The LAST Lesson You Will Ever Need to UNLOCK Compression | The Moment it Finally Clicked

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the picture perfect position of forward chaing at impact that every probe gets to is what every golfer chases that feeling and sound of compression from an effortless golf swing and hitting that perfect shot is why many of not all of us keep coming back even after this game continues to torture us so today I'm with one of the greatest golf coaches in the world to easily achieve this and fill that hole in my heart not only that but we go through drills to help you understand what the golf swing should feel like when doing this how to use pressure in your feet on the back swing and downswing better tips to help with rotation and for all of you who want or need lag in your golf swing we talk about how this is done effortlessly so S2 let's go we had a discussion and it's actually pretty good for the internet to be honest you brought the orange whip trainer yeah that's the one okay so here here's kind of what happens in golf golf instruction so especially with filming so when you film a golf swing you kind of look at the geometry or the essentially like the kinematics of the swing and when you do that you're looking at in in a position MH so you're looking at things from like a 2d retrospective position there's a problem with that because was there applied motion to get there so like I can stand here and bend the back of my right wrist and hinge my left wrist to get the club to go here but there was was no Force applied to my system other than the fact of me I call it kinematically taking it back just with my wrist angles yeah so for me to hit a ball doing that I'm going to lose a lot of power right off the get go and that was kind of the discussion because what you would do like right off the ball is the club would suck in yeah a little bit okay we know on the down swing like you were kind of carrying the club you would lift it high it would come out and then there was always this right side Bend look that you would get and it wasn't always but it happened quite a bit Yeah but kind of the Crux of the matter is like well how do we create positions yeah the very first time we talked we talked about lateral motion a little bit MH which is meat is pushing right to left or left to right okay when that moves where's the direction this thing swing the posing way or like right to left going straight back though right so like if I push from this direction this through my body into the ground reaction is this club starts to move kind of in a straight line yeah so if I was thinking about that from like a golf swing perspective even though I'm on a tilted angle if I move left to right this object's going to get thrown down the line yep now the amount of speed I put through my system if the body can handle it will project the club straight back okay away from the ball now when that occurs the next thing we talked about was creating like a significant break on underneath the right side mhm so that you wouldn't keep loading pressure right yeah cuz if you do that you're not actually loading pressure you're moving your mass over your right side and if you move your mass over your right side the body's going to react to that mass movement either it's going to push it way underneath you or it's going to push it up yeah so you kind of throwing the object back hitting the brakes you have to react to that and your reaction was to turn so you kind of throw it back turn now because I'm pushing away from the right side it's pushed me back to my left y That's essentially what you have to do like if I was thinking it from a a movement perspective that was it now here's the caveat you didn't know what to do with it from that point yeah right so we started talking about the lead side so when you when you hit the lead side you hit the brakes again and this club is still going back yeah that was the thing that was kind like eye opening for you MH this club's still getting thrown back but you're landing and turning yeah while this is still going back so we looked at pictures of like Rory mroy you look at Adam Scott you look at Kyle Burkshire as a long drive player like Kyle's here when he's slamming the brakes on the lead side and he's already going through rotation including Fleetwood yeah remember that video yeah so that was the big one and what's interesting is that's what gets your handle to look for it's not you trying to mechanically do something yeah because that doesn't work okay you could do that for 5 years where you try to drive your hands down to the ball it's not going to produce a a shaftline look okay yeah good and question the foot which is like the main thing oh yeah that was a big one okay so thank you yeah yeah so you actually worked on at one point of your golf experience keeping a right foot down yeah and in doing such um it turned off the rotation the horizontal rotation of your body or Torque or transverse rotation so you turning would allow this foot to actually come up or actually get internal rotation of the right leg which will drive your right hip that way yeah okay you weren't doing that you were keeping it down and in doing so you just kind of threw your arms at it yeah all right let's do it show me where we are now just kind of run your run your stuff last few days all I was really doing was like the the drill just to kind of figure it out and then I started trying seven iron driver it's again it's too sporadic right now but um I think this maybe wraps in timing but my main thing is kind of just getting this more vertical like we kind of mentioned rather than like here around yeah and so once I get and then the instant I land here I'm basically just like pushing and then leaving this leaving that back back and then it's coming like pretty much like that okay and so those are like we talk about the vertical though so the vertical so you would rotate kind of like this like you'd rotate around yeah to try to get depth you got to be careful when you talk about depth because you don't want to take your left arm and pull it across your chest real early yeah yeah yeah cuz once you do that and you start pulling this across your chest artificially yeah the club tends to go around you too early and then you run out of room then you lift that's kind of what you're doing so you feeling more like push we call it a vertical Force for that matter yeah um off the trail foot allows you to create more tilts and get the club working a little more vertically going back gotcha yep all right let me try that so let's just do the drill we'll see what it looks like and then and it pulls left if I don't like leave it here and it just goes go go a little little more Lucid with the arms and the hands yeah like throw it back drive through throw it back Drive through yeah and then the main I guess I I don't know if it's missed but problem is just like I chunk the majority of the things but maybe it's cuz like I lean back but like that yeah so that's more well it could be some of that but also you trying to drive your hand still so do a few more okay it's lovely so that's when I get it okay it'll be like can you make that a little longer longer like this yeah just feel like you throw it back a little longer than you just did cuz you threw it to like right here yeah throw it a little bit longer and then clear out of the way okay it feel like all this stays back and you clear awesome I just always like whenever I chunk it I just feel like I'm so I guess the one thing I kind of texted you about is like when I when I throw it back when I try to like exert the force this way since it's back it seems like I'm I'm getting pulled um and then I kind of tilt back let's simplify that out try to throw it back and land left and turn like don't don't think about your body so much like just like this way no just look throw it back longer land your pressure left yep cuz you're not enough left yet you're still on your right foot if you're on your right foot your brain knows you're not going to get to it and then it gets kind of jammed up that's why you're hitting behind it got it got it okay let me try yeah don't be afraid to push too far forward if you want okay instead of like I'm standing here yeah okay I'm not going to move anything but I'm I can push towards the Target and what am I doing right now you're going like that you're getting over your right foot oh I push away from the right foot so I'm doing this instead of pushing away okay yeah let me try on such a short swing you don't need to do that look if I'm here and I need to hit the make contact okay I'm like I'm going to chip a ball this thing's really really really whippy yep so if I have any right piece I just hit behind it I want to push forward now I'm ahead of it there you go see now you're on your left side gotcha so does it does that mean the longer this is um the longer you're going to push off the right yeah yeah okay like I want you to simplify this out this is not like you want to look at it like this you're like okay if I could do it from this far back boom and hit it or this far back and hit it I cannot let my centers load for too long right because then the shortest shots which are just as important as the fullest shots if I'm back here I'm toast yeah because you can't control the low point of your swing got it and so would you would you say you're hovering a little longer here the longer the back you said or you're pushing longer yeah pushing longer not hovering yeah so I have a bike pedal yeah okay I'm here so Bryson's a good example so Bryson is 1 in forward at the top of his swing with his driver one in forward yeah okay he's not one inch back okay Rory is zero but he was 2 in back okay so there's all these different patterns that people get into the semantics about like oh this look it's very easy in the instruction industry to say this mouse trap is better than that mouse trap okay it's all subjective the end of of the day all these players are very good at getting back to here yeah so in Bryson's case Bryson sets up he puts a ton of force early into the right side and pushes it back forward so he has a like a stable axis looking player yeah Rory shifts right first and then does the same type of action to get back I see he doesn't go here yep because now he can't recover from that got it so it's pretty much like there yeah just overdo that okay like if you overdo it great thin it it's fine okay but we're not allowed to hit behind it got it awesome okay I'm going to start filming you do that do that a couple times lovely it's a good bottom where you get both sides here okay you ready yep three in a row very nice keep doing that same input oh right that was a little bit uh forced try that again soften soften soften I feel like when I'm too like holding the club and just trying to yeah don't try to mechanically do it let it flow take it all in that was good okay good it and with that let's take it get all in for a few seconds hopefully you guys are enjoying this lesson so far and if you are stay tuned until the end because this lesson continues to get even better and better with the most Revelations I've ever gotten on this scratch to scratch Journey with that please subscribe like and be part of S2 Nation it's the only Golf Channel where I train with the greatest golf coaches in the entire world to get the scratch and share with all of you to help you with your own game now let's get back to the show so if you don't notice the theme Here the theme Here is we're trying to departure a little bit of cuz I know how you tick yeah like you like to like deep dive into like all these mechanics and everything yeah just trying to like calm you down a little bit okay um cuz things look too good for you to have too much variance and where's the most variance most variance is in your contact yeah so you're thinking way too hard about a simple subject and the simple subject is I'm trying to push like you're going to have pushes in basically two different directions this way and then up and down MH so if I essentially push off the right side it's going to make me go towards the Target and that brake to the right is going to allow me to rotate yeah okay so both both those both those things are helping me in facilitating a good back swing yep but when the attention goes into like like lagging the club or wrist angles or all this other stuff that you find on the internet that half the teachers will agree with and the other half have oh oh I like it like this it's like okay well at the end of the day are we hitting the ball first yeah right like it doesn't really matter so when I look at you I'll screen record this so I'm going to be good let's just look at it from like basic lines so here's your left shoulder here's your axis of rotation here's your right hip so you get in here and that looks fine okay you get some pressure to go into your right foot you throw the object back so left there's your left to right Force left right so like on my gas plates yeah it would read and look there's a lot of different patterns and like I have all these different players that do different things but inherently they all do the same thing there okay so they go left right boom hit the brakes they throw the club back see how the arms are a little wider there they're not as hinge yeah so if you start seeing this get too short like go hinge your wrist like okay that's telling me that you're mechanically doing something okay so then you're pushing off the right now see how the hip is turning yeah and going forward so now you actually created a gap here now is this to forward maybe but don't worry about that right now yeah okay who cares I'd rather you be over here than over here then you're already left so now you hit hit the brake and then you can turn and the softer the softer your arms are and I have a drill for you for that the more that club will kind of Trail and lag but you hit the ball first and then that looks better your arms are straighter gotcha okay so the end of the day like that's consistency okay then here it's already a better input you'll see pressure goes left to right that club is not whipping inside as much anymore remember that club was like way back here yeah that looks way better that now you actually see the club go back look at your cor there's a change of Direction yep hips are opening better Trail legs more internal stayed in your tilt so much better yeah so my my thing would be how would we expand upon that um is like softening those arms up and letting them just kind of load back a little bit more so they're so they're not so straight and rigid looking coming down and they'll basically allow to shallow and get behind CU that would okay well hold on okay let's talk about this shallowing thing oh yeah I guys I T text Data every night think about steep versus is this steep or shall I'm like okay Rory mroy has a pointing inside the ball at P5 number one in driving on tour don't worry about it don't worry about it guys yeah get the body stuff better and then we could talk about that so right here for everyone on the Internet is that pointing outside the ball so it's shallow there you go boom don't worry about that yeah who cares all right you GNA do one more and we'll do a little bit of a I brought a ball for a drill for you okay okay money that's great great okay so I have two objects here so this is a med ball do you ever train with these yeah okay so what do you do with them kind of just do this and throw it like that back in the day when someone showed me a drill like that okay here's how I want you to do it like you wouldn't throw this object like that okay so when you train this thing I want you to go left right and then I want you to break and let this stretch your system out okay okay so go and hold that cuz I want the arms to kind of get extended and then throw it no no don't think about how to do it just do it so like you're going to throw it to my hand now see how this stretched out and you hit the brakes yeah okay can you do that again yep that that's what I want okay so like you're not trying to manipulate the ball in the direction it's going if I had the ball here and you said okay throw it as hard as you can in that direction I would go left right throw the ball right so that this stretches this whole system out yeah and by the way that lights this up so everything's not turning together it's going slam now you have better stability to push this way and you're you're feeling the breake here uh the whole entire foot like uh not the inside of the foot the outside is pushing oh so it's kind of like that because uh I'm like I guess two ways I'm going to think about it's like either here or here just just like that just plant push yeah yeah so it's like this yeah do that again throw boom no look how that stretched okay okay so why why do we need that because that's what's going to allow you to load your system up so that you change direction on that I see right yep so you can't you can't stand here and try to tap positions and do that it's not going to allow you to do that got it now the other thing that you brought which I'm grateful for is if you felt that going back so go and set up yep okay go and feel that going back so it's so it's long go ahead throw throw now that's still going back right when this is still soften this is still going back and this is ripping open so keep going rip oh this way get your foot up I want you to feel almost like that okay like this is gunning around and this is staying back gotcha okay do that again do the whole thing yeah yeah yeah exactly okay we're going to have fun here can you do that right here I'm going to film it with a club nope with that I want you to feel you pushing forward and that's still going back while you're ripping open so the object still going into your back swing is your opening don't stop so don't go like this I want you to let it go okay we're going to do three yep let it wrap back on you more it's still going back while you're changing direction with your hips okay okay ready yep better come look you don't feel like that in your golf swing okay not yet not yet very conscious of trying to do stuff with your hands so watch the difference so just like we're saying there's a it's it's an object mhm you're throwing the object forward right so you kind of get it tech there so now you have we call that a medial lateral Force so it's underneath your lead side so like in my long drive Community this stuff gets magnified yeah for Speed because nobody can can try to hit positions okay unless you want to suck okay doesn't work so pressure lands left see the object's still going back mhm then hit the brakes right side throw it back see that now you're already going the other way as the club's going back see that yeah that's what you don't do so see how you're already slamming and look at your range of motion got shorter I see so you know all that runoff that you get where it gets long long long long long long long long long and you get long in your swing yeah it's because you don't change directions properly gotcha gotcha cuz you're so like position orientated mhm right mhm so now pressure lands here objects loading how's your lag there pretty good yeah fine yeah now i' I'd actually like this to soften up a little bit more like the lead arm let this actually almost Bend and not straight the whole entire time yeah so yeah that you don't need to do that okay and you don't believe me look at Brooks cupka look at DJ so DJ and all these guys when they transition they start to load M this arm actually the radius starts to shorten okay okay it's because this whole system's driving which is pulling on that lead arm and Lead lat yeah and then because there's a vertical it blasts it off later you see how open you got gotcha and you're saying it's softening at the down swing or even through the back swing through the back swing okay got yeah you're not trying to create tension okay is that right foot different right leg internal yeah that's pretty open Way open Way open and now your handle's ahead without trying mhm and then the hands will decelerate the club will go so that's kind of how that works okay right so like don't take this for granted this thing's good because it's giving you a feedback loop that's appropriate okay you know like banging balls looking at positions is one thing and look I'm the most complicated guy on that side of The Fray anyway but you know you're like okay like does that does that make or break you hitting it better yeah it's very subjective you know you could take guys in five different directions and the patterns are all a little different but doesn't mean one's better than the other okay depends on the situation okay let's try to do that with the club all right whatever that felt like okay so like pump one forward like it's club and then yeah kind of like that okay those arms just kind of get Loosey Loosey Goosey yeah good okay feed back hit the ground yeah so we know what that is add more I need get more on my left side push forward harder yeah I keep like yeah okay yeah I got it like push ahead of it and let the club so while I'm I throw this back I'm pushing the opposite direction yeah yeah there we go way better yeah and it's going right because I'm kind of no you don't I don't even care don't even start not today guys not we're not CU that's going to feed the beast let's get like five under your belt that started straight yeah a little bit didn't start right that's why I don't want you to worry about it okay nice better bottom three in a row okay one more okay oh that was the old swing you felt that yeah loaded up on it spun out yep okay last one just do another one nope that's not the right movement throw it back push open all the way nope all the way like this okay don't stop yeah you want it to replicate this okay so my goal for you is it replicates this yeah not am I here am I here cuz that's feeding the opposite I want it to go boom through got it awesome okay so out of those five shots four were actually pretty good one went right the other ones they're all cut kind of Cy on a few of those yeah we'll talk about the path in a minute which I'm not even going to sweat that's even easier yeah so but let's talk about the big thing for your playing around around this yep do you remember our conversation the other day about like committing to shots and stuff yeah uh yeah when we were in the course or just yet on Friday both both yeah okay so what did that all mean like what what are some things that you can control right now uh what you pick for your Club where you're aiming and then the feel that you're going to go into it the general overall feel yeah okay not super specific CU if you get super specific it feeds what you like to do which is like think about positions and I know I can do those three things very very well every single time yeah you in that whole five ball Hitting Zone that you did four of them were more like that one of them you kind of started thinking about it so we're going to talk about path in a second okay but do you remember this the other day about the loading why we don't take our arms in uh why we're why the club goes so which if we look at alignments yep okay we have to be careful here because you can't manufacture this yes okay guys like to manufacture this all the time right so that you get on the internet and there's tools to get people to do this yeah or to do this or whatever okay they're they're missing a big piece kinetics causes that and the alignments you throw it into allow you to do it okay so if you have a bad backswing it's harder to do a good downswing yep is what I'm saying yep so if I take it too high or I take it too deep there's ramifications for both mhm so what you have to feel because you used to kind of suck it in yeah lift and then come out you have to feel more here yep and then as you're transitioning this is loading yep and this is actually getting almost to you feeling like it's getting trailed behind you and stuck my hand path actually stays more back yep if I do that the swing direction is less left you'll start drawing it yeah okay okay so go ahead and take it back so just like you've been doing push Land good and this is all going to get stuck on you yeah so feel like this just gets stuck as you drive your right hip to the Target as much as you can okay and I want you to overdo that don't try to place it there try to land and spin and get stuck okay good again pretty good dude one more time it's okay yeah cool good contact just right yeah look at this that started right so that's his face look at this back swing length is good Landing turning for all you shallow people that's fine so this has got a drive you have good separation between the hip and the rib cage right so rib cage closed hips Square this is driving so as you come down that club is inside the hands but the face is open yeah it's the only reason why it started right stay in your inclination you're opening it's pretty good so just try to let this just kind of close earlier and stay behind you so does that mean um to allow this because I think we hit it on Friday but like when I let this go the reason it's staying open is cuz I'm not I'm too forceful and it's not like letting it yeah it's not letting the so so gamma torque is this torque where the face closes mhm now some people might feel manually like it starts to close but it's not with the arms firing down okay so you have to feel like this is almost like when you turn into your lead arm this is actually shutting down so like one good way of saying it would be like what Toros do is they turn the Loft down and they rotate hard enough that it doesn't go left one way to look at it so like Tor Pros do this but that ball would go left well they happen to rotate enough that it doesn't go left okay that's kind of the matchup so if I go back and I'm turning I get that way and I deal off the club okay yeah ready yeah so uh by that was a nice golf swing thank you so is this uh down here is this P5 where's the I just had a question in this area that's P6 P6 um this is when that uh like basically the starts like going like this oh it's going to happen from the top okay got it yeah so from up here so go and go up there so you throw it back you change direction this is all soft yeah right so go and keep opening this is going to start shutting down keep opening boom gotcha are you exerting any um like speed with your arms down below or are you just like exerting um well no okay but it happens so like your hands decelerate to speed the head up so there's no drag okay you can't control that okay I mean I can if I'm hitting it short like a chip shot but no better more more um turn it's good contact it three in a row right do it again like let me see it just do a little one go like this so step in here throw it back just feel like you turn the toe down and rip your body open turn the toe down yeah you're just ripping that down and turn so you're not trying to do it like you're just trying to turn it down and rotate out of the way perfect now see how it was less to the right now here's the thing that was smoked the other ones were smoked too they're just right cuz the face was open yeah so that's your input that wasn't a big swing that thing was hammered yeah it felt like I only went up here yeah no that that was perfect do that again okay now could you make that a general overall all move that's what's in question yeah that's what I'm trying to I have to beat that India like just make it a general overall move not a specific I'm hitting a bunch of golf swing positions here's your deal yeah get in here push off the right to to your lead side Trail it and shut the face so it's like okay all I'm doing is pushing off the right to the lead side yep Trail it and shut the face down keep those three things one two three awesome okay good better how' you feel about that last one uh felt okay just okay what part didn't feel amazing um I just feel like sometimes when I'm turning I'm not lagging it too I mean like uh leaving it behind I feel like I'm like dragging it a little bit why is that um I think I just like can't dissociate a little bit too much so I'm just like here and then okay rather than being too like so here's my opinion on that yeah if you're too far right on your back swing you're going to speed your arms up so you don't hit the ground okay that's where that's coming from so like if I'm over here no problem like I don't have that Sensation that I'm going have a bottom issue okay that's where that's coming from so the better you get it pushing and turning to here MH the less you have to do of like throwing arms down to the ball okay so that that's where that's coming from cuz you have plenty of Separation so if you look at this you don't have a separation issue so or an X Factor issue you throw it back pressure is landing I mean that's a nice back swing that's fine okay like we can we can rip anything apart those are good tilts good arm position strong face it's not open great separation so you land left you turn so rib cages closed hips are open that shaft's perfect outside the ball hips are getting there face a hair like that's where I think you need to kind of attribute is like letting this just happen that's a good downswing and not enough like driving through with that right side I mean you're the question is like is the right side not driving open because the face is too open or is it a combination of both yeah that's like okay well at least I know what to do keep driving this and keep closing this like just kind of learn to match those two things up gotcha but this is really good exit's good right I mean that's awesome yeah the closing is kind of something that I've kind of just done and not done and I I'm just trying to figure out what that feeling is um uh to get this or like just turn it over here this yeah just just turn just feel like go to the extreme where it's like you turn this thing down through the golf ball like I don't care what it looks like just do it you can always go back and like make it look pretty like just shut it down and turn hard at the end of the day like that's how you kind of want to think about it like don't try to make a picture look a certain way yeah try to hit a low hook as much as you can so here we'll do one set up okay okay so set up to this ball this is gonna be a fun one yeah do this as much as you can till you hit it in the left fence this as much as you can I want you to I Want You To Low hook into the left fence full swing and everything however you need to do it get your pressure left and hook it into the left fence yeah not at the target at the left fence so do that again I was actually trying to turn that as much as possible well that's what I'm saying so look yeah if I got in here okay I'm I'm going to take it for you now you're good and I'm trying to take this form okay and wrist and I'm trying to supinate this arm bow this wrist and internally rotate this elbow or this this humorous yep where's that face pointing down like totally turned down so if I did that that ball would start over there okay so that's your goal okay as much of that as you want so not at the Target I'm actually just I like try to do it as much as possible though like it's maybe okay it's kind of telling isn't itbe do it again try [Laughter] that oh we're getting there okay that was different yeah pressure was just too long on the right side but that was good drive yeah Drive I need to get that out of me it's okay you don't like keeping your right foot down I don't yeah I don't it's funny if you go to like um back in the day there's a a clip or a Golf Digest had Tiger Woods M okay gray pants purple shirt and he's standing there and he's and he's hitting all these positions and he's absolutely dominating all of junior golf by a very large margin and hit it really straight and really far and there's a caption in there is like well what could he do better like well he could leave his right foot on the ground longer why's he's literally like this whole thing right now with Scotty shuffler like going like that yeah like does it really matter like no no no is this good yes okay then let the foot come up okay it's it's you're we're chasing semantics here so you're going to hook this thing literally 45° low sharp hook into that f fence yay by the way you see how the ball came down see it's lower yeah can we look at that yeah that was awesome okay did that ball draw overdraw yeah okay so you weren't steep okay just letting you know it's for the internet I mean that back back swing is legit that looks like Xander up there I'll take that different hat okay land let me make sure did we do this we did good okay land turn that arm is in right yeah pointing outside the ball left wrist is that better yeah right for sure yeah clubs working from the inside the only reason why that hooked is look at your right hip a little little could drive that more yeah that's the balance so like for you you feeling like you do this or that as much as you can and driving this is to keep the ball from going there so you Windam Clark doesn't stand on the Range and have an issue hitting it to the right Windham has a issue hitting it left MH so most Tor players will draw the ball none of them have a slap cut issue mhm none of them go like and do that that's that's high handicap players yeah so and I don't care about oh this is better or this is better it's like at the end of the day they're all very good at delofting the an iron for sure mhm they want to actually feel like they're ripping open as they're closing the face down okay and how they do that is all independently different but for you this needs to happen to keep the ball from ever going over there okay that was really good cool let me try again so now just drive the right leg internal as you do that okay got it I guess the one thing mean the fifth thing the eighth thing is like when I go back and when I feel this I feel maybe it's not happening like you know how we wanted to stay there and it's kind of lagging so I could line it up when I do this I feel like I'm getting it uh pulled you what I I feel like it's I'm pulling it and it's not like um yeah so drive your right hip longer harder got it yeah okay try to keep working the so while you're doing this yeah it's going to try to line up on you so but drive this open so you don't hook it all the way through like just get out of the way like that right hip is pointing almost over there yeah like the orange whip trainer got it let me try that or at the Target got a lot of those at the Target ones after you start feeling this you notice that yeah yeah I'm like trying to as send it to the left side okay that's interesting ooh okay o that was good we we need to try to you realize how good that one was was that pretty good uh yeah see it's flatter and it was compressed it didn't balloon yeah man all I just that was proper right there that was a good one yeah okay cool you didn't feel that yeah it felted good I just okay yeah you need to bring that feel in so when you ask me like what does a good shot feel like that's what it feels like okay let me do this again little bit right hit good though yeah I think uh need to just open up more D it down Trail it drive it and shut the face down uh ball two that's different yeah I I think I just need to way OV exaggerate this cuz I feel like I'm going to send it over like well that's the thing like okay so like you can get all into the weeds in a golf swing like you can look at Bends you can look at elbow position I mean you can go on this whole tie raid yeah it's a big waste of time yeah big waste of time so the best golfers in the world I know people don't want this isn't selling anything because you it's so ambiguous in a way y but the best golfers in the world know they're going to start a ball on a certain line they're going to curve it and they're going to make good contact yeah so and they do it a whole bunch of different ways you just have to get good at like doing those two two to three things H could contact start on line and curve it dependently if you just understand that like oh well my curve was to the right yeah and it was starting right so it wasn't a path issue your your path on every ball here was a little in out but the face was just wide open so it didn't have enough gear effect to bring the ball back yeah sometimes you did but not very often and they're really high yeah so I'm like okay I can hit it low I'm going to deal off this club as much as I can M rip my body open and get maybe an overdraw happening where it's low and overdrawing all day long y then you can actually start aiming the face more to the right at setup and start it right and do the same thing gotcha sounds like a that's like a very like easy way to do this instead of thinking about your positions that look like Xander at the top okay I mean got it keep it that easy and just trying to think about the body here the in order to I know I'm like getting it to the left I just need to get this even like rip this spun spin this out feeling and then that will just make it go pretty much like great yeah I think you can play golf from there yeah let me let me see one more time if I were to like try to do this uh slowly though you know like kind of just is that possible without me trying maybe I don't know like me trying to get the yeah it's awesome how do I overthink this without telling you to overthink about it I try to maneuver around it he caught me okay really good just the face right yeah and I felt it like I didn't even do this I kind of like left it like this that's okay that's feedback loop that's good same same awesome oh we're trending dude that's great okay so the most hook you've ever done and the lowest the lowest you push the most forward turn that down the most and gun your hips ready oo that sounded like golf sounded like it was super compressed okay let me try one more I guess I was always scared to kind of do this because it was going to hook to the face of the planet but if I do this it's just going to line up and yeah yeah got it that is closer okay take your setup yeah all right do a mini one really slow like that what would that feel like so if I threw this back turned it over and I look like that what would that look like just kind of show me what it would look like Yay n yeah I think uh I mean I got a little little behind it but that left WR is better yeah see that's not over rotated yeah that's crazy I just think yeah okay right that face let me see this that face right here is matching this Bend right it's not like that you think it is but look like look at this so stand back here for a second so stand right there I just want you to see this picture so I'm coming through the ball a face shouldn't be like that see my left wrist the only way it's going to be there is if I took it back like Victor okay okay that doesn't feel very good yeah that's a level left wrist so as this is coming down it's torquing boom I hit the ball that's where my face is so my left wrist is actually like that yeah slightly that's rotated that's rotated that's rotated yeah otherwise I'm like that that's where your right balls come from yep okay which matches up to this going like huh that one yeah but if this is trailing I can turn that over feeling and feel like I'm going to hit it over there but then my brain goes oh okay rip my body to line it up it won't look like this yeah it'll just be there because I've rotated to so yeah you rotated to there yeah that's what should happen that's that's level mhm okay but I would do a bunch of little ones like that okay can we try to film that again I think so it's kind of just like boom let it stay there and then turn it down for me just don't think too much about it throw it back and turn yeah there you go now do that again and don't let it go left okay I think that swing Direction was definitely going right okay do that again oh hello I just need to get this so open so do you remember like those little shots you were hitting before how they were fine but they're just kind of like fluffy 100 yarders yeah that just went 150 yards yeah and I just like lift it up here right so look at the difference yeah so this is this is your feel so here's that radius throw the object back boom land left there's your change of direction see how you're already turning yeah oh there it is yeah like you get good at that this club will lack if you're into that for the internet um if you're into that stuff it's not actually lag but it just you're just changing directions on that sha mhm there's your handle yep see it's aead so your handle's there you're not trying to drag it and look at that left wrist see the see how the button the clubs away from your hips yeah so now you have extension there's no chicken wing yeah that makes sense I think the two inputs here that just makes sense now is like I mean I could just OV exaggerate this turn like this but in order to kind of get a line up I just need to like you need to drive just drive it as much as possible and you need to be like a little kid so like little kids you know they're and I deal with them all the time where this is just ripping mhm right just ripping open and this is just trailing back here and they get good at delofting it as they get older and they don't hit powder puffs up in the air they start driving it yeah well that just looks like it's square at P6 and square at p8 yeah but they're actively they have some of this going on mhm now like dambo because of how he sets this up actively has a lot of that in there right but he does it on purpose because that's his pattern yeah so opposed to if I was like gripping it weird you know you're not going to have a super strong grip but I want you to have this pretty neutral and this turning down as much as you can gotcha and it's like the same feeling here the full swing yeah but I want you just to that last shot was incredible so do a bunch like that okay got it like absolutely stunning yep very different yeah it's just like super compressed the sound for sure is different yeah it's compressed now we'll throw that one out you're kind of late getting your lead side do that again yeah I feel like that happens when I just like let my right foot like go like that instead of push away from it like a piture on a mound Vibe I guess okay that's a good image by the way pcture on a mount okay pcture on a mound doesn't go like this yeah I guess I was kind of scared to do that because I know I always get like so your upper body gets too far forward yeah okay I don't care right now wor about that later yeah if your lower body gets too far forward your upper body might like being more back I see Bingo Jesus Christ that's awesome okay let's recap on this so we started with how your pressure like this is number one okay you can't take this club back anymore with your hand hands and your arms yeah I need you to throw the object back on a wheel that's more this way yep and as you do that you're pushing away from your right side so you go forward yeah even if your upper body's too far forward for right now okay like we'll address that later if this gets really good we can attack that okay okay the second piece was allowing this to trail on the down swing feeling yep as you're ripping the face down and closed okay which obviously gets Square interestingly enough yeah and just overdo it as much as you want to keep it from hooking you're driving this open mhm so you're just simplifying this out into three three things gotcha so that when you go golf yeah you keep doing these three things regardless of the outcome don't be an amateur golfer that goes okay well on the second hole I tried to do this and then on the fourth hole I try to do this it's like okay you're asking for trou like there's no consistency and then once again you can't like submit to like consistency because your brain's going in 15 directions I want those those three things to be like your habitual thing that you're just going to kind of Replay replay replay okay fair enough yeah yeah that's good you good with that I'm good with that okay is that going to be the same thing for a driver everything yeah okay awesome and specifically like all your short I want I'd love to see you hit like nine IRS and eight IRS that just so like screaming low driving yeah no more like hit it straight up in the air floaty things okay so basically the whole those three things yeah like I said get good with nine iron eight iron like short irons hit them low and hit them hard okay okay what you'll notice with your driver is your brain's going to want to go more here in your setup with your driver while you're then you're going to be able to launch it but I still want you to try to hit it low I want low hooks with your driver no more High kind of pull Cuts okay got it I don't want to see shot Tracer that does this at all I want that okay got it and then La the last question here I want to reconfirm is the the pressure is here this the instant I move this it's it's already it's already pushing that way it's already pushing me on every Club basically and there's I know what was the first thing you were saying the longer the club it it like well because longer the duration you're pushing is longer so it's just like yeah it's just pushing you longer so like when you get a driver this is getting pushed longer to get you there I see but it's not loading longer load yeah it's pushing longer rather loading and it's not staying over here longer because then I have nowhere to create torque okay that makes sense yeah all right Mak sense we'll see that's what I'll be grinding we'll see you got this got awesome man this may have been the greatest lesson I personally have gotten and hopefully it has sparked some light bulbs for you as well if so please share it with your own golf buddies like I have and also check out this video down below YouTube told me you would specifically like it see you there
Channel: Jerome Rufin
Views: 71,817
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: compression golf swing, forward shaft lean irons, golf lessons, golf drills, golf swing, golf instruction, golf tips, effortless golf swing, compression golf drills, forward shaft lean golf, forward shaft lean golf swing
Id: FY7b8fbKlHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 0sec (3240 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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