Leaving Things In Pumpkin Beer For A Month (Experiment)

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This is probably an unpopular opinion but they need to retire the left on a shelf format.

It was fun the first few times but nowadays it is boring, they are reaching at the bottom of the barrel for liquids now.

At least with the food episodes, it's always new items which makes each ep unique.

At least this is only once a month.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Randomusername12545 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love when the editor throws in snarky comments, like when Link said they could just replace his dialogue in post and a caption popped up saying β€œDangerous request, Link...”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toadpuppy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Food episode: grumble grumble pitchforks and torches

Non-food episode: grumble grumble pitchforks and torches

Constructive criticism is fine, but sometimes it feels like no matter what they do, it’s wrong.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toadpuppy πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm living for the absolute CHAOS when Link tried to feed Rhett a strawberry.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I don't mind it, but again preferred GMMore today.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/rachel_of_oz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Why does the barbie just say (foreign language) in captions? they couldn't look up what it says?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/barakados πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

"I'm still good!"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/deadmallsanita πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I enjoyed yesterday so much, I think it made today seem worse by comparison. I didn't like GMMore at all - had to move to something else after a few minutes.

I'm finding that when the crew joins in, the guys aren't interacting with each other as much. They're talking to the crew instead of each other, which disappoints me cuz I'm tuning in to watch the guys. Perhaps I need to try and reframe it as the Mythical ensemble rather than Rhett and Link

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Melayla πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

This bit is getting so boring, IMO. I cant wait for them to start bringing music back into their show. I miss Rabbit Lightning.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ApolloXLII πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 06 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies
- What is this used for? - Well, we can talk about it after. (upbeat music) - Good mythical morning. - The election is fast approaching. So we want you to vote like a beast. If you're in New Mexico, today is the last day for you to register online to vote. So, this is important. Get registered at votelikeabeast.com. - If you're in Missouri, tomorrow is the last day for you to register online to vote. So it's important, get registered at www.votelikeabeast.com. - If you're in Indiana, Iowa, Nebraska and Ohio, I'd like to know how I mean all at once. - All at once, I get it. - Stupid joke - I was tracking. - Early voting in those four States has started for you. So vote by mail or in person. This is important. Go to www.votelikeabeast.com. - And remember if we've registered 18,000 people by election day, we're gonna do our very first, all day long live stream. - Now it's fall, which means corporate entities are squeezing every last bit of pumpkin juice into every product imaginable, including beer. Now here's a riddle. If Budweiser is the King of beers and Jack Skellington is the pumpkin king, who is the King of pumpkin beer? - Bud Jackington. - Correct. Let's head on over to the shelf that we leave things on which we call [VOICE] The shelf that we leave things on. - We've done Coke, bleach, air, Guinness, salt, pool water, nail polish remover, mouthwash, champagne, Shamrock Shakes, and Irish whiskey, a 93' Infinity G20, margaritas, dirt, wine, glow sticks, citric acid, Red Bull, eggs, Febreeze and coffee. But today we're dipping our haunted fingies into some pumpkin beer. It's time for: [VOICE] Left on a shelf pumpkin beer edition. - All right, we're gonna guess what happened to things the mythical crew left in pumpkin beer for two months. - Dang two months. - Two months. And if we get three or more, right, we get to become human jack-o-lanterns on a Good Mythical More! - Oh yeah, but if we don't get at least three right, we have to become human jack-o-lanterns on Good Mythical More. - Ah, okay. All right. Well, let's hop to it. Get it? Because beer. - Ah. (instrumental music) (screaming) All right, we got Red Vines and Twizzlers. Twizzlers are the super shiny ones, and Red Vines are this, the more matte ones. - They're called red licorice, but neither one of them are actually licorice. - Because licorice is like from a black licorice root. I'm a licorice fan. I'm a licorice man. I know what licorice means. - And I am not, which means I can, I can deal with this. - This is not licorice. If you say, Oh yeah, I like licorice. You know the red kind. Well, you don't like licorice, unless you like black licorice. - Red Vines are a lot chewier, not quite as tasty. Turns out I'm a Twizzler man. - Okay. - But that's not the question at hand. - But which one of them fell apart like a total eclipse of the heart. Do you think that song ends badly, is that the joke? No. Come on. [Stevie] No, that's a, that's a lyric. - That's just what happens. It falls apart. [Stevie] Yeah. - Yeah, all right. - Let's see... - Every now and then yes. - See, because of the glossy nature of the - Twizzler. - Twizzler - Makes it more resilient to, I think in beer, - Yeah, but the Red Vine is a lot harder. Having just eaten both of them. It's a lot harder to chew. - Hmm, that's a good point. - I really think that the matte finish Red Vine- - Held up better. - Held up better because it's so much harder. - Yeah, I'm in agreement. - So we're saying- - The Twizzlers fell apart. So the one on your left fell apart. All right. So let's look at the Red Vine first. Oh my goodness. - Well, okay, we were wrong. - We had (laughter). - We should have gone with our first instinct - So if you'll look at, I mean, there, it looks like they just, it just took the color off of them. Let's, let's take a scent. Who, man. You don't have to get that close. It just smells like- - There's so much beer, there's so much. It's super hard, but there's so much for it to like get into, you know what I'm saying? And this is like, you'd like wax a car. You put wax on a car and it gets shiny and then water can't get in. We should have stuck with that reasoning. - There is nothing at, well, hold on. - [VOICE] I mean, it fell apart. - [VOICE] There's a little something. It looks like a- - Pull out one of those white Twizzlers. - I mean, these did not change at all. And you would think they would be made the same. They are made totally different. Here you go. - They got a little, they are super soft though. - [VOICE] Yeah so- - Should I take a bite of it? - Yeah, you should. Oh, he did. - I shouldn't have done that. - Alright, so now we've got three animals. We've got a coyote skull. We've got chicken legs and we've got a leather mask, I guess that's cow - Put it on. It'll stop the pandemic (laughter). - How do you- - This mask will not work very well okay. - What is this used for ? - Ah, well, we can talk about it after. - It's smushing my nose. - [VOICE] Yeah. We'll talk about it after. - I can't, I can't, it's starting to hurt. - Okay, what are we trying to figure out here? - Which got foamy and frothy like Mr. Clean's OnlyFans account? - Wow. - [Stevie] I didn't envision you saying that with that mask on but it made it a lot better. - It changes everything. - I mean, you could get me to say anything you want and post with this mask on. - That's true. - We should just wear masks and gesture the whole time. - Yeah. We'll do that eventually. - Have somebody else voice this thing over, make it funnier, - Foamy and frothy. Meaning that the beer itself reacted to whatever it was and became foamy and frothy. But it says which got foamy and frothy. So I'm thinking this the thing, a bone can't get foamy and frothy. - If it had some meat on it, then we're talking, we're in chicken leg territory. So this is definitely going to make a nasty reaction. - Don't forget that one of the options is the mask you're currently wearing, you may have forgotten about. - It's just, I mean, it's just leather, - But leather has been through a process, like a long process that makes it like resilient. So to me, the most obvious answer is that the thing that has the most potential to react is the straight up chicken. - Yeah, I'm feeling that. So let's start with the skull and see what happened in there. Oh my gosh, it got foamy and frothy. - Well I know, but this beer, does that mean that the skull got foamy and frothy? - [VOICE] How do I grab this thing? Oh wow. - I can just grab it. - Yeah, you know what? You're over there, you do it. You do it, I don't want to do it. It's got a cool colorization- - [VOICE] Are we calling that foamy and frothing? - [Stevie] I mean, look at the other jars I would say before you. - Let's wait and see. - So let's go to the, the mask. See if the mask is foamy and frothy. - [VOICE] Oh, no. - [VOICE] Definitely not. - There's nothing going on with the mask- - But you know what? - Put that one on. - Well I put on the other one, you can put on this. - Later, when we discuss what these masks are used for, I'll put this on. - Squeeze it, ah! - We've got a problem here. - Okay, okay, if you can open that, now that I've loosened it, I'll give you a token. Ooh, see, I, like I said, I loosened it. So take that mask out, put it on. - No froth, no foam, but style intact. - Nothing changed. Okay. So then over here we've got the- - Nope, nope, nope, nope, nope, nope. - The chicken leg, oh gosh, that is nasty. It is not foamy or frothy. It's the freaking- - So there's something in- - There's something, you know what? - They put something on it. - They bleached the skull. We should've known. - They bleached the skull and look, the foam in, oh! Gosh, well that smells like an old sack of hot dog. It's like, it's not anything I've- - It is a sack of hot dog. - That's how they make hot dogs now. - Hang out in a sack? - Yeah, you hang it in a sack until it turns into lakes. So Barbie tells us that we can become anything we want to when we grow up. But what will a talking Barbie left in beer tell us? Well, we left a talking Barbie and a singing electric children's toothbrush in pumpkin beer for two months. So see what Barbie says now. (foreign language) - Did you understand that? (foreign language) - That's not English. Is that German? - [Stevie] Yes. - Barbie, Barbie's speaking- - You guys got German Barbie? (foreign language) - I'm sure whatever she's saying is super encouraging and insightful. - Yeah. - But you know what? We also have a children's toothbrush. - See if that's German. (dance music) Okay. (dance music) Underneath. (dance music) I was, yeah, I was hoping that was in German too. It's quite annoying. All right, so what are our options? - Which one stopped working like the American justice system? Sad but true. Was it the talking Barbie or the singing toothbrush? - I dunno, which one do you think? - What are you doing? - Well, people said they liked this better, so, deliberate. - Why don't you deliberate? - We can both deliberate I guess. - [Stevie] This is worse. This is somehow worse than anything we've done. - Here, can you give me some, one of these instead? - Oh you know what you can do here, here. You take one of these- - I don't like eggs, man. - [VOICE] Take one of these. Take one of these. - Yeah, yeah. - Here we go. Let's do this. - Yeah, yeah. I don't want, I want a strawberry, - Yeah but you're not supposed to talk about it. - [VOICE] Oh yeah. - It's like fight club, it's like fight club. The first rule of feeding each other strawberries and eggs is not talking and talking about it. - Don't talk about it. - Okay, I think it's gotta be Barbie. Doesn't work. And the singing toothbrush still works because this one goes underwater all the time. - I find it interesting that one of them works though. Oh that's a good point. - It's waterproof, dude. It's got like gaskets on it. I mean you can't, you can't. - Yeah, you're right. - Little kid going to have to have this thing underneath the faucet. - All right, so we're gonna take, we're gonna, I assume that, is this the- - That's probably the toothbrush. - No, it's the toothbrush. There it is. I don't have gloves on, but- - Who needs them? So I assume that that's still gonna work- - I'm going to wait and then I'm going to take out, Oh gosh, I'm going to take out this Barbie before we find out. - She does not look well. Her hair is, why you got to pull her out by her hair. Oh my goodness, this is the, There she is. She's like, I'm still good (laughs). - Look it. Look at her legs. - All right. - Okay, so let's, we think that one still works? - How do you turn it on? - Press that star. (dance music) - Still works. - Not as loud though. (dance music) - Listen to how loud it really is. (dance music) So, I don't know if we're calling that still. - Does it stop? - You've got to hit it. - Right, so let's see if the Barbie still talks. How do you activate her? - It's the button on the back right here. - Here we go. Make sure. - Barbie? Barbie- (foreign language) Remember how you used to talk? (foreign language) - All right, we've got the two things that guys can think with, either a sheep brain or a kielbasa. - Yeah. - So like putting a kielbasa, that brain is nasty. I'm gonna, I'm gonna just push that out. Cause I don't like it being in front of me. - I know what happens when you put one of these in a vacuum cleaner boy, we have a good time. - Yeah, we do (laughs). Now- - We got some of those some of those leftover I guess. - Now eating this with beer, is a good idea. - Oh yeah. Cooking it in beer. - Cooking it in beer is a good idea. - Yeah cooking it, beer. - So, what are options? Which one got that stank? Like people who wear natural deodorant, the brains or the kielbasa?. - Now brains never fail to stank in my experience. I mean, this is- - This doesn't smell at all. - Yeah, but it's a raw flesh. This is, it's got nitrites and nitrates. It's already cooked, - Yeah but the way, like they used to hang these things up in like a cellar- - And they would get better. Not stink. - Yeah, they get better. - I think the brains are going to be stinking. Are you going with me on this? - [VOICE] Yeah, I'm going with you on this. - So, I'm thinking that the sausage isn't stinken. - Okay, and that the brain is stinken. - So, I'm going to open up the sausage. - [VOICE] I'm going to open up the brain. - Yeah just smells great (laughs). (retching) It's got that wow, it's got that death stank. Oh gosh. It's like- - Yeah. - Woo! - You were right, man. - I don't even know what, we got two right, two wrong? How many we get? - [Stevie] Well, either way you have to do the same thing so. - I mean this, this put things in perspective. People wearing natural deodorant now, they're actually all right. - Yeah. Oh, we also left Link's glasses in, what is this? - [VOICE] Pumpkin beer. - Pumpkin beer for a month. - Oh, so that's where those have been. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is? - Hi, it's Nick from Modesto, Cali currently in Humboldt County. And now it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality - Oh, wow. - Instant classic. - I think we just found our new best friend. - Yeah, we did. We did go to downtown Modesto. - Modesto. - Hang out in the Holiday Inn. - It's a marauder song. It's not a, it's not a proposition. Click the top link to watch us lick our way through a whole bunch of mock tail Rams in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the wheels are going to land, - [VOICE] Make your voice heard and vote like a beast. Visit, www.votelikeabeast.com for all your voting needs.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 863,482
Rating: 4.9109321 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: benWQO8Ap0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 47sec (887 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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