What Causes SWING ERRORS | Dana Dahlquist

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this is a really important topic we're going to talk about the trunk of the body the trunk of the body is basically if we identify above the uh iliac crest of your pelvis to the top and we're just going to kind of take away my arms for a minute and just talk specifically about this between my pelvis and my rib cage I have my core and the core actually kind of cohesively brings the pelvis and the rib cage together and this is part of the loading phase of your body so if you think about about it when I walk I take a step forward my body actually went through some form of rotation so any step I take the pelvis rotates the trunk counters it we call that a gate cycle in most athletic movement you're going to see that cycle going at different ways and different planes of motion and the golf swing is no different it has its own plain of motion but we need to understand like how this works um and it's really important from at least the power side of things if we specifically talk about that so when we look at the core okay the core is you know we have my abdominal muscles my obliques we also have a fascial pattern through the body that that runs sagittally up and down we also have one that works on the sides of the obliques that kind of moves me into a tilt we can dive deeper at a later time on all that stuff we also have transverse which is kind of a cross-section of the body and all these things this system of the trunk kind of brings everything together to create its rotation and its bends okay so the first Bend we're going to kind of look at is the front Bend of the body or the forward bend and that's being attained from the back chain of my body holding my posture in that forward bend we know from forward bend in setup I'm actually going to start creating rotation and tilt so we need to kind of describe that so from the forward bend which is A sagittal motion forward as I start rotating the body into the back swing with trunk rotation on a tilted angle I start building transverse rotation so I'm creating separation between the rib cage and the pelvis at the end range of motion of trunk rotation on the back swing I actually start to get when I run out of room of rotation end range thoracic extension so it kind of follows in this order when you look at the trunk and the spine the spine is moving from a forward bend position as it's moving into rotation it starts to go into a tilting position cuz I'm in a forward bend on a tilted angle it starts to tilt okay as it continues its rotation it doesn't continue to tilt it just continues to rotate and then at end range it goes into thoracic extension this is important because this is what gives you your range of motion you want to maximize your potential for loading potential to do this in your back swing conversely on the down swing it's going to do somewhat the same thing so You' probably heard of things like X Factor stretch when we talk about you know stuff in 3D an expert golfer actually creates more separation through the transition phase of the golf swing which we'll get into later and it's really important that we maximize the stretch at the very end of that rotational phase to produce power so if we're not setting up the right precursors in the address position and the takeaway position it becomes more difficult to load the body in order to maximize X Factor stretch that's why it's real important right now that we understand how the forward bend rotation and tilts and extensions work on the backside so we're going to do this this topic on the trunk from down the line because it's good to see it in two different ways um I mean we could do it in three ways we can film from here we can film it from the top but I think down the line is very typically maybe a place you might be filming from and it's important to see what the side bends do and the side Bend um as we would state would be right side Bend and left side Bend but I think this is actually a good way to illustrate some points here because we play golf on a tilted angle you're going to have some amount of leftward bend on your back swing and conversely you're going to have some at impact with right side Bend now this is also predicated on the pattern okay so different patterns have different amounts of bent and when we say patterns it means different shot shapes different trajectories and different methodologies will produce different bends so I'm just kind of giving you a blanket example of this so as I set up and I'm down the line and I set up with some amount of forward bend okay depending on the club I'm using as I go into a back swing you can see that I kind of want to if I want to create kind of a like a I call it the OEM of motion like kind of the standard deviation you generally do not want to start throwing left side Bend in your golf swing unless you're you need it okay and so what I mean by that is you don't want to start tilting your left shoulder down too much and this is the reason why if I start doing that too early early yes you might look like your head's too forward maybe but what it actually will end up doing if it does it too early is you're going to lose the amount of rotation you can make to the right so if you look at a lot of players they actually don't start left bending until a little bit later um Dustin Johnson's a good example of this so he actually has more of a level amount of turn in relation to the amount of tilt now not everybody's the same so this is one of these things where as a player as or or your student if you're a teacher see if it's affecting the center of the uh of the sternum or maybe even better yet the center of your neck if that's moving towards the target player probably has too much left Bend to early so I'm going to take my setup down the line so I'm going to do this appropriately as I'm moving back you see I've rotated the left shoulder to the right as far as I can and you can see as I get to the top my left shoulder starts to go down more as I get to the top and the reason for that is other stuff happening on the ground and in my pelvis so I don't try to tell necessarily Until the End range and the end range is also where I might get some thoracic extension and the reason why we don't want to have thoracic extension too early you'll start figuring this out when we start talking about forces and how they're generated so this is how you want to look at the trunk the trunk is kind of a an interesting topic because when we look at things things from a 2d aspect we're generally looking at things through an alignment lens okay and I maybe more than anybody do look through that lens that's kind of the first lens that captures me when we look at like the trunk we want to consider the trunk though to be a power source or an engine Source okay it's not the only one by the way there's others but the number one would be essentially the body's ability to load and unload and how the engine's powering him so so um it's why like certain individuals that are very good athletes have a very good awareness and control of their Center and how the center moves it's kind of an interesting topic because we want a centeredness looking type core and trunk but we do want to have it Move Like An Athlete which means it's going to have some side to side an up and down involved that's how you create more rotation faster rotation and maybe just having a good order of that rotation so most of dysfunction comes from the center of the body so inappropriately loading the body will create dysfunction distally out to your arms your hands to the club so it's really important to kind of understand like if we can maximize its potential and how it's loading you're going to lack more of those dysfunctions in the long term so a lot of the training I think needs to be around how the trunk rotates especially if you're a beginner golfer um because you're going to have a sense on how to maybe help you with the delivery of cent of impact based on trying to lessen the movement from side to side and increasing its ability to rotate in a functional way
Channel: Hit Bombs
Views: 14,067
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Keywords: joshkochgolf, joshkoch, kyleberkshire, worldlongdrive, hitbombs, hitbombs.com, tigerwoods, clubheadspeed, power, golftips, golfdistance, ericcorgonogolf, meandmygolf, makemorepars, ericcorgono, tpi, bryson, Bryson DeChambeau, pgatour, superspeedsticks, golf coach, golf drill, golf tip, golf tips, tiger woods, hit bombs, golf connection, golf conection, connection drill, swing speed, club head speed, ball speed, club speed, golf distance
Id: puNxNgA11c4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 6sec (486 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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