Diego Brando The Better Dio.

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with time comes new experiences and ideas in the case of JoJo's that's called steelball run 24 years into his manga career hioo araki would make his magnum opus the Opus would revolutionize how he does his stories everything from his Heroes his art his villains his side characters the overall plot of the story being much more sine than Shonen and in specific his reimagining of old characters would do wonders for this part Diego Brando is arguably the best reimagining of these old characters as he is the steelb run Universe counterpart to Doo meaning that he has a lot to live up to and he does that pretty phenomenally however in my humble opinion I think Diego is Leaps and Bounds better than his original counterpart that's all due in part because of Ora's new ideas and skill when it came to making steel ball run a chance to redo the past while these characters have similarities and differences there is a clear better developed character here a much better antagonistic force a much better villain a better Brando hello my name is [Music] now where I feel like we need to figure out these characters is not at their introduction but at their early points in life cuz you can't build a brand without some childhood trauma now looking at Dio his childhood is pretty traumatic dead mom abusive dad bad household bad conditions bad place of living overall all Dio's life is terrible however while you can say in real life bad conditions can lead to a bad person with Dio that is not the case the story heavily emphasizes the fact that Dio's nature would have led him down a dark path no matter how much love he got from his parents or the Joe Stars he would have just turned out evil to begin with he still would have climbed the ladder in society he still would have came up with a heaven plan he was faded to become a monster regardless of circumstance however with Diego that might not be the case Diego is not a pure evil character archetype he is something much more complex than that Diego is a child filled with this innocence and joyfulness only to be a few pages later stripped of that thanks to the common flock of man not treating him or his mother with any kind of respect do in part two Dario I swear he is the starter to all these problems we face in both of these universes being a mother without father raising a child is highly difficult back in these days not only is it hard to raise dieo but is also hard to live against people's views of you and so much more common or rich people can still be cruel and evil and because of that Diego's mom dies making the innocent Diego transform into the current one we know the one that wants to climb Society to beat everybody because nobody wanted to help him or his mother and especially against his father who threw him blindly away and never helped him or his mom when they needed it the most after the death of his mother Diego would climb Society eventually reaching the Joe star Manor after after that becoming a renowned jockey within Great Britain but all this Fortune would be at the cost of others it is pretty evident through rumors and speculation that Diego is not a good person and throughout the story this is basically confirmed Diego steals cheats and beats others into submission so he can climb on top of them men in society are but a tool for him to abuse to further his own gain in an attempt to get revenge on the Common Man and on society now when comparing Dio and Diego in terms of their Early Childhood they are vaguely similar Dio is a character who relies on show not tell heavily his whole backstory is abuse of family and that's really it we don't really get to see how it's abusive or at least to an in-depth degree like Diego's than to all of a sudden be labeled as evil for Evil's sake because of Fate so none of it really mattered until he got to the Joe star mansion therefore making his backstory irrelevant but on the flip side of that Diego's backstory did matter all of it is hyper crucial for his character without it he would be nothing unlike Dio who could just shown up to the manner only for a few chapters later just to be revealed that he's evil for Evil's sake the relatability of Diego's backstory make him much better than Dio being evil for evil sake is cool for a villain however a sympathetic villain will always outperform a villain who is just evil for evil sake relatability and sympathy will always be king now in all fairness yes Dio also wants to climb Society too because of his backstory I'm not saying it's completely irrelevant because he's evil for Evil's sake because it is still there however however in Diego's backstory it is emphasized a lot more heavily than it is in Dio's giving me the reader or anybody a much clearer idea on what these villains want when it comes to the backstory Department it is clear who wins here it is Diego which in retrospect makes sense after 24 years of making manga elaborating on a character's backstory is pretty crucial for the character and not only that makes them much more enjoyable to read unlike some characters who are all over the place now moving on into the bulk of Steel ball run this is where things change pretty drastically between the characters for the first couple chapters of Steel ball run Diego and Dio seem pretty similar at least when it comes to his part one counterpart however coming to scary monsters and onward drastic changes start to occur Diego after being introduced to Stan powers and the holy corpse his hunger now evolves into something much greater his previous Ambitions were to get the money from the steelball Run Race and finally mark his place at top of society however now with the corpse of Jesus Christ in the mix things Chang dramatically as the corpse offers a great Boon to anybody who wields the entire thing as Fortune will befell them with this Fortune behind Diego he could gain his true revenge on society how Diego does this is he is constantly battling everybody on that steel ball run roster Johnny gyro Sandman hot pants everybody how he will beat all of them is by his hunger the more he wants to win the likely it is he will win he hungers more than anybody here so much so that I think he's actually hungrier for victory than the main villain himself due to Diego's hunger and his villainous nature it's much more interesting to read him than original Dio don't get me wrong Dio's cruel nature and his motivations to take of the world were cool at one point but they feel very flat and shallow but on the flip side of that while Diego's motivations and goals are very tame in comparison they are much more impactful and have way more depth just the way he talks to gyro and Johnny and Valentine just prove this point the best example I can use here is when Diego defeats Funny Valentine Diego's quick monologue about how he's crossed the line and he has finally gained victory over a high class person shows where he was and where he is now and it's honestly badass as hell part one Di and in an extent even part three do and I would even say to even a further extent part six do don't talk like this after scary monsters and race in the storm you truly do see the experience take full effect when it comes to Rocky's writing not only do you see a character who originally was pretty okay get transformed into something much better you also see his effect on the entire cast as it makes them better I feel like a problem with earlier JoJo Parts is that doesn't happen there's not a lot of character development that actually shows up but in part seven it is pretty heavy with character development everywhere Diego is actually the prime source for that a lot of the time without him teaching others to hunger the story might not be what it is right now Peak fiction the only version of di that even comes close to Diego is that of part six because after 20 years of being a character he actually gets some development however the crazy jump from part one di to Heaven plan di in part six is kind of crazy because there's not a lot of development that takes place during that just a massive jump in character with no good explanation other than I've sat at the bottom of the ocean for 100 years I've changed that was all off screen by the way while on the flip side you always see Diego constantly changing on screen having show up in parts and not have a lot of screen time will have side effects and I think one of the biggest side effects is the fans and the audience just having this weird idea of how di Works what especially makes that worse is the fact that it's not him physically showing up part two part it's either a passing mention or a crazy jumping character only to wait for several more parts until he shows up again and in said part he's not talking like his part three counterpart at all part 6 de was really weird in retrospect I'm being so dead ass Diego clearly takes the character development and the consistency part of this video hands down so now moving on to the later half a steel ball run this is where I think a lot of interesting character points for Diego start to crop up that Dio never had the major one being is teaming up Dio never teams up other than part six is the only time he teams up with somebody and even then I don't think that's even a team up I think that's a Brotherhood thing going on there however Diego does team up in fact multiple times we see with sound man that Diego is one-sided when it comes to his team-ups he still views people as well part of society and will use them as tools to further gain what he wants in this world but in other occasions like with Hot Pants there are glimpses of where the team up actually could be successful where both parties get what they want and neither has to be you know critically injured for a goal to be achieved there is a glimpse of Hope for Diego when hot pants truly offers him political power if she just gets the corpse on top of giving Diego the information of where Dar is Diego could have it all and doesn't even need the race and for the most part it almost nearly Works they basically kill Valentine if it wasn't for plot Shenanigans Dio could have got all of it but actually knowing him and his track record with Partners rip magenta magenta wik aipo and sound man that probably was not going to happen but however in a writing standpoint the fact that I almost believe that means that it was good the real reason why I like these team ups is because it shows who Diego truly is if he cannot treat one person with kindness he's not going to treat Society with kindness that point previous was already clear to begin with seeing how he thought of society but basically after these team ups it makes it Crystal Part One Dio never gets this type of attention nor deeper look at sure we get moments where he rejects his humanity and does awful and cruel things and well yes some of them do have major importance to the character a lot of the time they're just there for shock value when you finally compare the characters of part one di to the majority of Diego that was shown in it's a night and day difference there is a clearly better written villain here between these two it's Diego everything from backstory character development consistency I genuinely and honestly think that Dio only has like two good moments in all of part one that being him rejecting his humanity and him admitting to Jonathan that he is his other half but when you compare it to Diego's history and what he does during steel ball run his interactions with gyro Johnny Valentine hot pants and his individual moments to himself he just has a lot more to offer but moving on forward to characters like part 3 di with a mix of part six in there comparing it to alternate World Diego things get complicated pretty fast so sadly during the fight between hot pants Diego versus Valentine Diego dies however a few chapters later and being put under the infinite rotation Funny Valentine has to resort to his worst case plan bring back Diego Brando from a parallel world to get the corpse parts and make it American so the US may have fortune and never miss Fortune the alternate World Diego in question actually in this reality has the world and throughout its entire version of its steel ball Run Race had had this stand but basically is more or less the same character with alternate Diego now in this world a final battle between Johnny and him can now occur but the crucial highlight for Diego within this fight is the fact that he is willing to sacrifice a part of himself to win it just goes to show what he will do to achieve his goals and dreams dreams he treats no man as equal and will quite literally give an arm and a leg for what he wants he beats Johnny joar a very rare occurrence for a villain in this franchise to beat the hero and successfully gets the corpse into the Vault but Diego comes to learn a hard lesson the more you hunger the more you'll be less satisfied and in his hubris lets his guard down against Lucy steel who has his base World corpse in a bag the bag then proceeds to collide with the egg go and the rules of D4 sees ability kicks in and he dies in a furious multiversal explosion in a way I would almost describe this as an Icarus tale always hungering always wanting to reach a higher level always trying to reach the top of the world was going to have its consequences Diego's metaphorical pterodactyl Wings could not take the heat of his dreams and he fell because of that it is truly poetic the story of Diego Brando a man who wanted so much from the world never got it and then tried to take it away from the world only to be burned by it the same could not be said for part 3 Dio not because he's not a Fantastical written villain it is because now they are two different characters Diego is written to be a parallel to part one Di and to a slightly further extent thanks to the world and stuff a call back to part three deal but when it comes to character motivations and who they are they're really truly the opposite at this point one character is still trying to solve one's own personal goals while the other side one is basically a a philosopher trying to figure out the mechanisms of the universe and then trying to surpass them to eventually control his fate and so many others however they are still comparable because they represent the ending the world means the end in Tarot Card meanings so when a character like Dio and Diego show up they symbolize the end of the story and with that they both do it pretty well while I'll say Diego is not the main villain of his story he is a pretty significant one that can end it off with him being defeated nobody knows about the Holy corpse the only people that know about it now are the good ones Johnny Lucy and Steven Steel being the only ones left the corpse now finally being protected on the flip side of that jodo defeated Dio the joar family can rest from fighting him personally overall when you are comparing the world portion of these two characters arcs they are vaguely similar but also vaguely not similar this is due in part to the fact that oroi was trying to rewrite a part one character with part three elements at the very end so it feels very weird in my opinion I don't think you can compare them anymore past them being the grand finale or the Enders for their parts respectively when you look at their characters at this point and their stories respectively Diego is still a man trying to climb up top Society to be number one while on the other hand Dio is this reclusive highth thinking philosopher figure who's trying to figure out the mechanisms of the universe while granted being a complete douchebag to then rule over Humanity basically meaning one villain is a much grander version than the other so in my opinion I don't think they're completely comparable anymore however in the areas they are comparable in I think they're pretty much even if not really good at what they do that I really can't choose which one is better you can clearly tell by now the farther we get in with Dio the better acki got with his writing which makes it for me much harder to choose who I think is better when you compare both these characters in their totality to each other you start to clearly see how Rocky's experiences and ideas when it comes to writing really take effect here do not get me wrong here I love Dio he is one of my favorite JoJo villin however a thing that I've always disliked about him is how inconsistent he is the massive change in character does feel really weird for a JoJo fan like myself who has read this series constantly over and over again in a really metal way pun intended arachi is always trying to solve his past mistakes by trying to rewrite them in a better way in the future part six being a pretty good example of that and to a further extent technically Diego being the greatest example of that Diego has almost every category over Deo other than literal main villain that says a hell of a lot when it comes to characters Diego Brando is an example of what happens when an author tries to rewrite something he has much more experience in now than he did previously the better Brando was always Diego Brando well that's all I have to say like comment share subscribe follow me on Twitter stay hydr see you in the next one ladies and gentlemen
Channel: METAs
Views: 191,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: METAs, META, Anime, Manga, Review, discussion, Diego Brando The Better Dio., the world, johnny joestar, steel ball run, funny valentine, gyro, dio, DIO, jotaro vs DIO, johnny vs diego, scary monsters, hot pants, diego vs funny valentine, essay, jojo part 9, jojo part 7, phantom blood, stardust crusaders
Id: F9kFnEhj0AM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 20 2024
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