A TINY CLUE OF LADY DIMITRESCU'S ORIGIN | Resident Evil: Village - Part 10

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ May 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to resident evil village insert obligatory distractible podcast promo i guarantee that we can make you laugh i guarantee it you listen to distractible right now i guarantee you're gonna walk away with a laugh and if you don't you never have to listen to an episode again but i guarantee you if you're looking for a laugh why not go check out distractable link right down there in the description i promise you will make you chuckle we'll make you breathe out your nose real strong and then i'm gonna go save my baby now okay where am i headed this opened up but i don't remember this being locked before in fact i remember coming through here unless i'm horribly mistaken hello why did one of those close hello why why why yeah whatever at least i got a snipey am i going back to the castle oh oh what's going on what's going on it's very much the happening mark wahlberg what's happening no what no way hey can i use a crank on this hell yeah i can good thing all the tools are universal in this town actually that might make sense if there's only one person that's able to make the tools they might make everything just fit and what's in a box number one money i don't need money wait where's this go okay does this lead to that fish this lead to that special fish special fish hello where am i going i'm really unsure about all this special fish special fish okay hey babe uh do you remember oh it is you baby babe it's the back door into your place babe babe baby rescue you know i'm really sorry we had that falling out between us but i think that we're stronger now than we ever were i think that together we've really hit our stride if only i could find that knife that uh i slipped and accidentally jabbed into you this looks vaguely familiar there's something there's that picture photo of a phantom fish there's something about it i don't know if this is exactly here but i also there's a few different dock areas i don't even know i don't think i can go into this water anyway so it's got to be water that's enterable if anything hello anybody here bang a kabumi oh boy i yearn for the day when i open that up again and it's lady dimitrescu waiting for me to grab me by my throat i know she's coming back i know that's happening just gotta find out when oh i can't hi oh yeah bring it around almost keep going no not quite yes hey stop it okay or i'll just teleport through it that's cool too i guess oh come on this is the most i hate this hey okay that you uh listen okay didn't know that worked that way oh you're just gonna die no you get the super death thank you for that i hate you you're not even gonna give me anything you suck so hard money what good is money money is exactly why does you also want the super death come back [Laughter] all right so why am i here why am i here again why why have i been cur oh i know what i need to do light it on fire yeah okay come on and now come to me come to me come come to me come come come to me this way any minute take your freaking time i guess come on before you fall over and die come on yeah bang thank you all right more oh my lady [Music] my lady milady and some magna mammal that's so nice that's so nice that's so goddamn nice thank you and i'm incredibly intelligent did you guys know about my giant brain i talk about my giant brain a lot i'm distracted in the description below whatever your favorite podcasting happens i'll give you anything i'll give you anything if you listen to it maybe you don't even listen to it maybe you just download it that's all you gotta do just download it's all i'm out of here time to go back the way i'm supposed to go and face off with heisenberg apparently he's the most powerful of all of these children but all of them seem to be kind of chumps so i don't know where the power comes from oh what's down here we yeah they all seem to kind of be chumps except for lady dimitrescu she seemed to be the strongest most capable most beautiful evolving most powerful really just respectable in every single way oh that is definitely a pond that is 100 upon fierce fears yeah yeah yes our finest fish and you not so fine was that your papa and you too yeah come here you only hadn't sold that other fish yeah that was really dumb on me if not of selling it but to be honest the the food menu didn't appear until after i sold it i would have kept on to it but i didn't know i didn't know nothing i didn't know where am i going this is definitely not the way that i'm supposed to go i don't think anyway maybe it is who knows weird okay hello hi okay oh that is crunchy oh it's an antique coin from the resident evil 7. dna sequencing complete 99.95 percent match to delve mute to my seat the deviation of 0.05 can presumably be attributed to artificial changes by humans which means this is probably the source further investigation into how the connections manage to find and extract the mold is needed wait i didn't get all that the fungal colony is spread out under the entire village when you take the baker incident into account the hosts of the mutimi seat are part of a network consciousness says if that network is linked to here then we could assume this organism is here is data storage if that's the case then what data is miranda after that seems like some conclusionary leaps i don't know about all that but sure whatever sure wish i could actually use a flashbang all right is this it no there's something else in here what do you got there we go what is that even for what is this for a w870 what's a w870 what's a w870 i don't even know what that is sounds cool well time to go hunting bam oh bam oh bang thank you for your contributions good thing i stocked up on all this valuable [Laughter] that's gross okay well i'm not gonna comment on that at all and neither are any of you comment something completely not about that tell me about your day how's your day going is it just starting is it just ending has it been bad has it been good i want to know about it literally tell me anything besides having me dwell on whatever the hell that was oh did i oh no i got everything all right let's go back up the river i'm thinking that uh now i need to cross to somewhere i just know that i'm not supposed to be here am i supposed to be here was there some other way down there am i just going in a circle lixie and if i am cut into the future and call me an idiot thank you so i went down this bridge i came across here originally this would just lead back to castle dim and doom and dome oh the statues that's right ah of course i well that sounds ominous hey what's up you want to gobble it gobble these giant shells there you go i did the thing seems like a weird ceremony that requires a lot of modern technologies for you to be able to do what you're doing now oh my baby built a bridge well that's cool oh goodbye then oh oh yeah oh oh okay yeah this is fine yeah it's fine this is what you would call good there's definitely a secret somewhere in these elevators they always hide them but i'm not gonna be able to find it so i'm not even worried about it but like a goat okay yeah no this is my stop don't worry about the kid even it'll be fine just get your ass across the bridge okay i'll get my ass across the bridge thanks for talking about my kid that way who's the one that pulled it to pieces i'm gonna leave now okay uh heisenbergy ah ethan winters welcome thank you i think you'd make it past daughter moreau but i suppose you survive worse back in america i like you yeah rose and miranda oh come on in don't worry it's not a trap i trust you what are you planning i legitimately don't think it's a trap hello hi what's up how you doing in here hey how's it going what can i do you for we're gonna do you for we're gonna do for hello hello hello mind if i take your flute what the hell what the hell truth hurts let me guess you're thinking take me out like the others and then he gets to go and save rose right i'm healing my daughter look you got this all shut wrong [ __ ] hole sorry about that what a nice guy take a seat listen ethan you're being played what are you talking about you think this is a game i said [ __ ] lady supersized [ __ ] ugly ass psycho doll an ammonic freak don't you get it it's a test to see if you're strong enough to be a part of miranda's film i don't want to be a part of miranda's family neither did i but here we are and i'm next in line right kill me move up the chain well [ __ ] that i don't give a damn about your personal issues i just want to fix my daughter so do i do you have any idea how powerful a kid is even miranda scared her last time you freaked i swear to god together we go save rose and we can use her to grind miranda into beast my daughter is not a weapon [ __ ] you last chance you don't want to find out what's in that hole i'll take my chances you're a few i'm such a badass or i could have not fallen and i don't know shot him in the face or something no i want to want to be down here with whatever's going on here it's a fan oh it's more hey my bullets are precious oh okay propellerhead uh oh okay all right dude i'm gonna go yeah i'm gonna go this ain't exactly one of those uh whoa whoa ethan winters can i crouch can i crouch thank you i'm sure there are collectibles that are happening all around me no it's not still be a fool okay cool where am i now man those gears are kind of bent out of shape that don't make any sense yeah what was that thing i don't know russ is crap you think i could just reach my hands down and start scooping and yet no okay where am i going i see yellow here uh usually this would be where uh you know clamber but i ain't clamber there i clamor thank you for the clamber dude oh okay well i got no there's probably so much rusted scrap in here and there's probably some actual like goody goodies in here that i'm not going to be able to find good thing i attached that hand real good hello oh hi oh what's on your faces uh of course they take many a bullet there we go thank you could i ever take anything that you have what did that say polyclast skull what does that even mean what do you mean a poly crystal of a powerful creature they well they weren't very powerful i'll tell you that much hello who's here bam did i get everything i did this looks vaguely familiar plenty of vents for me i have to be kind of strong to be able to rip anything off its hinges like that i don't care if it's rusted down i did not seem to put a lot of effort into that also i am beating up like giant werewolves that are two times my size and i'm having equally matched fights with large women i've got to get upstairs what the hell is all of that going on over there what is city 17 what is this a citadel a half-life all right whatever you say man also what the hell do i do with all the money you've been giving me oh yeah i'm not gonna question this thanks to your consistent patronage i've expanded my services okay good oh good i was just thinking of ways to pass the time good yes good good yes i don't have nearly enough fish for that and i don't have juicy game where can i get more fish movement speed increases permanently that'd be pretty dope yellow quartz i'm gonna hold off because i know that there's got to be like something that combines with something with that little and often fills the purse as they say oh what is that v61 whoa w870 wow okay that's what i do with all the money that you've been giving me but i can't afford any of that but that's an okay selection you're an interesting selection oh man where did all these other weapons shotgun that's a shotgun are you that that that's a shotgun whoa man all right fine then be that way you you have fun with those i don't know when i'm gonna get those let me know if you'd like to strengthen your weapons oh i would ah if only you had the funds ah it's all good i don't need it i don't need it please come again oh come as many times as i want um b4 materials is that where i am now or is that what's i'm looking for oh it's a elevator where are is this an is this the yellow is this an elevator wait wait a minute wait wait a minute wait wait wait wait wait no people i can't use it right now okay that makes sense all right whatever the mysterious voice in here please go to hell and die that'd be really great if you could do that right now go whisper i'm coming for you i'm gonna get you i'm gonna shoot you in your face who's there who's oh hi [Applause] i did it i'm the great oh hi all right [Applause] seems like their head hit box is pretty generous i kind of appreciate that i do i really appreciate that hello uh-huh interesting anybody through there hello well a little spooky but not too spooky i've definitely seen spookier what is hey there's no need there's no need we're all friends here except we're very much not friends but we could be friends okay all right so far so good all right they're just giving me a lot of money which i do appreciate but also i could always use more bullets whoa what is that well i don't have that once i'm just in the way of whoa i don't even know what the casting machine okay that's gross oh yeah kind of gross don't know what that's about also i'm going to pretend like i don't hear all that hissing locked from the other side of course it is just like everything in this place hi bang yeah the hitboxes are very generous got you i know i should probably save my higher powered guns but i'm i'm sitting pretty on a lot of things on the power all right well that's a concern okay hi i don't like this i don't like that at all oh you're from the x-ray i've seen your picks i've seen your pictures oh that doesn't look good hi bud how you doing you breathing doesn't look like it okay cool i trust that i trust that 100 wow you're still there okay yeah no i'm not sticking around nope nope not sticking around okay nope nope nope 100 nope what is this what is this a lockpick lockpick what is it lockpickable oh you better hurry with that oh you better oh you better hurry with it yellowcards okay cool hey what's up buddy hey how you doing buddy hey how's it going buddy oh let me put this in the mold i'll where's the relief mold here we go okay plop that in okay a little speedy on this would be great a little faster okay thank you okay thank you thank you thank you i got it i got a horse seems useful it sure do don't it blap perfect ah oh oh do i need to grab that oh i don't i need the other molds properly oh i don't have this yeah i know it's locked yeah i can see that very clearly it's locked i don't have a key to any of that okay whatever it's locked oh this locked everything's locked magnum ammo i'll take that okay i'll go down the scary place this seems very scary am i supposed to shoot these oh yeah you know i am okay don't oh who's grunting you really gotta cut the moaning bros whoa hey bud should have done that from the start oh my god i think i got him ah god damn it of course oh i hate you so much i hate you so much oh i hit you i dislike you a lot i dislike you a lot i dislike you a lot what i was going to do is i was going to use this to blow that because i feel like this would be a better use than five well five bills probably would have been a fair exchange for taking care of that but i did it anyway so it's too late then now that that's clear bam [ __ ] no all right you wanna go you wanna go let's go okay you fell over [ __ ] all right does this one need to stop bam all right i don't know why i did that but [ __ ] you heisenberg that's why i did that shut up and go away whatever your drill monster is i don't even want to know what kind of fetish you're working with that thing for too too mature for playground insults like that i'm sorry heisenberg he seemed like a reasonable dude except for the fact that he seemed to want to kill me but even that's probably reasonable where's me in all this like seriously where is mia in all of this like when is mama bear gonna come screw screaming out oh no oh oh no oh no oh no no no no no okay well that looks like a thing nice oh oh that's good got that now what do we do with that kind of dark in here it's kind of dark i can't really see missing a cog of course it is crazy be the cog all right please give me the heebie-jeebies it's the perfect opportunity for something to come jumping out of you okay mechanical soldier sold that version one fully grown male corpse used removed heart implanted cadu muscle stimulation via electric shock was successful brain dead so no high cognitive ability only moves by destructive instinct then stops could just made a zombie apparently 1.01 attach headgear to the cranium electrodes confirmed stable brainwaves experiment one lycan fight was dismantled and eaten within three minutes issues with destructive and murderous capabilities yeah 1.1 1.10 replace lower part of arm with drill not enough output for effective movement need live bodies perhaps one point one five implant a cado reactor in the chest output greatly increased experiment two lycan fight destroyed lycan three lycans in one minute good results but issues with reactor durability may stop functioning if the reactor is destroyed that's a good that's a good hint there buddy that's good pal good good yeah good pal tell me more pal friend i think there's more in here hello oh that's handy thank you little thing nope this there we go all right back to the mold maker don't don't don't don't don't do it don't do it don't do it all right you wanna you wanna go bro i can hit that reactor did i hit it oh damn it oh you're smart aha oh [ __ ] there we go are you not how are you not oh [ __ ] is that it come on you're gonna get it bam how oh how oh god i do not need to fight you i really don't i know i don't miss me by that much my dude there you go that's what you get oh i'm fine i'm the winner you suck okay where was the cog i'm guessing this is the cog oh yeah i didn't do this not enough power and still not enough power there's never going to be enough power oh god i'll go back to the dude sell some of my skulls talk to him maybe get some emotional support about all this hey duke why don't any zombies try to kill you why does no one seem to mention your existence you okay buddy oh hi ah yes yes okay fine sorry did i bother you i wake you up ooh that's the sixth oh my god this freaking shotgun like that's so dope but why why do you have that good deal if i say so myself yeah you paid me a lot of money okay we're gonna keep going also what kind of super soldier program were they running here this is clearly some super soldier [ __ ] there's clearly some kind of operation going on here how old is the umbrella corporation how long have they been doing this stuff because those that like if it's carved into a mountainside or if there's like granite relics that have to do with the freaking umbrella corporation they must have been around forever they're trying to say that they're kind of the illuminati in all of this because if they are that's kind of cool but i'm still trying to wrap my head around everything that's actually happening around here you know why is chris working with them no i don't have anything here oh cog cog where was a cog i know there was a cog i saw cog i showed you my cog please respond yeah i'm still curious about how chris matches up with all this because it just does seem out of character for him to be working for the umbrella corporation for whatever reason like why would he what would make him turn like that i don't know cog cog got it perfect backup generator let's do it give me the power baby thank you thank you very much for that really greatly appreciated wonderful i can actually see oh god no oh [ __ ] oh hey okay all right yeah yeah such a disappointment uh-huh uh-huh you tell me i thought join forces against that [ __ ] miranda truly make a move [Applause] she locked us away in the village decades of being forced to serve her can you even understand that humiliation uh yeah i kind of can because it's kind of the same thing you're trying to do to me man but you know like my siblings i want nothing more than to be free of that [ __ ] so i need power the strong will destroy the weak that's the way the world you should have never refused me ethan oh god damn it nice like clockwork now although i'm running out of snipey bullets can i stab these yeah hey yeah all right good what did that do what did i leave in here so much stuff i bet let me go through here once more before i go forward where does this go oh yeah i've got a lot of craftable whoa oh [ __ ] did that get you ha ha there you go that's more like it where are you all coming from anyway can i get everything in here no still more stuff in here man i don't know how much stuff i passed in my time playing this game but it's got to have been a lot it had to have been a whole heaping hell of a lot i'm just not very observant but i'm gonna keep moving forward anyway because i'm an ignorant [ __ ] hello ah thank you hmm that looks like something i could spring on someone oh hey what's up let me spring something on you come here i want to spring you yeah come here come on come on yeah come on oh over here yeah okay yeah just a little closer a little more and uh spring has sprung that didn't seem to hurt you at all it's supposed to spring you turns out the only thing that sprung was bullets from my gun that costs just as many bolts as it would normally cost who the hell wow oh god no i know i take reduced damage from uh attacks now so i'm probably pretty beefy i'm probably pretty tough but pretty strong hello what's this about why would you have just a room here you have to have a reason for this oh hey dude what's up what's up pal maybe i could chuck a pipe bomb over here actually let me do that little preemptive pipe bomb action nah i don't have any you in this round buddy but next time i'm gonna open a can of whoop ass all over you where the hell am i why okay well oh two oh interesting damn it oh my god are you kidding me oh he's got it in his back this is highly ineffective okay well this is very ineffective can i sneak by you here buddy can i sneak by you oh boy really really buddy hal how about i just i'm just i'm just gonna i'm just gonna i'm just gonna push you away it doesn't work it doesn't freaking work there you go poof large largo well thank you for that and what's in here shotgun not enough i'm i've i had a surplus of snipey bullets and now i have a definitely missing some thank you i could have ran i don't know why i keep stopping and fighting everything i don't need to and yet i do anyway hey buds how you doing man it would be tough to stop all of you maybe this dude's making all these soldiers just so he can fight mother miranda whoever the hell she is whatever the hell she can do i'm sure that her powers are very profound and interesting uh hello um okay ah no no no no no no and can i guys kind of an [ __ ] what are you going to do you're going to slice me yeah idiot oh yeah where are you where is he come on hit me gotcha well thanks for the contribution oh i didn't know that thing recharged or else i would have used it again i still don't know where i'm going i'm only hoping that i'm going the right direction which i seem to be going okay it's amazing how they build all these interiors to be perfect mazes very good planning holy crap okay yeah no no no let's no no let's yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go let's go yes please and then close it maybe you know close close close it oh no i'm i'm just safe okay glad i knew that without turning around am i safe am i safe probably safe hey here i am hey buddy you want to come up the floor hal there was a door down there that i didn't open am i not able to go back down welcome welcome you're sure to find something new am i welcome am i sure to find something new doesn't look like it maybe some of this maybe one of these i can see why you'd be interested in that can you but can you see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch thank you for that do you think i would buy such things i don't know what good deal if i say so myself which one is it those are two conflicting things all right thank you so much for your patronage and thank you all so much for watching be sure to check out distractable i don't know if i've mentioned it already but if i haven't and i don't think i have there's a link down in the description below if you want some laughs with bob wade and i you know the series that we do together we've taken all of our insanity and put it into a podcast which just means that we put it into audio format so that you can listen to it on the go link is in the description check it out link down description down there click that link click it now click it now or else i will come after you and i will be in your closet tonight thank you i won't but maybe i will thank you everybody so much for watching and as always i will see you in the next video bye-bye
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,388,861
Rating: 4.9761434 out of 5
Keywords: lady dimitrescu, resident evil village, markiplier, resident evil 8, part 10, markiplier resident evil village, re 8, re 7, resident evil, gaming, gameplay, lady d, big vampire lady
Id: yj7Zu1A67wc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 29sec (2549 seconds)
Published: Sat May 29 2021
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