Guess The Pet + Owner Costume (Game)

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(rooster crows) (lion roars) (wheel ticking) - Look at that. - Welcome to "Good Mythical More". Let's see some Mythical crew combos with their own pets getting dressed up for Halloween. - But first, let's donate $1,000 to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, to aid in their mission to gives those affected by suicide a nationwide community empowered by research, education, and advocacy. Please join us in giving at - Thank you for being your Mythical best. So we got pictures of crew members getting in the Halloween spirit with their animals. - That is so cute that you got them to do that. - But we're only gonna see the pet with the costume and then we have to guess what the human's costume is. - Correct. Yeah, you got it. - I got it. - You got it, man. - [Stevie] Wanna see the first one? - [Both] Yeah. - [Link] Okay, so who is this? - [Rhett] That's a wolf. - [Link] What's this dog's name? - [Rhett] Somebody's got a wolf. So that's bread. - [Link] It's bread, but I wanna know whose dog is it? - Well, we're gonna find out in a second. We'll find that out, that's part of the reveal. - Oh, okay. So, bread. - It's not bread, but... - [Rhett] Toast. - [Stevie] Yeah. - [Rhett] And they are a toaster and they stick their dog's head in their thing. - [Stevie] No. - Butter. Butter and toast. - [Stevie] No. Oh, by the way, this is Phoebe. Phoebe is the dog. - [Rhett] Hey, Phoebe. Can she respond? - [Link] Phoebe is toast. - Is this a live video feed? - Phoebe is toast. - What if I was that disoriented? (crew laughs) I mean, I am pretty disoriented. But what if, I was that level of disoriented? We probably wouldn't have gotten to this number of episodes if I asked questions like, "Is this a live video feed?" And you had to constantly answer me. Man, what would that be like? I'll start doing it. - I think it would be sad, actually. (Rhett laughs) I don't think it would be humorous or even aggravating. - Yeah, it would be sad. - [Stevie] Give us 10 years. - It'd be kind of concerning. - It would be very sad. - I don't know what goes with toast besides butter. - A knife? - [Stevie] This is a very LA costume. - Oh, avocado. - [Stevie] Yeah, there's Aubrey. - Aubrey with the avocado toast. I like that. And Phoebe is Aubrey's dog. I don't think I've ever met Phoebe. - [Stevie] I like that Phoebe's just hanging. Like Phoebe appears totally fine with this situation. - [Link] Got five legs too. - Was that a costume that you could just buy together or did Aubrey find-- - Yeah, where did the toast come from? - [Stevie] Davin, do you know the answer to that question? - [Voice] All of these are separate costumes. - Can you pick apart her decor as well? - Make today a good day. - That's good. That's a nice picture to have in your hallway. You're walking down the hallway and you're like, you know what, I have the power to make today a good day. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's good. I don't know if I need to be reminded every time I walk down the hallway, but I do agree with the sentiment. - Yeah. - Let's see another animal. Oh, gosh. - [Stevie] You know who this is. - [Rhett] Yes, this is Teresa's dog, right? - [Stevie] Yeah, this is Mushu. - [Link] Mushu is a pineapple. - [Rhett] Mushu is a pineapple. - [Link] What does with a pineapple? - Pineapple and a coconut. - That's a lime. - Yeah, I know. - [Stevie] I don't know if you ever watched this particular-- - SpongeBob, she's SpongeBob. - [Stevie] Oh! - [Both] Yes! - [Link] Look at her britches. - [Rhett] Yeah, the box britches. That's pretty impressive. - [Link] Can you even see Teresa in there? - [Rhett] You can. - [Link] If we zoom in like in between the-- - [Rhett] Right behind the teeth. - I think this is a homemade costume. Did she make the SpongeBob head? - [Stevie] Yeah, I'm being told yes. - I think she made it out of a freaking grocery bag. - Like a gift bag. - [Stevie] It's actually a live feed if you wanna-- - Teresa, how did you make-- - [Voice] Yes, it's a Trader Joe's bag. - [Stevie] I told you. - [Voice] And so the pants are also two Trader Joe's bags with a belt in between. - [Link] How are the pants suspended like that? - [Rhett] Magic. - [Voice] Well, that's a propietary secret. Just like the Krabby Patties are a proprietary secret. - And I don't mean to pick apart your back yard here, but is that a dumpster or awning? - [Voice] It's neither, it's just a fence around concrete, it's exactly what it looks like. - [Link] No, no, no behind the fence. Is that the lid of a dumpster or is that awning over a window? - [Voice] Oh, that's my next door neighbor's. There a little bit below us. I think I'm elevated 'cause of our garage. Yeah, but that neighbor always makes hacking, coughing noises throughout the day and it's fun to work from home hearing that. - (laughs) Hacking, coughing noises coming from the dumpster. - You should just go up to the fence with that SpongeBob and just like, slowly spy on them. - [Stevie] I had a neighbor that would hack and cough and eventually it got to the point where I was just yelling, "You're disgusting!" Every time it happened to see if they would stop doing it. - You're kidding. - [Stevie] I am not kidding. It was like-- - How long ago was this? - [Stevie] A few years ago, this was in Silver Lake. It got really bad to have somebody doing those noises at least every half hour. It's gross. (Teresa mumbles) - [Stevie] Uh oh, did we lose you? - Yeah, we lost the feed. All right, let's get another feed in. - If somebody's hacking and coughing every half hour. - [Rhett] Oh, I've met this dog, I can't remember whose dog it is. - [Link] Oh, it's the one-eyed dog. One-eyed pug. - [Rhett] Who owns the one-eyed dog? - [Stevie] It's Percy. - I thought it was... Isn't this Chase's dog? - Yep. - Yeah, this is Chase's dog. - Chase's chinchilla ate the eye out of that dog. - Yeah, right. All his pets interact with one another. - He has two eyes, he's just constantly winking. His name is Winky. - The Winky Winky Winky Wee Dog. - What is his name, Chase? - [Voice] Percy. - [Both] Percy. - Percy the winking dog. - [Stevie] Oh yeah, update since the last time you saw Percy, his one eye that he does have, does not work. So he actually is completely blind. Poor Percy. - That's disgusting! (crew laughs) We have given Percy such a hard time. - Percy! - I really feel horrible. - Poor Percy. - [Stevie] That's why Percy's not looking at the camera. - The joke is that, obviously we love and we feel for Percy, but what can we do if not make fun of Percy on this show? - Right, he doesn't know. Hold on, but this is a live feed, he can probably hear us. In fact, his hearing has probably been enhanced by this. - [Link] I think he's a monkey. Is he Curious George? No, 'cause there's another one on the back. - [Rhett] So Chase is gonna be The Man with the Big Yellow Hat. - Man with the Yellow Hat. - [Rhett] Yes. - [Link] Yes, he is. - Wow, are you sure that's not a yellow pilgrim costume? The old rejected yellow-- - Yellow bellied pilgrim. - And Chase, you can't wear that anymore, by the way. - Yeah, it doesn't work. - Don't wear that. - That's one of those really thin costumes, that like if you fart hard, it'll make a hole in it. (Rhett laughs) Right, Chase? Have you farted hard in that thing yet? - [Voice] Not yet. - How hard you farted in that? 'Cause if you fart hard enough you'll put a hole in it. - It'll blow a hole right through the back rear end of it. - Is there any material that you can make clothing out of that you could fart a hole through? Has anybody ever farted a hole through any clothes? - [Stevie] Matt just said that's how Percy lost his other eye. - Fart hard enough you lose an eye. - Oh, Percy. We love you, Percy, we really do. - All right, oh, this is Ringo. I follow Ringo on Instagram. And pretty much nothing else. - Do you? Oh, that's great. - Yeah, Ringo like Bingo. - [Stevie] Ringo like Bingo. - It's a great account. - [Stevie] Oh, thank you. - It might be just a little bit better than yours, Stevie. - [Stevie] Okay. I'll accept that. - So you've put Ringo in a... What is that? - That's a dragon. I think that this is Stevie as The Queen of Dragons from "Game of Thrones". Yes! - Oh my god, it is. - [Stevie] Oh god, it's so bad. - [Link] Look at that facial expression. - [Stevie] Stop. Stop it. - [Link] That is a regal facial expression. - [Stevie] For Mythical Society members, there's a whole behind the scenes of all these photo shoots if you're a Mythical Society member, and you'll see the struggle is real. (Rhett laughs) - So even though your hair is blonde, you're wearing a wig. - [Stevie] Yeah, and looks like a powdered, you know, what they used to wear in court type of like, judge wig. - [Link] What are your feet doing? - [Stevie] Slightly going down an incline. - [Rhett] Holding her up. - [Stevie] Yeah. - [Rhett] And keeping her from falling. - That is great. Okay, that's good. - How is Ringo? - [Stevie] What was that? - How is Ringo? - [Stevie] Ringo's doing really well. He's going potty outside. - As opposed to he wasn't? - [Stevie] Well, when he got him, they found him under a bridge and he didn't know the difference between inside and outside, and so he wore diapers, because he just peed whenever he had to pee. And then we had to train him to go potty outside. So now he's a potty outside boy. - You ever wonder if he thinks about those days under the bridge fondly? - [Stevie] Oh, we constantly talk about it. We have a whole backstory. - He's like, man, back when I was under the bridge I could just piss anywhere I wanted to. (laughs) - Poor guy, under a bridge. - [Stevie] We also have constructed that he lived perhaps in the back of a Trader Joe's parking lot. So he has a lot of info on Trader Joe's products. - Oh yes. - [Stevie] I don't know how we constructed that. - I like that. He knows a lot about Trader Joe's. - You could've not put anything on him and then you could've dressed up like Ringo. No, he would've been Ringo. Any other Beatle. I don't know why I said Ringo twice. - Yeah, you'd be the old double Ringo costume. - Next year be John Lennon. Whoa. This is Bethany's dog. - [Rhett] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Link] What's that dog's name? Pete? - Squirt? - [Stevie] Penny. - Penny. There's been a couple of times where Bethany, back when we all used to come into the office on a reg basis, Bethany would leave her desk and Penny would be underneath the desk and I would walk by and Penny's like... (crew laughs) - I know, poor Penny. Penny has separation anxiety. - Like, is she coming back? I don't think so. She's not coming back this time. - I also had that as a child, so I'm not making fun of Penny. - Haven't Penny and Jade had some disagreements? - [Stevie] Yes. - (laughs) Yes, they have. - This a great pose. Like it's a roaring freaking lion. So what is Bethany is she's a lion? - It could be just the old lion and tiger. - Without a bear though? - Maybe there's a bear there. - I think Bethany's into face painting and I think she made herself into a gazelle. - And she's running from it? - [Stevie] No, this a pretty obvious. Oh, I guess it's not obvious. - "Lion King"? - [Stevie] No, it is a movie. - A movie about a lion. - Oh, that one with-- - [Stevie] No. (crew laughs) It's a classic movie. - Oh, that movie where the two lions come into the camp and kill everybody. - The Val Kilmer movie. - Yes, the Val Kilmer movie. - That's a good movie. - You've gotta watch that movie, it's based on a true story. - It's like "Ghost in the Darkness". - "Ghost in the Darkness". - I remember that being a good movie, does anybody else remember that? - It's based on these killer lions that took this African town by storm. - Val Kilmer was Batman. How quickly we forget. - Yeah, he was. He was a really good Batman. So this is that? And she's playing the person missing a limb from the lion. - [Stevie] Yeah, totally. No, there's a movie, it has a lion. It has a Tin Man. - Oh, it's "Wizard of Oz", she's Dorothy. - Oh. - Yeah. - So the opportunity to be Toto, we just looked right over that? (crew laughs) - We looked right over it, that's right. That's a pretty good, what's her name? - [Rhett] Bethany. - Not Bethany. - Dorothy. - Judy Garland. - I almost might say this is cosplay level. - [Stevie] Yeah, it's really good. - Bethany, do you do cosplay? - Hey Bethany, I think with the same dress you could be Little Debbie next year. - I think her feed's frozen. - You're frozen. - She's out of state right now. - Or muted or something. Okay, let's just do the next one. - [Rhett] We got a cat and a dog as the Joker and Harley Quinn. - [Link] I think that's the Riddler. No, is that the Joker? - I haven't watched any of the Harley Quinn movies. Is the Joker in Harley Quinn? - No. Yes, the first one, Jared Leto. It didn't go over well, that movie. "Suicide Squad" the first one. The second one's directed by-- - James Gunn. - James Gunn. - Might see that one. - I'll have to see that one. Who are these animals? - [Stevie] The cat is Casper and the dog is Finn. - [Link] And whose are they? - [Stevie] Zach and Caitlin. - Oh, the dog is Finn? - [Stevie] The dog is Finn. - I saw Finn the other day. - [Stevie] Finn's a cutie. - Finn's like not that old, right? - [Voice] He's five months. - Yeah, I was about to say, he had some puppy energy. - So if Zack and Caitlin are both in this picture. - Well, they're the other people from "The Suicide Squad". - Will Smith. (crew laughs) I haven't seen it. - Two other characters from "The Suicide Squad", which I do not know. - [Stevie] Come on. - Batman and Robin. - Well, it's a DC property. - [Stevie] Batman and? - Superman. - Batman and Supergirl. - Batman and Batwoman. - [Stevie] Well, I mean, close. - Batman and Catgirl. - Catwoman. - [Stevie] Yeah. - [Rhett] I get it. I get it. (crew laughs) Oh, look at that. - [Link] Look at that happy family. - [Rhett] Look at that, you guys look so happy. - [Link] Especially the cat and the dog. Look at them. They're over it already, guys. Zack, you went with the vintage Batman. - I've always preferred the blue and gray Batman. That was a good call, that was a good call. - Okay, you could've covered your codpiece with the dog in some way, but you didn't. (crew laughs) - [Voice] Okay, I love that. - Codpiece. I just wanted to say codpiece. All right. - That's pretty impressive. - That's all we got. That's pretty good if you ask me. - Yeah, that really puts me in the Halloween spirit. (crew laughs) - [Link] Get these tees shipped Prime by heading over to
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 200,031
Rating: 4.9436693 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: liMzgL_dvWg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 39sec (999 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 27 2020
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