I FINALLY Fixed my Sliding Problem & Unlocked an Easy and Consistent Golf Swing

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repeatability is the name of the game and on this journey from scratch to scratch where I started from never playing this game to try to become a scratch golfer my good shots are really good right now but my bad shards are really bad my golf swing is becoming really great in technique but repeating it is a whole different ball game so today I am back with one of the greatest golf coaches in the entire world Dana dalquest to improve my dispersion we go through drills to get better with impact work on the biggest problems I have which is sliding at the top of my back swing or tottering how to properly use your side BS to have a good follow through and wait until the end if you need help with your driver because I start with striping it down the Fairway after a few simple fixes so S2 let's [Music] go which wedge is that this is a 56° okay okay so I'm going to kind of put you into a drill in your warmup okay so take your setup yeah and then what look at me for a second this is like impact fix feel like your hips are wide open and your right shoulder's lower and your handle's forward like this but now look at my shoulder see your chest is too open uh yeah feel like it's more tilted there yeah yeah yeah okay and then so tilt your shoulders uh which way this way I see how the handle go more forward yeah now don't feel like you have so much pressure left feel like it's a little more back on your right foot but more open with your hips okay like that and then kind of widen your base set up like that there you go so set up to the ball now address the ball like that good now try to do that and hit a ball but set up like that set up like that good I'll take it back and hit it good now see how you're working more under it yeah so do a few more like that there's too much of this too much like chest turn yeah and not not enough side Bend good see how you made good contact yeah did you notice that yeah and you did it again so that's three in a row yeah okay so so you don't spin the wheel come look at this yeah so one of the things that we discussed last lesson yep was this picture you weren't getting you weren't getting like a spin Loft cuz your Club so like spin Loft can be two ways it could be you add it or you decrease it yeah so you weren't decreasing it enough and then you started getting like a contact issue yeah um and you're struggling drawing a golf ball so and and I know like golf lessons can be very like we're going around the rosy here a little bit like hitting on a bunch of different things but we try to go okay like best case scenario I make good contact I'm going to be more this way now for that to occur my right shoulder is lower than my left right yeah now here's the issue if I get my pressure forward too long yeah I can't do that and that's not good for my lower back either so if you look at this presetting I have handles forward yeah hips are open right shoulders lower so segmentally it's kind of building in separation and then look at impact this should be your warmup by the way yeah you're plenty forward your shoulders are side bending your hips are opening now your handle's forward yep like a ton yeah and by the way your hips opened and you didn't need to think about it and you kept your tilt and your arms are extended gotcha yep so there's no flip on that at all mhm yeah so if and I'm saying this because like you know you're smart you film your swing sometimes things get into oh my back swing or I need to get here on my down swing but if you start here you kind of start feeling like oh I can get I can get this impact position pretty good yeah and that kind of gets me into this position coming through the golf ball ahead of time so gotcha let's extrapolate that do that a few more times okay clearly that's better though right at impact yeah okay yeah when I was doing the trying to get this yeah there's the picture was like starting to look good I was getting all Impact and so I've been bouncing around the feeling of like trying to retain that but yeah it's I mean you need to know where to go from there so it's not cover it with your chest yeah it's not get your upper body real forward yeah wide base wider base cple gu couple more okay yeah widen your base so side Bend lean the shaft good then smash it good job and then not don't turn your chest that way oh just underneath yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I'm going to grab a and another iron widen your base there you go yeah that was like the um when I was getting to the spot I was definitely feeling more under yeah um it was like here and then actually I don't let me know if this is like a feeling that people get but when I was coming down I felt like I was going like this and it was being pushed back and then it was going under but yeah yeah that's basically what been feeling good hold so now you can see like this is staying this way you're in your tilt longer mhm see that that angle yep now keep that and now your head is behind your right shoulder so your arms are now stretched out okay so none of this gets thrown this way okay okay yep better there you go okay now do a couple of these and we're going to jump into the Hot Topic okay hot topic of the day someone Mak an animation top of the day it's going to be new segment on scratch to scratch not too new but there is a little topic to it just a same yeah same thing widen your base lean the shaft hips open right side b a lot a lot just go c yeah there you go now smash it there you go that was a little imbalance but that got rid of that that was nice couple more widen the base now as you're doing this I want you to actually look over your right shoulder after you do it this yep look back there okay beautiful okay give me two full ones full swing kind of have that feel in there okay okay yep good job one more right from the top don't try to turn your chest work that way like this low draw yeah low draw it's fine I broke my back with that one fine don't jump forward just open and side Bend yep there you go ah very nice okay let's take a look yeah okay let watch how much better this looks sorry about the geese they're ecstatic about this swing change so pretty good I think upper body needs to be a little bit more to the right so like this upper body get it more to the right it's a little too here yeah that's the problem kind of getting sometimes kind of teeter totter yeah so it's kind of more like this yeah okay but that looks great that looks pretty good and then see the side Bend looks pretty good club lowers so that looks pretty darn good just could be a little bit more yeah yeah uh closed the the face face just a hair yeah just a hair yeah but I think the upper body being more right will help that lower better so see how your back right here is a little this way your left laat yeah so right here this is at P5 yeah your lead shoulders too much in left Bend this way yep so it tends to spin the chest a little that way okay so um that needs to have more right Bend but your handle stuff looks good yeah that tilt looks better yeah but because of the left bend that looks a little funky right through there yeah but extension's better and your arms your ey Lin's better so here's kind of an interesting thing so it's kind of two two things I think you need to do yeah okay everything all the other inputs are great so at the top the upper axis is too extended and too forward MH so when you apply motion to it it tends to get you too much this way okay yeah so like I'm this left lat is in this angle too much so the hands and the arms tend to go with it yep so here's the issue so can you be too far this way of course but you're a little bit too far over here yes this has been there for a while this is like our first our first lesson yeah so this has to get more behind the ball that doesn't mean that this has to get over here because the arms still come out yeah don't want that so you're going to feel more here and then you're going to right Bend and turn which is going to get the left flat to look more zero it's going to feel more this way okay that's going to be the goal so let's take our setup now as you're doing this I don't want your eyes to go like this to the Target okay okay that's a misnomer here's the reason why if I go to the top of a swing and I try to do like the anuka DJ Devol thing which is look at the Target earlier to get your chest to move earlier mhm then the rib cage and the hips don't have any separation okay that's a bad thing so Dustin doesn't do that Dustin goes to top his hips rotate everything starts to unwind his arm goes his wrist goes and then his eyes go his eyes go very late yeah he doesn't go like this okay so take your setup and do the top of your back swing for me just make it crazy and you're going to feel like your chest is more over here for now okay as much as you can even if you're on the other side of it now from here do your right Bend rotation so that and then feel like you're looking over your right shoulder do you feel that yeah okay that's what we want okay just kind of do it on the other side okay uh so so it's there good and then it's going to go that's it cool perfect okay yeah think do that nice and smooth so first piece second piece go yeah you're good just do a couple now here's the interesting thing you can get more fake rot rotation if you extend extend which way this way oh I see okay we call that fake rotation not real rotation so on 3D if I go like this and go like that MH it'll say more rotation yeah problem is the range of motion for me to go from here to here is really really difficult yeah that and I'm going to cover my butt real quick long drive guys do that so they go full Max rotation like Kyle birkshire and then they go into extension but Club is here yeah yep and then right Bend so right from the top you're going to feel right Bend oh see so it's like this and then yeah that and that's not zalatoris that's not slide right Bend CU then you're going to hurt your back it's just right Bend rotation of the lower body so it's that uh-huh okay good job yeah very thoughtful that was good yeah good job exaggerate the back swing go for it Bingo all right let's look at that and then we'll speed all this up okay cool radius Center axis rotation we are recording on this so you can kind of see the difference now see that's actually neutral yeah I just got to feel way over to the right way over there yeah and then from there you right Bend so it could be more on the right the right I mean you could be more here and you could be more there but all those are better now you have a ton of chaffing and impact see that yeah does that you mean more like going back more but it's easier if you're more here then then it'll look more that way but it's it's not like going back it's just like it it's going to feel like that to you okay because you like to do this yeah I just want to because I know we I had a problem like a couple weeks ago where I would do fake side bin and I would just be like this yeah you'd slide forward yeah yeah okay but but you're not doing that okay that's lovely yeah and the hips can just rotate around yeah beautiful okay let's do it again so add speed to it okay it's funny cuz the this part actually like tells my body to do this yeah exactly which is like you don't want to like hump it yeah yeah ready perfect ah perfect always uplifting to hear that but you know what's actually perfect you you watching this video right now and I am hoping you're enjoying this lesson so far if you are definitely stay tuned until the very end where we hit the big stick the big dog the driver which everyone wants to hit a little bit better and you know what would make this a little bit better if you go down below subscribe and like this video each one of you who do allows me to bring all the greatest golf coaches in the entire world on this channel to provide tips for all you for free and for every single like this video gets I'll do that impact position drill Dana just showed me that many times so please subscribe and like because I really need this fix with that let's get back to the show just hold the finish till the ball drops that was pretty good job flushy flushy yeah there's like a centimeter of my wrist I need to go a little bit oh you're fine all these are good tremendously better from like a week ago yeah dude you just need to go through three mental breakdowns really I was like I needed to figure this I hit like after our last lesson I I went and like hit like 850 balls why cuz I was like I need to figure this out no you you already got it just takes time just this and then that boom yeah just like leave it just hold the Finish yeah hold yeah so see how your head's back right this is finishing there yeah right that's where you're going to finish keep doing it no matter what happens upper body a little better at the top so you have two qes today Yep this is more here yep and then through the ball this side bends to there okay go again see just little that's pretty that is pretty almost got it I like uh left all my weight on my right foot there just a little bit more there and I'm doing just a little bit of that uh like this yeah basically keep feeling this a little more closed then Clos and then the the Ferris wheels going this way so it's not so much down it it's there like that yeah okay let me try a little bit that look good though yeah like if it has to look better than that then we're over complicating things okay okay yeah so it's basically just like this this this and driving it that way boom out and that's why I'm kind of doing this cuz like I'm opening it up and yeah you're trying to get your chest left and arms get pulled left yeah great basically yeah like this and this shouldn't go together it's it's basically separating separating yeah okay overcook that upper body though like really feel like this uh at the top overcook it yeah like this okay left this open what's that I left this I like that's okay at the last minute now we're good okay look how much better this starts looking so you really I think the big two things this week is this piece yeah I kind of want that on the other side I kind of want to see you get this back even though it's being measured by right around there like on 3D they measure like right here in your back uhhuh the base of your cervical spine yeah I want that a little bit more over here okay okay even though you're centered uh like feel that or actually do it actually do it okay okay and then you start kicking your side Bend IN yeah I need to like not look start looking like that yeah you want to look back back but see now your handle's way forward yeah right arms extend you don't even need to think about it yeah and more that way and then say your head's down I need this to go up and more so as you're doing this okay you're taking this wheel okay it feels like this to you yep and then you're going to push the wheel this way so that this can actually get more that way yeah right but if I get too much this way yeah I don't you're going to have to do this to get that to happen yep that's bad because now this goes forward and if I try to do that bam you're going to have back issues yeah you don't want to do that yeah okay okay and obviously there's different patterns so like some patterns Eng golf covering my my ass right now it the arms fire first yeah so that the right shoulder can stay more horizontal yeah problem is is you don't hit it very hard that way yep okay this is a better way to power it okay okay let's do that again got it that was nice so basically for the head ra I'm like doing this I'm kind of leaving it yeah you want to leave it back like you're creating a coil and then once it's fired up I'm looking then it's going to yeah so it's going to go this way see my eyes are looking over my right shoulder yeah this is then extending getting that way so that way and then that way okay so I'm not like doing this the entire time no no no no no like yeah it side bends and then you go through extension yeah correct all right let try but I feel yeah I feel like I'm like leaving it back too much 100% do it do do it even more so keep going so side Bend keep going yeah keep going and then this is extending extending okay keep going that way so your chest is pointing up yeah like that so it's hesitation I not hesitation but this is still feeling close and then it extends rather than this it's not covering yeah it's not like if I had a laser beam on my sternum it's not going like that yep cuz now where's my swing Direction going going very left yeah so I need you to feel like it's working this way and then up and then up that way yeah okay I got it Bingo very good uh don't don't don't uh overthink it just do it okay good job like left on my foot that actually looked really good good job and then I just uh don't worry about that keep the two things going only two things don't even worry about wrists right now beautiful okay now let's go full swing with that feel so kind of clear the mechanism I'm let you do that five times hell yeah good do that again right from the top just kick that side bin ready one more time one day my divots will be good those are fine this is kakuya grass so it's always going to look terrible very nice contact sounds great yeah there you go yeah okay just feel's going that way I know yeah one more TR it's got to feel that a lot like especially when you get to a long Club because if you get any of this Wham you just hit down and left yeah that's been my pretty big not ideal Miss so go to that point out that way yep looking back don't look at the Target there we go did trying to hook now go full speed at these oh I still pulled it left let me let me do it one more time and just yep you're fine field go right good job yeah I got to and then I'll let's get some teas that's way better yeah so uh tea it like right here two big things I'm looking for yeah maybe three but the first one is the upper body yep okay second is at the side Bend head back looking over the right shoulder arms out to the right yep okay ready yep good so kind of set up with more tilt like set up kind of like the drill so where you're this way like at this yeah pretty pretty exaggerated there you go good what that do I went right good okay yeah it's interesting you still get too much of that way too much extension at the top I want you to feel like your chest is down and over your right foot there okay ready yeah so exaggerate the side up good go for it there you go all right let me get one on this side cuz if you don't get that the rest of it doesn't matter if if your upper Hub if this upper Center gets too far over here yeah you're just the arms go to Eternity and then it's bam that way okay ready cool okay I feel like sometimes I start teetering when you know how we were like talking about me pushing off this so I could start doing um to get back on my left side sometimes I think I do it on like my toe rather than my foot so then I push it this way okay so if you if you try to like minimize that a little bit yeah okay so what's pushing pressure back is obviously I'm pushing and three points on my feet yeah ball your foot outside blade and kind of mid part of your foot not your heel so that's allowing me to stay more and I'm exaggerating obviously yep in this tilt okay okay now everybody's different when I hit a golf ball I don't feel that I'm actually the opposite I try to actually get more this way but that's what keeps me Centered for the most part okay um because I'm not trying to swing way way right but you need to swing to the right because when you go like this and you're you kind of like roll to the outside you get this way with your upper body so if you look at this and it's no different than your iron it just manifests itself more so if you look at a dress here you have there's your right Bend okay here's your right hip and then as you go back watch where the center of your back goes that's what I want that's that's actually the opposite of where you were yeah okay that's that's actually almost perfect in my opinion Yep this one I don't know what it looked like from the caddy view but we're going to look that's good that looks great arms kind of went High a little bit but it's fine so pretty good and then right through here yeah yeah eyes are looking way over here and I'm like fully already like this kind of jumping forward quite a bit too see how like from here if I put a line here on your hip you're still like pushing lateral see that uh this way yeah towards the target yeah not bad though yeah I guess but you needed that you needed that lateral so if we were thinking about this in a smart fashion yeah you have this lateral because when you were extended you're not just going to come over the top so you get here and then you kind of slide that's that teeter totter that you were feeling yeah so you have to actually feel like you don't go forward from here you need to feel from here you just need to kind of side Bend and not go forward as much so like here's an example I'll just show you yeah I it's like how would I do that well if you went to an extreme yeah I guess sometimes when I'm I feel like I'm over here I'm not on my left foot yet so maybe well we don't want to get your body over your left foot that would be bad look so here's Neiman mhm so see how he's like that he's in that right tilt forward bend is more over here now he still extends his upper thoracic but he's to the right yep okay now watch this yellow line right here where the ball is is he going in front of it no no but he's right bending and turning and he's that way see that now it's extreme I'm not saying I need you to be there yep but there's a lot of players that do that okay they they don't even Rory Rory doesn't get his belt going so far forward okay so look at Rory so here's maoy so pressure goes right we'll put the right lines here here's his left foot see loads right and then has these wind in camera angles a little to the right so it looks he's more extended looking than he actually is and then boom right that's his pressure but watch his hip is his hip in front of that line no no you are okay you get this whole thing over here where you break it and now you now you just stand up out of it okay can I try it sure I think do it I think I think I got it you just can't get like you need this a ton and then from here you just side Bend and you're more here yeah it might feel like you're back but you're you're clearly not going to be so go to the top upper Hub to the right okay you ready yeah now look back as I do this you're going to feel this keep going feel that so you didn't slide forward did you no okay so and now from there I want you to feel like you going right from there yep so right from the top there go there you go and just let it go yep okay ready ooh okay okay and then that was way better that was less of this right yeah it's pretty much like moving I'm just I just basically got to like feel this is a constant like over here that's what's moving the hands this way and then out feeling okay very good let me film one down the line get that to line the face up it looks perfect just got to feel that thing again but yeah just let you're just going to let that go yeah yeah yeah close so close so Jerome that that ball should be hooking yeah yep that was way better yeah let me like I feel like you'll figure it out yeah I think I got it so do the input on the BET down swing the teetering again there and then what happens now face turn that thing down Let It Go yep okay yep sometimes I feel like um I pull this and it doesn't allow me enough time to do this so maybe just like leaving you just got to do it early yeah so we're going to change your uh your whole stance on this okay so you're not so hyper mechanical so back here out of the box oh here okay so do your back swing you're trying to do MH okay so there okay now lower the handle with your side Bend and close the face down let it and then you're going to feel like this is going to just go out to the right just hit big Slingers so the input is just this you go to the top okay this is to the right feeling and then from here you have to not do this yep just go I'm going to side Bend and turn the face over swing to the right just just as much as you want all right let's take a look I'll let you get you got two of them out of those five okay so are we pretty pleased with this back swing uh yeah I like it is the fa is a little open would you agree bit uh oh yeah it is yeah so the face is a little open so if the face is a little open you have to really close it yeah so with your irons you don't do that as much so there's a little bit of opening of the club face from here to here so how do I change that oh we we'll get there okay cuz I know we changed my grip too a little bit but but the path is better right see how the lead arm is in shaft looks pretty good that looks fine and then as you come down here that that swing direction is going to the right yeah right but we know that face is open there yeah then as you come in right right elbow under the left shoulder Square hips open that ball should hook but it doesn't because you can't get the face turned over in enough time even the exit's better there see it's under the shoulder yeah and you kept your tilts so a lot of the inputs that you're doing are good just the face is open because it's starting right MH right so go and set up so we have to just kind of get it a little stronger at the top so you don't have there's less effort coming down okay cuz yeah I like we made mine a little weaker but I feel like it's not your grip I've gotten even more weak but okay and then so here keep going keep turning and get this like that so you're going to feel like your right wrist is bent feel that right wrist is bent that way now I'll give the input of that and mine was like this yeah that's why it's right so it's there so this would be easier to do correct now it's interesting your irons you're not doing that that's why your irons are like low draws a lot yeah but for whatever reason with your driver it might be oh I need more loft or you think you need more Loft so you kind of twist it open I've realized with the like three-w and Driver does that a little bit yeah I need that like this right wrist is bent uh right R is meent okay ah see it starts straight yeah that start on your line right yeah yep he's back okay there you go okay okay so just the only thing different with your driver is that for whatever reason yeah I don't care what it is that happens okay you're going to feel like your right wrist is bent this feels more Bode but it's not yeah and then you can lower it you don't have to work when it comes like this Wham that's why you start it to the right because the face is just open you don't have time to turn it down got it so here it's already just it's just it's already there it's already there let me try again Bingo oh man okay okay we're getting somewhere yeah no it's great um okay so just want to recap so it's like the driver like the biggest thing for you the biggest thing I mean my 3-woods worse than my driver but it's the same but okay just cuz just cuz it's like I don't know but yeah my driver is like I guess me in precarious situations cuz you know my problem like last time it just goes so high in the air yeah but now like work on the it's getting a little lower yeah it's good but honestly if my driver was like this every time I could Pro and I my short game is a little better um I'd probably be in high 70s right now but uh that's that's kind of like double down like really double down on the fact that like look there's a lot of ways to skin this cat yeah that's the funny thing about golf yeah but at the end of the day whatever you do it's always going to end up like I said day one a face to path situation yeah and I'm not saying there aren't players that do hit balls the way you were doing it where they're a little more this way yeah the problem is is that in my opinion and experience when this starts getting this way the wrist angles get even harder to work on that's why like every iron you hit looked like you had really good shaff Ling it's because you weren't over here and then flipping it yeah so um let's set up again let's go through the inputs again yeah so go and show me the upper body at the top and the wrist uh yes just kind of overdone good and then from there you side B and swing to the right yep out that way as much as you can um when I'm like uh so I'm at the top of my back swing here y uh what would you say the weight distribution is here like am I like a lot more on my left already or is it I want you to not worry about that right now okay cuz what here's what I don't want you to do yeah when you start thinking about that if you're like oh I'm not on my left enough yeah now you're back to that m okay if you get back to here then it's like okay then I got to get my arms down so I don't miss the ball I'd rather you have your your tilts for the next month like this and then you're fine okay oh man we know what that was wrist angle at the top yep okay do it again this just two like this yep I already know what you're showing me yes one more of that okay do it again closer good swing more to the right now that was good yeah I kind of pulled it here yeah a little bit when I do that it's going to is that like a over the top mve and goes right that's more face do it again come on slow it down then cuz that's still Twisted open at the top uh-huh yeah gun to your head you're going to hook it so we're going to get that as much this way as you can feel that way so I'm like here is this open no that's that's square right there that's where you want it and then you lower it swing to the right oh I see a d i got a swing started straight that was good yeah I swung to the like left though what was that I I I kind of like did this instead of swinging out to the right let's slow slow this down and just chip them now yeah let me try to get the feel back so kind of like that drill we started with do you remember that yeah like this yep so set up to the ball ball off the left shoulder so wait set up to the ball yeah here good okay show me the Tilt you're trying to do so more that way good so feel your shoulders are vertical hips are open good now I want you to with your wrist angle being closed hit a push hook Bingo what did it do right left yeah all right let's do that again problem is this isn't sexy to work on but it gets you out of like this thing going on at the bottom that you like to do yeah with the wrist when I especially when I go way too fast uh yeah you just wanted to start smashing it it's like you got to control that face position look at that see it's like push hook yeah keep doing that every Club in your bag should behave like this okay so set up to the ball did it again see push hook yeah no I got to see how it's easier to swing right yeah so look do one more and don't drop kick it there you go now you should be able to do that with a lot more speed if you get used to it but let me show you something this is your setup position so what do you notice there in the setup position when you're doing this like the handle's forward and you're kind of presetting your right arm under the left so you're kind of presetting this right and you're kind of presetting your hips being open but your shoulders being more on this line Y right mhm so watch what this does so as you do this where's your tilt yeah that's crazy okay okay now that's really really important M because you don't do that what what I do like well you add speed to your system yeah you go like this you start getting your upper body into extension and forward yeah like that and then you can't get back to it yeah you pre setting like this that sets you into a right Bend now here here's the thing this is a drill yep to get you to understand impact so that your brain is more opted to stay this way feeling for now yeah so that you can get back to it so look now as you do this where's the club coming from the inside pushing to the right how's the club face CL uh square square yeah well how about them apples right are you casting it and all the other stuff that you do in your full swing no so like at the end of the day like we can spin plates on a full swing and go oh you didn't do this enough didn't do this enough but let's be real like if you hit balls like that all day long yeah you just fixed your wrist angles mhm you fixed your turns and your tilt and then look what look what the club does it goes out to the right is the toe turning over and your path going to the right yeah a million miles yeah yeah it's not getting pulled around you to the left okay yeah I that's bananas yeah but see that yeah so yeah that fuel is just kind of like and then this is just boom but my point being is like you actually don't have the feel of that that's my point my point is is like I'm telling you you're going to do that drill you're going to do that drill yeah even if you had to go out and play like that I know I can hook the ball mhm to me if you're like Dan you need to go hook the ball you know on every 18 hole t-shot I would set up a little bit like that and I know I can hook the ball yeah but if I'm too neutral and well I did that now I just start hitting Space Balls you can't play yeah but at least this will get you to get a pattern going and it and it it look at your hips are open like it checks all the boxes keep your tilt so that means do a million of those yeah yeah okay can I try that again yeah yeah I'm just trying to give you a better strategy you know like we can we easiest thing to do is to look at a golf swing and go oh he needs to do this more or this more yeah okay fine but you got to be able to do it every time yeah hold that so that's good and then kind of feel like from here that your hips go underneath you more and up from there so you keep the Tilt but your hips are pushing that see the arms go higher so do that again boom there you go keep chipping that if you get good at this you be you should be able to like hit it 220 yard carry from that drill get a wider stance there you go oh I need to I left it open you felt it good yeah do it again so would you say like when you're saying out it's um this way and then up yeah just just do it through your B that way there you go very cool yeah voila boom up there see I was checking a bunch of boxes now yeah yeah and so to kind of recap yeah when we started with the irons yeah it's really just fuel this a little more here versus there well let me recap it for you let me see your driver okay okay so let's kind of follow up on all this yeah um stand right there for me okay so this is where we're at you have a like I said a nice golf swing we're missing some repeatability through throughout the back the biggest observation it looks as if you kind of cover it with your chest MH right like this and you start hitting like kind of high deflected balls but as of late because you worked on your wrist angles it's actually a lot better like you're actually hitting a little bit more of a solid shot you're hitting them lower and all those things are great yeah but you're not really getting a pattern that that's drawing all the time yeah it's kind of like a straight ball maybe a pull and then when your wrist angles aren't good it's over to the right yeah so now it's a sense of like okay the lowest hanging fruit of what you do is that your upper body at at the top basically is to centered okay so like look if you were like not mobile and you and you didn't have potential to be a good golfer I would actually leave that alone I would probably kind of like not move your pressure around and I'd probably leave you pretty centered and if you never practice I would do that but you do you're a good athlete so I'm going to make you a little bit more conventional with your upper body okay get you to feel more this way y because you're to here mhm and then from this point as you start to open up and side bend the hips are opening the right side's getting lower now the easiest way to circumvent creating that pattern is just to do it at a dress so when you get here you start to feel more that way okay that gets me in my tilt and it allows me to swing to the right and the face closes down that's a little bit egregious but that's the idea got it and then for driver at the top of the back swing do you want you want me to feel it's already a little less open or closed more closed without strengthening your grip yes okay cuz you like to get that thing yeah I mean you can but why just get it somewhat neutral more here and then that way mhm so it's just easier to close yeah it's it's already there okay got it boom right then exit high he said exit more out to the right feeling yeah but you're using your tilts yeah use it use your tilts to do it okay so ready yeah and just like that see now in to out in out in out and then I I kind of uh my wrist angles got a little B there so that's okay look good yeah very good okay one was some speed okay look at that see yeah I don't know if I was you that's what I would do just start ripping drivers just in that drill because it'll fix that thing yeah that always comes back and so because like okay so for me like I'm going here and then when I get too lifty like when I just lift my arms goes like that no your your arms lift because you overextend oh okay yeah so the more I go like this the more my arms go to Oblivion so it's just this yeah that's why if you do with a drill enough it'll go away okay let me try this with speed again Bingo see it's hooking then go that way all right very good yeah okay hey Jerome here hope you love that video if you are actually a true fan and made it all the way to the end you know what comment down below about something random that didn't happen in this video but is super awesome I don't know I think it would be pretty funny to make the comment section A little hilarious for this video we we we'll see where we'll see where it goes we'll see where it goes but also check out the video down below YouTube recommended me to share it with you they said you would actually love it so I'll see you there
Channel: Jerome Rufin
Views: 30,055
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: stop sliding in the golf swing, how to stop sliding, golf lesson, how to stop sliding in golf swing, slide in the golf swing, stop sliding, consistent golf swing, easy golf swing, effortless golf swing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 46sec (3046 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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