I UNLOCKED the Easiest Way to Square the Club Face in this Break through Lesson

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today I had one of the biggest revelations in my golf swing since day one starting from scratch trying to become a scratch golfer my hall of fame coach Dana dalquest who has coach Bryson D Shambo and Victor hin gives me simple feels and fixes around the back swing my hips and even wrist angles that lets me easily get into the perfect impact position I am not going to lie to you today's lesson was one of the wildest breakthrough moments in my entire golfing career so without wasting time as to let's go before I mean the last time the the feel was kind of like this like not even pronating it all getting up here and then um getting it around and do this yeah so three things that I've kind of noticed when I been practicing is like and I don't know you could tell me but I do maybe I'm over exaggerating it because I do feel like coming in so crazy in okay and then when I was at the course like the two misses were like like a massive push and then it'll draw a little bit so it's like just going like that okay and then one is like maybe I'm kind again OV exaggerating it so it seems like I'm just getting it so closed which maybe pulling it left and then lastly is like when I'm kind of set up like this I feel like I kind of Teeter when I do this movement kind of like like this but again I I don't know if it's actually happening it's kind of just like feels that I've kind of okay yeah let's see where we're at yeah you know what I'm really like stoked about you actually aimed really good like you were all worried about your pronation and hand path I'm like no like you actually didn't aim 30 yards right that was pretty awesome yeah the last three days I've like try to test like different ways to aim so I've always kind of came in here and just like aimed here close so I just now I just like come in super open yeah and then I just I think you gave me that tip like try to be parallel so I just like get this parallel and then I like go like that so it was a scoring line I think that was on the golf course right I said like line the scoring and actually line the toe for you scoring line because that's where you want to put the ball wait scoring line is this right yeah so like the gray part of your face yeah like right here okay if if this was clean mhm if this was clean I just hit the ball so ideally like as we progress in the teaching we would take a towel on a thing and every two shots clean the club this is Tommy armor 101 clean the club every two shots RI yeah just so but this is your scoring line so kind of play the ball close to that because you like to play Closer to the heel yeah okay oh that was a shank it's all right keep going tell you what your back swing your body stuff is it okay way better way better I mean when I texted you I felt really good in the back swing with the entire the entire day okay because of that trigger yeah before we get there be committed to this shot yeah good well we're consistent all good yeah let's take a look yeah cuz actually there's a lot of good stuff going on yeah so see how you're like on the heel yeah so you set it up on the heel and then you hit it off the heel so that's not ideal um but like I said like your alignment looks a lot better other than this aspect here right that's a little bit of a problem so we're going to Plate it more out towards the toe um okay let's kind of just look at each piece here we're going to put um we'll do left shoulder for this line right hip center of the body let's look at the takeaway that is awesome that's the first time I've seen you not get your hips lateral to the right too much so you're breaking on that right side better and you're rotating better um put a line on your head we're going to come back to out let's look over here um now your Club is getting shut but what's interesting is that your left wrist is pretty flat so that means that the grip is just a little strong yeah so I but I feel like I'm I'm only holding like this but the way I'm kind of doing it is I'm pushing it like this okay I don't know if like that's that's what I was saying like I don't know if I'm overexaggerating this too much when I was trying to get it we'll take a look I end up going like this a lot and then it gets closed and then yeah I mean you could have a little bit more superation but I mean we'll take a look at it yeah one sample size and that is pretty bow there but I like where your hands are so like if you look at your hands and I'm just being like blaten here that's a pretty good position to be in clubs slightly inside the ball it's between your elbow and your shoulder on the Lower Side yep so for a draw player that's not bad at all yeah that's what I was feeling like when I was doing this felt so easy to bring it to the back up up here and it was going more up and then when I it was uh like shallow okay um but which was well so far so good so P3 is good P4 you could be dropping more earlier so you're still up right here I see so your head's still up so you should be like going back down going back down through your rotation um but where the position your body on the caddy view looks pretty good other than the fact that it's too up yeah now as far as the hands are concerned am I lifting too much instead of coming around well I'm going to show you that yeah so the right arm is above right there so this needs to be down more okay I can do that I think you're afraid to be around to be honest so that's why you do that that's going to be a pickle for the transition so it's hard for the arm to get back in enough when you do that mhm um and then it is pretty shallow now the face is now open yeah so what's kind of interesting is because you're so shut here it doesn't really it opens and it doesn't want to shut down with your rotation yeah um whether that's something you acally can do on the down swing I'm going to say no um but that needs to be a little less looking of a back swing and then you keep your shoulder down your upper body from here should not go more forward okay um it's a little bit forward there but not bad yeah um okay yeah big progress though I mean the body thing going back yeah I mean that's it doesn't look like this anymore okay which is great okay let's set up for a minute we're going to do the club face yep we'll just put it on the other side a little bit sure so take your address okay and things you can control is where that ball is on the face so that's really good okay so go ahead and do the takeaway hands go in and then allow this to relax as you do that so the elbows down oh I see see that that changes that face got it so if it's this way right now keep going back gotcha now the elbow's already down see that so it's more there got it and I've been kind of okay yeah yeah so it's yeah let that just kind of that way right so this is so just let the elbow just like this just let it rotate open oh like this yeah there you go okay yeah so elbow more down there you go there you go that yep and is this to uh Stronger now we're good nope you're good you're good okay let's do a couple so take your setup we're going to make we're going to hit every Mark here so take your set up okay right elbow under that's set up uh here yep that'll help okay goe and go to two there it is keep turning there you go so that's that's your input okay let's go and do that awesome you need to see that yeah and I know I topped it but no it was great so functionally if you're going to start working on this yeah if I set up and the trail elbow is more externally rotated okay now not my not my form but just the shoulder and I set up it's easier for that to happen see that yep if it's here it doesn't want to do that okay got it yeah I'm just trying to figure out like this from the last time we the pronation stuff so I guess I'm still doing that but now I'm just keeping it like keeping it that way and I don't have to like do this no no no no no no yeah you're counter rotating your arms you don't need to do that so it's just going to like yeah so it just folds it just goes right there so now when you watch this so from P1 to two much better you see how the face isn't a shut it's a little inside but it's not shut anymore yeah and then as you go back right elbow down see how the shaft doesn't pitch across so this doesn't get so across to the top and this is more level yep right so that shoulder is still loaded yeah with the elbows down so that's more like where fleetwood's at okay yeah I think I can do that again yeah I'm just trying to yeah I keep feeling like I get way too inside in here what do you mean like how you said I got maybe little well just the club head not the hands the hands are perfect okay those hands aren't too far in but then how does the club head not there was nothing wrong with that back swing don't worry like if P2 is a little in I don't really care got it yeah that's not like a career ending situation half the tour is there I see half the tour is somewhere between here and here I'm just wondering how why uh I'm how it's in there because well there's there's a lot of different reasons so there could could be too much flexion in the wrist could be not enough left Bend oh I see okay doesn't really matter yeah like if if we spend it's too much time here you're not hitting the ball well yeah for sure like when you're like a zero handicap we can start getting into that stuff okay cool cool okay let's try to hit a ball that's like an internet argument yeah that's like Golf Works hey Golf Works so basically same thing and kind of just feel this yeah that was perfect at the top okay yeah yeah yeah I think that's pretty easy to replicate hopefully that was awesome just need to do that did it yeah so that's two in a row those are better yeah that feels pretty easy to replicate I just this this feeling yeah yeah I'm going to have to give you a secondary input here in a second yeah okay one more good job let two over okay you ready for the secondary input yeah okay and before we go into that secondary input it would help the channel and small Creator like me greatly if you can quickly go down below subscribe and hit that like button just checked if you do Tiger Woods is going to make an even bigger comeback at the Masters next year so if you don't do it for me do it for the goat and definitely stay tuned until the end because not only does Dana give me one of the biggest revelations in my swing but I also included some behind the-scenes content between me and Dana just for all of you so with that back to the show so because your Club face was shut going back prior or than right now prior the last two were good even the last one there okay it wants to go this way on the down swing okay so it it shut to open shut to open yep when you first came here and you used to have like a motorcycle grip it was I mean I can can't you remember all the stuff that was going but there was stuff going on you kept strengthening the grip to keep the face from getting open yeah that's essentially what happen so like you need to learn how to Pivot and shut the face down Y and do it through the transition okay featuring they either they agree or they don't I don't know okay so let's take your setup okay this is just your feel and this might might be a little cumbersome okay so do your back swing you've been working on got the same attachment same face okay go and do your back swing okay so that's lovely so now what I want you to learn to do I want you to start because you're already landed left start pushing your left hip back straighten your left leg behind you and turn this face down early okay while you're keeping this all back so look what I don't want and this is real important okay I do not want you to depends on who I'm dealing with so here here's bring up that Golf Works thing okay for you at home so it depends on who I'm dealing with okay I had a guy in earlier who's older yeah he has a different feel yeah he also has a different pressure TR Trace because he's not capable of moving lateral so this it's not Apples to Apples like it just depends you're a good mover but we're developing some stuff so for you from the top because you already land into your lead side this arm staying back like I'm going to do that okay and as I'm doing that that's going to put torque through the shaft yep and the face so you might need to feel like this is shutting down like that as this is pivoting open okay okay so let's set up we'll go through it this is going to be fun we're going to do that pretty slow but overdone with a perfect back swing what you just did ready yep go yep you're good wow okay it feels like a baseball swing I don't know what that means but it sounds good to me like I'm hitting it yeah yeah how it look mean you're swinging an object like a racket or a golf club or a baseball bath yeah okay fair check how good this is all right so progressively changing the back swing you don't realize like how stoked I am about your pivot your pivot is actually like is it okay it's the biggest thing like it's my that was my worry my worry was because you you literally were doing this for like a month and a half where your hip would bump right and then you can't get left because this is too far over here yeah you're not doing that anymore that's already better that's already better look how good that looks see how the shaft and the face that's perfect yeah it feels like I'm just like holding a tray great I like it what style like Chicago New York Chicago Pizza okay okay so then through here shoulder button in the club to the ball so now you land you start to turn and let's see if your wrist angle starts to flex your left wrist it does look at that see how your hips are already open yeah now the shaft points outside the ball hips are opening oh dang boom there you go now we're trending that back swing is like it makes it so easy to do this uh yeah it matters yeah yeah it definitely matters but look your Flex down right this is inside the hands left wrist is not extended anymore which is where those right balls come from right yeah now as you do this keep working the hips open and internally rotating the trell femur okay so you're driving this hip that way yeah as you're doing that yeah I probably kind of sometimes stay back on it so well you had to yeah but look how you're you're in the shot longer and look how your exit look at that it's just like yeah that's good but now you can do that you couldn't do that before cuz the face is wide open yeah if you did that you just hit it over there awesome that's good can you try it again not rocket science I could do this I'm not that smart that was cool yeah that was probably the best looking shed I've had so far all right let me try again all right so that's turning down staying back and driving your right hip so it's basically did we ever talk about AP Force no what is that okay so like in the realm of so I use gas plates okay so they're all good okay so whether you're using swing Catalyst or using gas plates the terminology is a little bit different between the two because how they interpret the data yeah and it's important so the argument in my industry which tends to have a lot of egos um I don't really care but whatever you know if somebody has a better mouse trap then fine use that mouse trap I don't care but one of the situations that's really interesting is um when we start looking at like torqus y okay and how forces are implying the torqus why is that important well how do I get to a position in a golf swing if I don't feel what I'm doing and I don't know the magnitude of that feelm one way to look at an AP force is AP means you got an anterior position your body and a posterior position your body okay got it you're pushing from anterior to posterior yep which will influence horizontal torque okay so which is what you're trying to do yeah whereas before when you were going like up and early extending if you want to to call it that yeah that's a form of vertical force or a frontal plane torque mhm so it's pushing the wheel this way yep you want a nice mix of both yeah okay so as you're coming down and you're pushing open because your face is better you're going to be able to clear and get more room of that left hip opening up which will drive this hip more forward y okay so as you're doing this tow heel this way push back like this is driving straight or earlier behind you and drive the right hip towards the target okay and do it pretty early so if you look at like Tommy Fleetwood who draws balls yeah his left foot or right foot is off the ground by H's shoulder okay like it's already it's already he's already doing that same with Xander they're going like that so don't like keep your foot down is what I'm saying oh here yeah yeah okay I mean you can do that so there are guys that do that or train that y right or wrong but that's not this pattern cool okay wow very cool lost the back swing a little bit but that was pretty good I kind of like uh I was thinking about lifting up too much that I was like wait I got to get back in back me let me uh can I show you that yeah let me recalibrate in the back o that's pretty good so this is right after it kind of crossed a little yeah and it elevated but not bad I mean there's plenty of golfers that play there yeah we got to get back to the other one though I need to get back to the field though okay you're perfectionist so it's I'll take a picture of my sock closet so you can see that everything's lined up okay but watch how much better this is see how your hips are already going yeah look at the shaft look at your left hip bye-bye see yeah hips are cleared clubs inside the hands you're still in your tilts and your hips are wide open there you go yeah it's funny cuz I'm not even really thinking about my hips right now well that's why I said that a couple lessons ago I don't really every time I don't worry about your hips it's more like how you push on the ground in your femur yeah it's just like this new corrected back swing the only way I could get to the ball is if I rotate and everything's kind of just rotating along with it um I don't know how to really explain it but no you nailed it okay so this back swing that is feet to the left more uh yeah okay here Club on the toe more here and then here yep yeah yep oh I that one I wish that yeah very good I think I got out of that like I that doesn't matter that was a good attempt dang it okay shut the face down keep driving that what what did happened there so keep shutting the face down as you drive that open was I just leaving it open there m yeah yeah this oh yeah yeah straighten the left leg Drive the right hip okay for you yep depends disclaim all around 100% that was actually exceptional yeah keep doing that that was exceptional dang it good I keep like I mean you almost got it yeah I feel like I just let me try it again I I think I know what to correct let's take a look almost I know so you're going to have to put some attention on that club face so put a line here put a line here put a line here we got a lot of lines there yeah okay so feel like my head's going too forward to on the down swing yeah yeah a little bit if you push it won't do that like that looks amazing if you push it won't do that like that looks amazing right so definitely look how your pressure went down left so amazing yeah so here you're yes your head's a little bit forward there see how like this is this tilt your body is too far forward yeah so I guess I have to feel like I'm landing without moving my head mhm like like this mhm yeah keep but way better straighten the left leg driving the right hip wrist angle still a little open there and then it's catching the ball because of that this is here it's catching the ball like that yeah too much instead of like turning the thing down and just rip but tell you what for the the amount of stuff I gave you pretty decent can I try that feeling of me staying back I feel like me getting ahead I'm trying to do this 100% yeah with the face yes me they match up those two things kind of match up yeah so let me do this and then instead of going here do this and then I should be able to do that yeah it's gets your pressure left it's not get globally your body over there yeah I feel like that's been my tendency since day one so let me try to counteract it real quick I feel like the face gets like yeah this this whatever that yeah there you go okay ready oh really good one more one more you didn't like that uh no what was wrong with it I felt I didn't do this enough okay do both the inputs more than face and the head yeah oh no oh it was so good too that was so close do it again it's so close I felt I felt like I was doing the face better but that's all right I just like chunked it I'm going to make sure you don't get your head up forward on this one okay ready sounds good let's take a look I think you did it maybe my face was open it was for sure is right but this is this might be a good drill for you okay so your camera on caddy View and then just not you can get pressure to go left but don't globally move your body up there so you wind up slam I see your head stayed back yeah and the face was open yeah but it's I feel like I'm still scooping that well it's cuz the face is open but the body stuff looks great yeah let's try one more okay that look pretty good let's try it without a ball okay cuz I don't really care necessarily with a ball okay take your setup so I want you to do that face like crazy through the transition so go to the top good now what's the wrist going to do I'm going to land it I'm just going to like real fast oh as okay yep okay you ready oh I see I see yeah you're good okay ready this is staying here get your pressure left push your hip open drive your right hip go that's what I want yeah okay come take a look I I was turning it a different way okay yeah this is proper okay so this is your golden ticket right here yeah radius side Bend heads there okay so you go back swing really really good land see that perfect now your head's not jumping forward push the left hip back Drive the right hip look at your left wrist now yeah see how it's not open yep now you get the handle to be correct coming down okay right there as your head stayed back see that no flip and then head back arms extended on that side right hips driven yep let me try the ball with that like 10% speed yeah yeah that's fine that that wrist I won't film it because we already got a perfect one you just do it okay okay I was um two swings ago I was doing like trying to rotate it like this versus that yeah just yeah okay I got it square that club face up they here yeah just get it square and then play it off the toe more tow here and then then put your grip on yeah there you go okay lovely yeah that's the opposite very good I I I just need to land more left okay let's chat about this though okay so let's run through your inputs a little bit so this is probably like if I was looking at a spectrum of your lessons most things have been gathered around like your pivot your pivot your pivot and contact contact contact right and then we did do some stuff on the golf course which highlighted your aim what my aim yeah yeah well you know your aim and like hitting a three-wood so like stuff like that and then now we're getting into like okay they'll end up being more vanity pieces yeah like what makes a pretty golf swing well at the core of it is all the stuff we talked about before yeah so you can't have a pretty golf swing if you're always thinking about your arms wrists and hands yep because the engine is just not going to be able to produce what you want but now we are so this is like a hyper detailed lesson that's specific for you yeah okay not for everybody else yeah maybe like we don't know but for you what was the first thing we talked about for the back swing yeah so like get the aim right and then off the toe yeah off the toe sorry I'm just I'm I'm going to record this for you like get the aim right I know okay what's your commitment level be committed okay ready I'm still feeling kind of like the no peration but I'm not doing it like crazy anymore and so it's kind of just like here and then I feel this like the like the weight thing under more yeah and then so when it's like this and it's here and it's that's kind of the position okay now that f is shut why cuz you changed your grip oh yeah got to keep doing that so that's okay I just watched you like had it good and then before you went you just went crank gotcha gotcha so this is good yep you're good you're good yeah that's good okay okay now don't change that yeah now do the back swing piece so that's there keep going keep going keep going awesome so now this gets back and it's at 90 oh I can get this even higher than what I was well just there hold that yeah so that looks perfect okay then what from there for for me once I feel the land I basically like for me I just push this open while I'm turning this yeah and your head staying back oh yeah my head's staying back that's the thing I probably need to keep working on and then yeah you just go like that yeah yeah that's your deal all right show me one massively good how good is that yeah I I felt like it's good that was good yeah that was really good yeah that was good my body is kind of like degrading oh I feel like I need to get more in shape yeah so well it' be interesting if you run an eval because this is actually good conversation for video there's a point and and I don't know what it is to be fair but there's a point in golf where you know it's number one you didn't play college golf junior golf um so you don't have these ingrained patterns right you lived a life of you know other sports you played office job you just pick up Golf and let's just be real for a minute 99.8% of the golfing population runs some asymmetry going on MH which means like some have a neck issue some people have a shoulder issue a hip issue and then you throw golf on top of that which is I'm not saying it's an impact sport you know but we look at impact Sports the shelf life is like oh yeah you're 26 you're out right cuz golf you should be able to play Forever yeah and so but you get to this demographic handicap speed window where your body has to move better yeah for longer like so what are those things that you need to do so the argument at least and this is purely like anecdotal okay is oh go to the gym slam a bunch of Weights get stronger but we're in this interest point right now in the sports fitness world yeah where they look at things a little differently and so it's not so just get stronger like yeah like I like going to the gym it's fun you push yourself but you know you're looking for preventable injury situations yeah so like all right if you don't have enough internal hip rotation on let's say your Trail leg then you can't access your glute appropriately if do facto it goes up the chain yeah right so just saying that like that or your feet don't supinate properly over time your body won't feel good so like you need to have something that you have a recovery piece especially the older you get like my age 46 most my stuff has gone from like when I was in my 20s like oh I can run lift eat a bunch have S chocolate cake that's frozen in the v Supermarket aisle and just crush it to okay I can't do that anymore mhm I'm on my feet all day teaching golf8 hours a day that's a toll like people don't realize like okay do that for 25 years and see how you feel yeah it's going to play a toll and then the recovery side is increased so like what is that like is there Mobility involved is there you know like I like sauna and Cole plunge yeah like does that help you so I think like getting at least like an evaluation on you know how well your shoulder movement is especially the hips yeah um is huge I I just think it's huge no I agree for sure yeah I've always been healthy and like worked out and all that stuff but I feel like I need to work out in a different manner not like me when I was a bodybuilder and like basketball and so that and like the driving and all that stuff so like I started a chyo uh ch therapy the that stuff and yoga and all this other things just to kind of recover a lot more so when we look at the golf swing right so remember we talked about like forces and torqus yeah okay in in a nutshell what is that so in the horizontal plane or the transverse plane yeah which is like rotation stuff mhm you could build a program in that phase only yeah right M then you have the frontal plane stuff which is this which is potentially side to side movement as well you can do that so like lateral bounds you know that could be programmed too so if somebody can't move that well like if I'm asking a player to push one way or the other and if they jump on their right foot and fall on their face probably not a good idea to throw a bunch of force at them because they can't handle it yeah now let's just say that my ego's pretty big and I'm like oh yeah I can do that well I might be banging my head against the wall for six months trying to do something I physically can't do yeah like that's another thing like people don't now does the person's ego allow that I don't know like that's what we're going to find out yeah but the typical workouts the bodybuilding cuz this is why I said this is sagittal plane like when you're pressing squatting deadlifting you don't really even do that in a good golf swing yeah now trainers will argue that it's there y but they can't hit a golf ball anyway so it's like most of them like the bodybuilding type so you know squatting doesn't do much for you neither does deadlifting yeah if anything it's a hindrance if anything cuz you're going to potentially injure yourself which is what happens to my generation yeah like Charles Hal and I talk a lot about this because my generation in the 40s uh 40 years old demographic and above like we were influenced by like Arnold schweger Dorian Yates Ronnie Coleman like all these Mr olympias yep and so you go to the gym and you just bench press like oh why is my levator scapula like flaring up right in my neck well it's because you're pressing like it's not even functional yeah um or crossfitting it's like that's not really that functional to hit a golf ball MH cuz you know you lose Mobility when you do that and yeah you might look better like physically but that doesn't make your golf swing better so anyway it'll be a fun thing for you I think hey there thanks again for watching hope you learned learned and enjoyed it as much as I did and if you want to check out another great video click the thumbnail down below YouTube recommended that you would like that one as much as you did this one so hopefully I'll see you guys there
Channel: Jerome Rufin
Views: 47,569
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf tips, golf swing, golf impact, golf impact position, golf swing tips, golf lesson, impact position, make a great golf swing, compress the golf ball, golf ball striking, golf swing basics, golf tips irons, how to square the clubface, square club face, square clubface, square clubface at impact, golf drills, square the clubface at impact, how to square the clubface consistently at impact, square clubface at address, square the clubface every time, square the clubface
Id: xiKa_TAhNEM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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