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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Scarlet_Titania 📅︎︎ Sep 16 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to the Blair Witch game now you've probably heard of it if you haven't even seen the movie you've probably at least heard of the Blair Witch Project a very influential if not the most well shot horror movie in the world but that's because it has this very specific style that they call found-footage it's kind of the same as the game outlast in a lot of other horror movies that are about people finding footage that other people have filmed when those other people have probably died and that's what this game is about so let's get into this and I should also mention that this is a pre-release version of the game so it should be close to what the release version to be but if there are bugs or anything like that just be a little forgiving and hopefully everything will be butter I don't know who a Bluebird team is what I hope they do horror well I mean it looks good I mean this is just a cinematic but if it's any reflection of the game it's kind of similar to the Resident Evil 2 remake intro oh you could do Poochie you know you should probably be pulling over for the police I think that's kind of the law well I got the sirens on you got to pull over whatever it's okay not like they're trying to get you I mean just pull over to the side of the roads to get other way anyway I want to be driving you take care okay tap middle or tab to get your phone Jess first answer to answer all right whatever you hear about the missing kid you're joining the search why wouldn't it be you know why never mind all right maybe I should've called no just wait wait wait I'm almost there oh I'll call you later okay all right well the only reasons that it would be a bad idea is because of my extensive history of kidnapping kids oh maybe I had a kid that went missing in the woods and then couldn't find it maybe that's what it's about you know honestly it's funny because the actual movie was so weird that I never really understood why you were in the woods in the first place I never understood what they were trying to do but then again it's been so long since I saw the movie I know they were just like oh witch in the woods and we got to film it but I never really understood what the witch could do or why it could do the things that it did like the heart in the and the little napkin why I didn't get that why was he standing in the corner at the end why was he a naughty timeout of the end I don't know what did this witch make you do but either way I'm a sucker for a good setting where you go into a haunted forest see if we can find a way to contact sheriff Lanny oh this game started without its hundred percent love it all right let's find this kid he's been through enough already okay Anthony if you stopped pining your pond what every time someone mentions the witch and decided to show up check the trunk there's a walkie-talkie in there for you I'm also leaving you a photo the kid we're looking for call sheriff landing on channel 2 once you're ready to join us okay cool hey sheriff landing I'm here with bullet that's my dog's name I'm a dog don't pay anything for you I'll protect you to the end of my days and if this game does anything horrible to you I will go studio and I will personally punch every single person who made that happen please don't let anything bad happen to you I would die for you a million times over pooch I would do it I would I would hey what's this huh good morning diaries it's proven wrong buddy prove all wrong man you read fast land and call for you at the station from the mayor something about the press conference I said I'd pass a message call him back PS I heard Ellis is taking interest in the search just say no I know you two have a history but he's damaged goods as far as I'm concerned am i Ellis I'm Ellis right okay well Oh dogs neck leather wallet what's in my wallet hey hey looking good so she hasn't aged a day since then that's so weird when you look at oh hey what's this sorry your fortune something of value is lost fear not for I see that there is still a chance to recover it though your time is running thin you must act now venture forth without fear as Lady Luck smiles upon those brave of heart place trust in your friends as they will come to your aid when most needed my advice watch your step your lucky numbers 2 and 125 I bet this all pertains to something I bet this fortune is for real normally you would throw away fortunes at the wiliest Nili and not pay attention to him but I will read into this and I will go and I don't know what my history my trip to Santa Monica but you guys mind if I just break into all of your cars especially the police cars the officer was notified of the disappearance of Peter Shannon by his mother Laura Shannon the initial investigating officer we established following Peter was last seen heading to his friend's house around 11:20 a.m. on September 15th 1996 mr. Chanin was been unavailable to locate him ever since what's up boy I'm right in here Peter I read in here Peter has a history of previous attempts to run away from home there no one knows thanks for you there are no y witnesses of the moments Peters disappearance 15:30 the initial search yielded no results to the Shannons age the risk of imminent recess is high in order to organized a search in the Black Hills force where the boy was found during one of his previous escapes was given sheriff Emmitt landing has been appointed with head the operation signed officer Mathewson investing officer well it oh we're not leaving that laying around what right boy bully you care about the environment hello ah this some form of a dildo or possibly a very bad spear maybe both I have no idea I'll take it though I'll put it in my pocket better not rush into this need to find a way to contact a search party what excuse me I rush into everything I do blind we do Arcadius interesting why was that an achievement cellphone games Cobra masters I love this game oh yeah oh yeah here we go greatest game ever great greatest game oh sorry Anthony first come first oh okay that's all I needed okay I'm an idiot I was wandering around here for a little bit into the woods then here I go for me here we go let's do this hey oh that's reassuring sound the weirdly sharp gate that doesn't seem to work very well come on let's go find this kid yeah let's go find this kid definitely gonna work out well for me [Music] okay interesting that's a bit of a problem that's that's fish that's what you call one of those problems that's that's not good that's what you call not good the Blair wheels okay ah good and never returning stone jump always love those sure love the fact that I could never come back if I want to no point waiting any longer it's called landing all right let's call landing all right let's do it I'll do it then Channel two hell it's the base she copy hello oh you know a search party sir here to help it's all there is to it well it's with me if he catches the scent he'll lead us straight to the kid yeah I'm not gonna screw this up not this time Roger that over now okay all right and thank you for like violating HIPAA and talking about my health issues over an unsecured radio frequency bullet come here who's a good boy it was a good boy good boy this bullet your right-hand dog listen to his barking watch his body language he'll be the first to alarm you of any trouble but it'll need to help deal with it remember the way you treat him can affect his behavior later in the game stay close to him for long loneliness can affect your mental state if you lose sight a bullet press C to call him back when he's nearby looking them and hold C to command toggle wheel seek pets Nicholas Day and reprimand I would never I would never we'd never bullet would go get come on bullet go hey we're looking for Peter not the search party buddy oh you're a good boy though you're a good boy you're a good boy oh the best game best game ever best game 10/10 let's find something buddy oh boy oh boy you okay possessed they're close to me [Music] [Applause] might have been a raccoon well you could say I'd call Oh can't believe I have to cross I got your message yeah not much luck so far but hey yeah at least bullets after we're out of the house and Jess I'm sorry about earlier [Applause] [Applause] stick close to me apparently not can I get some tongue can't think about things cannot think about things about allowed to think okay so you talking about that place that place so what's up what you see boy which is it whoa good boy good boy this is what you brought this sock I'm fine why did I keep that why did I keep this sock boy whoa that's very clearly something out of the ordinary here I'm not I don't know there's a teddy bear up against a tree and nothing to say about it all right bullet we're gonna keep moving just watch out for anything I don't know what part of the world we're in but by some big scary animals around here somewhere it's pretty I'll give it that it's very oh that good good find and the world's not your goddamn trash can yeah get out here my wrist there's something wrong with my wrist okay don't think that with me put it in my junk drawer maybe I'll pick up the pace maybe I'll start running I was enjoying a nice walk away actually where did we Circle did waitress did we just come back away macam I did didn't I I did I did I really did didn't I I just went in a gosh-darn circle didn't I I bet there's gonna be that same piece of trash that's just up the way up here right up here ah okay so I'm an idiot and I went the wrong way okay that's good I guess I'll be back guys when I'm not stupid so I guess I might never actually come back but I you know that actually is an interesting point because that says how easy it is to get turned around in the forest because I was just following the trail and I ended up just in a big circle who's to say a kid wandering around couldn't get lost like that when I was a kid you know go in the woods all the time and even if I was following the creek sometimes I'd get turned around cuz it all looks the same but I've got an impeccable sense of direction so I don't think I'm gonna get ported by this in any way shape or form even though I'm clearly walking in a circle again oh ha ha ho bring it to me boy bring it to me boy well I bring it to me ooh ok cave found something hey come on boy fine good boy good boy good boy you know that's what I was not the time your food you're acting a little Stifler quick rose that's Peters cap yeah boy good boy good boy can you follow the scent come on buddy sniff sniff sniff deep sniff strong fine this said take me to a boy base found Peters cat I'm not risking him losing it I'll keep you posted over now ok yeah yeah let's just go off on our own then yeah this is gonna go good ok boy yeah I trust you ok yeah good good a good move good move boys thanks boys thank you thank you bullet for that oh the woods turned a lot weird that's bizarre damn it ah Boland bullet the blue blood boy follow my whistle bullet who's a good boy my boy any day now come on buddy Oh Anne what's what we're off at the hell is he what what happened to the woods was David no not now not now what no now what whoa what's happening boys get a grip Alice not giving up now all right what happening to me well what's happening to me I have no idea what's happening are you calm down Alice hey stop sniffing me oh well there we go okay here I go yep fallen over now great maybe I should have bowling oh god I thought that wasn't bullet for a second there how cruel would it have been if the game was like this is bullet well it's gonna be your constant companion to show up now it would have been the leaving I just can't be alone everybody it wouldn't you find something it would have been such a story be if they set up all this like bull it's gonna be your companion you need to behave be nice to bullet or bullets behavior will be affected by the time you get like out of there and what if bullet was just taken away right at the beginning of the game so you're like oh cuz I had an instant bond with bullet if you got boy boy where you got what do you got boy okay alright this is y'all stop leading me through brush okay oh yeah yeah yeah let's uh hey hey hey hey Jess no it's fine it's under control no I said I'm fine I'm fine listen I think I saw something I got to go I'll call you later I'm sorry Jess when I wonder what this guy's deal is maybe some kind of PTSD it did say that he was used to be in the army and he seems to be a very ill otário oriented type person just judging by the way he responds to radio calls oh yeah yeah bullet this looks good yeah but this looks real good bullet this looks real good you know maybe we shouldn't be in the middle of the woods bullets I'm sorry what's with the singing in the wool Jenna camps a funky look but yeah you're right Oh footage time still works oh boy yes oh hell yeah Oh give me the good stuff oh yes zoom in on that oh yeah completely ignore my surroundings for the sake of whatever that's going on in that oh yeah it's a great idea oh it's good Alice maybe you should no I'm fine I'll deal with it I just need a little more time unless what you need is help because I managed Ellis I can't do this anymore what what is it this time what I wasn't smiling enough didn't say I love you for five [ __ ] minutes Jesus Christ Ellis do you even hear yourself yeah I could hear myself just fine and I can see the way you look at me like I'm a [ __ ] loser you know sick little puppy for you to look after man for once oh yeah there it is there it is [Music] I hope you can figure it out nice oh you finally forgive yourself I tried to help you but I just can't be around you anymore go ahead get out leave me the [ __ ] alone [Music] be a man [Music] cheaper better yeah I want to introduce you to someone bullet meet your new partner he's been through a lot just like you what sir I can't well you got something else going on right now just take the damn dog Ellis yeah yes sir what all right hello okay did I pass out oh no some movie I just watched boy that weirdly contained a lot of personal memories oh yeah this is good oh this is good hello oh we have here listen again unless I wanted too much time with my answer uh-huh yeah okay someone definitely too much time there's definitely not a word oh hey yeah that thing again good good job bullet yeah I'll look at it now how did it end up back here oh I don't know it's almost like I never had it in the first place there's a tape inside might as well see what's on it Matt is really with Sonny so the red tapes allow you to minute the red tails allow your manipulate reality Vantage for the environment and objects rules around you and in the video fast forward rewind and stop the video and the chemos to change their states and position oh I don't know dad I'm sorry this wasn't here a minute ago get it together it's probably Peters maybe both could catch a scent hi bud hi bulk up stiffness bullet comes does step is a grool gonna eat that boy you do great on the force if you want stubborn some leftovers inside maybe a few days old hey whoa whoa bullet okay I'm coming bowling I'm coming okay I don't know what you're showing me bullet but I'm on the way do I look different I feel different it's been about two hours since I was literally just playing but for you time has not been standing still hi anyway back into the woods where was I I just found a toy truck car a police car toy police car weights point wrong what is it yeah oh I see okay destroy I didn't do anything what Oh God okay I didn't do anything I didn't click anything I didn't I didn't mean to destroy it but there I did I sure did destroy it good that you can see well it scholar even in the darkness shit's a good boy you're such a good boy even though we're in the dark and everything is horrifying you're still good boy stick close to me stick close to me bullet it's dangerous around here you don't want to go running off you never know what's lurking in the darkness okay yeah unreturnable Joe good great unless I can climb which is probably not something I can do I don't think seem to be the most physically capable I should check what this is about yeah no I should check we went down a ravine and headed north to an old campsite no you didn't find Peters cap either listen we're still on the trail we'll keep moving north okay just find the campsite and head north I'll look for a landmark something to point you in the right direction I'll keep you posted over now what well maybe we should see we could find better as a group what is this logic of do you know I'd actually know I'm a badass I just remembered I'm a hardcore go ahead ass and nothing is coming what was that heard something I mean not this I heard that sounded like steps okay alright weird yeah Oh strange Arthur okay hey bullet don't go too far Oh let's stay close you guys stay close bullet what's wrong what is wrong anything wrong oh oh damn it it's alright it's just a tree nothing wrong with the tree the trees are fine good oh hi hi how are you pretty good policy just a tree no it's the base near a dead white tree [Applause] that's enough Spencer keep us posted I was over an hour oh wait wait so about that tree um oh it's bleeding oh good it's cut black goopy stuff I love black goopy stuff hey you're a good boy or good boy it's okay let me pet you in the face of the tree right but there's bleeding roots and you're a good dog you're a good dog don't worry about that you're a good dog don't worry about it don't worry about a thing you'll be fine hey what's that this looks nor was it you was sand wouldn't it Sam get here what is this what the hell is this yeah found like a bunker actually you know if anyone's ever done any construction work out here reinforced concrete foundations are trenches I know what I'm seeing Lanie you know I bet I've read on Reddit and I don't know how reliable it is but I bet there were some pretty creepy stories of people that work as a park ranger or in the middle of the forest in search and rescue parties what do you what do you see boy what do you see yeah yeah I know it's it's it's okay I'm gonna go down and get this dark and decrepit tunnel I've seen this from farcry bunker bunker Oh weird I guess we're not gonna find out I could try to guess all right let's brute force this bad boy Oh got it I found you out hey god it's easy enough I mean when there's only four and four like that it's not that hard to I know what it is okay they've been here for so long that they can't even remember what they once were barely conscious barely alive someone could just walk between them and they would never notice they don't hear anything they're nearly blind movement can draw their attention if you get too close but only light will agitate them like causes them pain leave them alone and they won't pay you any mind but make them suffer and they won't stop until they hunt you down I don't mind I make them share my suffering okay that's good great oh I'm supposed to bring something I probably wasn't supposed to brute force my way in but it does look like there's military ordnance in here which is perfectly normal to have in the middle of the woods oh hey how you doing there yeah bully you still there you good boy you go boy you good boy you good boy aren't you handsome you're so handsome you so where Ansem you are oh boy oh yeah a dumb boy stick close bullet it's getting weird that's a little better just a little more ambience I think what's happening is I'm in a little bit of a nightmare world because there's no reason why the videotape that I got should work the way it did bullet where'd you go bullet bullet get out of there what are you doing well what are you doing what is that Oh candy wrapper really come on bullet you can do better than that Oh take a look go on see if you can find something else go on bullet yeah come on sniff sniff the candy wrapper now show me okay come on bullet well bullet now what I'd expect in the middle of the forest then again I wouldn't expect me enforced concrete either yeah neither would i okay bullet where are you going whoa where's bullet going did you find oh there you go buddy oh this is much better okay let's see the breadcrumb Oh a weird wait is that it's Peter I didn't see that Peter move ballsy move is up because he dropped a baseball Peter didn't run away he was kidnapped I found a tape it shows the man who did it [Applause] they make use appear there's no time landing we have to find the kid he's in serious danger you don't have much choice look I won't do anything stupid I'm just gonna find him and wait for you to catch up oh we're already doing stupid fellows Oh Dharma god damn it Ellis Ellis please well I'm in obvious trenches I saw earlier come on bullet let's check him out it was also something about tree falling down right here okay that's that's a different truck okay so that's a different truck so I got to get back to the bunker wherever that was oh it's real pleasant and I with no flashlight oh and there is the shot of Matthews oh hey bull hey chimera in this weird world that we live in come sniff this thing come on boy Peters in danger and we're the only ones who can help we're the only ones that can help him for some reason take me to it take me to take me to take me third come on go go go go go like to Lucas I don't know if it's like outlast we're actually a batteries for this thing that I could find replacements to er if it's just gonna be like that forever Oh God can I get my flash I bet you I would like my flashlight please thank you yes that's much better okay all right boy good thank you bullet that very helpful you sure this is the right way buddy oh hey wait this is the truck you want any circles boy wait he'll pull it well where are we going Oh bullet bullet why what where are you buddy oh oh oh come on boy don't make me chase you bullet bullet bullet where are you well then what is happening I don't like it I'm hitting my head I'm too much Brule okay there's boy I see bullet I see bullet I see both hey bullet hey how are you doing hey what was that what did you see well what do you see what do you see bullet that what was one thing I didn't see thing pay attention to bullets behavior hears growling will alarm me of danger lurking in the dark during if I keep him close he'll help you locate enemies but if left alone will become vulnerable I won't let a thing happen a bullet I would dive in front of a truck for bullet in a heartbeat what the hell was that oh good blue tape that's different [Applause] keeps them away keeps me safe need to hold on to the light well what about that note that I got that said I shouldn't even bother him what about that I don't know okay uh-oh well let's stay close yeah I don't know if that is okay stay close bullets stick close bullet okay that's fine whatever that was that was fine those 100% fine everything about that was just fine I love that giant pulsating monsters in the woods always good always oh it's good what is the point what is the point hey whoa whoa wait wait wait bullet bullet bullet bullet bullet hey come back yeah I know I know I know bullet you're a good boy you're a good boy but stay close to me I can't have you going off oh boy where are you leaving me bullet where you leading me Oh No stay close why did we come here this is the same tree or is this a different tree this is the same tree how did we get here but there was something over there this doesn't make any sense I swear this was the same place that we've been but it's different and then there was something over here and then it wasn't there something else about like a tree falling over here and if there was can I make the tree not fall here oh oh there she could hop it there she goes way okay that's so cool that's a fascinating mechanic what happens if I watch the tape right here Oh Oh it moved me oh I see it moved me away that's awfully convenient and that's an awful looking bridge oh boy Oh [Applause] [Applause] I will answer that in the next episode I have chapter for Wyatt chapter for her excuse me how much is this game of my playing I didn't think that much okay but I'm gonna leave this here it was cool I like this I like what it's setting up I like what it's got going on I like the mechanics of it so there's a lot to like here but I will continue this in the next episode so thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 4,111,811
Rating: 4.9672928 out of 5
Keywords: blair witch, blair witch game, blair witch markiplier, blair witch ending, blair with part 1, blair witch gameplay, blair witch playthrough, blair witch walkthrough, blair witch secrets, blair witch jumpscares, jump scare, jumpscares, markiplier, scary games, scariest game, blair witch movie, blair witch 2, scary movie, horror, horror game, horror movie
Id: ZW-f_btEmoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 32sec (2372 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 12 2019
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