The #1 Ranked Golf Coach Catches This Crucial Mistake And Fixes My Back Swing

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today is the day my takeaway and back swing is forever changed one of the greatest golf coaches in the world drastically improves my swing by simply fixing these small problems that you may also be doing but never even realized throughout this entire video we talk about how to do proper shoulder tilt insane feel versus real mechanics that blows my mind and I found out one crucial thing that I've been doing wrong this entire time that may be one of the biggest game changers in my golfing career so S2 let's go we're going to hop right to it though you hit a couple balls oh oh my God oh my God I've lost everything so it's very interesting um for whatever habit for whatever reason I'm we're going to we're going to blame it on the weather so go and set up the ball yeah and pressure in your toes a little further from it like this there you go cool so the very first thing you do in your golf swing for whatever reason cuz your gri looks good is your lead arm is starting to rotate like this and then your lead arm from that point is staying online this way and it goes up yeah so what we're going to do is we're going to do the opposite just take your setup okay pressures in the toes cool so you're going to feel that this arm doesn't rotate and your hands are going to work more in mhm keep turning and let your arms go in and back behind you feeling as much as you want okay we're just going to go to the other side of it cuz I don't want to live in between it okay so what would that feel like going back so no form rotation but the hands are going to go around you that yeah kind of like that and then don't do any like I need to like smoke it just keep pretty still with it don't try to do anything with your wrist you're just going to keep it pretty solid okay we're finding it okay last week I because of the back swing I was just like in my head I was like how do I how do you do this how do I like yeah fix the that thing cuz it was like it wasn't the great not a big deal easy easy easy so couple things so before this is what I was kind of talking about your move so see how the club head gets a little inside yeah and here this got even more online right now then watch what your arm does here so your arm goes up up up up up and now that's above the shoulder plank yeah so like right here I put a line on your shoulder the button of the club is up okay now if you look here even though you rotated your forearms you got your right arm deeper and wider so see how that this is after yep okay there you go so that's kind of like where you need to start so couple things that occur because of that notice you got more hip turn yeah right so what I don't like to have happen is when you make a back when you go like this you kind of lunge right oh I see and that's what we were kind of looking at so you kind of went like this globally you moved your whole pivot to the right yeah and then when you turn you're kind of like hitting straight down on yeah so it's not very shallow mhm the next project is on your down swing if you look at this like the club shallows fine totally fine but then you kind of have this little tilt back move when you hit like this yeah yeah so we're going to clean that up for you yeah I was trying to um because I was coming a lot over the top this last week so I was trying to feel the getting underneath yeah hard to do that when you're back though you want to understand like this is a domino effect y so if I'm like this on the back swing and I go like that I'm not controlling the bottom yeah so the very first thing that needs to occur is you control the bottom yep like I'm going to be very redundant on that yeah it doesn't matter if we don't have that piece like oh I'm pulling it but I'm also like thinning it yeah oh you're thinning it first yeah so okay so let's go set up very first thing that you're going to consider is your address so take your address so you're standing further pressures in the balls of the feet a little bit further good then the next piece is no form rotation every waggle that you take today is going to feel this way so you're not going to rotate that as soon as this happens your arms go up and out I see so you're going to feel this way MH okay do that again correct then the second feel this whole package gets back here awesome now don't like don't try to land so much okay so take it back all the way back back back back back back back here so you see your right arm's deep okay now what you're going to do this is your tilt so if your head was on a wall MH you're going to keep that as you come down okay so that's that's part two okay so don't change your tilts just keep your head on the wall and hit out on it so first input Bingo very good yeah fixed do that again it's funny like when golfers they get spooked it's like well wait a minute like last time I saw you it's been a couple weeks because of the rain y pretty stripey yeah it was it was good and then I uh the last week I was like trying to really get like this back swing kind of fixed and I was all over the place yeah yeah just don't try to do don't try to fix anything okay like if you're off review what you've done in the past don't try to fix anything independently just kind of keep what you're doing and then try to hit the ball on a line okay because what happens is you're going to go further and further away from what you're doing now I get people that come in and they say well I've I overdid what I was working on really like no you you're doing what you used to do like something in there is is happening like that all right so go and set up so walk me through what we're talking about um so right now we're basically fixing my back swing in regards to like no having like pronation a lot of it is just no pronation of the lead arm go in in so this is just in this way yeah just around you feeling and then from after the takeaway it's pretty pretty much this is not going that still staying but I'm I'm bringing this back yep which keeps you globally more forward and not going too far right gotcha yep um okay then what um and then just swing through nope we had one more thing we just talked about it what so do your back swing okay so notice how you have like a tilt don't bring your elbow in front of you so don't try to keep doing this oh okay I thought that's not good you're already good so take it back so keep going back back back back back back so it's deep back here right see how this elbow is back back it's not like that yeah just keep it back it's already down you don't need to squeeze them closer together okay now see this tilt you have yeah keep that tilt on the down s okay got it that's for your consistency so if you're here and you start doing this I just moved further away from the ball so perfect back swing no form rotation hands get deeper tremendous very good do that again and then the other thing I was working on this week was just like that ground force thing that you were talking about in the last video or last session but that's why like I was trying to get in here and then pushing yeah you don't don't worry about that right now yeah just just as a thing yeah hand's a little deeper for me deeper yep there you go close good okay now I like all of that I'm going to give you one last little input we're going to take the steepness out of this okay so go to the top of your swing so arms are deep you're there okay so as you're keeping your tilt which is this wheel or this angle is staying here your pressure is left right yep so as you start to rotate this club starts to fall behind you feeling okay so this starts to feel like it's coming down a wall okay so it's going to feel like it's getting further behind you but your body is not trying to do it so it's this that way yes okay you ready yeah same back swing no form rotation deep feel the club kind of fall behind you and before we see this transformation in the swing it would be amazing if you can quickly subscribe and like this video down below every like and new subscriber to S2 Nation not only helps me bring all this amazing content with the greatest golf coaches in the world to all of you free of charge but also yep just check with the golf gods and all subscribers will get a whole out this year if not a whole in one so please subscribe and like down below thank you very much oh okay actually pretty decent you came out of it don't tilt back don't tilt back like this just keep that tilt the whole way on the down swing same back [Music] swing bingo bingo that felt different yeah okay that actually looked like golf you want to see it yeah okay congratulations we're trending it's nice to be able to see like a before and after that's why I'm doing this now the input we already have number one what's the first input no pronation no pronation of the lead arm yeah okay and then getting in here getting the arm deeper right deeper keeping that so if we look at that we look [Music] here rotated arm lift right kind of laid off that's before before yeah before is always left okay so the mass of the club is right here yeah it's high and laid off okay so what am I going to do from here I'm going to go like that yeah we don't want to do that yeah so if we look at that we like I don't really like that and here's my tilt or my inclination to the ground if you want to call it that depends what C golf coach Camp you're in this has less form rotation hopefully getting there hands are deeper right elbow is fine see that so that looks beautiful yeah look at that that's opposite see the button in the the clubs just under the yellow line elbow at 90° I don't want that in front of you so I don't want to see from here your elbows pinch together yeah because then the hands get two out here they're two out in front of you got it well if they get out here I have to tilt the lower I see which is kind of what you were doing yeah so then from here if you keep that that inclination to the ground the club falls back see that's from the inside see your left shoulder didn't come up yeah so well that's coming way inside out so now if you keep this input do you think your hips will open up eventually yeah yeah 100% yeah but if you don't they're not going to open but at least that was at least hitting out on it and drawing see look at that gotcha people are really concerned with hip turned it's like your hips won't turn if the club's steep you're going to stand up got it got it don't worry about hip turn okay okay you already do that well when you when that is the input okay all right so let's talk about why this is important so let's set up my big concern here is that you don't make solid contact because when you do that there's an emotional effect with you there is okay so this left shoulder right here mhm is the low point if I drew a line from your left shoulder to the ground that's the low point of the Swing this is what you turn around now that doesn't mean this doesn't move this could move some players move it more than others it doesn't really matter so when you make a back swing if we remember where that is so go and do your normal back swing where you do it right so arms go in back behind you you're fine there so now this shoulder is somewhere in that same area okay now we could thank ma orady for that thanks Mac I know I'm out but um mat kind of talked about that so that's the center of the Swing so when you start down and the club shallows left shoulder actually gets back to that radius and is lower that's so you can hit the ball in the bottom of the Ark if you don't have that you don't have anything okay okay so keep like now you can open up because it's shallow now your handle's forward okay easy okay so same input further from the ball pressures in the toes no form rotation and you go do that back swing bingo I like that yeah I like that I tried to kill that okay rotate it didn't fall behind you right uh this one right here yep yep so you want it like the big thing that you got to learn to do okay can I jump in there yes please so we talked about side Bend yeah okay side Bend is essentially this Bend here yeah side Bend is not this Bend here okay that's the radius move that's actually tilting back so if you look at me here if I go like this my head went backwards yeah the bottom of the arc now moved back MH that is a no no okay got it okay cuz then you're like I got to throw the club like like steep into the golf ball but if I'm this way and I keep that I'm not saying like it like crazy but your left Bend's established yeah if I keep it there see now I'm ahead of it I can make good contact okay got it yeah yeah which is number one I was getting uh is this a seven let's yeah we got to go down the clubs so back swing no forarm rotation good keep the Tilt oh okay yep you got it and it's not this it's just keep that this yep just shallow it yeah got it just be smooth with it we're not trying to hit it far very good yeah I got little bit a drop of the shoulder but pretty good uh right shoulder yeah you don't want that to change am I not dropping this though so so if you drop the if the shaft's shallowing yeah and you drop your shoulder you're going to hit the ground oh so it's it's more of just a shaft but it's okay got it so it's not like because I thought this was like well no that's tilting back so look side Bend is just the the angle that you are at impact it's not this it's not tilting it's this yes yes so you're going to actually probably feel that you're not even side bending but you're going to be yeah you'll be there got it so so it's this hands go in keep going behind you good keep your tilt shallow the club keep your tilt there you go good okay you ready we're going to we're going to hit one like that okay so left shoulder feels low right shoulder feels higher and this is this is not going down it's like this correct but then the only thing that's shallowing is this not the hook okay correct yep better okay let's take a look at before and after on that yeah this actually good for you to kind of see would you say then you're feeling like you're dropping your hands then to shallow it or no no the the wrists actually just kind of let the club fall back you don't want to straighten your arms down so you what you don't want to do is you don't want to do this you don't want to straighten your arms down to do it yeah because when that the time it takes for me to do this this isn't doing anything there's some people that do that as a feel but they don't actually do it so it's it's when I'm here I'm just it's just the wrist just kind of goes that way okay I'll show you so this is kind of the difference so before you kind of were hanging on your right foot see that yeah and then you kind of slid right rotated the club in Lifted the arms up and then your center of your pelvis is too far right so that would be a true like reverse pivot okay if we were going to say there was one so the center of your hips was too far right relative to the upper axis okay and then if you look here this is you feeling no form rotation we call it pronation arms go in right and then you can see that the center of your pelvis is a little bit more forward looking see that yeah should the upper body be more right yeah maybe a little bit you know that that's tends to be your thing long run that will go away okay okay then from here you're on your right foot arms lifted and then the arms come in Steep and if you look at your body this tilt is this way see that like the club's like casted hips back not kind of Ideal here you feel left shoulder stays down Club falls back right better things are a little bit more on top of each other so if you look at your head and the center of your chest on top of each other okay got it got it got it right so like it doesn't look wonky now in the long run which I don't really care about this club will have more angle to it got it we'll figure that whatever okay but then as you come down look where your left shoulder is and your hip your hip everything's more forward if you look here you just kind of stand up and then the arms go see that yeah this has more lean so there's less throw and then the arms are straighter on the exit got it and ideally that Blue Line's a little left yeah yeah like on top of each other mhm got it okay yeah that makes sense do it again yeah let's do it so if you could control these aspects then we could start loading the shaft but you can't you want to work distally you don't want to work like out here first yeah you work here and then outwards yeah and then this shallowing is going to square the face yeah yeah you're fine yeah you just hit a every ball you've hit doing this has been starting slightly right and drawing back okay so when I go here it's I start just pulling this back just feel like it goes behind you would the would you say like to get there I'm using my more of my right arm to kind of just spring it sure you could yeah you could kind of feel like the arms go around you more this way yeah feeling cuz like if I'm going to throw a ball it's going to go like that like I'm not going to go like this okay and then this is going down and then you just keep your tilt so this is on a tilt right we don't want to lose this tilt because this ruins the rotation and the axis of hitting the low Point yeah right okay so what we don't want to do is we don't want to go like this yeah right we know that's artificial side Bend yeah so we're here so the when your pressure gets here this left leg is going to straighten to me yeah this is going to stay tilted that's your feel yeah so this right hip's higher and root rotating this isn't tilted back and look where your handle is see it's aead m that's what you need to feel now you're not going to do that necessarily but you certainly have to feel it so like this left leg's straightening behind you this right hip's driving to the Target okay yeah I guess like for me it it seems like I would go crazy over the top but maybe not no not even close you were over the top oh okay got it very good just got to shallow it a little bit more gotcha and that's not over the top No it started right and Drew back not even close good do it again good job okay that feels over the top to you yeah like crazy okay wait till you see this like insanely over the top but not even close oh man I love it feels verus reals yeah no this is not even close so we already know the input of no form rotation whether you do it or not you're going to get there yeah okay so all this is is like an eval yeah so you go okay no form rotation so closer still have a little bit so right there how am I is that what I'm doing this yeah you're doing a little bit of going set up so you're doing a little bit of flexion in your wrist so if you didn't do any of it it would kind of be more like that so I should just do that yeah yeah but whatever and then up here yeah okay yeah that's minor minor okay the path of the hands is good though so see how your hands are are deeper right elbows down that looks pretty good hips are turned Eureka okay now you think you're going over the top now remember that's your shoulder plane feeling that cuz you're not used to turning on this axis yeah so as you come down is that club going over the top or is it dropping behind you it's definitely dropping behind me okay so this should encourage you to open the hips gotcha gotcha gotcha yeah that's the trick see that's actually hitting in out that's why that ball started right and hooked yeah so in order for me to open my hips though I need to get lower no or you just need to keep your left leg straightening behind you right hip driving higher so left hip no stop tilting yeah I keep tilting it's like this so this is going to go back this is going to stay high this is high this is going back this is straightening okay and that's the feel yeah that's what keeps your spine on top of it I see okay but on a circle yeah got it got it that was good but I'm not that concerned about that as much as you are okay because I know you go online and you look at all the pros you're like look how open he is I'm like yeah cool awesome but that doesn't matter like you can open a ton and just wipe it yeah like let's not worry about that piece okay okay let's do that again don't worry I do this lesson every day thank God but then is there a pronation from here up nope so it's like just leave it dead dead okay got it and keep it really simple so you're going to keep the Tilt you're going to allow your hips to turn without side bending backwards okay ready so Hand path and do that good keep doing it that was close how was contact on that it sounded pretty good did it feel decent yeah relatively so you have some space right arm goes behind you okay tilted back a little you felt that yeah okay do it again we're over here going man that looks pretty good okay do that again us need to keep rinsing and repeating little bit better hips do not tilt the shoulders back on the downswing decent decent that sounded like golf I got three really good ones so we're going to pick one of those to look at in a minute okay unless this one's just that much better oh you tilted your shoulders you felt that this one yeah like slightly slightly let me do one more I think I got it like you just need to get that out of the system cuz like kind of naturally thinking like okay if I don't do it it's yeah you're going to slice it over over the top but like yeah I got to just feel this kind of like over the top decent okay so you haven't hit one wipe yeah that was a little push you ready for this okay yeah I was waiting for the Tiger Wood shank today oh hello oh my goodness yeah I didn't see it why not got to bring that to the table I know I know Genesis week okay sorry tiger I'm not really that I do this a lot and I could kind of tell by your energy that you're like searching searching searching I'm I'm keep trying to push you into like let's just work on these like three four things yeah don't worry about anything else so really really good here you had like three in a row that were exceptional I'm just picking the last one so here we go we go on the back swing good hand path good hip turn good depth so you look at that you're like you know what that looks fine yeah you can play from there yeah okay pressure's left do you keep your tilt we'll find out pretty good club could drop a little more right but your hands aren't over the top see where your hands are actually inside so this left arm if I put a line here that left arm is actually still inside it's not over yeah so what you got to probably work on at home is keeping that shoulder plain and getting this to kind of square up that's going to be the trick what's what do you mean by the squaring up the knee so like let me show you Tommy Fleet okay okay he's pretty good at golf right yeah he's pretty good yeah he has his moments so watch Tommy so Tommy's up here at the top I'm going to put both you together so does that look pretty similar yeah yeah I mean his hair is longer dang it shouldn't have got the haircut right so that looks pretty similar so if I was putting a line from I know the camera angle a little different so for the internet like arm you're junkie guys yeah yeah pretty similar Okay then if you look at his transition watch how he keeps his shoulder plain right knee Square see that oh okay that makes sense but he doesn't tilt he doesn't tilt it back he's actually just going this way and yeah so his hips are already open before his left arm is parall to ground now what's funny is Tommy on the Range MH goes like this yeah like why he's not even doing it yeah it's just a feel I don't know maybe yeah not my problem okay and then from here same shoulder plane the only difference is what the rotation of the legs and maybe the shaft showing a little bit so a little bit of this going this way is the only real difference and that will be avoided if I just have more pressure on my left potentially yeah and then there and there yeah and just kind of training that without dropping your right shoulder okay right now if you look at this coming down you're rotating good the club look at your Club the club's shid but the hip isn't really rotating yeah right just on this one but pretty good like see how the exit's better so I think you need to put a little bit of attention like learning how the hips move independently of hitting a ball yeah can I try the the hip stuff yeah for sure okay okay so that's I don't know what that looked like but that is better kiddo yeah so that was like what I was working on over everything else just because I remember um a problem I was having is like I was Landing left but I was just Landing like vertical versus like getting going forward yeah correct and you said you said that was a problem so I was like let's just double down on getting a little more forward okay let me let me I'm gonna do this at 10% speed incrementally look I I give you this I give you as feedback and then over time it happens yeah you know there so such thing as you take a lesson now you're fixed it's like yeah no no I mean I I kind of realized this and this kind of like four days ago I like scored my best every round and then I was just incrementally adding going back and so I feel like all these L what you shoot by the way oh man I should have shot at a 79 but um I shot at 87 okay I like messed up on three holes in the back n it okay well I mean that's pretty good you only been playing for a couple months I mean yeah I mean and that's what I'm like realizing with these lessons like I'll break something for two weeks but then I've we like cemented one good thing and then it's just like compounding so that that yeah that of course I was just like striping everything and then the short game wasn't great Tiger Woods yeah there it is I was like I got to get it in there oh that was awesome so that was good the club just didn't fall back yeah that was a really good body move by the way I was just trying to I I thought I was like this for sure is probably going to go hey let's let's look at that yeah I don't know if you got I preface I was like this is either going to push or Shake but like I think no you got it right that was that was a lot of good stuff there on the down swing really good see how the hips lower Square chest State on top of it yeah hand path good club head too high yeah that's I didn't really focus on that on this one but that's pretty good and then hips opened see yeah and then the ball just went to the right yeah I think this one's going to be good one okay awesome nice little draw yeah so that's a good looking golf swing now so look at this that that's that mechanically that's all you're doing okay good and then we're have a chat okay great okay I don't have any issues what I'm seeing here yeah so your input of you going down and left yeah is that the feel uh for me yeah down down and left the left side B okay see the pelvis see the hand path hands are great shaft's shalling out pretty good right got a lot of space there and the club is now inside the hands bam that looks like a tour play this is going to continually get better yeah don't worry about it you're in a good spot there see how the shoulders are kind of like closed but level yeah hips are open and you're rotating around the corner pretty nice yeah exit's beautiful Club face square and there's a little bit of side Bend there a little too much but that's fine and the exit's Beautiful and the ball was a nice little chippy drop important thing yeah all right so you just did a very nice like career low round of golf yeah okay so you you said that Wheels came off what does that mean so I did pretty well in the front nine I I think I was like four over or something and then uh had like a 30 minute break because it was like backed up at 9 and then I first shot I uh got a double Bogey and I was like oh sheesh and then I kind of like did you say it like PC like that no but then the next one like it should have been like a easy par five and then I I was you know how I was saying like I I keep hitting it off the huzzle yeah I just had I hit it off the hle three times and that like blew up that hole and then I kind of just went from double bogey double Bogey and then went Bogies boogies boogies one par okay so so like you had a contact issue so it kind of like wraps back to like you need to have and it doesn't really matter like your level of golfer you could be a college golfer yeah Pros already do this that are playing like they can Pros can do whatever they want yeah who cares like I don't care about that yeah but an amateur golfer to a college golfer has to stay within like the Box yeah okay so um now in my line of or field of work which is we're not talking about mental stuff or short game or anything we have to have certain tools that we go to that that I know I can control contact yeah that goes right back to that radius control yeah because if I can do that I know I can make contact to the golf ball then the other piece if you're steep you're going to start wiping gols golf balls or maybe even like hit the heel yeah so when you're playing now I want you to build a routine that enforces the mechanics that you're trying to do yeah so I'm going to control the bottom control the bottom I'm going keep this shoulder on this tilt and don't let it go bam yeah so I can control the bottom all the time okay then I know this club's going to you know go back behind me I can boom hit a draw every single time yeah keep it like that simple mhm don't like I'm going to add this to the file this to the file cuz pretty soon then you're not reinforcing anything that's like congruent when you're playing got it okay lastly to this is you should take maybe a round of golf of nine holes M and implement this stuff as much as you can like don't think of it from a score just stick it from like a pattern control like hit it straight like here's a good one probably for you is if I was aiming off the T or on my second shot try to finish every ball in the left Ru okay got it just hit a solid straight ball that tries to curve the left rough okay middle of the grain left side or left side of the graen like just have a pattern going on you're like okay this is pretty cool okay right instead of there's a pin here a pin here and then uh dog leg it's like no no no just aim straight down the middle finishing left right and then you can start we can talk about like where you're aiming and everything if I took a ball and I dropped the middle of the green every single time you probably wouldn't shoot overp par yeah for sure 100% right so but if I took that and I put on the left side of the grain yeah probably would shoot it apart mm even if it's 60 ft yeah you're probably going to have a tap in 5 footer at one point right even if you three jack it yep so that's going to be your homework so what I would do based off this mechanics that you're doing yeah is do that on a round or two yeah like pick your target nine holes don't have to do 18 White Flag start it dead at it and then overdraw it to the left okay that's what I would learn to okay so no wipes or anything like that right cool so let's actually do one okay so let's actually like not make it mechanical so so balls right here okay all right come back here right there so like three steps four steps yeah we're going to put this at the White Flag probably like right there okay but we're going to hit it straight at it and we're going to overdraw it left okay okay so what would so what would that feel like uh um I mean like do like what I what we're doing yeah Glo like put it all together I mean I just got to be like kind of just more patient by doing the no pronation at all and then just Landing for for me it feels like Landing forward left and then pushing and then kind of just with keeping this intact and then letting this drop kill it love it now no no no no put it all together like here yeah if you're judgmental over that you're done that felt a little better go and do that that was beautiful oh man okay did that feel like your practice swing nope okay so we have to attach that to a feel okay so I'm standing here I'm like okay what is a SW what does a shot look like that I want to hit okay so I'm going to start this at the Target yeah I hit up a different ball flight than you so I start mine right but you're going to start at it and you're going to finish it left so what does that feel like well that feels like this then just do it okay yeah just you have that feel yeah I have it I'm going try it one more time though close that was way better so a little bit of divot there right yeah so what do you think happened I didn't sh this club yep perfect okay so that's a good feedback loop that's what that is so that's the appropriate action M so when you get off don't change anything up yeah make the feedback loop better okay so let's do that again so you're right here okay and you go okay like I see a really good shot because you have to see it or you're not going to be able to do it yeah okay and then make that motion based on what you've been working on so deep arms keep your tilt let it shallow okay walk in right now don't think about it make it feel like that oh man okay did it feel like that uh too fast okay yeah trying to like shallowing part right now is kind of that's all right okay so you just you just felt like you needed a correction there you needed to have more of a shallowing feel so you're going to feel that attach it to your Target because I know if this thing gets falling back it's going to start right and start hooking yeah I know that's going to happen pretty decent pretty decent so what I'm seeing with your long Club is you number one um all the input is correct that you're doing it's just not enough okay so the first thing that's happening is your right arm is not deep enough arm lifts here and then it can't shallow yeah so you can't go forward is steep yeah and you stick it in the ground yeah so let's go back here so we know the right arm is not deep enough yep now from there shallow it like crazy good do that right now better little right but better yeah okay so that's how you're going to start testing this so what what I would say this is just me I'm a little bit analytical you're not at all by the way um sorry guys he's very what I need you to do is learn how to you you don't know how to operate in both spaces yeah you operate really well when like the sock drawer is perfect yeah and everything's lined up cuz I do two so that's like really important to me however you have to be able to operate over here your swing changes when you go over here we need to kind of coales them and bring them together okay this is how you do it got it so you're going to test like okay this week 10 balls running this way after you do 10 balls of of block practice yeah then you come back and you do some random stuff mhm and then see if it looks different cuz it does yeah like you start getting more arm lift um you start looking like you stand up more like all those things start occurring yeah and you need to start recognizing oh this is happening when I'm reacting to a Target because that's what's happening yeah make sense yep okay now let's do it completely back to where we were because let's just assume that we hit 10 balls yeah and you're going to go heavy mechanics again okay okay so show me the back swing you're working on keep going good and then you're going to keep your tilt and shallow the club good okay now just chip a ball like that you're just going to hit it 20 feet exactly that was if I filmed that you'd look at that and go that's beautiful yeah okay do that again better there we go okay this is your project y first project is cleaning up a little the back swing so you're taking this out of the Swing yes and this out of the Swing yes okay so your hands are going to be kind of docile working more in and back so this gets a little bit more back okay number one yeah number two is what pressure goes left keep your tilt yep keep the Tilt okay yeah don't let this go that way cuz then you get jammed up yeah okay that was actually a reaction to you being lifted mhm for the higher that your hands get out in front of you there's no way you're going to rotate your hands just come out yeah right so you start to to tilt back to lower the handle yeah and then thirdly is this club's going to shallow out yeah okay and then lastly we got to we have geese issues around here wow surrounded by us right you're trying to get a free golf lesson yeah so the the shallow part for me is again it's just the club bed just falls back just like that yeah as you're rotating yeah you just get good at that I mean probably not like I'm going to pull out a five iron to feel it but like if you're hitting wet edes and stuff it matches up real easy okay cool like you'll get it really really quick gotcha can I pull out the driver yeah let's do it just once get this thing out of here come on guys this is ridiculous I don't get it go [Music] go move move move move we used to have like a two dogs out here yeah that would run around and there were no birds and now they're just station and they keep Trapping Coyotes oh God it's like what are you guys doing like coyotes is what keeps the [Music] balance actually not bad not bad keep the right arm deep at the top okay ready yeah go to the top right arm deep hit it feel the difference yeah take the lift out well that's nice yeah that's nice that's better so your arms deeper there yeah and you did shallow it see nice like this is your big priority get here and then see your tilts better Club falls back that was pretty good just kind of straighten your right arm at it a little bit just don't do that yeah whatever you're not going to do it every time that's pretty good goes right around the corner that was a pretty good shot just a little right yeah right now the driver I'm just like wiping it cuz I keep doing all it or blocking it like sending it over there over there that's from your steep back yeah so when your arms lift they come out you start with a shut face you start hitting it left and slicing it or pulling it yeah that was so that was what happening in my record round like three days ago is like I I with those mechanics I had I could get away with the shorter irons yeah and then yeah there like more par FES in the end and it just started like start lifting and then going over it and I couldn't hit the fiber of the driver you got to kind of slow that back swing down and get there yeah with your driver just this thing this it's so weird right now it's like man I feel like all of them are going to oh they're not though I know it's it's it's a crazy feel that I feel like I'm so over the top right now but it's not well done I need to send you these videos so while I'm training until my hands bleed I can guarantee you that video right there in that thumbnail will be pretty amazing YouTube told me they picked it out specifically for you so see you there
Channel: Jerome Rufin
Views: 52,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf swing, golf backswing, golf instruction, back swing, backswing golf, golf takeaway, golf tips, backswing takeaway, golf lessons, golf lessons irons, golf lessons for beginners
Id: 7WY7FJvWmwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 31sec (2611 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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