Salahuddin [R] - Shaykh Muhammad Abdul Jabbar

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[Music] 11 37 the decree of allah azzawajalla came to pass in iraq a warrior a commander a leader a general a just ruler is born and those who are unaware of who this man is his name is yusuf he's known as his father's name is matamuddin his uncle's name is also known as the renamed warriors of this is salahuddin the lion of islam the sultan of egypt the king who fought written the king who fought the germans the king who fought the france the king who fought the romans the king who fought the greeks the king who fought the italians just to mention a few this is salahuddin the conqueror of jerusalem the conqueror of jerusalem the conqueror of jerusalem and the liberator of masjid al-aqsa the last night respected brothers sisters assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh [Music] after praising the king of all kings the master of the day of judgment the one the only allah the almighty and sending salutations on the imam of all the prophets seal of all prophets the chosen one the blessed one the noble one the bearer of glad tidings and a warner the seal of all prophets the messenger [Music] once upon a time they lived a king [Music] a king a liberator [Music] a conqueror a warrior who was once asked that why don't you smile he replied the how can i smile how could food drink taste good when masjid al-aqsa [Music] is under the crusaders and he will be remembered [Music] because he liberated it muslims non-muslims alike respect him [Music] and speak highly about him and he will be remembered [Music] likewise he will be remembered why father of mankind first man that was created nu alayhi salam he will be remembered why for 950 years he called them towards tawheed only a handful accepted islam and the rest disbelieved ibrahim alaihi salaam he will be remembered why because he made a bird sacrifice thee in the name of allah made it into four pieces put them on four parts of a mountain he put the bird's head near his feet how he calls in the name of allah and this meat gathers forms comes by the feet of ibrahim al-islam places its head upon its shoulders and flies off isla islam he will be remembered why because he's a baby his mother is running up and down looking for water this child kicks the ground water comes out today we know it as the well of zamzam [Music] his heart alaihis salaam will be remembered why a prophet of allah [Music] alayhi salaam will be remembered [Music] why because the people wanted to see a miracle they wanted a she camel a unique she camel he looks towards the mountain a huge boulder is there the boulder breaks it shatters into pieces and a unique she camel comes out a huge unique she camel comes out luth alaihissalam will be remembered why because the people were committing an abomination a sin that no being before this committed allah sends jibril with 600 wings he lifts the city takes it up to the heavens so close that the narration state that the angels heard the barking of the dogs and the croaking of the chickens how jibril turns this city and slams it back onto the earth will be remembered why [Music] because he had a son whose name was yusuf alayhi salam the dream interpretator [Music] musa alayhi salaam will be remembered why a prophet of allah pharaoh is behind him he comes to a dead end where there's only sea in front of him he points with his staff by the permission of allah how mountains of water are raised pathways are made and he makes this crossing you shall islam will be remembered why a prophet of allah [Music] that when he was conquering masjid al-aqsa the sun was setting he looked towards the sun he said that you have been given orders i also have been given orders by allah the almighty the son's course holds and he stops until you shall islam he conquers masjid al-aqsa and then the sun sets yunus alaih-salam will be remembered [Music] why because he's in the belly of the fish in the bottom of the ocean thinking there's no way out there's no escape how would he get out from the stomach of the whale [Music] he hears the pebbles praising allah he calls out to allah [Music] how this whale comes to the show and spits him out he will be remembered why because he was given the zaboor and he was given a voice that when he used to recite birds animals used to come near him and listen to the recitation will be remembered why because he was given a name [Music] by allah himself a name that did not exist before isa alaihissalam will be remembered why he was born from a miraculous birth with no father and he spoke in the cradle muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam he will be remembered why seal up all prophets imam of all prophets the mushrikeen of makkah they want to see a miracle the messenger muhammad sallallahu alaihi wasallam he points towards the moon indicating with his finger he makes the moon into half taking one side of the moon on one side of the mountain the other side of the moon on the other side of the mountain [Music] but today it's sad to say the mans want to be remembered for how much drugs they smoke months want to be remembered for how many people they crippled this is the sad reality i ask how are these people gonna stand in front of the lord of the universe when on that day you think you're above the law you think no one is watching you you commit sin under the sun and you think no one is watching the two honorable scribes write every single thing you do and it will be presented to the lord of the universe on that day and these people who people let me tell you something on the day of judgment on the plane of resurrection when the fire of hell will be bought 4 billion 900 million angels controlling jahannam and this person will be he'll stand in front of allah and allah will question him and he will be forced to answer and if he does not answer his limbs will speak his hands will speak his feet will speak the very sin that he committed the very tools that he used they will speak against him this is a sad reality of individuals today [Music] and this stems from pride and arrogance [Music] likewise [Music] the majestic pride is my garment greatness loftiness is my robe and whoever wants to challenge me i won't look at this person who he is i will throw him in the fire of hell and this is the sad reality the mans have hit the streets and they have forgotten their identity but they were people who left a legacy they were individuals who left a legacy that mankind will talk about that is written in the books of history and that the muslims could walk with their chins high knowing that there just one narration comes to mind just to refresh your memory of the caliber of this man that come the battle of muata the muslims are three thousand the enemies are two hundred thousand the first in command is on the battlefield the enemy is two hundred thousand they see him they charge towards him they overpower him they strike him and he drops to the ground the second in command is jafar the allah he takes the flag dashing on the battlefield the enemy is seen they charge towards him they overpower him they strike him with a severe strike and off comes his right arm he takes the flag with the left the enemy see him they charge towards him they overpower him they strike him with a severe strike and off comes his left arm he hugs the flag the flag must not drop he hugs the flag the flag must not drop the enemies seem vulnerable they charge towards him they overpower him they strike him with a severe strike and he drops to the ground and the third in command he takes the lead he takes the flag the enemies see him they charge towards him they overpower him they strike him with a severe strike and it drops to the ground there is confusion on the battlefield who is to lead the army off who is to lead the muslims of khalid bin walid the general the commander the conqueror the ruler he takes the flag dashing on the battlefield the enemy seem they charge towards him they try to overpower him they strike him allahu akbar but this is he takes the first sword he strikes it breaks he takes the second sword he strikes it breaks he takes the third sword he strikes it breaks he takes the fourth sword he strikes it breaks he takes the fifth the sixth the seventh the eighth the ninth sword smashing the enemies pushing the enemy back and the muslims retreat from that day this man was given that title the sword of allah this is a man who left a legacy from amongst men that mankind will talk about right in the day of judgment likewise um he left a legacy the mankind will remember right till the day of judgement just one narration just one scenario he said that if there was a prophet after me it would have been um oh omar you do not walk down a street except the shaitaan sees you and it turns directions he is standing there the mushrikeen of makkah they are sitting around the kaaba and all of a sudden what happens is they are talking about how to assassinate the prophet of allah and all of a sudden umar hears this and he says that what you talking about he says we are finding ways to assassinate muhammad he says give me this duty he heads straight for the prophet on the way he meets a man and this man says to him where you going he's seeing the rage and anger in umar's face he says your household your sister has accepted islam and your brother-in-law's accepted islam fixed them up first he turns direction he heads straight towards his household where his sister is where his brother-in-law is he kicks the door the door is open he walks in and he strikes his brother-in-law his sister comes in the way all of a sudden um he sees the quran and the quran is recited he recites the quran and he comes upon a following verse affected by this impacted by this he comes out of his house and he heads towards muhammad alaihi wasallam the word is going the hamza is standing there and hamza will deal with him he sallallahu alaihi wasallam says that let him come let him be let him come we will see what he does and when he arrives he asks permission to come in he comes in he sees the prophet of allah and the prophet of allah says oh umar why have you come umar says i have come to testify there is no god worthy of worship except allah and you muhammad are the messenger of allah he returns back to makkah the mushrikeen of makkah they are hyped that this man omar is a man of word a man of action he will come back with good news when he comes they ask him did you assassinate muhammad he says no but let me tell you something now and i will tell you to your face look how he does this in style that if you want your mothers and your mothers to become widows and your children to become orphans then you know what stay where you are otherwise come with me unless my great muhammad ali's accept his religion i'm telling you guys in front of your face to the leaders that i have accepted islam and i am leaving and i am migrating to muhammad and if you have an issue with this stand up rise against me say something now or don't go behind my back and say that um hit and he ran away and he accepted islam he picks his bow and arrow he picks his luggage and he leaves and he migrates to medina [Music] this man left a legacy such a legacy that mankind will talk about right in the day of judgment but today it's sad to say the mans have forgotten their identity have you forgotten who you are have you forgotten the sacrifices our forefathers did they fought with everything that they had have you forgotten your identity but it's sad to say that you walk the streets of birmingham walk the streets of manchester walk the streets of bradford walk the streets of london and you will see people will know who ariana grande is people will know who julia is people will know whose storms he is people will know who these rap artists are but when it comes to grace people of the past people don't have a leg to stand on and when allah created adam alaihi salaam [Music] he extracted all the souls from amongst the souls there was a soul that was destined to leave a legacy that was destined they will become a just ruler that was destined to become a liberator 1137 the decree of allah azzawajal the mighty came to pass in iraq a warrior a commander a conqueror a general a just ruler is born and those who are unaware of who this man is his name is yusuf he's known as salahuddin his father's name is najmuddin his uncle's name is asaduddin also known as the renowned warriors of this is salahuddin this is salahuddin this is the king who fought the franks the king who fought the romans the king who fought the italians the king who fought the germans the king of four three monarchs the king who fought three kings in one sitting the king that was known for his battle the king that he was known for his sieges the king that is known for his duels the king that he was known for his combat allahu akbar he participated in the battle of akka he participated in the battle of bellevue castle he participated in the battle of haiti he participated in the battle of jaffa just to mention a few he was known for his generosity he was known for his kindness he was known for his fortitude he was known for his uprightness allahu akbar he was known for his worship allahu akbar this is the man he studied quran he studied hadith he studied fake allahu akbar he studied lineage this is the man this is salahuddin the warrior of islam the soldier of allah allah regarding whom the narrations will stay that this is the man that even the enemies will say to the people to the soldiers that i want you guys to reach a higher state then salahuddin this is the man that even the enemies will say the allahu akbar that this man is a perfect example of a perfect night this is a man they made three districts in jerusalem one for the muslims one for the christians one for the jews why so they could live in harmony this is salahuddin this is salahuddin this is salahuddin why because come the battle of haiti and those who are unaware of what this battle is it's a battle that paved the way of opening the gates of jerusalem and bringing back the joy of the muslims and bringing back the glory of the muslims allahu akbar the very place that the narrations will stay they sallallahu alaihi wasallam says that he he sat on burak and he shot off to the heavens he went to the first he went to the second he went to the third he went to the fourth he went to the fifth the sixth the seventh heaven he spoke to allah and he came back with a gift of salah the very place regarding whom the narrations will stay they sallallahu all the prophets are there hundred and twenty four thousand prophets more or less are standing there the more ethan gives the adhan who is to be made imam the messenger sallallahu alaihi sallam he received this honor and made the imam of all the prophets and why did this battle take place is because reynald the satan of shatilan he is the man there was a prince of the antioch he is the man the poor muslims lives to an end he is a man that launched five fleets of ships to go and attack the muslim he is the man that all of a sudden they were the hajjaj were traveling and they were performing they were about to perform their pilgrimage and all of a sudden what happens reynolds he launches a ferocious attack he threw some in dungeons and when one of the muslims said oh reynald there is a truth between salahuddin there's the truth between the crusaders and salahuddin he says hell with the truth hell will sallahuddin go tell your muhammad to save you today and when the news reads salahuddin he has broken the truth and he's insulted the messenger of allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam salahuddin he assembles his army of thirty thousand and he says to the leaders of the crusade that you know what hand over reynald and if you do not hand over reina then prepare for battle allahu akbar they disagreed and they said we are not going to hand over reina all of a sudden salahuddin looks at his son he says adil go find this satan go find reignal of shatilan and bring him to me i will give people justice the army is dispatched all of a sudden on the other side the enemy the crusaders they gathered the army they assembled the army of 20 000 on horseback geared up they were on horseback they were fully geared up all of a sudden they make their way in the desert headed towards the lake of tiberias why because they understood one thing that instead of salahuddin coming to us we will go to him and this was what the historians say the biggest mistake of the crusaders the army is dispatched they are holding the true cross and they are traveling in the desert they are traveling in the sun when salahuddin knew that they are coming he understood that he said that you know what let these people come they will not be able to handle the heat of the middle east so let them come he assembled his army a batch of his army by the lake of tiberias and another batch of his army by the spring of hating because why he understood one thing that these people are coming they will be hungry they'll be thirsty their water supply will run out and the first thing that they will go for will be the water supply so the crusaders they assembled after assembling the army they headed towards the lake of tiberias and when they landed near the lake of tiberias they're seeing the army of salahuddin they start fighting arrows after arrows and they tried to break the lines of salahuddin's forces trying to make the crossing for the water why because they were thirsty like never before their water ran out their horses were thirsty their camels were thirsty they wanted water the forces of salahuddin the knights of salahuddin the soldiers of salahuddin they start fighting arrows after arrows arrows after arrows arrows after arrows pushing the whole army back and when they understood that they will not be able to land and to make break the lines of salahuddin's forces they turned back and they headed towards the spring of haiti because they were hungry they were thirsty it was only six miles so they turned direction and they headed straight towards the spring of haiti and when they came near the spring of haiti all of a sudden they've seen another batch of salahuddin's army the forces of salahuddin the knights of salahuddin the soldiers of salahuddin on all of them assemble with their crossbows ready to launch an attack when they come nearby all of a sudden this army of and the forces of salahuddin they start shooting arrows after arrows arrows after arrows pushing the whole army back and when the whole army is pushed back they stopped there and they stopped at a place called mexicana where they pitched their camps and when they pitched they came they were deciding how would we make our way through we are hungry we are thirsty we need water our people are dying out of dehydration and all of a sudden when one of them says let's wait till the next morning so they decided to stay the next morning meanwhile salahuddin he assembled his army together and he divided his army into three columns one on the left one on the right a one in the middle under him and all they lit a huge fire to the trees to the bushes to the grass and the smoke and the ashes blew their direction they stopped beating their drums so the crusaders could not sleep and when night fell they were thirsty they were getting agitated the drums were beating allahu akbar the next morning they woke up they woke up to black smoke the next morning they woke up they woke up to ashes the next morning they woke up they woke up to dust everywhere so they decided that they will make their army into two divisions and they will strike and they will launch an attack they launched an attack one part of the army of the crusaders made their way through and headed towards taya while the rest of them was surrounded to so and so that the narrations will stay that even a cat would not be able to escape from the forces of salahuddin the soldiers of salahuddin they start firing arrows after arrows arrows after arrows arrows after arrows and when the crusaders those who were caught they said to them that do you want to come into captivity they said no we rather die and the forces of salahuddin the knights of salahuddin they encircled a camp and they encircled a tent and inside the tent was king ghee and reignal of shaitilan the forces of salahuddin one of them shouted out and he said oh we have defeated the enemy we have defeated the enemy the enemy has been rooted the enemy has been rooted the enemy has been rooted all of a sudden all of a sudden allahu akbar salahuddin speaks out from the back and he says that the enemy has not been rooted the enemy has not been defeated as long as the tent remains the enemy remains as long as the tent remains the enemy remains as long as the tent remains the enemy remains and soon after the knights of allah they attacked the tent and the tent is taken down king ghee is inside the narrations will stay the king ghee sees the tent sees the man inside whose name who is the king the historians will write that he was holding the cross they're hoping that they will get some miracle hoping that he'll be shown a miracle hoping that the cross will save him they are taken to salahuddin they are caught and they are dragged to salahuddin salahuddin looks at him and sees the thirst on king face and he says to him they have a bowl of water he drinks the water and then he gives it to reynold and when reynald puts it to his mouth what happens he but he's about to drink it salahuddin knocking the ball out of his hand and he says you evil man this is not for you you have broken the truth you have insulted the prophet he takes his head from his body and king ghe when he looks at the face he fears that salahuddin would bring his life to an end he says to salahuddin what's going to happen to me and salahuddin says there is not the custom of kings to kill kings and then he was thrown in prison victory to salahuddin in the battle of 18 victory to salahuddin in the battle of haiti victory to salahuddin in the battle of haiti this is salahuddin this is the night warrior and when salahuddin when he took and destroyed the enemies he took ramallah he took peru he took lebanon by storm and balian understood one thing balian who escaped from the battle of haiti from the second column from the second group and headed towards taya he understood that this man salahuddin is going city to city village to village and he is destroying the enemies the enemies are dropping one by one my wife and my kids they're in jerusalem he writes and sends a message to salahuddin via a deputy that my wife or my kids are in jerusalem give me safe passage that you know what on a condition you do not fight against me on a condition that you do not raise arms against me on a condition that you grab your wife and you grab your kids and you go straight to tripoli to a place of refuge on a condition that you will not do a funny one you make sure you live with your wife and kids straight away he agrees and he takes an oath that he will do it [Music] he leaves he goes straight to jerusalem enters into jerusalem iraqis is there the leader of the time and he says that you know what we are in need of a christian dumb we in need of a man to lead the army of balian could you have come here he says no but i have to come out with salahuddin i've taken out with salahuddin that i will not fight against him i will not raise arms against him and i will leave straight away he says no you rather serve the christians than have an oath with this infidel a non-christian [Music] and then balian he says to berlin today is the day that i absolve you of your sin the oath is not binding upon you and then balian writes and sends a message to salahuddin about the predicament that is in this is the situation i can't leave salahuddin says that i will stick with my side of the oath fifteen nights from the elite of the army are dispatched and deployed they head towards jerusalem they say that we have come for balian's wife and their kids they take balian's wife and the kids and they take him to a place of refuge in tripoli and the salahuddin conquering city to city village to village he lands outside jerusalem right outside the gates of jerusalem the army of syria the army of egypt they are assembled under one power one mission one job and that is to bring back the glory of the muslims he sends a message surrender the city [Music] or prepare for battle [Music] the miraculous he says no we are prepared for battle salahuddin the knights could you just imagine 30 000 soldiers with huge catapults huge rock loaders huge crossbows with greek fire [Music] and they landed outside the gates and the salahuddin ordered his soldiers his forces to launch an attack the arrows are shut the rock loaders are launched they start pelting the ramparts [Music] for six days continuous pelting they are not able to mine the walls they turn direction and they go towards a leave with the trees of alizar and the salahuddin launches another ferocious attack huge catapults rock loaders the walls are mined and the walls collapse the soldiers of salahuddin the forces of salahuddin they make their way through and they start sticking their banners up balian understood that you know what they're in the salahuddin's forces has come you know what we will definitely be defeated so we quickly come out with an envoy he comes down he says to salahuddin let's negotiate salahuddin says you want to negotiate my flags are already up your army has been pushed back your walls have collapsed he says let's negotiate he says i only accept unconditional surrender surrender the city or prepare for battle balian says do you know what you coming by force we're gonna have problems we have five thousand muslims in captivity we will not let anyone escape without their homes dinners we will get rid of them our women our children we will make sure that you do not take any of us in captivity all the muslim sides aksa we will destroy it we will make sure everything comes to an end salahuddin looks at him and he says surrender the city i'm gonna give you one more chance you surrender the city and you pay a little ransom you and your army you and your people will be free to go and we will escort you to a place of refuge to the place where the christians are he puts his head down and he walks off he goes to miraculous surrender the city to salahuddin sallahuddin has come he has overpowered us [Music] we either surrender the city or the enemy will come and it will destroy every single one of us and when kalyan made this claim and said this the whole people of jerusalem start gathering their stuff and the evacuation begun [Music] 88 years prior to this when the first crusade came and they landed in jerusalem historians will write that muslims jews and christians they weren't spared historians will write and these are non-muslims no child no woman [Music] no man was spared we used to walk the streets our feet were colored red why because the blood of the slain [Music] no one was spared but when salahuddin walked in a man of justice it reminds you of how the prophet of allah sallallahu alaihi wasallam walked in on the conquest of mecca ten thousand companions they leave from medina joining on and they head towards makkah with fire lit in their hands they are praising allah imagine the scenery the prophet of allah leading them off on his camel black turban he is praising allah they come outside makkah surrounded the whole of mecca persecution after persecution [Music] horses were tied on our legs and were forced to run the opposite way [Music] what do you think the prophet of allah is going to do with them now [Music] the mother of the prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam [Music] musaim let's find her grave less on barrier and dragger in the streets what do you think the prophet of allah is going to do with them now lying on the desert how do you think the prophet of allah is going to deal with them now khalid is there the prophet of allah says to the leaders who is leading the three division of the ten thousand do you know what he says today is the day that you will be shown mercy and he forgives them and many of them are freed [Music] how sallahuddin walks in visualize this [Music] persecution after persecution this man walks in and he smiles why did he smile because like at the start i said that when he was asked why don't you smile how can i smile how can food taste good drink tastes good when masjid al-aqsa is under the crusaders [Music] straight away salahuddin [Music] he freed thousands of them his brother freed thousands of them those who were under the rulership of the muslims who were in jerusalem they were freed the old the young who could not afford the ransom they were freed sibila the queen of jerusalem she was freed salahuddin says go see your husband go to king ghee go see your husband women children were freed this was the mercy and the justice of this just ruler salahuddin [Music] and when the europe found out and they got the message the salahuddin has taken jerusalem and the christians have left the vicinity and they have migrated to christian lands pope urban iii he sends a message out to the whole of europe we are in need of men to lead an army to bring an end to the muslims and to bring back jerusalem into the hands of the crusades three kings rose king richard king augustus king baraboosa three kings under one rule the army is dispatched from europe [Music] and they head towards jerusalem by sea they made taya the staging point the muslims who were there they tried defending the land all of a sudden fire after fire the crusaders they overpowered the muslims and they took them in captivity and the battles continued for two years they were keep on getting battered left right and center by the enemies they were attacking the muslims and then they headed towards the coast of jerusalem where salahuddin's forces were the power of salahuddin the might of salahuddin was there and the battles continued until richard understood that there is no way we will be able to defeat the enemy i need to negotiate with salahuddin the king richard king of england he met with the king of egypt salahuddin and he says to salahuddin oh salahuddin let's negotiate all i want you to do return jerusalem back to us all those cities that you conquered in the battle of haiti after the battle of haiti return all of them cities back to us salahuddin looks at him and he laughs and he says unacceptable [Music] he says as the historians write the historic proposal of king richard was this oh salahuddin then let's do this i will marry my sister to your brother saifu deen you give jerusalem to your brother saifuddin i will give the coast to my sister as a dowry he welcomed the alpha and he says let's agree and king richard went back to the franks and the popes and they start criticizing him and threatening him the how dare you fool you made such an arrangement so the arrangement was taken back he went to salahuddin and he says let's negotiate on something else and when they understood that the forces of salahuddin the power of salahuddin and the might of salahuddin that they will not be they will not be giving the land over he says you know what you keep jerusalem [Music] we will keep the coast [Music] you let the christian the jews enter into the city whenever they want and we will leave salahuddin agrees the forces the three monarchs the three kings destroyed and dishonored by salahuddin's forces they leave king barbusa when he tried killing the muslim from the side he ended up drowning of his boat the rest of the kings they had to return the might of europe could not take salahuddin out because allah was with salahuddin this is the reality and then salahuddin he decided to return back to his homeland to egypt where he lived as a king but not like your normal kingdom sits on a throne the narrations will state that the rest of his life he lived his life worshipping allah building schools building hospitals building places of worship and fixing his administration making sure that there's no corruption and salahuddin after making the administration and holding its power and conquering and liberating jerusalem from the enemies salahuddin leaves the world [Music] to allah we belong and to allah is our return [Music] lived like a king died as a king this is salahuddin the just ruler the conqueror the liberator and the reviver i began by saying that he didn't smile [Music] why how can i smile how can food taste good and drink tastes good when masjid al-aqsa is under the crusaders i end by saying wallahi would have been a scene seeing salahuddin smile the first time why because he became the liberator of masjid al-aqsa i pray to allah the almighty that allah elevates his status with the companions with the prophet i pray to allah the almighty that allah forgives our sins and raises us with the companions of the prophets and gives us a high abode in foreign you
Channel: Islamic Guidance
Views: 447,176
Rating: 4.9287987 out of 5
Keywords: salahuddin, saladin
Id: rGiMWkE7wZ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 10sec (3130 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2019
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