I Got the Best On Course Lesson from the #1 Ranked Golf Coach

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today I'm hitting the course with the number one ranked coach in California Dana Del Quest he's been my full swing coach on this journey to scratch for a few months now and today he showed me some simple yet insanely effective strategies to score lower identify problems that myself and 99% of amers watching right now do and finds and fixes a glaring problem that I could not believe I was doing this entire time so S2 let's go good to see you so um this is like baptism by fire you show up you think you're going to get a swing lesson we're going to look at you playing some holes okay so I get a good understanding what you do out here relative to what you do on the Range when you have a stick down and when you have a stick down and you're technically thinking of things I want to make sure that you kind of succumb to one or two random things out here that get the ball to do something similar every time hopefully but I'm really interesting on like how you aim yeah and how that relates to what you're doing okay okay so it's pretty much straight away and then it dog legs to the left there is water up in front of the pin not a big deal my recommendation is probably if I was playing smart hit something like a two hybrid three hybrid see that small tree out there yeah slightly left of it and hit it pretty straight okay pure very nice little bit of an overdraw what I really liked about that is is it started on a really good line now it did overdraw one thing to consider and we'll go to the cart and do this your alignment as I suspected cuz I did watch some of the videos of oncore stuff that you were doing yeah man I was like oh okay we need to talk yeah all right so we're going to address that because you are actually lined up far right really right well you're doing it for a reason I want to see what the reason is okay so it's not because like your intention is that it's like your internal mechanism is saying aim it over there so that can bar from missing it poorly gotcha you're good okay not biggy that was a good shot so it's like 112 in the kind of in the rough here and it's wet and it's wet so what H what could happen out of the out of the rough what are scenarios whether it's wet or not out of the rough what could happen it's just going to reduce the distance and could or it could increase distance cuz it could knuckle oh could knuckle yeah but because it's wet we're going to run and it's not like like 50% of the balls exposed in my opinion with this lie yeah so because of that the ball's not going to go further okay okay and it's wet so we're going to kind of assume we're going to lose maybe 20% of your distance yeah so what was your total yardage 113 so we're probably going to play at what 127 yeah 127 something like that yeah um now we have a red pen yeah what's in front of the hole The Fringe or and then there's water oh yeah right so we're we have we want to turn that water into a net zero yep so I'm going to add another probably eight yards to that so if I had a 138 Club yeah that's kind of what I'd play to the middle yeah for here I had even though it's like 118 maybe yeah so let's grab that pitching W Okay cool so instead of like your focus going towards what can I do well with my swing yeah it's what can I do well with my approach to golf so my approach to golf is I I can control my numbers better and I control my line my alignment better that gives me a better chance yeah so go ahead and we can basically take dead aim at this yeah we want to hit it Beyond it maybe and then I want you to have a good flow to it and good alignment okay okay cool right it's a little steep covered the water okay now one thing that's kind of interesting let me see your club for a second so your aim your Baseline aim was actually almost at that big tree right okay your Club face everything was fine and your shoulders were pretty close to be fine one of the issues is if I get too closed okay at your level of golf not a tour player but at your level of golf what starts to occur and you're in the rough so you kind of double down like I got to get to it yeah so everything started to get here and I'm aiming way right right now right I'm like at the bunker you weren't that much yeah but then you get here and you're like okay this looks pretty good and then you go this way to hit down on it m well the problem is you shift the path so far left that shot wiped and went to the right gotcha so what you need to do kind of out of the rough as a drill is watch where my Baseline is like if you look down the line here I'm actually aiming left yeah the left Aim moves the path more left so I won't get this way I might actually get a little shallower forward and then trap the ball trap the ball which you don't really do but you'll trap the ball okay got it got it okay so next time we'll kind of adhere to that okay cool yeah I feel like I just because I always have this massive right bias and I'm like aiming over here I end up coming like all the way over the top yeah but but like like I said the the precursor is what can I control out here well I can control the club I pick yeah right for sure the number and then I can control what else my your aim yeah yeah all right and before Dana continues to learn more about my game and shares more amazing golf tips to help me and all of you it would be amazing if you could go down below and subscribe and smash that like button if this video gets at least 2,000 likes I will make sure the golf cards lets you miraculously find your ball the next time you shank it into the forest you talking to me yep yep I'm talking to you I'm talking to you so please quickly hit that like and hit that subscribe and join the S2 Nation now let's get back to the show tooy technique was nice reaction was not yeah that was horrible okay what the outcome wasn't ideal but you stood over that thing for quite a while yeah it's like am I doing this right am I doing this right it's like then know you need to be like where's my spot ship it to the spot yeah like what if I would practice a lot on the golf course I was doing that oh lot of break huh yeah um that hit it off the heel too good stroke oh that was good done straight right yeah okay so I have a pretty good understanding what you do yeah one of the big things is monitoring Behavior so as a golfer especially if you want to be a high level golfer a golfer on a putting green is really going to relatively like get an input of what the green surface looks like what's it doing MH and then go what's the line hit the line with the appropriate Pace yeah that's it yeah it's not technique it's just technique could be different yeah and the same thing holds true with your golf swing so like you put a bunch of work in on the driving range and you're trying to be correct and you're trying to do all the right things but at some point you need to just kind of let that go yeah so what I'm saying is like have you ever seen guys do like speed golf uh yes okay what are they doing they're going really fast yeah so they don't have time to like think about what they're doing MH so we're going to at some point today kind of do that like that wouldn't be bad because before you hit the ball you're like okay what's the target how far is it okay cool what's my Global feel oh it's this in my takeaway or whatever did that feel smooth and did that matched my target MH and then your only course of action is am I aim good good go okay okay so this this hole is very similar to one other than the fact it isn't dog like okay so placements everything so like if you're a bomber like okay yeah you're going to smoke driver hit it up close to that left this is Par Four yeah that left bunker Y and it kind of opens up okay but like you got to sack it up and do that the worst thing you can do is hit in the left trees cuz they're lower yeah and the that bunker blocks out the green mhm so being further back isn't a bad option plus if you hit it where that guy in the red is yeah he's got to not only hit it over that tree and slip which he just did that was awesome how good was that Peter go on this side yeah the feet were going this way the club was going this way so anyway and he still didn't hit the green um so we want to kind of go okay like what's the best course of action I could literally hit five iron or four iron off this te from right here for you and have aent open shot to the middle of the okay which is what you're trying to do yeah you're just trying to rack up pars MH once again from what we said at what we observed our alignment to this is huge like the last one you hit you hit it Dead online but over curved well part of that curve is because your Baseline was so far right yeah it made the path more right gotta off the T yeah then the ones you don't do that you come over it and then you hit a cut so we want to get as close to some sort of parallel as we can get okay now see that Mark in the middle of the Fairway yeah that's your target so come back here keep your eyes on that okay and I want you to run a picture of what a good shot looks like now I want a good Pace feel a smooth swing that feels like that shot okay okay awesome just lost the face that was great yeah I I think I was like set up as like a driver there for me what's that I set it up like right here instead of little okay that's fine but that so just chalk that up what did you do well though you know you lined up yeah that yeah this feels so like I know I know it does like I said this is what I saw online I'm like oh we need to intervention and talk about this yeah because you can make all the right things in the world yeah it's like putting you could you could do everything perfect in putting but if you're aiming wrong you're not going to make it you're going to compensate yeah all right let's go do it well the good thing about that and maybe it's because I have more space now because I'm aiming in line rather than aiming here and then trying to go this that's the big one I could feel the drop now okay which is a little bit better but so focused on that drop D it's my trigger it's my trigger point right now okay it's like I just want to hit a draw so what's like the smartest thing to do punch it out here over here yeah yeah okay so if this thing's right here I'm just going to go like that and hit a little harder and get it you know kind of towards that bunker y but what's interesting is what did I just do I put it underneath the tree yeah CU you're so focused on getting it to the hole now yeah I mean if you're bubble Watson you want to sling one around that go for it I I have no problem with it if you have the skill to do that but if I go oh look at that tree there there's no bunker see where my line that's only 10 yards difference yeah so Chip a ball see that little tree there yep hit it close to that I mean not into it but this tree you're talking about over here yeah that shorter tree right next to the right of the bunker left yeah just just punch it out into the fat ignore the pin because I know that's what you're going to do curve it just a little chip 20 yards pretty good yeah almost too hard right yeah I like to hesitate that's okay but you're going to find out real quick why I said aim more this way awesome that's stupid good wow was way more than I yeah so that was like that was 90% that was that was like 100% you you nuked it that was a good swing yeah dang I mean this that shouldn't have gone that far that's all right it is slightly thin it but you hit it good yeah it felt good fine kind of a back I mean unfortunately back in your stance type shot yeah with some energy into the hill and then take your medicine yeah don't overthink it handle forward ball back like a lot right here I go here actually that's fine that's good right idea yeah could do that more and then get more forward and then put some energy into it that's me I wanted to get it like right over there yeah good that's fine do you find you're pretty good at those right now with this the switch to this shot versus the previous shot I'm just trying to get more adjusted to the distance control but yeah technique it's been okay okay I'm just GNA awesome go go that's awesome yeah that's where I kind of oh a little more though that was awesome so that was a good line pretty good speed contact eh but close yeah that was good that was definitely the line yeah but it was a good chip yeah that's what gay was saying too like my like distance control for putting is generally okay but like my aim is just you know what to work on yeah that seems to be like the biggest skill building piece that most players need to work on anyway yeah or one of the three yeah did that go six inches past no no okay did you oh do you say hit it six inches fast I always try to hit the ball on poana like 68 inches past and when I'm on good greens it's like 10 inches oh and if you think about that yeah I'm always hitting the same pace oh I see so that makes me aim that's kind of like an aim Point thing so like if you if you're good at hitting the same distance yeah past your target it tells you kind of where you're aiming yeah right so like if I don't play enough break I'm probably going to hit it two feet by yeah and if I play too much break I'm probably going to hit it short MH so like AMS aren't very good at those three things they're not very good at reading greens like they think they are yeah um like if you're a 10 handicap and you finish the ball around the hole and never three putt you're pretty good yep as a 10 yeah but a pro is going to have more looks obviously because they hit it closer but they're always going to tend to hit at the same speed by a hole I see so and that's just the way it is it's no different than that wedge like that wedge it was a good swing you just smoked it 20 yards over the grain yeah so that might tell you some of the stuff you need to be working on which is like hitting your hitting your numbers okay hitting your line yeah which isn't very swing technically related M you know yeah because that's what AMS do they I'm going to change my sowing and and make it I'm going to do this method or I'm going to do this method it's like you can't even hit your line like hit your line hit your number mhm and then you can go do this Theory and whatnot gotcha so for this one then you said like aim or like have the distance so you're going to get past six feet or what do you say six in 68 in just and that's just me I see like everybody has their thing some guys like to hit it 12 in past okay got it but if you're consistent at doing that you're going to be a heck of a lot better with picking what line you're going to have yeah for sure rather than trying to be more like variable and try to be like exactly it's just too hard this is a fun one for you actually 155 okay so you're not even going to cover that number because it's back uhhuh you're downwind um see where the guy is with a cart yeah that's where you're aiming there yep and you're going to hit it 145 okay okay and if it draws it'll be probably 150 yeah but you're not going to bring the back of this green into play okay got it so whatever that is okay cool well so for the aiming because again this is like the main thing y you see this is I'm parallel to this line right here yeah your scoring lines so like this yeah so like the toe and the heel that's your scoring line and then my feet is just parall to that so once you line the ball up to your intermediate Target yeah so like right here that intermediate Target is like between the two trees there that's kind of like right here see that yep so you just line up to that now Mo most important you have to see what you're going to do you're going to hit a pretty straight ball that might draw a little bit yeah not very much so line that up good that is gorgeous now whatever that felt like pure as a driven snow okay so I see I do see some Tendencies okay first off you killed that yeah and luckily it overdrew and it missed the bunker so like it start online so you know this draw that you're worried about having yeah I haven't seen a ball fade but one and that was out of the rough yeah that you tried to hit down on M you have an overdraw on the golf course yeah cuz this three shots on the row is start on your line and finish left mhm now I know how you aim right okay okay got it which is fine so this is why we didn't want to go for the pin yeah CU if you hit to the pin or Beyond bye-bye yeah so ideally like you want to pull like information in you want to hit it over there Y which pulls that bunker out of play in this one okay okay yeah you did get that number pretty good yeah okay so obviously you can't putt that so yeah I got it same kind of thing as the last one you're really good at reading that shot by the way thank you from what I've seen so you pick your landing spot and your speed oh I chunked it it's all right like I said you're really good at picking your landing spot yeah I just like that would have been next to the pin yeah that was the line for me but still getting adjusted to that so same thing you're on poana I got it you're good okay got it so what's this putt definitely doing going left or right 100% yeah so if you were hitting it 68 in past yeah what line would that be keep it that simple okay feedback how many inches past is that it's three feet okay so watch we're going to do this together so if I'm here and I go 6 in past is there I'm going to play this ball a cup out maybe above so I'm going to go a cup and a half go ahead and name that yeah and I'm going to move that to here okay it's going to finish here okay okay now go oh there you go okay okay and see how quickly that was it was like you have the input react have the input react M don't overthink it gotcha okay I'll take that one thank you Story of My Life guys story of my life what can I control on the golf golf course I can control which club I choose because of the distance and what I'm hitting towards yeah I can effectively look at what I'm aiming at Y and not be so judgmental of outcome also because like if you do all those things really well mhm what are you going to get upset about yeah like at the end of the day everything from putting to driving and that's kind of it so if you can do that then you don't get really cluttered with like golf swing Theory whatever because that's what AMS do AMS get into like well if I get this device it's going to cure it's like no no no your your issue is like hey you're picking the wrong Club you're not aiming appropriately you're not swinging freely MH and then you're not doing any of that on the golf course which you should be doing on the driving range yeah you know like practice your wedges and hit your driver don't hit your seven iron like and then when you do hit seven iron eight iron nine iron you're adjusting targets okay you know and if you're consistently thinking about what you're working on let's say it's like your right wrist Bend or whatever it is yeah it'll end up happening but don't bounce around we're gonna take it right where that guy in the red is okay okay that's line at him yep right there that's your line how far is that bunker is not in play don't worry awesome okay that was over over the top for sure that's fine okay um one little and you can't worry about that yeah cuz you're so worried about something else what was it I was just trying to feel this Landing thing okay so just do it show me what that looks like do you feel like that was a pretty good attempt I felt like yeah I landed okay can I just get another ball we'll just do it yeah stay stay there all right so this is going to be like shooter ready you know what that is no what is that okay so um when somebody's shooting at like a range and they're in competition there's a little beep in a timer uhhuh and it's behind you it goes beep shootter ready go going hit it okay so we're going to do that whole thing again yeah so out of the box so three steps back back here yeah okay so we know you know what that picture that high Roy maoy bomb looks like yeah right little bounce in the step the whole thing okay show me what that looks like right here just show me what that looks like you're going to go extreme bam this extreme yep land left swing and out good do it right now walk in there there parallel go whatever that felt like oh awesome the opposite yeah way LIF that was cool but it drew yeah now did you feel like that was in there yeah yeah I was like okay way too far left that's fine yeah that's how I want you to kind of operate okay okay like that fast gotcha control your aim and then shootter ready you just go got it was that um not over the top no not even no okay good that dropped in and but you kind of like fli the hands over obviously a little right but this is a par five okay so where that pen is yeah looks red to me you got two options can you get in that bunker the front bunker can I if I stripe my five iron I will go over that if IIT okay then I'll then then hit five iron yeah okay cuz like the play would be like but it's in the rough so it might it might land in the bunker get in the bunker oh get in the bunker okay shootter ready come on awesome it's exactly what I thought it would happen see that came out like dead yeah it's good though now you got a full shot so so you hit a you had a decent drive just too far right came a little over it wiped it yeah you got into the rough or play if you had a 2% chance is trying to get it as far up there as you can Into the Bunker yeah now me not telling you this there's no chance of you actually doing that but I didn't want you to try to lay up with a seven iron and have 130 yards in because there's this gapping from 90 yards to probably 60 yards to a red pin as an appropriate shot not a 30 yard shot because if you hit a 30 yard shot to a red pin it's going to hit and go 15t past I see now you're making par yeah at least you can try to make par birdie here so let's do that okay oh okay that was interesting what did you feel there I felt like I went like this and then I was trying to over exaggerate this much so I was already up here so actually what what happened there is you didn't have a and I didn't stop you yeah um you didn't have a preset feel mhm you went right to mechanics like oh I didn't do this no no no no so remember the the thing that's very redundant out here is should be you yeah make it simple okay how about them apples that's it just hit your number you did okay okay a little long so you're hitting it further than you think okay yeah so here you are so you kind of smoked that wedge yeah um which you've been doing lately okay now same thing like if you're going to hit this like 10 inch past 8 Ines what's the line is right left here good so that was a line issue right speed was pretty good yeah kind of Hit the good par you can make that was it aiming badly oh my God okay so you got on the Green three yeah speed was good yeah so we definitely have okay so there's a there's a big overwhelming message that's coming from this yeah everything in your game except for your chipping so far yeah is very aim dependent so if you're to bring energy into your game like if you're really going to bring energy into your golf game which you do every single day yeah where are you going to lot the 24-hour period you have in your life to things well this is your test like playing the game is your test the big overwhelming thing is it's your aim like overall like if if you can bring that in and get really good at that then that's one less thing that you need to compensate around yeah because in actuality like you're predominantly a lot of the time if you do the routine properly and you bring that into like an actionable feel and and it shouldn't be internal so much it shouldn't be is my elbow good and like can you can't control all that but I can control like oh a draw feels like that yeah okay let's do that like don't make it too like perfect you're hitting great shots in fact you're hitting it you haven't hit it short into a green yet you smoked them yeah so when you hit a good one you hit it over that would frustrate me to heck yeah I don't like doing that I'd rather h hit it short oh I hit in the bunker great but I just didn't make a committed swing so I think the next thing is like hitting your numbers every time okay or getting at least close to that gotcha you could break that into like every day like if you're practicing I don't know how much let's just say three hours right so if you had three hours of practice or two yeah an hour of your practice is your line yeah hitting the line on everything you do yeah making sure that's congruent and then for those three hours I'm just making that up could be 30 minutes but the the consistency is oh this is the overall feel yeah but don't just whip out the camera and start filming and then find the the cross word puzzle what's wrong because there's always going to be something that you could do better yeah and if you do that and you don't focus on oh I'm aiming 20 degrees right it doesn't matter because you're going to hit it over there so you're going to compensate so it's a feed back Loop that you're trying to like what would a good player do well a good player goes to the driving range and first thing you do hit a bunch of wedges at a Target and it doesn't really matter like they don't put the sticks down they don't they there's a Target I'm just going to globally hit it over there and then I'll adjust around that yeah and then okay they hit a couple short irons hit a couple drivers and they go te it but before a golf tournament they don't like put the sticks down get the trackman out oh my gosh that's one degree too far right it's because they don't want to lose confidence they're trying to get a feel yeah like a rhythm and a feel yeah that they can go out and play with yeah so um and I know there's outliers that we can use in examples on any part of anything yeah but as a whole yep okay all right so we're gonna just bomb driver okay let's do this completely different so you just walked up and just pegged it oh yeah I feel like I should just aim first yeah well let's just look at the hole Yeah like where am I okay I'm on the golf course I'm not at Nordstrom Nordstrom shoe department where I get here okay so um you see where the pin is and there's a bunker left yeah you're going to be fine over that bunker right not even yeah the yeah the left one you're not even you're not left one right there that's 100 yards it's not it's not even in your for sure yeah of course so see where the bunker is in the middle of the green right there in the middle of the Fairway on the right side yep just straight up there yeah that's kind of your your line you're going to draw it off that and if you're in the left rough I don't care you just chip it on the green okay okay so so to encourage that I'm GNA be here instead over there unless I'm playing a fade okay okay and then I'm going to pick my Target in front which graciously this tree next to us dropped a Lea that's right in front of it that one yeah okay thank you tree wow golf shot yeah that was pretty good I felt like everything on that was better yeah and I like the same feel I got from before for that was exactly the same so yeah and then and so you and look I only get upset if I'm not if I'm not committed to my shot yeah if I'm committed to my shot my line my decision with a club if a if a hawk comes down and gets pegged by the ball it just does like I can't control that yeah got it okay okay A little to the left and that's Still Smoked good number though right and by the way that whole thing you just did there was awesome so the whole process was good everything was good so you you just it seems to be if I was running this test that you lose the face at the bottom and it goes left when you aim straight which you did which is awesome okay so you're consistent so now you know what to work on on the Range so what when you say I lose it I hold like you're your face gets pointing left too quick okay so like you don't have enough shaing your face goes yeah yeah exactly but at least you're not aiming right your process was good and you're consistently hitting balls when you miss them that end up left and that was pin High yeah which is great awesome you could chip this but if this is a million dollars I would not chip this I would put this there see where that dirt Mark is yeah and let it okay get it within four feet very good just a little hard but very good so you really think a chip would have got closer than that I don't know um I just need to practice those grass ones because I just my distance control for that is like I either hit super hard or like super short okay fair fair okay um but yeah okay so what did we do on that part three that you can you made an eight-footer what did you do I just uh what's it called visualized six inches and then I went up there and hit it yeah so what is this going to do um right to left okay so is it little a lot or straight it looks like a good amount slightly like medium medium okay so go for it that was 5 Ines by but pretty much the same yeah but you see it with poana I hit it a little closer to the hole because I don't want a three putt yeah like said by Nature I like that whether I'm right or wrong M um because it is wobbly is this PO yeah okay got it yeah so you know especially in the afternoon it gets kind of but I don't putt bad on poana because I'm kind of used to it yeah um but when you start hitting at 12 Ines by on poana you're like oh you know what I hit one a little too hard and then I got a two-footer on a downhill breaking putt with bumps kind of gets in your head gotcha yeah right now in regards to like distance control pretty good on flat yeah but like downhill treat them all as straight straight so once you get your read yeah like we did there that was a good po by the way mhm um we knew what the line was so just treat it like it's straight at that point like you don't the the lines are relevant because you already picked it yeah so you just go okay there it is put it down hit it then go did I hit it the right speed which that one was too soft yeah but did you commit to the line uh yeah okay cool like you did it right so and you always spin it to a positive if you if you behaved in that way gotcha not oh I missed the putt it's like yeah you could have that perfect and miss the putt uhhuh okay cuz you can have a perfect line and the ball's going to miss gotcha like what you're trying to do is you're trying to not three putt and roll a couple in when you have looks yeah so if that's the case if I'm really good at picking the line and hitting that line even if if I Mis if I misread it and then walk away and go I I I did what I was supposed to do then then you're not adding more to your system because that's what guys do they add more to their system they don't need to add yeah okay right yeah yeah yeah so that keeps you kind of here and then you can add the adjustment of oh I just didn't read it right it's all about the right feedback loop everything you're doing out here is about feedback loops gotcha it's like did I have the right Club did I aim appropriately occasionally usually I'm make a bad swing but once I do make a bad swing I'm not going to react to that because my routine was good my practicing was good and my target was good and I picked the right Club I see yeah and then when you go to the range you're like I'm going to keep working on what I'm instructed to do and I'm going to do it again oh I shot three shots better I broke 80 whatever it was right so um not add more to the system I see okay sounds good the Dustin Johnson effect what is the Dustin Johnson keep it simple keep it simple yeah all right we're doing this on purpose because it's a white tea and I kind of want you to get the experience of this okay so there's a tree in the middle of the Fairway this one right here yep yeah and see where the guy in the black is Middle Fairway that's your target you say between them no that's the guy oh the guy yep so okay and you can set it up right here that's fine wow oh my God homies fixed never hit a three-wood on the course why uh it calls for that the just the rain never look good that was perfect that exactly where I want to be yeah that was nice set yourself up for another birdie look yeah that was pretty good well done let's go all right okay that was easy that's it guys that's it guys that's the lesson we're fixed we're breaking 80 the next time you see me on the course which I should have been doing so long ago well um well as long as you understand the balance of you have the appropriate inputs to hit effective shots yeah but the consistency Factor once again goes right back to when I'm on the course Club selection know the distance run the routine yeah to the appropriate aim okay and keep that running and you're going to have a swing thought it could change but whatever you've been practicing try to keep that not 15 things maybe one or two like feels like this feels like that mhm and the the overall thing today was the Miss is left and long yeah right so you're like okay I'm just gonna work on that okay okay keep it that simple cool let's jump in we'll go get it let's go get it hey there Jerome here oh man I cannot tell you how this lesson was very much needed hopefully you guys enjoyed and learned as much as I did but it doesn't end there click that thumbs video right there down below YouTube told me specifically that you would love it see you guys there
Channel: Jerome Rufin
Views: 40,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf lessons, golf tips, golf lessons for beginners, golf tips to break 90, golf tips for beginners driving, golf tips and tricks, golf sidekick, bryson dechambeau, gm golf
Id: kZp2yCvHmDA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 34sec (2314 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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