The King Of All Kings - Shaykh Muhammad Abdul Jabbar

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Hey [Music] ooop is placed wiki is praised Floyd Mayweather is praised Kim Kardashian is praised storm Z is praised that weighs the president for the king of the world he is the merciful he is the compassionate he is the absolute power he is the victorious he is the compeller he is the greatest he is the creator he is the maker he is the shaper he is the opener he is the giver he is the sustainer this is the almighty allah this is the almighty allah this is the almighty allah or muslims many men and women have come and gone some there are alive at this moment of time while others have left the world and they are six for underground getting questioned by the angels of the grain some they were praised for their devices some they were praised for the innovations some they were praised for their discoveries some were praised for the music some were praised for their fashion and others were praised for what they achieve in life some will be remembered and others will be forgotten and from amongst of individuals they are praised from amongst them is this man - Park also known as park Machiavelli a Rafah artist Bowie known for his hiphop I gangsta rap a man that sold over 75 million records worldwide making him one of the greatest rappers of all time dropping lines five shots could not drop me Tukey with a smile 1996 lived by the gun died by the gun he was praised for his music he was praised for his gangster work he was praised for 75 million records where is he now six-foot underground getting questioned by the angels of the grave and those who are unaware of these angels the habit comes to mind that their eyes flash like a flash of lightning their voices romba like thunder likewise notorious b.i.g also known as Biggie Smalls Frank white king of New York a rapper known for his hiphop and gangster rap easy flowing storytelling abilities a mine that sold over 17 million records in the USA making him famous in the history of work a money that drop lines that no use going paradise with the goody-goodies man's will party in early 1997 live by the gun died by the gun he was praised for his hip-hop he was praised for his storytelling abilities he was praised for his debut album ready to die where is he now [Music] six-foot underground likewise Floyd Mayweather hmm as money the best ever a boxer professional undefeated in five divisions holding over 13 titles among the brought a car with four point eight million dollars known as the super car for the super rich a boxer they praised for his money praise for his luxuries praised for his boxing likewise Kim Kardashian also known as Kim K Kim kardashian-west a woman that gets paid over 25 million dollars a year for just presenting a show a woman does praised by the media and individuals men and women for a TV series having over 25 million followers on Facebook 17 million followers on Twitter making a 9th in the world she's praised for her TV shows she's praised for her fashion she is praised for what she has achieved and it doesn't stop there Thomas Edison was praised why because he invented the electric light mouth James Watts was praised Benjamin Franklin was praised Tim berners-lee was praised why because he invented the HTTP protocol for the internet but the state of the Muslims is that man gets hyped when x-men says that you look like skepta man gets height when x-men says that you look like storm Z man gets hyped when next month says then you look like Floyd Mayweather man gets height when x-men says that you look like Justin Bieber this is the state of some in this day and age why because man gets height when x-men says I've seen your uncle driving our artists for on the streets man gets ripe when Xmas says they seen your uncle driving an m4 man gets height when Xmas says their senior uncle driving a Lamborghini this is a state of son in this day and age likewise gal just hype when next one says that you look like Kim Kardashian gal gets hype when next month says that you look like Nicki Minaj gal gets height when next one says that your face is contoured like Kim Kardashian's this is the state of son in this day and age likewise gal gets height when Xmas says that you know what I seen you in some shisha old gal gets height when she buys a new Louis Vuitton bag and plasters her face with mac makeup gal gets height when next month says that are you Kim Kardashian's look-alike this is a state of son in this day and age months sitting in a harness for man gets high mom sitting in a shisha bar with a pipe in his mouth thinking is some Jamaican yadi man gets height man's walking down the road going gym for two days man gets height month chilling out with the boys cruising up and down the road blasting the devil's music man gets height man's walking around with his girlfriend eating in a desert Paulo man gets high this is a state of samba of the other hand when you tell these people that Allah is the one who created the heavens and the earth man's are not height when you tell them that Allah is the one who created the Sun the Stars the galaxies man's are not height when you tell them that Allah is the one who created the night and the day months are not height when you tell them that Allah is the one who created the ocean and in the ocean there's a layer of salty water and sweet water and he does not mix man's are not height when you tell them that Allah is the one who created the fire how they surrounded by four walls when wall is so thick they will take a person 40 years to cover his distance surrounded by 70,000 whips on each whip they 70,000 angels meaning four billion nine hundred million angels dragging the fire of hell man's are not height when you tell them that Allah is the one who created angels that the distance between the earlobe and the neck is seventy thousand years man's are not height when you tell them that Allah is the one who gave the miracle to muhammed sallalahu rally wa sallam they brought the moon he takes one side of the moon on one side of the mountain the other side of the moon on the other side of the mountain man's on a hike when you tell them that allah is the one who gave the miracle to moosa aleihsalaam they parts the ocean mountains of water are raised and they make the crossing man's are not height when you tell them that allah is the one who gave the miracle - Suleiman orally Salam they became the ruler of the two worlds that we needed to travel a tornado used to come lift his army up and take them to a different destination months are not hide when you tell them that Allah is the one that will roll upon the heavens in his hands he will roll up all the worlds in his hands and he will say that I am the king of all Kings man's honor type where is the high turn for the king of the world master of the universe all of you almighty ways the High God when you know the Lord just let the mighty is the one who created the seven heavens and the distance between the first and the second is 500 years the second and the third is 500 years the third and the fourth it's 500 years the fourth and the fifth is 500 years the fifth and the sixth is 500 years the sixth and the seventh is 500 years and a lot as a generalized above all where is the icon now weighs like the now weighs the hyper now for the king of the world must of the universe Allah as a jungle at the mighty truth book is placed Big E is great Floyd Mayweather is praised skepta is praised Kim Kardashian is praised storm Z is praised Nicki Minaj is praised but where's the praise God for the king of the world Allah as the agenda the lady when you know and I know he is Allah he is the merciful he is the compassionate he is the absolute power he is the pure one he is the victorious he is the compeller he is the greatest he is the creator he is the maker he is the Shaffer he is the opener he is the giver he is the sustainer this is Allah as the agenda the mighty and when you travel the world and you are looking for factual evidence alone like word Allah is the one who gave facts regarding animal Islam moon Ibrahim is Moraine is how surely Lutz Jakub Musha Musha alias euros Ayub the would ya Lygia Muhammad Ali know Salaam that they call towards to lead towards the one Allah Allah is the one who gave facts regarding in jail regarding the support regarding the toe rods regarding the Quran to find a book of allah and he abrogates every single thing that came before he Allah is the one who gave facts regarding the Abu Bakr rumor this man Ali that Allah is pleased with every single one of them Allah is the one who gave facts regarding the day of judgment Allah is the one who gave facts regarding the Stars the galaxies Allah is the one who gave facts regarding the clouds that they carried terms of water Allah is the one who gave facts regarding the moon that has a reflected light Allah is the one who gave facts regarding all this this is the Almighty Allah why because when you go step further and you realize that Allah is the one who guides and Allah is the one who missguided why because this is one of the attributes of Allah Azza WA JAL that the my G and you realize that you could be in the depths of ignorance you could be in the peaks of some mountain or you could be in the middle of some jungle you could be lost you could have no Eman but when the guidance comes from Allah Azza WA JAL that the mighty Allah but no one will be able to stop me for that reason this story comes to mind alone I thought it was a tab that was told in their city centre of Birmingham and one non-muslim comes he says that tell me about your religion I told him about allah i told him about muhammed sallalahu and he was salam I told him about Eman I told him about dr. Ahn and all of a sudden he says to me do you know what wait here one second he walks past and then what happened he looks in the sky well or he I swear by Allah I swear by Allah we were about to pack up because he was going to rain and all of a sudden this man comes back and he says I want to testify there's no God worthy of worship except Allah I said to him you know what what made you accept Islam he says you know when I was speaking to you when you told me about Allah you told me about the messenger muhammed sallalahu salaam I formed a sign in my head and I thought Allah if this man is telling the truth and if this is a man of God then give me a sign he said I woke in the middle of the pathway in my brain I formed a sign and that sign was Oh you are the creator of the heavens and the earth it's about to rain the clouds of gray make the clouds disappear make the clouds pop I let the Sun come out well llahi the clouds disappeared and the Sun came out he said this is why I want to testify there's no God worthy of worship except allah muhammad salallahu alaihe salam is the messenger of allah this is who guided him to Islam who guided him from the depths of ignorance to the light of Islam it was a king of all kings they must have the day of judgment the one the only Allah is a general at the mighty way because he is the constrictor he is the reliever he is the exalted he is the restorer of Honor he is the Humiliator he's the hero of all he's that just he's the judge he's a subtle one he's all away he's a forbearing one he's a magnificent one he's the heist he's the greatest he's the preserver he's the Nareesha this is Alonso a general at the mighty and then let's go step further when you travel the world and you see how many people are in this world you will realize there is a mind-boggling number and then you understand this from the time of Adam al-islam right in this present day how many nations have come how many nations have God Allahu Akbar mind-boggling number and then you realize something that lattes or jelly gave you something so unique they did not just give anyone else he gave you and this was your own identity he did not just give you a passport he did not just give you an ID card he did not just give you a student visa he gave you something so unique Allah who like well and that was the fingerprint alone like what a long I felt you will not find a person on the face of this earth with the same fingerprint as you you will die with this fingerprint you'll be resurrected with this fingerprint and inshallah we'll be in gender with the same fingerprint who is the one Katy's identity it was the king of all kings allah azza wa jal at the mighty and then you go a step further then you realize something when Omar with the allahu allah was about to attempt islam with the messenger muhammed sallalahu Selim raised his hand and he said o Allah under Islam with Armour been hooked up ready Allah woman all of a sudden one of his companions was nearby and he says o Messenger of Allah you're making a door forever bin khattab his dad's donkey is most likely to become Muslim they're not rumor at the Allahu Allah Allahu Akbar between the fingers of a Rahman is their hearts of the believers Allah is the controller of the face for that very reason this story comes to mind it was another Saturday and all of a sudden at the Dawa school and when Muslim comes to me he says that tell me about your religion I told him about Allah I told him about the messenger muhammad salallahu alaihe salam I told him about Islam I told him that in earth and all of a sudden he stopped me there and he said why is he that when I go on social media I see all these people giving testimonies that we have become Muslim because we had a dream and in our dream we saw this sign why is it that we go on Facebook on Twitter are we going to any of these social media sites people have witnessed something and then they became Muslim he says the day I become Muslim is the day that I see a sign and that day when I when I see the sign I will definitely accept Islam I said to him they look at the night and the day the night has never a script the day the day has never asked if the night isn't this a sign for you I said to him that you look in the ocean there's a layer of salty water and sweet water it does not mix isn't this a sign for you Allah Allah he says to me no do you know why I'm gonna definitely accept Islam the day I see a sign and I said oh Allah gave him a sign that he will never ever forget Allah who I thought Allahu Akbar then I understood I tried my best Allah who I thought to make him to make him a Muslim then I understood the law as ever Delos is in the Quran Hemet sallalahu anyone said on you cannot guide whom you love alone I thought Allah is the one who guides and it lies the one who misguide and muhammed sallalahu said him you are just a conveyor for that very reason I left him to a site he comes back the following week he comes to me he takes his backpack off he takes a bag out in the back there's an orange and he says you know what the following the following day that when you told me about a God give me a sign you know what I think I found a sign he takes the backpack out he takes a plastic bag out in the plastic bag there's an orange dye sliced in half he takes and he says you know what tell me what they say what does he say honey I'm loved I thought and one side of the orange he says the name of Allah and the other side of the audience he says the name of Muhammad sallallahu alehiwassallaam I told him that you were looking for a sign you were looking for a sign you were looking for a sign this is your sign tears are flowing and flowing on his lips 'yes i testify there is no god with your worship except allah and muhammad sallallahu taala means the messenger of allah who is the one who guided him from the depths of ignorance to the light of islam it was a war as the agenda the mighty this is the kingdom of kings they must have the day of judgment the one the only Allah as the agenda the mighty why because he accounted he is the mighty he is the generous he is the watchful he is the responder he is the comprehending one he is the loving one he is the voice one he is the majestic one he is the resurrector he is the witness he is the truth he is the trustee he is the powerful he is the forceful he is the praise he is the appraiser he's originator he is the restorer this is a large allah the mighty there Allah Allah if this is the case that Thomas Edison why is he praised because he invented the electric light bulb why is Tim berners-lee praised why because he invented the HTTP protocol for the internet Steve Jobs why is he praised Benjamin Franklin why is he praised when the king of the world must up to universe Allah Azza WA Jalla is the best of Creator is the best of makers is the best of shapers my brothers you don't need to go for you look in that mirror and you realize that the one who created you is a king of the world must up to universe alonzo a gender the mighty then you just look at the human eye the Lord Almighty gave you so powerfully this eye they consist of 576 megapixels it will make your androids and your iphones crush it consists of two million waking parts it can detect between 25 different color images and he could differentiate between 500 shades of gray who's the creator now who's the make you know who's a shaper now allows the maker Elijah Schaefer allows the creature then you go a step further you look at the heart that Allah Azza WA Jalla gave you it beats 72 times a mini hundred thousand times a day three million six hundred thousand times a year it pumps 2,000 gallons of blood through 60,000 miles of blood vessels a day who is the one who makes his heart beat without a budget back without any supply of power alone at work and according to research as they say so powerful is a saw they could pull a truck for 20 miles who's the creator now who's the maker now who's a shaper now unless the creature Allah is the maker Allah is a shaper then you go a step further then you realize that alonso attila gave you a brain so powerful is his brain according to researchers they say he has 60 70 thousand miles of blood vessels in the brain alone I could imagine 70 70 thousand miles of blood vessels in your brain who is the one who created a brain that will score thousands and thousands of gigabyte of petabytes of memory Allah is the one who gave you that brain so powerful is this brain the according to researchers they say they could light a bulb up and they did a kiss on a level I put it definitely lit a bump up who's the creator now who's the making out who's the shaper now Eliza crater Eliza the maker Eliza Schaefer then white is he Thomas Edison is praised Benjamin Franklin His grace Kim Kardashian and Nicki Minaj is great strong he employed me with the appraised but why is he then when appraising muhammed sallalahu only was son of that very month appraised allah azza wa jalla from the day he was born till the day he passed away and those who do not know the stages of muhammed sallalahu only was set up just one narration comes to mind ponder over this before the day of judgment takes place Allah Azza WA JAL Allah will say instead of Allah Islam to blow through the whole this angel is such that his eyes are fixed on the throne of the Creator he does not blink why fearing that missed the command of Allah and when he blows he will give his such a blow that every single thing in the universe will come to an end the k2 the Himalayas the Everest every single thing will come to an end and then Allah Azza WA Jalla will cause death to - myka ill G breathe and all the angels that cutting is thrown and every single thing will come to an end Allah Himself will remain and Allah Azza WA Jalla will roll upon the heavens in his hand he will roll up on the worlds in his hand and he will say that I am the almighty allah i am doing mighty Allah I am The Almighty Allah for whom is the divine rule today the room is a power today the room is a kingdom today I'm the king of all Kings the master of the Day of Judgment the world the only allah azzawajal at the mighty and then Allah Azza WA Jalla will recreate everything and he will say it's not feel any love to blow through the hole he will blow the souls will come out like the swarm of bees they will enter the bodies every single person from the beginning of time till the end of time will be resurrected some will be sweating up to the ankles some will be sweating up to the knees so will sweating up to their waist some will be sweating after their callable some will be turned in your own sweat they'll be screaming they'll be shouting Allahu Akbar Allah there'd be no hope a long way / some people will be raised behind Pharaon some will be behind Tarun some will be behind a man then they will think they will need someone to intercede for them they'll go to ultimately sell out the money some will say that today's the day a lie angry like never before I do not know what will happen to me go towards new Holly stop they will go to a new highly stuff and they will say - no Holly's not interested what us intercede for us intercede for us new Hollister will say that today's the day Allah Azza WA JAL let the mighty is angry like never before I do not know what will happen to me go towards ibraheem alisa they will go towards ibraheem Ibrahim Ali Shah would say that today is a day always angry like never before I do not know what will happen to me go towards miss Ali stop they were said to Musa it's not intercede for us intercede for us Musa al-salaam would say that today's the day unless angry like never before I do not know what will happen to me go towards Islam Islam they will say to easily some intercede word intercede for us intercede for us in silence Tom will say today's the day allies angry like never before I do not know what will happen to me go towards muhammed sallalahu annual salam they will go they will turn they will ask for Mohamed Salah lightsome therefore intercession and his intercession will be accepted for you and I this is the man who praised Allah if we want to follow an example then why intermission of the 21st century following the example of muhammed sallalahu a little some of the best of creations this is the king of all kings and then you go a step further you realize you could leave your house as a believer and you will return as a disbeliever or you could go from your house as a disbeliever and you could return as a believer for that very reason this story comes to mind another woman she was on the dollar store she comes to me and she says to me they want to speak to you tell me about your religion I tell me something great about Allah the Almighty and tell me something great about Muhammad SAW it was summer there were people who were waiting there on the side I said to her these people before you let me speak to them then when I finished with them I will come back here for an hour and a half she waited two to three people accepted Islam and then I went back to her I go what do you want to know she goes to me I want to know about Allah I said you've been waiting for an hour and a half then I thought to myself they look you got books on the table you got commands on the table you got my seed easier you could listen to them she says no I want you to tell me something about greatness about the greatness of Allah and the only one there were powerful words came to mind that law will roll up on the heavens in his hand he will roll up on their worlds in his hand and he will say that I am doing mighty Allah for whom is the divine truth today for whom is the power today for whom is a kingdom today I'm the king of all kings where are you dictated where I where places no one would answer Allah Himself will answer Allah will say that I am the king of all kings the one the only the mighty Allah I like what she says to me or kata tell me about something greatness about muhammed sallalahu son I said muhammed sallalahu a little sort of he's the blessed one is that noble one is the chosen one he's a seal of prophets Imam of all the prophets he said Allah when he was seven he stood on a mountain he pointed toward the moon indicating with his finger he took the money - off he took one side of the moon on one side of the mountain the other side of the moon on the other side of the monkey she says to me I've heard enough she's covered from head to toe she seems to me I'm ready to accept Islam confused by this I'll go into a Muslim she goes no before I've met you before I come to this world I had a dream a man come to me come to me in a dream he was dressed in white and he said to me there'll be a man whose name is Muhammad Abdul Jabbar he will be at this time at this place in this attire at this area go to him and take your Shahada under this man he told me that you know ah make sure you wear these clothing and make sure you take off yourself this is why I come today and I want to become a Muslim our tears are flowing and flowing and ellipses I testify there is no God worthy of worship except Allah Muhammad Sal Allahu Allahu Allah means The Messenger of Allah he is the giver of life he is the taker of life he's the Evan he is the self-existing he is the finder he is the glorious one he is the majestic he is the powerful one he is the creator of power he is the expediter he is the Delayer he is the first he is the last he's the one he's the manifest one he's the hidden one he is the protecting one he is the great to repentance this is Allah Azza WA JAL Allah the mighty and then you go a step further you realize one thing that is o Muhammad sallallahu Salama are so fortunate the Lord Almighty gave us a book not just a normal book and that's the Quran look how Allah Almighty preserved a you look at the people from the time of muhammed sallalahu a little son of writers present day people of common people of God how many people have memorized the Quran Allah is the one who instilled and made the people memorize this Quran kids the age of six seven eight nine ten I've memorized the front cover to cover painful weight weight forward who is the one who implemented the Quran in the hearts of Pakistanis in the hearts of Bengali in the hearts of America in the hearts of Trinidadians in the hearts of Jordanian in the hearts of true nations Allah is the one who's implemented the Quran in the hearts one because allah says we have revealed and we will look after me and i swear by allah also attended the mighty if the whole world got together and try to burn down every single quran that exists on the face of this earth you will see that the Quran will be rewritten it will be written why because Allah has instilled in the hearts of the believers and there'll be someone in from the millions and millions of Muslims from around the world who have memorized the Quran and the Quran will be Richard and will be produced why because allah says we have revealed and we will look after him this is the almighty allah because when we go a step further and then you realize the creation of money and then the creation of Allah people go around and they stop posting they think their blood they have some new design away or they have the latest fall or the latest what and all of a sudden the guys got pride listen to me carefully realize this when you look in the handle that the earth you look at the narrations regarding muhammed sallalahu self he says that regarding this angel jibreel he has 600 wings so powerful is his angel they took a city so close to the lowest heaven and then so close the according to narration he says that the Angels heard the dogs barking that chickens croaking they overturn the city and he slammed it back onto the earth who is the one who created this angel Allah is the one when you realize this you realize you are nothing when you realize the hadith optimum atari the manic and multi so powerful and is so scary that accordingly mom could to be safe so scary is this angel that all the angels in the heaven fear the Angel of Death more than one of you feels a lion he has a base his fruit is on the ground his head is in heaven 12 eyes black to face finally picking up from his mouth coming out from his world with 500 angels behind him then when you realize this you realize you are nothing then you go a step further you look at the houses Allah Azza WA JAL that the mighty has made for the believers bricks out of gold and silver and the mixture to all these bricks together has made our rubies and pearls who is the one who created this Allah Azza WA JAL at the mighty and then you realize they're angels who are carrying a las room the distance between the earlobe and the neck is 70,000 years when you realize this you realize you are nothing you realize that your pride will go out of the window this is your mighty Allah the king of all kings the master of the Day of Judgment the one the only Allah has ever Chandler the mighty why because he's the Avenger he's the Clement he's the owner he's the lord of majesty and bounty he's the gatherer here's the rich he is the enricher he is the powerful one he is the one who guides he is the light he is the righteous and he is the one is the most patient this is a lot of agenda the mighty and then you go a step further a long walk but you realize that man commits sin by night and day we were nothing and Allah Almighty guided us we were hungry allah azza wa jal offenders we were unclothed and I love you Almighty closeness then you realize that we commit sin by night and day Allah could have made a that we could have been who from the previous nation disgraced why because every time that they committed a sin the next morning they used to wake up that scene used to be written on the door and every single person used to recognize that this person committed this sin we had muhammed sallalahu annual salam we were honored by the king of all kings the Lord Almighty will conceal our sins and he who makes Toba Allah Almighty will forgive their sin for that reason this story comes to mind a woman comes to me she says to me you know what I'm a woman who committed a sin that I do not know that law will forgive me give me a bit of all she says I'm a woman who used to urinate on the pond I used to pull my mensuration her blood on the Quran I used to burn up Quran I used to pull my feces on the Quran why so the jinns give me allegiance the day that jinns gave me allegiance I've destroyed people's households I destroyed husband and wife's relationship I destroyed people's lives I used to make quick money from me and all of a sudden one day I heard your lecture on the day of reckoning on YouTube and this from that day I stopped what I was doing and give me hope and tell me they's hope for me I said well that the messenger muhammad sallallahu wasallam said anybody who deals with magic is out of the fold of Islam to come back in the fold of Islam is to testify there's no God worthy of worship except allah muhammad salallahu alaihe salam is a messenger of allah day after if you committed sins that number the sand in the desert you return to allah you ask a lot of giving us Allah will forgive you sin if you committed sin then number the frost on the ocean you return to Allah you asked Allah for forgiveness Allah will forgive you sin if you committed sin that reach the peaks of some mountains you return to Allah you ask Allah forgiveness Allah will forgive your sins why because he's the son of Allah Azza WA JAL at the mighty those who sinned and those who attempt to Allah with sincere repentance and will remorse Allah so Allah will forgive the sin he will forgive this sin he will forgive their sin this is the king of all kings they messed up the day of judgment that one the only Allah has so agenda the mighty and this is why I conclude by saying that way is he that spawns skepta Justin Bieber Kim Kardashian Nicki Minaj they are praised is it Allah Azza WA Jalla enough for you is a mohammad sallallahu alehiwassallaam enough for you isn't Abu Bakr Umar with man early enough for you isn't Holy Family - enough of denuded big enough for you my brothers you never know when your enemies near every single person is guilty in this day and age that they do not praise the king of the world master of the universe Allah Azza WA Jalla the mighty the way he should be praised how are we going to praise Allah the ultimate way is that you stand in front of Allah Azza WA JAL Allah the mighty five times a day bowing standing praising Allah because above in the centre of the world is the garbha above the care about 500 years is the first ever in the first heaven there is a house and in their house there's angels are praising Allah they are ancient what winter worth around the house self I'm Riku self I'm so dude self I am and the remain like the right in a day of judgment my brothers you just never know today you are healthy tomorrow you could be bedridden why because there was a person wallahi his wife used to say that guiding tell me about a religion that I could explain to him and make him a better husband he lives a life of sin he lives a life of disobedience and all of a sudden weeks passed months passed even years passed iced warning change you never know when the end is near imagine Allah Azza WA Jalla he takes your eyes away from you he takes your ability away from you he says one day I'll change then after four years of me contacting him speaking to him I said to him do you know what this is my final visit you will not believe then believe you don't want to believe that don't believe and I walked out but before I walked out and I said the world law he you have no excuses now a Warner has come and Allah sent me to tell you to change four years of us few weeks later I get a call from his family they go that he has a problem you need to come down I went to the hospital there he was weighing the five stones with a brain hemorrhage paralyzed head to toe and the only thing he could move is his eyes and I said to him do you remember every single meeting we had I used to remind you of this that could you imagine the la reserva Gela takes your abilities away from you tears flow from his eyes but he cannot speak and he cannot move right till this Pleasant day two and a half years have passed and he's in the hospital in the same state we pray to Allah to love you Almighty cause him but this could happen to any one of us today we are faith to wait to walk and to talk we could praise Allah but could you just imagine you wake up the next morning you feel a bit in you go to the doctors doctors refer you to the hospital and all of a sudden the hospital says that you've got cancer and you've only got one month to live I swear by Allah there people out there who just wish they have your lifestyle that they could walk they could speak they could worship Allah and some living in the poor countries water runs through their mind is if only we had a life like youth before Allah Azza WA Jalla takes every single thing away from you return to the king of the world mask of the universe Allah Azza WA JAL Allah the mighty justice will not be done by praising Allah by people like us who are here on that one onion hamdu lillahi rabbil aalameen [Music] you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 302,057
Rating: 4.9102826 out of 5
Keywords: He is Allah, Allah the almighty, one god, muhammad abdul jabbar
Id: hehY2DvBX8s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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