Uthman Ibn Affan RA

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Hey [Music] when you speak about earth nominal deal outside and what's the first thing that comes to your mind his shyness and with his shyness with his hiya come shyness softness modesty humility and then the other concept the other defining feature that you have about him is his generosity to the point that the muscle loss item would call people to give siddhappa earth man or the Elan tada and who was always one of the first to come forward with man radiyaallahu anhu allah he was the ruler of the muslims and at night after Surat Annisa he would cover himself up so nobody could recognize him and he would enter the Masjid and he would pray to allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and in one raka complete the entire Quran by the time it was close to the time of silver solid budget and he ended his surah he completed the entire foreign after Serato soup very often they would find him reciting Quran and to select of all the is to say to him as man take it easy on yourself how much Quran are you reciting and he said if our hearts were pure they would never have enough of the Quran the Prophet sallallaahu Hari Seldon said that you will see after me after I am gone he will see after me times of tribulation times of trouble and there will be disagreement and discord amongst the Muslims so a man said the who is the man we should follow who was the one we should follow behind during those times so the Prophet SAW malloy said have said that upon you obligatory on you is to follow an amine that trustworthy one and his companions and he pointed to earth man in Afghan or the aloha analyst illallah hani wa sallam he says ya earth man did they forbid you from water and he said now I'm y'all dose a little law and he said ya ass man did they forbid you from food and he said now I'm y'all dose old Allah they forbade me from food and he said yeah if man did they forbid you from praying Salah in mind and he said now meow touloool odd they forbade me from praying salat and your messages and rasulullah sallallahu wasallam then says tarath now know the aloha the one who he loved so much to the point that he spent a whole night making their out for his pleasure the one who earth man or the Aloha on who became mute at his death for Salah slice and I'm says to him good news our earth man you're going to break your fast with us tonight man apnea founder of the allahu anhu who happens to be the successor of horrible khattab radhi'allahu and this man was the son of a fan a fan was one of the leaders of Quraysh he was a great man well-connected in parish and he was a person who was so powerful he was related so deeply to those in Quraysh that rich man apnea fan was related to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam through his mother and he was related to abu sufian even a herb but through his father from the Umayyad people this was with man apnea fan as he was born in a very wealthy home a very noble home he was a child who was fair in complexion very good-looking he was loved by Quraysh as he grew up a toddler and a teenager they loved him so much the people of Croatia they enjoyed his company so much so that some of the people used to actually say may Allah love you the way Quraysh used to love earth man and when he grew up subhanAllah he was a person who was wealthy not only because he was born in a wealthy home but he became a businessman of note and he became known as one of the wealthiest of the Sahaba of the allahu anhum but he had certain qualities he was a very shy and generous person how did he become a Muslim something very interesting Abubakar sadhika of the ilaha and who spoke to him and told him all this man you are an intelligent man you are a sharp individual don't you know that worshipping these idols is wrong they do not bring for you any goodness they cannot protect you from any harm and they cannot harm you as so don't you realize and understand that do you know that there is a profit in our midst who has called us to worshiping our maker alone the one who has made us do you know that he has called us towards goodness he has asked us to leave all the bad habits that our forefathers have been engrossed in and that we have been ingrained within our culture and earth man apnea fern looked at him and says who is this prophet he said Muhammad ibn Abdullah he said you're trying to tell me that Assad equal Amin is the one who is now saying he's a prophet s article Amin was the title of Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam the truthful the trustworthy so Abu Bakr said yes indeed and at that moment Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was passing so he greeted the rich man apnea fan and he tells him Oh Ruth man I am asking you to come forth to worshipping Allah alone I call you to Islam I am a Messenger of Allah calling you towards worshiping your maker alone he said o Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I bear witness in what you are calling towards and I bear witness that you are a prophet immediately no questions asked nothing happened this was with man of me a fan of the Allah and as wealthy as he was as powerful a figure as he was he was a very influential figure in Quraysh although he was slightly younger than Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam and mohammed salah salem was so happy but it made certain people very very upset who became angry number one was al haq amid noble house abu jahal became very angry he said how can a man from our clan accept Muhammad and this man is from a noble home no ways I'm not going to leave this man so he started persecuting his own relative and he told him I am NOT going to leave you or with man until you leave Muhammad and what man apnoea found on the allah and who says I will never ever quit Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam whatever he is calling towards is correct it is right do not let your position your power your authority cloud your understanding of what is right and wrong so as a man of me unfound of the allah and who there is an incident that occurred at that particular time because muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam daughter ruqayya binti muhammad abdullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam she was engaged to the son of abu lahab known as route back even arabela she was known as a very very good girl brought up bifida jab inches away leader of the allahu and her and muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam she was such a good girl in Quraysh that she was known because of her character nobility conduct chastity and so on but what happened is Abu Lahab decided to go against Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam to the degree that he told his son to release rupiah bin to muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam I don't want you to marry this woman anymore so they were engaged but that engagement was broken and when that happened a smile of near front of the allah and went to muhammad sallallahu sallam offering himself asking for the hand of his daughter in marriage and Khadija beautiful a leader of the Allahu and I was so happy Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wa sallam was delighted and he got his daughter okayyeah married to earth man Abney a fan of the allahu anhu MA and when you have two beautiful people like this coming together people used to even write poetry about their relationship with each other and from that relationship you have a son a blob Neurath man but all the allahu ta'ala everything is going as well as it could possibly go with nama the allahu anhu enjoys a special relationship with the messenger sallallaahu ardi wa salaam he's married to his daughter he has the grandson of the messenger sallallahu alayhi wa sallam and then repay your the allahu anhu gets sick all of a sudden she's taken by a fever on top of that she's taken by this fever only days before better and on the same day that the muslims are given the victory of better raphael of the allahu ta'ala anhu passes away the day of great joy in the day of great sadness and then to add to that pain just a short time afterwards Abdulla his son is walking and he is packed in the face by a bird and he's infected and he dies to an earth man or the alone time who was so depressed obviously I mean he lost his wife and his child just like that and it got to the point that earth man would come to the salaah he would not neglect his prayer he would not neglect those things but he would avoid communication with people because of his sadness and this hurt the messenger sallallaahu out he was tell him he wanted to show or if man will the alone - I'll I know how much he loves him so he goes to earth man all the Aloha and when he says what's wrong with you or if none what's making you so depressed and earth man of the Aloha on who answers with the obvious first obviously the death of rehtaeh something else is getting me down to an assumed lost I sent him says what is that yeah earth man and he says yada so Allah my connection my relationship with you my kinship with you was severed by her death but you want to know how truthful he was in that statement rasool allah sallallahu ardi wa sallam says gibreel alayhis-salam came to me with an order from allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to marry my other daughter umm Kulthum rhodiola han her to him with the same dowry and that's where he gets the nickname the Narain the possessor of two lights he was distinguished in marrying two daughters of the messenger sallallaahu asana six years later she passes away to an earth man all the allahu taala and who once again is sad and listen to how much the messenger sallallaahu he was sort of loves him he says to earth man well the allahu ta'ala anhu he says will lie if i had 40 daughters I would marry each and every single one of them to you until each and every single one of them would die and I would be left with no daughters what made it man so great brother Aloha whenever the profits of laudanum showed the Sahaba a way to enter Jenna with man was first in line immediately who would go and seize that opportunity when the Muslims first came to al-madinah after the hijra they found that the sources of fresh water were small there were few places to get fresh water and one of these places was a well the well known as the well of Roma and this was owned by another man from another tribe so the Prophet Allah he said and said to this man would you like to sell this well and then trade it for a well in Jannah because this man used to charge a fee anyone who wanted water from the well he would charge the money to take water so those who were poor amongst the Sahaba they would not be able to get water from this well so the man said yeah I sold a lot this is the only source of income I have for me and for my family I have nothing else except this well they charge people money for so then the Prophet SAW Allah he said and he said that who is the one who will buy this well of Roma and then because of it earned his place in gender so as man goes to buy the well from the guy the guy says dogs told you the world for fifty thousand gold dinars this man said how about this I want to buy the whole thing I'll buy half of it how do you buy half of a well easy you use it on one day I use it the other day that's how you buy half a well so the man agreed so how much we will sell me half the world they agreed for twelve thousand now what happens now when Othman owns this well the problem said who'll buy the well of Roma and he will have a general this man goes to buy it he buys half of it now the guy now he used to overcharge people how much do you think he's gonna charge people on his day nothing cuz earth man said on my day is free see what happened so now nobody is coming to him on his day so now he comes to my work now I'll show you the other half all right what do you want to tell me the other half of your worthless well I don't really need it I've got half of it what do I need the other half for smart businessman on another occasion the mustard mustard we built by the Muslims in Medina it became too small because so many people were becoming Muslim now that the bus's was not able to suit the capacity so the Prophet SAW Allah said and he said who was the one who will buy this land belonging to so-and-so and then add it to the Muslim so that the Mudgett may be expanded so that he will have his police in general immediately or affirmative knock van went and he bought that land for 20,000 dirham and then it was given and added to the Masjid on another occasion the prophets all I said and told the Muslims that whoever buys a slave a Muslim slave and then sets him free Allah will free him from the Hellfire for every limb of that slave every limb of that person will be saved so at madam - when he heard this he made it his practice that every Jamaat he would buy slaves and set them free until the point the historians say he set free over a thousand slaves and they lost track of how many slaves he bought because every Juma who would do this rowdy Allah wan to the point that we even see in her day bein one rasul allah so I sent him sons earth mam of the allahu ta'ala anhu to negotiate with chorus he was a noble man of grace as an ambassador from the muslims and earth manuel de la hoya and who was held up over there with race and the rumour reaches the messenger sallallaahu ardi wa salaam dead earth man passed away and rasool ullah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam who has an unarmed group of men rasoolallah re wa salaam takes a baya an allegiance applied from each and every single one of the believers that we will fight on behalf of growth model the allahu ta'ala anhu and to the extent that after the siwash my son took allegiance from everybody the messenger sallallaahu idea seldom takes his right hand and he takes his left hand and he clasps his hand together and he says and this is for earth man and he now has a muscly rahim Mahalo he says oh how I wish to have been the hand of Rasulullah sallallahu he was on him on that day and then of course it turned out that earth none'll the allahu ta'ala anhu had not passed away and that was just a rumor but Allah subhana WA Ta'ala revealed there there is no doubt about every single person who took allegiance to you that day under the tree in Beata with what Allah Subhan Allah say Allah was pleased with them one of the moments that were with mother the Longhorn who stood out was the preparation of the army of Tabuk and now the problem needs to build up this army so the person stood up and he said bull prepared the army of a Nostra distressed difficulty and for him will be a general the earth Morrow Dallara and who got up and he said I will donate a hundred camels reins ropes everything you need you just have to get on and go hundred percent ready to go sat down fundraising we need more and then a thematic Ghulam got up and he said I will give another hundred and he sat down then the problem needed more a smart girl got up again and another 100 and it is narrated that he got up seven times one narration says he got up ten times so like he bought an Jinnah seven times over or ten times over by preparing for the army of Allah and then brings a thousand dinars and puts them on into the garment of the prophet sallallaahu said the prof salem is sitting there and he's just saying nothing that Othman does after today will harm him he bought Jennifer himself from amongst those things that made her if madam and I found so great was his great shyness his great modesty his great ki in front of on loss of cano at the Adam once the prophets all of a sudden was at home and he was lying down and some of his legs some part of his legs were uncovered so abu bakr radiyaallahu anhu knocked on the door and asked for permission to enter and the prophetess Arum gave him permission and so I would walk her entered and the prophesy said it did not change his posture nor did he cover up his legs so Abu Bakr came and spoke to the prophets Allah voice Elam and then he left and then homework came and he asked for permission and he entered and he spoke to the prophetess Anna and the Prophet did not change his posture no cover his legs and then Omar he left and then sometime later with Madigan I found all their loved one he came and he knocked on the door and he asked permission as soon as the prophets of the law I said I'm heard the voice of expand he sat up and then he covered his legs and he adjusted his clothes and then gave permission so earth man came and spoke to the prophet Elijah them and then he left so our eye shadow they Allah wanna who was in the house she said ya Rasul Allah whatever Walker and overcame you did not change your question but when a man came you set up and you adjusted your clothes why did you do this so the prophets of Allah sent him he said should I not feel shyness & modesty from a man from whom even the Angels are shy that the shyness of Earth man was born from his awful loss of Kanoa to Adam that Allah is so great so majestic so perfect and I have so weak and disobedient and sinful and so this would cause him to be shy with a loss of hano attire and this is why the prophets all I said him he said that the most true in his modesty from my nation is earth man the most sincere in his modesty and his Chinese is our commander all of that he was so humble in his talk so modest and soft-spoken that you would have to come so close to him just to hear what he was trying to tell you abu sa'id include really allahu anhu he says I once saw rasullullah sallallahu wasallam raising his hands from the beginning of the night until the end of the night saying o Allah I am pleased with earth man so be pleased with him this tale of love between the messenger sallallaahu he was said emmanorris mount of the allahu ta'ala anhu this story of love you can only imagine how it was like when he passed away so Allah Hardy was said of them it was so much so that it's nominally allahu ta'ala anhu that what's narrated about him in the books of sila he became silent to the point that people thought he was mute he was so taken aback by the death of muhammed sallalahu out he was son of that he no longer was able to speak a smile of near fun at the time of Alma reveals a table radi allahu and there came a year of drought the drought was so severe that the people were hungry they were they were literally dying of hunger and omar bin khattab of the allahu anhu told him pray to allah pray for rain and so on that day people had heard that there is a great caravan of Earthmen coming from the northern part of the peninsula and it has in it a lot of food and a lot of provision and sometime later in the afternoon a huge caravan consisting of one thousand camels pitched up into madina munawwara and it literally stopped at the door of Earthmen apnoea front of allah and and the people had come out and they started helping getting the produce down and all the merchandise most of it was actually foodstuff and if man up near fan emerged and the businessmen of madina munawwara who had the money they emerged and they said oh that man we want to buy from you the people are dying of hunger we want to buy from you from this food we will give you for every dirham that you spent to deer hunts which means we give you 100% profit he said no I someone has offered me more so they said ok we give you more he said no someone has offered me even more so they said ok we will give you even more and they continued he said sorry someone has offered me more than whatever you people have offered they said it cannot be we are the business people of madina munawwara we know we are the first to come to you who else has spoken to you nobody would be foolish to give you so much he said allah has promised me that he will multiply it tenfold for me they looked at him shocked they said what do you mean he said I make you witness that all these thousand camels you see here I have donated them for the muslimeen they can have them I don't want a single theorem or dinner this is between me and Allah you people may have this this was worth man and they affirmed the great hero the man who spent subhanAllah but man he once said three things have been made beloved to me from this life out of this dunya it's not wealth or power that I craved but three things that I love feeding the one who is hungry and clothing the one who is naked and doesn't have clothes and reciting the Quran so as madigan a plan he loved to spend his life spending his time in the service of his brothers feeding the weak and the needy and the hungry clothing those who had no clothes helping those or in need and spending his time reading the book of allah subhanho died and because of madigan Afghani brother a loved one he loved the Quran so much it was the decree of allah subhanaw taala that his name would forever be connected to the Quran during the time of the Prophet SAW Allah Allah the promise I said it would teach the Quran in different ways and he told the Sahaba that the Quran has been sent out in several different dialects the meaning is the same but sometimes the words are different and this was sent down as a mercy to the Muslims because the Arabs during the time of the prophets Allah sent him they did not speak the same dialect they did not all speak the dialect of Quraysh different tribes had different ways of reciting and speaking Arabic and these ways were taught by gibreel to the Prophet SAW Allah sent him and then he taught the Companions these different waves and the Sahaba and the Allahu Alem preserved these different dialects and during the time of birth man brought their Lavanya these Muslims from different parts of the world now joined so at one of these places Azerbaijan the Muslims from Syria and the Muslims from Iraq but when it came time to pray they noticed the differences between their different ways of reciting someone would say manikyam Adi and the other would say medicare McBean and many of these people there were new Muslims and they were not Arabs they were Persians or other ethnicities so they were not familiar with these Frances amongst the trikes they did not know that these differences were part of the Arabic language and things that were taught by the prophet salaallah center so they started to argue so one of those who witnessed this argument was Podesta if it on your man rod they all are on the great companion of the Prophet SAW he sent him so as soon as he saw this arguing he became scared that now the Muslims are following the weight of the Jews and the Christians so likewise now he was afraid the same thing would happen to the Muslims so he left Azerbaijan and immediately he made his way to al-madinah and when he reached al-madinah he went to the theatre of marathon but are they all on and he said yeah a beard or not many unite this nation upon one Quran and then he told what man what happened was man called a meeting of the major Sahaba the leaders amongst the Sahaba the Sahaba said they said you are leader you were the most learned learned amongst us you were the best of us give us your opinion best man said my opinion is that we make a standard version of the Quran that becomes a reference for all the Muslims and then we make copies of this reference and we send it throughout the Muslim world they will all have a single reference to go back to and judge what is the true word about loss of hano time all of the Companions agreed that this is the right course of action so a man then called for a copy of the Quran which had been kept that had been commissioned during the time of Abu Bakr and they had been kept with the daughter of Allah so he called for this coffee to be brought and then he appointed four of the Sahaba to make a committee in charge of distributing these copies of the Quran ze'ev in Sabbath I'm della Vita Zubair say hey David I'll ask and I've got mad over the hard for of the great Sahaba or scholars of the Quran and he said look now at this copy of the Quran and preserve write a copy that can encompass all of the different dialects that were revealed by the Prophet Solomon so they made these copies of the Quran and then he sent these copies to different provinces throughout the Muslim world and not one letter one half one sound has been changed and he sent a reciter of the Quran along with each of these copies to teach the people that this is the right way to recite the Quran and then earth man gave instructions that any other copy of the Quran that is different from this copy it should be burned at his time they say the people were good relations were good anyone who did not have he provided for them sometimes with his own personal wealth not necessarily the coffers of the Muslims and so many different regions had now entered into the governorate of the Muslims from amongst them parts of Russia and Cyprus Armenia and North Africa so more and more areas of people had accepted Islam under the leadership of Osman apnoea founder of the allahu an but people become jealous a man known as abdullah hypnose abba and he had started the major issue against earth man apnea fan claiming that earth man had appointed all his relatives as people who were the leaders of the various lands of the muslims yet those who were appointed by omar al khattab radhi'allahu anhu before earth man and earth man had not even changed the bulk of them but this was just a fitna this was a way of instilling problem that now the muslims are growing they have huge lands the east and the west is all now turning to islam the best way to destroy the muslims internal conflict so they started creating hatred against truth man saying that ali bin ABI talib of the allow and who was supposed to be the leader and yet Ali himself says what man is my leader subhanAllah an earth man not a allahu ta'ala and who because of his leniency would not crush that revolt they continued this fitna and you have these people this fitna rising from all the corners of the Muslim world an earth man or the allahu ta'ala anhu because of his leniency does not act harshly towards them but instead he replaces governors as they request and he acts towards them with softness until they finally lay the house of earth nominally allahu ta'ala anhu under siege so he comes up to the people of of Medina and this is the last time he sees them and he addresses them in a short speech he tells them that indeed Allah has given you this dunya so that you can seek with it the hereafter the next life and he did not give it to you so you can be attached to it indeed the dunya fades away and the Asura remains so do not be fooled by that which fades away and don't let it diverge you from that which remains where the dunya ends and the journey is to allah fear allah for taqwa of him is a protection from his punishment and beware of Allah Zahra Janna don't approach Allah sanctified place stay with the Gemara don't become groups and mention the blessings of Allah upon you as you were enemies so so he United your hearts and you became through his blessings brothers and then he tells him to go out and to not offer any protection and then he says o people of Medina I bid you farewell and I ask Allah to give you a good an ephah after me until Allah decrees his judgement nobody protect me no one come to my defense not a single drop of blood will be shed because of me so I'm going to my house and I'm gonna stay there until I'm killed that was the last hope but that was the last reminder with not other one who who at that point was 82 years old would be forbidden water from the same well that he purchased for the sake of allah subhanahu wata'ala would be forbidden to pray in the same measure that he financed its expansion the message of the prophet sallallaahu d wa salaam would be treated in the most humiliating manner and this is something that the messenger so allah Hardy was so low in many different a hadith perhaps the most heart-wrenching incident of all is although the allahu anhu says and this is an ahmed an authentic hadith that once the messenger sallallaahu Harney wa sallam told the earth man or the allahu anhu come close and he started to whisper into his ear as he would whisper into his ear earth nominally Ilan move away and rasul-allah animal would say did you understand an earth man or the Aulani would say yes and also lost iceland would say come close and he would keep on whispering in his ear until the face of earth nominally alotta and who started to change colors and a Salah so I said I'm kept on telling him did you understand he said Nami Allah so Allah I understood Oh Messenger of Allah Salalah Hari wa sallam and so when this fitna comes in which he prohibits the Sahaba from fighting on his behalf and he says I do not want a single drop of blood being shed in my cause but still with that I lead all the allow to Allah and who places his children and Hasan were saying to guard our family allahu taala as obey Allah Allah Allah Allah and who places his son Abdul on Isabel the children of the greatest Sahaba are guarding earth nama the allah tala and onerous man is telling them do not shed a drop of blood in my cause I need all the allahu ta'ala anhu is begging him that we have to foil this this fitna we have to foil this plot and he's consistently refusing and we saw the rudeness the harsh parts that these people had when they treated her as mama the allahu ta'ala I'm worse than a prisoner would be would be treated and they started to come closer and closer on his house and they set his gate on fire and one man jumps into the back of Earth Mother allahu ta'ala on his house and he says leave it and we will leave you an earth man of the allahu anhu wanted to leave the falafels but he was reminded by M Nora but a bass or the allahu anhu do not take off her garment that a loss of hello anna has placed upon you an earth man or the ilaha and who says to that man woe to you Allah he I have never uncovered a woman in jahiliya don't you know there are women in this house I'm not the only one in this house and that man became ashamed and he left there and he left the fitna and he sought forgiveness from Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala then the next incident that takes places they started to throw stones in the house of Erath nominal the allahu ta'ala and they started to try to Pelt him with those an earth man or the allahu ta'ala anhu he says outside of his window don't you know that in this house there are others than me and you might harm them they said we didn't throw the stones at you he said then who threw them they said allah subhanho wa taala threw them at you and he said to him mail loss of panowitz out of disgracey you are a liar because if allah threw a stone at me he wouldn't have missed and that person left the fitna and he sought forgiveness from allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala then they started to decide upon who would murder him so first they send in a man and he comes to earth model the allah tala and when he raises his sword right in the face of earth nominal the allahu ta'ala anhu and earth mam of the allah and who says where are you from and he says been who life if not all the Elohim said you're not the one and he said why he said because las olas I said I made your heart for your tribe that man puts down his sword and he runs away and he seeks forgiveness from Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala on that day of Thursday July 16 it's not all the allahu ta'ala anhu while he's reading quran and he's sitting down this 82 year old man he dozes off and he falls asleep at the time of salat udacity and he was fasting that day because it's the day of thursday and that was the Sunnah of the messenger salallahu alayhi wa sallam to fast that day and he sees in his dream al su la sal allahu alayhi wassalam standing in front of him smiling and behind him is abu bakr and all model of the allahu anhum and also la sala Lahani was said him he says ya earth man did they forbid you from water he said no i'm yellow still alive he said yeah earth man did they forbid you from food and he said no I'm Yalda sort of lock they forbade me from food and he said yeah if man did they forbid you from praying Salah in my messages and he said not me Allah says Allah they forbade me from praying salat and your messages and Rasul Allah honey was sort of them says tariff nominally Allah ie the one he loved so much to the point that he spent a whole night making drop for his pleasure the one who earth man of the elan who became mute at his death but so lost I said I'm says to him good news worth man you're going to break your fast with us tonight and the people around her at Mount or the Ilan who they see and hustin would Hussein and the women in his household they see the tears coming down his eyes and he wakes up full of joy and he relates his dream to the people no sooner does he narrate his dream to his wife not a lot of the Lahontan and pass some wood for sane and those were around him except that they stormed the house and as they stormed the house and they stand in front of him earth man of the allahu ta'ala anhu was sitting down 82 years old reading swords and bakura and not paying any attention to them and the people take a moment and they stop they look at him and they don't know what to do look at this man and his kosher how could we kill this man Muhammad did not be beca who was caught up in the fitna comes terrorist man or the allahu ta'ala anhu and he grabs his beard about to strike him and earth nominally allahu anhu says let go of my beard because your father used to honored when i meet your father Anjana I don't want to tell him that you were the one who killed and every rebels they came and they stuck us monitor via LAN on the head with a piece of iron as the blood began to flow from the head or smile of the alarm and the first place where the blood fell was on the rod and we're on the fog on the words say yaki Kamala that alone would suffice you against and then one of them who was about to striking with his sword Ethel's magnet of the arrival tasted hand high to protect himself and he cut the hand of his mother of the alignment and was my mother in London yeah I swear by Allah the hand that you have just cut off it was the first hand to write the foot on and then they place the sword on the stuff of those Maharaja Allah knows and his wife she came running as she placed a match between this or that they cut off the finger of his watch and then they discover the power of the alarm and how father of the allahu an 82 year old man had passed away one of the rebels rejected to the chest of us mother of the alarm oh and he stabbed him six times and he would say later I started three times for the sake of Allah every time for myself and then they dragged the body would marvel on to the rubbish tip that is why I find out of the Alana mentions that his face was covered with blood and I went into the house to find if there was anything I could cover his face with but they had burnt everything and then I took off my scarf and I place it on his head perfect running in and he was claiming hurriedly and I saw that this matter baby assistance with passed away who was this something logical his alarm twice over and he removed the cloth and he slapped him upon his basis and that Rivers was laid no man can very Department of the alive as the right of the Robbins of Allah Arizona home a happy where are the Alana she climbed up to the scale of the machinery Somali Allah and he said o rebels no we do not allow us to bury his father on the Allahu that I the wife of the war is the blossom I the winner of the province of Lhasa I defended of the province of la salida other of the believers will descend into the streets of medina with my hair uncovered and i were very smart myself she knew that no rebel would stand in front of the wife of the verb is a muslim and when they were taking the body of mahara the Alanna's Dravid buried they began to throw rocks at the body of of mana radiologic and then they wanted to bury him in genital bucky but the rebels insisted that he be buried outside general properties although today his body is inside general two books and a famous bad in court a bizarre be outside of the ilaha mentions that when me and i share of the obama came back from Hajj today I saw this coat on and I saw the flood over the ayah saya tidak Allah that Allah all these sufficient for you are adjacent and she swears by Allah that each one of these rebels died a disastrous day at one occasion of boom whitening robotically with the drop around the Kaaba and he saw a person holding on to the Kaaba and he was saying o Allah forgive me o Allah forgive me but I swear that you will not forgive me and after when the robotic was astonished by this present wah and he said who are you and he said I am that person just the head of a plan I love the Elana with either us and see how a large bottle doll eyes disfigured my hand as a bull under Mubarak kicked him and he said go away for you are the worst of people remove that I showed you earlier lion-o mentioned that I came back from shop and I saw Google people outside that mush it around a person who's had with the speaker the new speech were disfigured and when I take close to this man is that all balloons actually go away and I thought how did this man know me and he said you may not know me but I know you is that I am the man who pissed off father of the alarm with a knife and as much curse me and look up my hands and look at my feet [Music] about nothing else other than the Book of Allah - Allah will give you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 470,505
Rating: 4.9001927 out of 5
Keywords: the companions, ashara mubashara, the ten promised paradise
Id: P1aOV-fd3eA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 30sec (2490 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 01 2018
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