The JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Iceberg PART 1 (Layers 1-2)

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[Music] welcome everyone to the JoJo theories Iceberg a comprehensive Guide to the best worst funniest and most bizarre theories and implications of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure if you're brand new to the series JoJo is a Japanese manga made Popular by its unpredictable writing an exploration of horror fantasy comedy adventure science fiction and philosophy each part covers a different member of the Joe Star Family and their allies who fight against an array of Supernatural foes with complex abilities beginning with Jonathan joar in the 1880s and ending in the 2010s and 2020s that's right while this isn't the 5H hour Mega review of the whole series that many have been waiting for it goes over pretty much every single standout detail from Phantom blood all the way to the JoJo lands and extra special thanks to SM Guinea over on Iceberg for creating this web page and giving me permission to to adapt it to video there's a ton of memes and Easter eggs on there that you're only going to see if you check it out for yourself so go do that the link will be in the description I'm going to use my rotting brain and amateur research skills to try and make a case for every single one of the theories that we touch on and then rank them based on how probable and just how interesting they are I think it goes without saying that this Iceberg will contain spoilers for the series but I'm taking more of an objective approach which hopefully won't ruin your overall experience if this video inspires you to go read or apart from having some fun looking at this franchise there's a lot you can learn from its basic writing and themes whether you yourself are a writer an animator or just looking to broaden your vision on TV and movies as a whole now without any further Ado let's get into the JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Iceberg starting with layer one the first theory is one of the most popular for a reason and luckily for us it doesn't take a ton of digging to get an answer it actually took a lot of digging joeo has PTSD well does he it's never explicitly stated in the manga or or by araqi that jodo suffers post-traumatic stress from his final battle with Dio and Stardust Crusaders but many of his mannerisms in later parts may suggest otherwise in part three Stardust Crusaders Jor ujo is only 17 years old when he watches his friends and family suffer at the hand of Dio not to mention this looming threat is always present during his journey and each new opponent proves di to be a larger and larger foe than anyone anticipated the theory is based on a handful of times in Parts four five and six in which joo's rock solid composure begins to crumble when he faces villains speeches and attacks that are reminiscent of the battle in Egypt the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration is a US government funded organization that has brought some basic rules and Clarity to the new strides in mental health research that have come out in the past 10 years because I'm not a doctor and because I'm already copying somebody's list for this entire series we'll be looking at their definition of PTSD to speculate about our dear friend joto going in reverse chronological order at the end of part six poochi uses knives to attack back Jolene in the same way Dio used them in part three this is even pointed out by Joo who lets out a scream and quickly rushes to defend his daughter while this certainly catches him off guard Jero is still able to keep his composure and put everything into a Counterattack the only case for PTSD I can see here is how he was easily startled by poochie's quick thinking which put a wrench in his already limited time stop ability another theory that lines up with sams's research is that Joe too avoids using the world because it again has a strong connection to his fight with Dio this doesn't hold much weight in my opinion since joto devoted his life to fighting evil stand users and investigating any trace of Dio to the point that his wife left him and his only child resents him his obsession with fighting evil could be a way to cope with his internal guilt or trauma but I think it has more to do with his desire to protect his family even if he has trouble communicating it but despite my Nays saying there's still one piece of evidence that adds a surprising level of credibility to this Theory and it comes at the end of part four diamond is unbreakable during Joto's encounter with Kira YouTube user domy boy uploaded a video comparing Kira and Dio's villain speeches to jotoro who is mentally and physically drained to the point of defeat Juro seemingly recognizes this parallel but instead of shock he's hit with a burst of motivation and is able to surmount his moment of weakness leading to the death of Kira it also fits in line with his character building upon his old Adventures without shoving him into the spotlight so does jodo have PTSD maybe at one point maybe to some degree and maybe even to the point where he has to cope by iously obsessing over the possible future of his family and the world diamond is unbreakable was also written in the 9s where the first modern understandings of mental illness began to pop up with many previous understandings based on anecdotal evidence from the survivors of war and abuse and for these reasons joto having PTSD goes in B tier it's a good solid interesting Theory to start out with and it not only fits the world in the character but has some legitimate grounds for truth even if Iraqi didn't explicitly write joto to have post-traumatic stress some of the the actions or motivations could have been based on people who did struggle with it at one point or another since we're already talking about Kira let's go on to the next Theory bites the dust as a recum stand straight away I think we can confirm this one to be false since the concept of a recum stand didn't appear until part five but that's no fun and honestly the idea that a stand can develop alternate abilities has been around since the 80s Yoshi KAG Kira is the main antagonist of part four diamond is unbreakable with the simple goal of living a peaceful and quiet life the main issue is he's a serial killer and to make matters worse his stand Killer Queen can turn anything into a bomb so long as he touches the object and makes a detonation motion with his [Music] hand I always thought of him as a Patrick baitman type character except his motivation comes from his hand fetish seeking a new victim when the detached hands of the previous one begin to rot he's extremely intelligent too making him one of the most dangerous stand users in the entire series it's also pretty clear he has OCD not only due to his obsession with blending in and living a quiet life but because of his extremely short temper and his fixation on the length of his fingernails he actually makes great use of this condition by meticulously covering his tracks and by learning and improving his stand ability using calculated risks from my initial watch of the series my understanding was that a stand can only become a requium stand if it's pierced by the beetle arrow that Diablo so desperately cares about in part five I thought this was pretty clear but apparently it's one of the most debated Topics in all of Jojo that being the true difference between diavolo's arrow and the bunch that he sold off to Enya but we're not going to get into the stand arrows just yet not only because it's sure to come up later in this Iceberg but because I don't think it really matters when talking about Kira there are only two official requim stands that we know about and even the non-cannon reum stands from the George joar novel require the stand itself to be stabbed by the arrow and bites the dust was unlocked when Kira the user was pierced by the arrow I'm sure Iraqi toyed with the idea of stabbing a stand with the Arrow instead of a person but saved it for part five because the outcome would be unpredictable this may also be Kira's reason for never trying it himself since the arrow could have killed him or unlocked a more destructive power than anything he could have predicted on the whole Bites the Dust is about as close as you can get to a requium stand without crossing the threshold and again I wouldn't be surprised if this was intentional either by a rocki or by the character himself Kira is extremely intelligent killing dozens of women without ever being discovered and compiling more knowledge of stand potential than anyone in the series up to that point I'm putting this Theory at B tier I think it's interesting but Killer Queen requim would have definitely had an even more powerful ability than Bites the Dust likely a destructive force large enough to destroy the entire planet let me know what you guys think and now let's move on to an easier topic sorb and gelato were a couple yeah I think this one's probably true it's heavily implied and it's a plot point in Golden wind sorb and gelato were two members of Pasion who attempted to uncover the boss's identity the anime confirms that they both wore the same color toenail polish and the fact that gelato himself to avoid watching sorbet sliced from the toes up only pushes the idea that they had a deep relationship and when you look at the way that they acted around one another and the way their accomplices constantly teased them it becomes less of a theory and more of a small detail purposely included by the author for that reason I'm putting this in D tier it's not the most interesting one on the list and it doesn't really change the story since these characters already had a close personal Bond but it does serve as another layer to the boss's ruthlessness considering he himself had a love affair with a woman named Donatella next up number five gets bullied because he's the fourth pistol now this one is interesting Mista is a stand user from part five that has a superstitious nature specifically surrounding the number four his stand Sex Pistols consist of six little Goblin dudes who fly around in Ricochet his revolver shots towards their intended target I'm sure some of you have heard this bit of trivia but the number four is a sign of bad luck in many Asian countries like China Japan South Korea and Vietnam this is mainly due to the fact that the number four and the word for death are both pronounced similarly are even exactly the same in many countries across Eastern Asia and even in the Modern Age it's taken very seriously similar to American skyscrapers that avoid having a 13th floor Japanese buildings will do the same with the fourth just to put it into perspective for you but wait a minute you can't just get rid of the 13th floor the 14th floor would just become the new 13th floor even if it wasn't numbered that way and this is exactly the point that this theory is based upon since each of the six pistols are numbered 1 through S skipping the number four entirely has number five actually been number four this entire time and is it the reason he's constantly bullied by the other pistols to add a layer of my own to this theory is the number four actually a blessing to Mista at the end of golden wind fate is foreshadowed as a major plot element in part six with the introduction of Rolling Stones a stand that targets ill- fated characters and reveals how they will die curiously it almost mocks mista's superstitions by portraying the kanji symbol Kio meaning bad luck but Mista lacks the insight to see that the number four really doesn't have an effect on whether he lives or he dies I think his fear of the number four is just a result of his diligence always obsessing over the small details and seeking to optimize every shot he takes either in Life or in combat he might not die today but he does what he can to spare himself and his friends a few broken bones at the very least when you tie this idea to the main Theory the greater role of number five becomes apparent the other pistols mainly number three bully number five and while I don't think it's explicitly because he's actually number four I think it's something that needs to happen in the grand scheme of things number five turns his social torment into empathy and each time he's under extreme pressure he learns a little bit more about just how capable he is it's also worth noting just how many times number five saves maista and I think this was an intentional thematic tie into the number four and the greater themes that IR rocki explores this Theory gets an a tier although the main theory is a little weak on the surface it pulls in some of the best themes and characters in the series and it isn't a huge point of tension among the community either on to the next one Mickey taka is an alien now this is a theory I can get behind I was reading up on Mickey taka and actually found a list on the JoJo fandom Wiki detailing every bit of information we have on this guy so thank you guys for the help Mikey taka hura is a self-proclaimed alien found by joske and okasu in part four diamond is unbreakable he introduces himself as an alien from the melanic clouds and is supposedly here due to the destruction of his home planet most of his odd behavior could be explained as an elaborate act but there are a few crucial details we learn that make a strong case for his legitimacy when mikitaka is on a walk the night before joske and okasu find him he's shot with a stand arrow that weirdly deflects upon cutting through the first few layers of his skin mikitaka then falls asleep for 1 hours and wakes up in a crop circle and reveals his shape-shifting ability to our protagonists the reason the arrow ricocheted is unclear but it may have to do with the Arrow's spiritual will or the fact that mkit taka is somehow related to the asteroid containing the stand virus maybe the arrow didn't deem him worthy for some reason since he had already realized his ability or the stand abilities could have even originated from his home planet I think it's safe to say the arrow didn't Grant his shape-shifting ability due to his extreme knowledge of its limitations and him being an alien checks out considering that this Series has hamon vampires rock humans pillar men alternate universes and Jesus but still we can't totally assume he's telling the truth so we'll need to look at something else Mickey taka claims his species is allergic to sirens and he develops hives and mental distress both times he encounters a fire engine again this could be an act and his red skin could just be his shape-shifting ability but it seems a little extreme for a normal person and this detail got me thinking and I've actually come up with an equally plausible and even more interesting counter Theory Mickey taka isn't an alien he's either autistic a genius a typical teenager or all of the above his extreme intelligence and lack of social Grace could just be some of his quirks and despite having a lot of confidence he could be spending his free time obsessively studying aliens and how to become one and wouldn't you know it many children across the world will tell others that they are robots or aliens if they feel different from their peers this would also explain why the stand Arrow didn't act normally and may have even caused his transformation into a legitimate extraterrestrial giving him an ability that he naturally understands the punchline of Mickey taka's first Arc is that his mom shows up and tells joske that it's all an act to which Mickey taka assures him that he hypnotized her into being his Earth mom so now he has hypnotization powers I'm starting to believe less and less that he's from outer space let's just rank this and move on before I change my mind Mickey takaka is an alien gets an a tier there's so much to this discussion considering it's one of JoJo's greatest Mysteries and whether he's a Spaceman or just a goofy kid he remains a fan favorite for many including myself next Speedwagon was gay I mean maybe to its benefit this is more of a meme entry since this Theory mostly hinges on the fact that Speedwagon never married and he was Jonathan joestar's best friend it's pretty weak and again I don't think it recontextualizes or changes much of the lore I figured the reason Speedwagon was never married was because he was was a career man focused on building his business and serving the joar family something that can come at a heavy cost I think a better theory is that Speedwagon is a sigma male or that he kept his personal life a secret in order to protect his family from any Supernatural harm that may have come his way overall this Theory gets a d tier Speedwagon is a fan favorite with a lot to talk about but this Theory doesn't have as much weight as the others and the last entry on layer one of the JoJo iceberg is Jonathan had a this comes from the fact fact that Dio Brando survives his defeat in Phantom Blood by stealing the body of Jonathan joar and goes on to Father many children in the pursuit of his Heaven plan I'm not sure about any physical evidence but Dio clearly doesn't need more than his vampire abilities to convince people to do basically anything this does raise a few questions about the DNA of his children but we'll cover that in depth later on now we descend to Layer Two welcome to Layer Two where I have coincidentally covered two of these topics in previous videos things are already picking up both in the amount of topics on this layer and the subject matter itself so let's get into it Theory number one doio is the original personality diao is the boss of Pasion the organized crime ring that joro Jovana infiltrates in part five golden wind and this Theory challenges what most assume about his dissociative identity disorder since diao was a child he was obsessed with erasing any trace of his history or his identity in 1986 he came across six St arrows in Egypt selling five to any the hag and keeping the unique Beetle arrow for himself which he would use to Grant stands to the various members of his organization in both the manga and the anime the reader is led to believe that this intense fear of being discovered led to prolonged paranoia and thus diao developed did and doppio became another Soul inhabiting his body you might initially see this as a complication since a young unpredictable man could throw a wrench in Dio's efforts to stay in the shadows but doio actually serves as a right hand to the boss though he remains unaware that they share the same physical body this theory states that doio may have been the original personality and diavo was developed somewhere along the line presumably when doio reached the age of around 20 or so this is an interesting Theory at first but comes to a dead end pretty quickly this would imply that doio found the arrows and started Pasion despite his clear lack of knowledge when following the boss's orders it also means that doppio is Trish's true father despite diavo and Trish having a a similar spiritual bond to the Joe stars and while did and certain abilities can alter the aging process of a regular person in JoJo's Universe it makes less sense that Dio stopped doppio's age at 20 and basically picked up where he left off my point is you really have to stretch and bend the facts to see this one unless it isn't did at least not in the traditional sense could diavo named after the Italian word for devil actually be an evil spirit possessing the body of doio this means that much of his backstory is either fabricated or completely unknown which honestly wouldn't be surprising it seems to work considering Dio basically Whispers in doppio's ear and gets him to do anything reminiscent of classic depictions of demon possession but it's not very likely much of this story hinges on diao's long-term goals so what would motivate a demon to start a crime organization in the first place this Theory gets a d tier it's an interesting thought to think about but it's just kind of like a little what if scenario continuing on sh Sha's mom was killed by Kira I and many others find this Theory equally plausible as it is wholesome shizuka is a baby stand user from part four diamond is unbreakable who is abandoned on the side of the road and later adopted by Joseph joar she has the ability to turn herself and her surroundings invisible but can't use it in any positive meaningful way often disappearing and getting into dangerous situations Joseph uses his perceptive skills to deduce that the baby's stand is related to her stress and likely appeared in a way similar to sudden onset allergies or mental illnesses while her mother may have abandoned the child on purpose chapter 50 closes by mentioning an evil lurking in morio just after Joseph and joske's initial shock of finding the Invisible Baby pairing this with the naive optimism of coichi at the beginning of the same chapter I'm totally confident that shizuka's Mom was killed by Kira off screen it's this kind of context the setup and punchline the irony or the reality behind a story that writers used to subliminally changed the expectations and meanings of plot details and events another explanation is that shizuka's ability activated first separating the poor child from her mother but I feel like the mother's absence in the rest of the story is definitely a sign that she's not returning this gets a be tier only because it's something that a lot of people already assumed to be the case but it's still fun to pick apart every detail worked into the text and while we're on the subject of old Joseph joar the next theory is that he was faking his senility the entire time he was in Moria Joseph faked his senility I totally believe this one and it's for the exact reasons that you might expect Joseph joar is a master of wit and while this was toned down in part three his fighting style revolves around analyzing predicting and trapping his enemies for those new to the series Joseph joar is the protagonist of part two battle tendency and is a fan favorite due to his ability to triumph over his foes despite how hotheaded and naive he can be he went on to join the Stardust Crusaders in part three as a much older man and and by part four he's 78 and can't get around very well this theory states that while he may be geriatric he's just as sharp as he used to be if not more so surprisingly there are a number of factors to consider and even thematically going scile would be ironic for someone with borderline Clairvoyance but man I want to believe so hard that Joseph is Faking It waiting until the last possible moment to drop the act and jump into action irachi didn't speak much on part four Joseph but he did clarify in an interview that Joseph is alive in part six I think he might be a bit scile but I believe he is alive at 90 years old Joseph is only a bit scile but this still doesn't give a clear answer about his mental state in 1999 in all honesty I think it's a little bit of both I mean I always got Yoda vibes from him like yeah he's a little crazy and a little scile but don't underestimate this guy cuz he's always got a trick up his sleeve Joseph faked his senility gets a b tier since Joseph is a fan favorite and exploring his character past part three is always a fun Rabbit Hole to get stuck in the theory itself has no direct evidence and is mostly based on information from previous parts so It suffers from a lack of depth but keeping Joseph out of the spotlight was definitely a good decision and his inclusion is just such a twisted situation for the protagonist to be in if it was revealed that Joseph was faking his mental decline he probably would have had no excuse for being an absent father to joske and it would have been much harder to feel sympathy for him keeping it ambiguous helps Joseph stay flexible as a character broadening the things that Iraqi could do with him this is one of those cases where leaving it up to the audience is used in a really unique and Smart Way rather than as a lazy copout we talked about part four a lot so far so let's jump to part six Stone free has a self-preservation Instinct this Theory starts with the idea that Jolene may have inherited star platinum's self-defense mechanism the one we see guarding joto in the hospital in part six we never see any instances of stone free acting in a similar fashion and in truth I think this is an ability unique to joto due to his wisdom and experience using star Platinum but this Theory goes one step further suggesting that Jolene is always protected from minor attacks due to the armor and shape-shifting abilities provided by her stand not only can Jolene unravels 70% of her body to avoid repair and lighten any attacks coming her way but she can weave bulletproof silk armor out of that same string and wear it whenever wherever assuming it doesn't take a lot of energy who knows what else this stand can do considering the entire point is versatility and not Brute Force she can basically counter anyone she comes across with a variety of Nets and ropes and she has full access to Spider-Man abilities save for spidey sense which she still has in some capacity Stone free can also be used in a short- Range humanoid form that seems to be a lighter build of star Platinum with less Precision this Theory gets a b tier because it's a huge rabbit hole that you can get into with your friends like what would you do if you had Stone free I'd probably use it to like make custom shirts and hats and stuff but I guess I'd have to be naked if I wanted to use it to fight so whatever Joo is neurode Divergent we've already talked about Joo having PTSD but this Theory takes it in a different direction stating that joto is neurod Divergent in other ways the iceberg seems to jokingly cite his fascination with marine biology as a fixation but this term originating in Freudian Psychology was later used to describe a person's obsession with something persisting from childhood to adulthood often due to lack of social or mental development I wouldn't say joto is fixated on marine biology in any meaningful way rather that it's a hobby or an interest he became passionate about over time considering the fact that he grew up in Japan and had Many Adventures in and around the sea and further the fact that he shows an interest in the way organisms and stands work it isn't too surprising that he chose to study marine life and pursue it as a career the anime adds a scene in Stardust Crusaders indicating that Juro showed interest at a younger age and unless this is all a front for joro's work with the Speedwagon Foundation I'd say his interests have nothing to do with a potential medical condition for that reason this Theory gets a d tier another fun idea to mess around with but more of a meme than a legitimate case Foo Fighters is neurode Divergent also gets a d tier for the same reason Foo Fighters is a stand that allows a colony of Plankton to inhabit and control the body of a tro a dead prisoner from part six Stone ocean not only did these Plankton operate as a hive mind but they're literally plankton so we can't really apply the same human psychology that we can with jodo I always saw Foo Fighters as sort of the cliche Pinocchio or like 21st century man type character just a little less concerned with perfecting what it is to be human the iceberg once again points out the character's fixation this time on water but by that logic Jolene is neurode Divergent for wanting her father's disc and poochie is neurode Divergent for facilitating the heaven plan I probably just wasted a few minutes taking a meme a little too seriously so let's move on to a classic Theory among the JoJo community that star Platinum is Jonathan joar Spirit once again this theory is widely accepted as false but still carries a lot of weight and interesting implications Iraqi got in some hot water for killing off Jonathan at the end of part one so he kind of rebooted the character in the form of Joseph joar for part two battle tendency and if you look at the manga Joseph looks nearly identical to Jonathan allowing a fresh new take on the character beginning a trend that would carry on to this very day the same goes for Stardust Crusaders where joto closely resembles his predecessors in both the manga and the OVA but takes on a more distinctive look in the anime this has led some to speculate on star platinum's design as well since it too follows a similar build and color palette to Jonathan and Joseph joar it's a cool Theory to think that joto is always walking beside his great great grandfather the most honorable joar who started at all but it would be way more obvious if that's what was intended some have also pointed to bruford from part one as another candidate who Bears an even more striking resemblance to Star Platinum but it wouldn't make a ton of sense for this random side character from part one to stick around for three more parts I think we can chalk it up to a rocki style citing his previous manga like cool shock and bow as proof since many of these characters follow similar designs but there's just something comforting about Jonathan being with the rest of the Joe Stars through the original Universe I mean technically he already was just without a head C tier super wholesome but this definitely isn't true Mickey taka is cars that's right Mickey taka is back for another entry on this list while it might not be immediately apparent cars and Micki taka share a striking number of similarities leading some to believe them to be one and the same cars is the leader of the pillar men a race of ancient superhumans who sleep for Millennia at a time not only are they the creators of the stone mask from part one but they seek to expand their power with the Redstone of Asia thus setting up the main conflict for part two cars eventually succeeds and gains a new shape-shifting ability similar in concept to Mickey taka's ability even before becoming the ultimate life form cars was able to manipulate his body and create complex light blades and not only are these characters both uniquely devoid of a standability but cars is last seen floating in space as we know from earlier Mickey taka randomly appears out of the sky one day and is one of the only people in morio who has an ability that is not a stand is it farfetched to believe that cars may have just lost his memory and somehow evolved his powers while floating in space not necessarily but this theory is stretching in bending quite a few rules it's nice to get a conclusion for cars but because there's nothing directly proving these two characters to be one and the same I can't say that this Theory holds much water Mickey taka may have a more versatile stand but he can't make complex forms and organic life in the way that cars can and while his skin may be able to deflect an arrow cars has a much much more powerful form this also implies that the pillar men may be aliens or somehow related to The Stand asteroid but we'll talk about both of those later on for now let's talk about the two theories I've already covered on my channel before alessie is aile and Daniel J Darby knew that jotoro could beat Dio Alessi's episodes are by far the most disturbing in part three and potentially in all of Jojo due to the nature and imagery of the horror that unfolds John Pierre pner needs to escape sethan a Lessie stand that rapidly deag's victim until they're easier to beat up or kill but some of the language and images used in not only the original manga but most future depictions of alessie indicate that he uses his ability for more nefarious Deeds there are debates over his outspoken desire to pick on children and what that may truly mean but that still doesn't explain his tone of voice in the anime and just the general vibe that he gives off a previous commenter also pointed out that the term Sho complex meaning in essence an attraction to young boys spawned from shuro caneda the protagonist of the teten 28 series the original teten theme song was also a heavy inspiration for Seth's design so is this really a coincidence I still believe that allessie was meant to be written as a child predator but I'm not going to deny any strong evidence that proves otherwise so leave your comments below and check out my video all about this guy unless use a gets a b tier it's really interesting diving into the translation history and examining every bit of writing that either fairly or unfairly portrays this character Tim find the answer to a point of debate that has existed since before the Stardust Crusaders Anime now on to another crowd favorite the idea that Daniel J Darby didn't break under the pressure of losing his poker match with joto but rather the realization that joto and Dio had the same stand while this theory is largely unsupported it's interesting to see the implications it had on the character's backstories and abilities Darby is one of Di's nine glory god stand users with the ability to take the soul of someone weak or someone in a weakened state at the end of an amazingly written poker match with jotoro Darby loses his cool and begins suspecting Foul Play Only to realize star Platinum has gotten a drink and a cigarette completely under his nose the Ultimate Nail in the coffin is when joto not only bets his mother's soul but asks Darby to reveal the secret of Dio's stand sending him into a mental breakdown and releasing all of his previous victims while it's never stated that Darby knew of the world's secret ability it's heavily implied and it makes sense that the most levelheaded among Do's ranks would know and seeing him accept defeat instead of calling or revealing any knowledge just shows you how loyal he was considering this information it is believed by some that upon joo's request Darby put the pieces together and realized that star platinum's speed and precision rival that of the worlds thus predicting Joe too's ability many many chapters early while this is an interesting implication to focus on I think it's part of Darby's greater realization that the Crusaders are not to be underestimated in any capacity Darby knew Jero had the world gets sea tier it doesn't affect the plot in any major way but it's a reasonable thing to assume considering Darby's loyalty and attention to detail sticking with the same character next up we have the Darby brothers were lying about the souls perishing upon their death one of the first questions when it comes to the Darby Brothers is can't you just kill them instead of playing the game the answer of course is yes but both Terren and Daniel maintain a collection of souls that would be lost in the event of their death this forces the characters to play play along but theoretically both brothers could have just been lying this is a valid Theory but it's just kind of stupid that's like saying this entire video doesn't matter because JoJo is just a manga series that has no effect on our daily lives trapping your characters in a box is a great way to come up with creative story beats so it's necessary to have little rules and explanations in place arachi is famous for the amount of effort he puts into his illustrations where every stroke of the pen changes the overall meaning of the piece and I'm sure he applies the same philosophy to his writing this gets a d tier funny for like 2 seconds next up we have dire is Jesus yeah I couldn't figure out what this refers to other than information about the Japanese Miracle a period of economic growth following World War II this is also a good opportunity to touch on the many biblical themes that show up in not only JoJo but many writings and Productions across the world an example from part one is the conflict between Jonathan and Dio which has many parallels to the story of Jacob and Esau two brothers who fight over their father's inheritance even things like The Legend of Zelda or Harry Potter deal with a young naturally gifted protagonist who helps his community and eventually sacrifices his life after learning of his Origins and greater purpose and while Dyer may not be Jesus he sacrifices himself for not only a cause but those he cared about it's not exactly the same but believe me when I say there are plenty of biblical lessons and stories that show up in the most unexpected places either by chance or by Design and don't even get me started on steel ball run I want to do a huge video on it but it's probably best to wait until the anime comes out and brings like 50% more fans within diar Jesus gets an F tier it doesn't make any sense at all next Koo knew okasu could kill their father Koo nijimura is a stand user from the beginning of part four with a mission to kill his father who has been struck with a horrifying and painful deformity okasu frequently helps his brother create and locate other stand users and this theory states that well okasu could have just been the one to put Mr nimura to rest this is another entry that's less of a theory and more of an implied answer to an obvious plot hole let me paint a conversation with you didn't Koo know that okasu could have just removed their dad from existence instead of creating a bunch of evil stand users why yes kacho definitely knew of his brother's stand potential but first of all okasu is younger less mature and overall less equipped to deal with killing his own father even in the name of Mercy the hand could end up cutting off part of the their father or accidentally sending him to the other side of the Galaxy not to mention it completely undermines the idea that this man is wielding far more power than he realizes not only commanding a literal small army in the form of Bad Company but abusing the power of the stand arrow in pursuit of a personal goal he could have achieved on his own although the story has a happy ending thanks to joske kacho really should have been the one to do the deed as the older smarter brother with a more tactical stand ability it was extremely irresponsible to go around creating stand users when he could have just gotten a gun and a therapist and done it himself kacho knew okasu could kill their father and for that reason this Theory gets a deer next joro is transgender it's a widely known fact that Iraqi was considering a female protagonist for part five until his editor brought up how it may be poorly received by Jojo's mostly young male audience araqi would end up using some of his leftover ideas for Jolene in part six but we can still see remnants of what this character could have been the JoJo art book gives some more clarification on this confirming that gold experience's ability to create life and joro's original and more feminine name Haruno are reflections of this earlier build this is a cool bit of history and it's interesting to think about what ideas may have been included or scrapped if jool leene was around a decade earlier C tier next the world copied the stands of all living Joe Stars Stardust Crusaders kicks off with the joar family mysteriously developing stand abilities Joseph Joe star now an older man gains hermit purple Jo develops star Platinum joske gets extremely sick and Holly joo's mother develops a vine likee stand ability that begins to slowly kill her thus kicking off the main conflict for part three this theory states that based on the power Dio has in part three the world copied the abilities of all living Joe Stars this is a cool idea but it's been largely accepted as false due to various holes in the theory and statements from acki himself clarifying while the design certainly looks similar to Crazy Diamond the eventual stand of joske in part four this was probably a coincidence and we see no healing powers apart from Dio's normal vampire abilities he does become more Clairvoyant after unlocking Joseph Jar's version of hermit purple but it's largely disconnected from his other stand Juro doesn't even have the world until the end of part three meaning that if Dio had copied the world in Hermit purple from Juro and Joseph he probably would have copied the Undiscovered stands of Holly and Jose this Iceberg actually considers jno 2 claiming that the world merely copied gold experiences color but I think the series has a good enough explanation for Do's abilities and something this concrete would have been explained overall an interesting idea that certainly fits with Di's character and correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Iraqi left this idea on The Cutting Room floor during the production of part three C tier while we're on the subject of stands let's look at the next entry covering another powerful villain from the beginning of the series car stand would have been a buffed hermit purple as mentioned previously cars is the leader of the pillar men who successfully unlocked the power of the stone mask this actually results in car's learning hamon and becoming proficient some believe that all hamon users get hermit purple but to my knowledge there are only two cases to base this off being Jonathan and Joseph joar if cars learned hamon from the joar would his stand be a stronger version of hermit purple what if he had just learned hamon naturally when he became the ultimate life force I think hamon would have taken on a different form in somebody as powerful as cars but even if it turned out to be hermit purple it probably wouldn't be overwhelmingly strong at least compared to Joseph and Dio's use of it there are many instances of Stan training and evolving in the series but an ability generally stops increasing in power after a certain point this is actually a big part of diamond is unbreakable and Beyond because after a certain point training cannot increase or add to the power of a stand looking at the difference between Joseph and Dio's use of hermit purple we can see an example of how stand abilities don't scale a ton with the user's power and Dio and joto actually train their time stop abilities but it is shown and implied to be very difficult this Theory gets a c tier not a lot gets said about cars considering he was the last threat to be fought in a world without stands but it's hard to play wha ifs when the point of ending battle tendency was to move on and introduce new material to finish off the pillar man let's cover a fun theory about one of the many things that make this series so awesome the music references cars WAMU and ACDC represent Earth Wind and Fire this entry speculates that the abilities used by the pillar men in part two are representative of Earth Wind and Fire referencing the band of the same name this is actually the name given to Mickey taka's ability and while it may be a nod to the theory that he's a reformed version of cars I got to be honest I think it's stretching a little bit yes WAMU and ACDC use the power of Wind and Fire but cars manipulates light and organic life forms very basic elements of nature but not representative of Earth or the planet itself maybe this was a starting point when coming up with ideas but even Santana doesn't represent Earth in in the same obvious way the others represent Wind and Fire this Theory gets a d tier I think it's a little out there and not super likely but correct me in the comments if I'm wrong next th predicted Joto's death ah the debates over the power of th in part three are as old as the manga itself the concept of Fate is a recurring theme in Jojo and in part three we're introduced to Zenyatta and mandada also known as the Oingo Boingo Brothers today we're focusing on mandada the younger brother who has the ability to create manga that tells the future when predicting the death of joto the comic shows his face splitting in half and although joto lives through this event the prophecy is seemingly fulfilled in two instances of Joto's death later in the series starting from the beginning Zenyatta and mandada plot various ways to kill the Crusaders in part three leading to this Infamous image of joro's death despite working with the knowledge he gained from th Zenyatta blows himself up after using his ability to look like joeo the punch line is Haha the comic never said the person actually had to be jotoro confirming that Zenyatta took Joto's place and reiterating that the comic never lies this was the Assumption until the end of part four where we see Joto's face split in half when Killer Queen uses Bites the Dust this of course is undone but still raises questions about Joto's fate but when jotoro is killed by pooie in part six his face splits in half in the exact same way again there's a lot backing up the theory that not only manda's manga was correct about joro's future but that jodo was always faded to die this way as a bonus It lines up with the way Rolling Stone Works where people have a degree of free will but are faded to experience certain events this is an a tier entry not only because it has a lot of intrigue and credibility but because it ties together the central themes and characters of the series in a really unique way next up the two school girls arguing over jodo were friends yes it looks like they were friends in the beginning of part three we see a group of school girls approach jodo and attempt to get his attention two of them begin calling each other names but eventually go on with their day after culine comes into the story these girls seem to just be friends or classmates nothing more or less if there was any drama it would have been explored more and they seem to have a sort of hierarchy so yeah friends this gets an F tier for friends it would have been a d if I didn't have to explain it in such detail next Juro suffers from hearing loss in chapter one of part three joto points a gun at his own head to demonstrate the power of star Platinum he stops the Bullet by grabbing it but some have theorized that he sustained permanent hearing loss just kidding nobody thinks that interestingly there is a splatter of red between the revolver and juro's ear but this is probably just to fake the reader out since it's never addressed again JoJo does this a lot that is depicting someone getting shot or stabbed then when the rug is pulled and we find out the character didn't die were just supposed to act like there was no blood in the first place this one gets a d tier slight slightly more interesting next Caesar is a sex criminal Caesar is the lead supporting character in part two and serves as Joseph Jar's rival and later best friend Caesar's mother died a long time ago and his father abandoned the family to train with hamon and protect the world from the pillar due to his upbringing Caesar had become a criminal stealing and destroying the property of others this entry refers to the line stating Caesar had committed every crime short of murder but the original line reads as theft burglaries fights and arson the only crime he hadn't committed was murder Caesar also isn't depicted as super pervy at least compared to Joseph so I don't know if he would have been that much of a degenerate as an edgy teenager also using this logic we could say that Caesar committed tax fraud he turned left on red and that he sold user data to a foreign country my point is the list of Caesar's crimes probably stayed within the realm of Hamburglar and not into the realm of Grimace and Ron Caesar is probably not a sex criminal D tier and thus concludes layer two of the JoJo theories Iceberg the complete version of this Iceberg will be continuing on but until then you get your standard YouTuber outro seriously thanks guys for listening this far uh leave any comments Corrections any criticisms anything else um check out the podcast if you want something to just turn on and listen to like this or if you want something completely different check out my other channels I do Pokémon cards I do food reviews it's a really fun time thanks for watching and I'll see you all in the next video peace tastes like toxic waste like Warheads yes yes yes oh my God
Channel: LukeWilsonTV
Views: 40,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lukewilsontv, luke wilson, food review, luke wilson tv, review, commentary, listenable, nostalgia, vintage, 90s, 2000s, throwback, gen z, college, jojos, iceberg, chart, jojo theories, theories
Id: Jogc2n-65U4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 54sec (2634 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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