I UNLOCKED the Art of Ground Force to EASILY Get Rotation & Power in my Golf Swing

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ever wonder how the greates like Prime Tiger Woods and Rory maroy send their drives and rotate so well the simple answer is that they push and use the ground so effectively golf becomes so easy for them Ground Force reaction is one of the biggest separators from good-looking swings to greatl looking swings it separates a low handicap ameter to the pros so today I am with the top ranked golf coach in all of California and top 10 in entire United States to add this to my swing not only that but we add changes to my address position to help me with swing path educate the hands to improve impact and by the end of all this I not only have one of the biggest revelations in my golfing career but my swing gets the biggest transformation it's ever had throughout this entire Journey from scratch to scratch so S2 let's go it's like you're fine let's keep going there's a couple little things but nothing yeah every time I get thin it it'll cut it cuz like kind of go this way all right so you go okay um I want you just to walk into one and take your your grip and everything okay so stop so this whole system is already left see that's like left that's left by like a lot okay so take this arm off for a minute uh this one yeah and just kind of go okay like that's for my faces this is already set in I'm going to take my right hand off put the left arm on Just keep this soft underneath yeah and then bring it from underneath look where my forarms are pointing see that okay got it so you have your grip on your grip's fine yeah bring this more under like this yeah kind of underneath you there you go so you have a and stand a little touch further away there you go so this now these are now pointing more to the right there you go more under got yeah I was trying to like do this I guess more to yeah it's twisting everything over there okay because I was like is this more normal this way or no so this is still fine I guess if you get this way yeah where's it's feeding that okay yeah gotcha start line was straight yay okay okay do that again sometimes like when you're looking at things you're looking for big picture things you're looking for like am I steep am I sh have I turned enough are my is my lower body in the right spot versus the upper body that's all fine yeah but if you're at a dress aiming wrong the attachments off your shoulders are too far left everything's Downstream from that so like if you can kind of this is why I like setting up to a ball if you watch Pros they get in there like like Xander shafley we just talked about this this week so Xander has a particular fashion that he gets into a golf ball yeah so he gets in there and he's like like this he brings the right arm under everything's set up so now he knows no matter what that's something that he can control he can't control what happens in his golf swing yeah he can feel it and maybe take course of action yeah but he doesn't try to control it okay that's where people kind of like mess things up so keep kind of doing that a couple more times sounds good good so it started right just stayed right couple more so we're going to do all these things before we film it okay okay awesome yeah you are hitting it better a little bit yeah little bit that's a lot better lovely just start a little touch left right yeah all right let's take a look all right so we had a little discussion about your address position that the left arm is going to be above the right yeah um and that that is something that's pre-movement that you can control yeah so everything that's pre-movement I know I can control the attachment being my grip I know I can attach where my arms hang where my weight distribution is pelvis and everything so we go to P1 which is address is there anything that's like an outlying issue well what's interesting is that your pelvis just on this one shot you have a little bit higher right hip at aess than you do it than the left okay so for whatever reason your left hip's a little bit too low at a dress yeah so we want to have that yeah so what would that do to your lumbar spine I'm not sure what would we do tilt it to the left to set up oh okay we kind of just want to go back to that side we had yeah so right hip a little lower um okay then we'll go to P2 Club parallel okay pretty good um so a little shift to the right I'm not going to worry too much about that cuz your pelvis Bend is good and your tilts are good okay so pretty good so you do load to the right we'll see if that relationship is better and it's tremendously better so now at the top you can see you turn a bunch pelvis bends at 10 that's great yeah chest is more right of the pelvis and you get to the top slam you look golden yeah that was like the number one thing I was trying to work on is like not do the spine you look great no it's really really good you're perfect so 44 degrees of tilt for an eight iron that's close to 45 you look great really really nice so now through the down swing pretty good upper hub goes a little touch forward yeah and that's why it's fine but that's why there's not a lot of Separation into rotation yeah so not a big fan of that cuz you're already Landing you should be able to separate and feel like your head goes back which will get your wrist conditions a little bit better but overall pretty good mhm um let me go to P6 yeah so pelvis side Bend is kind of not happening chest Bend yeah it's pretty close yeah not bad yeah that was like the main thing that I was seeing yesterday A lot of my misses too were just thin and so it's just like and then I kind of just like go like that well so here's the problem you used to stand up on it yeah okay so you getting this more forward is not going to make you solve the issue cuz it's already forward but you're up so you almost need to feel like on the down swing that this rotates and this almost feels like it's going backwards okay yeah yeah okay so what we're really looking for and this is going to be the tough one and this is actually good because this is a little bit of revisitation yeah of I think our second lesson so in our second lesson we talked about side Bend yeah okay so now side Bend is actually going to appear kind of down at the impact interval as this rightward Bend okay but if the upper up upper rib cage at the top goes more forward it tends to get this and this go at the same time so we want to create some separation so to you it's going to feel like your head's going backwards as your lower body's going forward yeah so like left leg's going to go forward and straighten head's going to feel like it's tilting sideways and backwards so all of this is based this yeah so straight do that and straighten your left leg yep and then feel like your shoulders are more tilted there see how you get lower to the ground yeah that's what you need okay now if you do that what do you think your wrist will learn how to do it'll probably learn to stay this way more yeah right it won't do that okay because this is happening cuz you're forward and you're up I see okay okay so these are going to feel like chip shots for a while okay I'm really happy with your back swing back swing's phenomenal it's better well it's good enough I mean it's come on it's great and then yep straighten the left leg feel like your head's going down and back down and back yeah that that's what and just hit it like 10 ft got it that was the longest 10 ft I've ever seen I was trying to go so slow that was great though good contact yeah this is where you're hanging your hat though so you got two things you have your setup position that is more this way yeah and then learning the adaptation of when pressure spikes left I'll tell you what actually for your viewers what's actually occurring so when pressure goes left it's actually going down yeah okay you're unweighting yourself essentially okay which means you're getting lighter to get heavier okay so then you push more pressure into the ground which makes this Vector tilt back yeah that makes the wheel go this way that's what's making you have side Bend okay and as that's occurring because you're already in rotation this is open this is sideways bam I can hit a golf ball that's what gets the angles in the wrist to look this way mhm it's not dragging the handle to try to do it I don't think about this yeah it just happens okay if I have to think about that golf's too hard so with that why make golf any harder quick go down below and subscribe to the channel not only do I document my full Journey from never playing this game to trying to become a scratch golfer I share with you full lessons with the greatest golf coaches in the entire world from put to short game to full swing all of which is intended to make this extremely hard sport as easy as possible for all of you not only does it help keep the channel alive but I'll also make sure the golf Gods Ricochet your neck shank off a tree and back onto the green for an easy up and down with that S2 let's get back into it okay you ready let's do a few 10 ft 10 ft so yep so maybe left tip a little higher and when you say 10 ft it's 10 ft still with a full back swing yeah yeah just chip it okay got it we're just changing the piture yeah oo better do that again so when I'm like I land here uhhuh um this is going forward as well and this is just like straightening yeah straightening doing that so it's Landing pushing see that yeah pushing now it's pushing back and it's pushing up and that's pushing you into side Bend yeah okay yep that makes sense great good keep doing it you're going to hit a bunch of those until you get this Antiquated yeah and I'm chunking it because I'm like just cuz you lost the wrist angles because you went up so as you feel like you go down and push it's going to ow you to feel like the handle gets ahead oh so I'm staying down the entire time yeah and this is just this is the only thing that's kind of going up correct yep that's why we want to do it slow so you can kind of feel what that shaft's doing yeah good get more forward get more forward get more forward in regards to pressure yeah pressure pressure now we're going to see if see if we can get the body there if we don't get the club there I'm going to give you an external queue to help you okay okay great okay I am going to give you an external CU but I want you to see this okay so watch this so we're only looking at downstroke so you come down pressure goes forward look how your head isn't going forward anymore see how like they're stacked on top of each other at P5 so like 3.8 3.2 yeah so your upper body and and lower body at five lead arm parallel are on top of each other at P5 right here we do not want to have your head back at that point we don't want it no because you're not going to make contact okay so you're good but what you do is you get them on top and then you keep going forward okay cuz you remember you want to rotate like this where's my head going it's going towards the target you don't want to do that you're going to pull it yeah so now you're applying a vertical Force which is pushing out of the left leg head staying down and back see how the head's more back hips more forward yeah okay now I'm going to fix your wrist angles as you do this but your head's not going more forward look how during the impact interval you're green yeah to Ching that's great so now your head can stay back as your hips are more forward arms are more straight see yeah yeah yeah that's how a golf swing should look now the meic is like well you need to educate your hand so Homer Kelly that did the golf machine said that all players have education of what their hands do we have to educate that okay okay yeah so hands this is what we're doing okay cool all right you ready so we're going to save that now how to do that is we're actually going to shorten the radius okay so we'll do a new line right here okay so all good players including wide players are going to have some amount of and I'll keep it simple of shortening of the radius yeah okay now they do that because they're changing direction on the shaft essentially like if you really thought about it at the top of the Swing when your pressure is landing left that's starting to load yep but because your upper body was going forward and you're rotating like this the club's throwing away yeah very typical right so if you look at Lucas Glover he has a lot of this going on in his swing okay a lot of what you might consider lag yeah so how do we really train that to to to happen well if I stood right here and I had a wall okay and I took the club back and I whack the wall I want to not whack the wall on the downswing when my pressure gets left and I start to open and side bend the club is actually getting like a foot away from the wall yeah okay so I want you to come in here and I'm going to show you how to do this okay okay so we don't want this like this n it's just like this you're good you want this like that okay so go and take your back swing to here uh here good so I'm going to stand right here yeah now make your back swing now on the down swing do what you're doing slowly like you're not going to hit this ball and don't hit me with a club head keep going yeah I feel like your head's more back hips more up and forth oh yeah that okay I'm stand here you're going to hit a ball don't hit me you're fine I'm going to go very you're good go for it that's the feel see how you like when you did that you held the angle longer cuz you didn't want to hit me yeah so do that again so you see I'm bringing that in at the top yeah so at the top because you're Landing left and side bending you're going to feel like you're you're shortening this radius the club's actually getting closer to you feeling yeah okay you ready yeah this is why you don't worry about lagging the club if your body's not in the right spot okay because you'll miss the ball if you do okay okay same thing go to P2 make sure I'm in the right spot good so right here okay yeah now start over now try to make that a foot closer so you don't hit it on the down swing on the down swing yep how do you do that see the contact yeah thump yeah it sounds like it's compressing the hell out of it okay do that again so just imagine that's there push out of the ground and side Bend yeah yeah yeah let me just film you doing that hold on one second okay you ready so what did that feel like to you when you just did that uh in slow motion it just felt like look got can I look at that yeah so this is just re-educating distally what's happening in the hands yeah so P5 right yeah now I almost want that club and through your training you're going to do this Yep this is loading back that way a little bit more so like this and then so so let it almost like like the club stays up there and then okay got it so it's not right so then through that action how's that club it's that's the closest it's ever been to my to your right leg Yeah yeah you're not trying to so the key here is you're not trying to pull the club to that point H okay what what's okay it's it's when you land and you push you feel like you shorten that that radius right and it's happening up here so it's like the club is here you leave it here as you push back in side bin it'll it'll load you don't need to to go crazy with it we just want to get somewhere around here this is fine then it impacts see where your handle is yeah it's forward yep the face is a little open because you got to turn it down but don't worry about that but see now your handle's way ahead head's back hips forward and tucked arms are extended can I try this with that what you said don't try to pull it I think I tried to pull it initially like this okay but so you're saying when it's um I'm coming up here mhm and then this is this Force I guess is bringing it Clos into that position yeah yeah all right very good though yeah like you yeah yeah you try everything you want that was great this is a fun one now you might hit it right cuz the face isn't turned down yeah but whatever we'll figure that out and so boom yeah okay we'll get to that secondary part yeah okay ready did that go right oh yeah okay so do that again no ball no ball okay I need to like turn this down I'll show you I'll show you yeah also quick question when you say stand back or little for what ises that allowing you to do keeps your arms more on top your rib cage instead of like trying to P I'm not a big fan of like you probably seen golfers put te's under their arms yeah not really a good idea and I know okay oh Rory has a glove under his arm thory mcroy who cares doesn't matter um but don't do that because if you do that that kind of limits range of motion and puts tension in your system okay so okay boom boom this and just kind of hold a short follow through uh go to the back or yeah go and come down whole thing yep keep pushing boom right there I want you to feel more that oh okay okay so that's going to be that's see the face shuts down yep yeah you didn't have to do that in the pass cuz you had such a strong grip yeah that if you did that You' hit it over there yeah that's what then so push up side Bend and then boom and look this is a lot of spinning plates you're you're thinking about this PL of motion and this yeah hitting that you'll get it closer I did it so late it's okay yeah do it before you hit it yeah okay so I'm going to up the Annie on this this is it this is all you're doing I'm going to take your stick okay nope you're good this is going to be your alignment Rod I know it's not fancy little old school right now this is aiming at uh kind of towards the red a little bit okay so I want these balls starting at the yellow Pole right of the yellow flag or the red flag okay I'm going to put this right here because your responsibility this day on is that you're going to know where these balls finish and where they start okay so that you have a pattern because you have a contact issue that's somewhat gone away like right now it's the best you make contact but you have to have an understanding of where your Miss is going to be yeah if you can eliminate over here that's great yeah if they curve this way that's great but they got to start over here and we want to eliminate the push fade yeah like we just kind of keep everything feeding over here okay yeah so I'm feeling this right like literally over here oh heck yeah okay yeah absolutely that was like the big Miss on my driver yesterday when I was going right it I would do it like so late yeah yeah okay awesome let's take a look at that that was beautiful oh no do it again I can do it again you ready yep did it so a little bit late on the face but pretty good one more one more okay ready nice and smooth nice wow come look at this that was great so this will kind of expose like how much like where you're pushing and how okay so we know you're good at pushing up because you like to stand up right so we know that to be the case how much you push around is yet to be seen I mean I already see it but I think you need to push around more and stay down more like those two things so we call it anterior posterior push from toe to heel yeah okay um or some schools call it sheer force mhm depends if you're a swing cat guy or a gas plate guy which is like force plates yeah but it's basically like getting how much transverse rotation do you have with your lower body yeah and does it coincide with as much Bend as you have yep so if you have too much vertical Force relative to this then you're just pushing up and back you're just getting slingers okay so um if we look here let's look where we're at so through this pretty good with the back swing good right arm that looks a lot better right so that looks nice and then through the transition pretty good lead arm so like lead arm looks pretty good there shaft looks pretty good there it's not steep it's kind of pointing slightly outside the ball this is fine what's more important is where the hands are yeah are the hands out or they in well they're slightly in so this is more of a draw bias pattern yeah so which is good so now like do you have enough left hip clearing which you do not yeah but your shoulders are good see how they're square and that's actually really good the face is good there started to the right stayed outside your hands and you stayed in your tilt so I think the thing you got to do and this is actually a slow thing yeah is learn how to push away from the ball while staying down yeah I think that's the the same problem we had last week I think where this is high and so do does that mean like I'm coming in here I'm going down here and this is just going more down and this is going up up and back up and like that yeah it's pushing away so like if I was pulling like go and watch this yeah so if I'm pulling you this way yeah now resist me see how you're pushing away okay okay got it right so I'm pulling you towards me you're pushing away from me and you felt it from here so should I feel feel it so I'm landing here right yep and then I'm going down and then push I'm feeling it here to push back push away uh away and you're already going up so you're going to feel more away like that yeah like okay as you're tilting your shoulders as I'm tilting my shoulders and like that and lagging yeah so it's and that's why I want you to do it slow because you like to go fast but you when you recruit that way you just push vertical I see yeah okay so we'll work on that okay nice okay let's look so really good here like that's beautiful right you don't have to make that any better land lower body opens now you see how there's a little bit of extension in your hip that's going towards the kind of this way towards the ball yep you need to push away through the left foot but the clubs working from the inside and have a little more side Bend there's a little arch in your upper back here yeah just need to straighten that a little bit more back but that was really good and there was no flip on that that's what I mean like you have to do that slowly yeah let me let me try that again I think I when you say arched in the back is like yeah cuz cuz the hip was moving this way yeah instead of back like pushing away see I go down yeah but if this is pushing here I'm anteriorly going this way I'm going to I'm going to push up yeah so when you do that and go like that you're going to miss you essentially would miss the ball unless you arched her back okay yeah that's why you want to do this slow to feel this yeah yeah okay look good oh look at that see through the transition you didn't stand up yeah see how you're pushing around look at your hips are opening see that yeah hips are wide open now you did come up a little bit and you need the side Bend maybe a little bit more cuz it's a little too out so you hosle rocketed it yeah but so when you say coming out of it or like the the hands oh I see so but better though so does that mean I'm well so what I was doing was this and I like that yeah you kind of still cuz you're pushing this way it covers the ball more so you want to make sure that you're if you're pushing this way that you're tilting enough so you're coming more from the end yeah yeah yeah yeah awesome look that looks beautiful though see how you're stay in your tilt that arms in push straighten the right arm a little bit there yeah look at look at the I was trying to do this but is that better though look at the exit yeah oh I see so yeah it's perfect so watch this that's what okay I I get it this is what I mean like when you're doing this this is so like on the other side of what you were doing yeah that's awesome yeah awesome left arms in you've reflexed you're rotating arm is in hip is opening little bit of extension in the right arm but see how you stayed in your inclination to the ground the hips are open shoulders are Steep and then the club look there's no flip there so look how the face is like matching your side Bend and that that it's slight extension caused me to hit off the hustle of the right arm yep you just you're so used to doing this yeah yeah there you go okay that was the best one oh yeah keep pushing that that hip out yep like okay let me film that that was awesome yeah you could go down the road of playing where you were and and be fine cuz you're already hitting it good like in my opinion you should where your golf swing is currently and what you were doing you break 80 every time if your short game is on and you know how to putt so but this is where like if you're looking it I want to know how to flight a wedge yeah you can't really do it where you were yeah cuz this is just going like it's like a barn door just slamming with a tornado you like that so for you to stay that out yeah like people talk about like face control mhm that doesn't really exist it's just you're in a better position so the face is less variant yep so that's kind of the concept yeah we got a yeah we're aiming to have a swing for better than a scratch golfer so we'll land yes we'll land not bad okay let me show you that so like for for normal lessons I wouldn't necessarily do this mhm so normal lessons I don't really get them to turn as much you I get them to hit out and hit more of a draw yeah for your everyday guy you know that's not going to practice and grind um you do however so like you practice and you grind and you kind of want a nice looking golf swing well yeah if you're going to do that you have to learn how to push differently through your system so like currently you're just you like to just push up yeah so which you're not going to lose you're still going to have that like that looks great see how you go down so there's your you lose Force you're lowering and you're pushing open pushing from toe to heel that looks awesome like that's perfect yeah can't do that any better and then look at your hip is opening now that's different okay and this actually allows this to get under rather than what I had yes last week was high hip was high yeah and there's your side Bend so like if you took like a screenshot of that that totally looks different see how you're bent over right hip lower right elbows more bent yeah now you hit the ground cuz this is a little straight in the right arm that'll go away so when so that I guess I'm a little more confused on subnation part where when do so does this like never straighten out it's just slightly this is just going like that like that yeah not that I wouldn't like worry about that too much cuz you're pretty good okay to be honest this one see I just feel like when I'm doing this so I'm coming in and this isn't going like that it's yeah don't don't even worry about just focus on right there's too much to worry about Focus only solely on keeping this at Bay yeah and work the body piece dang it Eureka matter of time time yeah and uh with the side Bend uh-huh um H we just sometimes I feel like I'm doing this and I'm like falling off well you need to feel remember I said your head's going to feel like it's back yeah it's going backwards but because you're opening you're not oh so just going together yeah so the head the head will actually go back but because this is driving open it's not like I'm going to fall over my right foot yeah right now if you just went like this and didn't do anything of course yeah yeah the force is crazy cuz I've always wanted to turn by just like going this and then bringing it out with like well yeah you did it with your chest yeah so you used to go like this and then you thought rotation was this yeah it's like no look at my arms go they come out so I need to feel like I'm pushing the lower body and then side bending and to line it up yeah that's so it's like your shoulders are doing so good good way of doing this is if this is walking forward where am I rotated I'm rotated this way right yep but this is this is this way right and then as this is moving this is this way well my shoulder is actually tilting through that cycle tremendous very good yeah don't worry about it going right just that was great do that again yeah that felt better Bingo look at this wow that okay that was cool that feels different but it feels better I like a lot how's that look the exit is a lot different huh yeah see so simple yeah would easy game stop going so fast guys yeah well that's part of it it depends so like here's the weird thing like okay yeah I work with guys with a lot of speed yeah well they're already wired to do that yeah so okay like I don't have to talk about that I can talk about other things but if you're not wired to do that and you need to put that into your system well you have to train for it okay so look how good four five six see all the room yeah so now you're pushing the left ball foot to heal and vertical to get your side bent for you to have all that room to hit the ball and then have a somewhat stable 2D looking face yeah okay so that's what we're looking for so like this pattern of what you're doing is a little different cuz you get like in the instruction industry you get a lot of different narratives on how to do things and so I kind of teach four patterns depending on who I'm dealing with yeah so one of those patterns might be as the plane flies over sorry okay first Uber Eats now we got Uber yeah exactly dropping off a big hair package yeah exactly okay um that's State coming okay so one of those patterns might be you get to the top and then as you transfer your weight you straighten your right arm down yeah problem is you straighten your right arm so now I have to somehow rotate higher right shoulder exit more left and to be fair the ball flight tends to get lower that way okay I'm not a big fan of that especially when you start getting to driver yeah so um far into the Spectrum would be you look at guys that have a lot of side bin like walking Neeman yeah and a lot of rotation but kind of like to be in the middle sounds good do a few more that was good I'll do the cadd view okay okay wow stripey yeah this welcome to handle lean kiddo am I hand is it yeah that was leaned little chunky then it's what you think close kind of I felt like I'm going like that all right you need to look at that this looks awesome see pressure landed left yeah better could lag a little more but see how the handle's getting better handle ahead that's different huh boom there you go arms are straight and there's like a little bit of space here for this okay I like how it's day one this is day one day one dude like it's okay okay you'll train that in all right let's do that again yeah so recapping like everything so far um the simple thing is at the beginning the address y this a little bit here so that this is not above mhm and then this is a little lower yep and then from there I kind of just do everything we've done in the last couple weeks where it's I'm not coming up I'm just going this this is landing and then instance landing and basically pushing this back while I'm side bending yes and so um and this like I said if you were to subsect this from like eight iron to Sand Wedge to learn to do this you're going to start learning to deloft it yeah you can't do with a five iron real well cuz in your head because and I'm saying this just from experience you don't have any Loft so if your brain's always adapted to do this to try to Club to add Loft to it like that's not going to be very it's not going to serve you very well yeah so doing it with with a like a higher lofted Club where you deloft it yeah that's what you want to do so the better that you get with okay I get here land left change direction and then push from toe to heel and side Bend I'm GNA shut that face down I'm GNA put be like energy through the ball okay you get that spin Loft a lot tighter and you start smashing it gotcha so okay actually this is kind of more a mechanical question how does it so when I'm doing this it seems like the the club face is like Square okay an impact yeah when it's Square impact how is it starting right cuz your handle is more forward oh and it's like this face is more of the right oh like like this yep that's what I mean we don't want to twist the face around until you get shling I see so if I if I'm get at this where's the ball starting starting over there yeah so I'm going to get adapted to Boom getting more that way yeah and and this essentially causes the draw like no it's just the path causes the draw oh the path going right face being to the right starts it right yeah that's what starts it and then the resulting path is what curves it what do you mean by the face versus the path okay so yeah I think we talked about this day one day one probably so Ball's only on the face for like a millisecond yep so if the face is square it's starting straight if the face is right it starts to the right what curves that ball is the direction I'm swinging to the right or to the left so the ball curves away from the direction I'm swinging so if I'm swinging to the right the ball curves left if I swing left the ball curves right oh I see I see close get a little bit more down and back with that pressure there you go do that again for me pretty nice all right so you're going to do that again but you're not going to hit this on the downswing like I'm standing there you got to miss that coming down okay ready man you got it you're fine go and set up can I go like 2% speed uh I would I would I would okay you ready yeah cool I told you I was going to mess you up come look at this how's those wrist angles it's looking good right club actually lagged boom can we do that again that was nice yeah what's causing the the chunk is that like what's causing well you've never been there before number one I need that's causing it you're a foot lower to to the ball by P6 yeah okay so the better that you push back yeah the better you're going to be okay let's do that again so put all your attention there but you're fine you're fine okay but miss this club it's going to be actually 6 in closer don't hit it ready yep miss it smashy yeah I need a yeah that's a lot um I guess the thought there is like in order for me to get this I have to go a little lower but if I do that then I have to come out Bingo yeah okay yeah the more you go down you're going to react to that that's really different see how it lagged earlier look at that well now come here the sound is so different oh yeah yeah wait till you see this okay this is awesome land push oh so Hand handle like look at that handle's actually like mid thigh almost yeah when it's 90 handles ahead bam hips are wide open yeah it's like it's like a completely different swing for yeah I mean hips are facing the Target now yeah that's why it's not try to turn your hips yeah I'm not I mean I never really tell people oh turn your hips like no no no no push yeah if you stay in your inclination you're going to open the number one thing I need to do is drop your videos now o yep I honestly cannot believe my swing ended up looking like that by the end of this lesson I am in complete disb belief right now I can tell you that with full certainty and if you want to be in disbelief Le like me click on that thumbnail right over there YouTube in Tiger Woods yeah I think I yeah I checked with him guarantees you will love it go go go I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Jerome Rufin
Views: 44,679
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf swing, golf tips for beginners, golf lesson, golf swing basics, forward shaft lean golf, power golf, power golf swing, how to rotate hips in golf swing, how to rotate golf swing
Id: NcFsjVXnFhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2024
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