The Youth Of This Era

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[Music] [Music] my brothers and sisters the topic that's been given to me is a sensitive one and we're faced with social media social media has caused people to think very differently now there's a lot of self-centeredness as well people are thinking about what makes them happy but they don't understand what happiness means and so people are leaving for example marriages just because they don't feel happy let's begin with the topic that's been given to me it's part of the seven who will be shade under the shade of allah the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam said they will be shaded what it means is that allah is going to make you a special person on the day of judgment he will choose you from among all the trillions of people from the time of ad until the end of time and he will put you under his special protection in such a way that you will not feel the heat of the sun that will be only a mile away from your head and i said yeah rasulallah what is this from he said everyone according to the sins which they accumulated consciously when they were in the former life you deliberately did it you knew that it was wrong you knew the consequence but you went ahead with it anyway then allah chooses special people to protect them from all of this who are they seven types two types that i'm going to talk about today are number one and the man whom a woman with prestige or power and beauty calls him seduces him and he says i fear allah and the second one i'm going to talk about and the man who in the middle of the night when no one was around he was alone he remembers allah and from that remembrance his eyes become teary first question sisters are asking i can hear you you're saying why is it a man but automatically without a doubt all the scholars of past and present understand and agree that when the prophet says and a man it automatically means and a woman so let's reverse the hadith now the first one and a woman whom a man with power prestige and beauty seduces or calls her to something haram and she says i fear allah one brother says to me young man one of my students uh year nine you know how they are he says bro i'm gonna have the shade of allah said why how do you know because a girl said to me yesterday hey let's go out together and i said i fear a lot he typed it i fear allah that's it i'm under the shade no no no it has to be in a situation like what yusuf alaihissalam was you all know the story of yusuf and he was seduced with the door locked with no one around and there was a woman of power and beauty and she said to him it's so seductive the way she did it that allah has revealed that verse in several different styles that you can recite it in haita which shows us that she tried every other every boundary every way and yusuf alayhi salam is a slave nobody cares if he sleeps with her even if he does she's the one that's going to receive the shame she's meant to be of high status status in society and yusuf alayhi salaam is extremely drop dead gorgeous there is no one more beautiful than him except for adam alayhi and what does he say i seek protection from allah you tell that to a common man today they'll say what do you mean protect you know this is the this is paradise for us this is what we've always wanted is our dream come true and we know the rest of the story allah mentioned him in high esteem in the quran and in the end he actually chose the dungeon than being with that woman not only that even other women came along just to show you the intensity of it he is not a human being he is a malek he's an angel from how they were mesmerized and hypnotized by his looks and they started telling him yusuf just do what she wants man i mean you know you're gorgeous we don't want you to end up in prison just do it just do it they want to protect him right and he went back asking allah and crying in the night which is ironic the man who remembers allah in the night and cries that's exactly what yusuf alaihissalam did following that incident and he made an intimate relationship with the lost please please put me in prisons more beloved why because the prison is going to be his pathway to jannah her pathway is going to be to hell fire and that's why the prophet salallahu said there will come a time in the future where the young muslims especially the young people he acknowledges that there will come a time will be so difficult for people to stick to their religion strongly a person you look at and you say wow he or she is religious if you look at their life they're struggling big time man they're struggling it's really hard it's not easy and it's like a person holding on to a coal of fire but they're trying they're struggling why because their love for what is in store for them in the hereafter they want a lot to be pleased with there's nothing more beautiful and makes you more happy than two connections the connection to allah and the connection to guess what your family the connection to your parents the connection to your siblings the connection to your cousins and the connection to your wife and husband that makes you happy connection i'm not talking about lust i'm not talking about desires i'm not talking about attraction i'm talking about attachment and that is the happiness that people are striving for an attachment an attachment with a lost panel and an attachment with your family my brothers and sisters in islam a religious person is going to struggle and allah knows that so do you think allah is not going to be merciful and forgiving do you think he's just he's going to expect everybody to be perfect no young people you are not expected to be perfect you're not expected to live a life without sin everyone ever sins there is haram everywhere and allah is not going to judge you for every little haram that you do even a man came to the prostate and said ya rasulallah i feel bad i feel bad man i feel bad he says what did you do he goes i i you know i kissed and hugged and i went i saw this girl and he says look do you pray do you fast do you do your sadhaka because yes yes he goes go they will wipe it all away for you i don't want the young people to misunderstand that hadith listen is not giving him an excuse he's not giving him an open door for it he realized he's ashamed the guy's about to slap himself out he wants to repent that's it there's no long there's no need for the problem to sit there drilling him and telling him off and that is the foundation that you always want told us that's one of the signs of the last hour is that shame will be lost people don't care it becomes normalized easy who cares if we've got a girlfriend or boyfriend everybody has nudity is normal so what brothers and sisters in islam one of al-fitra is shame and modesty one of these instinctive natures is that every human being shares i don't care what you say muslim non-muslim boy girl is modesty and shame the feeling of modest shame naturally comes into you i have children you know there comes a time they you take your you take your daughter to the toilet suddenly she reaches the needs where she says i'll go by myself this is fitra modesty and shame is inside of us we are born with it and allah made this religion to suit your fitra so that means he has to have solutions for you but we are the ones who corrupt ourselves allah says in the quran and the nafs then after your desires in yourself you who you are the way the human being is the way he made it allah gave this self two things the tendency and the feelings to want to do shameful things and the tendency to do things that are pure and good whoever purifies themselves has succeeded and whoever obeys their desires this does whatever their desires tell them their temptations and lusts has lost life is a test brothers and sisters the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam warned us as well he said there will come a time where people face becomes manifest among them it becomes easily seen means the dirty sexual acts and they are the forbidden ones because they harm you and don't suit you the human being it's the same reason why allah forbid alcohol and pork pork is nice it's dirty not in itself but consuming it is not good for you your immune system is not fit to digest the meat of the pig it's going to harm you it's going to cause you diseases such as hepatitis in your liver that's why it's haram who knows why allah makes something haram it's harmful to you when somebody forbids something from you because it's harmful to you what does it tell you about that person like your parents does it tell if they care about you or want a hard life for you sometimes allah makes things haram and sometimes we don't know the whole reason for it because our intelligence is not strong enough and wide enough to know rasulullah said whenever is manifest and spread among a people widespread everybody does it and it becomes a norm they start promoting it they talk about it as if it's normal here's my boyfriend that's my boyfriend i did this or i did that a lot of them are lying by the way but it's you know they just want to look good and so the girls or boys who hear this from their friends they think it's true so they go and do it themselves and then they fall into problems they just think about their feelings and desires which have just subhanallah exploded as soon as they hit puberty rasulullah said it becomes normal he's got a girlfriend how cute oh you haven't got a girlfriend yet you're a loser 30 years old never been with a girl still a virgin i feel sorry for you man then we hear this news it's called classical conditioning anyone studied psychology before social media makes you think like that especially those who are looking for a relationship you look at social media and you see this false image of a beautiful loving couple they don't care about how they got together it doesn't really matter and then you start to think this is what it is you come into a marriage or relationship and you are expecting something that you saw over and over again when you don't get that expectation you feel that you've been cheated you're not happy this is wrong you're not happy in the marriage you get out of it because of the expectations brothers and sisters classical conditioning when people become normalized to these haram among them he says serious sicknesses start to spread among them as well when you talk about terminal illnesses for fahisha what first comes to your mind said they will appear and pain of hurt and sickness that never really existed before in people who existed before them some scientists might argue that they just didn't know what it was but they can't prove that our prophets allah told us they didn't exist before brothers and sisters let me share with you something when you fall into an interest in someone you go through three stages that scientists have studied number one there is the lust stage when you lust for someone two hormones are released in your brain for the men more testosterone for the girls more estrogen but they both have estrogen testosterone except in lesser levels than each other this hormone does nothing except it serves your reward your reward center it's like once you feel it the first time you want to feel it again no purpose except feeling testosterone estrogen once you fulfill that need the testosterone estrogen goes away and all you're left with is the after effects allah once you fall into lust there is a second stage if you continue following that relationship and it's called attraction when you when you get to the stage of attraction it lasts for weeks or months this usually happens in the way they are the people who are engaged to be married attraction releases hormones called dopamine and other hormones and it lessens something called serotonin serotonin gives you satisfaction security and so on the others they make you energetic you start to fantasize a lot you start doing things you never did before and then you say wow he's changed me she has brought out something in me that i've never seen before he said words to me that no one's ever said to me before they just flooded me brothers and sisters this is not real these are just the hormones telling you that it's like watching a mad movie fast and furious it lasts for about few weeks and months and what happens is that you feel this beautiful thing coming which is nice in halal way beautiful enjoy it in it's beautiful it's one of the best things you can ever you know and really embrace it because you're not going to feel it much again later on but but allah doesn't leave you there if you follow that relationship it turns into something beautiful which allah tells us this is where the real relationship is and it's called attachment this is the husband and wife this is a family attachment and attachment releases a beautiful woman called oxytocin and that is the hormone that makes you feel secure safe loved purpose reason importance self-esteem value when you get married everybody values you and they look at you differently isn't that correct this other young fellow i remembered now he comes to me and goes for them i committed zinna because but i'm safe brother i'm safe what do you mean you're safe he goes she's not a woman of power and beauty when the prophet saw assalam said a woman of power and beauty what he is saying any man or woman that your community or society see as desirable even zina with a normal person allah addresses it whoever does this act shall shawlich meet a terrible wrath except he or she who repents brothers and sisters some people they say i'll have a girlfriend a boyfriend now i'll commit the haram because then i will repent later we say to you you are like the brothers of yusuf brothers and sisters i had a sister she said to me do i have to tell my future husband the guy who's asked for my hand do i have to tell him that i've got a muslim sister in hijab everything beautiful sister loves allah but unfortunately in the past she fell into haram you repent to allah and they still stay should i tell him i said of course you have to tell me but why islam covers the sin you shouldn't tell your sins i said that's different he's going to get infected if you get pregnant your children are going to get infected unless you get it treated it doesn't allah say stay away don't come close don't do this isn't that right it is time to break this taboo and to address it and talk about it there is no taboo in islam when it comes to guiding people to the right path brothers and sisters in islam our quran and sunnah tells us the solutions to these things now i'm going to tell you the obvious one that everybody's going to roll their eyes about i know marriage is the best solution it'll definitely minimize it a lot we have problems parents are stubborn some parents are too traditional some parents they refuse just because of his look or because he's not from the same culture or whatever then you have young people they don't want to tell their parents anything they want to get their advice because automatically they've stereotyped their parents oh they're old-fashioned they'll give you advice man they've got experience your parents have made mistakes have a conversation with your parents from a young age do not be ashamed to do that when i was in year seven sex education was brought into year seven but you had to get your parents permission what do you think my dad did so what happens i said but dad what am i gonna do i'm gonna file the test because i will teach you and he did and he taught me with the adap islam when he teaches you about it it teaches you how to respect the person how to develop a relationship not just bodily feelings teaching and educating our children from a young age and communicating with them as young as eight and nine years old talk about puberty talk with your parents about it listen to them as a parent i would love my child to come and talk to me about it i will feel a bit safer i'll be feel a bit secure that my child is coming back and forth to me even if they're thinking the wrong way now i know as you become a teenager you can't afford to get married i'm really an advocate for people to get married at a younger age and always talking to parents we can do it it used to be done all the time us as muslims we can't afford to be like those who you know don't want to get married but they that they have relationships in the haram way we can't afford to that because if you can't get married and you can't have an intimate relationship with a girl or a boy you're stuck the graves going to be your partner you can't we can't afford to say i don't want to get married what else are you going to do and then fall into haram you can't lastly my brothers and sisters in islam if you fall into haram don't go around telling people about it to feel better about yourself you confess it to allah and no one else talk to i'm weak i did this and i did that allah already knows but when you say it there's a connection with you and allah you you feel it and then suddenly you start to cry you feel you actually cry when you do that because it's so intimate and special between you and allah oh how beautiful that feeling is i don't know if you guys have been through it i miss that feeling and sometimes you know you sit up at night and you make water and you just say oh allah i'm weak i've got problems allah opens doors for you after that gives you things from places you never expected women repent to him try your best to avoid the haram as much as you can if you can't repent do good deeds to wash it away it's called taqwa allah says i will open doors for you i will open doors for you and allah promises and guarantees those eyes that cry in the middle of the night when you are talking to allah he says i'm going to protect you on a day of judgment with me you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 256,227
Rating: 4.9612269 out of 5
Id: 4Ib9J03v3NA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 40sec (1240 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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