Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is a Masterpiece

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is a goddamn masterpiece [Music] Now that statement alone would cause either two of the following emotions Juan is pure Bliss and an overwhelming want to become jacked Beyond human proportions and strike some questionable poses this emotion is felt from my fellow Ginger loving brothers and to you I love you the other emotions being an angry little bald man that exclusive watches isakai and to you smelly freaks get out of my sight I've said this about one piece and I'll say it again JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is an experience they'll get from no other show every character is memorable with their own personalities each part takes place in a new setting different from the last there's great fight scenes unique humor and don't even get me started at how amazing some of the stands are let's keep the hole before I started watching JoJo's I was a small run just like you I originally never wanted to get into it due to the different art style and my general thought of what the show was puny little meat that the JoJo's was just some gay vampires and Jack dudes foreign but it's so much more than that each individual part expose a new protagonist bearing the JoJo family name all having the same star birthmark we get to see the power level evolve from energy attacks called Jamon to these insane psycho spiritual manifestations with unique supernatural abilities called stands a huge reason why me and so many others love this anime is the world and community that has been built around gojos the beautiful color swaps in the anime and the characters designed by Iraqi are recognizable almost anywhere and tons of cultural references from The Real World can be seen throughout the show there are eight parts that are finished in the manga with a nice one on the way only six of these parts have been fully animated and as of right now I'm an only Anime Watcher of Dodo so I can only talk about the six parts that I have seen so far but when I tell you them shits our Peak I know some people watching are skeptical and don't believe it today I have with me a Harvard graduate that got their masters in amniology to prove this true yeah that's its peak and there you have it you know I'm not lying it's time to go over each of the six animated parts and go more in depth on what makes JoJo's Bizarre Adventure it's a truly special and unique experience location for part one is set back in the 19th century England and we follow our first beloved JoJo Jonathan joestar Jonathan is the White Knight of the Joe stars and your everyday man's man he fights for his woman plays rugby and hates the Twilight series to me Jonathan doesn't have too much of their Centric personality like the other Joe stars but he is the foundation of the family and the one who started it all the other five parts of the anime we all follow the event to take place in finna blood and the generational conflicts damage from a rivalry between Jonathan joestar and his newly that's a brother Theo Brando Dio is the main antagonist of this series at times and is off rip a piece of [ __ ] he's a psychopath sociopath and lacks empathy for any person other than himself this fan purposely needs Jonathan's dog Danny in the face and later on literally places him into a furnace and melts his ass alive rest in peace my young king him committing these devilish activities takes place a lot throughout part one and the reason for that is the Josephs are quite wealthy after being adopted by them he sees this as an opportunity to jump in and become heir to the Joe Star Family Theo begins his attempts to take over and this ultimately leads to the Rivalry between him and the Joe star family for years to come in this part we are also introduced to our first Joe Bros and for those who haven't watched Joe Bros are the main character's friends that they make along the way and help them on their path our main jobos for part one is the important creator of the speedwagging foundation Robert E O Speedwagon and Jonathan's mentor of hamon will Antonio zabelli oh these characters shine through the story and our other founding gibros that started it all it created the trend of having a group of friends accompany our main Joe stars and are now a huge Staple in the show as their Dio's attempts are shut down by old Johnny boy he resorts to using an ancient stone Mast to turn into a vampire Jonathan and Dio eventually have a final standoff where Dio gets turned into nothing but a head and Jonathan thinks he has defeated him now we're on a boat a boat full of TNT and coffins miraculously deals survives in the craziest way imaginable while Jonathan isn't as fortunate his girl lives by escaping inside one of these titanium bomb resistant coffins holding on to their child and continuing the Joe star name the music and fandom's blood has a very Cathedral and poetic theme every song is filled with beautiful orchestras and you really feel the pianos and violence all working together it fits perfect for the old England setting and the songs are very unique compared to the later songs throughout the series now is where I'll get a little vulnerable and reveal a secret about myself my god did I think this part was boring when I first watched it I was a freshman in college riddled with acne and my friend kept telling me to get in on some sweet Bizarre Adventure just to name alone made me question the show and once in the first episode I did not think it would be for me now in all honestly was young me being a little bit of a [ __ ] yeah for sure [ __ ] was only doing Nine episodes just shut up and watch it as I watch more of the parts of media JoJo fan part one I started the girl on me it's the origin story for this entire world and the journey we explore and none of the future Joe stars or their stories would exist without it we are now in New York maybe following along Jonathan's grandson Joseph dostar Joseph is a breath of fresh air from the start he made me excited to watch JoJo's again he's hot-headed playful and always doing everything in style we also get to see the judges build more character with having Joseph being able to predict what people say and also hilariously running away from battles the story revolves from The Waking of the pillar men powerful humanoids whose race created the stone mask used by Dio the first of the awakened is the pillar man named Santana who displays superhuman abilities and wipes the researchers that have resurrected after Joseph defeats him he learns that there are three more sleeping killer men in Rome where he will meet the goat of part two that man is Caesar zapelli the grandson of Will zapelli and Speedwagon's contact we get to watch their intense training of hamon with Mentor Lisa Lisa as they prepare for the battle with the Godly pillar men we are using stands just yet but Joseph uses these sick-ass Cactus which is such a cool and unique weapon Choice dude could have used any weapon but picks a string with two balls attached to it the final arcs of this battle is battle against WAMU AC DC and their leader cars Caesar has one of the most iconic scenes in this series when facing against WAMU and gives Joseph the energy to keep going once the other two player men are defeated he then had the final battle of Joseph vs the Ultimate One cars now with the ability to transform into any life form this ending fight is what makes JoJo so bizarre being sent to space through erupting a volcano using a stone it sets the tone for future parts and the reality that anything can happen in this amazing series part 2 is easily up there for one of the more enjoyable parts The Amazing Music consisting of guitars and flutes the beautiful color and art of each scene and the all-around seal of the par is such a huge step up from part 1 and ends in a beautiful way leading right into part three which is a huge step into a pile of dog here we go baby part three I thought of this part excited to finally see stands and then meet the edge Lord himself Judo Kujo he's exactly how I thought he would be he's very quiet and doesn't have much of a personality other than talk [ __ ] get hit in his first thought the general stain was an evil spirit but then revealed by now order Joseph and his friend Mohammed Abdul but it is actually a manifestation of his fighting Spirit Abdul is mature and righteous man providing knowledge and guidance about enemy stand users and be as he's from Egypt he helps them learn the local culture along the way they stand as magicians read which is pretty much just a ripped Blaze again it's also explained that Stan suddenly appeared because of Joseph's grandfather's Nemesis yeah going from only human in part two Joseph now also gets a stand one of the most insane and overpowered stains of the entire series Hermits purple I'm just kidding this shit's [ __ ] ass but pretty useful that it can materialize any type of information such as an image or location or even thought and then we get to dodo stand Dar Platinum it's pretty much one punch man with a wig possessing overwhelming physical prowess and every basic characteristic this is also where the yelling of comes from well I hate those multiple hunches that has the power of parrot 50 cal bullets now we get into the main plot Dio is assembling a group of fellow stand users to kill the rest of the remaining Jose family so our boys ditto Joseph and abdall set off on a Grand Adventure to and through Egypt to find and take care of Dio Brando once and for all along the way to Assassin's controlled by Dio attacked the group one being noryaki kakuin and the other Being John Pierre polentrif kakawin is a righteous and blunt individual possessing the stand hierophant green which he basically just spans and emerald Splash constantly and pawnref is a lovable Frenchman that is full of Pride and honor possessing the stand silver Chariot they both get defeated and join the group on their travels creating the full group of the Stardust Crusaders oh wait who's that you can't forget about the goat Iggy himself though he's a bit of a weird looking dog he's a character that does a lot for the group and has some amazing scenes now let's talk about the actual meat itself so this Crusaders starts off a strong introducing stands and a great new cast of little book characters but as the story goes on you just have to realize how drawn out this part is and it becomes very episodic we get the stand of the weak syndrome where every episode is a new villain with a new stand and you're just waiting for them to be dealt with one of the stands is a little [ __ ] orangutan named forever and his stand is the entire [ __ ] boat they're on less than half of the stands are actually entertaining to watch the name of the villain stands are pretty cool being named as her tarot cards and Egyptian deities the first two parts combined are a total of 26 episodes while the entirety of part 3 is a damn whopping 48. the story is Well written when it actually progresses and has a great cast of characters but it can get bogged down by having too many stand users appear and dragging on the journey through Egypt way too long music in part 3 is expansive with some hip-hop feeling music but also some songs that are perfect for the setting of Egypt we also get the iconic star dest crusadero theme that plays whenever the Tiger turning and you know you're getting ready to see Jitter win the fight once we finally d-reach Cairo and enter into Dio's Mansion the stories have to ramp up and you're excited to see the duel between Joe star and Brenda once again the last fight between General and Dio is one of the biggest highlights in all of JoJo's we get the Clash of star Platinum versus the world that seems like an impossible chance to win but of course it's just a Bizarre Adventure and Judo surprises all limits and begins to evolve his power throughout the fight ultimately breaking the world and defeating Dio this is a fight that will never be forgotten and just shows how truly powerful stance can become at the end we are met with the sad goodbyes of the group before going their separate ways this part right here is what made my interesting judges go from just casually enjoying the show to absolutely falling in love with it in my opinion I think diamond is unbreakable is a perfect 10 out of 10 part such a big change in what judges is now compared to his predecessors but don't get me wrong the other three parts are still great but part four and five for me are on a different level and my good old bread and butter we start off in Mario a fictional Japanese town where lives our main character josuke at first he seems like a hate-filled to delinquent but soon you find out that he's actually one of the most kind and empathetic of the other Joe Stars dosuke eventually ends up cutting past with a fellow student koichi my personal favorite Dobra from the entire series and another villain turned Ally the dumb but hilarious okuyasu we are also now accompanied by turned Milkman jitterro this outfit is like who fire and old man Joseph on his last breath part 4's first half feels like a bit like a slice of life but of course with his JoJo charm we get to see the characters interact and live their daily lives while also dealing with a bit of an arrow problem time people see this as a negative and feels that it starts off kind of slow but I personally love it this change of pace coming from this constant fighting in this bland-ass desert in this beautiful town that just feels like a breath of fresh air the entire town of Mario is just full of color and is so unique from anything we've seen before you can just sit back relax and enjoy the characters interacting before we get into the main villain and plot point of this Arc now for the second part of this show is when things start heating up yoshikakira is a handsome office worker who leaves a peaceful quiet life in Mario but is secretly a murderer this man is also on his demon time and is really obsessed with girl's hands and cutting them off the entire story of Kira and watching how he goes throughout his life is so entertaining we get this new psychological villain who's extremely powerful and has some cool ass Transformations seen throughout the show his stand Killer Queen is just one of his stands we get to see which helps him get away with the crimes he commits and in my opinion is one of the best designs in the series we also meet more great characters like invisible baby ghost girl and the author even puts himself in this through the story as Rohan a mangaka most stand users they encounter are enjoyable to watch the main casts are all fantastic and the damn music is so good we got some groovy songs that really fit the Mario Vibe and tons of songs from the OSD gives this dark and daunting feel the later half of this part is all about the hunt for Kira and eventually having a final battle against him his constant evolving with the new stance are always a hurdle that our main characters have to deal with it makes it harder to defeat him compared to any other normal standings diamond is unbreakable is truly the peak of anime and I can't express enough about how much this part means to me the arc that made me truly fall in love with JoJo's Bizarre Adventure the glazing for Judas does not stop there golden wind is just another work of art that is Above the Rest we are now set in Naples Italy in which our main character is now Juno Giovanna he possesses to stand gold experience which allows him to transform inanimate objects into living creatures Juno has a very sad and piece of childhood but it's changed when he befriends an injured gangster part of the Italian mafia he gains Confidence from this and he grows to have a stronger salt to the show if you follow along and watch him as he tackles his goal of overtaking percyon the Italian mate game that he now works under after Juno deals with Lika he has met with one of the best characters in all of JoJo's Bruno bucharati he first attacks you are now but once defeated it learns that Juno has the same distaste for the game passion and agrees the album completely his goal we then meet Team bucharati a bunch of ragtag gang members consisting of narancia Mista abatio and fugo narasia is a young looking team that is bad tempered [ __ ] at math and loves airplanes Mista is one of my favorites at this part a laid-back guy that just enjoys his food in pretty girls he stands is also up there for one of my favorites in the series being Sex Pistols just let these little guys go abachio is an ex-cop and a devoted members of the gang with pure intentions of hitting the street State and last is fugo a very caring person to the group but is serious and is afraid of danger Vernon explains in Juno that if they wish to become close to the boss they require a higher rank you get to see a fat dude named popo shoot himself in the mouth with a banana and then our gang gets enough money to become an operative in the passion because popo is defeated his old order from the boss of protecting his daughter Trish una is now placed under team butcherati he eventually gets the reason as to why Bruno is forced to join pascion as a child and our team sets their Journey onto finding the leader during this journey we also get the torture dance scene that comes out of nowhere and we never see anything like this again we eventually reached the leader named diavolo possessing the stand King Crimson after the truth of what was really happening with Bruno's revealed Giorno gains a newfound resolve and surpasses his former stand we now get the most broken stand in the entire series build experience rec room and evolved an updated state of Juno's former standing gold experience he defeats diabolo in the most terrifying way possible and the park closes with Giorno having become the new boss of passion part 5 is one of my favorites because it goes from just your normal gang in Italy to a group of friends with the goal of overtaking the mafia to better Italy all their personalities clash in a good way and we watch them grow with each other to the very end the atmosphere in Naples are so different and feels refreshing I think the beautiful town get explored over time we get this very atmospheric music that fit perfectly with the setting and every soundtrack that plays gives you an exact emotion they want you to feel golden wind has this beautiful uniqueness that makes it stand out from the rest and I love almost every part of it the final part that has been animated is Stone ocean where we follow Jillian Kujo we are back in the United States baby in my homeland of good old Florida he watches Jolene is sent to Green Dolphin prison after being falsely accused of murder she is then informed that some of this prison is a descendant of Dio and trying to murder her there's tons of judges in this part first we have Hermes our first friend she makes that possesses to stand kiss which is always interesting to watch and see how she solves problems with it next is this little ass baseball boy named aporio I also thought I was tripping with Jolene thinking how the hell is this little guy and a person just jumping through walls not getting caught but you go to appreciate him and for those that know he's the king of part six then we have inasui who looks exactly like the evolo and has a bit of a crush on our main Joe star he's very Latin doesn't really care for anyone else but Jolene but his stand Diver Down is clean that's just probably the coolest character in part six and that is weather report he first beat him deprived of his memories being very mellow and caring him for his friends but after learning of his past and when he regains his memories he locks his full power and just shows how truly strong he is and not to mention he's the damn drippiest character just look how little hat he has last we have FF a girl made of damn Plankton the main goal of stone ocean is a hunt down prison chaplain other Enrico Fuji who sees the creation of a new universe shaped to his and Dio's will we get to see jitter's sexy ass once again and made the cleanest outfit yet and he plays another pretty big role we get to see a bit more emotion out of him rather than before where he just has a personality of a brick wall this part started off really exciting and entertaining with tons of interesting stands that were fun to watch but as we got more through the plot it kind of slowed down and just didn't accept me too much like we got this old raisin with a compass that is until we get to the climax of stone ocean where we went to see pootie in action the ending is just chef's kiss I knew it was gonna happen but the way it was done in the anime made perfect sense and was written so well it got me excited to see the future parts and see if The Story Goes On from here as a die-hard JoJo fan now the credit scene this part literally me and my boy tear up just listen to that roundabout [Music] Doodles will forever be something special to me and the community surrounding it the series is like no other and has this Unique Style that I don't think can ever be replicated thank you for listening to my TED talk about JoJo's I hope I didn't bore you too much if you made it this far I honestly just wanted to make a video on a series that I'm so fond of So yeah thank you all for watching and I'll see you in the next [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: Roshi
Views: 176,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roshi, itsroshi, jojos, jjba, jojo's bizarre adventure, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, kira jojos, jojo best parts, what to watch jojos, should you i watch jojos, is jojos good, is jjba good, what is jojos, what is jojos bizarre adventure
Id: ikWxd6PLw2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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