THE LADY ASKS FOR MY HAND | Resident Evil: Village - Part 4

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 14 2021 🗫︎ replies

Mark is such a Simp!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MeggleeP13 📅︎︎ May 14 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is [Laughter] hello everybody my name is welcome back to rebel and evil um uh my auto save was a little bit behind so i guess we got to go through uh this this scenario again i i'm sorry you know i gotta backtrack a little bit why is my mouth still here it's really in the way god i've gotta watch through this again all this for a child who isn't even here yeah you know what the hell do you ungrateful selfish wretch you come into my house you lay your filthy man hands on my daughters and now you even try to steal my property how dare i indeed how dare i indeed because i will hunt you and i will break you all right you know promises promises never be kept uh something about lies anywho back to whatever the hell we're doing down in this basement here you know chance encounters be that as it may i know that there's a world of hurt waiting for me somewhere around this cataclysmically depressing castle sure is convenient that globally everything's yellow taped up so that i know exactly where i'm going i don't even know where i am but at least i know where i'm going anybody else want some stab anybody else want to keep in helping a stab why is the music so dramatic not like anything terrible is happening here it's all perfectly normal nothing to worry about where the hell am i why am i able to unlock it all from the inside hey wow you got down here quick ribbons okay before you ever see man people really don't like me having hands oh we're doing this now oh oh demotress house the power the power everybody the power oh my goodness you see in this power can i get that back can i can i get that back can i get that back oh boy not fast enough just another hang on i gotta whip something up here you like cooking i'm a great cook my right hand is unusual uh-huh well i guess i won't turn around man their power is so respectable god you just gotta respect the level of power that's thundering down the halls oh okay here we go can i use my severed hand on it oh please hurry please oh hello mask of sorrow i got it i'm going up oh running will get you nowhere well i seem to be somewhere you know that'll do it that'll fix it how you explain that one what kind of magic liquid is it what is it no no no even the jacket has sealed itself up there's no way who's crumble oh there you are okay hang on one second i gotta make sure it's all recording what in the heck in hell just happened how do you figure that one out is it all good now am i good what kind of miracle fluid what is it whatever man whatever it's all good oh i can make a land mine i can make two land mines take that madame domitrisk all right let me hey where did you come from hey pal what you doing hey what's up oh double ow hey look you could cut my head off and it just splashed some goose on me and i'm fine you know what i i think the days of knifing it up are over why do that when i'm such a sick shot oops ah can i take that sword by the way it'd be much better than my knife uh let me go back to the shopkeep real quick hey whoo oh hey whoo maybe i could just farm up some stuff i guess not that there'd be a purpose to it but i don't know if they just perpetually spawn or anything in the butt anybody in the butt it's not worth it they will just keep spawning apparently but it's not worth it whatever where did my fingers go oh yeah they got bitten off uh i guess this thing doesn't regrow thingies all right i'm coming man i don't even know this guy's name but i'm i'm coming man oh wait didn't that other thing have like two huh oh oh flashy flabloom all right boom hey dude oh it's a pleasure to see you safe how worthy no sign of rose i'm so sorry it turned out that way well you'll find your way to her once you're out of this castle do you have need of anything for the road ahead thanks to your consistent patronage i've expanded my services okay that i don't know how i really want to know how you know i would love to know how yeah whatever i i don't need to know how also i need the ball sack to go in there welcome hi what do you have for me buddy well this isn't expanded at all this is not expanded what did you expand you expanded nothing all sorts of weapons modifications and we'll do them for a small fee you didn't expand [ __ ] you expanded dick and diddle i'm gonna get that pistol back eventually see i got all these good things greatly increases firepower this all seems like things that i should be using but i stupidly sold miley my but i don't have really enough money to deal with it now i'll get it next time i didn't actually sell my hearing goods is more important than anything uh-huh anything my friend anything oh yeah i guess i'll sell it no that's special ingrid necklace get no that's right this is the weird thing about me and gabe is like i feel like something could be special if you find anything else of value okay we'll do buddy uh i think like something could be of value so then i'm i'm super hesitant to do that i don't know if any of you guys are the same but i just i can't i can't bring myself to oh uh is she gonna be coming the whole way over uh oh you know what maybe i should just go maybe maybe maybe going is the best i don't know why i didn't realize that would start happening because you know that's very much of the mr x from before so it's kind of like you know you know it's kind of kind of par for the course but uh for some reason i wasn't ready good thing they keep gunpowder in such decorative places well this looks like a no oh it is a note please be aware the mistress's lipstick is missing if anyone finds it could they please return it to her bathroom it is custom made and therefore very expensive okay you think she'll get on her good side if i bring her lipstick well this looks very nice hi one day since treatment the three girls have stopped moving they seem almost dead an insect flew out of the eldest mouth it appears to be a common fly two days since treatment all three bodies are covered in flies it appears the flies are consuming their flesh when i opened a window some of the flies dropped dead to the floor it would seem the cold petrifies them i quickly closed the window to avoid weakening the insects further four days since treatment all three bodies have almost been completely consumed by the insects all that is left is a dark writhing human-shaped mass of creatures it is just afternoon and the insects have started to change color those around the face have turned pale and those around the lips turned to deep crimson six days since treatment the massive insects have transformed into human bodies again all three girls awoke looking at me like newborns i sense a bond between us like mother and daughters oh i've already decided their names bella daniela and cassandra what great names what great story this is great love this that's motherly love right there gosh mobberly love i see you man i really gotta like get better at stabbing is there like a like a stabbing upgrade that i could get it'd be really convenient they do get stunned after quite a few of these pokey stabs but it takes like 12 stabs to get him dead that's too many stabs hey lady demotress here blinking a bit oh i could do this okay right yeah oh no no no no no no okay [Music] sorry i'm dumb [Music] i did it i'm so lady demitrescu pretty good right oh oh wow that's the thing for the thing on the things outside in the town and the place in the church in uh uh the right i don't know scientific name none five to six centimeters a similar body structure to blowflies although there are differences in the head there carnivorous and vigorously consume meat in order to catch unsuspecting prey they'll gather using pheromones to mimic a human they are produced when a kaddu lays eggs in its host but the flies themselves are unable to reproduce they are weak to sudden drops in temperature especially if the temperature drops below 10 degrees celsius their metabolism lowers and they go into a dormant cryptobiotic state similar to the cryptobiosis of tardigrade or polypedillum vanderpronky yeah i'm familiar with the vanderplunky who isn't familiar with that don't think me some common rube hello oh well i just circled back okay oh that's down this place is just in a horrid state of disrepair there's a little more in the quote-unquote opera howl but i don't see it so i'm going back up the stairs oh i know wow sorry led dammit rescue an easy big lock i haven't been able to get a lot of those hello oh hello i'll be right there don't you worry about the thing i'll be right there oh you know don't tell anybody about that no one tell anybody that's secret damn get stabbed right in the crotch but hey hey whoa i blocked that why'd that hurt so bad uh hell i blocked that [Music] flower swords ball it was a ball i can't believe that it's so stupid that's so dumb it's not like i was careless i was very careful and i clicked oh i would never shoot you i would never shoot you my lady hey look at this i know what this is hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry she's very large very large very powerful very powerful very large and you finally came to see me oh yeah someone falls for me you tell you're right i'm so bad okay so there's like covered up windows oh what do we got here hey stop stop stop stop so mean i know where you going where are you going where are you going where'd you go hello you okay hi why are you doing this you wanted to kill me what do you mean why am i doing this why are you so surprised do what why would you do that you just did that that was pretty mean you really want to kill me i mean do you want to kill me these are all fair questions you know and uh well this sure is easy you kind of made this very easy you kind of picked this place whoa hey stop it you stop that what don't you love me why would i love you damn hey don't don't don't don't don't why are you so shocked every time that happens this is a dream yeah i'm a dream well stop killing me then yeah maybe if you uh i'm sick of bucks all right anyway well that was fun drafty in here all right let's get out of here sorry uh big mama i had to be done you know just had to be done there's nothing anybody could do about it hey yeah i'm asking joy that makes sense anyway what a weird statue hey what's on that oh did not expect that to actually open what the hell oh let the five bells of this chamber ring out okay i mean god damn cool ding okay that's one where's another bell oh i probably gotta shoot him it's probably around the room somewhere ah yep bing [Music] oh i see it well that's two oh i think i see one there it is oh hey that's not in the chamber come on that's not in the chamber yeah whatever that's cool you thought you could hide why did i do that oh does lady dimitrescu have to do that every time she wants to go here where is here here is crap all right cool also sorry about your daughter well she wasn't really your daughter or anything about it you really think about it she wasn't really your daughter so you know not really not really family who the [ __ ] is behind me who's behind me oh oh hey are you searching for dragons situation more like a kidnapping situation so not really your daughter's out that way huh anyway hey watch out boom all right cool i've probably gotten like two percent of those take that man thing take this man thing apparently that's the insult of the day around here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah is that sniper ammo hell yeah the crumbling really loud hello treasure wait wait wait wait wait wait wait easy there buddy easy there buddy easy treasure map okay dungeon kitchen wait a minute i was in the kitchen i was in the dungeon there's an heirloom with a fortune in that nobleman's casket but there's a damn trick to it something about lighting the way yeah okay all right sure i believe you yeah this don't make sense whatever hey yeah i ran the tit okay i heard there was something called the dagger of death's flowers somewhere in the castle it's apparently an antique from the middle ages it's coated in a concoction of poisons from across the continent it's said to have been crafted to kill demons and monsters it sounds fascinating but no one knows where it is i think i know where it is i just found a treasure map i would love the dagger of demon dungaroos i what was it called again i have no idea oh yeah there there is space what are you talking about and move you there and move you there there's space we don't give me that [ __ ] about no space there we go man i'm really gonna never use this i'm literally never going to use this i'm i will be so scared of using this ammo that i am legitimately never going to use this gun i'm going to resort back to the stabber because that is all i know and all i care about oh god no this place is bigger than i thought it was i know they said it was a castle but for some reason castle didn't really resonate with my brain hole hello very bloodborney you know very bloodborne feels i like it lot of crenellations and buttresses hey bud ah you're real you're real you're a real boy real boy for real boy stab stab stab okay well that was terrible all right so maybe i will use these things well not that and equip okay i gotta go kablooey these things otherwise will they come after me now i'll only do when they come after me they ain't so tough i would never use my sniper rifle i would never oh no you're loot nope that was a loss but yeah okay come on man oh oh oh my immersion is shattered this is baloney this is malarkey everybody my my entire gaming experience has been ruined truly truly [Laughter] alas it's it tis the watch tills tis what it is you know is what it is hey what's up dude boom hahaha what are you doing how are you doing right now come on come here come on come on come on come on oh yeah yeah like that's gonna work oh god oh you're dead oh yeah yeah you're dead ah waste a bullet what these things i don't think they program these quite right i don't think these things work properly okay all right hey what's up yeah you want some now these things seem a little bit uh underdeveloped you know i need a little bit longer in the game oven [Applause] give me your loot weird tongue face thing i'm just gonna run for it because apparently these things will just kill themselves on the geometry before they'll actually be a threat to me so uh later nerds that my friend on the floor oh no just someone else they're so camera shy hi what's up all right try this yeah my good why what how where am i oh masquerade i definitely knew i was coming here for that i definitely knew that thank you i won't use it though i'm not gonna use the latter i'll just jump down all right cool good job guys all right later nerds later nerds see you later douches uh game developers i think that section needs a little work aerial combat doesn't seem to be your specialty the re engine seems a little limited in that capacity i mean i'm not gonna lie that was that was pretty abysmal that was that was pretty bad take this dimitrescu uh did i get it no okay oh man thing you won't live long even if you run uh well oh shoot oh no not me not me all right excuse my uh my seemingly viciousness way of speaking it was if you think about it actually quite masculine welcome welcome sure to find something new yeah i found this uh ball what what what what what wha what i love this i love this also i hear the thunders kabooms oh wait oh [ __ ] hang on almost there there we go i did it get the ball i did it wow that's got to be worth a thing or two let me say before i sell it someone's real pissed uh lady demetreski let me do let lady dome let lady dim okay you nervous at all no no you ain't nervous why would you be if it's just looking window shop away yeah how much is this uh crimson skull worth um all right cool uh you want these things all right i'm gonna buy this thing back um oh wait no no this is gonna seem weird i know i bought this but i'm gonna sell this just because it does take up some space and i could probably just buy back you no longer need this yeah what are you buying just something an old friend of mine used to say [ __ ] shut up shut up shut up shut up you shut up you shut your mouth hablamow nice okay i already have another upgrade please come again okay equip part this thing nice okay that increases the dabblage okay this is gonna seem really weird i don't want this sniper rifle it's gonna seem very strange i don't want it i don't like sniper rifles i don't i i just don't i don't know why i know that i have like the thing the dangly thing on it but how do i can you take that off what does it even do what what does it do am i upgraded leave this to me yeah yeah okay okay i somehow have enough to upgrade literally all modification can be done in just a moment man i have a lot of money also why don't you sell any more bullets equip for a dangly charm okay so that it literally does nothing it does nothing except dangle and it's annoying or whatever whatever whatever whatever i have good pistol good day to you because this does way more damage than the other one i think and then the sniper rifle like i just don't like sniper rifles i i'm weird like that i just i can't stand them hey ma'am how are you [Music] yeah maybe you know you might be right you you might be right about that you might be right about that that's my bad are you gonna stay there long madam i would never shoot you i would never you still there i'm going for it i'm gonna run for it i'm running for it but do i have this oh god oh god oh god okay okay oh god oh god i gotta look that's fine okay you're three okay good you're three you're one okay single no place left to run where are you oh wow you are so stay right there so chunk you're so beautiful oh you're so beautiful all right i gotta i know that there was a yeah is this the uh is this the you know the thing to the thing and the thing with the thing and the thing here oh i didn't unlock that hey would you like some wine ma'am ma'am ma'am ma'am okay madame dede [Music] i'm kind of i'm kind of caught in kind of caught uh here this is kind of a problem big big bro oh well this is also uh oh man oh wow you know this please not like this not like this missed me by that much missed me by that much okay where the hell am i going where in the hell am i going okay so in the basement they said something about in the basement that there was like things this main hall that way kitchen kitchen kitchen kitchen okay that's right this way leads if i go this way and then this way leads to i'm an idiot how did i go the wrong way there how did i do that how did i do that how did i do that please yep that's me i'm so nimble nimbled me quick nimble medic oh god all right so yeah there's a secret up here something about lighting the way they said so i gotta light the way um yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh oh my god what were the all these upgrades for what was it about it said something about pushing pushing things back with space but it doesn't seem to how did i do that all right whatever let's go let's go let's go okay so apparently in this casket there's okay okay okay there's something here yeah okay so there's fire over there and there's fire over here oh pipe bomb well that's what we need this for obviously this this seems pretty clear to me equip and then throw it yep i knew it who the hell do you think you are hey i need that there we go here we go oh come on the physics is just a little janky here there we go use this to light the other one oh my god how is the momentum die that quick on these things oh my god oh my god there we go good golly hello can i have your knife oh uh well that's not what i was expecting to find in here an azure eye why so many skulls in here dude why are there so many skulls in here dude all right cool well that's not what the hell do i need an azure eye for well that's disappointing well not really disappointing i don't really know what it means okay so what's my objective oh find the four angel masks that's what it is well that's some oh who where why okay hang on hang on hang on where have i not been yet ah i didn't put the other mask in three-prong mask so i might as well do that oh and it's kind of a clue of where it is angel of pleasure appreciates art best kept behind a gilded door oh where the hell am i well this is interesting gilded door oh this is the where i originally was oh there's there's going to work up my appetite are you who the hell do you think you are ah stop stop stop stop stop stop stop i'm not but i think you're just stop how did you i don't understand anything that's happening here how did i unlock that but how did i wait where am how oh ah oh okay gilded door gildy dory let me go back um this in way i know there's got to be more places that i have not fully seen yet gilded door i mean these oh wait listen oh what is this that's a big ass tub that's a flippin big old tub good god that's a tub of lubber oh lip oh sticker i remember a little lady demetrescu i've got something that you're gonna you're gonna appreciate you got really you're gonna really appreciate this lady well i'm lost the hall of pleasure the hall of pleasure okay i need to go to the whole pl the right it's the angel the mask of pleasure okay so i gotta go i gotta go over i know where exactly where that is and i know exactly who's gonna be standing in my way you will learn what it means salt house stomach press i think i've already learned what that means madame dimitrescu i don't know why she's so mad at me you know i i really don't understand i've been nothing but respectful her she sliced my freako hand off and uh you know that's just not cool that's just not cool you know i gotta admit it's it's really not cool of all the not cool things i've seen oh hell yeah it was right here right there the mask of pledge we love it you love it i love it we all love it [Music] oh wait a minute wait a minute uh interesting can i combine this with the i combine oh yeah i did something what did i do very very oh it's just valuable that's it that's not a dagger ah but i want the dagger of death the dagger of doom and death that's what i want fine all right hello could i put this armor on it might help me i was worried my sisters had gotten to you first well they didn't sorry hey what's up hey stop oh wait am i dead wait what the hell maybe i'll keep a souvenir wait what do you mean i'm dead what the hell just happened i was at full health what happened the frick happened what do you mean i was legit i was at full health you can't kill me in one shot i'm uneasy what the dude what happened what happened to me my guys what happened okay i was worried my sisters have gotten okay okay powerful attack yep there's pipe bombs here i know i know the deal here i know here we go and it's my friends oh did she just go [ __ ] man the way these things attack my frame rate directly it's very yu-gi-oh but also very annoying all right let's take take two oh what i didn't oh my god i didn't want to do that hang on okay let's do this i'm just worried my sisters are gone no oh no no way yeah that's what you get lady that's what you get i never ruined it if you think about it yeah if you think about if you really think about it i ain't ruined no hunt no no no yes creepy maybe if i gave these all back the lady didn't trust coo she would be very happy you know maybe instead of daughters you know a son i'm just running out there anyway what do i do where am i going it's kind of blocked off here what do i do wait what's happening where am i crazy wait oh what yeah i was supposed to know this oh yeah okay yeah that makes total sense mounted skull why do i have mounted skull what why uh-huh interesting or now why does this have four but also this has four that's interesting hang on a second bang one moment please okay i should be able to get out with these what was this like locked okay i didn't even notice that but okay apparently oh hello ma'am the entire bloodline of the house is done in by the likes of you hello no not nice ass i respect its power i respect the power of the butt hello would you like a mask of pleasure sure does look like that anyway let me go save and whatnot and something i shall okay okay for that let me combine my a good deal okay cool welcome how much more valuable was this excessively more great cool thank you ladies lipstick very valuable i won't get rid of that just yet but i don't think there's anything else that i need besides maybe more bag congratulations with this you'll not worry a good day then i mean you don't really have a lot of stuff for me to not get rid of but yeah yeah whoa that's cool all right um well uh uh that's a good stopping point here uh don't know where we're going now but um uh seems dramatic so yeah thank you everybody so much for watching i hope you enjoyed this one uh have a lovely day have a lovely life take care of yourselves take care of each other and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,862,374
Rating: 4.9768496 out of 5
Keywords: markiplier, resident evil village, part 4, lady dimitrescu, markiplier resident evil, markipliergame, gaming, gameplay
Id: 9OEbG48XHCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 25sec (2425 seconds)
Published: Fri May 14 2021
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