The Absolute Most Disturbing Villain of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure

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you know what uh graffiti is illegal so I'm not going to do [Music] it Japanese stuff is weird and I'm not going to beat around the bush some of it is just weird there's even a dedicated Google result for weird Japanese things but I'm not going to read them because I don't think they're very accurate uh today we're diving into the deep end of Jo 's Bizarre Adventure a bestselling manga that by sheer name alone fits the weird Japanese category JoJo is known for its stand abilities manifestations of one spirit that come with unique properties and attributes often relating to the user in one way or another these can range from a killer clown that attacks you in your dreams to a rainbow snail storm that turns you into a snail through direct touch or through subliminal messaging but despite how stupidly complicated these abilities are their ultimate purpose is to entertain us I I think m Microsoft Bing describes bizar as unusual and offbeat but still endearing and interesting and to me that's exactly what it means but due to its ambiguous and subjective nature the definition can be stretched thin and far something that a good writer can take advantage of thereby pushing the limits of what it means to be abnormal and seasoning an already delicious narrative and this is exactly what makes JoJo such a unique series Creator hiriko oraki excels at incorporating humor with intense drama gorant violence with important life lessons and clever puzzles with disturbing imagery to create a one-of aind and truly bizarre experience for the viewer nice if the word disturbing caught your eye then boy is this the video for you there are quite a few moments across the series that unsettled me but none shook me to my core like a Lessie a creepy and bloodthirsty weirdo with an ability based on the Egyptian god Set we're first introduced to allessie in chapter 91 of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders this is just a little teaser coming at the end of a long multi-chapter battle between Joseph Abdul and Mariah so let's see what kind of first impression this guy alessie makes [Music] right I've seen and read this part a few times and I'm just now realizing that this kid is probably supposed to die or at the least sustain very large injuries in the anime they add some extra lines but they make sure to show the kid running away after being punched the manga is more concerned with showing you that Alessi's favorite phrase is good boy ew more importantly though we get our first look at Seth and like our first look at Anubis this is merely a tarot card of the corresponding Egyptian deity and not an accurate representation of what alesi actually uses Seth is the god of Storms and chaos and while we don't get to see alesi stand just yet we can make some educated guesses about what it might be just kidding you can't because while GB Horus Osiris and th do a good job representing their respective deities Anubis Bast and Kum have little to do with their Inspirations there are some cute references here and there but to my knowledge an evil sword has nothing to do with getting into heaven being a warrior woman has nothing to do with magnetism and shape shifting has nothing to do with being an alligator that shapes humans out of clay wait wait wait a second canum shape the first humans out of clay I guess reconstructing your face is a clever way to turn that into a stand and Anubis I guess playing with the balance of life and death and showing internal suffering is a passible connection and Mariah's magnet boobs can represent the duality of femininity that is commonly seen in ancient religion and mythology that is Beauty and tenderness coupled with a defensive and Fierce Instinct the force of attraction and the power of repulsion but this still doesn't explain why Adam the literal creator of every God in Egyptian mythology was given to a kid who likes video games except younger Darby creates dolls in the image of the those who have lost their souls to the Xbox chapter 92 begins and we get this awesome two-page illustration of the Crusaders in some iconic poses and colors alessie immediately pursues them and ends up splitting pner away from the group a scene all too common by now what will you learn after some awful improvising on Allie's part they're engaged in combat and holy what the hell is that thing allessie fails to land a proper hit on pner who chases him through the city of Luxor but something isn't right by only touching Seth's Shadow he is reverted back to the age of seven this twist is pretty obvious in the anime since we get a POV shot of pner getting shorter with his voice changing almost immediately and while it spoils the reveal it kind of doesn't by giving us an implication of what's happening to pner the anime actually does a better job building up the reveal and the entire idea of making pner a kid is just out of the box thinking as a whole playing right into the puzzling situations that make this series so fun to pick apart fortunately jodo is nearby but pf's mind has slowly started reverting back in time and this next part kind of loses me because he actually does refer to jodo as Jojo and he's clearly dressed in the exact same way as his adult counterpart including the broken heart earrings that become important later in this same two-parter and then jodo just lets some creep bully this kid that clearly needs help this is just so bizarre hey that's the that's the de of the and what comes next is a monologue from allessie that is one of the first reasons why this episode is not only bizarre but also debated to a small amount online though I always thought alessie was a predator the kind to show up on Chris Hansen's show for clarification this was never outright confirmed there even seem to be a few groups online who are defending the Dignity of this deranged despot dude it's no secret this guy is nuts but if we're going to accuse a character of one of the most heinous crimes we're going to have to dive a little deeper the first item of concern is Alessi's catchphrase which has been good boy for a while now that's right the official Shonen Jump translation of Alessi's catchphrase is something straight out of a Reddit NSFW post oh and speaking of Reddit while researching I found this amazing JoJo theories Iceberg by SM Guinea that would be a fun series I asked permission and he said yeah but Alessi's official catchphrase is AR which directly translates into an exclamation of Joy followed by an invitation of agreement so er awesome right I didn't get far before realizing this is not going to work because a can also mean a lot of other things depending on the context I then stumbled upon an old Tumblr blog post by a user simply named Crystal which detailed some of the darker details behind JoJo translations over the years the blog advocates for alessie claiming there are a host of translation errors that paint this guy out to be much worse than he truly is Case in point these two images they compare the original release a fan translation and the second official release that came out around the time this blog was being written and as we can see Essie's original catchphrase was impressive only becoming perverted in later releases there's just one problem with all this though the blog was written in 2015 in the leadup to alessi 's first ever animated appearance that's right prior to 2015 alessie wasn't animated not even in the OVA meaning this was the moment for araqi and everyone behind JoJo to make some last minute character tweaks and wow compared to the manga alessie is completely changed first and foremost his catchphrase is now very good and adab boy in the sub and dub respectively which is way less creepy than I'm such a good boy but again his other dialogue is just too weird to ignore let me read something and you tell me if you get uncomfortable I can't say this too loud but picking on the week really gets me going maybe too much I think my roommate heard me say that the line is a little less pervy in Japanese but how do we know there isn't some cultural connotation that slips the mind of us westerners very good could be the same or even worse than adab boy or good boy when spoken at the Japanese dinner table so if you're from Japan or know a lot about Japan give us some insight in the comments below but for now although it hurts to say I'm confident that aess is Boom a child no a child I didn't want to believe it either but his spoken desire to draw out the encounter instead of following Dio's orders the way he delivers his lines and his infatuation with children are just too concrete of facts to ignore even if there were translation errors they would have had to make it into not only the original English release but the second English English English release and the anime adaptation not to mention whoever directed the project would have been working with lessie's voice actor for the perfect sense JoJo's part three dub is really good I have a hard time believing a rocki would go on misrepresenting this character for almost 20 years and even if you scrap all of that ignore everything I just said and consume these chapters for the first time it is extremely clear what kind of guy alessie is supposed to be and somehow somehow alessie is far from the most horrifying thing we're looking at today his next move is for the love of realism to pull out a gun and start shooting poor 7-year-old pner and in a Twist that I didn't see coming the first time time around baby Chariot pops out to save the day I'm not a fan of kid Po's voice in the dub but you have to admit Chariot is a little [Music] cute sethan appears once again and breaks chariot's sword with a swing of his axe that is inscribed with the word axe cool and the broken piece of the sword just lands in lessie's neck I guess the anime does a better job making it seem like pure luck and as allessie runs away PF is taken into the care of a young woman who is showing a little more than just skin honestly I was going to wait to talk about this but there's actually some big brain writing going on here that needs addressing this woman wants to take care of pner and he's all goooo over some boobies but it kind of turns into this wholesome yet mind-bending scene where pner can't quite understand his feelings anymore and reverts to a child in the care of this lady who if we're going to be honest is just a complete Saint I hope nothing bad happens to her one of the reasons I love JoJo so much is because of its unpredictability which means that a lot of the time it doesn't really use the trophy stuff we've seen a million times at one point I actually started writing up a complaint about this scene until I got to the part where alessie shows up pay attention young salamander this is some peak writing right here alessie not only recontextualizes the entire scene of pner in the bathroom but simultaneously saves JoJo from falling prey to the same worn out cliches this also leads to some hilarious scenes showing pner of going AP mode while this beautifully Illustrated monster is just on the prowl out of sight and it isn't long before pner is once again alone with alessie the woman nowhere to be seen this is where episode 1 ends with pner inches from Death even though we know he won't die and man was that weird let me just say using pages from this entire bathroom sequence is a huge pain since pff's is literally out invisible in plenty of panels and this woman is practically naked it was actually a shock the first time I saw this like I guess in Japan it's culturally acceptable to draw little kid dongs let's take a break from the harsher topics to appreciate just just how gorgeous sethan is seriously the line quality on the hand and on the ax is clean as hell and the texture on the body it's really a shame what the anime did to this guy turning him into gray blob out of the nine Glory Gods this uncanny nightmare is probably the trickiest to relate to its depiction in Egyptian mythology set or Seth is the god of chaos and storms ruling the desert foreign lands thunderstorms eclipses and earthquakes his duty was to protect the dead as the son of GB and nut Gods of Earth and Sky respectively but he was always jealous of his older brother Osiris for being the successful ruler of Egypt and and the guy who had illicit relations with his wife yeah Osiris cheated on his wife Isis with Seth's wife nethis Seth's wife nepsis oh and all four of these people are siblings by the way as is the case with most Egyptian gods Seth is less of an icon and more of a character changing roles and appearances in not only stories but Egyptian culture as a whole he's often seen as the villain the dark counterpart to Osiris and he's capable of shape-shifting his his default form is pretty ambiguous though likely on purpose gaining the name Seth animal a kind of mashup between most of the small African mammals but alessie St sethan seems to take the form of a bird as opposed to a more common Maman appearance but most of the time it appears as alessie Shadow with a creepy set of eyes which had me asking why Iraqi chose this bird look considering he already planned to give Horus an actual bird God to an actual bird character I was trying to find some link between all this and you'll be happy to hear that I found a surprising probable explanation Iraqi is famous for traveling to the destinations he writes about and the specific places he visited in Egypt were likely where he learned about each God not by studying hundreds of textbooks in a classroom somewhere this means we can approximate the path araqi took through Egypt based on the landmarks he includes in the manga telling us that he likely traveled through the regions where Seth is most commonly worshiped feam and N feam actually gave way to the book of f a collection of religious writings from the 4th Century BC it comes in many forms but spans the length of about two Papyrus Scrolls and contains important information about the Egyptian religion giving Scholars information and understandings they may have never found otherwise and most prominent of all was a guide to basically every Egyptian deity and their place of worship and wouldn't you know it our buddy Seth is here in the form of a flamingo and don't forget about n either the other main location where Seth was worshiped and a key contributor to the book of fam due to the beautiful illustrations of kambo in previous chapters we can safely assume icki spent a good chunk of time there and wouldn't you know it the book of f is literally inscribed on the walls of the temple so there we go there's our reason for the beak but why does it look like a creepy alien well first of all araqi actually based Seth's design off of the robot in the intro to tetsujin 28 go a 1960 series about a young man and a leftover robot from World War II this series got huge in Japan and debuted on American television under the name Gigantor but later took on the names iron fighting and Iron Man araqi gets his inspiration from the original Show's theme song but man Shin tetuan 28 from the80s has this absolute Banger man I should come back to this series in the future seriously YouTube is a platform where there are videos Neil is watching everything you P censor that word and make that other thing and is it okay to talk about this play switch off once we get a glimpse of tetsu Jin himself we can see his shadow behaves in much the same way as Seth in fact both characters have large noses that protrude forward and are nearly invisible when eclipsed from the front or back I think the big thing that just throws people off as the shape of Seth's head but surprisingly many predatory Birds seem to have wider heads than you might expect to put it in meme terms have you ever seen that frame of Phineas and fur where Phineas looks at the camera head on what makes this worse is it's probably what most people see when having a conversation with the guy here's my best attempt to illustrate what Seth's 3D form would look like these are the canonical appearances head on and from the side and here's what it would look like from a 45° angle I also went ahead and emphasized the beak to better demonstrate the dimension of it you're welcome and after all of that episode 2 which covers the last two and a half chapters is somehow even weirder and I personally believe it to be the most disturbing part of the entire series I'm not kidding this is probably the last first episode you want to show somebody so you have been warned so alesi attacks pner cutting him and attempting to drown him in the bathtub and in what may be the most genius maneuver pner distracts alessie with a hey man creativity points am I right not just for pner but for acki who decided to include this sound effect when the poop sticks to Essie's arm he's so grossed out that he says a main character would never do a thing like that and while some may say this is a fourth wall break think back to the last time you called somebody a main character my point is I think JoJo's world is the realest there is considering there are references to real life art Comics media and there are multiple confirmed universes that the characters can travel between but that's a whole video in itself and this this right here is the big reveal where did the nice lady Go pner kept asking himself the first time I thought alessie was the lady like just in a disguise but Lord have mercy sethan has deaged this poor woman into a fetus and why is it making little noises bro this is a horrifying scene in P's situation only gets worse when sethan touches him again reverting his age to three and beginning a Pursuit through the building first of all I have to give arachi insane props for his willingness to push these Concepts to their maximum potential this is something the series always does a great job at especially as you move from part three to four and so on maybe it just caters to the yellow shirt sh kiding me but whenever we get some drawn out explanation or superpower in a show or movie I always want to see it used in unexpected ways I think a big theme of alessie is his desire and his ability to victimize his opponents and this is largely what makes him such a terrifying villain to face he puts you in the most vulnerable state possible that of a literal naked child with nowhere to run or hide this is the kind of thing that resonates with you on a whole new level and I'm sure there are many people out there that had a hard time watching this episode but if you made it this far congratulations because you're rewarded with one of the craziest endings of an episode ever pner gets trapped in a room he can't escape from and has to play a little wee party hide and seek that is picking a spot in the room and hoping it isn't the first thing alessie checks when he inevitably breaks through the door now the way pner if gets out of this one is so complicated I still couldn't remember it on the watch I did for this video he can hide in a bucket or in the teddy bear or the clock or he could have escaped entirely but no after alessie completely destroys the room pner stabs him and reveals the trick in this cool little animated cutaway the manga has one panel to explain this but the anime takes that Oingo Boingo style and flushes it out a little bit here this stupid mirror trick man how do you even come up with that creeper by now it's clear aless he isn't winning which makes this suspenseful music and dire fetus noise a little goofy but there's still an entire chapter to go that's right we get a bonus fight between jodo and alessie where despite being 10 years younger jodo still opens a can of whoop ass on this guy they really don't give him any slack either both jodo and pner us their adult abilities to just pulverize this guy as his desert but again there's still a good chunk of this chapter which is dedicated to one of the saddest side plots in the whole show the canonically named nice lady has reverted back to her former self and begins searching desperately for the young boy who saved her she eventually finds pner but instead of telling her the truth he turns and walks away this is one of the most puzzling decisions pner have ever make and the excuse of I can't have a girlfriend because I'm traveling and I might die just doesn't satisfy me enough pff's mission is to find the man with two right hands as a means of avenging the soul and innocence of his sister this situation is oddly similar to the fight with alessie or in more accurate terms pff's struggle to escape him in the visual details of both stories large hands are used to emphasize how these poor children are being tormented it may be possible that seeing this from the victim's point of view helped pner better understand his purpose of serving the world I mean he's an older brother and behind this veil of Vengeance for his sister's death is an instinct to protect her and we continually see his willingness to sacrifice for others which makes the nice lady's line about her little Knight just hit a bit harder if you know what's coming even without seeing his stand she can still see the true Spirit of pner cementing him as one of the greatest Joe Bros of all time sworn to a life of guarding the safety of the world and it doesn't stop here if you've seen my previous JoJo video you'll remember there's a lot more of a relationship between pner and Iggy in the anime which better sets up some later episodes involving the two well these episodes are no exception the entire encounter is offset from the manga by about half a chapter as a means of incorporating more scenes to better show how the basted and sethan fights were happening at the same time the anime adds this scene where Iggy watches abdol and Joseph while eating a sandwich classic I think a lot of Jojo episodes can be broken down into a formula but it's these little side stories that not only flesh out the main cast of characters but give each pair of episodes an identity apart from the series and I know I said this is probably the worst place to start watching JoJo but I have to confess these were actually the First episodes I showed my friends after I got into the series and surprisingly or not they dug it maybe it's the animation maybe it's the wholesome thematic elements or maybe it's the grizzly details and crazy stunts that these characters continue to pull off but man alessie is just another fantastic example of a villain that pushes the limits of characterization to serve you the best possible story which only reinforces my belief that shock or violence or any of these mature elements can be used to explore way deeper and darker themes because if you think about it fetuses and pedophiles are far from the worst thing you could find on Twitter and to round out the episode The Crusaders meet up after their respective fights oh and we have an original manga panel of Iggy doing his iconic ending bark something the anime sticks in every episode so is this the most disturbing episode the most bizarre episode of JoJo's Bizarre Adventure comment below and leave any critiques you think might help improve my content I post regularly on Instagram and on my other two channels so go check those out for some games and behind the scenes content and that's all I got for you guys so I'll see you in the next [Music] video next time on in TV
Channel: LukeWilsonTV
Views: 45,980
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lukewilsontv, luke wilson, food review, luke wilson tv, review, commentary, listenable, nostalgia, vintage, 90s, 2000s, throwback, gen z, college, jojos, jojo's, alessi, set, seth, sethan, stand, fetus, jjba
Id: nJKOdKynot4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 13sec (1333 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 12 2023
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