The Harry Potter Misconceptions Iceberg Explained

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Harry Potter has been around for over two and a half decades which is a statement that makes me feel old just saying it but there is a reason that people still talk about it and that's all the lore and Tiny points of disagreement that fans around the world have on certain elements of the series could Neville be the chosen one how does the Sorting Hat work what's the deal with Slytherin all these questions are open for interpretation and yet many I think are just completely Miss understood so I've gathered a list of what I believe to be some of the most misunderstood and overlooked parts of the series and put them in one convenient Iceberg for you before we dive into over an hour of Harry Potter lore consider subscribing to the channel we've grown a lot in the last few weeks and I'd love to make it to 10,000 subscribers subscribing is free and it brings you more content Straight From the Vault with that this is the Harry Potter misconceptions Iceberg explained as usual we'll start things off with level one love and sacrificial protection let's start this Iceberg off with what was one of the more divisive topics in my most recent video in fact it's what inspired me to make this video if you hadn't had a chance to watch it go check it out here's the link love this spell that isn't really a spell but it's kind of a charm but it isn't a charm that anyone really knows anything about it's what allowed Harry to survive Voldemort's attempt on his life thanks to the sacrifice of his mother Lily but let's try to understand a little bit more about the magic and how it works it's clear through deciphering some of JK Rowling's writings and interviews that her concept of self-sacrifice and love are also tied to courage and bravery it's a theme we see often in the series from The Sword of Gryffindor being pulled by Harry as a true Gryffindor to Dumbledore's wise words quote it takes a great deal of Bravery to stand up to our enemies but just as much to stand up to our friends end quote to Harry's words about the late seus Snape telling his sonot you were named for two Headmasters of Hogwarts one of them was a Slytherin and he was probably the bravest man I ever knew end quote bravery is a common theme throughout the series it also seems to be a key component in the love or sacrific IAL protection charm that Lily Potter places on her son Harry when asked specifically about Lily's sacrifice and why Voldemort gave her so many chances and if he would actually have let her live here is what JK Rowling had to say after a moment of silence quote I can't tell you but he did offer you're absolutely right don't you want to ask me why James's death didn't protect Lily and Harry there's your answer you've just answered your own question because she could have lived and chose to Die James was going to be killed anyway do you see what I mean I'm not saying James wasn't ready to he died trying to protect his family but he was going to be murdered anyway he had no he wasn't given a choice so he rushed into it in a kind of animal way I think there are distinctions in Courage James was immensely brave but the caliber of Lily's bravery I think in this instance was higher because she could have saved herself now any mother any normal mother would have done what Lily did so in that sense her courage too was of an animal quality but she was given time to choose James wasn't it's like an intruder entering your house isn't it you would instinctually rush them but if In Cold Blood you were told get out of the way you know what would you do I mean I don't think any mother would stand aside from her child but does that answer it she did very consciously lay down her life she had a Clear Choice end quote the interviewer presses on clarifying that James was not given a choice in the same manner as Lily to which JK rling says that no he was not given a Clear Choice in sacrifice himself after which the interviewer asks quote so no one Voldemort or anyone using avat kadavra ever gave someone a choice and then they took that option to die JK Rowling responds quote they may have been given a choice but not in that particular way way end quote so I don't know exactly what to make of it there was a long back and forth in the comments of the last video about whether Neville's parents could have afforded him the same protections if Voldemort went to the long bottoms instead of The Potters I tend to think the nature of Prophecy and time travel like topics in Harry Potter are closed Loops or in other words while Alice long bottom wouldn't have had Snape asking Voldemort to spare her I think Voldemort would have done something equally twisted like telling her she would be spared if she sacrificed her child and joined him thus giving Neville the same possibility of being shielded by the charm but let me know if you've got an opinion here and let's move on to other topics Dumbledore's Bond of blood okay so this one is confusing for a couple reasons first this topic is kind of brushed over in the movies or rather swept in together with the sacrificial protection provided by Lily's sacrifice in reality it's a sort of extension of Lily sacrifice though my understanding is that it's still some kind of unique and separate spell after Lily sacrifice and upon collecting Harry and dropping him off at the dersley Dumbledore casts another spell that essentially extends and protects Harry from Voldemort with the sacrificial protection from lily as a Baseline the conditions we find out towards the end of the series are that Harry One be in proximity of someone that shares blood with the victim Lily and petunia dersley are sisters two be in a place that he can call home which for much of the series is either dersley in the summer or Hogwarts during the school year and three be under the age of 17 now the reason I say that this was a completely separate charm is because JK Rowling clearly states that no one knew what Lily Potter did was possible no one not Dumbledore not Voldemort knew the power encapsulated in a loving freely chosen sacrifice so when Dumbledore casts a spell that lengthens that protection while it might be a powerful form of ancient magic I believe it's independent from Lily's form of powerful ancient magic it was a way to extend some level of protection and basically to multiply that original protection so long as they agreed to the three principles above in Harry's case this was also applied to sacrificial protection so it stopped Voldemort from ever touching him prior to him coming of age further when Voldemort was resurrected in Goblet of Fire he did so using some of Harry's blood which meant that from Goblet of Fire onward Voldemort also had Harry's blood flowing through his veins meaning that some of that protection from Lily and Dumbledore combined s was being provided to Harry while he was around Voldemort I know this is confusing but to recap the bond of blood was a very powerful piece of possibly ancient magic that seems to extend the protection provided by another Spell including the sacrificial protection charm what isn't clear is if it only applied to the sacrificial charm or if it could be applied to other spells and charms more benign things than protection from murder what about just General Health and well-being also when Dumbledore states that there are conditions that must be met for the protection to be provided it's not clear if it's an all or nothing situation it seems instead that there are shades of protection provided based on the number of conditions that are met in other words when all these three conditions are met which is essentially only when he's living with the dersley before his 17th birthday that protection from Voldemort is absolute and that makes sense it would be the place where Harry would have the least outside protection from Dumbledore and everyone at Hogwarts when Harry's at Hogwarts during the school year you could argue that two of those three conditions are still met he might not be living with petunia anymore but he does consider Hogwarts to be his home and he is for the most part under the age of 17 with two of these three conditions met he appears to be rather well protected at least from death but probably not from injury when only a single condition is met in other words when he's in the final book and he's over 17 but still on the grounds of Hogwarts or when none of the conditions are met I.E when he's gallivanting around in the final book looking for horcruxes is he truly vulnerable in fact to steal McGonagle's words it's only through sheer dumb luck that he even made it to the climactic Final Duel had Voldemort realized any number of Errors the use of Harry's blood to resurrect himself the limitations of his own wand or that Harry was the true owner of the Elder Wand he likely could have dispatched Harry with ease but that would have been a much much darker Story the Sorting Hat let's lighten the mood just a touch the Sorting Hat is likely one of the first memorable parts of Harry Potter for you next to hagard kicking down the dersley door the no post on Sundays scene and the Fantastic wizard chess battle the Sorting Hat sticks out in my memory as the first thing that made the Wizarding World different or at least different from other magical worlds this one had charm and Life to it but on top of that it seems to be full of misunderstandings it's probably what has led people to continue to disc discuss the series more than two decades later that and the unfathomable amount of money that Warner Brothers has pumped into theme parks and movie after movie side note did you know that JK Rowling sold the movie rights for the first four books to Warner Brothers for about $2 million that was a steal so the Sorting Hat I think there's a big misunderstanding over how the Sorting Hat is actually working many would suggest that the hat is sorting young witches and wizards based on their personality traits no you're brave and heroic Gryffindor your sneaky and underhanded Slytherin your weird Hufflepuff just kidding no shame to you hufflepuffs out there this is also backed up by the countless Sorting Hat personality quizzes out there it seems to be a common understanding that the way you present yourself is the way the Sorting Hat sorts but I think that's wrong and I think there's a small but important distinction to be made the Sorting Hat does not work on your personality traits but rather what you value and which house you prefer to be in let's look at a few obvious examples the big one to start with is Harry Potter the hat takes some time to deliberate with him the Sorting Hat says quote hm difficult very difficult plenty of Courage I see not a bad mind either there's Talent oh my goodness yes and a thirst to prove yourself now that's interesting so where shall I put you to which Harry says or thinks not Slytherin not Slytherin and the Sorting Hat says not Slytherin hey are you sure you could be great you know it's all there in your head and Slytherin would help you on the way to Greatness no doubt about that no well if you're sure better be Gryffindor end quote now there is the question of whether the piece of Voldemort inside him was influencing the hat but that should be an even greater evidence that the hat is not actually choosing but guiding the student to make their own choice to say it differently the purpose of the Hat might be to force Clarity from the student you'll never be more clear on your choice until you're forced to face the reality of being sorted into a house you dislike let's look at two other examples first a quick one Neville long bottom famously the antithesis of courage and bravery at least in his first year but that isn't what the Hat sees when it sorts him into Gryffindor it sees a boy that values courage and bravery and has the capacity for it not one that is already Brave and courageous and then lastly do you remember what house Peter pedigree was in you know the right-and man of Voldemort that's right Gryffindor Peter pedig is what students would call a true hat stall a phrase that I had never heard before but it was essentially just a student that the Hat took longer than 5 minutes to sort so Peter pedigree presented the hat with a true conundrum trying to determine whether to sort him into Slytherin or Gryffindor it of course settled on Gryffindor but that was perhaps only at the prompting of pedigree perhaps Peter's admiration for James and Sirius is what swayed the hat to this day the Hat ref refuses to acknowledge any mistake in sorting students including Peter pedigree but it does make you think what the story would have been like if Harry had been sled into Slytherin doesn't it death theaters can fly as far as I can tell this is a misunderstanding based purely on how the Death Eaters were portrayed in the movies in fact flight was said to be an incredibly difficult magical ability to master only two individuals were known to have done so Voldemort and Snape every other instance of unsupported flight is either a trick or some type of simplification in the movies the most common explanation I see about this is that the black smoke that we see the death theaters turn into is supposed to be a visual representation of them apparating in and out of spaces which to me seems a little strange as the apparation was always described as an instantaneous process someone disa apparates somewhere one second and then apparates somewhere the next second this is also strange because we see other examples of apparation in the series where the individual basically wraps in upon themselves and disappears not with a bunch of smoke but with a tiny flash of light so I'm not sure what to think about this one I don't think that's them apparating I think it's probably something else my head cannon on this has always been that when we see the black smoke the death theaters are actually on broomsticks you just can't see them through the smoke maybe I should just leave this as one of those stylistic choices the movie made and not dig any deeper but I'm curious what you think and while you think about that let's move down a little deeper to level two Muggles don't know about magic maybe the most hilarious topic on this list is the idea that Muggles don't know about magic this is perpetuated by the numerous laws and legislation that the ministry of magic has in place to keep the Wizarding World as secretive as possible but there is absolutely no way Muggles aren't at least somewhat aware of the Wizarding World I mean not even that long ago magic and non-magical people lived together in fact their separation in society is more of a recent occurrence some of this is confirmed in the cannon the prime minister is aware of the existence of magic but officially only in a capacity that aids in the concealment of it from the everyday citizen but if you look around how could this realistically be a secret first and foremost you have magical children that can be born to two muggle parents how in the world would that secret not leak out the Canon explanation is that Muggles who try to explain magic to their muggle friends would simply look crazy but have you looked around the world obviously people would believe them there would be so many corroborating accounts of other parents having sent their children off to a magical school I think and this is just conjecture but maybe every once in a while the ministry has to do some dirty work going around and wiping the memories of the most outspoken Muggles alternatively maybe they embrace it going so far as to plant fakes in the crowd people that would tell crazy stories about Wizards that fly around on brooms but then also talk about how the government is poisoning its people if you throw in a little bit of gossip that's a bridge too far no one will believe the wizard stuff to begin with so part of this is a bit of a misconception there are obviously Muggles that know about the magic and The Wizarding World but I think there's also a bit of a plot hole here where it's kind of something you just just Overlook in order to suspend your disbelief of Harry Potter and the series priori incantatum and the after effects all right let's dig into the real meat of the misunderstandings and misconceptions in the series I think this is honestly one of the most confusing parts of the series let's talk a little bit more about priori in canum and the after effects that it would have on a wand flashback again to the scene at the graveyard in the Goblet of Fire Cedric dig has just been killed which I think marked a noticeable shift in the tone of the novels and the movies no longer written exclusively for children the return of Voldemort suddenly forced all the characters to grow up rather quickly and the readers with them Harry is caught in a duel with one of the most powerful wizards of all time and has somehow held his own as a fourth-year student or at least he avoids being murdered immediately which is better than you can probably say for most so as Harry bravely takes a stand and fires a spell at Voldemort Voldemort fires a curse back at Harry and they meet in the middle I'll read from the chapter in question quote a jet of green light issued from Voldemort's wand just as a jet of red light blasted from Harry's they met in midair and suddenly Harry's wand was vibrating as though an electric charge was surging through it his hand seized up around it he couldn't have released it if he had wanted to and a narrow beam of light connected the two wands neither red nor green but bright deep gold he felt his feet lift from the ground he and Voldemort were both being raised into the air their wands still connected by that thread of shimmering Golden Light end quote so as this connection continues they sort of battle back and forth and as I understand it Harry's will and courage and bravery and all of those magical qualities about Harry essentially allow his wand to be the dominant one and Voldemort's the submissive one so this forces Voldemort's wand to spit out what are referred to as Echoes of past spells in Voldemort's case we see the Echoes of his victims appear and they aid in Harry's Escape one thing that to my understanding is never truly explained is why are these Echoes of people distinct from those created by either the resurrection stone or the hor Crux in the case of Tom Riddle's Diary which Harry says The Echoes from the resurrection Stone resemble those of the horux the tricky part is no one besides Harry can see The Echoes In The Deathly Hallows while in the graveyard those Echoes are very much visible to everyone they help obscure Harry from Voldemort while he escapes so are they a distinct kind of spirit or is this just a case of too many minute details in the books that just got mixed up further an interesting point here that I didn't originally connect when I read the books is that this effect priori incantatum is actually a pretty common spell it's used on Harry earlier in the same book to determine if he cast The Dark Mark it's referred to as priori incant as the spell but the incantatum is the effect it's a spell that presumably would be used all the time in The Wizarding justice system to Aid in detective work it just so happens that it's the effect produced by dueling wands that share the same core why I don't know that it's explained past the idea that when those wands duel the loser will spit out its most recent spells in reverse order also Voldemort seems surprised by the effect which begs the question does priori incant or incantatum the effect normally produce an echo of a victim if that user had recently killed someone I would think that would make for some very open and shut court cases but for some reason I feel like that phenomenon is unique to the hary Voldemort duel it seems instead that the effect of priori incantatum is produced by the connection between Harry and Voldemort's wands but that the underlying magic might be distinct from the actual spell priori in canado I think there is good evidence to believe that there is in fact something distinct and unique happening when Harry and Voldemort's spells connect first and foremost because this appears to be the only time in history that it's happened which to me it seems like it wouldn't be that unique of An Occurrence surely other wands were made with identical cores pulled from the same animal I can imagine a rich family having wands specifically created for their children all containing cores from the same Dragon heart I mean honestly if you go through the trouble of killing a dragon to harvest its organs and turn them into wands you'd think that a single Dragon heart could probably Supply the components of at least a handful of Wands right which leads me to believe that the connection between the wands might have been more closely tied to the unique relationship that Harry and Voldemort shared as hor cruxer and hor Crux maybe this split Soul situation causes some sort of Break In The Magic of two related wands wands essentially seem to be a type of almost living magic we know that the wand chooses the wizard so this unique relationship might be even further Complicated by Harry being Voldemort's horcrux lastly when Dumbledore is explaining the priori and canum effect that occurred with Harry Sirius chimes in asking if it was the reverse ver spell technique I don't think Sirius is claiming to be familiar with the exact things that unfolded between the two wands but rather just familiarity with the priori incantatum effect in reality I think everyone is completely surprised by what happened but did recognize that one effect of the connection was that of priori incantatum that said the connection also had other effects on the wands as we fast forward a few years to the Battle of seven Potters we see those effects Voldemort has interrogated alander to understand what happened in the graveyard but he clearly doesn't know everything either to avoid a repeat situation he uses Lucius Malfoy's wand in the attack hoping to finish off Harry in one swift blow unfortunately for him Harry's wand responds as if it were a living being and casts some type of raw magic at Voldemort here's the part in the book quote as the pain from Harry's scarf forced his eyes shut his W acted of its own accord he felt it drag his hand around like some great magnet saw a spurt of golden fire through his half closed eyelids heard a crack and a scream of Fury end quote so even though every Wiki describes the meeting of the two brother wands as priori incantatum it seems that this is a bit of a misnomer and only accounts for one effect of many that surround Harry and V Morts wants but maybe I'm just overthinking it let me know your thoughts below and while you're at it click that subscribe button Snape is a good guy that's a little bit of clickbait I mean of course Snape is a quote unquote good guy but that goodness only goes as far as to betray Voldemort so the bar is pretty low but let's explore a little more deeply snap's General character Arc is reasonably wellknown I think his motivations are often glossed over in favor of the sacrifices that he makes the sacrifices in the Harry Potter Universe tend to be given both extra consideration and commodation I mean think about it the series itself is bookended by sacrifices from different characters Lily sacrifice at the beginning kicks off Harry's mortal battle with Voldemort both protecting him in some situations while also being the very thing that's endangering him in the first place and then at the end of the series we have another Sacrifice by Harry in order to protect not just the students and faculty of Hogwarts but the broader Wizarding World and I guess the Muggle World by extension not only that but the series is riddled riddled with sacrifices and almost every time that individual that made the sacrifice is hailed as a hero Albus sacrifices himself to continue his plan Ron tries to sacrifice himself in the first book many individuals sacrifice themselves on behalf of protecting Harry and I think most of their intentions are pure but then we get to Snape and I think his sacrifice is worthy of a double take does he sacrifice himself and should he be commended for it absolutely is he sacrificing himself for the sake of the Wizarding World I'm not so sure he was of course a Death Eater to begin with and we can argue about Redemption all day but at the end was Snape doing it for muggleborn wizards or was he just doing it for Lily many will argue that of course he had a Redemption Arc that's what JK rling says is the case so it must be true but I would argue that it's up to the readers to determine the true character of Snape JK Rowling can write the plot But ultimately it's the audience that will judge the characters so I guess this one is less of a misconception and more of an opinion but to me I've always been a little weirded out by the love for Snape as a good guy I think he's a well-written character and I think he makes sacrifices but I'm not sure that the motivation is quite as pure as others he was undeniably Brave don't get me wrong at this point I'm regretting this topic a little cuz I'm sure snap's biggest fans are going to be very upset in the comments but oh well come at me hogwart's acceptance letters this is an age-old misconception in fact I still remember waiting up on my 11th birthday hoping that a letter would come in the mail and start my Wizarding Journey nothing ever came of course because my birthday is in January then that's not when letters come I'm assuming the case for this misinterpretation has to do with Harry's own birthday born near the end of July his birthday coincides with the time when other letters are sent out to new witches and wizards across the country but I do want to explore one other topic related to these letters and it has to do with the manner in which Harry receives his letters the first few are obviously thrown away by the dersley but they keep coming and coming and coming to the point where Harry is finally able to snag and read one only to be skirted away to a shack with the dersley to avoid any future letters I do have one other side question about this why would the dersley go to such lengths to keep Harry away from Hogwarts if they hated him so much wouldn't they have loved an opportunity to rid themselves of him in their house even if it was just for the school year I'm not sure if this is really ever explained but it's always been a little confusing to me maybe they just had a general fear of magic and didn't want to associate in any way shape or form so back to the letters supposedly Hogwarts is able to magically tell whether a student has opened and read their letter this apparently accounts for situations where the letter is held hostage for some reason though I would expect that Harry's situation was actually incredibly rare if not entirely unique reason being that when a witch or wizard was born to muggle parents a special messenger or Envoy was sent with the letter to that family this messenger would explain the entire situation to both the students and the parents and then presumably the parents would just allow their child to go off to a random magical school no questions asked but in the case of the dersley petunia and presumably Vernon were already aware of the existence of magic and so no special Arrangements were made the letter was delivered as any other normal male would be delivered I guess in situations like petunia and Lily this might have occurred before you have one child Lily who becomes a witch and another child petunia who is a muggle there must be some resentment that would build over time how could there not be I think if I were in this exact situation I would probably ask my magical relatives to wipe my memory I don't know if I would want to go on every day knowing that I just missed out on being a wizard but what do you think speaking of arriving to Hogwarts let's dive a little deeper into the topic in level three all Slytherin are bad Slytherin is easily the most misunderstood House of Hogwarts the students are often demonized and written off as villains every good character in the series is terrified by the prospect of being placed in sutherin and in every instance of the movies they seem to be utterly irredeemable I mean in the climactic Battle of Hogwarts they get locked away so they can't interfere why does the series treat them this way while also going out of its way to communicate to the reader that not all all Slytherin are bad to me there were a few things going on here for starters the movie series is trying to appeal to an audience and for that to happen there needs to be a good guy and a bad guy in the earlier years of Harry's Hogwarts experience there isn't really an opportunity for the bad guy to be the big bad guy Voldemort he's always present and he still ends up being the main villain in each movie but for most of the screen time it's Harry Ron and Hermione dealing with the everyday struggles of being a teenager in school more often they end up dealing with Draco Malfoy than they do with vort at least up until maybe the fourth book after which it's kind of No Holds bar and the villains turn into the kind that actually want to kill you not just ruin your day or play a prank on you so every Slytherin we see in the series which is mostly drao crab and at least his students are portrayed as villainous people were also shown their parents like Lucius Malfoy and they too seem to be bad people this is of course later Justified when we see them all as death heaters but that's kind of besides the point Slytherin is not supposed to be the house villains and terrible people are drawn to it's supposed to be a house full of students with ambition and hunger for success in the real world that might be like the house for people that are going to become CEOs or something other traits include cunning resourcefulness and Leadership I mean honestly even if you consider Harry apart from the Voldemort piece inside of him he embodies a lot of the values throughout the series that would tie closely with Slytherin I'm not sure you can make a blanket statement about the entire house unless you think Harry is also bad now we can also acknowledge that the Slytherin house had a pretty dark history Salazar was obviously one of the founders of the pure blood ideology one that was eventually picked up and carried forward by Tom Riddle another quick aside in case you never connected the dots Tom Riddle Voldemort was actually not a pure blood wizard he was the son of a witch mother and a muggle Father which does make you wonder how he was able to build a cult following around his obsession with pure blood when he himself lacked it anyways this pure blood ideology is even admitted by the Sorting Hat to play some role in how students are placed in their first year which seems problematic to say the least I'm not sure how someone like Dumbledore would allow that to happen it seems strange that a school would be actively strengthening the pure blood discourse by having a house that was statistically more pure blood than others but maybe that's all the more reason to be glad we don't live in The Wizarding World to begin with anyway as we move on I'm curious how many of you would sort yourself into Slytherin let me know in the comments I read something recently that that apparently the most popular house in the new Harry Potter game is Slytherin I guess people just can't resist being the bad guy Harry's cloak is the only one Harry's invisibility cloak is one of the most memorable parts of the series and it's something that is with Harry through all seven years of his schooling and Beyond when Harry first unwraps the cloak Ron tells him quote if that's what I think it is they're really rare and really valuable so what does he mean well we obviously have the hindsight to understand that Harry's cloak is truly a unique object in the Wizarding World neither Ron nor the reader knows anything about this though in the first book and so Ron ends up being right but not for the reason he may believe and this is yet one more prediction made by Ron that comes true maybe he is a Seer after all Zeno Lov good says this about the cloak of invisibility quote it is not a traveling cloak imbued with a disillusionment charm or carrying a bedazzling hex or else woven from demig hair which will hide one initially but Fade with the years until it turns opaque we are talking about a cloak that really and truly renders the wearer completely invisible and endures eternally giving constant and impenetrable concealment no matter what spells are cast at it end quote we know that Harry's cloak is truly unique but what are those knockoff cloaks what was possible with them and why were they so rare well let's look at the charms that Zeno mentioned disillusionment charms and bedazzling hex's first disillusionment charms well not the most difficult spell to cast it seems to have been exceedingly difficult to master it's shown being taught to fifth year students ahead of their owls but none are shown to master its effect in fact it's shown that only the most powerful witches and wizards like Dumbledore and grindlewald are capable of mastering the charm and only complete Mastery would Grant the user complete invisibility if you weren't a master it was more akin to a chameleon merely blending in with your surroundings now bedazzling hex's there wasn't really a need to break this one out as after all the digging I did they seem to have the same exact effect as a disillusionment charm I'm not sure that they're really distinct in any way let me know in the comments if there is more information out there on these specific hexes either way either Avenue you took here both options seem to wear off over time and the same goes for the demig hair on top of that their disguise seems to be imperfect meaning that Harry's is truly unique in how well it works it's also unique in how long it works which by all appearances is indefinitely and eternally now let's talk about that durability that this is an effect that I'm not sure was ever explored all that much certainly not in the movies but I'm not positive about the books Zeno says it could provide impenetrable concealment no matter what spells are cast at it but what does that really mean just that casting a spell at the cloak wouldn't damage it or would it actually protect the wearer from a spell or curse what if someone randomly cast a Vada cadavra at someone under the cloak what would happen there are a couple instances that might shed some light on this first there's a scene where while in hiding someone attempts to summon the cloak off Harry which obviously doesn't work so at the very least the cloak appears to be immune to summoning type charms but what about the user if we jump ahead to the end of the Half Blood Prince we see Harry hiding under the cloak while witnessing Snape kill Dumbledore before this happens Dumbledore casts a binding spell on on Harry stopping him from interfering so case closed right the cloak doesn't block spells well maybe but there is one other caveat here because the wand used to cast that spell was of course the Elder Wand if any wand was able to override the protection of the cloak it would be the Elder Wand finally this is pure speculation but I'm curious what you all think perhaps because of the nature of the cloak it's actually capable of stopping one and only one spell a v kadavra a cloak specifically designed to hide from Death could have the singular role of stopping actions that bring death to the user no one ever casts the killing curse at someone hiding under the cloak so there isn't really any way for us to get the answer but it really has me thinking also if someone wearing the cloak were to die what if they fell somewhere that no one would find them would their body just be stuck under the cloak forever would the cloak essentially be lost forever how would anyone find the body Ravenclaw crest for some reason this one blew my mind I think it's a case of just making an assumption early on when I was first reading the books and watching the movies and then never thinking twice about what I had seen if I had to ask you what do you think the symbol for the Ravenclaw house is what would you say on the count of three one 2 3 that's right an eagle surprised yeah so was I and then I looked a little deeper only to realize that I wasn't crazy they did in fact change the Eagle Crest to that of a raven in the film adaptation if I had to wager I think this is another case of dumbing down or simplifying the story so that it was easier for the audience to understand Slytherin sounds like a snake it's a snake Gryffindor doesn't really sound like any real animal except a magical Griffin but that isn't real so it's easy to accept a lion and that's kind of tied to a griffin anyway Hufflepuff I don't know what Hufflepuff is supposed to be but it's prob I don't know I don't know why it's a badger it sounds more like an owl in my head but they already had one bird with Ravenclaw so they couldn't have two Ravenclaw has the name Raven in it so I'm guessing they just decided that the combination of the Ravenclaw name plus a bird that wasn't a raven I.E Eagle would be too confusing to audiences so they changed it they also changed the colors from Blue and bronze in the novels to the blue and silver that appear in the movie my guess here is that the blue and silver made more sense with a black raven whereas the bronze would have made a little more sense with that of a brown Eagle one other fun fact I read was that in France Rowena Ravenclaw was instead named Rowena S I hope I'm pronouncing that correctly in French but anyway that translates to Eagle's claw so if you're a French viewer out there this one must be extra confusing time travel no Iceberg would be complete without at least a passing conversation on the topic of time travel and really all time related phenomena in the Harry Potter Universe now broadly speaking you can break down most time travel in fictional series into two categories namely branching timeline one where the character's actions in the past create a new branch of a reality and affect the present state of that Universe this would be a series like Back to the Future changing things in the past changes things in the future and then we have the second category which Harry Potter falls into and that's the closed loop type of time travel essentially everything that is going to happen always happens and you traveling back in time to change it usually ends up meaning that you're the cause of that present day state this is essentially the whole plot of prisoner of asban Hermione's Time Turner is used to go back and fix things but they're already fixed when we see them in the first place so time traveling doesn't really change anything it just ensures that events occur in the same way I think that this is pretty well understood but I want to talk about something else prophecies because I believe they operate in a very similar fashion to time travel in Harry Potter of course not every phy comes true at least not yet Dumbledore even says as much to Harry saying quote do you think every Prophecy in the Hall of Prophecy has been fulfilled end quote but my thought is that they likely do come true in one way or another given a long enough time frame fate will arrange itself in a way that will guide individuals down the path of fulfilling a prophecy in other words prophecies themselves are actually closed Loops just slightly less less determinant take for example The Chosen One philosophy I've already touched on this topic but had Voldemort chosen instead to attack the long bottoms Snape would have had no interest in begging pardon on Alice Longbottom's life there would be no reason for Voldemort to spare Alice Longbottom but and this is just my personal opinion I think fate would have created the circumstances for the chosen one prophecy's fulfillment Voldemort would have been prompted in some unexplained way to give either Frank or Alice long bottom a way in which to sacrifice themselves for Neville setting up the conditions for the sacrificial protection and the bond of blood charm this idea seems to get me in a lot of trouble with potterheads so I'm curious to see the reactions in the comments so we'll just leave this one where it is and move on to the next and to get to some truly misunderstood parts of the series let's go all the way down to level four expel armis the killing curse I'm about to say the word expell armis like 15 times so don't get mad if I get it wrong let's start with the misconception at the climax of the series Voldemort and Harry have one final duel or rather they each cast one more spell at each other Voldemort obviously chooses avadaakadavra and Harry goes with his trademark disarming spell expel armis which I don't know I think it's just kind of lame but Harry's a nerd so I guess we can let them have it the two cast their spells and they meet in the middle there's the predictable back and forth where we think Harry is going to lose even though we've all read the final book 5 years earlier but of course the Spells get pushed back at Voldemort and Harry ends up killing him with a disarming spell or wait that's not right is it so there are two points first of all their spells meeting in the middle otherwise known as priori incantatum actually only happens once in the the series when Harry's in the graveyard where Voldemort is revived the example we see at the end of the movies is just that movie Magic in fact it doesn't really make any sense because Harry and volore don't have twin wands at that point vort is using the Elder Wand which actually brings us to the main misconception expel armis is not what kills vort but I think there's still a distinction to be made here it's not quite as simple as Voldemort's of kav rebounding in fact if we look just a chapter or two earlier we see Voldemort casting the killing curse on Harry and succeeding in killing Harry or at least as far as he knows importantly Harry makes no attempt to defend himself at this point which in Dumbledore's words appears to have made all the difference jump back to the final battle and we see Voldemort again using a wand against its rightful owner in order to kill him Harry fires off a spell in self-defense expel armis and only this time is Voldemort hit with the rebound of his avat kadavra so does expel armis kill Voldemort not exactly but it does seem to have been a crucial element in forcing his spell to rebound against himself what this leaves us with is a very interesting question if Voldemort had been using his own wand one that he was the rightful owner of and then cast the killing curse on Harry what would have happened at this point any protection and linkage between the two has been removed Harry's sacrifice has provided some protection to the students of Hogwarts in the same way that Lily's provided protection to Harry but I don't know if that protection extends to Harry himself so I think that leaves Harry out to dry this time if Voldemort had just used a different wand I think his last attempt even if he was in a very weakened State probably would have left Harry swimming with the mermaids that might also make Voldemort the rightful owner of the Elder Wand at that point and that would have been the makings for a really dark next few books in the series good thing Harry really knows how to cast a good expell armis qul was a hor Crux I saw this on a pretty popular Channel somewhere and it confused me to the point where I had to do my own research on the topic of course you remember qul he was our first encounter with the present State disembodied version of Vault vort hidden underneath a turban on the back of qu's head but what exactly was Voldemort in this situation and what was quarl further how did that even happen in the first place maybe it's just because of how long it's been since the philosopher stone came out but I figured it was worth a refresher come to find out quarl was not actually a bad person prior to his encounter with Voldemort was he maybe misunderstood yeah was he maybe too interested in the dark arts and Voldemort than he should have been probably but that doesn't necessarily make him an evil person at least not until he was subjugated by Voldemort here is Voldemort's description of their meeting quote a wizard young foolish and gullible wandered across my path in the forest I had made my home oh he seemed the very chance I had been dreaming of for he was a teacher at Dumbledore school he was easy to bend to my will he brought me back to this country and after a while I took possession of his body to supervise him closely as he carried out my orders end quote so even in his disembodied State Voldemort was still powerful enough to possess and live on quirrell's body so what does that make quirrel I think there's a bit of a debate on this topic quirrel is obviously hosting a portion of Voldemort's soul but I'm not sure that qualifies him as a container in fact I would say that he clearly isn't a horux as we can see Harry right next to him as an actual horcrux and the effects do not appear to be similar at all different sources call quirl a temporary horcrux but I'm not really sure if it's just semantics at this point but I do believe that the most important aspect of this is that when qul dies the piece of Voldemort's soul is not destroyed it flies off in a puff of smoke only to be resurrected again in book four I'd argue there is a distinction to be made between a hor Crux and whatever happened to quirl I don't think Voldemort even met the requirements to make a horcrux when he possesses Professor quirl the least of which to my understanding involves a murder something we're not really told about when he possesses quirrel this is probably another nitpicky distinction that I should probably just leave alone but horcruxes did not appear to be made flippantly and Voldemort didn't split his soul again to possess qul So my answer is that no corl was not a horcrux he was just possessed I think that's important because the number of horcruxes is tied directly to the number of pieces of Voldemort's soul and that possession of quarrel doesn't make another piece it's just the same piece that left The Potter's House all those years earlier splits in Voldemort's Soul this is a quick one but it came up as I was looking into the coral question exactly how many pieces of Voldemort existed the confusion arises from the difference between the number of horcruxes and the number of times that he split his soul so we have the diary the ring the locket the diadem the cup the Potter boy and the guini that makes seven count them seven horcruxes each containing a piece of Voldemort's soul but that isn't everything because how else would he have come back you see there is the tricky topot eighth piece of his soul that exists flying around as an amorphous smoke monster after his spell backfires at The Potter's House on top of the counting aspect the confusion I believe is caused by the fact that when Voldemort dies at The Potters that part of his soul is not destroyed rather it flees the scene escaping to the forests of Albania where quirrel and then wormtail eventually finds him so there are in fact eight pieces of Voldemort's Soul which does raise the interesting question of whether he doomed himself by creating eight pieces as opposed to seven the Harry Potter World often gives magical powers or ties significance to certain numbers as being more magical than others specifically the number seven is supposed to be the the most magical number how exactly would that manifest would it just mean that his hor cruxes would lend his main body more power or something there probably isn't a concrete answer to this but I do wonder if it would have somehow changed the narrative clearly there isn't an advantage to just continuing to make hor cruxes your soul would become too divided otherwise Voldemort would have easily made dozens or hundreds of them and just making one hor Crux wasn't enough enough to satisfy his thirst for immortality or maybe avoid his fear of death and maybe seven really would have been the magic ticket and we all would have been reading a very different story polyj juice potions don't affect the voice honestly I could probably make an entire video about changes that were made to the Harry Potter series when they were adapted from novel to film this appears to be yet another example of a movie exclusive change but I'm not totally sure why they would have done this and my best guess is that they thought this added challenge of having to match the voice of whoever was being impersonated would be a light-hearted and funny change and it was so I don't really fault the showrunners I don't think it necessarily takes away anything from the story it just adds a layer of complexity to what might have been an otherwise overpowered potion in reality the poly juice potion and its effects are much more effective than that of the potion we see in the movies typically the potion in the movies is used as comic relief from Hermione turning into a cat by accident to having to impersonate crab and Goyle all the way to the Battle of seven potters and all the fun outfits we get to see Daniel Radcliffe wearing all these instances are somewhat light-hearted minus of course the fact that the Battle of seven Potters is where we see hewig murdered and also M mood the real polyu potion creates an almost exact replica of the intended target worth noting that AP polyu potion would not be able to manipulate or fool the Marauders map nor would it allow someone to bypass some of the defenses at Green gots so it was probably a good call to scale back the effects of the Polyjuice Potion for the movies but for the sticklers and potterheads out there you're justified in knowing that voices are in fact affected by by the polyu potion the effects of the Resurrection Stone possibly the most misunderstood piece out of all seven books in the original series lying at the center of a confusing web of different forms of Resurrection immortality death and limbo is the resurrection Stone originally described as being created by death himself and having the ability to quote recall loved ones from Death the stone starts as a part of a ring that became one of Voldemort's horcruxes which was then destroyed by Dumbledore it then eventually Finds Its way into the center of a golden snitch Harry's first snitch he ever caught with his mouth the words ey open at the close are engraved on the side indicating to Harry even just hinting at what was about to happen I'm not sure how Dumbledore Enchanted the snitch to open once Harry had accepted death would it have opened if he just told the snitch that he was ready to die or did he actually have to be in Mortal danger anyway regardless of how the snitch opens it reveals the resurrection Stone inside and with it a chance for Harry to see his loved ones again Harry describes these appearances of his loved ones as similar to that of Tom Riddle in the Chamber of Secrets they are more present than that of a ghost but not fully present and they don't have a solid body body I think there's some tricky word play Happening Here the resurrection Stone specifically is claimed to allow the user to recall their loved ones one might interpret that as bringing them back to the Mortal realm recalling them into existence as one might have a recall on their car but the other interpretation would be that recall is actually synonymous with the word remember in this situation this seems to be the more likely option as the friends and family Flo around Harry clarify that only Harry can see them in other words it's all happening in Harry's head a memory so now that we've clarified what the resurrection Stone actually does let's skip to the part where Harry is killed and then comes back to life many fans seem to have assumed along the way partly because of the confusing narrative around the Deathly Hallows that the resurrection stone is what brings Harry back to life there's one problem with this though Harry doesn't even have the stone when he's killed he drops it before then intentionally losing it on the forest floor amongst millions of other tiny little Stones never to be found again or at least not anytime soon I suppose that one argument you could make is that the resurrection Stone was instrumental in getting Harry to accept his death which according to Dumbledore was the reason that he found himself in limbo in the first place that his willing sacrifice was what made all the difference so in a way the stone did encourage him to make a sacrifice but that still isn't the real reason that Harry was able to return to life the true reason is that because Voldemort had Harry's blood in his veins Harry used that blood and the lingering effects of Lily's sacrificial magic to return to Earth Voldemort essentially acted as a horcrux for Harry in a way just instead of a piece of his soul it was the remaining love from his mother that brought him back in the end the resurrection Stone had absolutely nothing to do with it it may have been instrumental in extending that protection to the students of Hogwarts but it's not what brought Harry back to life and with that we've made it to the end hopefully there were a few in here that were a surprise to you or will inspire a healthy debate in the comments I think the debate is one of the funnest parts of diving into this lore so I'll be keeping an eye on if you've made it this far and haven't clicked the Subscribe button please do it helps the channel grow and supports me so that I can make more content for you lastly this channel isn't only Harry Potter content I'm making other videos about other series and I've got videos on the channel about Game of Thrones Star Wars avatar the Last air bender even Pokemon I even have a few videos talking about big corporate fraud and other non-fiction topics check them out but with that I'll leave you to it thanks again for watching and I'll see you next time
Channel: Vault
Views: 88,969
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Iceberg video, iceberg, facts, spooky, fan theory, long form, videos to fall asleep to, lore, Harry potter, harry potter lore, deathly hallows, jk rowling, harry potter fan theories, fan theories, severus snape theory, hermione granger, ron weasley, voldemort, harry potter theories, horcrux, chamber of secrets, goblet of fire theory, goblet of fire, azkaban, dumbledore, wizard chess, harry potter protection, harry potter chosen one, sorting hat, slytherin, time turner
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 2sec (3602 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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