The SIMPLEST Short Game Lesson that SINGLE HANDEDLY Transformed my Chipping

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today I'm flying to Scottdale Arizona not because it is one of the greatest locations for golf but also to start training with one of if not the hottest short game coach on tour you may know him as the short game chef but his name is Parker McLaughlin and he has trained with so many greats like Colin marawa Tom Kim and Sam Burns and after this lesson I realized why and that is because he makes this entire game so very simple and if you are new here my swing coach is Dana dalquest my mental performance coach is Rick sessen and my putting coach is Scott Curry and today we will see if Parker can fill that last spot on the S2 team to be my short game coach and by the end of all this you were going to see the simple but effective vanilla stock shot he gives me how to hit a stable bump and run and help me easily get out of bunkers because he finds something that I've been doing wrong this entire time so S2 let's see what the short game Chef has stored for me in the kitchen right how fun is that let's go all right guys we just landed here in Arizona fast forward to meetting Parker we're at McCormick Ranch Golf Course way better than all the golf courses I play at but man myth Legend Parker short game master so walk me through like what what do you want to you know I know you're on this this journey yeah the goal for today's session and so in regards to like goals hopefully we get like a staple shot maybe we could do things around the green um so I'm more comfortable with it and then anything else that you believe that will help me improve my game Bunker play po Bunker play yeah hopefully yeah well let's start let's start with like your stock just kind of chip or pit shot let's just sort of start there cool see what we see what we can get so I kind of told this to you prior but I've been bouncing around different types of routines yep and I'm just trying to still figure it out and I don't know like for me like this one I don't I'm still not fully comfortable in all situations and what does it feel like to you like it feels a little bit what a little bit hinged and a little bit released or what does it feel like right now for me it's just like bringing it all the way back uh parallel okay and then just returning and then trying to get under it and kind of just like a I wouldn't say a scoop but just like getting under it I guess is kind of the the main thing that I'm trying to do but there's just a lot of times where I'm like skulling it yeah um yeah and so that one is maybe a little on the high side right would you agree yeah exactly and so all my shots are like this so okay um maybe you can answer a lot of those questions of like certain shots because I basically hit a high shot all the time all the time just cuz this is the stock shot I have right now um I went down the hole of trying to a hinge and hold and I think it works for a lot of people but for me personally I get a little EP over the ball and and the success rate is very low for me understand yeah so like a lot of you know like I want to help you build a vanilla shot I call it like a vanilla pit shot okay help you build a vanilla shot and then you can be creative off of that so the vanilla shot is mainly you know it's it's about the body rotation right that's the real driver of this shot right so it's not like the body stays still and then you go up and through like this right like most am or golfers would do it's like oh I got a really short shot let me be really quiet and do that yeah like that's no good mhm it's about it's about moving the body back moving the body through that's that's sort of the Baseline that's your foundation that's your vanilla shop okay and then you can start to then be like okay well I'm going to go Club face a little bit more open ball position a little more forward now I can make maybe a longer swing with more release gets a super high one okay or you can go ball position further back shaft leans forward you can kind of make that same vanilla motion and that ball comes out lower MH so it's still that same vanilla motion but you're changing up setup conditions okay right and that's going to influence the ball fly up down however you want okay so that's I want to get you in a spot where your vanilla shot is kind of mid- trajectory okay um and that's that that's where we want to start and then you can kind of we can kind of be creative off of that perfect so let's let's go one more with um with what you feel like is like ball position a little bit a little bit less forward so a little more middle middle here yeah yeah so in relationship to where the target is right so you would want to move from there you go keep going oh y right there gotcha that makes sense yeah okay so that was more mid trajectory had a lot of spin on it not terrible it's pretty good right so I would want you to focus on focus on like your through your through position sometimes it just kind of gets a little bit like lazy and I want you to just really stick that through position right this and then follow through yeah so like your follow through shouldn't go higher than here there you go that looks like a tour player okay Mak sense yep okay let's see one good what that feel like to you more I guess structured yeah part that's a great word for it I use that word a lot so when you get that one that you hit too far behind it yeah what's that what's that feel like to you like when like golf ball is here but you enter the ground back there I feel like what do you feel like you do wrong I'm like coming back out totally agree yeah lot so much pressure is on your right foot mhm so like we got to we got to get you moving just a little bit more so go ahead get get ready to make your normal setup yeah and then you go ahead and make your swing oh got it got it oh did that go in that was pretty nice so tell the camera like what I did what it felt like so on like the down swing more or less right almost at impact I got a little push on the side here and I was like feeling like I'm falling over a little bit but just like I know all my weight on my leftt it was yeah it was just enough to get you going that way right just enough because in your in your bad ones it's it's more this way on the way through which is sends your low Point too far back gotcha okay so go ahead do it again like just practice stroke yeah so you almost feel like you got to walk through it okay got it makes sense and then I know you said use your body a little more back right now I'm kind of I feel like I'm just lifting it on the back on the back swing mhm yeah I mean you you potentially could pivot a little bit more pivot uh just kind of this right here oh pivot like yeah legs will move but this is would you say there's any weight uh movement it'll go like barely into your Trail foot okay into your right foot gotta and then it will go back into your left foot okay but just barely I don't want to see you getting that pressure going into the front foot and the back swing gotcha right like we're not doing stack and tilt chipping right we want to make sure that we're going a little just like your golf swing right your golf swing would go a little bit into your right side yeah and then you transfer that pressure so same thing here it's like a little bit into this Trail foot as we move our arms and the club head back and then on the way through it's like yes I got to get pressure going here and then rotate around that but it's not like it's just kind of just naturally like going in yeah it's just sort of the natural sequence of it right gotcha so let's hit let's hit um let's hit one and I'm going to I'm going to help you feel the rotate the proper rotation on the way through so what's the sensation like for you like as I spin you or as I push you forward I feel like 90% of my weight it's like on the outside of my foot here okay and then I'm just kind of like I don't know uh I guess just like so much weights on my left foot yeah yeah yeah yeah no it's good cuz you had you were you were one to be back here and your your low point was so far back gotcha that I think it we kind of have to we have to go in the opposite s give yourself a little bit better Li we have to go in the opposite direction to kind of get you back to neutral right yeah in regards to like the mechanics if I were to do slowly and so I'm here I'm centered here correct oh 50/50 yeah I mean I you can sneak a little bit of weight forward I don't mind that and then when I'm coming back here am I using a little bit of my chest to get there I would agree your rib cage or your lats whatever you want to visualize so would that mean my hands a little more passive correct and so it's like this rather than yes absolutely and then once I'm here I'm coming down and would you say this is trying to like a regular swing or you can you can like I mean I I've spent a bit a little bit of time with Lee Travino and like he feels it's always his left hip clearing out of the way okay I feel more like my rib cage where I feel like my rib cage is moving um you know like you know I even remember like Gary Player right he would hit those shots where it's like he would like step through it right so there's a lot of ways to kind of feel it we just got to find the right way for you to feel it got it right and it's just going to kind of come through a little bit of practice of like all right I'm going to feel my left hip go you know really really moving or this one I'm going to feel my rib cage or I'm going to feel my lats or I'm going to feel my core or I'm going to feel my shoulders or I'm going to feel like I'm just going to get pressure going that way forward any of those things right you just sort of like go through each of those and then see which one you connect with mhm would you say then I'm again in back swing and then it's like always in front of me the entire time yes and so is there at the at point of impact is there any lean or is it like uh I would say I would say for most for most really good players they're feeling less lean mhm for most bad players I'm getting them to probably feel more lean okay got it so you know on your sort of golf journey I know you're working hard on your swing with Dana about like I'm sure you guys are starting to compress it yeah so I'm guessing that you've got lots of good lean in your in your full swing mhm so potentially you're going to want to feel less lean here but if you're getting the balls that are coming out too high like you were then you probably got not enough lean okay got it and would you ever and I know sorry for the Abundant amount of questions but no dude when you're like this is in in front of you would you ever let it Escape or the Mount of your back swing will always just be dictated by so I would I wouldn't let it escape with your right arm like the way that you're doing it like you get to here and then you're like would you let it Escape I'd say this right elbow if it does that you're screwed gotcha you're not going to be able to hit the shot good okay got it so if you want to go to here and then keep going yes that's okay or you get to here and we get to a longer shot now this we can start building some hinge in the arms can start going higher but for these shorter ones it's you know I'm feeling like this thing sitting in my belly button and I'm pivoting back pivoting through that make sense yep so I'm not really doing a ton with my arms right and if I just extend it out this way does that make sense to you and then the face would you say you want it a little more open you know I would say that this manipulation if you do that manipulation on the way back you're going to have to manipulate it to get it back to the golf ball on the way on the way down got it so I would rather you just pivot right so like put it in your belly button real quick mhm grab down yep getting golf posture now pivot back to me good okay soften your hands let me take this so where's that club face it matches right up to your spine mhm so it probably feels closed but it's really not it's actually it's actually fairly Square gotcha so from there you can you can rotate through now if you if you went through and you intentionally open that face up then you got to throw that thing back right that's what we want to do in the bunker but we're making a much longer swing in the bunker here it's a much shorter swing if you if you consciously open this face up and spin it open yep on this short of a shot then you got to do a lot of throw on the way down it's it's very timing based yeah okay I want to kind of take a little bit of of that out of there mhm so it's just like this and through there you go and your exit would you say it's around out in the same line or yeah I mean I'm visualizing kind of like a little semicircle here okay that's kind of what I'm Vis visualizing as far as like the club head oh so you you like uh rather than having it perfectly straight it's a little slightly arked inside little inside yes yes but again your body is doing that not I don't necessarily want you to be like I'm just going to put this thing inside it's like no no no I want my body to you can see how that arcs right just by me pivoting right it goes on an arc that way gotcha okay there's your low spinner go right yeah isn't that crazy yeah that's insane so now how like did like so we all saw that on camera I mean that thing went low and was spinning yes yes lower than your weight your your your belt buckle probably almost like around your knee height yeah did you try to do anything to make it go that low uh no did you try to do anything to make it spin that much uh no not at all so it's just good technique is going to lead to the ball that comes out with a lot of Spin and the ball flight comes down not because we're leaning the Sha forward not because we're hitting way down on it but because we got proper technique and we're delivering the speed properly okay so I'm going to give you the awareness back here there you go okay cool yeah that's beautiful yeah it's just so low yeah but low but checky right exactly that's that's interesting because I all every time I always think about like a low shot is like I have to lean the hand forward and then get it how much of that are you doing right now too scared of do it anymore yeah so you're not doing it at all right yeah I'm not doing it at all yeah so we're we're achieving those ball flight characteristics by just delivering the speed properly and that's what that's what I I think people go down the rabbit hole of like well if You' got a certain amount of Loft on the club but you want to launch it a certain amount then you've got to hit a certain amount down plus you got to have a bunch of shaing it's like not necessarily MH it's not necessarily true so gotcha the way that you're doing it right now you're not deliver you're not going super steep with it nor are you leaning the shaft Way Forward but that Ball's coming out low with with a lot of spin yeah so this would be the vanilla shot essentially where it's Center 50/50 I'm kind of just pivoting with you know my chest and giving this in front and then following through and then holding it rather than being so flimy correct exactly right you got it give you this awareness back here again all right so slight drop kick but look where did it end up yeah and I I knew exactly I went back again yep perfectly so like that and and if that's your Miss that's okay right mhm because that miss is never getting you in trouble yeah I mean that was better than the other 100% 100% it's still it's still a tap in like that's the point right that's how you go from shooting 90 to 85 and 85 to 80 so would you say then when at impact mhm this is pretty much I that's what I would want the feeling to be like yes okay yes now as you shift pressure right there will be a little bit of lean but I don't want to feel like you're going like this yep yeah perfect but as you shift the pressure the natural lean will happen beautiful dude that was perfect okay that makes a lot more sense yeah that was nice ah the sound of a good chip is a delight to the senses not going to lie to you this vanilla stock shot Parker gave me along with the drills and tips he gives me by the end of this lesson completely changed my game and helped me drop my scores dramatically but the absolute number one thing that will help you drop your scores is going down below and subscribing and liking this video each one of you who do allows me to bring all the greatest golf coaches in the world on this channel to provide exclusive tips and secrets for all of you and if this video gets enough likes I'll drop another exclusive video with the short game Chef that you won't find anywhere else with that let's let this man cook and show me all the ingredients to get good at golf oh God I love all these cooking puns all right let's get back to the show and i' yeah I guess prior to this I would always try to manipulate this to get to a spot yep and then I would also manipulate my wrist to get to like a an open well the other thing that I noticed that you were doing was like you were getting you were getting up here and I think as you were spinning the club face open you were like oh now I got to unload it and you're hitting these high ones that you're like every shot I hit is high dude your last like six shots have all been low like that's what tour players look like right so but I haven't changed anything like I haven't said like hey let's go handle here or let's hit way down on all you're doing is just you're you're you're sequencing it up properly you're delivering the speed in the right way to get that golf ball to grab onto the face of this club yeah come out with a bunch of spin which lowers the launch angle gotcha make sense yep yeah so you know once you sort of have that shot dialed in now we can start to play with like some different shots where you maybe go to this pin right here and we won't go we won't hit it quite as low we won't hit it quite as low but you can go ball position slightly forward Club face just one tick open right there now make the same motion oo oo that was nice that was the one feel that that was the one yeah that was crispy as you start getting more and more confidence with it I want you to start rotating a little faster on the way through with the chest what what will happen is it'll just start to put more spin on the ball more speed is going to equal more spin nice okay dude that was beautiful got weird bounce but I thought that had a bunch of spin on it came out nice and low but soft yeah exactly right we want it to come out low but we also want it to come out soft I don't want it to come out screaming and low yeah what did that one feel like to you like described it um for me I mean the only thing I was really paying attention to was making sure that this was there's weight here rather than this Y and I was just turning a little faster when you turn a little faster though it's not like separation it's just no no no it's together yeah it's together this is leading though not the legs not the hips I I I think I think this leads the hips are close enough where it'll go together yeah but it's definitely not that way gotcha okay it's not like separate and then catch up it's like I want this guy to feel like it's it's leading gotcha and would you say then when you're rotating or like pivoting when you want to go it faster is it that mean like it's still like say Tempo one and then two now or two now or is it just like um that's a good question yeah I mean I would say like one to then 1.5 okay right it's like I wouldn't say it's like one and then two yeah it's just sort of like you know it's kind of like here like I can just move through it a little bit faster and that's to generate more spin or is that the main purpose speed yeah so it'll give you like you know so you can you can hit this shot with the clo face Square yep rotate through it let's just say at at 1X yeah right you can go open face rotate through at 2x ball is going to go maybe the same distance because you open the face gotcha gotcha you can open the face even more rotate through at 3x Ball's going to maybe go the same distance depending on like the strike of it I see but you know the lot of things will create how far the ball is going to go mhm but also the more speed that you give it the more spin you're going to be able to impart on the golf ball gotcha okay yeah given given that you've got a decent lot woo oh I see see all that spin oh and then it just stops it that's what it that's what it is bud boom exactly never hit a shot like that in my life it's usually 40 yards over the green yeah that's what we're doing here man I see that makes a lot more sense okay S I think one of the keys around the green right that Pros understand but amers don't usually yeah one of the keys is that Pros swing fast around the greens but the ball comes out softly yeah that's a key that's amateur swing slow around the greens and the ball comes out fast right now those last two that you hit you swung really fast at it but both those balls came out soft yeah one came out with spin the other one just came out soft yeah great both were tapin right so like to me that's where that's where the excitement level is like when I see someone like you that's like oh he's starting to get it yeah the faster you swing the slower the ball starts coming out that's the true sign of Mastery around the greens yeah I think uh take a couple steps further back yeah let's do it okay I think I just need to trust that even though I'm going to go I guess faster than I usually go like if it's if it's set up properly it's going to do that yeah exactly exactly we're just changing where you're getting your speed from yeah exactly right that's what we're doing all right let give you right there nice okay I think good and we're going to use this probably till about 40 yards perfect 40 50 yards somewhere in there the motion itself is fairly simple right yeah I mean it's it's literally just one motion yeah it's body driven right yeah body driven and so I just feel like a a pendulum there you go good and then you can tweak the face you know and if you want to hit it lower right let's just say this let let's go no no ball position more back one more yeah right there right there oh nice yeah so now now make that same move and we're going to hit hit this thing low same move you've been making oh crazy low crazy so let's go let's go a little bit less than that yeah right there good handle a little forward good perfect so he that one comes out low so low okay so now let's go with a higher one so the higher one's going to be ball positioned a little more forward Club face a little more open yep yeah right there now I still want you to move to your right move into your left side don't hang back on that right side on the way through Club face a little more open woo there you go this is so easy yeah dude so now you got three different Windows to go through right with it's the same motion yeah we've just altered your setup conditions let me do the same thing there you go yeah good so now with the with that club face more open and the ball position a little more forward Ball's going to come out softer so you got to swing what uh more a little harder yeah rotate with your rotation right beautiful oh man that was nice come on right how fun is that this is insane isn't that crazy so now like give me give me what what feels like we're going to do just something for fun here yeah so I want you to go to the top of your swing and pause yep so it's going to go top of Swing pause and then from there you're going to then rotate as much as you can on the way through through kind of like this and then y but I don't want yeah but on the way through I don't want it to be that way I want it to still feel rotation and that and Yep this thing I don't want this thing to feel like it's going this way okay it's got to it's got to feel like it's still pointed at you on the way through right this points your belly button okay top and pause yeah now rotate that's it right there let's hit one same thing you're going to come to the top and you're going to pause and I'm going to tell you to go okay top and pause good go nice Bud very good this will be a good drill for you going forward just to encourage your rotation spe to be rotation yeah yeah yeah so that you're not feeling it that way yeah okay dude that was great that makes so much sense what's that feel like it oh man I'm just going to keep going back to to structured but um I just feel like I mean how do I how do you say this yeah I'm just like together yeah together just like really like one variable totally right and now the cool the cool thing about that is that even though there's just one variable there's like there's Beauty and like like sophistication inside of that Simplicity yeah right you look at like a Steve Stricker or Jason day it's like it's very simple looking yeah but but these guys finish in the top 10 and strokes gained around the green more than guys like Phil Mickelson even though his is flashy and unbelievable right I went back and look at Phil's stats it's like he finished between 35th and 75th for the last 15 years oh Phil did Stricker was like inside the top 15 like 12 out of the last 15 years gotcha gotcha so there's something about the Simplicity of it that leads just like the beauty and then the actual result of it make sense yeah and I I think it's it's great because even though since it's simple you could add like small tweaks and it doesn't get too complicated like like you were mentioning yep yep yeah I just need to I think the two thing or maybe the three things is like I need to stop kind of like going back on my right foot yes that's like a big thing and then both on the uh down swing I mean up back swing and down swing just be a little more like structured so that I don't like end up being a little agreed loftier so we just we're going to just hit a couple bump and runs okay cool not the not the sexiest shot in the world but it's it's one that if you're going to get to be a scratch golfer like you got to own this shot awesome Basics on bump and run okay okay so what we're going to do is we're going to get closer to it than you've ever been for any shot okay so if this would be like my normal nineiron setup yep I'm going get this far away so what is that one basically two two Club Heads This is where I'm going to be okay ball position can be like slightly off the right toe shaft can lean a bit forward mm cuz we want this thing to come out running right I'm looking to land it you know somewhere in there one yard two yards on the green handle's pretty vertical right yeah what's the purpose of vertical so the the purpose of that is to engage more of the toe and not as much of the heel okay um to because toes for the most part the toes usually going to Glide whereas the heel is going to have a tendency to dig a little more gotcha so that's why that's why we're kind of getting in there and then I I feel like sometimes I'll even grip it like my putter grip okay just to change my mindset cuz if I was if I'm in here right and I've got my regular my regular grip it's sort of like everything my brain is like hit right and that's usually like what's going to happen you're going to hit it yeah with this type of a a a shot I want to feel more of a stroke not as much of a hit so I get when I think stroke I think putting stroke so it's more of a stroke and not as much all right I was going to say you don't need to show off my camera now it's more of a stroke and not as much of a hit that makes sense maybe I just add my uh pting stroke on this pting grip handle Way High um like here get closer oh right there yep so this will run through your Lifeline y there you go good oh this close yeah you can go maybe an inch away right there now feel like you're making a stroke and not a hit dude how good is that I was hoping that that was going to come out short right that's great yeah that's it's great would you say um I'm doing like a pivot here or would you just sit would go with your arms here yeah I would I I visualize it more as my shoulders and not as much as like a full pivot okay make sense nice dude so like I could even give you a seven iron and this would work yeah other thing we can do just to is go more off your right toe more off my right toe keep going yep lean the shaft a little more forward right there now make that putting stroke so we got a little bit more pop to it right yeah so this is your way of kind of playing around and see what feels good to you yeah so this is like such a good way to like hit a simple shot yeah around the greens and and there's going to be times when you're not going to grab a Putter and you're going to be like I need to hit a bump and run to a long pin or you might be down in a low and you got to bounce it through some stuff mhm this is this is a really good tool to have would you say you're feeling it like a compressed feeling or the similar feeling or how would you kind of what do you mean a pressed a compressed oh compressed or yeah I I definitely don't want to feel a lot of compression on this shot right I'd rather feel a m hit here than anything right cuz if I'm feeling depression here this Ball's gone yeah cuz you got nine iron or seven iron or five iron potentially nice dude what's that feel like I know it feels awkward cuz it's so high yeah it's so high you're you're like a low hands guy yeah and so I know that that's an awkward feeling for you but that's I don't want you to ever like try to get in here and hit this shot with like low hands and like far away from it gotcha it's just not the way to play it and then should it be Center No it should be on the toe side okay that was on the toe yep got it so kind of just like this yep yeah go like Mo most handle up you've ever been in your whole life yep that was actually really good I actually love that yeah okay let me let me try that again here grab another ball right there yeah what did that feel like to you cuz I know I told you to go like the most handle up you've ever been that felt a little awkward but it felt right when I hit it yeah yeah right that's what it looked like to me it was like a little bit awkward to start but it did look right on the way through and then would you say it's just like similar to the other uh vanilla sh where I'm I'm already hand forward but I'm not moving or manipulating it correct it's just like this and then yeah it should just feel like you're putting Troke you don't manipulate the putter face right yeah and then are you um you're feeling this hit it or would you say I feel like it's more of a rock and a rock like this and this yes correct then higher up up higher up yep handle slightly forward good nice dude feeling this yeah okay and then you know for you at home like I would want you to practice like dude grab a five iron grab a seven iron grab a nine iron grab your gap wedge hit a variety of shots and get you get yourself in a spot where you know you're hitting these shots and you're trying to land it a yard or two yards on the green right and then have it run out to the hole yeah like if I had a five iron I'd be right here and I'm landing it one step on the green running to this hole 35 ft away yeah right like try that and then you know try a nine iron where you know you're Landing you're Landing this nine iron one step on the green and it's running the rest of the way right yeah I I kind of need to be a little conservative and then here like if I were to yeah it's just would it be more extended or like it's yeah it's on or deviated yes okay got it like that's what it should look like it comes out low but it's soft right the way that you do it wrong would be that way yeah and it comes out compressed and and low and hot if that one comes out too soft then you can play around with ball position go a half ball further back and then and then all of a sudden it becomes that one gets to the hole Yeah right cuz the shaft gets going a little forward gotta I need I definitely need that in my bag though yeah yeah no it's it's a really important shot to have bunkers so bunkers we're in the sand baby yeah so everything that we just learned like pitching chipping nothing to do with the bunker done zero throw it out they're not even related so I just kind of want to watch you a little bit and then and then I'll kind of go through some of my philosophies in here but I kind of want to just sort of watch and see where you're at okay oh that's way over the green okay got good speed got a good good swing out of here there a little behind it those would be the two shots probably for you yeah that was basically tried to I tried to emulate the same shot there yeah yeah yeah yeah are those and those are the two shots that you see most likely yes more or less I would say so all right another one yeah let me just see your Club head real quick all right so you've probably got equal amount of sand here as you do all the way up over here yeah okay so if I were if I were hitting the if I were making a swing in here yeah it would look Sor right now look at my heel yeah look at the toe it stops right there's no all doesn't go all the way down over here gotcha gotcha so I'm further away from it okay so I'm engaging more of this this heel area yeah but I'm also my club face is more open so this thing is gliding yeah whereas yours is square so yours is square and it's just it digs in like this yeah right which is what that's how you get all that Mark on the toe okay the way that I do it is is if I'm here all a sudden this thing I can rip through it pretty hard and it's glancing on it's it's bouncing off of the sand so we got to get you we got to get you opening that face would be first yes yes yes and would that be staying that same or would you even go uh would it open even more on that back swing or no let's let's open it a lot at setup Yep this and let's not worry too much about like opening it more on the back swing like a flop shot set up then yes okay got it okay so not a bad swing but you hit like I would say if that if that was your ball you probably entered the sand way back there yeah so don't don't open your stance up keep your stance square square like this no there you go if I were if I open closed if I opened it this way you want like yeah right in there yes and then Center forward I want that ball position slightly forward to Center okay and then I'm just kind of face open give me the handle more back handle more back at a dress what do you mean by that sorry handle more this way uh so here so set up to the ball yeah so you have the handle going too far forward yeah so get it more neutral so here mhm oh okay the way we got to get so go ahead set up to the ball real quick open that face wide open okay stay right there so you'd agree this this the grooves are kind of pointed in this direction yeah is that about right yep but our Target is where this direction yes okay so how do we take these grooves cuz obviously that one missed right basically where the grooves were pointed MH how do we get these grooves back in line with our Target what's the release have to look like so go to the top take take both hands on there open face yep top of the swing slowly on the way down see now the grooves are set up on Down the Line yeah it has to feel like that it won't ever look like that but you need to be working towards that way okay if you start here yeah go to the top and you pull down pull pull pull pull pull pull pull now what where's you're not you're this Ball's just going to go like it did right there yeah so there has to be you got you got to feel that gotcha so then if I were to you know aim then I would always aim a little right of the pin and end up or what yeah so here let me see yep so if you get in here and I'm aiming and I'm aiming left right like this is you can see I'm aiming well left yes so what am I going to do on the way through I'm going to hold because I if I if I release where's this ball going going down my line yeah right so I if I hold on I'm still aiming left but I'm going to go hold then it kind of goes towards my target cuz I'm holding on so I'd much rather you get in a spot where you are almost over here like right foot drops back a little bit and then it encourages you cuz if you hold on I'm hitting the camera in cameraman in The Shins right look at that if I go like this it's going right there yeah so I have to go here and release it that way that make sense that was kind of stupid that was crazy yeah you need to you need to relax but do you see how little my lower body was moving do you see how much I was releasing it so with the hands exactly so would you say this is not moving at all it's very quiet and like is it or it will move okay got it but it's very quiet quiet and then it's more just kind of like more it's more hands and yeah so take it with your left hand only yeah open the face mhm hinge it up on the top of the back swing needs to feel a little bit more like this oh uh at the top yeah yeah and then oh okay Y and then go down that's your release and then on the way through it needs to feel like this you can't move on that's what it needs it needs to feel like that so now the face is still pointed at you should never feel like this on the way through M okay so just to recap there this is going up this way yep oh so the hinging is not through here or it's hinging through this wrist yeah so it's not necessarily this way it's more into extension this y um and then when I'm releasing it here this thing still needs to feel like it's going that way so the so you're not you're not doing that mhm it's you're you're almost feeling like you're staying underneath it see how this stays underneath yeah right it's like this this stays under it the the wait do that again yeah okay so this yeah yeah so then you're feeling like you're even even though you're releasing it you're releasing under underneath you're not releasing that way right just you're not squaring it this way you got this thing wide open you're throwing it but as you're throwing it see how see I'm throwing it but I'm adding Loft as I'm throwing it rather than like the the normal way to do it in the golf swing would be that way gotcha gotcha now you're delofting it so that's why I say it's like you're here we're throwing it so this and then yes there you go good good good and yes there you go yes but the knuckle yeah so it's like these Knuckles are staying like almost we're throwing it but the knuckles are staying almost faced up oh so like this yeah there you go okay much better Bud okay much better and I've been and that's I think for me I I kind of Chunk a lot cuz I like going to this and I cast it yep so it's it's more like here for the camera I'm basically it's here and then going this way and then kind of just yeah there you go okay all right let's see it again do you have the setup like super like this already or yeah yeah yeah you can I I always think guys that have strong grips in the bunker are already preset for some success so this and then this yep yep and why do you put this back just to give me more space okay and then is this coming in up or I would say like on plane on plane yeah on plane nice dude oh let's go let's go oh okay that makes a lot sense that's great okay good work good work good work yeah you're throwing it this way versus this way correct and then you're ending up kind of like this yes exactly so it's a it's a little bit of an odd feel which is why it's like we don't do it anywhere else in the golf course this is a crazy feel it's a crazy feel [Music] okay A little hang back yeah I feel that I hesitated on the D I was like wait how do I do this again and I went this and then oh dang hold on if I went up and yes no yep that's it oh yeah so it's there but then it's also that throw mhm so I'm feeling like it's never like this it's that's it very good yeah handle goes more back at a dress more neutral uh more neutral right here and then open that face spin the face open there you go but that's the that's the thing like what I want to do is give you enough enough Loft at a dress so you don't feel like you got to lean back to hit it High Yeah there so set this thing in there like pancake handle low there you go now you don't need to lean back do you does that make sense yep there you go good this because I've got that I've got the face more open now right on you this and then throw it boom there it is Boom yep while that pressure goes forward woo that was it yeah that makes a lot more sense so I I just need to feel like I'm actually for me I'm feeling in like releasing here but imagine just releasing it here dude I mean you've seen tiger do that drill right which one goes like this in the bunker really oh that's crazy he goes to the top of his swing and then goes dang okay makes that's what that's the feel yeah right because most good players it's like they look like this through impact for like hitting an iron shot yeah so this is the opposite it needs to feel this way so if you feel any like pull down here you're already too late yeah it's got to be to the top here and it's got to feel like it's going like that yeah because when I'm going forward too if I have it this late I'm going to be ending up over there yep absolutely I got it let me just double down on this the hinge here again is here and then it's up with this yep and then it's this yes you know good a good drill for you would be you know just draw draw like a Line in the Sand yeah just make make like three swings just hit on this line and forward [Music] a behind it okay so here's our line this is where you entered yeah you're just never going to hit a good shot from there yeah so I feel like I'm doing how I guess I'm trying to think well it's just pressure right it's just pressure pressure not really moving like this then I would just kind of do like this I guess oh I feel like I'm already here but I'm just yep when I release so this right this right shoulder is like way low oh okay yeah so go ahead set up to one more yeah face open yep okay now hit me hit me one from there yeah just hit it don't think right on the line right yeah but all I did was change the the tilt of your shoulders right yeah so like when you set up to it if I'm a mirror to you you're looking like this right yeah cuz usually then my full swings a little right so here we got to get you get you a little bit more here so that your low Point gets a little bit further forward your entry point into the sand so here here and then then with this kind of go up more then or no it will it will naturally yeah it naturally will you don't have to think about that and then don't think about trying to help it just understand like I've given you so much loft right there okay got it yeah that's it yeah like just hit me one like that right so you're not even like I just want you to get into that setup spot yeah yep oh yeah like that now I just want now I just want you to hinge it up like hinge it up and release it literally perfect right you feel how quick that went through the sand yeah that was you like actually engaging the bounce entering the sand in the right spot yeah that felt effortless effortless right so shouldn't we shouldn't have to work this hard in the bunker so it should just be here uh at setup yep and then I'm basically just bringing this up yep and then oh wait not that way yeah but then that's it good dude oh so that's I feel like there I'm just like holding it a fraction longer uh holding a fraction longer but I'm also just like using because I feel like sometimes I use my right and then I go down is my left and I yes this is a left-handed swing I think okay let me try that so give me your shoulders tilted so it's like shoulders tilted at a dress there you go if you've got your bottom your entry point too far back mhm you look like this on the way in gotcha we got to get you are are you a little more centered or would you say or should I just feel this yeah okay like honestly if I took a picture of you you'd be like oh kind of looks like maybe he's leaning 5% forward but only because like the top of your spine rather than looking like this is now looking like this okay got it right so think about top of your spine facing going more to the Target like this yep then this is again going up and then yeah so yeah don't worry about it going up I mean sorry I mean I'm just like trying to think yeah just the wrist part of it yeah I mean you're you're still going to turn oh okay I'm like scared to go back no no no you're all right there that's beautiful dude that's a great blend right there nice nice ni perfect get in there no thought give me that nice blend on that back string little behind like gu a legend dude that's nice man better than hitting from here all right I think we leave it there for today yeah that was that was nice hey jome here hope you love that video not going to lie to you I am pretty Juiced about this less and although this man is in another state I have a good feeling about him being the main short game coach for S2 also if you made it this far I want to hear in the comments the best food puns you guys have I bet Parker would greatly appreciate it also check out this video down below YouTube recommended me to share it with you they said you would love it see you there
Channel: Jerome Rufin
Views: 28,958
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf tips, golf chipping, golf instruction, golf lesson, short game tips, simple golf, short game instruction, pitch shots, chip shots, bunker shots made easy, short game chef, short game golf, short game golf lessons, short game chef chipping
Id: x-sZv3GjF34
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 17sec (2957 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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