Ranking Every JoJo's Stand | Parts 3 - 8 | What's Best for the Average Joe?

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hey everyone today we're going through the herculean task of ranking all of the stands in jojo's this is part three right through to the end of part eight and i have a very specific criteria for how we're ranking them because you can rank stands in a lot of different ways you can go by power you can go by cool factor whatever you like uh but today the fact is if iraqi came through my window with a stand arrow and said i could i could grant you my son any one particular stand what would be the best stand to get and how would i rank them so that's our criteria if i gotta stand today just me regular dude everyday life how good a stand is it well actually a lot of stands uh based upon fighting and really that's not really much use to me i don't really fight a lot of evil villains some stands are going to be far more practical in my everyday life and some stands are just going to be like crazy i'll box you i'll beat you to death kind of thing so it's going to be a very interesting type of ranking uh some of them are tough and still have a lot of good qualities to them anyway so start platinum for example that's gonna be the first one you know it's really useful in just a variety of situations yes it can punch hard but it's also got like crazy vision and you can do like surgery with it and uh all sorts of stuff let alone you know time stop which is just you know just a generally kind of useful thing to have uh so yes that's the criteria we're gonna throw them each one by one again pretty off the cuff stuff so let's go let's crack in so we've got our tiers here they go from s right down to the please no and the nukes tier maybe we're gonna be sticking around these tiers up the top here are the ones down the bottom are for stands that we it would be more of a detriment to actually have and then the nukes tier is for stands that would probably be detrimental to both ourselves and everyone else if we were to get our hands on them uh these are all the stands as well these are ranked in order we go from the first standard part three right through to the final stand of part eight and with that let's just get started start platinum easy step uh star platinum is i think objectively in the series called the best stand or at least up until part six uh it has amazing power precision strength uh it can stop time um debatably it can make you fly uh like at the end of part three and it has amazing eyesight as the other one and i think that is just a suite of buffs that is just so useful in so many different disciplines you could be uh using it to become an amazing doctor with the eyesight and the precision or a great scientist or uh like a great builder who can actually lift his own supplies and you know get everything sorted on their own um and just stopping time just what a good power you could just use that all the time next one is magician's red i'm gonna put this in the seat here this is one of those uh good in a battle outside of a battle all you're really using it for is summonable fire and that is not really something i need in my day-to-day life it could be useful if you're say going camping or you get stuck in some tuscan wilderness somewhere and you need to light a fire to keep yourself alive but i don't really come across those situations much in my life i'll be honest so yeah magicians read that's gonna sit in the city there are worse stands in it absolutely but it doesn't really confer much of a buff our next is hermit purple and this will be the first detail um hermit purple has the cheeky whips and it can do spirit photography as its little like niche ability and both of those aren't really that great if you want something more combative uh there are so many other stands here that will do that for you uh and the spirit photography thing really when are you gonna use that you're gonna use spirit photography to uh like track down your lost keys would probably be the most useful thing i could think of because you're not really gonna attract any people with it you just call them um and if you're doing something sketchy trying to track someone down then they're a better stance for that uh so yeah spirit photography and plus you gotta smash a camera every time you use it and that is that's gonna be real rough like for just everyday life you could actually in hindsight you could probably use this for like um tracking down people who have gone missing for example and that could be that could be quite a useful thing so maybe it does belong up a little bit uh but for the moment we're gonna leave it down in detail hierophant hierophant green uh this is gonna be another seat here uh it's got you know a couple of neat things it's got the like coiling it can do to create like a web and figure out where things are happening around you and um it can kind of possess people to move around which i guess would have some very niche uses in life but overall again this is just a it doesn't really confirm much of a buff so that's going to be down here in ct uh holly stand this is is it called holly's is it called holly stand yeah this never gets named it's holly's stand okay holly's stand this is a please no uh the only thing we'd see it do in the series is take holly out of commission and almost kill her so yeah um who knows what powers it actually has but yeah i don't want this i don't want to die that sounds awful all right uh tower of gray the fly uh this is another oh there's another c or d it's gonna be a very arbitrary sort of distinction between them um but i'm gonna put it in the detail uh this is a controllable fly that can uh move really fast this is this is very much a combative stand as i imagine a lot of these part three stands are going to be and combative sans i just don't really need them in my life uh speaking of combative stance okay silver chariot um i'm gonna say ct i think this has more utility than some of the d and the d stands here uh but again this is just another combative stand that is really not much use outside of very niche scenarios next is dark blue moon and this is the first uh sort of underwater fishy stand and this is probably going to be a detail uh i'm a very land-based individual and funnily enough a lot of the benefits that i would have associated with this stand aren't actually from the stand itself so the sand can create whirlpools and control water a little bit and make barnacles and such uh but it doesn't actually give you any it doesn't give the user any capability under the water it just kind of controls water so uh in the in the series the the user is the one who has the incredible lung capacity on his own so he can swim around and the stand really doesn't help him in that at all so yeah another battle stand it's going to be down here strength a summonable ship that you can control we're going in the b team uh this this has this has a good use but it's a very niche use uh if i wanted to you know summon a frigate to go and sail the seas i could i don't really do i really want to someone a ship that is completely dependent on my willpower to maintain uh that that seems like a very hard scenario and if something happens to me and there's other people on the ship then everyone is doomed so yeah i'm going to leave that in the beta it's i think it has a very strong niche utility um but since that niche utility is quite weak it's going to end up in btm uh this is ebony devil this is uh where paul nara finds that evil like chucky doll and this is a detail uh this is another battle stand um you can go and sick it on someone you hate to kill them and i think it's powered it's i think the um wiki injury says it's like powered by hate and yeah that's just you know not the way you want to be living so we're going to leave that down here yellow temperance okay yellow temperance gets up into the beet here purely for its shape-shifting ability so it's got the evil acid powers but also the fact that it can essentially make you shape-shift uh that's a beating that's definition that's an awesome power that might actually be even 80 just for the shape shifting power alone because shape shifting is freaking rad insert and questionable uh comments about um you know how we look in ethics and should we really change our appearance like that uh but yeah i don't care that sounds awesome you could make yourself taller smaller uh thinner stronger whatever you like you can just look you can just look like your ideal full stop uh so yeah that's an atia um just for the shape shifting alone hangman is nix and this is just another battle stand it can attack things in the mirror and yeah battle stands i love them just gonna end up in the detailed i don't really have a lot of enemies that need murdering whole horse summonable gun now this has a lot more utility than these ones i think a summonable gun is so much more useful and it's this i think straddles the line between b and c for me because a summable gun you would just feel safe all the time like you would never feel threatened by anything because you have a summonable gun but i guess by the same logic you have you know a summonable swordsman or a summonable fire chicken so i'm gonna leave it in ctn because yeah it's just uh if you if you're interested in like self defense most of these stands will do that for you um and yeah emperor doesn't really do much much that these guys aren't anyway uh impress this is a detail uh putting putting a human body inside someone else's so it you know punches them to death uh that's a battle stand it's gonna stay there what's this one called wheel of fortune wheel of fortune is this car and unlike unlike the ship which seems to be completely manifested by the stand the car itself is like a car and then the the stand inhabits and overwrites things of the cars this is a detail um you can see in the car itself uh sorry in the show the car has fuel in it and if the car didn't have to be fueled and you could just drive around with it no worries then this would probably be like a like a b or an eight here just because just to have reliable transport you never had to fuel up that would just be freaking amazing uh justice this is another battle stamp this is uh good for killing large swaths of people and yeah i don't really want that no thank you um but it also seems to be well within the user's control so it doesn't fall down to any of these sort of tears now lovers could be interesting so with the lovers whatever you do to one person uh you can make it happen to someone else and my question would be is it just pain synchronization because if it's just pain synchronization then this goes down here but if you could do other things like uh that episode of black mirror where one person's positive experiences can be experienced whatever then it goes up here um but i think that would be a pretty a pretty rough assumption a pretty bold assumption um seeing as really all we see the lovers do is snip things in the brain so i'm going to leave this down in detail assuming that you know it's just a bad time for everyone involved uh the sun the sun how how would you feel about having a summonable sun on command this i think oh this is this is a tough one i would put this up in city because there there is more utility to this but do i think it's actually no this has to be a beach here maybe even 18. because if you think about it in terms of like battle stance this is definitely down here but if you think about it in terms of i could create infinite energy this is this is gonna be like a s or an ato um if you could make a summable sun and just have infinite power of solar batteries and the only thing really stopping it was just you know making sure you ate enough to keep up the willpower to do it then this is probably way up here way up here uh the more i think about it the the better the stand becomes because there's just so many uses you can use for this um i'm gonna leave it in eight here but i think with uh the proper support and the proper channels around you you could easily make this in easter and do some crazy amazing things for you know people in the world uh so if anybody leave it in a but it probably does deserve to be in the st death 13 death 13 is probably going to be another istio um with with the sun the issue was you know there's a lot of things that you have to uh sort of add to it to make it a really good thing but death 13 you could just do a lot with because it controls dreams and we only see it doing negative things but it does have it seemingly has no restriction of doing a lot of positive things as well and what also does is let other people come into the same dream to experience that and so what you're essentially done is your stand enforces lucid dreaming and it makes everyone else that you want uh come in and join you in the lucid dream and that just sounds awesome you could just do whatever you want get a bunch of mates together and then just go on like the craziest journeys of your life because your stan can just uh manifest everyone into the dream and that's awesome yes yeah okay next is judgment and judgment is the wish granting stand but it's not exactly fully uh just getting a wish what it does is it recreates the idea of your wish out of clay and so it's a really horror representation of whatever the wish is made that being said this can also essentially make you infinite money because the the fakes it makes out of clay are genuinely they look real and they they feel real as well um but i imagine if you are someone creating large amounts of fake gold uh that's not really gonna take you too far so i'm going to put in this easier uh i think it has more use than some of the battle stands but uh probably not enough to make it up into the the bees and atm uh then we have high priestess and high priestess can morph itself into a lot of different forms we see it take like a gun for example or the giant underwater face uh so this hmm ah this is in in my head i i struggle to think immediately of a lot of useful things that uh having like a transformable item become you know um because i don't know how complex it can get like could you could high press test turn into a phone with wi-fi and bluetooth enabled and i i have to put restrictions on it and say probably not i would imagine uh and so if it could it would go up here uh because i could just turn this into like a vr hits it and you know play around with that for a while and turn it back into like a phone or you know anything like that um but besides those i don't think it's gonna be that useful so i'm gonna leave in seats here uh gab gibba's next controllable water this is a very small amount of water that can be controlled and uh simply because it's only that small amount of water um i don't really think this being much use uh it's another one of those really good battle stands but not so good in real life um i'm gonna leave it in deed here uh the only thing that would possibly move it up is that you could save people who were drowning by like swooshing the water out of their throat and lungs but besides that yeah not really that useful uh this one is uh oh this is the other shape-shifting stand so this is gonna be an atm uh this is this is a great stand i think any sort of shape-shifting ability is awesome and definitely goes up to the top uh then [Music] this is buengo's stand uh both and seeing the future and having this future comic that tells you exactly what's going to happen um honestly in two minds about this on one hand amazing you can tell the future uh on the other hand uh horrible because it might tell you things that you are unable to stop and i would i personally just feel like a tremendous amount of guilt about those things um but it depends how specific a thing you get to be honest like could you could you use those to completely manipulate the stock market and make just billions of dollars i'm probably gonna put this up an atm i think it's amazing uh but there are some the the limitations of it are never really truly specified and it might not really give you what you want to know it might just give you ah this person's coming into town soon or you know things that aren't terribly worth changing on their own so i'm going to leave it there uh anubis is a definitely a please note here uh because the stand itself takes over the user so if i got anubis i would just become anubis and that kind of blows um the magnet related stand interesting actually i haven't thought about this does the magnet stand control electricity as well or is it just magnetism it's just magnetism okay a detail it's a battle stand then we have the de-aging stand and i am probably going to rank this higher than these all these battle stands because i can see a lot of good use out of this i imagine going into like an old folks home and just letting everyone in there re-experience some youth for a while i mean the effects are only temporary but just oh actually are they temporary because oh no they definitely are they definitely are temporary um and that would just be such a like that's such a wholesome use of this uh just being able to let people you know just relive their younger days for a while and that's just that yeah that's a really not it's a it's a niche use but i think a really nice one so definitely a b tier uh then we have osiris and this is this is darby's stand and this is another detail um i see no no really nice or wholesome use of stealing people's souls uh so we're gonna leave it there uh then we have horus which is the pet shop stand and this is probably gonna be a seat here uh because it it can cool things it's not as strong as one of the other ice powers that is this one that we'll get to later on um but you know it still has a little bit of niche ice power so we're gonna leave it in ct uh this one is or the other darby brother and his power ah so this one has a bit more use than the other one because it also has soul stealing but it also has soul reading so you can see uh the honesty in people and that is probably actually up and beat here um being able to see people and read their honest intentions that's so useful you would become like the matt murdock of lawyers you would just become like uh so good at lawyering and just telling uh you know figuring out schemes and seeing people who are lying to you or not you would never get swindled uh this is yeah that's a really strong team uh this is the uh the weak magician this is the um illusionist stand and this one i'm also tempted i'll be putting up and beat here uh because there is a lot of fun things you could do with illusions um you would become the best magician of all time with this stand and i think it it has a lot more utility than just some of these battle stands um in everyday life you could essentially design your room however you wanted all the time and change it around on a whim um yeah it just it the illusions themselves are fake but people uh experience them as if they were real and so i think that's yeah that's amazing um we might even put it higher but i think beta is a good spot for at the moment and this next one is a bit of a surprise uh this is vanilla stand and honestly i would put this up in it's either an s or a because i think having the ability to create a hole in the universe solves solves a lot of problems you could you would make so much money by going into random cities and being like hey um i will get rid of every single like if i go to your dumps i can get rid of all of this trash in like two seconds uh all i have to do is just create a hole in the universe here just only anyone near me otherwise i'll kill them um but besides that you know you would just solve a lot of problems and uh like nuclear waste as well uh you could just make a nuclear power becomes not an issue because now we have a ways to get rid of the nuclear waste we can just throw it into the stand and then you know you sort it you're absolutely sorted uh so yeah i think it's really useful it has a good strong capability outside of um just yourself um yeah this is an sds it's it's basically star platinum so yeah it gets the same reaction okay and that is all of the part three stands let's break into part four crazy diamond crazy diamond is amazing uh this is probably an sd stand um it has a lot of the familiarities just like star platinum in the world um but it also can heal things and that makes it fantastic being able to heal things is just such a fantastically strong ability that yeah i'm just gonna leave it on the knees too i think it's fantastic uh this is aqua necklace i think this falls into the same place as gibb does over here um it is just controllable water and it has much of the hallmarks as the other one so yep it's gonna stay down there the hand the hand i think belongs up in probably here as well uh because it has the same powers as vanilla icing stand or just being able to delete things from the earth and that is just a fantastic little ability so i'm gonna leave it up in here in atm bad company bad company is a battle stand um being able to control like a small toy army there is not a lot of use that i would think uh besides battle so we're gonna leave it there uh this is little echoes look at them go um do we have multiple echoes or just the one is that a different echoes yes there's a different necklace uh echoes as an egg please know uh uh it's it has no conferrable benefit it is just an egg until it hatches so we're gonna we're gonna leave it there uh then this i assume this is phase one of echoes uh phase one of echoes is real cool you can slap sounds on things oh my mistake it does also confirm a the the meaning of the message on someone so when koichi slaps it on his mother uh then she starts to believe him as well so this does have a little bit of uh like personal development stuff you could slap like a um you know you are confident on someone and really boost them up so it hmm if that understanding is correct i'm going to slap it in b to him uh if it's just you can slap sounds on people then your tears sort of stand uh but if you can slap ideas onto people and they unknowingly sort of pick that up then yeah that's a bts stand red hot chili pepper electricity is such a useful stand uh but a lot of the abilities of retouching are just attacks only so yeah uh in the series we don't really see it do much beside attacking so we're gonna leave it in the dtm uh uh the guilty lock um this i'm probably leaving the please note here because all this does is make guilty people feel worse and yeah they're just it's a real like a mean-spirited thing to have uh i think this is the same as actual echoes so i'm gonna leave uh this up here with what i assumed equine act one echoes was uh the next one is surface and you can essentially just create a clone of someone there is a lot of a lot of mischief you could get up to with surfers let's bring it up what other abilities does it have it does force synchronization as well so the clone can uh make someone do something and if you're a v this is this is like the definition of a an evil inclined stand you can do a lot of a lot of bad things with this stand and i'm trying to think of positive things that you could do with this stand because the the copy that gets created doesn't gain any of the the knowledge or powers or anything of the person that it's copying um it is just a visual copy of them uh so yeah dts end yukako's hair stand you can control your hair uh this oh this this might be this heart being able to control your hair on command could be very interesting like if you're a bald person you probably put this up real high um for me i'm just gonna leave and see here like it has a benefit you know you can grow your hair out and can i can kind of keep it however you like um it has it has more personality than just a battle stand or you know a kind of evil inclined stand so we'll even see him uh this is the next act of echoes and echoes acts 2 x2 is much the same as x1 um for the purposes of powers uh so we're gonna leave it in the same sort of place um i don't think the new abilities of echoes act two bring it up to an atia uh ah this is this is an at stand uh this is the chef's stand what's this one called this is a pearl jam this is the competent italian chef and he makes food so good that it heals you of your ailments and that is an amazing stand i would love to have that easy easy easy uh invisibility how useful is invisibility in real life uh again i think invisibility is one of those powers that is inherently mischievous uh so i'm gonna leave it in the detail um also the invisible baby it's it's said in the series i believe that she can't control it and that is why she becomes invisible unintentionally if it was something that you couldn't control then this might just drop down to the please note here um because not being able to control when you're invisible is awful um but assuming that you can i'm gonna leave it in detail um again what good ethical things can you do by being invisible uh heaven's door heaven's door is an easy st um it is quite possibly the best of east here uh i don't know i haven't ranked this yet but i think i'm gonna put this at the top of sdr uh because heaven's door is ridiculous in how amazing it is um you can learn languages with it you can control emotions with it you can restrict yourself on things um you can change almost anything you want about your psychology with heaven's door and you can do that for other people as well um when koichi goes to uh venice in part five you see that rohan's just written can speak fluent italian on his face and that would you could learn anything you wanted with heaven's door and that is ridiculous you would become just the king of the world with heaven's daughter uh so yeah easy ester um i honestly how i added here i think this actually belongs in an s plus tier because it is that good like it is so good add a row above let's go this is uh i'm gonna put this in the heavens door here uh because yeah it's just ridiculous it's so good um you would solve so many of the problems of your own life and possibly everyone else you know because you can just write out their problems and that's amazing uh next is which one is this oh this is the gun um this is rat gun and yeah there's another gun stand it's gonna be down in dtm um not ideal uh harvest harvest we actually saw a lot of good uses out of harvest so i think that it's enough to put up in the beach here it's not amazing like these ones um but it has more benefit than just the casual battle stands and it's yeah i think it fits in here a lot of things you can do you can use it to find your keys um i think i've said that before um maybe i'm just the only one who loses their keys a lot um but even like um how they use it in the series by collecting to a lot of loose change and coins and things around the place it's just incredibly useful um so yeah i think bt is a very fine place for it uh killer queen now do need to check is yeah the second killer queen is on this so i'm gonna use this killer queen as its own instance because uh part eight killer queen is used very differently and i think part eight killer queen is a really good stand part four's killer queen stand uh probably a dt um it's it's a very strong battle stand and besides that it is just i can control explosions this is probably something that would be a very risky thing to both learn the restrictions of your powers on and find places for it to be useful so i'm gonna leave it down here with the other battle stands cinderella cinderella is an odd stand and because we don't really know what the limits of it are uh this is you really can't do much with this stand besides what we saw in the show or in the series and that's you know being a cosmetic surgeon and changing someone's appearances around i'm gonna put that in the seat here because it doesn't change things it replaces things and there is a very strict set of set of conditions that you must follow afterwards in order to keep them permanent uh and so i'm gonna leave that in ct i think there's a lot of restrictions on the stand and not enough to really make it a a fantastic stand uh oh act three of echoes act three acts three can freeze things by increasing the weight and that is again something that i wouldn't really find too much usefulness in real life so i'm gonna leave it in b2 along with the rest of the echo stands but assumedly if it's keeping all the other powers then i'm going to leave it here for the photography dad uh this is this is a very weird stand uh you can take photos and live in photos i think i think this is a very a very bizarre stand and i think i'll just leave it in detail i don't think it compares enough of a benefit to be like a good ctm and nor does it give any sort of strong benefit to be up here um so yeah i'm going to leave this in the detail it's this is this is kind of becoming the dump tier of stands that we can't really find a good use for uh they can for a very small benefit in everyday life or a very very niche ability that wouldn't be used much at all okay boy to man is we've only seen it used in the papers as rock boy and so how it works in the series is that using the stand uh if you beat someone in the challenges then you gain the power of their stand and in this beautiful hypothetical scenario that we're working with that araki has come through my window uh through the power of the photograph maybe and offered me a stand uh and only i'm the only one with the stand and this is kind of pretty useless on its own um because there is no one else with stands so in this scenario i'm gonna leave it in the the the please note here um because there is there is really no benefit to this um so yeah it's just gonna be left and actually it's not as bad as some of these other ones you're not lugging around an egg or making people's lives worse or making your own life worse that would i'm gonna add another tier and this is the e tier and you belong in here because you don't really confer much of a benefit at all um and you know what we're going to slap the fly back in there because the fly is such a weird stand um here we go another shape-shifting stand it's going up here boom boom boom uh but the weird thing about this stand is that it is very much unclear as to whether or not the stand is tied to whether or not he believes he's gonna he is an alien for that perhaps i'm gonna put it down a tier because it's not as clean cut as these other stands you just get these stands and it's awesome um i think oh but the shape shifting is much better as well um yeah i think i think i think it gets to stay in at because it is a better shape-shifting ability than these two stands but it also yeah it's it's the weirdness around the character i think because we're never really sure of where the character ends and where the stand begins um but i think just because i think shape shifting is a really red stand on power and yeah i'm just leave it there leave it there uh highway star oh there's another battle stand i'm gonna leave it here not really much to say on that one um it can change things around at 60 miles per hour sweethearts stray cat stray cat being able to shoot air bullets i think this is going to be another another battle stand um this is really what details become just a series of battle stands i don't really have too much of a use outside of you know fighting people um yeah superfly superfly is a please no no one wants superfly you don't be stuck in a transmission tower for the rest of your life uh that is definitely going to stay there then we have enigma oh this is paper guy this is what an odd stand um the the inherent usefulness of this i think this actually has a bit of usefulness so i'm gonna put this up and see here um because you can put things inside pieces of paper and just for the portability aspect of it i think it belongs in c tier tentatively straddling the line between c and b perhaps uh because you're not going to put people in there or i i mean you know personally i wouldn't put people in there but just being able to you know take anything you want put it in like a piece of paper fold it up and take it with you like you if you want to uh travel to another country you can just take like your entire house and just put it in a piece of paper and fold it up really small and then you can take everything with you in one shot um or if you maybe you could you could uh if you wanted to you could put like your entire family inside a piece of paper uh presumably they can still breathe and stuff um and then just take the piece paper on a plane trip pay for one ticket and you just moved everyone across country like real easy um so yeah i think it's easier i think it's got some use uh much more than these other ones uh okay this is another please no cheap trick cheap check is a terrible stand it just kills you um if someone sees your back so yeah that's definitely a please no tier okay now we're getting into the part five stands and this is where my stan's knowledge gets a little bit shaky uh but we'll see how we go uh gold experience is it it lets things grow i think the growing ability is really useful so i'm gonna put something probably a beat here i think it's a useful ability um but the the caveat comes with if someone hurts the things you grow it hurts them back uh that's a that's a pretty big caveat to that power um but i think just the ability to make things grow um bestowing life into things is a weird power but you know making like trees grow and things like that um yeah i think i can see a genuine use for that so yeah that's gonna sit up and be i think uh black sabbath black sabbath is probably a please no ah it's ah let's black sabbath is a weird one um i think it it's another battle stance maybe it belongs in the d tier but just from some of the powers that it has and the fact that it uh you know drags out people's souls um i would i would feel very risky using this uh so maybe it does belong in the air tier uh we only see it used as a remote stand when uh journal um you know takes out the light so we don't really get to see too much of what the stand can do so yeah i'm gonna leave it down here in the air sticky fingers is such a cool stand and i think it's primarily a battle stand but it has one thing which i think takes it at least to a b and tentatively up into an a and that is because you can open zippers on anything and what you've essentially done is create a bag of holding and that's really awesome and this is i think another case of like these two stands where you can just find a spot for things that we do not have space for and put everything in there you can take trash you take nuclear waste whatever it is slap it all inside some zipper somewhere and then it never has to come out yeah i think it's it's so good um just from the bag holding aspect i play so much d d that um i i just can't not turn down a bag of holding when i see one so yeah i think it just belongs up here in atm next is what is the stand what the heck is this stand uh yes it is this is soft machine this is the one where uh it can deflate people essentially and this i'm gonna put this in the dj this is another battle centric stand not really too much to it uh moody blues moody blues is another one of those very niche ability sort of stands um you can use it to see where people have gone in the past and sort of recreate things from the past and yeah it's one of those niche abilities that is useful uh but probably not um useful enough or the niche is it's not useful enough in its niche uh nor is it sort of widely useful enough to get any higher uh same with the sex pistols probably yeah actually that's probably gonna be long indeed here uh it's more of a battlecentric stand um you've got six little boys who can run around your gun and shoot bullets a certain way uh not really too much to that besides you know shooting people so yeah i don't really shoot a lot of people in my everyday life they can sit in detail then we've got work craft work again not too much of a benefit it can stop things from moving cool detail little feet little feet is little feet has a weird ability of making things shrink and there could be a lot of use for this um you could use it in a lot of like surgical context for example um like doctors and shrinking uh the bad things inside our body from the way stands work and i would say kind of with the technology we've got the moment probably not a very useful stand um so i think if you could slap like a little gopro to your stand and like send it into someone's body to like remove like tumors and stuff probably a really useful and great stand but for the moment i'm gonna leave it in detail um not that great aerosmith summonable plane the only way we've seen aerosmith used is as an attack plane and if you could summon it bigger and ride in it i think this would be a sweet air stand this would be uh much like our friend uh strength over here with the summonable ship i think this would be freaking awesome um because this one doesn't need fuel like the car uh so it would be amazing um but in the series we do never see it summoned that big so i'm assuming that you cannot uh leaving it as just a another stereotypical battle stand which we're gonna leave indeed here now then the man in the mirror we have already come across these man in the mirror stands before they are pretty average they're just really good for battles and not much else so he's gonna sit there okay next is purple haze from that same fight and purple haze is probably gonna be our first nuke tier stand uh if you summon the stand it creates one of the most virulent diseases ever uh so we're gonna leave that down in the nuke tier i don't particularly want to do that um then we have what's the stand actually called it's called mr president um a summitable room and i think much like uh you know bag of holding earlier um i would probably put this up an 80 because this is uh basically lehman's tony hut uh sorry for all the d d references but this is really what they are and uh much like you know a bag of holding i can't turn down lehman's tiny heart it's so useful think of the rent money you would save if you could just jump into it like a little turtle that's amazing it's also a bit unclear as to if someone got this stand right would they become what people jump into or do they like get something that becomes the thing they can jump into uh like would would i just be given this key that people could jump into and then that could be like the portable room um but i think that's freaking awesome i think that's amazing stan so yeah 80 for that uh the beach boy strong fishermen that's a dta stand um when on earth are you going to use a fishing hook stand um irl never i would say uh much like suck the suck the hotness and make people old that was that was horribly phrased the grateful dead is another battle stand and just one yeah unless you're in a battle why would you want this uh this honestly this tends towards a more nukey style tear so i'm going to leave it in the air here uh because i i yeah if it if it was slightly more evil it would go in the nougat here but i think it literally can sit there for the moment uh then we have babyface and i i am personally very uncomfortable with how babyface uh is you know created in the world um so i would put this in the please note here uh because um just just the fact of having to the way in which you summon babyface the stand uh is rather uncomfortable uh so i'm gonna leave it there um then we have okay white album white album is just a better ice stand than pet shop um and i think there's a lot you could do with this um oh it's it's an a or a b here uh because there is a lot you could do with just being able to cool things down and i think much like the sun earlier this this this has got to set the same tooth as the sun um it's just the opposite this makes things really hot this makes things really cold and there's a lot of use you can do for them um if you went into like any equatorial city and was like hey i can i can completely cool down like your city for you if you would like and you would just you'd be an absolute hero so yeah that's gonna be an atm easy at uh okay the big boys all right um here we go king crimson king crimson is a weird ability i think there are later on we'll find a part seven a better time related stand and this isn't quite as good i would say as stopping oh is it is it as good as stopping time in my head i say no actually no it must surely sit with the same power as stopping time because you can interact in that time while other people experience their own time um but to be completely honest um the world and star platinum set up here for reasons other than time stopping powers so i'm gonna put it in the beat here it has a stronger ability than the ones in scene it's it's weird in what situation would you need to be able to skip time ahead uh your your version of things over overwrite what other people do uh there is a very niche like a very small amount of scenarios i can actually picture that being useful um but i think in saying that it is still a time stop ability uh and i think that for itself puts it up and beats here and then we have the the shark boy uh this is not the battle stand it's really no use or not just actually nah it's gonna be a dj sand i think this would be this is a very low dta stand uh because you need a body of water in which to summon it um next one is making people lie on command uh this is this is gonna sit with the rest of them in dtm um not so much a battle stand i would we'll put it with uh say surface which is a inherently mischievous stand uh there's not a lot of like kind ethical things you can do with the stand by forcing someone to lie uh so yeah we'll park him there uh oh here we go this is this is definitely a please note here this notorious b.i.g uh it does nothing until you die and then it kills the people who killed you that's just an incredibly vengeance related stand so we're gonna we're gonna park it there and never use it next is spice girl and honestly i i struggle to remember what uh she does uh it softens things that are hit this really is another ah it doesn't have more use than about i think it has more use in some of the battle scenes uh softening things does have a certain use yeah i think i think it contains a bit more use than some of these other stands um although to be fair we did put killer queen down here yeah since we put killer queen down here i'm gonna leave it in the same spot um ah no it's gonna go up here let's go up and see we put killer queen down here because you know it was just inherently dangerous and uh spy skill has seemingly more control to it so yeah it can it can stay up here it can stay up here uh metallica being able to control metal is super useful you just become magneto um i think this is probably a ctr it's just a better version of these stands um we only get to see it in a very aggressive context uh if we saw it in the series sort of moving things to the scale that we see magneto do uh then this becomes a a b share an age here potentially uh because you just become one of the best builders of all time um but just from what we have seen it do i'm gonna leave it in cg uh this is one of those niche stands on this list that uh like this one uh they have very specific moments in the manga that are referenced for like two pages so we're gonna leave it down here it's ones we're not gonna cover uh the next one then becomes green day and this is another one that i it is very close to a nuke tear stand i think the output is a nuke stand this is something that just it you have a certain control of it um actually this is probably a police knob ah is it yeah it's gonna be please now so i'm gonna reserve nukes for ones that if if i accidentally trigger we're screwed um and the please knows uh if i accidentally trigger it i can still turn it off uh and this one i can turn off uh but as opposed to uh purple haze which you know once it started you're screwed i'm swimming through land uh this is the sea it's it has a utility um there is a use for it you know uh you could swim to work in the morning um which gives it some more power than just some of these more battle-related stance there's more to it than just punching someone hard um or just injuring people uh so yeah it can sit up and see uh this must be silver chariot requiem and this is a nuke stand um if this gets triggered uh people just start dying so i don't want this get out of here uh gold experience requiem this is like king of the battle stands and honestly i'm just going to set it up in the same tier as gold experience gold experience requiem to my understanding the only thing it adds is being able to punch people into their own reality where they die infinitely um and personally i just find that a very cruel punishment um so i'm not really judging it on that i'm just going on the fact that it has all of the gold experience powers um and all the extra powers that it gets doesn't really elevate it up into an atm so it can sit in the beach here with everything else and i think is that all of the part five stands oh no this is the last one here we go here we go this is the last one this is from the epilogue of um vento oreo this is a really weird stand in that it it points out someone who's close to dying and then just starts following them around um and i don't think this has a user or if it does it's an automatic stance so i'm going to say this in the please note here um if it's an automatic stand and it's out of your control and it doesn't really do much to help you yeah i can just sit in the please note here uh so this is our ranking so far as at the end of part five and you can see we've got a we've got a pretty standard theme going heaven's door is definitely not something to you um sd stands are just you know they have some really strong abilities uh just generally buffs to your life um our hd stands have very strong powers that are mainly used for very specific reasons um they're not really personal buffs so much as they are um things you can do to help society in general or you know very specific d d references that i just cannot turn down um bts sands have some very niche abilities that i think are rather strong um as well as you know gold experience just quite strong stands here and here um our cti stands are mainly just the ones that are slightly better than the battle stands they have something um specific to them that makes them slightly better and then we have just the the dumping pool of the dt stands um which would really confirm a useful benefit i think in everyday life um some of them more than others i think most of these would be debatable as to whether or not how highly you put them and um how creative you could get with them and i think that's the the deal with most of the stands is how creative can you get with them and what ideas could you use to uh you know make the most out of them uh but for me they're gonna send it to you these are just very average stands um i don't think any of these would kind of change my life in any sort of way um the please note here is higher than i thought i didn't actually think there were this many stands that i would actively not want so far and this is only three parts deep but i am surprised that there are this many stands in here um and then two nukes two nukes that um if you got this would just suck to have uh anyways let's crack on into part six now stone ocean let's go first up we've got stone free and i think stone free falls into this c tier category uh it's better than a lot of just the general battle stance but what it can do is i don't really think enough to elevate it up into like a b or an a tier it's got some cool abilities but at the end of the day what are you really gonna use it for besides a battle stand uh then we've got google doors google dolls is well let's be real it's the same as the stand uh it shrinks you down um and yeah we're we're realistically are you going to use it in real life uh then we've got manhattan transfer and this is the satellite thing that um john galley shoots his bullets through and apart from that all it can really do is weed weed all it can do is really read uh all i can do is really read directions of wind currents and such and personally i wouldn't really find a lot of utility for that in real life so i'm just going to slap it with these other details um actually it's probably in the air tier because at least these ones confer some sort of benefit in the form of defense and then uh when are you really going to use this uh white snake white snake white snake is a weird ability um there is a lot of very uh tough questions to be raised with white snake's ability of punching people's consciousness and memories out of them and being able to put them in someone else and how that would work um and honestly i think just for those questions alone it's gonna go in the seat here because it could be horrible and horrifying and really like some unethical stuff or it could be um which would put it down here rather um but if it was if you could do like a lot of cool things with it like um hitting out someone's memories giving them to someone else and then um like they blend together and then you can take on all of someone else's memories and all of your own i think that'd be really interesting um and ray's yeah just raises a lot of questions this power so we're gonna leave it and see um i really don't think i have a strong enough grasp on what you could do with white snake to put it either higher or lower uh then we've got this is highway to hell this is the uh if if something bad happens to me you're gonna feel it as well and i think this belongs in the please note here um or potentially the air tier purely for the fact of uh making like yeah as a self self defense is a deterrent um i'm gonna check out the please note here um i feel like this wouldn't be something that i would like um if i slip over and hurt myself then someone else is gonna get hurt too and you know that's kind of awful um this one is burning down the house and this is emporio stand and it's really unclear as to whether or not this stand only applies in the prison or not because if it's just the prison then this is a please no i don't want a stand that only works in a fictional universe um actually this would be an absolute air um but if this lets you interact with ghost objects and ghost rooms all over the place uh then this belongs somewhere because i have no idea we have no way of knowing just how many things this could possibly interact with uh and for that i'm gonna leave it in the detail because we really don't know we don't know the extent of it i think it would be and now i'm convincing myself to move it up to seat here because you see emporio like eating chocolate and stuff and he still tastes it he just gets none of the nutrition out of it and that's an interesting idea there is there is things you could do with this i think if it worked outside of the prison so that's my assumption if it works on all ghost things globally then it's up here otherwise you're definite here that you can't actually use it uh this is ermey's stand this is kiss i think you could find a lot of utility out of kiss you can duplicate things again and again and you could get one item and duplicate it across like an entire population of people and that would be so amazing uh the downside of that comes with the minute the stick is removed everything comes together and uh essentially blows up as they smash into each other and that's a pretty big downside uh and for that alone i think it belongs down in c the ability to duplicate things is amazing and that is potentially like a world changing stand that would belong up here but for the fact that as soon as the stickers are removed which we can assume if something happens to the user then the stickers will get removed then everything comes together and everything is destroyed uh which could be you know pretty devastating depending on what you've duplicated so i'm going to chuck it in c because of that inherent limitation to the power next is foo fighters and foo fighters is a weird one because you have to divorce the stand from the plankton and we've never seen this stand divorced from the plankton before so don't actually know what it does on its own uh it's got some cool abilities like uh you know being able to heal itself and being able to manipulate water and those are really cool which would make it a quite a good stand to be honest um but it's it's unclear as to how much of that just comes down to it being a plankton colony for the inherent big question mark over the stand i'm going to set it in detail i probably have some really cool abilities to move it up but yeah i just don't know enough to accurately put it anywhere uh next is weather report and this is a nuke tier stand uh weather report is one of those stands that should be up and st or near heaven's door level of fantastic uh being able to control the weather globally even to the fact that you can control the ozone layer is amazing that is just a world-changing stand fantastic but it's the it's the abilities that come from after weather report gets his memories awakened and i think there's a specific line from pucci somewhere where he says that whole part where the ozone layer starts cracking and people start turning into snails puji says that that is an unconscious part of the stand that just happens so it's not something that where the report turns on it's just hey i have the stand and all of a sudden people are turning into snails because i just have this stand and that's horrifying uh so if someone got this stand it's probably just a real bad time for everyone involved so yeah it's gonna go down here in the nuke t here this one is jumping jack flash and this is the anti-gravity guy and that is that's a real interesting ability uh i i think it i think it's a seat here uh it's not an interesting enough buff to put it up in the bezley atia uh but it's definitely a buff as opposed to just a lot of the battle stands so i think i think cj is fine for that um it's also got some interesting ideas with like the centrifugal force that it can use and apply to things uh but for my everyday life yeah i think c is quite comfortably where it belongs so next is limp biscuit and this is the invisible zombies stand this this is an air tier this is one i would never activate um because you were one creating zombies two the zombies are invisible and three they just immediately attack your enemies and i don't really have a lot of enemies that i want you know mulled to death by invisible zombies uh so this is i don't think a stand i would ever use so it's going to definitely belong in the air okay dive it down is next and diver down is a it's another one of those weird stands of how much power could you get out of this because this is kind of ridiculous so diver down can store things inside of something so it can like punch a wall and then wait for that and then the world will punch you later on uh but can also move through things and restructure what it moves through and that is a ridiculous ability um i think honestly up to an at stand we see it at the end of the yoma fight where he's uh attaching the brain of a frog into yo yo ma and just making you know very intricate things like that to happen and that's that's that's crazy that is obviously ridiculous um this has i think the possibility to go to an east here as well but it is just for what are the limitations of it once again what can you actually do with this could i like put my hand through a drink bottle and turn the inside from water into something else or could i get like a handful of electronics and then put my hand through it and magically turn that into some sort of very high-tech technology if i could do something like that that's ridiculous and sd easy but again i don't know how much of that knowledge needs to come from actually no in to be here in in the fight with yoma if he's replacing the frog brain into yo yo ma that has to have an idea of hey i can manipulate one a stand to this other stand and three i can wire a frog's brain into the stand uh so that has to be esteem that's that's so crazy if just the stand itself confers you the knowledge to be able to do that so yeah leave it there okay this is another nuke tear stand uh this boy this little boy right here is survivor and this is a nuke tear stand because this is another automatic stand this is the one that triggers the battle royale on the base of the prison by making people want to fight uh and again this is an automatic stand this just happens automatically uh that's awful i don't want that in my life so that's going to be left down here likewise with uh this one i don't think it's a nukety stand but it's gonna be in the please note here oh this is planet waves this is the guy that summons asteroids to your location uh and that's awful i mean to the to the stan's defense it stops them before it hits you so there's that but anything around you can get absolutely destroyed by the meteorites coming into surface around you and that's kind of awful so that's definitely a please note uh this is dragon's dream this is the feng shui fighters uh stand we're gonna say that's an 80. this is a great stand i it's it's curious as to whether or not this stand like confers the feng shui knowledge to you or if you have to have that knowledge already this is essentially to my understanding a for for my own life this would be like a dumbed down version of where is he where's your boy here he is hey yeah um because this confers luck and it tells you where the lucky spots are where like neutrals places are that is just a great ability anything to do with luck that's that's a that's an amazing stand um i think the only reason it is in eight here as opposed to estie is because uh it's unclear as to how much of that knowledge you need to know as an individual and how much is this stand conferring that knowledge to you so but still really strong so up and asia easy uh this is yoma there we go this is the uh the guy with the acid spit uh and this is probably just a dt stand this is another battery stand that you would just never use um tentatively almost in the end here because it's it's just it's that bad of i'm not gonna sick this on someone that's that's awful that's horrifying next is green green grass of home this is a please nope this is the green baby stand uh so when you move closer to it uh for every half that you get closer to the baby it shrinks you down half in size that's that's horrible um i know there's another case of like the invisible baby which was uh somewhere um where is invisible here he is little invisible baby there she is this is much like the invisible baby and we don't know if it's completely an automatic sand or if it is uh something that you can turn off and on but regardless this is kind of awful uh you would never be able to be approached by anyone and that's kind of horrible uh this next one is something that we're gonna move to the bottom again as well this is uh one of those very brief powers that shows up when um poochie is fighting ff um but really not enough to be able to talk about it next we have jailhouse lock from that just a brilliant fight um and i think this is a oh this is this is a this is a dts stand um this is one of those stands that i would never want to use which almost puts it down it's here but yeah this is one of those self-defense sort of scents uh in what scenario would you want to enforce someone to only remember three things uh that's just uh very cruel i think so it's gonna be left here in the detail uh this is bohemian rhapsody this is another nuke tip this is at the end of stone ocean when all the fairy tales globally start coming to life and that's horrifying that's a nuke if this sets off like so many people globe this is this is one of the very few stands that have a global impact from the second it is activated and that's horrible that's that's an easy nuke test and no one would want that uh then we have oh this is the flying rod guy it's a bit of a weird photo for him actually but this is the flying rod guy i'm gonna move this into the seat here uh so it is very much a battle centric stand but i i'm moving it up into the seats here because what it does is it summons those uh rod creatures but it makes it very clear in the manga that the rod creatures actually exist uh in real life they're just very hard to find and track down so what we could do with the stand is actually like get some of them and uncover what they are and where they hide and what they do and you can actually make some like interesting scientific discoveries i think off the creatures so for that i'm going to put it up into ctr uh it has one very niche thing it can do to help humanity uh and for that it gets to go up here uh this is underworld and underworld i think also sits in this cta category of very niche use that could be quite helpful um and that would be for any sort of scenario where something kind of horrible is happening you need to understand the history um but also actually now i'm thinking about it you could probably use underworld to do like very old-school archaeology like if you go into some sort of uh excavation site and you need to understand what happened here presumably you could use this to uncover just how deep the history goes i mean we only see it used for rather recent history with um like a like a football team and a plane crash i wonder what the limitations are around this and i think you could do a lot with the stand that is more it has a utility more than just you know being able to punch things so yeah cj's fine for it okay see moon now we're controlling gravity powers uh this this is a weird stand um oh does it does it confirm more of a benefit oh yes it does um this is gonna be another seat here uh it has more of a benefit than these um and there is a use for being able to manipulate gravity and perspective in that sort of way so yeah i'm going to leave it up here then we have made in heaven and okay made in heaven is a very big question mark because made in heaven i think depends on what do you feel about do's final plan do you think that made in heaven and the ability to lock in someone's fate so to speak is a good thing and that really i guess depends on how deterministic you are and that raises just a very uh just just a whole bunch of very uh deep questions about how you perceive life and what's our free choice and our free will in the world uh for me um i think those questions would haunt me forever and i would never activate this so i'm gonna swipe in the air dear uh because i would never activate made in heaven uh it would be something way too spooky for me to even try uh and that closes office on ocean stands actually let's keep going to steal ball run on we're starting with your boy it's your absolute boy here he is i love hey um hey yeah is potentially a heaven's door tear stand heaven's door is ridiculous but heya is also pretty nuts uh hey is you will just have infinite fortune in whatever you do and it would uh align luck in such a way as to get you what you want i mean poco loko wins the steel ball run he had no chance of winning the steel ball run like there were so many fantastic horse races in that fight and somehow he won and won what was it several billion in today's terms money um and i think that is purely off the back of the stand this stand is insane yeah i think this is a heaven's door test end hey yeah is fantastic it's gonna go up here uh term of the boom one two three this is another magnety uh magneto-style stand um and from what we've seen it doesn't do as much as what metallica was seen to do but it's also sort of up where mariah was so i'm going to leave it in the same sort of area down in the detail uh it's just another magnety powered stand but not quite as good as metallica i don't think so plus in stubble run it split across three people so i wonder if i would have to get two more people to like buddy up with me to actually use this uh regardless it's gonna stay here in detail then oh lonesome me this is mountain tim stand and as much as i love mountain tim um this is a dts and uh it's very much like hermit purple in the fact that it has a very specific utility and that specific utility is one that i would very rarely use in real life uh so it's going to sit here down in detail symbol run has a couple of stands in this list that i'm not quite sure what they refer to so this one we're gonna leave at the bottom as well as this one i'm not too sure on if you know what those stands are let me know in the comments honestly not too sure one of them might refer to crazy horse but who knows uh next up will be this one which is boku no rhythm and this is the one that puts bombs on things and you know with the pins and you pull the pin and the bomb goes off and much like a lot of the other explodey sort of sands um we're gonna leave it down here in detail uh it's again one of those abilities that you know it's useful in combat and then outside of that when am i going to use it uh another fishing stand uh where is our other fishing stand i think we left it in here as well down in the deep here uh because when are you gonna use this unless you're like a very very zealous fisherman uh this isn't exactly a standout used too much here it is here's the other one uh then tusk this is task one and again the criteria is based on things that would actually like be helpful and useful in my real life and so this might be a bit blasphemous but tusk is going down in the detail and i think that's going to be all of the tusks because each of the tasks tusk is a very battle-centric stand um being able to shoot bullets out of your fingertips and being able to do it better and then slightly better and then even slightly better again uh all of those are very combative and things that i would generally never use in my real life especially when you get to like act four when you're shooting bullets at people and they can literally never leave from where you shot them because all of these cells spin towards where you shot them uh yeah battle centric stands gonna be left down in dtm uh scary monsters this is dio's dinosaur stand and this ends up higher than i think oh no i think b is a pretty confident place for it um honestly straddling the line a little bit with atia uh it's it's in beta not for the fact that it can turn people into dinosaurs uh but more for the fact that you gain you can do like the partial transformations and gain the the heightened senses of the dinosaur and that's just that's really interesting and there are uses for that to make your own life better if you were to get the stand um i think i would never use the you know change everyone into a dinosaur that follows my every command but being able to turn like your eyes into dinosaurs and be able to like see things really well or like increase your perception of things and you should be able to like experience life in a different way and i think that's really cool so for that it's going to end up in the bt uh then we have hot pantsus ass cream starter and this this sits up in atm uh oh it straddles the line it's going to go on stairs um why is it nestia because it has well it's going in at first of all because it has a lot of the shape-shifting ability like these other shape-shifting stands and i love those uh but it also includes a bit of the crazy diamond healing factor uh and i think with those two things combined it becomes something fantastic because it can heal it can modify like your um like shape-shifting sort of side of things and both of those things put together it would just be a very useful thing to have on you at all times um so yeah what a what a great stand uh this is the next one is mandam and i think mandam is an amazing stand uh this is a very top tier sand um i think this is honestly s straddling the line of heaven's door because what mandam does is it lets you rewind times six seconds and that is so damn useful um i think there are so many times that you would just like to rewind six seconds uh like when you uh over exit yourself at the gym and you're like oh no that was actually a bit too much i'm gonna injure myself you know revert six seconds um oh i slipped and fell and made an absolute dick of myself let's just rewind six seconds um i accidentally paper cut oh rewind six seconds it's it's one of those abilities that you would use i think a lot more than you might expect just from like small little slip-ups and stumbles through the day and you would just no longer experience them because you would be like nah i don't wanna go back six seconds nothing happened we're good let's move on um you see something real stupid in like a discussion six seconds let me try that again um we're good to go no one knows yeah i think that's a freaking phenomenally useful stand for everyday life uh the next is catch the rainbow and catch the rainbow has one thing going for it and that is being able to move fast through the rain and besides that it just lets you step on rain it's it has more utility than i think some of the battle stands do um but what it does isn't really that interesting um being able to stand on rain doesn't really confirm much of a benefit so yeah it's gonna just sit in detail uh then we have in a silent way and this is sandman's power this is uh much similar to quiche stand apart from i don't think um this one confers the psychological aspect of them so with koichi stand it went up into beta because it could slap ideas onto someone whereas sandman's i don't believe can okay so there's a little bit more to it so sandman can also manifest his sounds into objects and oh it's i'm going to slap it in c um i think it is very almost up towards the beat here um how does it belong and beat here i i was wondering if i put it in bt or ct and then i saw yukako sitting here in seat here and yes it belongs in beta this is so much better than yukako stand um you can sit up and beat here uh next one uh this is sugar mountain this is a please note um sugar mountain is another one that stands like anubis and it's whether or not are you in control of the standard is the standard control of you because this this stand is the one where if it gives you a lot of money then you have to go and spend it and if you don't then you are trapped in the tree and that's that's just awful so yeah please know um tattoo you this is the 11 dudes who just share a stand and just lets them basically hang out with each other uh this is the air tier uh one i would need to find 10 more people to like bound to this power uh and secondly it's it's very unclear what benefit it converts if anything uh see this just belongs in an you never use this uh tubular bells jupiter bells is the stand that lets you uh inflate metal surfaces or metal objects into different creatures and sort of give them their incentives um i'm gonna put that in the seat here i think there are things you could do with this uh to make it really interesting because they you are essentially making like little tiny metallic pets and that you know has at least something more than a lot of these sort of battle centric stands um but again not really enough to put it up anywhere further uh 20th century boy 20 boys also a ct stand uh it has one thing going for it and that is you would never feel overly at risk um because if you ever felt threatened you could just lock yourself down and take no damage until the threat had passed uh in saying that you quite often when you're in a dangerous situation you're not the only one in the dangerous situation um and i i know i personally would feel real uh like a bit of a dick if i was sitting there hunkered down like hey this person can't touch me but then all the people around me like ah well i mean we're still in this dangerous situation thanks so much um so yeah it's a seat here it gives you a benefit uh and that is really just peace of mind civil war is the next one and this is another one of these guilt-related stands i'm going to put it in the air tim because ant here is uh you would need to activate this to really make it work whereas the lock from part four uh that felt very almost half automatically happening um whereas civil war does have a benefit um it you can use it to keep people alive uh which is a very niche power that it has because when people die under the power of um civil war they can kind of get resurrected and come back so it has more utility than this so it's not horribly awful but it is also preying upon people's guilts to make them feel really bad about themselves um it's you know those chapters can get a little bit dark so yeah it's gonna sit in the air i don't think i'd ever use it uh dirty deeds done dirt cheap oh how high does this go dirty deeds is amazing because one duty zone dirt cheap infers on its own the basis that there are infinite earths and there are there is an infinite number of you across infinite earths and how much would you want to meet those people um and personally i think this is a heaven's door to your stand um you could take yourself to an infinite varieties of you in infinite herbs and you could learn so much about one yourself and about other things like if you if you have a particular interest that you really like you could just travel to that the earth where you are just the expert in that and be like hey i got this stand when um this mangaka came through my ceiling and bestowed upon me this gift um can i learn this crazy skill you have and it'll be like yeah uh cause you know be you um amazing scent amazing stand uh yeah i'm gonna put up here in the heavens door i think there is just so much use out of this that you will be able to get uh that it just belongs here it's kind of a world-changing stand um yeah easy heaven store uh next is our disco gridman chocolate disco um this is a dt stand it's it's a battle stand uh you would never use this again in real life it's it's it straddles the line between these two um but you will just leave it indeed here uh lucy's stand ticket to ride the the question with ticket to ride is does it overwrite like do i become like lucy do i do i lose all agency i think this sits in the please no tim uh because it seemingly takes over you in order to confer its benefits uh and that just sounds awful um i would understand that you know you can keep doing things with uh you would love to get one of these sort of stands where your life continues whereas these ones kind of either ruin yours or someone else's life so yeah i think ticket to ride sits with that as well uh dfc love train this is powered up um funny valentine at the end and this is a weird stand because i it depends on how selfish you are um so what this does is any negative effects that happen to you are transferred to somewhere else and for me i i would put this in the please note here i wouldn't want this um but it depends on how like how blessed a life you want uh but the blessing is explicitly at the expense of others um and for that i'm gonna put it in the police note here just for the caveat that it is um it's essentially like hey yeah like the good things will happen to you and you become incredibly lucky um but whereas hey yeah is you know these things are just gonna happen you're gonna be super lucky um d4c love train is all these good things going to happen to you but those bad things will explicitly happen to someone else because of you uh and for that it's gonna sit in the blazing nose here i would just feel incredibly guilty about using that um you know i'll get a lock on me or i'll die then we have ball breaker and this is gyro stand and it's this is this is a strange one to put down because trying to get my words right the stand was kind of created by his spinning ball reaching its final level and so the inference is that this stand confers all of the knowledge of the power of spin to the user and if following that is the case that's an sd stand uh because the steel balls in steel will run are kind of ridiculous uh there is almost nothing they can't do um yeah there is almost nothing they can do you can like briefly heal johnny uh they stick a man to a ceiling um they you can just use them for you know just about anything you want to do um and they you can shoot them and they come back they explode cactuses um yeah there almost seems to be no rules for them um and this is this is spinning balls at the highest level so i think it's really good uh we're gonna set it up here uh if it doesn't confer any of the ball knowledge um and it expects you to know everything first then this falls down into the uh probably the anterior things i wouldn't be able to use but assuming that it does confirm a lot of those benefits then i'm gonna set it up here in the atm uh another the world and hmm this we don't really get to see what kind of power this the world has uh but it's assumedly the same as the other one so i'm just gonna set them up beside each other and oh man that's all the silver run stands okay cool joe jolian yeah alice is getting pretty full let's go uh first is soft and wet and soft and wet is fantastic uh soft and wet i think i'm gonna leave it up in bt this is almost an hsn i think soft and wheat is fantastic uh so what it can do is create those little bubbles that go out and then take something from a person whether it be uh like when we see someone lose their vision for a brief moment or when someone loses all of the water out of their body you can just go and take very specific things out of a person that you designate uh and there doesn't really seem to be a limit to what that is or firstly you could use it in like a medical context but secondly i wonder if you could use it in more of a uh like mental context like could you take people's a certain thought away from someone um but really interesting and i think uh you're definitely stronger than a lot of these ctl ones uh but with some abilities that actually might be useful in your everyday life uh like could you just take out uh like if someone had a pain in their shoulder could you just remove the pain from them or remove uh like if someone had like a when someone stabbed them or something could just remove the knife like that with no worries um but yeah great stand um i think later on we have uh yes phase two so if we get phase two this is uh post awakening soft and wet um where he has uh the power up to shoot the full spin balls and um that's a very combative ability that honestly i wouldn't use but we're just gonna leave it in the same sort of space our next is paisley park okay paisley park paisley park is oh almost a heaven's door to your stand this is an easter stand um crazy park is amazing uh it is essentially a an amazing hacker that you have on site at all times and it also provides you guidance in situations where you need it uh so we see like yasuo is in a situation and then a prompt will come up on your phone like here's two things um what either they're probably gonna help you just make a choice uh and apart from that you can use it to track down things you can use it to find things you can use it to hack into databases that you have no way of getting into otherwise in an increasingly technological world peso park is possibly the one of the strongest stands um i think pizza park is freaking amazing uh next is this is doggy style uh fantastic name of course uh but this is uh the planter praise and stand it lets him sort of cut himself down into ribbons we're gonna just leave it indeed here um one of those weird stands that is really limited by your creativity i think and what what special things could you do with uh you know cutting yourself into ribbons literally uh next is fun fun fun and this is uh the very first stand battle that we come across which is um whenever someone makes a cut on you it creates a mark and then you can control that limb um again very combative sort of stand uh this is california king bed this is the memory stealing stand um but unique about this is that the memories it steals can be interacted with and experienced and for that alone um i think it comes up to almost a b oh is it b or c here um i'm gonna i'm gonna say c tier uh just for the limitations of what we don't know how how good it can be because the theory is if you can take someone's memories away and experience them you can also let other people uh look onto those memories and experience them as well and that would be a great way to like remember things or uh share experiences or things like that which you know makes it makes it really interesting um but with that limitation of we wouldn't we wouldn't really know if that works or not so for that reason it's going to sit in seats here rather than somewhere higher this is born this way this is the motorcycle car that chases you uh it's a battle stand it's going to go indeed here this one i always forget the name of this one because it's got some weird uh french name but this is the slippery leaves uh slippery leaves is an stand um i don't think it has it actually has a user in the series again slippery leaves what are you what are you really gonna use slippery leaves for uh not a lot let's be honest nut king call this is joshu stand where you can uh like form nuts and bolts and uh disassemble things um he uses it to think like rip his arm off and it seems painless because he's just disconnecting it from his body i'm gonna leave it in detail uh this is one of those things that i'm sure you could get creative with and find ways to use it um but mainly just a battle stand so i'm not really gonna use it uh this one is paper moon king uh very cute little stand but again one of the stands that i'm not really gonna find too much of a use for being able to turn things into uh small origami and it has a has a weird second ability um which is to make people uh sense a certain thing or like distort reality in a certain way um and the other way we've seen it be used is um in a negative context to make people uh sort of lose track of their surroundings and because of that i'm gonna leave it in detail if it could do like more interesting things and make it more uh give someone a more favorable interpretation of the world and actually like improve your your senses uh then this would definitely go up higher but since we've only see it in a negative capacity and gonna leave it indeed here uh this one is king nothing and this is the dad of tagashikata's house stand and this is a dt this is just um where is it moody blues this is just like a weaker version of moody blues um this stand just doesn't really do anything that moody blues couldn't have done so it's just going to stay here and detail this is i am a rock from funnily enough the panel i am a rock this this is just another magnetism stand it's just just to track things to your location uh that's going to sit here with the other mechanism stands oh this is this is speed king i see um this stand is uh jobin's stand and there is a very specific scenario if you were like a a very accomplished scientist and you need a very specific amounts of heat in a very specific location uh that this would be quite useful um but me being not someone in that situation i would find very little use for pinpoint accuracy heat so yeah it can also sit in the dc uh dubiour this is the tornado breaths that chase you around yeah it's what can i say it's going indeed here uh who really needs to be chased by tornadoes and who really needs to sick tornadoes onto other people uh love love deluxe is another hairstyle stand and it makes me think of the yukako stand and is it as good or is it worse uh yukako stand controls her here whereas level of deluxe controls other people's here i i think because of that it goes down a tier um because you can't quite stand you can do things with it and it is more or less a permanent change because it is attached to you and you it's always going to be within your range whereas level of deluxe you affect other people's here but they need to stay within a range of you for it to you know stay active so for that it's just gonna sit in detail uh this one oh this is from the soccer boys these two are the soccer boys um so sucker boy one he can take things in one hand and manifest them out of the other hand uh and what what a specific thing to do because i don't think it let me just double check this i don't think it copies the item i think it only uh takes the item from one hand and uh moves it into the other essentially uh yeah it doesn't copy um and if it copied it would move up but since this is just moving essentially one thing from one hand to another hand yeah it's gonna sit here indeed uh honestly it's an air tier like thera you would get so much more uses out of just these sort of stands in any sort of context than this it's just moving things from one hand to another uh likewise for his brother uh this is a uh a little poison capsule that can be released um and this is almost a please note here because why would you why would you just release an awful poison like what's what's the point what context would you need to like unleash a poison on someone so yeah that's gonna set an ear to you vitamin c is next and this is just another flattening stance so yeah it's gonna sit funnily enough where the other flattening tear stand is which is here he is up here uh from part five uh it flattens people and it makes them real liquidy and floopy what purpose would you need for that egg um then we have killer queen and this is part eight killer queen um and part eight killer queen i sit above rig his regular killer queen um but part eight kilogreen is better uh why is part eight looking better because we see it very specifically in a medical context um and the sheer heart attack is usable to go and clear like blood clots out of people and so there is a use for it and it seems to be much more of a controlled stand and for that it's going to move up a whole team uh this one is walking hard and walking heart is is is an er tear stand this is a hard stand and all we see it do is make her heels on her high heels go long a couple of times and that's all it does uh that's that's a terrible stand it's gonna sit here um this one is the mother's stand this is space trucking and it's this is another one that i would love to get some more context on to see how much you could do because in essence it's gonna sit in the atm because it's another bag of holding um what you can do is hide things between the cards and it seems like you could fit a lot into those cards i think um surugi is even squished between the cards at some point uh so you can put like entire people in there uh and for that i imagine if you wanted to go anywhere you wanted to take uh like a road trip or something and you could just carry everything you ever wanted between your cards um but in seeing that now that i'm thinking about it um it does seem less selective than say uh sticky fingers uh so one sticky thing is you can unzip and you have this seems like empty space you can put them gonna take things out of whereas space trucking it seems more like you can only fit one thing at a time it seems like and for that i'm gonna put it back down and beat you now next is the malagra man and this is a please know um this is the this is the stand that gives you a lot of money but you can never get rid of it and you will just keep accumulating wealth until it kills you um and for that it's just gonna sit in the police note here um this this stand is a death sentence uh like it's a very kind death in a sense um but it will still just kill you uh next is blue hawaii and this this this straddles the line of a nuke here but i'm gonna put in the please no tim um this is the stand that if uh you sick it on someone it's that transmutable um stalkering disease that makes people perpetually follow the target and that's horrifying um they lose all agency and it spreads uh like an airborne pathogen and infecting anyone it touches uh and so for that yeah you would just never activate this that sounds awful um likewise for this one which is brainstorming this is um the little disease cubes that come out and if they touch someone then this the horrible burning effect happens to them um and it's a lot of like creepy diseases in this section and yeah please no i don't want this that sounds awful yeah and it's it's unclear if these things would hurt the the user as well um we see they don't actually um i don't think the guy touches them in the series um but also he's a rock human so i wonder if it would affect him anyway um regardless uh it's it's real nasty and why would you ever want to activate it so yeah it can sit there ozone baby ozone baby is a beat here this is poor tom's stand and this is the where he buries the house underground and pressurizes everything this is another stand that you just never use so it's gonna sit in the air here um uh this one is doctor wu and dr wu is going to sit in the detail this is the one where he can break down his body into a little like um essentially dust and then reform it somewhere else and that is weird as a combative stand but also weird as a like a what niche purpose would this serve sort of stand um and so it's just going to sit in the sort of general dumping ground of detail next is uh this is awakening three leaves and this is a stand that i've always really kind of liked um this is uh tsurugi's mother's stand um and she can essentially set out vectors and then put vectors on certain objects or things to send them in in that direction i think this is a really cool stand i don't know i don't know what it is but i i really like this stand and i honestly can't i honestly can't place why i like it so much um but i'm gonna put it up and be now bts stands are real cool um it's gonna sit and it's gonna sit and see here um it is i would honestly need to go back and reread some of the chapters with this stand because i i remember so many things cool things happening with it but honestly nothing specific is coming to mind in order to push it up into these higher tiers uh but it is a really cool stand that i really like just on gut instinct uh finally uh these last five are ones that we couldn't figure out what they actually pertained to or the very short ones um but last one is wonder of you and wonder of you is probably a nuka tier and why is one of your nuke tier i want almost to please know but i think it's a nuke because the stand itself is like anubis where is he over here like anubis and the fact that the stand is sentient and has its own will plus it also enforces a uh causality of uh bad things to happen for anyone who follows it and so it is one doing bad things for anyone who pursues it and two if you're the stand user it's kind of tethered to you as well and yeah it's it makes a very weird dynamic and this is this is a stand that i would never want to get um yeah that sounds just awful for a quick finale let's use this as hamon and let's place where hamon would be and honestly i put him on quite highly i put him on in the atm hamon is really good and i'll tell you why one is really good because come on in in part one and two it's described as it slows down your aging it makes you generally healthier it sorts out just a lot of uh health problems that makes you just generally very strong and very athletic yeah besides just the weird like you can shoot pastor at people if you want to do weird crazy stuff um but just from the health benefits alone and the longevity aspect of it it just makes your life better being able to control hamon and i know uh parts three and four kind of threw aside the longevity aspect to make joseph older but you know we see in part two with lisa lisa for example that haman is great at uh keeping your age down and just essentially uh making life longer and better for you so yeah acs-10 i think it's uh if haman was a stand it would be really good so here is our tier list at the end of all that at the top we've got uh exactly what you'd expect um heaven's door on top of course uh hey yeah is freaking amazing dirty deeds done dirt cheap what an amazing stand um all three that i would just be lining up to get uh that is those those three are just some really uh life possibly world-changing things that will just make your life so much better in so many ways uh just phenomenal stands uh st stands are things that are really strong on their own and have just so many benefits to your life i mean our star platinum's in the worlds and even crazy diamond just really strong stands to have at your back plus they just generally make your life better with time stop or improve perception or being able to heal other people the the food related stand i'm gonna forget all these names um the one that lets you the one that heals people while you cook that's phenomenal that's just such an amazing sound i think anything that has a inherent healing property is phenomenal um being a lucid dream with other people that's man it's so it's so exciting um just imagine being able to act out inception every night because you just can what an amazing ability or being able to you know kill people and shape-shift or being like a hacker on your side at all times being able to rewind six seconds anytime you wanted it phenomenal um our 80 stands all very strong stands um things that are either like the sun or uh you know the glacial boy forgetting the name things that could just be really phenomenal for just the country and the world in general um the stands that delete things from existence or just uh being able to transform shape-shift in your body or things like that or external spaces um all my d and d boys over here i think a stands are quite good um the b stands get very specific in their niches and usefulness echoes is awesome love echoes ah that's right soul reading i was like why does darby's stand here but it's the other derby um soul reading is such an awesome ability um honestly i almost want to put it up into a it's so good um and then the other ones just generally kind of buffs to your life things that would be uh things you could use more more often than not and in cj these are all just kind of small buffs small buffs to your own life uh any that i think should move up and down i think the more or less reasonably well placed i think a lot of them have inherently defensive options as well i think a lot of c and dt stands for mainly more the combative stands ones that would keep you safe if you ever needed to get into like a fight or something um some of them better than others but yeah overall not too bad i think on those ones um metallica's what a weird stand that photo is so creepy uh the dts stands this really ended up turning in to be like the the dumping bin of stands that wouldn't really get much use in life but still conferred some sort of decently defensive benefit to your life um poor task i'm sorry task now yeah this was i think ended up a bit arbitrary between the um d tier but yeah i think i think i agree with a lot of these that they're just ones that stands that you would get but never activate uh ones that you would just sort of never play around with potentially like the fly you would play around with but i don't think i would ever activate invisible zombies i don't think i'd ever activate made in heaven that's just a bit too existential for me and in the please note here yeah i'm honestly surprised there are this many stands that i would not i would actually would not want some of these particularly the last ones are ones that perhaps do belong in the end here but we'll leave them in here for now um and then of course the nukes ones that you would just not even want if someone if if araki offered me one of these i would say please no um i would i would pay you to not get one of these stands thank you very much lee um because this is possibly world devastating if you give me one of these and that is our tier list my goodness uh feel free to let me know in the comments which stands you would move up higher which then you would use lower some of the creative ideas you would have with some of these stands i know that i think creativity is really the limit with these stands you could do some crazy stuff with some of these stands that i'm honestly not thinking of like perhaps craftwork would do some really interesting things being able to stop the velocity of things uh perhaps that's super useful in a very specific area that i have no no no knowledge about or perhaps you know you can find better uses for killer queen besides the very niche medical context um and you know just leaving him in detail as a combat stand uh and likewise with like straight hands stray cat surely has some better things to it than i'm thinking of but hey this is just my t list uh let me know what your thoughts are and any of that i might have missed out and if you know what these are actually these two are ones that are very very short very brief introductions in um i think part four and part five sorry part six respectively um these two are from part seven this is part seven part eight i believe um and i have no idea what they refer to uh so if you know what those stands are then feel free to leave those comments as well um i think one of them yeah i think one of them still might be crazy horse but i'm not too sure anyways that's it there's gonna be me for today thanks so much for chilling around uh this i think is gonna end up being the end of jojo's for now um i've got some another series that i'm quite keen to get started on soon and i hope you'll stick around for that but anyways thanks hanging out thanks for watching this has been cg and i'll see you g's in the next one
Channel: SeaGee
Views: 829,576
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stands, JoJo's Ranking, JoJo's Tier List, JoJo Ranking Stands, JoJo Tier List, JoJos Stand Tier List, JoJo, Tier List, Ranking, Hirohiko Araki, Every Stand, Stadust Crusaders, Diamond is Unbreakable, Vento Aureo, Stone Ocean, Steel Ball Run, JoJolion
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 58sec (5458 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2022
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