though so yeah I got a lot of stuff to be looking forward to a lot of time to think about what this means and it's going to be really interesting uh to see the uh reaction online because I don't know if it's accurate to the game or not I don't know if it's like neither if this is if this is breaking from whatever we'll see we will see we will see yeah I'm also very interested to see to hear what the what the conversations are going to be about it because I mean again it is adapting a video game but it is not a one-to-one it is an adaptation it's not a reproduction you know and of course it's been loyal it seems like it's been loyal to the game in many ways but taking it Taking some creative Liberties win win I think they should because it's I don't I can't imagine that as someone who like loves the game that I would just want a one-to-one carbon copy give me something new spice it up a little bit it's the same thing like when we talk about comic book adaptations if it was just the comic book adaptation one to one it's cool but it's cool when they do something interesting and different with them so so absolutely who knows how long we're gonna have to wait I hope it's yeah it's probably gonna be more than a year unfortunately but whatever uh it'll be it'll be really cool when we get back into it so we'll see what a great season of Television though I have to tell you what a really great it's good I don't know how this show is going to be topped for my favorite show of 2023 and it's only March the first show of the year that we watched yeah technically the first show again High bar High bar of course let us know your thoughts in the comments below what did you think about the finale how did it stack up to your expectations if you have played the game how do you live up to what the game presents uh we'd love to know all your thoughts and theories where do you think season two will pick up uh go watch the uncle reactions with us go check out the check systems podcast go watch the Mandalorian reactions go watch reactions to every movie that we've been watching as well and we'll see you guys in the next one bye [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Heroes Reforged
Views: 76,437
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heroes reforged, the last of us, the last of us episode 9 reaction, the last of us hbo, the last of us show, the last of us season finale, the last of us 2023, the last of us hbo reaction, the last of us season finale explained, the last of us ending, hbo max the last of us, last of us review, the last of us series review, the last of us episode 9 comparison, the last of us 2023 reaction, last of us ending, hbo max, pedro pascal, the last of us reaction, bella ramsey
Id: QFkiWSbCoQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 1sec (2041 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 15 2023
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