Regrets On Judgement Day

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Hey [Music] life as we know it today brings with it all sorts of grief and stress and regret sometimes this grief is due to a financial worry other times it's relating to a health concern whilst other times this stress and fear could be because of an enemy who is in the waiting the stress and grief of dunya comes in many different sizes and shapes and forms however regardless of how intense and severe this level of fear stress and grief may become in the life of a person today it doesn't usually cause a mother to forget her child nor does it usually cause a child to go gray nor does it usually cause people to behave as if they are drunk because of the stress and grief because these three descriptions that you and I just heard they are a description of the stress of one day exclusively one day and one day alone and that is the day of judgement Allah Almighty said depicting the intensity and the fear and grief of that day he said on that day you will see every nursing mother forgetting her nurse Lee and every pregnant woman will drop her load you will see people behaving as if they are drunk but they are not drunk it is the punishment of Allah Almighty that a severe so colossal is the stress and fear of that day that Allah Almighty he said it is a day that will make children so great on that day humanity in their billions they will be divided into one of two categories without a third the first of these categories is an immune those who are at peace those who experience security those who will be experiencing the unthinkable form of happiness during the day of fear we shall give them security they are also singled out Allah Almighty in worship and they were sincere in everything they did and they tackled every Haram craving every sinful habit outwardly inwardly publicly privately they tackled that thing head-on before the meeting of death the greatest terror the Day of Judgment will not grieve them in a nice gesture as for the second category it is the polar opposite they are the terrorized ones they are Al Ahly hood they are another moon the regretful ones these are the petrified ones their hearts reach their throats about to exit because of this fear and they will be in an overwhelming state of hot surah regret which is the key word for today so regretful they will be that some of them would have lowered their heads in shame and they will be heard singing to Allah Allah we now see and we can now hear so please allow us to return to dunya so that we may do good we are now very certain wealth a second group will be heard screaming out in regret saying how great is our regret because we didn't give this thought whilst a third group will be suicidal on the day of judgment craving for death as they shrink out saying I wish I was dust we wish death was the end they will say regret is the key light for today regret is the name of that very powerful emotion the negative emotion that is that every one of us has experienced at one level or another so overwhelming regret can be in the life of a person that if it is not managed with Iman and certainty and Koran and Farah a person may become suicidal in fact the Harvard newsletter documents the story of an old man who lived in Liverpool and this was a man who would always choose the exact same sets of lottery numbers each week he wouldn't change trying his luck as they say and on one of those particular days so finally he forgot to renew his lottery ticket numbers and what happened his numbers kilmer and this poor man was in such a state of self blame and regret that he didn't know how to manage this and so he committed suicide I mentioned this because people will wish a similar outcome on the day of judgment people will be pleading with Allah Almighty for death why because yo monkey amma is called yamaha surah the day of regret that is one of its names thus Allah said warn them o prophet salaallah alayhi wa salem of the day of regret well them whilst people are still asleep and others they will not believe in Allah the day of regret messengers of Allah Allah was selling he said that imam bukhari narrating the Suhani authority regulator giving us one of the harrowing scenes of regret that will appear on this day he said there isn't any person who was taken to Jenna on the day of judgement except that he has to first seize his potential home in jahannam hell-fire how do you sailed on that day so that his heart fills with gratitude to Allah and Bank and he said then there isn't any person who was made to enter the Hellfire except that Allah will make him see his potential home in Jannah had he passed on this day so that he is encompassed with regret and sadness Allah linkable the messengers of Allah Allah was said that has in fact informed us of several methods that will bring has a regret on the day of judgement and we will mention just six of those today so that we know the roadmap we know exactly how to prepare to spare ourselves and our families from the regret of the day of regret what are these six things number one those who do not give surah Baqarah chapter 2 of the Quran it's due attention is another strange one when the rewards are distributed on the day of judgement to the people of the Quran and specifically to the people of Surat al-baqarah those who had ignored Surat al-baqarah will be taken by regret since the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said as email almost American history from the authority that we will monitor daily he said always resigned swore to Baja because taking care of this surah is a barakah it is a blessing and not doing so will be a regret on the day of judgment and the magician's are not able to overcome it as for the second source of regret this is in relation to any gathering whether with family or friends or online where the name of allah almighty is not mentioned thus the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he says that every double narrating his Sunnah on the authority of abu agela he said any people who sit in a gathering whereby they do not remember the name of allah almighty or mention him in any way except that when they leave that gathering it would have been assisting or set around the dead body of a donkey and that gathering will be regret for them on the day of judgment subhanAllah now what about number three the third cause of regret is with regard to those individuals who expired for positions of authority they want it to be in the limelight they wanted people to clap for them they sought after attention and praise and that is why the prophets of Allah Allah Allah said that he says as our mother is generated and the hydrogen sahih bukhari he said o Muslims you will soon start completing over positions of authority and on the day of judgment that's going to bring with it regret so how great is breastfeeding and how difficult is weaning what is that all about that last sentence the messenger soleimani was then in this comparing positions of authority and those who always wanted with the birth feeding child who is always receiving it's nutrition and it's milk readily available from its mother with no effort from itself but there has to come a day when the child must be weaned when that milk has to come to a stop and similarly those who aspire for positions of authority and status in the community despite not being deserving of it are not possessing the credential their wealth and their prestige and their honor will have to come to a stop at one point and that will be on the day of judgment when wealth and prestige will be replaced with regret for aspiring for a position that you are not good for as for the fourth cause of regret this will be with regards to a person who puts forward acts of worship but they contain within them hidden elements of showing off this is a person who has dedicated years upon years of what he called worship and for an and voluntarily hunt p.m. and fasting and Vicky and our and a flawless job and in joining good and forbidding evil and Islamic events and Islamic reminders and Islamic post and the CDs could deed in the form of mountain on the day of judgment beautiful mountains and to his horror they begin to crumble before his very eyes can you imagine their regret that is because those good deeds although they were huge but they had holes within them they were rotten they had a hole of showing off they had a hole of pride house of self-admiration holes of self-promotion look at me what I am doing what I am up to where I am found what I am reciting where I am praying holes of showing off thus those leaves come crumbling down on the day of judgment causing regret one of the scariest I add from the Quran as some of our previous lesson today said they will see with Allah Almighty that which they did not expect our villa as for the fifth cause of regret this is when you find yourself being forced on the day of judgment to hand over your good deeds to somebody else or when you are forced to carry the sins of somebody since that you didn't even commit can you imagine what that means imagine on your milk Rihanna you are forced by the Angels to hand over two thousand three thousand prayers to somebody else to your neighbor can you imagine sending over two or three or ten mama bonds worth of hard work and thirst and sacrifice to somebody else you didn't do it we're still can you imagine carrying the sins of people sins that you didn't commit imagine reading your book on the day of judgment and you find Xena fornication when I am over that you find adultery you find alcohol you find interest you find pornography you find sins that you wouldn't connect others have transferred them onto you and now you have to find an answer before Allah for these things that you didn't do how can that situation take place by oppressing another Muslim by wrongly another individual thus the messenger sallallahu alayhi wasallam said in the famous hadith which Imam Abu Hurairah writes on the authority of the DeHerrera he said whoever of you has wronged his brother in any way whether in regards to his honor or any other way then make sure you beg his forgiveness today before a day comes where there will be no dinner on no dirham he said if you have the deed on that day he will be allowed to take from your good deeds depending on the size of your wrongdoing if however your good deeds they run out before you pay your debt then you will be allowed to transfer it sends on to you in a national mania on this is one of the most frightening and disturbing realities of the day of judgment Allah the reality that states you and I cannot give a single good deed to the people we love the most your mother your father your wife your children they will ask you and you will refuse because you need that would be just as much as they do well on the other hand some people will be forced to give over their good deeds to the people they hate and they despise because they had backstab them mocked them conspired against them plotted against them they ought to pay their wages on time or any other type of wrongdoing he said let him beg his forgiveness today's number six generally speaking and this is the overarching cause of regret that summarizes everything you just heard any Muslim individual who falls short with regards to the minutes the hours of his days and his weeks in building the hereafter and that is going to be a cause of regret a person who was urged week in week out every Friday every reminder to drop the sins to replace the harm with Helen to remove the intoxicant to change sin into the billions to reshuffle the cards to refocus your attention on Allah and the home of the hereafter to set a vision in life in preparation for Jenna and they failed to do so that will be a major cause for regret as people will be heard saying on the day of judgment I wish that I had prepared for my life in conclusion dear brother dear sister every individual who turned a blind eye and pretends that the day of regret is not coming is going to be in a major and excruciatingly painful state of regret on the day of judgment what greater regret can there be in life then failing to impress the king Allah Almighty what greater regret can there be in life than failing the exam before the king Allah and missing out on the prize that comes with passing the drives of Jenna what later regret can there be the man what greater regret can there be in existence than being shown your place in general and the luxuries and the weather and the palaces and the spouse's that then being transferred to oblivion to Jahannam instead what's going to regret can there be in life then meeting your friends on the day of judgment those whom you knew today and they find no words to you and I accept didn't I tell you didn't I tell you what are we to do about this these are six six of the many metals that will bring regret on the day of judgment it's an open book exam we have to be answers with us already so that the preparation can start from today the answer we need to create an action plan and set goals for every one of these six methods we are yet to find we mentioned number one if you remember neglect insoluble Vitara is a cause for regret what is the plan for an act why don't we team up with a family member or a friend to have sort of memorized from cover to cover from beginning to end within six months set a target a clear target within a year surah al-baqarah will be memorized in my family and then send another target to understand every ayah within this blessed surah we cycle frequently in your house it is except on from be home to deal with this aspect of regret so that this regret becomes an opportunity Olympian that was number one Surat al-baqarah number two we spoke about the gatherings where the name of allah almighty is not mentioned that's the cause of regret what is our plan for that the plan could be to convert every gathering where the name of allah almighty is not mentioned in to a gathering of the victor and remembrance at least by remembering the silhouette of only messenger alayhi salaatu wa salaam salutations upon him stopping somebody in his tracks when he is next stabbing remembering Allah turning it into an Islamic reminder even if its passing so that that regret so that that gathering doesn't become a means of regret your Montana that was number two as the number three we mentioned those who aspire for positions of authority and they want their name to be at the forefront of every project that the cause of regret what is our plan for that the plan could be to train ourselves to not working for the deen of islam behind closed doors behind the curtains away from the limelight away from the cameras to train ourselves to hate the praise of people and to hate their thanks rather to only want the gratitude and acts of allah number four we said that the call regret is a person who meets a lot with acts of worship that they have holes in them in sincerity an undoubted ly sincerity is glass is an ongoing struggle a lifelong one for every single one of us however we can train for this one by monitoring our intention before every speech and every statement every action of ours monitoring our hearts more than the diabetic people monitor their blood sugar levels our hereafter depends upon it we said number find a cause of regret the person who wrongs his brother in any way what is the plan for that to go to him to go to her you know exactly who they are and how you have wronged them we don't and even if you need to fall up to your knees and you need to cry your eyes out begging forgiveness yes it requires courage yes it requires humility but that is far easier than donating the only thing you and I will have on the day of judgment to them and that is our good deeds begged them to pardon me number six we mentioned because of regret somebody who wastes his time not preparing for the Hereafter what is the plan for that the plan for that is to brainstorm your talents to brainstorm the resources and what has given you as a student or as a professional as a male as a female as young as Oh what has a lot given you and then take these talents show them to somebody you trust whether it is a scholar of Islam or whether it is a friend whom you love or a family member whom you trust show them this is what I have what is my vision in life what is the strategy that I'm going to dedicate in the life of this world to need the Lord on the day of judgment he does not live I take each day as it comes type of life he is working she is working to strict targets to clearly define objectives to a very clear vision in dunya to impress allow it on the day of judgment these are some of the causes of regret on the day of judgement and this is our roadmap to game [Music]
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 515,674
Rating: 4.9418569 out of 5
Keywords: Judgement day, regret, day of reckoning, the hereafter, jannah, jahannam, barzakh, islam
Id: l2zeN8D2-RI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2017
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