The Jello Puzzle Challenge

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(cock-a-doodle-doo) (roaring) (slam) - Whatever it's called. - Welcome to Good Mythical More. - Wild Gesturing. - All right, my turn. - Okay. Yep. Small child. Yep. Uh-huh, yeah, uh-huh. (heavy breathing) Small child stole your triscuit. But then gave it back. - That's it. But... - It wasn't a triscuit. - No, remember what this was? - Small child. - Yeah, that's it. Small child-- - Stole your triscuit, but then gave it back, but it wasn't a triscuit it was just a small child. - That's it. Welcome to Good Mythical More, did I say that? - We're gonna do two things. One, we're going to put together this jello puzzle. Two, we're gonna make up haiku's of how much we appreciate you. - 'Cause you earned it. - I'll start with a haiku. - How do they work? Five syllables? - Hey you, listen up. (chuckles) (laughing) usually you don't start a haiku with an address like that but I decided to. You mean the world to us two. (slight laughter) But... You should go outside as well. (laughs) - You should go outside. That's pretty good. You mean the world to us but you should go outside a little bit. - You should go outside a little bit. - But still watch us on your phone. - Right. - Okay. Imma try one. That was actually really good. - Yeah, just for, like, right off the top. - When you find yourself thinking. - Whoa, okay, hold on. Okay, hold on, you just-- - When you find yourself. - Yourself. That's five syllables. - Yourself is a word! - Syllables. - Oh, syllables. (laughing) - That's why mine was a violation 'cause I said outside as two. - Oh. - Yeah. It wasn't as good as you thought it was. (laughing) - Syllables. - Yeah, didn't you have to-- Oh, you were in Ms Ryan's class, I forgot. (laughs) In Ms Everheart's class we did haiku all the time, but it is advanced, I will say it is advanced. That five, seven, five pattern is advanced. - Syllables, I got it, okay? When you find yourself, let me know 'cause, dude, I... Somehow (laughing) hope to be there. - When you find yourself let me know, dude. - 'Cause somehow. - I wanna be there? - I wanna be there. - All right, let's put this puzzle together. (slight laughter) We'll come back to haiku's, that's just the first two of many. - It's like a ten word story but isolated, and you have to count. - Right. - With yourself. - Okay. This is a 3D puzzle, right? Like, this is gonna go up. - [Nicole] Yes. - Up? - This is impossible. - Well, hold on. You gotta find the edges first. Look at that. See, that's a cut edge but then that is a, that's like a bubbly edge. That right there. - Would that fit? Is that the same height there? - You gotta get something that's got some height. - I think these go on the bottom. - Is the bubbly edge on the-- - [Nicole] Yeah. - Bubbly edge is the cut. - Bubbly edge is the bottom, no. - [Rhett] Bubble edge is the bottom. - [Link] The cuts, what did you cut this with, a hot knife? Your mind? - [Nicole] Just a regular knife. - I'm looking at the-- - There's an edge. - I think it's a fish. I think it's a jello fish 'cause I'm looking at scales and I see fin. - What? - I think it's some kind of fish. - Oh, I see what you mean. - See, like that. - That's is an edge, that's the top edge. Or an outer edge. This is a bottom piece. This is a bottom piece. - That's nothing. This right here? Oh, no. - Is it in a pan? - [Nicole] Yes, it's in a pan. - So these are truly edges. - [Nicole] Mm-hm. - So we should build it flat like a pan. - [Nicole] Yeah. - No, we shouldn't build it up. - [Nicole] It's flat but there's a little bit of raise, like in the center at the top, yeah. - See, so these edges go out, not down. This is something. This is something that all the kids are gonna be into. - [Nicole] Oh no, the bubble go down. - [Rhett] No the bubbles go down. Bubbles go down. - I was right the first time? - [Nicole] Yes. (laughs) - The bubbles go down. I'm pretty sure it's a fish, but I'm not-- - Could be wrong. - But I could be wrong. Hopefully that encouraged you. - Right, so that goes down. - Hopefully that encouraged you. - When people speak haiku's do they do it like this? Are haiku's meant to be spoken or just read? - Is there ever a point in which there's gonna be jello on top of jello, though? - [Nicole] Yes. - Yeah, see, there's gonna be jello on top of jello. - Yeah, like this piece has no bubbles so that goes on top. - That is that. - I feel like in order to make it more visible to the people we should transfer all those back over here. - Well then why don't we move the whole tray to my side? (laughs) - Because those are there. Are you gonna pick all those up? Okay, so I think we're gonna do this, guys. Now, in my house I've started noticing, see here's a bottom bubble. I'm moving all these back here. Oh, that's a bottom bubble piece too. I've started noticing that there's uncompleted puzzles that are just laying around my house because Lando's started to get into those. I'll put it to you this way, he's gotten into beginning puzzles but he hasn't quite gotten into finishing many puzzles. - I can't even get one piece, I'm just trying to find one piece to line up with this. Like, could it be this? - Well this is a complete top to bottom situation. He worked really hard on this one puzzle, pretty big puzzle, I mean, definitely 500 pieces, and he got through with the whole thing except for the one missing piece, like that tropeish piece that you can't find, and he never found it. - That's a good life lesson. - You know what? At a certain point it was like, oh, is he gonna get upset? He's at an age where it can go either way, he can either get really upset and his world can crumble, or, you know what? He can step up to the plate and he can say, you know what? This is an opportunity for me to learn a life lesson and I'm gonna breathe though it. And you know what he said? He said, "I'm gonna call this "missing puzzle piece by Lando", and he wanted to frame it. - That's very creative. - Yeah, it's kinda like if something screws up here and we just call it something. - Okay, I can't even get one piece to fit with this one, I need a picture. Can we see a picture? - Is it a fish? Is it a Swedish Fish? - Can we see the pic? Because that would help a lot. - It is a fish, it's a Swedish freaking Fish. - I knew it was a... (slight laughter) - I don't feel like we have enough pieces to create that dead, red fish. - No, see look, this is one whole side of it. You see that? That's all the way to the side to the fin, and see, I'm trying-- - Oh, yes. - That's what I was picturing but I cannot find anything. I feel like I am continuing to speak like I'm doing haiku. (slight laughter) - I mean, guys, do you think we're gonna be able to do this? Oh, is that? Nope. - It's like this goes all the way from the front to the back. In fact, in looking at that picture, Link, this is in the back mid section because it's where it gets narrow. You know what I'm saying? - Let's say this is the back of the fish. - I'm gonna concentrate on putting, getting the tail. - You might have to come out here. - [Nicole] Okay. (slight laughter) - Can you help? - [Nicole] I'm not very good at puzzles but I can help. - Did you cut this? - I did. (Rhett laughs) I'm just not good at puzzles. - Well that's part of the tail. - Well you definitely need to help because... - Okay. These little pieces are like the tail, so let's do that. - Well the tail's gonna be over here. - The tail's gonna be over that way. - Okay, I'll put the tail over there. - And then the face, yeah, let's give Nicole a chair. - Bring in a chair. - Oh thanks. - And the face is pretty flat. - Mm-hm. - [Rhett] Like, I think this. - [Nicole] There's like eyes. Oh, see like... Okay, this is part of the face. - I just gotta say, I'm getting angry. - This is part of the face. - [Rhett] Facing this way? Oh yeah. - I just don't feel like I can do this. - You can do it. - Is that also part of the face? No. - No. I was told to cut these very, very abstract. (slight laugher) - They didn't tell you that you'd have to put it back together? - Nope, that was not part of the rules. - Exactly, that's why. - I think we got this, though, no? - Is this part of the face? - Guys, we have one piece. Look, we did it. One. Okay, let's keep going. - Oh yeah, you're right. That is, yeah put that back together, Link, and then I think this-- - That doesn't fit, guys. That don't go together. - That does. - (whispering) I think let's just start saying it's going together. - Okay, that's going together. - This is going together. - Yeah, that one is there. - And then this one goes right here. - Amazing. - Oh, that one actually does fit and I'm not just B-S-ing. - And imma put that right there 'cause that where it goes. - Anything that's kinda textured like this I feel like is just the center of the fish, you know what I mean? - Yeah. - And that right there. - Guys, we're doing it. - That's gonna go right there, this is it. - Oh no, Link, we're actually doing it. We're actually doing it. - Yeah, right there, see? - This is another part of the face. - Okay. - 'cause that's an eyeball. - Yep, that goes-- - Mm-hm. - Okay, I know what this is. - This is also part of the face. - I can tell what this is. I can tell, oh, I did something. Yes. - I don't know what this is. - Are there YouTube channels devoted to watching people make puzzles because I think we're onto something. This is entertaining. Yeah, this riveting. - [Rhett] What's happening with what you're doing right there? - [Nicole] I don't know. - [Link] See, here's the thing. If we do put it together, guys, everyone who's watching, they're just gonna scrub to the end and see it. They don't have to be frustrated like we are, so we don't have to vicariously feel frustration that they don't actually feel. That frees me up to be mean. - Did you just scrub here? Welcome-- - You did not scrub far enough so keep on scrubbing. (laughing) - Good. (sighs) - This is hard. - (clears throat) I've learned that those are dad noises. (laughing) - You made a lot of them. - My dad makes a lot of dad noises, I get it from him. I remember when I was spending that summer laying tile and painting houses. Whenever I'd work in close quarters with him he'd (grunts) just a bunch of those dad noises. - Some guttural dad noises. - And I'm proud to say that I have taken the mantle. - Do you guys want the actual mold I made it in? Maybe that'll help? - Yeah, and then we'll just, like, shove this all together and then cram it down. - Yeah, let's do that. - I think we've got it, look. - Rhett doesn't wanna give up and neither does I. - If you look closely you might see that I am willing to give up. (slight laughter) - Okay, this right here is pretty good. - Well we definitely have the tail. - Will it really... matter if we turn this into a fish? I think not. - I thin that looks great, guys. Look at that. - Yeah, put that over. - Just push it real hard. (slight laughter) Just eat the pieces that are hanging out. - I don't wanna eat 'em. - You don't wanna eat it? 'Cause too many people have been touching it? - Yeah. - No, I'm okay. - That's good right there. - And-- - You may have doubted but we have succeeded-ded. (laughing) - This doesn't need to be here 'cause that kind of shows our hand a little bit. - Please enjoy the fish. (laughing) - (clapping) Good job, everybody. - Didn't use the mold, that's it. Hopefully you scrubbed to this point right here and we're all celebrating 'cause we did it, and I'm messing it up a little bit 'cause you don't need to keep it how it was, but we did it a second ago! Whoo! - [Rhett] We've got new stickers. Put them on your window, on your laptop, on your bumper, but most importantly put them in your shopping cart over at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 615,740
Rating: 4.8760486 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, The Jello Puzzle Challenge, nicole, mythical chef, jello, challenge, reassemble
Id: NvEuS8m57jc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 24sec (864 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 29 2020
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