The Fitna [Al-Jamal And As-Siffin]

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[Music] all the problems that started that led to the death of us was started by a man by the name of abdullah [Music] and abdullah was a jew from in yemen and he pretended that he was a muslim so he's a hypocrite coming into islam because islam had become powerful at this point and he felt that the only way to defeat islam was from the inside he first started in medina he comes to medina and he tries to put vague and strange questions in medina but of course all the scholars the majority of scholars were in medina and the companions so he wasn't able to do anything there is not a single person who followed him so then he tries hashem he goes to hashem and in asham who is the governor there for 20 years and there was not a single fitness that arose in hashem so then was also unsuccessful there and he heads to al-qufa and he goes to al-qufa and he founds it to be ripe with lots of problems going on ibn sabat's group and the people of fitnah their numbers had grown in large numbers now and they had grown in strength and uh ordered that all the governors come to meet him in medina after hajj for consultations this is the very fourth year after the hijra abdullah suggested that although these people should be taken and they should be made to engage in activities of jihad then suggested that the leaders of of these troublemakers should be taken and punished and that would scare away everyone else all the followers and then suggested that the governors of each province should make sure they just clear their prophets of of their existence he said that he could not punish people unless to the limit prescribed by the quran ibn sabat's group and the people of fitna so they agreed to meet in medina in shawwal in the 35th year after they disguised themselves as her judge as if they're going for hajj so they were very organized and the the maximum narration says that they were 1 000 people all of them wanted to remove uthman but they could not decide on who was going to be the khalifah after atlanta so they come and they camped outside of medina the sahaba they heard the news of this camp that they're outside and they're going to attack medina so ali [Music] took arms and they said if you enter medina we're going to meet you with our [Music] weapons so the people who fit in lost hope they said that it's over and we're going to return so when they return people of medina said okay they're gone we can put our weapons away and they put their weapons away they consider this camp this army now has left they're going on their way back suddenly at night people with fitness come and they fill the streets of madinah and they're yelling and they have their swords out and they're saying allahu akbar allahu akbar and they just controlled the city they said we don't want this man so let him leave the khilaf or abdicate so the sahab were not able to oppose them now they are in control of the city and then uthman leaves his home so now they they're in control of the city but they still allow it to go to leave his home and go for salah so he goes and he leads the salah and the people in fitna are there and he leads them in salah and then after the salah he gathers the sahab and he tells him do you want me to resign if you said yes that i should resign i will do it immediately ali and talha and zubair and sad if never do not remove a shirt a garment that allah has clothed you with so then uh so he decides to remain in his position so when uthman saw the people of medina not able to do anything what did he do he wrote messages in secret and sent them while the people of fitnah were waiting for his decision he sent messages to each major city the first to send an army was immediately sent a quick army put it together and then abdullah ibn abi in egypt sends an army under mahalia and in a man equal to a thousand warriors he gathers some warriors and he led them himself and he advances ahead and they're encouraging people to join the armies to go save the khalifah that now the city the holy city of the prophet saw is besieged army start to pour from all around the muslim um heading out to save the khalifa of the muslims so while these armies were being gathered events were unfurling in medina this is the first friday since they came and entered in medina with none enthusiast to give the khutbah oh you enemies are people who transgressed against us by allah the people of medina know that you are cursed upon the tongue of muhammad sallallahu alaihi so erase your mistakes with that which is correct for verily allah does not erase the bad deeds except with good so then muhammad got up and said and i bear witness to that and then zaid even sabbath gets up and he says that he is ready to swear upon that so then the people of fitnah felt that they're going to lose control so who came of nujaba the thief got up to muhammad with the sword and force him to sit down so tempers flared everyone gets up in the masjid and the people of fitnah got up with their swords and the sahaba are not allowed to carry swords so they start to throw stones at them and the people of fitna are hitting them and they start to throw stones back at them and one of the stones that were being thrown around struck and he's an old man they're 83 years old and he fell unconscious and he was carried to his home [Music] they wanted to visit him while he was sick and to consult with him also so uthman commands him to do nothing just wait for the armies that are approaching so he gathered all the people in the masjid and he gave them his last before he was murdered and he says some beautiful words verily allah has given you the dunya so you may seek with it the hereafter and he did not give it to you so you could be attached to it verily the dunya fades away and the remains so do not be fooled by that which fades away and don't let it divert you from that which remains fear allah for taqwa of him is a protection from his punishment and stick with the jama'a and don't become split into groups and factions and mention the blessing of allah upon you as your enemies so he united your hearts and you became through his blessing brother so then he tells him so go out may allah have mercy on you and leave my doors telling them no protection no one to protect me and no one to lift the sword and he calls talha and zubair they come and he tells everyone to sit down so they all sit down and then he says oh people of madin this is still in the mystery he has everyone sit down of medina i bid you farewell [Music] and i ask him meaning allah to give you a good khalifa after me and by allah i will not let anyone enter upon me after this day until allah decrees his judgment on me and i will leave those meaning the people of fitnah i will not give them anything from what they have asked not the deen not the dunya they are not going to get anything from me until allah does what he wants with this affair and he insisted he insists on the people of medina to go back home and he swore by allah that they will and this of course explains why the sahaba did not defend him until his death so everyone goes home but the sahaba didn't want to leave him unprotected so ali sent al-hasan and the hussain and then azerbaijan sent his son the warrior abdullah and others of the sahaba said so now we have a number of the young sahabah are in the courtyard of uthman with weapons and the people of fitna are outside of the house who is inside the house so now news reaches the people of fitna of the armies that are coming to save medina so they have a meeting they say if they reach us we're dead the only solution is to kill us 18 days of them controlling medina and the armies are on their way and they encircled the house of and they said the best thing is to let him die alone and what's the only way we can do that to prevent him from drinking water so they heard news that the army of asham three days away from medina so they were very afraid now they're consulting with each other what are we going to do so they said who will go in to uthman and either get him to resign or kill him so one of them agreed to do it so they tried to enter by force so now a fight starts between the people of fitna and the youth of the sahaba so the news reaches uthman that there is killing going on in his courtyard so he calls abdullah zubair he says who ordered you to do that he says i have ordered that the weapons are to be put down and i do not make halal a drop of blood in my cause so he told them they will enter upon you and he tells them so be it so they all left except he refused to go he insisted what they did they set the external gate of the house on fire and now they can enter from any side of the house so abu ladin and zuberden decide to stand in front of the house in front of the door to the house and at night one of them the people who fit in that comes from the side and enters upon us and he yells leave it and we'll leave you meaningless we'll leave you alone so then tells him oh to you i have never uncovered a woman in nor in islam so he's telling him how could you enter my house from a window and there and there are women in the house they could be uncovered he saw his reminding him to have and i will not remove a garment that allah has clothed me with and i am upon my state until allah honors the people of happiness and disgraces the people of righteousness so the man was taken aback by this and he felt ashamed and he left so they tried something else they took stones and they start to throw so he came to them from the window and he said woe to you don't you know that there are others besides me in the house so one of them said we were not the ones who threw them at you so he asked them who was it then they said allah he said you have lied if allah threw them at me he wouldn't have missed so they felt ashamed so they left what what to do now so they sent another man telling him riddles of him and a man from banilai so he enters upon uthman tells him where are you from he tells him leithi he tells him you are not the one so the man is surprised tell them how is that so then uthman tells him aren't you the ones that the prophet saw made on the day of such and such so he said yes he said so you won't be lost the man returned and he left the people of fitness never joined them again so they sent a man another man from quraish and he enters he says oh uthman i'm going to kill you and he tells him no you won't kill me so the man tells him how is that he tells him the messenger of allah made this people on that day so you're not going to shed the blood that's not halal so the man made is he left the people of fitnah never returning to them again so then the last attempt they said muhammad sees him with the people of fitness he tells him woe to you you're angry against allah have i done anything against you and you get upset so if never was shocked by this and he retweets he goes back they saw that he was not successful and they felt that that this issue needs to end so entering now upon uthman and so then and allah others when this group entered they found him sitting and reciting the quran and his magnificent side and he's 83 years old sitting in his home reciting the quran it was a wonderful sight to see so even these people when they entered they stopped they were at all of this so enters and they stop tells them what's wrong with you they said don't you see look at khalifa how he's sitting how can he attack someone who looks like that he tells them woe to you and he took a metal object and he struck uthman in his head and the blood dripped and it came on top of the ayah where allah says and allah will suffice you against them his wife was there and she got up from her place to protect him so dan raises the sword and he's going to strike uthman she puts her hand to protect uthman and he cuts off her fingers so he hits with his shoulder and he splits his shoulder and then he strikes him with his dagger nine times saying three for allah and six for what i have against then khotera gets up and he stood over him and put the sword to his chest and then he leans against it and enters the sword into his chest and then one of them got up and began to jump on his chest some will tell you he kicked his chest others that he jumped on his chest until he crushed his ribs then the servants of uthman so they entered the room with their swords one of them attacked sauda and killed him immediately so then the people of fitna killed his servant and then another servant enters and he kills koteira so far saldan and both of them who who struck with man are killed and then they killed this servant and then a small battle ensues between the servants and the people of fitna but of course they were outnumbered and they were killed but they managed to kill a few of the people of fitness and in this way uthman was killed the bear of the two lights a righteous khalifa one of the ten given glad tidings of paradise the husband of the man who prepared the army of usra the one who gave the well of roma in charity the one who gathered the mushaf and distribute it and the imam of the muslims is killed in such a heartless way when islam with allah he sent to abdulrahman from the people of fitna and he was kind of the closest in relation to blood relation to them so she's asking for the dead bodies allah when they killed the servants in the they left the bodies there and they left the bodies there for days sitting in the house with dead bodies in the house she sends to this man saying you know let's bury the dead so he insulted her and at night marauding and with him some companions they'd been sabbath and went to ali and he told me it's not right for me not to be buried until now and they went to talhah and al-hasan and kalabhnalik and they went to the people of fitna and said you killed him now let us bury him what else do you want after you killed the man so the people of fitness said no one else goes out with you they feared that the public if the public sees this that they're going to revolt against so they said only you go out and bury him so they went out and with them were some women and a few young people and moroni led the salah because he was the closest relative and they buried us later on becomes a part of the people of fitnah said no one else is going to be buried after this even though they were civil servants dead in the house so then complains to the people of fitness so they came and they pulled them from their feet and threw them in the streets so the dogs came and ate them and uthman was buried at night and very few people prayed over him and his daughter was crying and his wife was crying and this was in the 18th of the hija in the 35th year after the hijrah and he was 83 years old by this letter i call you to allah who showered his bounties on you and made you muslims and showed you the light and liberated you from in the name of allah i appeal you to rise in the cause of uthman who was butchered mercilessly by way of your relationship with him the responsibility to avenge his blood on you it is the command of allah that if there is bloodshed between two groups of muslims you should strive for peace amongst them but if any group transgresses take action against the rebels and kill them some people rebelled against uthman without just cause you know what high position uthman commanded in islam he was very close and dear to the prophet and he never coveted the meaning he never wanted he was chosen as the khalifa by the people and during the 12 years of his office he worked day and night for the welfare of the people during his khilafah extensive conquests were made immense wealth flowed into the public treasury and the people became more prosperous instead of appreciating the benefits of his rule the writers besieged the house of they did not allow any food or water to enter the house we were denied the use of water from the well which uthman had purchased with his own money and she says we threw ourselves on the body of uthman and they pulled us away and robbed us of our ornaments i am sending you along with this letter the bloodstained clothes of the khalifah see to it that the blood does not go unavenged may allah have mercy on the soul of uthman and may the curse of allah be upon his murderers so the letter reaches and he reads the letter and the blood begins to boil and he hangs up this blood-stained garment of uthman up on the mimba and every day seventy thousand warriors gather awaiting the command so they can avenge the blood of islam so meanwhile now back in medina the people of fitna they started to try to find the khalifa after uthman to pledge to the people of egypt wanted the aliyah to be the next khalifa the people of al-qufa wanted the people of basra wanted allah and the armies have arrived armies who came to support the medinians to support they arrived but they stopped that sort of medina they sent letters back now waiting for orders so the people of fitna now to understand their situation they're afraid they're afraid the army will enter and they will get killed so now they're in a hurry to choose another khalifa the armies won't invade to fight the khalifa so by mixing up affairs like this they can all escape safely but they couldn't find anyone who is going to accept the bay'a the pledge no one wants to become the khalifah so now they lost hope the people will fit this is five days after the death of uthman and they gathered and said that if the people of medina don't agree upon someone we fear that malawia will become the new khalifa and he's from bani umai and if he wins it he will not leave any of you alive so the heads of the people of fitna gathered and they gathered the people of medina and they said we give you two days well if you don't pledge to someone in two days we will kill ali and zubair and many others some sahaba then went to ali and asked him to become the khalifah and he refused he said we're heading into very difficult times they told him we ask you by allah don't you see what we see fear allah they're going to kill us and they're going to kill you and ali allah tells them only because of the situation do i agree and he stipulated to them that they obey him and they do as he says so they agreed and agreed to meet the next day in the masjid so then they gathered the people of medina and the sahaba gathered and the people of fitna like like this idea but they knew that if don't pledge to ali then this is not going to work so when tahani zubair heard the news they said no we will pledge to him only if he begins with killing the murderers of uthman so now the news reached the people of fitna they decided the only way was to force them to pledge so the next day ali who comes and he ascends the pulpit and he says o people this affair meaning is your affair and no one has a right upon it except the one you put in charge so if you like i will accept otherwise i have nothing against anyone so zubair was brought over by a group of the people of fitness they went and brought him to the mess he brought him with the sword they forced him to come and talhah they forced him at the point of the sword so as zubair and talhah were forced to come and when ali spoke and the sahaba accepted cocaine put the sword at the neck of zubair [Music] and told him get up and pledge so then comes the first man to pledge he comes and of course he's forced to pledge and his right hand as you all know had been paralyzed in the battle of ahad from defending the prophet said so he lifts his paralyzed right hand with his left hand and he puts it in the hand of adi and a witness who saw this he said the first hand to pledge is a paralyzed hand this is an affair that will not succeed and then as pledges and there was sword at his neck as well and then the other sahabah start to pledge and then the other people play this takes place in the 25th of the hidja seven days after the death of so now the new khalifa of the muslims is ali so of the greater sahab were then gathered and they went to aliyah saying so know that our pledge to you was not given an acceptance and that those people of fitna are guilty with the blood of uthman and they're getting away with it so then i'm not ignorant of what you know but how should i deal with the people who control us and we do not control ourselves they're in control of everything so be patient until people calm down and their heart settles in their places he told them do you want to avenge the earth man he said yes he says take revenge go ahead so they realize they have no power so then he encouraged them to unite with him and that as they grow in strength gradually they can get rid of him so he orders no one from quraysh leave medina so this upset the quran when he hears that they were upset at him he gathers them that i lift you here because i need you do not separate i need your opinion and i have no support and no power without you and this is the wise an intelligent opinion of but he was not obeyed and the other sahabara they rushed and he says o people get rid of the arab who joined the people of fitna it doesn't go back to their places trying to decrease the number of the people of fit but they caught on to this they said well no one leaves and he's supposed to be in charge and he gives an order and they go against it when he saw that there is no hope in controlling the people from the inside he tried to make the change from the outside the way he thought about it the sahaba are not with him the people of fitnah in charge of medina the only way to get control is that if all corners of the muslim ummah give baya he can form armies from the outside and he saw that the governors were from bani umayya there were people who were chosen by uthman and all of them are angry at the death of uthman so he knew they would not obey him but they would follow the opinion of talhah and zubair and those who wanted to avenge the death so he thought to himself that the only solution is to depose them and then put those who are going to obey him in their place he heard of ali's plan to change the governors so he comes to him and tells him do you want to remove all the governors he tells them yes he goes home don't do it if you try to depose them they will hold to their positions and disobey you so first take the pledge from them and then remove them this is wise decision the scholars and the historians looking back at this they say this was the biggest mistake of allah that he didn't take the opinion of ibn atlas so then he sends to yemen obey the law in abbas the governor that was put by uthman his name is yali and he is from and when he hears the news he left but he took all of the wealth with him and of course he didn't take it for his personal use and now yemen is under the control of so then he sends to mecca and they refused him so then he sent krishna ibn abbas and they accepted him but not for long as we will see then he sends muhammad ibn abi hudaifah to egypt but he was killed when ali hears that his governor was killed he sent praise and he reaches them and they welcomed him they pledged to him and to ali except for a small group of the companions then he sends sham and as you know asham been under maya for 20 years so when sahih ibn hanef goes he reaches the area of taboo the warriors come out in rose to meet him sixty thousand warriors were ready to avenge the death of uthman they met him and he asked him who are you and he says i am sahali and they said what is your business here and he said amir and they said if man sent you then welcome and if others sent you then go back he tells them have you not received the news of the murder of uthman and they said yes he asked them didn't you receive the news of the bay'a they said yes so basically they're telling him that yes we know but we don't accept sixty thousand warriors who have been seeing the bull rust man up on the nimburg every day they're ready to avenge his blood people were crying and worries were gathering under it waiting for the command so now ali is not able to to get control of isham now he sends to al-basra and the people there are separated some people are with ali and other people are against him and was the governor he refuses to pledge and he left basar and went to mecca so now in al-qufa the governor is and he used to be known for staying away from fita the years of the pledge to ali he immediately gathers the people and takes their pledge to ali and he immediately sent a message to ali saying that we have pledged to so then ali left him in his place because he's on his side so ali left him as governor has a pledge in mecca but that's halfway like half the people there ali the others don't half of basra all of yemen and all of akufa but nothing at all in hashem the situation is that if hashem pledges then all of the umma morales has pledged to ali so he tries to take tibaya from so he sent him a message with a man called subrah al-juhni and he gives him a message demanding from him and from the people of parts of the message he says praise to allah whom there is no god besides to proceed you have heard what happened to uthman and the people pledged to me so enter into this peace as the people have done what's it very short letter asking him to to pledge to ali so when he gets this letter he says give me time the messenger comes the next day and now he tells him gives me time and this continues for three months and at the end of the three months he didn't know what to do notice he is not demanding he feels that he is the one who was entrusted to avenge the blood of uthman so should he pledge to allah or if not what should he do should he attack medina to kill the people of fitna and they're embedded in the army of ali so then he will have to fight ali so what should he do so he lets subra al-juhmi return back to ali and he tells him what about your response he says my response will come so he called two men from bani abs and bani rawah and he gave them a letter a sealed letter and he tells him enter with this into medina and then when you enter open it and raise it so they arrived there and they opened it it says that it's a message from muawiyah to ali and ali takes it to read it and he finds nothing in blank so he says to the messengers what is this so the man says will i be safe can i speak freely and be safe he tells him yes the messengers are not killed he says i have come leaving behind me a people that will not accept anything but retribution he says i left sixty thousand men crying under the garment of utman as it is hung up they have dressed the pulpit figuratively speaking that they have hung it up on the pulpit of the mesh with it so then allah says they demand the blood of uthman from me am i not as upset over his death as you are saying oh allah i am innocent from the blood of uthman and then he says that the killers of man they got away from us except if allah wills for verily if he decrees something it will happen so he's saying that if we disagree like this how are we ever going to kill the murderer and then he tells him to leave the man says i leave and i will be safe because now if he leaves these people might attack him and kill him so ali says and you will be safe so then when he left the masjid he feels he's safe now he screams out loud may allah kill those who killed uthman twice he yells this out loud so the people of fitna gathered around him and they insulted him this dog he's a messenger of a dog killed him so he calls out oh people of mudder all people of case your support so they came many his people they came to his aid so the people of fitna back off and he threatens them he tells him i swear by allah we will come to you with four thousand he screams what they fear has come to them their deeds are done and their strength is over and he's saying by allah they know that they're defeated now so when the people of fitness saw that they were challenged so they had a meeting said let's leave and separate and all of us leave medina so then even sabah said what a bad judgment let us infiltrate and mix with the army of ali so we are among his people and his close groups and so they can't fight us except by fighting with us so they agreed upon that so from then on they never gathered together but they always mixed with people wherever ali was they were mixed amongst that group and they would never leave meanwhile abdullah umar decided to leave he had not pledged to ali but he still wanted to leave without letting him know his position was that he would stay away from the fitnah totally so he goes at night to um the daughter of so he goes to her he tells her i decided to go to mecca to avoid the fitna and i'm afraid that ali will not think well of me to tell him that i'm going to mecca just to avoid the fitbit so in the morning people wake up and they find that abdullah is not around and news reaches so they said to him this is worse for you than the refusal of talhah and zubair to give the baya because they thought that umar was going to hashem to syria to mauaya and there he is going to become the khalifa and everyone's going to put and there they have an army of sixty thousand so then feared that the ummah would be with two so he prepares the army he's preparing an army now just to stop the ummah from getting to hashem so now news of these preparations reaches um and she tells him what happened tell them that he just said he's going to mecca then for hajj in mecca and when the news reaches her of the death of uthman he says and then she waits to see what happens and she hears the news of people pledging to ali and she knew that the companions won't pledge and the ali has no power over the people of fitna so she goes to the haram in mecca and she sits in the hedgerow and the partition was put up and people gathered and then she starts to call the people together and to prepare to kill the murderers of uthman by her estimation is powerless in medina and she wants to gather the people to go and avenge the death of we mentioned him he was the governor of basra put there by uthman he left and he went to mecca and when he heard this he said i will be the first to join this arm and and others gathered to go and kill the murderers of arthur so now the governor of ali in mecca he saw that he has no control so he went back to medina then joining them is also you remember him from yemen he's the one who took all the wealth he arrives in mecca and he finds the army looking for money to help raise the army so he brings them the wealth saying i gathered it during the reign of uthman so take it and it had with him 600 camels and 600 thousand dirhams so this is excellent assistance in preparing the army so there are 1 000 warriors prepared now under the army of and where should they go now where should this army head should they go to medina and they say no it's the place of the people of fitna and ali won't allow it and we don't want to fight ali should they go to hashem they found that he's in charge of hashem and he's on their side so abdullah who said he was the former governor of basra he suggest he says let us go to al-basra i used to be the governor there and the people there respect me so let's head there so they start to head to al-basr and the people start to hear of the army of the mothers of the believers and they start to join this army in no time the army now consists of three thousand warriors and the rest of the mothers of the believers left out with the army because at this point they were thinking that they're going to medina but then when it became that the army is going to basra the mothers of the believers went back but said my opinion is that of aisha and she left with so now are going to but [Music] hears of his sister and he came to her and he said go back and have goes back to mecca when this army of left mecca the women and the people and everyone came out crying over the death of uthman so the people of the army themselves started to cry and the voices were raised with weeping and crying so much so that it became known as the day of nahib so now all the great companions and all those of bani umayya went out with talha and zubair and sumaiya and not to mention and the army advances who hears of the news of this army and at first he says we'll leave him alone and then he thought to himself and says if i could convince him to join me that would be better so he had an army prepared to attack al-basra this is when he found no bay in basra he prepared an army to attack him and the people were asking him how are you going to attack a people who are not fighting against you and then he tells them if every governor says i'm not going to pledge and i'm staying with my region i'm still in charge of them he says the ummah will be separated so we have to take the pledge by force so in the sight of the separating like this was a bigger fitna then killing the murderers of uthman right now or a little later when he heads out this is when he was on his way to a basarat he hears the news of the army of mecca and he thought that it's better to stop them before they reach the bustle so now at this point there are three armies there is a major army in hashem and it's not doing anything at the moment and then there is an army that's moving towards basra and that is the army of talhah and zubair and ayesha and then there's the army of ali and he only had 700 men and he's attempting to stop talking but as news of him approaching grew his army grew and became anywhere from one thousand to up to three thousand warriors so now the people of basil they hear of this army coming to them and uh he was the governor that was put there by ali he had the choice now does he accept this army or does he stop this army and we understand the army has in it so these are the divisions that the muslim uma was upon so then when the [Music] came to the mother of the believers and he said o mother of the believers i ask you by allah to write to them perhaps they'll agree to what you're calling them so she likes his idea so she told eben amer and he was as we said the former governor of bus people liked him there and they knew him so she tells him to enter into al-basra and to inform the people of their intention that they're gathering there so they can get through revenge and avenge the death of so he agrees so he sent him and he entered secretly into al-basha and she also gave letters to the leaders of al-basra so then abdullah enters and he finds the people with different views some don't want to participate at all and others are with the view that there should be with the army of ali and not that of talahants so they refused to go out so then who was the governor of ali he heard of this army coming and he serves to prepare an army in case they start to enter basra by force he's going to send this army to stop them and he was afraid that people are not going to rally behind them because the army has any of the mother of the believers so he sent imran hussain and abu to find out the state of mind of the people and he also sent them to aisha to see what the intent of their army is they went back to the governor of basra and they let him know that the army is only here because they want to kill the murderers of batman and they're here without the permission of ali they decide to stay as they are whoever wants to go join them and that's okay and if they want to stay in basta they stay but he says i will not allow them to enter bastard without the permission of the amir of the mu'min the government of knew that now is divided the people who want to join the army know people who don't now the army of aisha drew near came right to the outskirts of basel and they camped there so if the governor he came out with his army and they camped right in front of him so he didn't want to let them to enter basra and when the armies got near each other got up and he started talking to the people explaining why they had come after he spoke his army they started to yell sadaq a truthful speech you have spoken the truth so when the people of fitna and the army of uthman the governor heard them and why why were the people who fit in the army because if you remember the groups left from basra groups left from kufa and they went to medina and some people remained in control of madinah while others returned back to basra so now some of the people of fitnah were in the army of basra facing the army of the mothers of the believers and [Music] they said you have lied and they started to curse and to cuss so then zubaira dillahum got up to speak and he wanted to encourage them to join their cause and when he was done his army told him and then the people of fitna responded saw differences to this degree she asked to speak and everyone was quiet and she gave a powerful khutba and she said that the truth is that we have not come to remove nor to challenge us but how can we keep quiet about the blood of rasma and after her speech the army of usm you spoken the truth and a group said and she is the mother of the believers and they're speaking like that now the two groups in the army of started to insult each other and then came in the thief amongst the people of fitnah saw that the army of mecca is increasing he feared that if everyone joins them they're going to be uncovered the people of fitna are going to be the only ones and then they're going to be destroyed so he and those who are with him immediately got up and started the fighting they attacked the army of talhah zubairan aisha ordered the soldiers to hold back and to defend themselves only but not to kill them and ho came had ordered those with him to attack fiercely and aisha kept ordering people to pull back because they were not there to fight them until night time came and then the two armies separated to consult with those in her army what to do so they decided to move to another place so the news of this reaches and he gets those who are with him ready to fight again and right after fajr they attack again and the battle remained from fajr until until now the army of they're only defending themselves but then when they saw they saw that the others insist on killing them talha and zubair ordered they should fight back and then the losses start to come down on the army of hakeem the governor never ordered the attack so many of people were wounded from the army of but many people died from the army of cocaine and when they felt that they were going to be defeated they asked for peace and then immediately stopped the fight so then they began to negotiate sent to them saying aren't you bound by a pledge to ali so why don't we wait for the decision of the khalifah so they said we have no bay'ah our bail is by force so then the discussion becomes whether baa was by force or by their own decision so they said to athletic if we really were coerced into giving the bay'a are we not correct in wanting to avenge the death of uthman he said yes then they said what if it's proven that you gave the pledge and you gave it on your own decision they said if that's the case then the decision is that of the khalifa and we're in the wrong and we will pull back so they wrote out an agreement and they sent a man by the name of kaab ibn suhr he was a judge with the judge of basra he was a pious man he was a great scholar so-called with the intent to investigate and when he arrives there are is not there obviously he went out with his army to stop talking he's still on his way there and he was known his position was known amongst the muslims so the people gathered to hear what he's going to say so he said oh people of medina i am the messenger of the people of al-basra to you [Music] did the people coerce talhah and zubair upon the pledge to ali or did they come out of their own will and no one responds and why is that because the people of fitna are still in charge of medina and if you speak you'll get killed so then he asks them by allah you have to answer me or fight and will break out so then stands up and says they did not pledge except while they were coerced they were forced so then a man by the name of tamam one of the leaders of the people of fitness gets up and he raises his sword to kill usaid he gets up and he stops him and he was saved by she pulls him he physically has to pull him out of the people so then um i'm not going to wait and let people get killed and stay quiet so takes this response and he goes back to it immediately sent news of what happened to and ali knows that if qaab goes to al-basra with this news all of them are going to join the army of mecca so immediately he sends the letter to kabul nasoor so alittle dullan is trying to convince nasur not to go with this news to bashar it's only going to cause more problems but calgary never received this letter so people came to ask according to our agreement are in the right and uh the governor tells them i have received a letter from amir menina and it tells me these are the orders in it and i'm going to obey so the people were divided some joined the army of mecca and some stayed with the army of with not even so the people of fitness all the things are not in their favor now so they start to think how can they get out of this situation so the only way to get out of the situation they gathered and they began the fighting again and every time things are about to settle down they start to fight again and then fierce fighting takes place and is calling them to stop and they refuse and she orders a man to go out and to yell to say we only want the murderers of uthman we will not fight except with those who kill the uthman whoever did not take part in the murder of uthman let him leave the battlefield and as soon as he does gets to him and he kills him so then the fierce fighting continues and many people are killed he was a fierce warrior but a man from the army of mecca was able to reach him and the man got him and he cut off his leg and then this man comes to finish him off but who came got up and he took his cut leg and hit the man in the face so then he got up on one leg and he hopped and 70 people gathered around him and he encourages them to fight and he tells them never to surrender so the fighting grows even more fierce and a man from bani abdul plays heard for came from jabba murmuring something so he said what are you saying and he finds cocaine cursing so the man tells him you son of a wicked woman you curse the mother of the believers so then who came took his spear and he killed this man so this made bani abdulkais leave the battlefield but then hukem dies so the army of mikke starts to kill the people who fit in the left and right so they ran so aisha called to their people and to their tribes saying we only want the murders of uthman so hand them over to us and each tribe started to hand over those of its kinsmen who took part in the murder of their people from their tribe pulling from their feet and given to the army of mek and they killed all 600 men except for all of the others were killed went to his people and they were taken over by tribalism because he's one of their nobles so they refused to turn him over when the army of israel comes demanding to deliver they refuse and they came out to meet them with six thousand warriors and they said we will not turn him over except with our blood this is how the event in al-basra ended and now talha and tsubair entered the masjid to talk to uthman ibn huneif at the time of aisha so athman was at his home and he was delayed so they sent a group of people to go and bring atlanta to the masjid to turn over al-basra so this delegation insisted and he refused so they insulted him and they hit him in his home and then they started to pull his beard and plucked his beard until not a hair was left on his face and then they pulled him physically so when they saw this they were shocked we didn't order you to do this to the man so they sent to aisha and she says with him alone so he immediately he leaves he goes to ali immediately and when ali heard the news and how many innocent people were killed in the battles of basra and how it was taken by force and how they did this to his governor he said now it is halal to fight so now the army of zubair grew substantially and this encouraged them even more so then the army of grew to 30 000 warriors only had 10 000 and the people of fitnah were embedded in his arm and when he saw their strength increased he heads to al-qufa because there there were many who supported ali and he goes to ask for their help and he says i have chosen you in the letter to assist the religion of allah so we can bring the ummah back to being united and to become brothers again he got up and he spoke and he tells the people this is a fitna don't take part in this and this is the governor of ali advising his people against the what ali wants so no one at all goes out to join the army of ali so now the governor of ali is also on the opinion of tal hanzo and they entered the masjid and the people gathered so they spoke to abu musa al-hasan began and he said why are you stopping the people from aiding us we only want to make things right you do not fear ali that he might do some injustice to people he's a just man and he tells him you have spoken the truth may my father and mother be sacrificed for you but the one who is consulted is entrusted meaning i have to be truthful to your consulting and i have heard the prophet sallallahu alaihi there will be a fitnah and allah has made us brothers and made our blood and wealth unlawful so now who should the people listen to and he has good arguments or should they listen to the grandson of the prophet he got up and he said abu musa has spoken the truth but help me so then al-hasan says you are not the one for this task so then he calls he said o people of kufa i am to you an advisor and i care for you and i want what is good for you and i will tell you that which is the truth as for what was said by by the amir abu musa it is the truth but there is no place for it now we're in a situation now where we have to take action in order to fix the fitna he says it is necessary to have an authority to organize people and to support the oppressed and this is you have given him baya and he has called you time and time again and you have to assist him to support the oppressed and humiliate the oppressor and he calls you to rectify conditions he's telling people to go out to him of stature and intelligence and position call upon you to respond to them and the emir the believer says i have come out either oppressing or oppressed if you find me oppressed help me and if you find me to be oppressing fight me and then he says were the first to give me baya and the first to leave me and then he says to them have i stolen wealth or have i changed the laws of allah so you don't obey me so get up and command the good and forbid the evil so then when it hasn't said that the people got up and they went out with him and they left and with that ten thousand warriors came from kuva to join the army of ali so now ali radhillah moves to meet the army of zubair and he doesn't want to fight with him initially so he sent a man and he is and he went to ayesha and he asked her oh mother what brought you here to this town and she says oh son to make amends between the people he told her send call for zubair and they came and then says i have asked the mother of the believers what has brought her here and she said to make amends between people so what do you say do you agree or disagree they said we agree tell me what is it that you came to amend what is it that you came to fix and he says wallahi if we know what it is we will help you in it so they said the murderers of uthman this is what we came to fix you have killed the merger of uthman from the people of al-basra that which you came for caused more problems in the death of with man and then he tells them if you can't get to this one man and you leave him then you leave the quran and if you want to get to him you will have the fitna of having to fight 6 000 so you were better before you left than today so it shows how wise so what do you say then and then he says i say that this issue can be resolved by calming things down if it comes down and the khalifa is in charge we can easily capture so if you give us the pledge then it is a sign of good and a glide tidings of mercy and we will get revenge with you and if you refuse except to pursue this then it's a bad sign so pursue what is right and don't expose us to tribulations that will overtake us and it will overtake you as well so these are the words so then they thought about it and then they said to allah you have spoken the truth and then they said to him if ali comes and he is upon your opinion then this affair will be upright so we're not going to pledge but we're going to wait we will give him a chance and if things settle down and he kills the murderers of none that's what we want but if things settle down and he doesn't kill the murderers of uthman then we're going to go out and we're going to kill him ourselves if ali agrees to these stipulations we're going to be with him they agreed and immediately goes to ali and he tells him and ali was satisfied and he was very happy so then ali got up to speak and he praised allah and then he says i am insha allah tomorrow returning so leave as well he's saying everyone leave everyone go back and then he said let not anyone who helped against uthman in any way come out with me now that the army of mecca is with him so now you can see the signs of strength showing up already and the people spent that night and it was the best night spent since the death of uthman at the same time it was the worst night for the people who murdered uthman so their leaders met and they discussed and they came with only one solution is not to allow the people to agree and the only way to do that is to begin the fighting again before fajr the people were asleep and they were in utmost peace and tranquility no one is expecting any attacks or any killing the people of fitna get up and suddenly and they start killing the people around them so in the army of ali they get up and they start killing the people while they're sleeping and in the army of mecca they start killing the people who are sleeping there while they're killing everyone they're yelling they have betrayed us they have betrayed us so they're creating this commotion so each army now they wake up and they hear they've betrayed us and they see killing and commotion and they think the other army has attacked them by surprise so suddenly fighting breaks out in the battle of el james which took place in the fifth of jumad in the 36th year after the hijra the people were fighting killing each other in the dark and then allah who got up and he asked what's going on and they said they have betrayed us and talk and zubair on the other side they get up and ask what is happening and they said they were betrayed by the army of ali and it's difficult at this point to investigate to the leaders of the army of uh and they come close until the next of their animals cross and then ali tells him you have prepared men and you have prepared weapons if you have prepared an excuse with allah am i not your brother in islam so what has made my blood halal allah tells him you turned on us and then i told him did you not pledge to me i pledge to you with the sword of my neck and then i tells him you fight with me and with me is amar because the prophet saw had said to amar that you will be killed by the transgressing party so then taha turns back and he starts to think about this and then ali for the sake of allah he tells him all to you oh son of my brother what brings you here he says we came to seek revenge from the murderers of our son and then ali says may allah kill the murderers of earth man then abdullah leaves and there's his father comes and he comes closer that the the necks of the riding animals cross and ali tells him what brought you and as the best as we came to revenge the death of earth man so then ali says may allah kill those who murdered did you not pledge to me and the zubair tells him that i pledge to you with the sword of my neck you fight against me and amar is with me so then is quiet he tells him oh zubair do you remember when you passed with the messenger of allah so he looked at me meaning the prophet looked at ali and smiled so i smiled back at him and you said the son of abi talib doesn't stop his boasting so then the prophet salallahu said to you all is telling him he is not boasting and wallahi you will fight him while you are the oppressor so then as i said i have forgotten this was 30 years ago he had forgotten this incident so he was so moved by this and so shocked by it so he leaves the battlefield and he doesn't want to fight anyone the army of ali when the fighting took place of all the people in in the army of mecca they were afraid of zubair and these three fierce warriors so they were afraid of those people so when azerbaijan leaves the battlefield son abdullah hears the news and he goes to his father he says oh father where to and said i will not fight them he says oh father you gather the people then you run away and he doesn't leave me alone and then abdullah his son tells him perhaps you are afraid of the swords of bani abdullah so then his father becomes angry he tells him there is not a hand span on my body except that there is a wound in the way of allah even my private body accusing me of being afraid so he leaves radhillah and when he left a man by the name of ibrahimouz followed him and when he comes near him they're on their way to mecca israel turned around and when he saw even germos he says i see death in his face meaning he's coming to kill me and the servant who is with zubair traveling with zubair says kill him then before he kills you kill him so then as allah says but with what excuse should i kill him so the ibrahimovic comes to him and he tells him that i want your companionship on this journey so then isabella let him join them and when it was time for salah [Music] and then advanced ahead and the servant and evangelions were in the back and as soon as he made the beer attacked him with his knife and he killed him and then he took his armor and his shield and his sword and even though this great man is one of the ten given glad tidings of paradise he murders him in such a way while he's praying so we move now to the battle the battle of jamaica comes out and he was one of the most feared and he challenges who wants to come out to fight him so the first man goes out to him and he kills him and the second man from the army of ali goes out to him and kills him again and the third man from the army of ali goes out kills him so then everyone's afraid of him so then who was 90 years old at the time went out to him so when he went out everyone started to say alhamdulillah he's going to die may allah have mercy on him when he reaches him ibu nyatrivi attacks him and he swings at him with a sword and ammar blocks it with his shield his sword gets stuck in the shield and he's not able to pull it out so then um and he takes him captive to ali and when he gets there he's asking to be forgiven you killed three and now you want to be forgiven and he had him killed meanwhile in the battle was going on who can't believe that the sahaba are fighting each other this is the first time that this has happened so far so he stays away from the battlefield and he's praying and he's crying all the time behind the army and leading the army instead of him was al-ashtar and he was also a very fierce warrior the army of was being led by abraham behind the army and on this side ali is behind his army and aisharov is in basra because after the peace that they made she went and she stayed in a house in basra so she's not there in the battlefield at the moment so even jammus then comes to the tent of ali and the germos is the man remember who killed zubair so he tells him what is it that you have and the man says i have the good news so he gave him the sword and the shield of azerbaij and ali he looks at it and he starts to cry he says and how many times has this sword defended the face of the prophet so the guard goes out to him and he tells him ali says give the killer of the son of sophia the news of the hellfire so the man becomes afraid and he runs he runs away and some companions later on they hear of this so they follow him and when they came close to him says if we fight with you and if we kill with you we are in the hellfire and if we fight you were in the hellfire so he takes his sword and he kills himself meanwhile the battle is still continuing and khabib nusur if you remember him the judge who went to medina to find out if the pledge was by force or not yeah he left the battlefield and he ran back to basra aisha doesn't know the people are fighting right now so she goes and they put a haulage on the camel and they cover the holden with armor and they cover the camel with armor and he takes her out to the battlefield he leads the camera into the battlefield hoping that if the people see her they're going to stop the fighting when she arrives the people saw the camel and they knew that ashraf was inside the camp and she called kab and said leave the camel and take the mushaf the book of allah and go out and call people to the judgment of the book of allah stop the fighting so the people of fitna they felt that this is going to stop the fighting and then they're going to be uncovered again so they yelled get the camel and get cap as soon as he lifted the mushaf to call to the people they shot him with arrows and killed him so then the people of the fitness started to yell who towards the camel so aisha yells at them to stop the fighting and the ali is yelling stop the fighting and the people of fitna are continuing and they make it more intense so people are forced to defend themselves and fight back and then aisha saw that the fighting is not going to stop so she starts to make dua out loud oh allah cursed the murderers of uthman oh allah curse the murders of us the people hear that and the whole army starts to say that and then ali who heard and he gets uprooted and he begins to say the same thing oh allah curse the murders of uthman so both armies are now fighting and both of them are calling for the curse of allah on the murders of what's not so then abdullah ibn which we said the emir of the army he begins to move the camel away from the battlefield and the people of fitna want to bring down the camel see how wicked they are so he takes it by the reins and the people are fitting the head towards the camel until they killed abraham so then another companion takes the camel and he's killed and another takes it and he's killed and then talk who started to make dua this is behind the battlefield he says allah make me a sacrifice for uthman if i have not done enough for his death then avenge from me so an arrow then suddenly comes flying and it hit him in his knee joint and it struck a major vein and blood starts to flow from the army of ali comes to allah and he says you're wounded they were fighting for what they believed to be the truth but they didn't have hatred for each other or anything like that so the servant removes from the battlefield and he puts him in an abandoned home and there dies one of the ten given glad tidings of paradise so the battle is still continuing and the fighting becomes more fierce so then the people of fitness start to yell to strike the limbs everyone around the camel this is where the battle is the fiercest at they're fighting and limbs are being cut so much so that they describe saying that you wouldn't know whose hand this was and whose leg this was hundreds of limbs being cut left and right so here abdullah nazabit advances and he takes hold of the camel and he orders his army to attack the standard of the army of ali and then the fighting is fierce in two areas around the standard of the army of ali and around the camel in the standard divali follows ten times then he felt that he's that the army is being defeated and he's on the side of ali and then ashtar leaves the battlefield and he goes to ali and he tells him oh ali help us for allah we have seen defeat and allah if you don't come to the battlefield we'll be defeated who got up and he went out to the battlefield and this rekindles their hope people start shooting arrows at the camera and is telling them to leave the camel alone but the people of fitnah don't obey him we have two warriors two champions and known to be great heroes in battle fighting against each other they're both the leaders of the armies so abdullah ibn zubair says i have never seen the likes of the fighting of an ashtar he says i did not hit him once except that he hits me back six or seven times and this is abdullah zubair speaking so esther was a fantastic warrior and even though he's wearing an armor he gets 37 wounds from alesha and esther lifted the sword and he brought it down and struck the head of abdullah zubair until he cracked his helmet and cracked his skull and abdullah zabar was about to die he's going to be defeated so when he saw that he's about to die he jumped off of his horse and jumped on al-ashtar and embraced him hard and filled him to the floor and just held him in his place and he started to yell kill me and manic with me kill me along with malik is not able to say kill me and he just said malik and then esther says about this he says i would not love to have the whole world if he would have said if he said a thousand swords would have struck me was removed and he was severely wounded so he was taken to a basra and another companion took the camel and he was killed until 70 sahabah were killed at the camp then esther reached the camel and then was afraid for for aisha and he feared that more of the sahaba will get killed he starts to yell to everyone to pull back came and he took the camel and he was killed as well the son of sarah allah so then began to call people to retreat and he's called them to take the camel and go away take the camel and leave with it so a man by the name of zufar ibn harith took the camel yells to him strike the camel the legs of the camera so it may fall and end the battle so it was good for another man named budjar they struck the legs of the camel and the camel fell when the camel falls the army of ali still comes to attack and then stands in their path and he says we have given them pardon so then the fighting finally stops the hero here he stopped the massacre and then muhammad comes with him and um and then they cut the ropes of the houdig and then they put it down and then they put a tent over it so then who comes to see the situation of ayesha so then he comes and he asks them is she wounded and they say no and he enters into her tent and she's still inside the houdi and he tells her and she says and he asked her how are you and she says i am fine and then he tells her allah i have mercy on you and she tells him and on you and then he orders to take her into the town into basra and then sends orders you are not to kill a wounded person in order to chase anyone who has run away from the battlefield nor to take any captives so the people of fitness become upset they said you make their blood halal but not their women and their wealth then he asked him a question he tells them which of you wants aisha to fall to his share so they were quiet he tells them again no captives no spoils no killing of the wounded and no killing of people who run away so no spoils at all were taken or distributed amongst either of the army who orders the dead from both armies to be gathered for prayer and for burial and he leads the prayers himself the funeral prayers for the law and the total of the number of people who died during this battle were ten thousand five thousand from each army and would walk around the dead looking at who's dead and then he reached the judge of basra and one of the scholars of the umm when he saw him he started to cry he said how can they say only the layman came out with them and this great scholar is amongst it and then he saw muhammad the son of and when he saw him allah began to cry a lot and said this is the one whom we used to call as sadjad because of how much he prostrates to allah and now he's murdered here and then he went to basra and he heard of the death of allah and he took the head of talhah and put it on his lap and he removed the dust from the face of talhah and he began to cry and his voice was raised and crying then he goes to where ibn zubair was remember he was wounded during the battle severely and he entered upon him and he embraces him and can barely move and he makes dua for him and he tells him may allah have mercy on you o son of my brother what what brought you back he said we came to take revenge from the murderers of and then ali tells him may allah killed the murderer and then ali who remains for three days outside of basra and then he enters it and he prays in the masjid and the people come to give him bay'a so people come by the hundreds and they start to pledge to ali and then he goes to the house of abdullah in he was one of the leaders there and he had a large house and this is where aisha allah was staying and where all the wounded from the armies were staying there also so when he enters he finds women there and the women there were crying over the death of uthman and abdullah the sons of of khalaf so then a woman of the relatives the name of safety she was crying and when she saw ali enter he said oh ali o killer of the loved ones o the one who split the unity may allah make your children orphans have you have done to the sons of abdullah so then ali did not respond to her and he entered upon ayesha and he sat down and then he made the isha of the allah and he asked her if she needed anything and she said no one and then he left when he left again she saw him and she made dua against him and she spoke very harshly to him so then he tells her he said i considered to open these doors and kill the ones behind them so he's telling her i know who's behind these doors these were the people that fought against me if you think i'm a brutal person as you thought i would open these doors and kill the people who were wounded in there she understood that he was a good man he was a righteous man so she remained quiet so then a man from he heard this when she spoke to ali and it upset him and he said well he won't let this woman get away with this becomes angry with this man he tells him be quiet and he tells him let me not hear of anyone who harms any woman except that i will give him to the worst of people then a man came after him saying if this is your view i saw two men at the door insulting a woman dearer to you than sophia then he tells him woe to you i hope it's not isha he said yes so he went and he found him insulting her so then he called her came with the group and i said do you want me to strike their necks and ali says no but punish them and then ali who prepares ayesha with all that she needs for travel and he chose 40 women so she doesn't travel alone for the women of the noblest of the people of basa to live with their husbands just to accompany her and on the day of her departure which was saturday the first of rajab in the 36th year after the hijra all of basra goes out to bid her farewell and ali himself goes out and he walks near her animal for miles he's walking bidding her farewell and so she calls on the people and she praises allah and she sends the salah and the salam upon muhammad sallallahu alaihi and she makes dua for the people of basra and then she says o children some of us have transgressed against each other because of delaying and hastening delaying to give the bay'a and hastening rushing to punish the murderers of uthman so do not transgress against each other with anything of that and then she says we are neither enemies to ali no is ali an enemy to us there is nothing between me and ali except what small quarrels are between a woman and family members and she says that with me he's amongst the best of the people she says this publicly to the people of basra and then ali says o people by allah she spoke the truth nothing was between us except the small quarrels that's between family members and then he said and she is the wife of your prophet sallallahu alaihi in this world and in the next then ali returns to basra he puts as governor of al-basra abdullah and he orders those who left medina with him to get ready to travel back and he left at the end of rajab in the 36th year after the hijrah and he leaves to kufa and he makes kufa his capital of the so now just about everywhere is under the rain and under the valley we have yemen and egypt and quran and fars and iraq and mecca and medina everywhere except isha so now we move to the events that led to the battle of satin so when ali who goes to al-qufa he wants to end this issue of a sham and the issue of didn't agree with that he wanted to send someone to speak to mahayana the first person he sends was a sahabi by the name saying that the amazar the major cities had pledged to him and that the only ones left are um and his son abdullah and and they all refused to pledge to ali unless he avenges the death of allah so he's telling him if you kill the murders of uthman we'll be the fastest to respond to you and will be the most obedient to you otherwise you have nothing with us nor to any of our companions except the sword by the one whom there is no other god besides we will pursue the killers of uthman in the mountains and in the sand until allah kills them or our souls join that of uthman but so now ali commands people to prepare to attack and at the beginning of the 36th year after the hijrah he sent to the people of yemen and to al-basra and fairs and in egypt and for assad and he gathered 120 000 warriors and the news of the army reaches ma'aw so they started to gather out an army and they gathered an army of ninety thousand warriors so he reaches an area called sustain and he camps there and he waits for the army of ali so then ali reaches suffering and he finds that mu'awiya's army took control of all the water so ali who sends to them saying let's share the water between us so some of them were of the opinion let them taste the absence of water as they made earthman scholars amongst the people of hashem were present they said it is not permissible to prevent them from water so so they disagreed amongst themselves to agree to like something in the middle he said will prevent them from water temporarily just to make them taste their thirst so then they put a regiment near the water and when the people came to drink they prevented them so now they tasted this thirst so then ali commanded to attack so they can get access to the water so as soon as they attacked the regiment withdrew now the army of ali is in charge of the water the people of fitnah said let's prevent them now from drinking water so then ali who tells them you faulted them for preventing you from the water and now you want to prevent them from the water so he ordered to allow whoever wants to drink from the water to be able to drink and now both armies are camped and both are around the water of suffering then ali sent messengers to muawiyah this is the last effort here he sent bashir and said and he praised allah and said o verily the dunya is going to leave you and you will return to the and allah is going to judge you on your deeds and reward you based upon it and i ask you by allah to not divide the people of this ummah and not cause bloodshed between them so then muay tells him have you given this advice to your friend to then bashir ibn says to him he is not like you verily my friend is the most deserving of people of this affair so then what does he say and says he commands taqwa and to respond to the son of your uncle to what he calls you to of truth it is better for you in your dunya and safer for you in your final end and then who says and leave the blood of iv he says no by allah we will never do that so then wanted to speak but one of his messengers the one who said his name is he interrupts so he can speak so he praises allah and he said o i have understood what you said to bashir by allah it is not hidden from us what you want you find nothing with which to delude people and sway their desires with and get their obedience with except to say your imam was killed unjustly and we demand revenge for his blood so he's saying that that you want so then he continues we know that you purposely delayed sending assistance to him meaning and wanted him to die so then he says and perhaps someone would want something and allah will come between him and what he wants and then he continues saying other horrible things to malaya is shocked he's a great sahabi and he's a great leader and the prophet sallam used to put him in charge of platoons and allah put him in charge of hashem and and now this man is attacking him like this so muhammad was very moved very hurt by the speech and he praised allah and he said the first thing that informed me of your safah is only who doesn't know how to behave properly and your lack of clemency is that you interrupted this noble man meaning saeed then you accused me of things that you have no knowledge of and you have lied in all that you have said get out there is nothing between you and me except the soul [Music] and in the month of the hija in the 36th year after the hijrah the fighting of the battle of spain begins in the beginning sent the platoon and also sent the pluto and both of them fought but no one won there wasn't any kind of decisive victory or so they returned but then they sent two other platoons and they fought and there wasn't a distinct or clear victory so they returned and they remained upon this for one whole month for the entire month of the more than 90 battles took place and there's no decisive victory and what used to bother the army of was the presence of amar in the army of ali and all of them knew the hadith and gives orders no one approaches ammar and amaru is the one holding the standard of the army of ali and whenever he advances they would run away from him and when the ends ali sends to malawia saying would you agree like a cessation of hostilities for a month because this was the month of mahara in which there is no fighting so they stopped fighting for the entire month of mahara and the two armies would meet at night they were relatives there were family there were tribes they all knew each other there were sahaba companions go to the other camp the other camp would visit them so then during this month ali sends messengers again and he sends this again the one who spoke rudely to ali the first time and he also sent ziyad ibn haps so they entered upon and adi spoke and he praised allah and he said we have come to call you to an affair through which allah will unite our ummah and prevent with it bloodshed and make amends between us the son of your uncle meaning adi is the best of the ummah and the best in islam and the majority of people pledge to him except you and your companions to beware of so that you and your companions may meet a day like the day of a james then tells him it is as if you came to threaten and not to make peace by allah i am the son of harm he's telling him you can't scare me and you allah were of those who incited against uthman and i hope that you're amongst those whom allah kills so then again spoke from those who spoke against uthman as well is so then he tells him would you be pleased with killing ammar nyasir and you know the position of amma tells him and what will prevent me from that if i get a hold of the son of of sumayyah i would kill him for the blood of utman's slave so then ship says you will not get to him until next fly and the earth tightens around you and in maui's azam in that case it will be even tighter around you and then in the first of the month of safar the decisive battle of safin begins to you that this is a chance for you to review what is the truth and to come to it and that this is your final warning and that allah does not love those who are treacherous and then he speaks to his own army and he says do not fight them until they attack you for you are in a justified position so if you defeat them then do not kill anyone who is running away nor finish off a wounded person and do not uncover nor disfigure the dead and if you reach the homes of the people do not uncover them nor take anything of their wealth nor harm their women even if they insult your umara so this is the advice of ali and then the fighting starts for the first week it wasn't fierce fighting and why should we have the people fight come out to me and me to you and whoever kills the other the affair is his i'm not going to ask was there he was there with me he said it's a good idea go to him and fight him so then mahalia said woe to you has there ever been a person who went out to him except that he didn't get killed then during the battles a freed slave of aliamola goes out to fight and he was met by a maula of muawiyah so the mona of maria was able to kill that of ali so then ali himself attacked he struck the sword from the hand of the maula of mu'awiya and then grabbed him from his clothes and raised him in the air with one hand and dropped him crashing down to the ground breaking his neck in his ribs and um were watching this so i turned to um and said and you want me to go out to him and by the eighth of safar ali made up his mind to bring an end to the situation one large attack immediately the next day to end it so he gives advice to his soldiers look at the advice he gives his soldiers he tells them make your night long and and do much reading of the quran and ask allah for victory and patience and fight hard and be truthful so the next day allah commands a full attack all hundred and twenty thousand of his warriors attacking the army of mali and they fought for three days non-stop and obey the lab he is leading the advanced guard of the army of malia and leading the advanced guard of the army of ali and this attack dies he dies in the battle of suffering and the fierce fighting continues and at that time he had two guards to guard him and to prevent him from entering the battlefield that whenever they were not paying attention he would attack and not return until his sword bends and he would come back and say well if the sword didn't bend i would not return now who is at this point he's 91 years old everywhere he goes the sahaba the companions are following him they're behind him and everyone else is avoiding him as ammar was in the battle a man came to him with a drink of milk so he laughed he knew this is as the prophet told him and he knew that after drinking this milk he's going to die so he laughed drank it and said today i meet the beloved ones muhammad and his companions so then two men from the army of and they didn't care is killed in this way in the battle of spain the news spreads and this incident is so great that the fighting stops and in the army of hashem it's a calamity we have killed amma i mean we're the transgressing party the narrator says the people started to go out saying the ones who killed amar are the ones who brought him here and this starts to spread they start to say this all over the army of hashem and then our narrator abraham says i don't know which is stranger in saying something like this or them in believing him in this so the army of malia did not split up and remain together because of what he said orders another attack and this attack also continues for days at one point during the battle the left flank of mawaya's army attacked the right flank of the army of ali and it was a strong and brutal attack an eyewitness says i saw 800 men from the army of ali trying to push back this attack until 600 of them were killed and they came off their horses and they started to fight on their knees that's how fierce the fighting was and then ali felt that the right flank of his army had been defeated so he sent al-esther at the head of a regiment and he was able to defend the right flank of the army and then he took him back to his place so they fight for three nights non-stop and then ali attacks the heart of the army of ma'awi on this night people prayed on their horses and they fought until fajr and their swords broke and their shields broke and their arrows were finished and they fought with bare hands and with rocks one of the sahaba says we fought the romans and we fought the persians by allah we have never seen fighting more fierce than the fighting of companions to each other and between malawia and the army of ali there were five regiments and adi broke the first regiment and then the second and then the third and then he defeated and crushed the fourth and when he saw this he became scared he became worried and at this point seventy thousand men had been killed thousand from the army of malia and twenty five thousand from the army of ali so um saw defeat so he made a suggestion to muawiyah the best way to end the battle is to raise the book of allah and say let the book of allah judge between us they only lifted it when they saw that they're going to be defeated and this was the opinion of so he said let's fight and let's end this now and others were saying how can we not respond to the book of allah so he sends to mualiyah he says what do you want and he says between us and you is the book of allah so he tells him why raise he says let us go to what allah commands in his book he says we send a man from your party and we will send someone from ours and then get them to go by what is in the book of allah and then we follow what they agreed to so they go to ali with this proposal of mawaya and ali refuse and the people of iraq they accept nali tells them it's a trick so the people threw their swords down even though he was almost victorious and he was going to end the fitna but it shows you the seriousness of disobeying your ammunition so then his army said of us every time suggested someone they refused him and they said we don't want anyone except because he is a man of good opinion who is known for being one of the most intelligent and good waited of the arabs so they write down the declaration it says this is a declaration between ali declaring that has appointed an arbitrator on behalf of the people of kufa and all those supporting him and similarly mualiyah ibn abu safiyan has appointed an arbitrator on behalf of all those who follow him and we holding the book of allah the almighty and his order as judge declared that both of us will follow nothing but the injunctions of allah in his book and we abide by the rules of the quran from al-fatiha to its end and declare to follow what is permitted and hold back what is forbidden the two appointed arbitrators are abu musa abdullah they will give a decision according to the dictates of the quran otherwise in accordance with the sunnah if the quran is found silent over the issue this is the agreement that they made and they stipulated that if there's two people of the make a decision that people can't refuse their judgment and that they can't harm them or they can't harm their family and that the soldiers from both armies are safe and that the the judgment will be upon all the ummah and there will be no fighting until they make their decision so the judgment was not until ramadan and there in the month of safar so the armies go back so this marked the end for now of the battle of safety so now the army of united and they're satisfied and they return home and ali returned in an army but it's boiling and when ali returns to al-qufa twelve thousand leave his army they are known to us today as al-hawari and amongst their leaders the messenger who was sent twice to maui and he caused problems twice and now this is the third time he's causing problems so now the two arbitrators met in domes of gender and it was and each of them brought 400 men with them and they brought as many sahaba as possible because the one who has a lot of sahaba it's fine that he's with the truth and they started to speak for a while and all of the details of the negotiations are are preserved in the books of history they did not come to a solution so then in the end abu muttel tells us you know that iraq will never accept maori and hashem will never accept ali so i suggest we remove both of them and bring up the love of so then ambrogan asked him do you think he would accept he says if we insist he will accept so then i'm gonna ask yes what if we bring evil and says no he refuses that he says what if we bring our abdullah so both of them decided that they will remove ali and that they will remove maharya from his position and they will have the people choose the next so the news which is ali and he refuses and he gives a hotba and he shows his displeasure with the decision and then he orders the army to prepare so they can continue fighting so then the came again and they said now you refuse it and he tells them i was against it they said but you accepted it in the end and he told them so did you and they said yes we accepted it in the end and we heard we were wrong when we did that and we became kuffar when we accepted it because part of their belief is that when you do a major sin they believe that that takes you out of the fold of islam so we became muslims again and now we want you to testify that you made kufar and enter into islam again and then will pledge to you so then he says i will not testify against myself with calls so they left and they called him agather and they left with sixteen thousand men the people in isham said as long as he was removed by the two arbitrators then we'll pledge to ma'awiyah and they pledged to malia as so now for the first time there are two foreign while all this is going on egypt starts going out of control and when muawiyah who hears of the news of the people of egypt he sends them an army of six thousand under the leadership of um and then all of egypt agrees to join them and now they have a large army so now egypt is under away while all this was going on in egypt things were happening in basra the people in basra were still upset about the battle of the germany and they still want to revenge the murder of uthman so they start to communicate with ma'awiya and he sends them and he enters basra secretly and the people gathered to him and ali was afraid that he will lose basra now so he sent jaya ibm and they fought ibn hadrami and defeated him and they killed him so bashara still under ali but it's still boiling so now the head season comes and there are two and you know that the khalifa is the one who goes out and leads the hajj or he appoints someone so andrew they agreed to not obey any of the umara and at the end of hajj ali started to gather the people again to fight yazid who was sent by muawiyah as the amir of he takes over mecca starts to gather people to go fight him so he starts to gather the people of iraq and they refuse to go out with him he tries and they refuse adamantly so yazid takes over mecca and now aliyah sees [Music] and then to yemen and he takes them from away so now yemen and egypt and hijaz left the control of ali he only has iraq under him and it's boiling even they are not content the territory under ali right now is decreasing and maurice is increasing so ali sent an army to send arta out of hijaz and yemen and they took him out of yemen and now they head towards idya so now ali runs over again and now they start to head towards the area of medina and mecca the area of persia also starts to leave ali all these problems that are happening are within four years and the fitan start in kufa and the start and they would oppose him even in the masjid is giving they interrupt him causing problems while all this internal fighting is going on heraclius sent an army to take over the lands of the muslims he sees them busy fighting with each other so he says i'll send an army to conquer their lines and when the army reaches the edges of hashem who sent him a letter saying if you don't return i will pledge to the son of my uncle and will come to you and we fight each other but you don't come and take over our land so the romans felt he was serious and they withdrew so every time calm down a place another place goes boiling and in kufa they're not respecting him and he gives an order they don't obey him most of his time just solving fiton and worshipping allah he would pray the whole night and they described that he would cry deeply and the rest of the time he's trying to help the people and to give to the poor he did all that he could radial and he gave a hotwa showing his displeasure with the situation and saying how people were not loyal to him and they did not obey his commands and how they were treacherous and he tells them in the khutbah that how maui's group obeys him and he says oh allah that i have grown tired of them and they have grown tired of me and that i have hated them and they have hated me and to replace me with better on one of the days dear the hawaii sat down to discuss the affairs of the muslims and what's going on in the ummah so one of them said the problems are all because of ma'awiyah and another said rather it's all because of ali and the third one said and um is not far from this so between the three of them they said let's read the people of these three and they agreed to murder all of them on the same time after fajr prayer in the 17th of ramadan in the 40th year after the hijrah and he prayed fajr with the people behind me when he was leaving the masjid al-burklifted his sword but saw him lift the sword so he jumped out of his way so al-burk struck ma'alia's posterior and he cut it off and the sword that he used had poison in it and he had his would-be assassin killed the doctor who came to him and told him i have two cures one is cauterization with fire and the other it's a medicine that i will give you to drink but if you drink it you will become sterile you will not have any more children after that so i have no patience with fire so he drank the medicine and subhanallah after that he never had any more children so we move now to the person who was assigned to assassinate us to the man who was sent goes and he also praised fajr behind amron and after the salah he jumped to kill amr and he stabbed him and he killed him and he was surprised to find that ambra on that day was sick so um so now we move to abdul rahman who came to al-qufa when he struck him saying the judgment is to allah not to you o ali and not to your companions and he struck him he struck him in his head and he hit him very hard and it was a huge wound but did not die immediately and the sword was poisoned as well so when he was struck he said do not let the man escape so they caught the man and ali says a soul for a soul if i die kill him as he killed me if i don't die and i make it through this await my decision and he gives advice to his sons and to his friends and who says oh sons of abu muttalib do not shed blood saying has been killed don't start avenging my blood he learned the lesson from what happened to atma of your loved one verily none should be killed except my killer and then he says to al-hassan he says look if i die whoever struck me this blow then it's a blow for a blow do not distinguish him after he's dead and then jundu ibn abdullah enters and he says if we lose you and i hope we don't should we pledge to al-hassan i don't order you nor do i prevent you you have better judgment in this issue then he calls it hasan and hussain calls them near he says to them i advise you with the taqwa of allah and do not desire the dunya even if it calls you to it and do not cry over something that gets away from you and speak the truth and have mercy on the orphan and assist the lost and work for the next life and be the opponent of the oppressor and the supporter of the oppressed given the beautiful beautiful advice and act on what is in the book of allah and do not fear those who will blame you for doing what is right and then he turned to muhammad he turns to him and he says have you learned what i advised your brothers with and he says yes he says i advise you with the same and i advise you to have need the respect of your brothers and don't undertake any affair without them and then he says to hassan and hussain i advise you to take care of him for he is your brother and the son of your father and you know that your father used to love him and then he says that hassan o son i advise you with the taqwa of allah and establishing this allah in its time and he kept on reminding him and advising him until he passed away and then he was washed by al-hasan and hussain and abdullah and al-hasan led the funeral prayers and he made seven he had remained alive friday and saturday and then died on sunday night and he was buried so ali who died at the age of 63 years old and his reign was for a period of four years and nine months and this marks the passing away of ali second man to become a muslim and the son-in-law of the prophet salallahu
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 347,763
Rating: 4.7827673 out of 5
Keywords: aisha and ali, the first fitna, the second fitna, Al Jamal, As-siffin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 120min 0sec (7200 seconds)
Published: Tue May 30 2017
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