UNCLE CHRIS IS HERE TO HELP | Resident Evil: Village - Part 11

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Jun 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
everything's fine nothing's different at all don't worry though and welcome back to resident evil village hey sorry for interrupting this lovely resident evil video but i have an important message to give you red and link just released a new scripted podcast called ronstadt hey bronstead ronstadt john bronstadt is a supernatural noir comedy set in a world filled with magic monsters and all things mythical you had me at supernatural like distractible this is a wood elf productions that you can listen to on spotify apple podcast or whatever podcast listening device you use here's a link to the podcast and here's another one and another one there's also links conveniently in the description if you don't feel like typing go check out ronstadt right now well not right now watch this video then go okay good uh i'm gonna go now we're making our way through heisenberg's factory we discovered that he has way too many drill doh men so he's got a bunch of these i'm guessing zombies because it's kind of the point of resident evil that's pretty cool too damn quite a fact i don't know why they need a merry-go-round for all the drill doh men seems unnecessary but what do i know hey did i buy everything that i needed to buy from you welcome yeah welcome whatever uh bubba right you have other things that i can't get an investment i still don't know what the hell i'm supposed to sell so really i'm not sure what's an investment and what isn't so i'm just going to leave it at that for now all right i'm going to go meet again soon yeah i'm sure we will buddy um there was something else that i needed to go down for uh let me go back real quick because there was another door down there that required power i remember it so if there's something secret down there then i will want to get that although there are a lot of enemies around here and it's been costing me a lot in terms of bullets i'm assuming they're gonna load me up before the big boss but who knows they don't like to do that all the time also a little problem i moved to the pantry because the acoustics are better in here but also um there's no airflow so if i suddenly pass out uh hit the like button really hard and that'll alert the authorities that i need help probably i don't know i think it's supposed to work i mean it must let somebody know something otherwise why would the like button be there anyway the door was right yeah what's behind here hello hi anything please do please don't be a spooky surprise well something it was going to be a fun surprise oh hi i have a ton of those flashbangs they just don't know what to do with them oh okay you know i did not want to go in there the thing is um i really actually didn't want to go in there at all so joke's on you buddy i don't even need to be here it still says there's something still says there's something here but i don't know what it's not like i still need to do anything yeah i don't need to do anything i'm gonna go out to the other place and then i'll probably be making progress and that guy won't cause a problem for me what was the shadow oh okay that's fine be right back okay we're on this floor where did we come from to get to here we came down that way so there's a ladder ah okay hello you know i am doing a lot for still missing some fingers you think those would have grown back by now by how much goo i put on my hand got a long way to go how do you know that just because the place is cavernous and big i mean the only thing i'm trying to do is escape so i don't even know why i'm still here i could just go out in any moment but no i gotta hang around explore the whole junction talk to all the drill demons okay um could i just shoot him here and then they all fall down and then i'm very happy is that yellow for a reason bang nope well that's me wasting bullets again like an idiot miranda thinks we're nothing okay i don't give a [ __ ] about your family drama yeah i don't i really do i wish i was better at this follow up huh two can play at that game hey oh okay no you [ __ ] [Music] [Music] all right what do we have here herbs goop stuff like that okay good for me bad for you all right let's keep moving what else is in these mines somebody else want to say hello i'm a friendly guy i'm a very friendly guy i gives my bullets generously yeah i just want to get the thing off of his head probably again hey stop stopping the name of the law eat these bullets reloading reloading reloading reloading what yeah take some of this you gotta follow up there not for me you die okay thank you finally about time i love dancing with you guys but really actually i don't love dancing with you guys and i wish you guys would never dance with me large crystal can i have it thank you large crystal can i have it thank you what are these crystals for anyway they keep digging them up there must be some kind of a purpose because all this is related to the mold of some kind i don't even know what the mold is i mean i know it was in resident evil 7 but i don't know what the mold actually is i don't know if it's like an offshoot of the original flower that caused all the resident evil stuff to happen i called the resident evil stuff you know all those zombies and whatnot but it all ties back to the umbrella corporation somehow oh i know what that is that's a good boom hole here's kaboom it bam it's all these gems that for some reason i'm never selling i don't know why but i don't really wish i did i just can't bring myself to sell stuff i always think that it's gonna have a use somewhere somehow but it don't what is happening oh yeah that's healthy for whatever that is oh i can see the purpose of this machine oh yeah it's the the the scrap tumbler it's the the the jagged metal jumbler yeah i know that is this still recording it better be okay yeah this is just healthy for this to rain down on my head i really love that thank you what kind of engineer proposed this one what engineer i'm gonna put a big fan and i'm gonna make a bunch of metal rain down on it oh is it gonna miss the fan no it's gonna hit it a lot oh yeah definitely this is an engineer's nightmare like moving parts are bad enough but whatever the hell this is supposed to be another one another what oh hey okay all right i didn't even know you hey what's up yay it was up do it again ram oh hey hey listen buddy you deserve one of these have it it's free want another one there you go twozies boozies clumsies man you guys are kind of tough okay and there they go hell yeah hell yeah hell yeah oh hell yeah that was definitely worth all of my pipe bombs boy i wish i could get past this obstacle it's impossible though all right anyway yeah let's go back to the nightmare fan yeah seriously what kind of oil lubrication does this machine need maybe you'll need pieces of metal getting broken up into it it somehow creates lube and drains it off of all the scrap yeah that's what it does it's protective definitely i imagine they wanted me to fight those guys for a lot longer because it seems like there's a whole lot of nothing happening so uh kind of just the tinkle tankle of machinery dropping on my head which is nice but uh i guess it would have been a lot more dramatic when i was fighting somebody thank you for the money the money that i probably won't be using i've got to stop it somehow i've got to stop this what do you mean i got to stop it oh the machine that was definitely going to run for a long long time i have to stop it bang nope well that ain't it chief oh bang what about that other machine that i blasted how about that other one happen to that one somehow wow that broke it four bullets as opposed to all the cavalcade of different pieces of scrap raining down on its head i broke it my conniving mind my mastermind this this deceitfulness my incredible genius yeah i'll just stand on this all right it seems safe it's the stairs it's perfect what is this machine for what in the world it's a rock tumbler but for metal and not for tumbling all right whatever i'm gonna stop making fun of it because obviously this what is that never mind i'm back to making fun of it again what kind of totem pole last thing is that supposed to be what do you what do you convince me this is for huh what purpose is this oh those are the the whirly flangers oh they make sure it looks cool when it's spinning great good great all my engineering professors are rolling in there well they're not dead probably they're rolling in the classroom right now just tumbling head over heel soledad enhancement project sold that jet attached to jetpack greatly improves mobility experiments prove limited flight capabilities no long distance flight but now possible to navigate rugged terrain great that's really good i'm happy about that it's really hot in here by the way because now my laptop is gushing out the frames and it's just like really getting the really blasting the frames up all over me i didn't read all that so that enhancement project attached aluminum alloy shielding to a soledad to protect chest reactor in exposed flesh experimentation proves he is invincible against regular firearms armor doesn't hold up against strong blasts further development needed yeah isn't it tough enough how much more do you need how much more could you possibly need how much grinder the grinder yell kit the grinder shaft okay the grinder shaft imma move this i'ma f this hard there we go oh that was good glad i did that anything else here hello who who the hell yeah maybe uh maybe maybe uh i should have let myself get grooshed if one bullet can cause all of that destruction this thing's really was just hanging on by a thread it was really nothing keeping this together there was absolutely nothing holding all this no way look at this garbage come here you wow bruh there we go thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you for all of this goodie all right do i am i stuck down here is there going to be a big alligator coming out i thought there might have been something else over there like the heidi what about the hidey hole am i not gonna be able to get back though i thought oh i didn't know that was a secret i thought that was the official way oh what the hell screw you i didn't know that was only a one-way return god damn it you suck god you suck there's gonna be a secret hidey hole i it's not like i'm trying to not do the secret stop yelling at me i know it's not my fault it's it's fault it's really hot i'm really hot okay all right where are we now what are we doing what are we doing what am i gonna miss out on next probably more craftables or sellables that i was never actually gonna sell i get it this button can present are you really going to have that and i have a button all right up i go i guess soon she'll start her ceremony with your ruffles then why did i get all the pieces back it's all over for your kid wait for the whole village wait stop hold on don't worry i'll stop it i'll use rose to kill miranda wait hold on hold on you're the only one who doesn't see your kid's power what do you mean i don't see her i'd like to see you try i'd like to see you try i would like to see you try oh key mold oh that's handy but also why did i collect all the pieces and kill them if i'm if i just gave them to mother miranda can can you explain that one to me can you can you run that by me didn't i get those hard one i killed people for those pieces of my daughter i murdered things for those and then i just handed them over some don't add up here some don't seem right the same a little weird there's more yeah of course there's more me and of course there's more the place is freaking huge this place is freaking enormous hey what's up buddy what's up hey is this the dude the duke the dude duke the duke dude man convenient for him just to be able to ride the elevator up everywhere boy sure would have been lovely if i could have done anything about all that hey why is it taking me so long to get up here hey there he is there he is hey what's up buddy what's up buddy what's up buddy let me go save real quick where's your safe machine thank you [Music] all right can you explain something to me naturally how the hell did you get here and what is any of this what is going on man what is going on because none of this makes sense none of this makes sense maybe i should do sell these i'm just gonna do it i'll screw it i don't even care anymore i don't even care i don't even care anymore i care so much about you i would never hurt you ah there's nothing else to sell um i could get this auto shotgun that'd be pretty cool but i don't even know if that's gonna be worth it with how many shotgun bullets i get what i really need is a better pistol but my pistol's about as good as it's gonna get um i could get a different gun expand my inventory the thing is i don't know if this oh machine pistol oh i want that yeah [Music] [Music] yeah okay can you pick what you're going to say before you get through it yeah i guess we just switch over the machine pistol i suppose all right you know what i choose something i'm not much for holding on to things i don't i don't like to be sentimental about nothing i say as i keep crystal dimitris but that's not sentimental that's like that's a need so i'm just going to sell this screw it get out of here go away thank you no i'm not going to uh i'm going to get rid of this whatever the hell this is goodbye goodbye goodbye yeah whatever all right that's good enough there oh greatly reduces recoil i like the sound of that sure sure yes i can see sure sure i'll upgrade the firepower oh yeah that's a potent weapon that's a problem i'm skilled at all sorts of web good what did you say to me [ __ ] all right machine pistol i still don't have bullets i need bullets oh i got a lot of scrap let's just let's just load up on pistol bullets screw it what do i even care anymore what do i care about anything i'm sweating it's hot i'm warm i'm very very warm okay so i need to go back down i need to do the key mold which is on the first floor which is actually before and then maybe i'll go up to b3 and i'll go through that little secret passageway that i pushed out of the way which i thought was the way to go forward because it was so damn obvious but alas i guess i'm just an idiot don't answer that it wasn't even a question okay good hello hi how are you excuse me why is it dark why would it be dark why in the hell would it be dark oh screw you don't get scary no you're not supposed to be scary you're supposed to be shooty shooty bang bang all right i'm a brave brave boy i'm brave i'm so bro whoa hi bud okay what are you doing all right well that's you're not stopping you're supposed to be stuck oh my ribs boom wow really hurt okay well a little less scary a little more just a whoo but that's fine okay i'm just gonna carry on my way and pretend like that didn't happen you know i thought machine pistol meant like automatic or something it seems to still just be single fire no no no no oh hey bud bam yes okay well you're not so tough when you just fall over dead can i get this and get out of here i really don't want to be here much longer speed would be greatly appreciated thank you about time okay there was another door down here that was key over here let me get that before i go on lovely weather we're having hi if i know anything about the secrets down here it's just going to be a pathway to another enemy that's going to kill me damn it's going to kill me dead oh look at you hey hi glad i opened this one uh-huh i'm not sure if this is more powerful seems a little more powerful okay well i did that thank you for your patronage what do we have here oh a mechanical part i have something about that i got this this bam okay complete i am a weapon the hammer hammer weapon weapon hammer heisenberg's hammer it's too heavy it's too heavy god damn you what is the point of you what is the point of tantalizing me with this i got a freaking knife i got a stabby stab you're gonna show me a hammer oh hi pal god damn you just to hell with thee to hell with thee fine whatever we're just gonna go on our way and we're gonna pretend like everything is totally fine and it's not dark and it's not spooky and there aren't demons lurking in the darkness hi who the hell do you think you are you're oh my god what am i even looking at what oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh hold on one second i need to uh do a thing here let's see uh okay cool all right come on down all right cool uh how about another all right come on down that's really cool uh here's another oh how about one more all right come this way come to papa oh [ __ ] oh god you're still alive bam oh man bam whoa man bam there we go that's how you do it oh perfect perfect you say well if you were so perfect you wouldn't be dead and i wouldn't be winning so i guess i'm the perfect one now aren't we aren't we aren't aren't we it's not a question it is a fact don't answer it you're dead and don't you answer it you're sassy oh oh another one well i got a recipe for you that you're gonna love watch this okay you were were you watching okay okay were you watching okay keep watching keep cool keep keep looking bam are you looking you're looking you better keep looking you dead show me your smile okay well how about your smile okay well okay okay i'm kind of stuck here can we uh agree to disagree or something go you're really backing me into a corner here buddy i don't have much else besides the big kaboomer and i really need to hit you right on your target to do this okay okay okay dodge bam [ __ ] get done get done in okay you also have a perfect one but i'm gonna say that it's not exactly perfect if uh if you're dead i like i hate to be the bearer of bad news but it really is thusly and there couldn't have been two perfects because the other guy said he had a perfect heart and in reality he's kind of perfectly dead but whatever hey buddy you want some hearts go ahead and go up and then i'm gonna you can't talk while we go oh stop oh stop bitching would you ever just have a heart attack or something what's wrong with you you good you good bro bro okay now you want to talk thank you no actually i want to sell you something perfect also my laptop fan is a gushing it's really heating up man let me let me let that go oh that's really warm oh that's scalding hot that's probably not good it's it's very warm in here i'm gonna open up the door for just a moment because it's very warm also i have an ice pack on i wonder what would happen if i put the ice back on the computer would that help it or hurt it okay we seem to have cooled down to a reasonable level okay i'm gonna sell these hearts and then i'm going to buy an upgrade to my p stool kaboom i know i could get a better shotgun and i probably should because it seems like i mean that just seems like it does better but i don't feel oh that does way more damage i definitely should but i won't because i'm an idiot so now that we've got that covered in out of the way we can move on with our lives ooh ammo capacity yeah yeah why not move forward than anything you're right my friend anything even family have a great day i'm going to carry on to heisenberg and i'm going to show my business and the first well that's a little overly dramatic don't you think can't you someone waiting for it who could it be is it you prototype sturm use the cheap turboprop engine but he's impossible to control all he does is charge too much power output from the reactor completely invincible head-on but the dumbass managed to chop his own damn arms off with the propeller also issues with overheating from running for two for long periods of time conclusion a complete failure oh sturm all right sturm okay overheating you say so i just gotta run away from him is that what i gotta do his sturm is too dumb to be controlled is that what it is cut his own damn arms off like a fool sturm stir me western i don't have time for this [ __ ] out of my way oh oh okay sturm what do i do ow jesus what the hell sturm sturm what the heck oh god oh god oh god okay all right sturm you got it buddy um well i see i see what i got to do okay come at me well actually we'll need i don't know if this is going to do anything just yet come on come on come on oh [ __ ] god damn it oh no no no no no no no nice term man you're kind of dumb boy howdy that i feel bad this this is just sad come on sturm stir me where's the overheating i heard a lot about this overheating you'd think that the blades of that fan would prop off by now but apparently not uh-huh uh-huh why don't you uh come over here wow i was not didn't realize you were coming over here that quickly we're heating up baby okay you didn't tell me the heating up meant flamethrower that's different that's a different thing holy [ __ ] oh god he's pissed he's bull he's pissed come at me okay this fire doesn't seem to go away um it's kind of a problem it's like when i played world of warcraft i just got to kite him you know kite the fire patterns and all that oh my god do i have an oh god okay i'm not sure what causes him to get oh boy oh it is the pipes okay so he gets caught up in the pipes that's what do it i could knife him to death i could oh he's mad his boss fights kind of taking a bit guys sorry oh what the heck and hack okay i'm just gonna wait for a good shot and i'm gonna blam them oh you're not dead yet come on come on now stay down oh that got him i probably wasted one more bullet than i needed to but that's okay whoa oh he's complex not perfect you know it's the imperfections that really make something special and i think that's really echoed in this game a lot ah how nice okay whatever let me get out of here that boss fight took a while hey uh heisenberg what do you think of that pretty impressed right pretty cool yeah i like big dick energy if you know what i'm talking about oh okay miranda is abominable her deceit knows no bound we're merely a bunch of failed cadu experiments to her i was just lucky i had more affinity to the stuff than the other poor schmucks in the village so she still calls me her son what a joke i'll never forgive her for what she did to me the crazy [ __ ] has never been right in the head she can't see a difference between experiment and family miranda didn't just change my body she took my dignity if i don't kill her then my life will never be my own still she may be crazy but she's also powerful she can turn anyone using the mega my seat the trick is that brat rose if i could access her power then maybe speaking of the of the kid's dad ethan has a pretty interesting body himself maybe i could get him to help me out oh so you like mine body is that what it is oh heisenberg if only you had said sooner or may perhaps we could have shared time oh hello no i'm actually looking at the secrets here oh okay hello all right well i got that in here but that's technically not everything else where says that there's still something in this other area um well i don't see anything no oh here we go in the locker very obvious okay thank you eisenberg that was very fun i do appreciate that big preach huge preach everyone write preach in the comments for how much we preach that because we do all right i'm gonna climb this tiny ladder for whatever reason i do this oh yeah okay yeah okay oh yeah okay oh yeah okay i'm doing this now i'm going up now this place is designed a little funny i'm not gonna lie it's almost like i don't know a game designer put this whole level together it's almost like someone made this for flow and function and smooth transitions and cool visuals as opposed to you know a logical factory or someone with magneto powers did it i'm not sure which is true hello hello anybody home anybody want to talk to me anyone want to hang out okay yeah hmm [Music] not bad not bad jersey you're a persistent but i've got a rebellion so stay out of my way uh when did i get that gun [Music] i mean admittedly he really doesn't seem to want to actually kill me so that's pretty cool you know i'm not gonna lie also am i gonna survive this somehow i am a giant underwater monster man i'm tough as nails yeah that bastard cool yeah it's fine don't worry about it not being a [ __ ] again yeah damn it yeah what do you expect me to do down here heisenberg what do you expect me to do just fall over and die i don't know if i can there's too much goo yeah where's my wife mia where's she in all this why can't she use her epic amazing powers i told you to leave it alone ethan you are in the way what do you care chris you killed my wife you son of a [ __ ] you think i killed mia that wasn't her it was miranda what she's a bio weapon she changed her appearance and pretended to be mia seems she also survived being shot so now i'm here to finish the job [ __ ] why don't you [ __ ] tell me right away because i knew you would want to be involved and this job is hard enough without civilians getting in the way why huss chris what the hell is going on all right ethan all right i guess i owe you an explanation hand me that wrench yeah what the hell is this thing that you're building here it looks pretty dope oh am i gonna get the explanation do i not get i don't get it do i i don't get the i don't get the explanation okay well that was okay long story short miranda's [ __ ] insane oh in this village all these monsters and freaks this is her life's work some sort of crazy experiment with the mold the mold like louisiana god damn it all this time i thought i could save my family i can't escape from here i can't do anything that might not be true take a look at this my men sent those pictures a few minutes ago miranda keep looking rose holy [ __ ] we gotta go relax my men are monitoring the situation but they have my daughter you don't get anything you don't stand a chance against miranda by yourself i will stay down here and finish planting explosives you take that elevator i'll meet you topside i promise you we will get your daughter back together damn straight will i when i find miranda she's a dead woman all right ethan and you take this and do me a favor try to stay under the radar you're gonna give me a tank with a chainsaw on it and you're gonna tell me to stay under the radar you just blew up the elevator that you told me to go on this is so [ __ ] rad but also really [ __ ] dumb i had my baby i literally had her all pieces of her and uh well the only reason they have her is because for some reason then i didn't have her you know what i mean i used kind of used her as a key to get through to a place doesn't make a lot of sense because i had her i had her chris you could have been like hey he's got her we'll go get him out here we'll blow nuke the place from orbit and you know it kind of anyway that's it for this episode thank you everybody so much for watching hope you're enjoying it so far i think we're approaching the end don't think we're gonna get there in the next episode but soon we're gonna look at this laptop and we're gonna have a lot of fun so thank you and as always and we'll see you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,457,868
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, resident evil village, resident evil 8, re 8, chris redfield, part 11, uncle chris is here to help, funny moments, gameplay, gaming, playthrough, walkthrough
Id: wPE2uvMwKbg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 7sec (2347 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 01 2021
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