Tiger Woods' Driver Clinic With Rory McIlroy and Nelly Korda | TaylorMade Golf

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hi I'm Tiger Woods here with Rory meloy and Nelly Corda this is Tiger [Music] talks yeah W look at [Music] this he missed it just a touch it's still so [Music] straight what Drive are you playing now that looks different the qi1 max max the max one it's a little bigger head but I'm a draw byas player okay so I just felt like it was a shape I wanted and I also don't like to see the ball going really high I'm more of a penetrating ball flight a little lower more controlled and a baby draw Baby draws we got two drawers here know fad this is a good win for the draw though yeah it is I'll just hit a few of them are you going to critique my swing you're just going to hit okay okay okay so Nelly when you're swinging well obviously the ball goes right to left yes if when you're having a day or a shot or uncomfortable hole when you're not feeling comfortable on that shot you still try and draw it or you try and hit a a cut a low cut or you trying to hit a higher ball a straighter ball I smooth whatever whatever your feels are I so it depends I'll hit like a knockdown kind of a controlly uh shot if I'm not feeling too well if I'm not hitting it well uh but typically I just try to stay the same ball flight um throughout my entire round so I aim it a little right and kind of draw it back in I want to see this dun yeah this this is going to be not a great win cuz it's de dead down wind it's not going to go very high but it's kind of cool you even you even call it a a knockdown yeah knockdown driver a little controlly oh dude that is cool so a little shorter finish a little bit more in the middle of my stance and I just try to hit get on top of the golf ball correct yeah well I already kind of have the ball position 2.2 my ball position is already a little bit more back in my stance compared to probably you you probably put take it off your inside of your left foot right for me it's probably I don't know a couple balls more in the middle what about you can want to take advantage of this wind and send one yeah what would you do then that's different um I would probably lean a little bit more back on it just to try to get the ball flight a little higher would you move the ball up in your stance a little bit a little yeah but I start to lose it a little right when I do that okay so does the tea height change yes a little I do like to Tee It Up a little lower than okay normal you can do I got small te's so I like that so if I if I do want to send it up a little higher like let's say I'm trying to take an aggressive line over a then I will place it more in the front of my stance and I'll lean a little back on it add a dress yeah okay y yeah that'll work great swings great job more ball speed out of that one yeah yeah it's just I feel like you send it right that's your send yeah well I mean what for her6 22 Yeah others were two5 were they honestly I don't really play around too much with my driver as I said I like to feel like it's just consistent throughout the day I mean on the lpj tour I can carry majority of the drivers just with my standard swing like I never try to crush it because I like Fairway finders yeah do you ever hit it the other way do you ever try to hit it left or right no never I look at her eyes no see my eyes no deathly scared of Fades when I fade it then you know that I'm like jerking my head forward and I'm starting to hit it on the heel okay okay I just have a natural into toout path and I've tried to dabble with is that because of your family background with the tennis yeah I guess maybe you could blame it on that but I don't know I feel like the Fades just don't suit my eye yeah and two it's just I hit it Healy yeah it's just not a good strike I'll hit one more see yeah I think that Max driver is perfect for you yeah that's perfect pretty good that's good really good but that's usually my standard ball flight yeah I I wouldn't change from your standard ball flight either if I had that 280 m hm 291 yeah it's perect 25 perfect perfect spin I'm I'm not even swinging that hard guys you don't need to no you don't need to but yeah you like this is a spin rate I usually like to be around all right Rory you've been uh obviously just won your 53rd DP World title yep that's it playing unbelievable catching up to Monty um even though he only would have won two of them if you were a member of that you're playing being unbelievable golf the entire year um have you done anything different with your driving um this year as an evolution or yeah um or just continuation of what you were doing yeah just a continuation I think um the one thing that I would say over the last couple of years that I've done is probably add just a couple more shots to my repertoire I mean you know we've played a ton of golf together for the last and like I was always dropping it on the up on it and sort of just hit that draw the whole time which is good and it's consistent but sometimes it could get me into trouble as well so just tried to play around a little bit with lower ball flights and maybe hitting it a little bit left to right at times and just trying to be a little bit more consistent I think for me if I can get my like I hit the ball far enough so if I can just get my driving accuracy just to touch up that did you find that it feels like you've opened up more Golf Course es to your advantage which is your driver be able to move the ball either way now absolutely I think for me you know I used to have the mindset of oh I'm not going to go there because it doesn't suit me or I don't like it corre or I feel like I'm not able to play golf courses even if they don't suit my eye as much I'm still able to figure out a way to to get the ball around and to compete on tracks that I maybe didn't compete on that is correct so you're saying like even with the amount of different shots that let's say you've um learned this year would are you still very confident in each and one of them yeah I think I yes I am I think the more you do it the more confident you'll you'll become but I think for me especially off the tea when I drive at my worst is when I like try to guide it yeah that's when that's when it sort of goes impressive but um I haven't been on tour in a while so I correct me if I'm wrong but you didn't you go to a shorter driver yeah so I went to a shorter shaft at the start of last year okay yeah so um just a little more control I probably hit it out of the middle of the face a little bit more as well and smash Factor went up but you still hit the ball same distance with a shorter driver more control yeah more control yeah yeah I don't you actually don't swing it that much slower either I mean it's I find you don't yeah but what was your mess with let's say a longer driver heal or so I think when the longer driver when I got up to the top when it was long I would it would just want to fall behind me and then I'd miss it both ways I'd either push it right or I'd hit this like Slinger Slinger left yeah so this just I feel like with this little bit of a shorter shaft I can keep the club just a little more in front of me on the way down like your wrist locked in more from the top to the bottom yeah yeah just is a little more easier just to get done in front of me and then more consistent I can hit that feed that that I haven't hit a ton so you guys are both interlock too right yeah see I'm overlap oh yeah that was a lunch ball that was a two two lunch ball there one thing is interesting a little bit of a different attack angle 1900 U yeah it's interesting you've you've always been a person that loved a square looking driver with a stronger face at a dress yes that face never got open on you at a dress you like it I do I like almost tow it in a little tow it in a little bit right yeah I just I've always liked that look yep um and to me as well I when I tow it in I can't swing right you know so like it gets it gets me to swing on the right path get it is that pretty or what that is very nice he just chipped at 180 so you do you close your face already when you grip it or um it's I I think it's right when right when he takes it back he'll kind of monkey around a little bit and right before he takes it back he get strong yeah yeah see I I've done that too but then I started I mean I've always kind of like Snapped my wrist kind of forward before I take it back yeah to me it's always just a I think as well like we've talked about this sometimes I get have a tendency to get the club face going a little too open on the way back too so it sort of gets me feeling like the club face looks at the ball a little more on the way back can you hit that little um little little kisser kisser kisser cut out there yeah you know little controlly Melly calls it yeah little controlly just a little little M there so I get a little little closer to it stand a little taller you do that's interesting you stand taller to it yeah because I feel when I'm taller I can't I can't do that as much so I feel like I keep my right side High that's interesting so that's a way for you to feel like you're on top of the golf ball got it got it before we go can can you send one yeah you feel you feel good enough to send one yeah I'll I'll I'll send well is how about is really oh my God I'd Sky I would have a mark on the top he missed it just a touch but it's still so straight 184 oh my gosh attack angle 8.6 that would give me nightmares for me see even though see even though see when I do it when I tend to do when I try and do what you just did there right I try and send one my spin rate goes up every single time yeah my spin rate goes done because I just swing more up on it I do when I swing up on it for some reason I catch the bottom of the face a lot so I'm always catching the bottom of the face spinning it just to touch more yeah where do you like to live in like spin right SP um 22 2300 okay that's a little so you can go either way with it yeah yeah and then if I like that was obviously T up really really high if I te it up a little more like closer to what you do it should the spin should come up a little bit more Yep yeah yeah I love how for Rory to have that option right there he's always had that bomb and that high one and a high one but that's like an that he just added like two new shots to his game that he can now play I think the reason why you've been so good in all the biggest events and all the majors they're all different but you have so many more t- shot and that's your weapon yeah and now you're able to use your weapon you know more often than than not yeah instead being taken away from you exactly yeah even somewhere like I know you didn't play last year but like LACC where it's just a different test than what we usually get and just being able to hit shots and figure it all and yeah it's definitely it's it's it's made a big difference in my game for sure well good stuff well thank thank you thank you thank you thank for the Insight a little different two different attack angles I wish I could do yeah that's like so that's probably that's a good like see I have that would be like the absolute most I could actually launch it at 4.6 I want to see if I can launch one there's probably no chance but wait you just barely put it the tea in yeah yeah there you go oh my God okay get that thing way up in your STS too yeah but you you also aim for the left and left foot too exactly oh yeah W look at this maybe this one's going to be my new one over trees good spin you didn't get it oh no the only one we didn't get but your launch itun came up you were at 10 yeah came up five five degrees right there wow not bad maybe that's you always got to question other others how how do you do it and the thing is what I've learned from talking to all the predecessors before me that I've played against and younger players like you guys feeling real are different yeah you know that's one of the things but always pick pick someone's brain and find out what with they're feeling and then and then listen um because you say different ways I hit the cut same way as you do but I I say it differently and feel it differently ex but we're doing the same thing you hit a choke down knock down shot that's like my little Stinger that I do the same thing but I would say it differently yeah I mean for sure I I mean I don't know how many times I would it's for me it's like all about Comfort because I like to have the same release pattern my release pattern is the same for all my clubs so that's for me it's like all about being very comfortable on the golf course and I feel like we play golf courses that are very dry draw biased the majority of the women I think draw the golf ball versus fade I mean you can probably find maybe fiveish girls that actually fade the golf ball so for me I think one consistent ball flight has worked for me with driving distance and driving accuracy yeah you you have to adapt to the the courses that you're playing and the corre tests that you're except obviously with Majors we've like let's say Pebble this year I would say that's that was more of a draw bias no when I I played Pebble for the first time I would say so yeah but there are some holes if you can hit a hot cut you can you can run it out quite a bit like n n 10 exactly you got to cut it on 14 10 don't even talk to me about 10 I found the right Beach there twice I played there one time that I couldn't even get to the fway on 10 oh yeah it was blowing so hard and raining so hard yeah I had four on on seven okay um yeah and I had driver driver six iron to 18 so we had that when I was blown you know 40 you know it just that Golf Course is so wild and so crazy yeah
Channel: TaylorMade Golf
Views: 899,529
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: taylormadegolf, golf
Id: DfV6YffQ6sY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 46sec (1006 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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