The Driver King & HOF Coach Joins My Team to Get Me to Scratch

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we got Joe guys drone nice to meet you man he's a pro yeah so this right shoulder is literally going like this m but your hip is going like that yeah that's how you create rotation we're going to put $5 on the ground if he does it he keeps it okay ready go ahead welcome back to another episode of scratch to scratch where I start from scratch completely nothing to try to become a scratch golfer by every means possible today we are in Long Beach California not only to place some golf but also to add one more coach into the S2 Journey not only is he going to help me long-term with my swing but today we're going to focus on the lower body seid s and everything it needs to take to get a scratch golf so with that come on ladies and Gentlemen let's get into it we're going to look at what you do kind of look at big Baseline things first like what your body is doing and if doing that we can kind of make heads or tails of what we're going to do with the arms and the wrists so okay right now the main thing that has been trying to people are trying to I guess fix or improve is just my lower body cuz the first four months I was basically just complete arms okay and now it's like trying to initiate this but that is that is definitely in rough mode for sure okay yeah it started right nice believe it or not it doesn't look like power is really an issue for you yeah everybody digs a long ball right so as far as I'm concerned you're hitting it far enough okay okay so the first thing that's kind of interesting if I look at just your setup we need to have some structure with the address position your your grip is okay if you think about it like you're putting a lot of energy through your system and if your stance gets narrow it's tough to create stability and brakes so um without getting into the weeds too much let's think about rotation for a minute okay in mechanics rotation would be like degrees of freedom that let's say your pelvis your knees your hips takes an in a back swing okay the problem is if I put more lateral force in my system my stance has to break that so the wider it is the easier it is for me to actually rotate okay because I have more like sheer force okay when your stance is narrow you're going to struggle with that you're probably going to have more thrusting which would be like you thrusting towards the ball or potentially going down because you don't have ability to hit the brakes on that so you get some instability of maybe some lateral and some thrust so right now you're kind of set up for more thrust now if you hit a wedge like this I'd be fine because a wedge you're not trying to hit a pitching wedge 150 yards you might want to try to hit at 135 maybe 100 yards or flight it or whatever you don't need to to bust like a pitching wedge okay so we're going to widen that out second thing take away get a little bit of a reverse going on what does that mean because the stance is narrow and you applied a little lateral to it like this well now my hip is outside the foot the upper axis is actually going more left oh I see to counterbalance it mhm question is is like would that go away with a wider stance maybe your rotation is fine and then going back the upper axis goes even more forward and you have a little bit of what we call a reverse hip slide see how your chest is 3 in forward and your pelvis is 2.5 mhm so your hip is actually going towards the target okay and your chest is going more in front of that oh I see I'm looking at it from like two two different ways I look at things from an anatomical position like your geometry yeah then I look at Force production and they have to kind of they have to mesh so for you you kind of get left everything left well I can't go anywhere from here yeah so I'm going to push away from it got it right that so then you probably thin it yeah and hit out hit it right and sometimes draw it that's kind of the pattern let's see if you actually did that cuz I think you did so upper body's on top so your head's coming up up up up up up up up up up up and then the bottom your wrist is extended yeah because you have to if you're pushing up you have to get the wrist back to the ball so pretty easy let's go ahead and set up yeah because right now as I was kind of mentioning I was always there assessing like I was always good a rotating but I never did any lateral movement so now I'm just trying to do the lateral but right now it's just a lot of it just goes yeah how long you been playing uh about six and a half months okay so um for 6 and 1 half months you have a nice golf swing you do um so don't like hit Panic buttons or anything like that for you to create lateral you have to create that Brak so remember how I said that you going to the right you have to break that Force to create rotation okay so if you think about it if I had a med ball and I wanted to throw it that way I'm not going to go like this so the problem is is people think of lateral as that right that's that's their their thought it's like no no no no I'm trying to create something athletic in my system now that might be predisposed so there are players that are very centered yeah that predispose have some of this in there mhm and we have to kind of build that so if I get in here and I had a medball and I went left right well as soon as I went right I just hit the brakes yeah well that turns into torque yeah that's how I want you to kind of think of it okay so let me see your Club yep so go wider stance like this wide yep pressure on the balls your feet mhm all right now just imagine you had a med ball cuzz I didn't bring one and go a little wider than that so you're yeah I want it to be uncomfortable okay okay and then hold like the ball like it's 50 lb yeah now how would you throw that in that direction if it was 50 lb like that yeah okay now think of it from your golf swing alignments your chest goes left your hips go right yeah so instead of throwing it this way see how I'm doing it yeah throw it this way see how this arms higher yeah yeah do that now there hold that so now this is probably zero and this is probably one degree forward so this arm is higher and then kind of feel like this arm is lower okay that's where you need to be what happens let's say you go to up there to the front of the golf course yeah they have mirrors up there and you go in there and you go okay well I'm trying to hit all these positions in my golf swing I'm trying to go boom boom boom boom and boy I can do it in the mirror every time and then you hit a ball and it just falls apart yeah that's me why that happens to everybody I don't care how good you are yeah like it it looks like Adam Scott and then all of a sudden you hit a ball and it's like Herby Hancock like why yeah I don't know mental no because of the kinetics you're putting through your body because you're not moving the athlete to match up the mechanics that's why it falls apart okay okay so so do that a couple more times just to feel so wide stance yep he that yep feel pressure goes into that right boom yep stop there so this is higher yeah this is softer yeah pressure is on the right but you're not going too far left with this there you go okay now do that with a golf club a little wider than that good now a little left to right first and then go to that point good a little bit more get pressure into the right foot that's better better see how you kind of put more energy into it and your upper body went to the right more yeah okay which should go to zero or one de left or right okay we're going to do three like that you ready yeah there you go so go longer like even longer yeah so like this gets turned and this is down oh down okay see that so this is now your rib cage is now turned about 75° okay there it is Okay the reason why I use this program is this for communication okay okay so this is way better so now you're at zero see pelvis chest and then pressure left pressure right boom so now you've actually moved 1.5 in to the right with your upper axis mhm that was 2° 2 in right at the top so now you're not now you're actually to the right okay so now there's a load in the TR foot mhm which you didn't have before because you actually went this way yeah I was trying to yeah I was trying to initiate this movement well I'll fill in those gaps for you yeah okay it's okay okay now you ready for part two yes sir okay if you're z0 at the top of your golf swing or going back in your back swing M you potentially could be really really good mhm but you could be leaving something on the table mhm so if you look at guys like Rory mroy and Xander Schley okay they they illuminate a little bit of a behavior in their back swing they're kind of doing what you're doing if you look at Rory in his setup where he's still moving yeah and then his takeaway is actually like that so he's actually moving left right not that much but kind of before the club moves yeah okay and long hitters do that so if you don't do that you're leaving something on the table that little movement allows him to create more force in his system now the alignment per se might be the same as a player who did the same amount of turn alignment wise so like let's say I turned 25 degrees through my rib cage and Rory did two but the difference was there was more Force production with Rory mhm so IE he can hit it further okay see what I'm saying yeah yeah okay now let's talk about building this in there now this is going to keep turning so keep rotating keep rotating keep rotating and then right right at the top your pressure is going to slam left oh I see yeah okay so you actually want to slam your pressure left when the club stops moving so it's kind of like this your right wind slam where's the club head it's on that side of my head yeah that's what loads the club M okay okay so if I was to throw this thing as hard as I could I wouldn't go like this yeah right I would go like this so it's the same kind Behavior I want you to slam left when the club's at the top okay ready yeah let's try it so the concept's the same going back slam pressure left when the club stops moving like this and then when it goes up here yeah like the club head is on that side of your head yep okay you're welcome that was a good lesson good job you're good see that launched yeah okay and the reason why it launched you weren't too far forward MH you weren't vertically pushing up as early early yeah so you're able to still go down and left while the club was at the top and and this is a Cadence thing yeah okay my preference is a little more weighted towards what are the best guys of the average doing okay okay so the average might be here but I like this average over here okay keep [Music] going yeah now we're launching it now um the last little pieces can you do that again for me yeah everybody's really captivated by rotation right it's like you go on Instagram everybody's like turn okay all right well I don't really tell anybody to turn in my lessons I I just don't but I teach them what turn is okay so one form of turn is horizontal yeah okay I would say every High handicap player on the planet does that okay they all turn their chest and their shoulders like this and their pressure's back that's it's going to slice it now you're not doing that you actually are forward and pushing back you're actually like here and you're going like this which is good because that's vertical and like a ferris wheel right so your rotation is working like a ferris wheel so you want to build in like equal distribution of horizontal and vertical okay in your golf swing now you couldn't do that before why because you were standing on your left foot and you're pushing up yeah right so you need to kind of blend the two now I'm I would say I like guys to draw it so they probably are going to have more vertical than horizontal especially with the driver kind of a good thing cuz you can hit High draws but if you didn't have any left or right it's really hard to get that to happen mhm and once you kind of do that we'll add the next phase okay okay let's look we go back and now you can see you actually moved slightly out of range okay so don't don't panic that that's going on M okay that's actually a good thing now is it a little too much maybe but the better you get it feeling yourself go like this the the fast you can break it then you're winding better way more shoulder turn 90 96° chest is more to the right hip is more centered mhm so right here that pelvis sway number yeah it's 1° left or to the right yep is way different than before and your chest is 3 in to the right mhm now as you finish the transition look what happens back to zero pressure slamming down and left and then and you're slamming down and left when the club is where at the top yeah see that yeah that's how you load the club okay and then you do whatever you do on the down swing which we don't care about right now okay I I really don't care because you got to like you can't do everything does this make sense yep okay um let's hit a few more and then let me see if there's anything we should do so practice it with a super wide base oh yeah so this is how I should actually play this wide yeah driver even wider okay you're a bomber dude you got to have some base on you all right so upper axis was too far forward at the top so in that one I was going you were good but then you you loaded right but then you kind of threw your upper body for yeah want to get behind and then land it yeah oh I see [Music] okay solid that's beautiful now you see how that ball was just a push it didn't draw back yeah I'll teach you what your hands and the release should do the the problem is is your old release you couldn't do that where your body was I see so I will get your ball speed up a little bit um if I hit an iron from 160 it's generally lower yeah and then when I hit it beyond that it's generally higher okay so I'll teach you how to do that later do two more pretty good swing for six months nice all right Joe's going to jump in he's going to model some of this real quick so go go ahead and we got Joe guys Dr nice to meet you man um he's a pro yeah so Joe show me a swing where and you don't have to hit it where your head is too far forward at the top of your swing see where he's like loading over his left a little bit there yeah now if you did one with your head more this way where does it feel like it's going to start more down here yeah if he was loaded left like that for him to do what you were doing and start it right he has to push up yeah right so now do your normal yep see it's more like it's like one inch right yep go aad and do it yeah fire away to the trajectory yeah that's like yours can you give me mine this swing yeah yeah yeah 100% no 100% yeah I mean have you won anything in golf couple things couple things so we'll get there we'll get there we'll get there but you see how he has a little bit of a load right and turn and then principally the same and I'm I was just doing you were just doing that yeah remember the problem with with with golf science is that it's really really good but it's losing the fact that I need to hit the ball at the Target yeah I would say this if if I'm a lot of vertical why not have some horizontal in there yeah manageable Y and then have the proper torque value so that I can hit the ball straight and layer it on top of my vertical that I have yep then then you hit the ball better almost pretty good and I'm thinkning this because am I just getting way too ahead of the ball no you didn't get left enough at the top there you go that was kind of the opposite that's good yeah better let's kind of talk like the timeline here so actually so we're building in that first movement where you kind of go to the right throw the med ball back get yourself to wind up land your pressure into your lead side when the club's at the top we call it like the kinematics of your golf swing yeah that's what it is once we kind of get that then we'll build in what do you do through the transition okay like and how your body reacts to it it does need to do some things differently okay it's different here it's different here it's different here then what we do is we kind of go into the weeds that's where we get into some preferences so we're working on like big picture macro body stuff okay and then this is the fun part is how do you how do you apply this yeah you need to create control so remember I started off saying like you need to start the ball where you want it yeah okay you need to learn how to do that there's this thing that people think like I need to get the shaft here and the r no even if it's not perfect you need to be able to manipulate it into the right position hit the ball where you want to go okay cool any questions so far no not right now okay yeah um let's said a couple more good okay sounds good close do a practice swing again widen your base out again let's actually do this put it right here so you're behind the divot that's another lesson oh yeah okay so wider stamps and don't worry about missing balls you're just doing motion okay so go and show me what you're trying to do on the back swing so shift turn good and and then you're you're up here and you're Landing left when that's at the top okay it's all right what was cool about that is you did it and then you kind of slid forward from there okay let me give you the next line item just real quick just you how it good so remember I brought up the top about like Ferris wheel and horizontal y okay so go to the top of your swing so when your pressure lands in your left foot feel your hips open and then drive this shoulder down keep straighten your get your left hip around you keep straighten your left leg that way do you feel that like this is opening yeah and this is driving down Okay so this right shoulder is literally going like this MH but your hip is going like that yeah that's how you create rotation yep okay good luck we're going to put $5 on the ground if he does it he keeps it okay right ready go ahead better oh that was actually pretty good so you feel your left hip go left and your right shoulder drive down that way so you're not trying to shallow the club by wrist elbow or anything like that it's just this is here if your back swing's good and because you're side bending and rotating It lines right up you don't have to worry about all that there you are there you are perfect nice that was slightly chunked yeah keep keep driving this hip open and side bending keep going yeah that way look at my foot that way there you go money that those are the two things like you just have to kind of get used to that so side Bend is working in this direction yeah okay which is is right side Bend and this is rotation okay so from the Top If I'm here let's say I'm turned 105° my right shoulder is actually going this way got it it's not going like that so it's boom boom yep right from the top nice so one of the big things with um golf instruction is I get guys come out and they're you know they're working on a move and yeah it's neat like you hit a bunch of them good and then you hit a bunch of they bad and you're like well what's the difference you like nothing like you just have to do it until you get it m but you want to keep doing the alignment cuz these are pretty major yeah now if it was a little thing like feel more of this at the bottom or something like lean the handle more or whatever it is that's a different story these are pretty macro yeah and one thing I mean this is down the road like I've never like compressed the ball I'm just like never you can't yeah CU your wrist is like that so that's why you chunk it yeah that's why so like your wrist does this yeah and you stand up yeah you can't you can't compress it like that now I get it there are tour players that do some of that those tour players cuz if you if you leave them alone they're going to go that way anyway so here way better on your back swing so see how you're zero yeah so you're actually at the top you're zero chest zero pelvis 90° of turn slam right shoulder driving down so right there you're your side Bend is actually good now that's your right shoulder yeah so that's perfect now see your right elbow how it's like this way yeah that's actually your left wrist left arm component that's part of that we'll get into that another time but now you're more open 30 Dees with your pelvis and now your side Bend is closer at 18° so the more that I turn I better be side bent or I'm hitting the ball over there got it good job Mak sense yeah it makes sense all right 5,000 balls 5,000 balls like that yeah okay awesome man this gives you the opportunity to work on your hands next give me one more okay let's see it yeah better now see I was right that's just wrist angle driven and we'll figure that out we'll figure that out later but that's perfect launch start line everything good job dude all right very easy [Music] let's go
Channel: Jerome Rufin
Views: 34,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf tips, bryson dechambeau, golf lessons, how to golf, how to swing a golf club, golf lesson, how to play better golf, how to play golf, bryson dechambeau golf, how to hit further, golf swing basics, golf swing
Id: EdHqc7EarD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 22 2023
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