Muhammad ﷺ

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] oh here [Music] are we forgotten the worry and concern allah for this ummah had for you and i have we forgotten the favors and blessings we were showered with because of nabi salallahu have we forgotten [Music] the wounds that were inflicted on the person of rasulullah he said allah because of this ummah because of you and i have we forgotten the blood that came out of the blessed body of rasulullah where he was because of this ummah are we forgotten the tears that rolled down the visa and allah's eyes and the tears he said allah shed because of this ummah today we have forgotten the teachings of rasulullah today we neglect the teachings of rasulullah today we have no value for rasulullah we have no value for a sunnah my brothers today we neglect the rights of rasulullah i ask you ever forget you once [Applause] [Music] me he was very awe-inspiring when you saw him he was monumental grand in nature his face was like a moon on laylatal butter that had a light coming out of it like the moon on laylatal he was taller than a moderate build but not exceedingly tall but he was of a middle stature inclining towards heights because everything about him was middle everything even his physical description his color was a middle color lemme called he wasn't pasty white and he wasn't black he was a color like the what we call the harvest moon and his hair was neither straight nor curly it was wavy it was middle everything about him was middle he didn't speak slow and he didn't speak fast he speak in a moderate tone his words were neither too short nor were they excessive but they were always just right when he spoke people felt as if exactly the right amount of words were used everything about him was moderation he had a full head and his his hair was wavy if he parted it then it parted it never went past the lobes of his ears if he allowed it to go long because sometimes he would cut it for a baddha like the umrah or the hajj when he shaved but when he let it it went to the lobes of his ears and in some reward just above the shoulder he had a large forehead which in physiognomy traditionally was an indication of high quality and then his eyebrows they were full and there was a slight space between them and then he had a vein on his forehead that if he got upset they could see the vein the upper part of his nose was aqualine so he had a beautiful nose that had a like a bridging on the upper part and his eyes were very dark he had a high beautiful cheek he had a mouth that was full so that when he spoke he was his pronunciation was perfect his teeth were beautiful there was slight space in the teeth he had a light hair on his chest his neck was like a gazelle's neck he had a beautiful neck and a high neck it had like a a beautiful like a silvery clarity to it he was balanced in all of his outward aspects he had a strong build muta masikan and it was all perfectly formed his stomach and his chest were equal he never had a large stomach he had no punch even when he was in his uh 60s his stomach was always flat he was saying he was full chested and almond his shoulders were broad and he had a large bone also his trachea where it met there there was space and then he had a light hair also on his stomach he had no hair over his breasts he had hair on his arms and some on his shoulders and the upper part of his chest and he was had large full hands and full palms and his feet were arched and he was sinewy and strong limbs were strong and he had full calves but his feet were so smooth that water would pour off [Music] and then when he walked he walked softly quick paced as if he was walking on an incline when he looked to somebody he didn't just turn like this he moved his entire body to give full attention to that person [Music] he looked more at the ground than he did up his his glance was generally down because of the power of his glance and then most of his looking was when he looked at people he didn't maintain his stare he would look and then move away so as he looked at people he never fixed his focus on people because of of the effect that that would have on the people he was always grief stricken what that means is that if you looked at him like if you saw him in the mosque if you saw him in the mosque and you looked at him you would think that he was grief stricken because the his presence with his lord was so intense that his face would have a sense of being completely absorbed in thought he smiled he always looked at people and smiled and made them feel joyful he never made people feel depressed he laughed at things that they laughed at and i just said cannabis he was always joking with us in the house i joke but i never tell a lie in my jokes always i speak the truth a man came to me let me borrow a camel he said i'll give you a baby of a she camel he said what would that benefit me a baby because he wanted to ride it he said doesn't every camera isn't that a baby of a she camel it's a lot and then another time a woman jews came up to him and said ya rasulallah am i going to go to paris he said [Music] old women don't go to paradise and she became so upset and then he laughed and said [Music] you're going to go in young and youthful and then she was happy another time the prosthetic he laughed at things one man came through he said he said i slept with my wife in ramadan and i made an oath that i wouldn't and i hadn't made the tequila because in sharia you have to make the kefara if you do a bihar or the illa or anything that prohibit a man from what he said what did you do what made you do that [Music] he said i saw my wife in the moonlight and i couldn't help myself and the bahika rasulullah he laughed at the man he said [Music] go and do your the expiation he was always reflecting he had he didn't take rest like other people he was concerned about his ummah he never spoke about uh anything that was unnecessary he had long periods of silence he used to open his words and close them with a full expression when he spoke he spoke with comprehensive words he never had excess he was never of a loss of words he had soft and gentle character demeter he was not harsh the prophet elijah was not harsh [Music] it's by a mercy of your lord that you were gentle and if you were harsh-hearted they would have fled from around you he wasn't gruff or harsh ever he always elevated the blessing even if it was a minute blessing he never found fault in anything even a small amount of food any type of food that was given to eat he didn't find fault in it nor did he excessively praise he never uh there was never anything because if he got upset it never put him in a state of agitation there was never a time when a right was presented to him except that he would go to fulfill that right he never got upset for himself nor did he ever seek any redress for a wrong done to him he didn't point with his finger he pointed with the whole hand and he would say subhanallah if he spoke he would put his right thumb into his left palm like that when he was speaking [Music] most of his laughing was smiling he rarely uh laughed the way most people laugh he smiled but when he smiled his teeth were like hail stones and then hassan said i didn't tell al-hussein ibn ali about this because they were young and he said i didn't tell hussain i kept this from him for a long time he had some knowledge that hussein didn't have and then finally i told him about it and i found that he had actually gotten it before me and he would always occupy people in what benefited them and the ummah and he would ask about them and he would ask about news about them how are they doing and how so and so and if kenneth if somebody wasn't there he would say where's so-and-so and the old woman who used to clean the the masjid she used to sweep the masjid out and one day she died they buried her and he came he said where's that woman that used to she was a black woman where's the woman who used to sweep the masjid they said she died he said why didn't you tell me she died you know why didn't you tell me she died to go prey on her would you she's insignificant he would actually ask people tell me if you know anybody in need come and tell me about them so i can help them and then he told them that those people who help other people who are not able to go and get help allah will make firm their feet on the day of judgment you know take looking after people just taking care of you this is all just it's like just he's just teaching people how to be human beings i mean that this this is all it is you know we're just learning how is it's like human beings don't know how to be human you know this is this whole point is this is all just to teach you just to be human beings [Applause] to go up to the mountain of uh to go up into the cave of and contemplate the situation that his people and humanity was in and the vices that were happening and so on and on that mountain the prophet said you can imagine the fear that comes to a person when you're just alone in a cave on the top of a mountain and then a man appears and so he's on and then the man is telling him to read [Music] and so the prophet saw i said him said to him he said i can't read and a lot of people forget this part about that story and many you're familiar with it he grabbed the prophet salallahu and he squeezed him and he pressed him so hard to not only the fear of seeing that person there but he pressed him so hard until the prophet saw him said i felt i was going to die and then he let go of him and then he said read and the prophet salallahu said i can't read and then he squeezed him again and to the prophet saw i sent him said that i thought i was going to die and then he said tim read he said i can't read and then he pressed him again until he felt he [Music] [Music] in this stance in another point afterwards he saw jibril in his original creation covering the entire horizon nobody saw japanese but the prophet saw allah saw him and so he came home frightened and his wife khadija she said what's wrong and he said just cover me up and he was shaking he said zap me doing me doing it he said just cover me up the prophet said allah they sent him was so scared about what had taken place and in fact after that she said allah would never do this to you allah would never disgrace you or humiliate you because you fulfill the ties of kinship you're good to the orphans if anybody needs help you're the one who helps them you feed them you take care of them you will never be humiliated by allah and so the prophet saw allah after that revelation discontinued you will see that for many months didn't come back until he felt that allah was angry with him and so allah subhanahu wa ta'ala revealed one of the first suitors to be revealed amongst after surah allah received [Music] that he hasn't abandoned you and he's not angry with you and so it's a preparation to prepare the prophet salallahu for the enormous tests that are about to [Applause] [Music] come [Music] even though he was treated so badly by all the people of the city listen to this carefully brothers and sisters i have a very important message he never ever generalized every single individual was a potential muslim and a potential good person the prophet peace be upon him has left us these words he said keep relations with those who cut you off and do good to people even if they harm you and speak the truth even if it is against yourself if you met him you will think that muhammad sallam loves you the most because of the way he is to treat every person individually with sensitivity and used to analyze what is sensitive to you and avoid it until you would think that he loves you the most every single companion thought they were the most beloved and this way the prophet sallam kept the unity of his companions and obamish abolish the jealousy and hatred and envy that could exist between them so each one of them was a special character for you and this is the way that prophet saddam teaches us to deal towards one another ourselves and towards our children not to try and show the favorism of one to another he said i was amongst the crowd hustling and jostling and shoving to come and see the prophet saw and he said when i saw him the first impression i had of him he said i knew that his face was not the face of a liar this is not a man that told lies in other words the honesty and the beauty the inner beauty and the attribute combined abdullah ibn sallam saw this from the prophet sallallahu alaihi he was and he said he accepted islam right then and there in other words abdullah ibn salam converted just by seeing the prophets of allah he will send them and then hearing the very first words that came out to his mouth such was the power such was the beauty such was the perfection that allah blessed our beloved prophet sallallahu alaihi would send them with so he used to say to them behold we have been sent a people to take the people from the worship of created things to the worship of the creator of all things and to save the people from injustice into the openness and mercy of islam and to bring justice to the earth do not kill an old man of your amongst your enemies if he is not fighting do not kill a woman who is not fighting if she is in the ranks of the enemies do not kill a child do not cut off the branches of trees do not kill an animal and do not ruin soil and do not be excessive in killing do not mutilate the bodies and look after the affairs and the conditions of war and if you hold captives out of this war then feed them from what you feed from your for your family and treat them well as you will treat a guest for they are your captives and you have power over them and allah does not like people who have oppression over the weak ones when they have power over them [Music] [Applause] [Music] one day was traveling with his companions and time of kailua came the midday nap and he was napping alone on one side of other companions each one was napping on different places at that time the mushriks were very hostile against them suddenly while laying down and excuse me a mushrik by the name of [Applause] [Music] holding the sword at the neck of rasulullah [Music] and it says [Music] [Music] messenger of allah said allah and the sword fell from the end of the mushroom [Applause] [Music] he picked it [Music] and then held the sword to the neck of and said who is going to save you from me now and the story is not over the man said [Music] he said [Music] he pardoned him and let him go free [Music] so they used to say to them to the companions to rasulullah salam alaykum fast becoming and they mean death be upon you and the companions knew that and rasulullah knew that that was they were hostile tribes some of them so he was working with aisha one of them passes and says [Music] [Applause] [Music] says [Music] [Music] may death be upon you and the anger and the wrath of allah's virgin [Music] she was hurt and that's rasulullah not just her husband now that's rasulullah and then in this occasion [Music] this this ocean of peace subhanallah he says [Music] take it easy the prophet saw i said people were rude to him the desert arrows were rude to him and he never returned their rudeness with rudeness he smiled in their faces he returned their bad manners with good character and this is what he taught us to do with people patience when when the the woman who was in the graveyard and and she was mourning over and the messenger of allah passed byron and he said that uh this is a musiba and you should be patient and she said you didn't have the tribulation that i had that's how she answered him and he just left her now look at the character there he didn't say don't you know who i am i'm the messenger of allah you can't talk to me like that he didn't say that he saw she was most she was muslif she was in tribulation he left her to be in her tribulation he gave her nausea and she didn't accept it but he recognized her psychological state she was in a state that it was not useful or beneficial to continue with her and so he left her this is wisdom this is hikmah and then he went to his house and somebody came by and he and he said don't you know who that was that was the messenger suddenly remorse entered her heart and she went to his house and knocked on the door i didn't know it was you patience that allah wants is at that point that's the point allah does not want you to lose control to forgive your brother for allah to forgive your sister for allah's sake not for them to do it for allah really there's people in here that haven't talked to their brother or their sister or some of them to their mothers and their fathers [Music] don't be that person don't cut off your bloodshed bonds don't be that person do it for the sake of allah and a man came to imagine allah says i give him he withhold i come to him he cuts me off what should i do he said that is [Music] that what you're doing is the right thing and continue to do it even though he's cutting you off that's islam that's islam and it's hard don't think this is an easy religion [Music] [Applause] [Music] will come to the house in the noon time [Music] used to have something called putting his head and where in the labs of aisha resting his head in her lap that's how close they were she said sometimes when he used to do the calf he will give her his head because his the message is close to his room and she will walk in his head you know break his head hair they sit together to eat rasam take a piece of food buy the food he put someone in her mouth something in his mouth he will call her with beautiful names then he said beautiful names he said or the daughter of the trustworthy or the honest means [Music] [Applause] [Music] beautiful ways of calling [Music] not only that say that she said but allah if he doesn't like something he will not say i don't like this [Music] okay one time i shall [Music] make you love him more he said we have dispute agreement can you bring a mediator he said okay whom you choose he said omar she said no i don't like i don't like to i don't want to be a mediator and that's normal this is a normal life he said about your father he said okay about my father when they came see the passion of jesus the decency of this man they sat rasadan said should i start or you should start he said you start and say nothing but the truth whom she talking about [Music] abu bakr get angry he jumped on jumping on his daughter said what is [Music] i did not call you for this i didn't call you to punish your daughter who come here to mediate keep the other things just filter it [Applause] after that one who [Music] [Applause] because the father the father-in-law or the one who can enter any time in the house he can't find them eating he said what happened you called me when you were having dispute and now you're having food whatever why didn't you invite me joking with them this is the life that was to me you look into the love that the sahabah of the allah had for the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam every sahabi radhi allah mentioned that when we were in the company of the prophet we actually felt that we were the closest person to him this is the love that he would show when he would shake their hand there was no man who was more busier than the prophet but when he would shake their hands he would not release it until they pull their hands back when he would speak to them he would turn totally towards them and this is why the sahaba of the allah and he was brought to the outskirts of makkah and this is approximately where masjid aisha is today and they wanted to kill him slowly so they began to cut his flesh and then they began to pierce him with their swords and their spears and without he was going through this excruciating pain abu sufyan who was not a muslim at the time came to him and he said don't you prefer that muhammad was in your place and you were in the comforts of your home and once he was going through this pain he said i swear by allah and it's easy for me to say it and it's easy for you to listen he said i swear by allah death is easier for me then a thorn picked the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the prophet sallallahu was sitting in madina while he was going on and then asked them could he read two rakaats and they allowed him to play true rakats and while when he finished he turned toward the mushrikeen and he said i prayed two very short because i didn't want you to think that i was scared of death and that he supplicated to allah he said allah we believed in the prophet salallahu we believed in you and we follow the precepts of the prophet assalaam now convey my salams to the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam and the prophet was in medina and osama bin laden who was sitting next to the prophet sallam and he said all of a sudden i saw the eyes of the prophet sallallahu i say i saw his tears begin to flow and he said khubaib has just sent his salams but it was on this occasion that abu sufyan when he heard the reply of quebec that death is easier for me then the stone tricked the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam that it was on this occasion that abu sufyan said i've sat with the empress of persia and i have sat with the emperors of rome and i've seen the way their followers love them and i've seen how muhammad's followers love him and i swear by allah the followers of the roman and the persian empress don't love them like muhammad's followers love him he was an object worth loving and this is why when the prophet peace be upon him came to medina he would give his leaning upon a tree trunk and then a lady came to him and she said i have a slave who's a very good carpenter if you wish i would ask him to make a profit for you and he agreed and the and he came the next week and he ascended the pulpit and they say when he ascended that pulpit and that the tree trunk some narration mentioned that it began to shake like it was about to explode as the narration mentioned it was like a she camel whose child had been dragged away from it others mentioned it was like a small child who had lost his parents others mentioned that it was like cried and it screamed like a mother like a she camel when she's giving birth and the prophet peace be upon him descended from the pulpit and he embraced it and the sobbing slowly stopped and then it gave it an opportunity and a choice to be a tree in jannah from which the awliya and the solaha eat from its fruits and they chose to be a tree in jannah when they migrated where abu bakr entered into the cave and he wanted to clean it up and he saw a number of holes and he took off his garment and he shred it into small pieces and he put filled the holes and then he requested the prophet sallallahu alaihi to come in and the prophet came inside and then he lay on his eye and then there was one hole which he had no garment left for so he stuck his foot upon it and in that in that hole there was a snake and it bit the foot of abu bakr allah can you imagine the pain and he was going through this pain and he didn't want to wake up his beloved and then the tears began to flow down his cheeks and they fell on the blessed cheek of the prophet sallallahu alaihi and then the prophet salallahu woke up and he saw what abu bakr was going through and he took his saliva and he placed it upon his foot and it was as though he had never been bit by a snake when everybody else crumbled and abu bakr remained firm you know why i often say that [Music] and you will see people entering into the deen porn army upon army the sahaba were rejoicing the help of allah is going to come the conquests are going to come and abu bakr allah was sitting in the corner crying why because he understood that the latter verses were revealed regarding the demise of the prophet sallallahu alaihi and he sat there crying when the prophet peace be upon him gave this final two days before he passed away he felt better and he came and he prayed salah behind abu bakr allah and abu bakr was gonna move back and he told him remain on your place i mean what kind of what kind of greater honor can you have than that the man who led the umbia in salah abu bakr had the honor of leading him in salah and then the prophet sallallahu alaihi ascended the pulpit and he gave this parable this example of a man who has been given a choice of remaining in the dunya or moving unto his lord and he had chosen to move on to his lord and all the other sahaba thought it was just an example a parable but abu bakr understood that it was referring to the prophet peace be upon him and he began to cry uncontrollably and abu sayyaf i saw him crying and i was thinking why is this old man crying for and then the prophet saws saw him and he said oh abu bakr calm down abu bakr calm down and then the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said subhan allah he said whoever whoever has done me a favor in this dunya i have repaid their favor as for the favors of abu bakr allah will repay him on the day of judgment and if i was to take anybody as a friend i would have taken abu bakr as a friend but the brotherhood of islam is enough and then he said all the doors to the masjid should be closed and the day he passed away this was the day um [Music] if anybody is ever afflicted with a calamity then remember my death because it will dwarf any other calamity and you have to be amongst those people who live with the prophet sallallahu to really understand what he meant and abu bakr allah [Music] and the blessed body was lying in the house the daughter of abu bakr and he came into the house and he removed the sheet from the blessed face of the prophet sallallahu alaihi and he kissed him upon his forehead and he said he said our messenger you are beautiful in life and you are as beautiful in [Music] death what do you think that they went through when a member of our family dies how do we feel the closer the member the more we feel some of us don't even know whether it's day or night this is how sad we are and it is only natural to be sad at the time of death and of the loss of one's close ones how do you think the sahaba felt when they became sodom died because this was not the death of an ordinary man it was the death of the best of creation it was the death of that person okay they could not even tolerate separation from him not even for a second the one they loved more than themselves their family their children everything now bearing this in mind i want you to tell me how do you think that these people felt when they became salaam left this world this is why when we pick up the books of our hadith and the books we find only if allah had not shown us this day only if we had died before this this was a general situation of the muslims now look at the situation when this is happening all around him and this event has stormed the sahaba and they have lost their patience and their tolerance he comes it is the last day nabi kareem salam told him to lead the prayer he has led the believers in prayer and then he comes and he takes permission from the vikram sallam he takes leave for a short while he makes his way to his home in sunnah and he fulfills the need of his family and then as he is returning he hears the news that the messenger of allah is no more sudden tears begin to flow from his eyes and the words that are flowing that we all belong belong to the almighty allah unto the almighty allah we will return he makes haste he hastens only to realize that this news and this event has done damage and it has told tor the sahaba apart to such an extent that the one that they considered the strongest from amongst them the one from whom even the devil would run away he is standing with a sword in his hand and he is saying that the hypocrites claim that he will cut the hands and the feet of those people that are making these claims by allah if omar hears anyone saying that himself has died omar will sever their heads from their body will kill them now if this was the situation of the strongest from amongst them what do you think was the situation of the general sahaba and those that had soft hearts and those that were considered weak from amongst my intellect akul says that if in this situation the likes of a worker broke the broke down it would have been justified why because he was the one that was loved by nabi kareem sunderland muslim the most when he said allah was asked the words that floyd he was the one that embraced him and i accepted him when all others rejected him he was the one whose house navigator would visit every morning every evening he was the one who nabi kareem salallahu wasallam would consult he was the one that stayed with him in every delicate moment he was with him in the heart he was with me in brother he was with him you would name it he was in a situation like this broke down it would be justified is lying in one corner covered with cloth he comes and he uncovers the cloth and he kneels down and he begins to kiss be upon you or messenger of allah saying this looking at the delicate situation and looking at the sahaba and the muslims he leaves and he makes his way to the masjid and he delivers a sermon to strengthen the muslims and to console them and to bring them back and he tells the sahaba all my companions had informed you that he was going to leave this world allah had informed you the almighty allah does not die whoever took muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam as his lord then muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam remains no more fear the almighty allah and grab hold of your deen it is only after this sermon dude do the sahaba of the quran have not been revealed prior to this [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] my allah would never disgrace you or humiliate you because you fulfill the ties of kinship you're good to the orphans if anybody needs help you're the one who helps them you feed them you take care of them you will never be humiliated by allah [Music]
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 1,853,861
Rating: 4.8902631 out of 5
Keywords: This-Is-The-Day-Of-Reckoning, Every-Soul-shall-taste-death, He-Is-The-Almighty-Allah-, A-Mercy-To-Mankind, Muhammad-, Road-To-Gangsters-Paradise, queens, of, islam, the, eternal, tie, marriage, in, there, are, no, gangsters, paradise
Id: cLVPT3bB9nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 30sec (2910 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2011
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