I FLEW ACROSS the COUNTRY to Perfect Shots under 100 yards (Stock Yardages Included)

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oh ladies and gentlemen we are in a new state today Omaha Nebraska and today we are with the greatest short game coach of all time James sikman and we're going to be focusing on I personally believe one of the most important things on golf the 40 50 60 and all these shots under 100 yards and so with that let's get into it I'm going be in the Square okay so that flew 137 y oh all right so if you think you hit it 125 yeah you just hit 12 yards over the green and made a double bogey right yeah so you do not hit at 125 you hit it 137 that was pure that was as good as you're going to go right yeah let's get our full swing number to every Club okay get your Gap wet just step one I'll write them down now listen San Diego sea level will go a touch shorter we're at about maybe almost 1,000 ft here okay maybe not quite 8 or 9 I think I was hitting 128 before this swing change but we'll see yeah well your guy did a good job [Music] then there you go that less 112 what was the one prior I had 126 hadit another one again pulls go far though so it's not 126 pushes go short that's for you that's so it's not 112 it's somewhere between those two okay one more wait till I hit one just so all right so you need to use your pelvis more so you don't hit the ball so high yeah that's what I'm right but so just double down on what your guy was telling you all right so let's just go uh 124 I would never hit that fold because it just goes too high yep all right we got to hit some sort of like small pitching wedge to go the same distance all right Sand Wedge please full and I'm not even going to let you hit your slob wedge full I'm just going to write a big x on it like do not do do not hit this all right so sandwich full okay it's probably a little short because the face was open yeah slightly little little thin hit it one more all right that'll be reasonable right there probably add a couple yards to it cuz if the face is open the path was drifting over that way right yeah I'll just say low hundreds maybe yeah 102 102 all right we'll start with that club oh actually uh we'll start with your lob wedge I want you to go we need to bring that flight down I want you to put a little more weight on your front foot now just in your on these old distance W shots okay M so you're going to go little narrower stance 55 left you're going to turn I want you to Pivot but I want you to keep 55 left cuz it's going to be a small swing if you get too much to the right you're going to hit behind it all right it's you don't have enough time to get left again yeah and then I want you to land more left and be rotating so you can try and get this shaft leaning forward M but that's not my hands it's not like I'm doing that it's it's my pelvis that's creating that and then smooth positive maybe up to your shoulder and let's just see how far it goes it would probably be like a 70% swing maybe yeah all right let's do one swing together 55 left turn pivot take it back to left arm parallel I'd say left arm parallel yeah and you're on that left side right land more left and Bam 70% fair enough yep got it all right this a bad shot it's my fault you do it we'll get a number I'm just going to ask you what the speed is at the end that's it 55 left miss the stick there you go now you see how that lowers the flight yeah it's also going to lower the spin which is great keep going okay even though 8,300 spins plenty for a 65 yard shot so that's going to give us our one hop and stop all right mhm same thing 55 left left arm parallel 70% land and turn little behind it decent little behind coming in over here uh contact oh contact so you got a 65 and a 61 we're starting to say hey I do this one swing with my LOB W when I go to parallel and I do my thing and I'm smooth yeah it goes 65 or whatever right one thing I want you to develop I want you to own this yardage got a little short of my stick that time yeah that's probably like 50 48 yep yep you got to go left arm parallel okay set your wrist just like always left arm parallel smooth positive okay little pass left arm parallel yeah I got to keep feeling it's less than and then whatever your guy tells you is for the open face you got to double down on that yeah if you want me to step in I will it's not in the Box yeah right now because of the change sometimes go like this it ends up becoming a little open then you rotate that it's called Alpha Force you twist that left arm down and so would I still do that with the strong grip that I have yes as long as the ball's going to the right okay the rotation of the the face through impact that's one of the things you're going to do in addition to the rotation of your body to square the face there's always face rotation there you go good job left arm parallel hanging there face was a little close so that means it's going to go a little far [Music] yeah decent decent face might touch open what was the distance 55 okay keep going soon as we get three or four in a row that look the same we'll write it down okay how far that 63 pardon me 63 good so I got a question for you so if the device says you gave it 63 yards of energy yeah and I've lasered those yardage signs and they're correct and it lands by the 60 and what's that tell you uh there's wind yes yeah that in this environment a 63 yard shots only going to travel 60 that's a skill you have to develop on the golf course it's called normalizing a number you got to do that on every single shot yeah you know and people are so bad at it yeah oh that's a lot of sequence but it's okay what' that say 60 all right let's just go with 63 get your uh Sand Wedge out which is your 56° wedge all right the same swing that produces 63 with that club is going to produce something different with this club right yep got to try and hold yourself accountable to the same feeling mhm if it looks weird I'll make you get that that club out again and give me another 63 63 no same swing oh okay got it it might go 73 might go 78 I don't know it's left arm parallel the weight left Landing turning at 70% or whatever you were feeling that was the best one how far did it go 69 okay is it about 70% or 80% what can you tell me that I felt 40% all right that's and it ended up becoming like 60% all right well let's let's get to 70% yeah face was a little open yeah okay I liked it give me a number 74 let's just go with that one all right put that one away get your a wedge out oh it open so the pass's a little out to end which is uh why the ball's curving to the the ride and while you hit those on the heel right yep so let's uh I'm going to teach you a different way to shift your weight okay so go ahead and set up you keep getting too close to the thing too sorry take it back to 9:00 and stop so there's a pivot you're going to take your right hip you're going to keep it behind you you're going to land land on that left leg before you rotate M if you're here and you rotate early that club's popping out so go ahead and set up 55 left boom right hip behind you and land now rotate all right mhm the right hand grips so strong too I know we're in the process of moving away all right come on so you're going to push your right hip towards your left heel okay MH that's better so watch my watch my uh watch my butt all right I got that stick on it I've rotated if I'm on a wall there my right hip's on the wall ready yep I got to land left I didn't go this way I went this way first before I did that thing right so right hit behind you and pushing keep it behind and push there you go all right good right hand grip please progress keep going progress tell me how far that ball went 92 how much 92 perfect I got one thing in my office where I can teach you this pressures through your feet a little bit more effectively which I'm going to grab but we're going to count that one get your pitching wedge make the same swing it's not going to go 92 should go maybe like 105 and it's just so that you can develop a sensation for how you're going to land on that left side M if you rotate early it's going back to your heel early okay so I'm going to put that right on the ball of my left foot I'm going to turn and go to 9:00 I'm going to push into the squishy and with this right hip behind a so you see that yep where's wait B my fo then when I rotate it goes to my heel you're going so I want to land and then push okay yeah it's tough to feel on this mat for some reason frustrating all right take it to nine now now boom right yeah so the rotation moves the weight to the heel but when you land you got to land on the ball of that left foot with your right hip behind you go slower go slower do it in pieces right HIIT more behind you right right hip when you land yeah no no you're going like this I'm saying land with your right hip behind you no you did it wrong again take it up and stop there's your right hip behind you keep it behind you and land oh like this way oh keep it behind you and land now obviously that's ginormous exaggeration but you're rotating too early now you want your hips to rotate first right yeah but I'm saying you want some horizontal Force first yeah you want that yeah then that exactly so if you rotate too early then the club's going to pop out all right do the best you can you got the Feeling go ahead and hit your shot 9:00 please yeah bingo and we said it was going to go 105 and that went 107 and so that's probably about right yeah and so now we have our to Top Line now the reality is we need to fill down to about 50 yards because inside 50 we were finessing right yep so we just need to do that with a little smaller swing now so start over with your lob wtch let's build these bottom numbers and essentially we're going to be done then you got at least enough done where you can go do some homework you know what I mean yeah all right so can I do one Yep this time we're going to go listen if you take it back fast it's going too far and we're trying to build a shot that's maybe 35 40 45 something in that range yep so I'm saying choke down a little 55 left I'm saying super slow back swing it's good that you're setting your wrist early cuz we want to stop right about hip high we still want to land and push and now instead of 70% it might be 50% so I'll try and do one slow set rotating that's a 40 yard shot you know if I could get anything under 50 would be great okay choke down just a hair first six no no you just took it back way too far let's do this whole thing again choke down narrow stance lean 55 yeah it's there push across all right and you going to finish up by maybe your logo on your shirt slow boom push across turn yes now it wasn't quite in Rhythm it looked a little jerky so just try same thing a little smoother okay yep but that went 48 yards you see how low it was yeah that's kind of what we want I think push and rotating all right that's a little too held off go ahead and reh hinge this thing at least let's say maybe up to here okay fair less than a punch shot basically yeah it's not a punch shot yeah it won't stop M good maybe just a touch too far in the back swing but I loved it love to have a swing I can do in my sleep that's 45 yards yeah that was 44 yeah all right let's do it again okay good how about we call that your belly button swing fair enough yep oh your belly button swing goes what 44 yards that yeah 42 4 let's put 44 down and don't hold it off it's not a punt shot you can re hinge up to your logo yeah there right there one more time belly button swing please at about 50% I like that flight better actually I know it's a little further because of it how far did it go 52 okay let touch too far but that's the idea one more High 40s would be great okay got you loved it all right like 50 51 yeah all right I'm going to put 48 down we'll just learn that was face was a little turned down yeah all right same swing different Club this time we're going to put an x on the pitching wedge it's going to go too low right yeah all right so we got to get 56 and a same swing hang in there close Club face almost chunked keep that back swing slow this B like belly button back swing to like mid chest through right mhm belly button to chest good touch too far back but that's the idea what was that about 50 45 okay we just got to develop some consistency right yeah this one if the other one goes 48 this one should probably go 58 yeah there you go perfect how far did that go 55 all right let's go 55 and I'm going to cheat the other one down to 45 let's get a last number we take a little one minute break in my office okay same swing I'm guessing by the other numbers it's going to go 60 70 5 okay 70 let's see it belly button to chest little F that was 70 on the dot though how many 70 well that was a call shot wasn't it 77 y to that first yellow pin right over here on that green fair this one right here yes sir you're going to land at 75 yards it feels like a sand wch right let me coat you up pull out of your bag it's like oh this is 70% no yeah 70 9:00 70% goes 74 we're going to try to land at 75 I'm going to say the wind's doing nothing okay it's a perfect 9:00 swing right yep can I do one yeah of course all right let's say it's 10 over all right I'm back here before the walk and I'm going okay Sand Wedge one over boom bam visualize walk in looking at it thinking 75 play golf try not to think feel okay all right let's see it 75 oh and knowing that your 9:00 goes 75 kind of helps you do 77 you know what I'm saying yeah that's good yeah that is all right next Target do we get to go 77 again i' do 77 again never never random misund okay let's go 97 yard down the sign doesn't feel like a sandwich anymore to me feels like an a wedge doesn't it yeah that's what I usually hit well it depend on the en environment again 98 yard carry let's say is what seven 98 six more six more rehearse six more you don't even know what that is it's a feeling come back visualize Yeah man so to me it's like knowing now it was 92 let's say that's got to grow your skill but that's actually a pretty good shot uh being organized in your what shot and the design of your shot is so critical because that's that's the only way you're going to be committed when you get over it right yeah all right now yesterday we had a finesse shot in that net you remember that yep with her feet like this and a sequence where we just kind of let the club go and then we came around now we're going to H distance wedge in there we can hit either one okay feels like a lob wedge it's exactly 50 yard oh five over your belly button to chest you could also do that with an open face and hit a little higher if you wanted and this one last one's choked up a little bit yes sir yep very nice all right instead of 50 it probably flew about 55 so a little slower yeah maybe it wasn't quite 50% yeah it was like 60 all right there you go you got you know how you're going to get better random practice yeah all right last one sure let's hit it uh 109 I'm starting to feel a puff a win against aren't you pitching wedge pitching wedge what do you think 109 what do you think 109's playing into that little puff of win that way it feels just like a little more this way all of a sudden I'm going to say instead of 113 yeah 113 oh that's 6 more than your 9:00 yeah go ah all right come on run your process oh all of a sudden you're a chant it's really not that hard yeah that was like night once you get a plan right okay good one then on now I got a now I started with an old man lecture I'll finish with one you know rule number two is get value from your training time M typically like is this how you practice and the answer is of course not all you got to do is turn around look down the range everybody's either just doing what they always do no routine they either don't know what they're doing from a technique perspective or all they're thinking about is technique technique technique it's not like shop making yeah get your Baseline check your numbers get the feel all right be a shot maker change every time change clubs walk in get your mind right before every shot because that's what you got to do with to be a good player out there does that make sense 100% yeah okay good you'll get that when you read them through those notes okay that'll make that'll back that up all right thanks buddy thanks this a pleasure man yeah man let's go let's go
Channel: Jerome Rufin
Views: 32,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf tips, short game, golf chipping, short game tips, golf lesson, golf instruction, pitch shots, chip shots, flop shots, chipping and pitching tips, golf tips for beginners, golf tips chipping, short game practice, short game golf tips, short game practice plan, short game drills, short game lesson, wedges golf swing, wedges golf, wedge shots golf, wedges inside 100 yards
Id: b7FS0lx_EIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 14sec (1274 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 27 2023
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