Worst Halloween Candy Bar Taste Test (Finals)

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I can’t believe the Payday hate. From these two peanut heads, it’s peanuts and caramel nougat, what’s not to love? It’s salty and sweet and peanutty. I don’t get the hate. The hate for Zero and Charleston Chew is perfectly understandable, Chewy deserves more hate because raisins are nasty, but Payday doesn’t even belong in this competition, much less as far as it got in the tourmenent.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Shagrrotten 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Rhett looks FIT. I think they'd sell more bobbleheads if he were topless. 😂

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/Neat_Caterpillar 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

rhett is slowly turning into tarzan

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Sissinou 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

After this, I kinda want to find a Zero bar, it actually sounds interesting.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Bearded-Sweet-P 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Link's conversations with Christy made my day. I also enjoyed the "acting class" in More!

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/FloridaFlamingoGirl 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Charleston Chews are fucking delicious. Fight me.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Painted-Claws 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

Baby Ruth being worse than Heath is a crime

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/cruncrust 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2020 🗫︎ replies

I love Zero bars but somehow I knew it was doomed from the beginning.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/gr_drummer 📅︎︎ Oct 31 2020 🗫︎ replies

Zero bar is the best bar.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Ivy_Thornsplitter 📅︎︎ Oct 30 2020 🗫︎ replies
- [Christy] I don't care, I love you, but if we disagree, it's fine. - Oh, that's sweet. - 'Cause that's more Zero bars for you, right? - [Christy] Yeah, that's right. - All right. - [Christy] They come in king size. (Rhett laughs) (upbeat music) - Good Mythical Morning. - We dressed up for Halloween. - Yeah, we did. I mean, but it was pretty simple for actually both of us. - Yeah, you know what? - This year, you gotta keep everything simple. - If you're not actually going trick or treating, don't spend too much time on it, just do it for yourself. All right, over the last two days, we've eaten 16 of the worst candy bars ever made. We narrowed it down- You looking at my loin cloth? - No. - We narrowed it down to the final 8 finalists and today, one of those - Final 8 finalists. Candy bars will be crowned the worst candy bar of all time. Now, do you regret us making this about the worst candy bar and not the best candy bar? 'Cause I do. (laughs) - Certainly, but you know what? I don't live with regrets. - Yeah, I don't live with wu-gwets either. - I forget the-- (laughing) I can't hear myself with this, okay? Don't make fun of me! - No, I'm not making fun of you, man. That's just how I say it. - Next year, you're gonna be the volleyball. - Okay, yeah. (crew laughing) We'll ping pong back and forth. We'll volley back and forth. Okay, it's only the nastiest and only the crappiest today because we're about to crown the worst candy bar of them all! It's time for Creepy Candy Bar Crapfest, Day 3. Take a look at our mesmerizingly majestic, monstrously meddlesome, mangy candy bar bracket, and you'll see the eight candy bars that remain are Baby Ruth, - [Link] Heath. - [Rhett] PayDay. - [Link] Hershey's Gold bar. - [Rhett] Zero. - [Link] Yoo-hoo Candy Bar. - [Rhett] Chunky. - [Link] And Charleston Chew. - And whichever bar is determined to be the worst, remember, it will be buried alive at the end. - Because it deserves it. And of course, manning the board, we've got our very own John Wayne Chasey. John Wayne Chasey! - Where is he? He's usually not at the board. - He's probably behind us. Just go to the board. - Oh gosh, he's behind the tree. (thundering) - All right, we're kicking off the final day of this tournament with our first matchup, Baby Ruth versus Heath. And like days one and two, whichever candy bar will not be continuing on will go in our eat ya later bucket, so we can eat it later. - Have a Baby Ruth. - I remember this. This is like a PayDay, except it works. - It's got chocolate on it. It's a lesser version of other bars that have the same ingredients. - Yeah, but it... I mean, you got the peanut-y... - It's not horrible. - I mean, I know you like toffee, but you gotta do something... Talk to me here. Talk to me about the toffee, man, because I don't like it. It gets caught in your teeth. - Well, okay, let go of how it's attacking your future self, and just think about the present. Don't worry about the food in your mouth, (chuckles) or worry about the food in your mouth, not the food in your teeth. - I mean, I'm trying not to chew it in order to just taste it. Does it ever melt? - Yeah. - It never melts. - I mean, it'll take a long time. - I don't like that. Okay, I don't this. Period. And you're not gonna... You're not just gonna bat me around like your little play toy that keeps you sane. - Are we gonna have to have a tie breaker in the first round? - Yeah, but it's a fun tie breaker 'cause we've got to find the nougat in a haystack. - There's actually three bars in here, but we just have to find one. Whoever finds their bar first is taking home the- - [Stevie] On your mark. Get set. Go! - Oh God. (chuckling) Bar! - What? No, that's the bar that we ate! - No, it...(chuckles) Oh, bar! - Bar! - Bar. - Yeah, you... (Rhett laughs) You dropped the bar we... okay. So you get to decide- - Oh gosh. - Come on, man, pick the stuff out of my teeth and then decide. Yeah, you're half naked, or more than half-naked and you straw all over you. - I like the Heath more, so the Heath is what goes in the bucket and the Baby Ruth is what moves on. - Toss it. Miss it. - Yeah. - John Wayne Chasey, wake up, man! Move it on. How many jobs do you have? It's like the same. One. You have one job. - Hey, you did well on that one. I like the enthusiasm. (thundering) - All right, next, we got PayDay versus Hershey's Gold Bar. - Rip into that peanut caramel bar sans chocolate. And then I'll rip an edge off here. I mean, I would think I would like this better if that core of caramel in the middle was just more peanut butter. - That's too much peanuts, man. You gotta go easy with the peanuts. - [Link] That is salty. - [Rhett] I still don't like it. - Yeah, it's not great. I mean, as much as I like peanut-flavored stuff... - And this one, I don't even remember what I thought about this. - It doesn't have a good taste. The peanuts and pretzels in this creamy caramelized cream are so finely chopped, you could miss it entirely. - The initial taste of this is almost like plastic. - Yeah, I hate both of these. - Yeah, which one do you hate more? - I hate the one that makes me question whether I even like peanuts anymore. - Which is PayDay? - Definitely. - Okay, so PayDay is moving on. We're gonna keep the Hershey's for ourselves, even though we hate it. Yeah. - It shouldn't be that hard. - Throw it on the ground. Doesn't need to get to the bucket. - John Wayne Chasey, is your job easier than mine. - Thank you, that's right. Add a fart sound effect when he bends over like that. There you go. (farting) Like a clown fart. - Don't lean into it, literally. - Too late. (thundering) - Don't forget tomorrow is the last day for 3rd Degree Monthly to get the final collectible item of 2020, the Rhett and Link bobbleheads complete with desk, chairs, and a microphone. - Yeah. - These collectibles are only available to Mythical Society 3rd Degree members. So join 3rd Degree Monthly by October 31st or 3rd Degree Quarterly or Annual by December 31st to qualify. Visit mythicalsociety.com for details. - Look at that. Even the back has details if you wanna talk about details. - And we're clothed in the actual bobbleheads. - All right, this round, we got the nasty Yoo-hoo Candy Bar versus the potentially nastier Zero bar. - These are both so nasty. - We just discussed how the taste is just so lackluster. - It tastes like a old forgotten chocolate bunny rabbit. - Christy's favorite bar- - It's horrible. - Is the Zero bar. And- - It's worse than the Yoo-hoo. - I'm gonna call Christy. I told her we might call her and put it on speaker. So I'm just gonna call her and let her tell us why it's a good candy bar. (phone ringing) If she answers. (phone ringing) - Come on, baby, answer. We need you. - [Christy] Hey. - Hey, you're on Good Mythical Morning, you remember the show that Rhett and me do? - I'm here as well. - [Christy] Hi. Yeah, I remember that show. - Okay, (chuckles) so like I told you, we're tasting the Zero bar again, and it's up against a Yoo-hoo Bar, which you probably never tasted. Let me tell you, it sucks. But baby- - [Christy] Well, I'm upset. I'm upset that the Zero bar is in the worst category. - And it keeps moving forward because- - It's doing very well in the worst category. - We tasted it again. It just doesn't taste good. - Why do you like it, Christy? - [Christy] It's all in the nougat. What other candy bar has almond nougat covered in white fudge? - None of them because it's a really bad idea, I think. - [Christy] It's not. It's a great idea. It's from the '20s, it's from 1920. It's amazing. - It's from the '20s. (chuckling) - You've done all this research. - And you know I respect your palate. - It's really the taste. I respect your palate, Christy. - [Link] Y'all usually like the same things. - We agree on so many things like- - Pickles and- - [Rhett] We have diverged here, so. - [Christy] Yeah, okay, here's the other thing. Here's the other thing, it's really the Zero bar is attached to my childhood. So when you have... - It's a little nostalgic. There are certain things that are attached to your childhood and maybe that's why it's my favorite. It's not necessarily- - Tasty. - [Christy] The greatest, but I love it. - Well, you know what? There's gonna be plenty 'cause we ain't eating any more of these. (laughing) - Yeah. - [Christy] Well, bring them home 'cause they're hard to get. You can't just find them anywhere, you gotta look for those things. - Well, we found a lot somehow. (laughing) - Yeah, we got a pile of them. So okay, so she's pulling on the heartstrings. - Yeah, you gotta make this decision, man, it's your wife. - We gotta keep the Yoo-hoo for ourselves. - [Rhett] I'm sorry, Christy. - [Link] We'll keep the Zero bars for you because- - We'll bring them to you. - You didn't sway me. (chuckles) - [Christy] That's fine. (Rhett laughs) - All right, Yoo-hoo going in the bucket. - You know what- - Yoo-hoo going in the bucket. - I changed my mind. Don't be mad. I think she hung up. (crew laughing) Zero bar moves on. - I'm still here. John Wayne Chasey... okay, you didn't hang up. - [Christy] I don't care. I love you. But if we disagree, it's fine. - Oh, that's sweet. - 'Cause that's more Zero bars for you, right? - [Christy] Yeah, that's right. - All right- - [Christy] They come in king size. (laughing) - Zero bar continues forward because it sucks for most people. - [Rhett] Oh, wow. - [Link] All right. - [Christy] Okay, bye. - Love you. - Love you. - Love you. Bye. - Bye. (thundering) - Now, we've got Charleston Chew versus Chunky, the battle of the ch-ch-ch-ch. And listen, - Ch-ch-ch-ch-ch. I hate Charleston Chew, that's been established, even if you freeze it. I actually kinda like Chunky, so this is an easy round for me, so I defer to you. - Oh, no eating, huh? - No, I'm not even gonna try it. - I'll tell you right now, I don't like the raisins, but I still like it better as an amalgamation than this strange thing that I don't know how it's endured. So yeah, I totally agree. Keep Chunky for us. (Rhett laughs) - That was... it's the first time I've ever- - Keep Chunky for us. - I've actually never watched how far off it was. - Keep Chunky for us. - Yeah, alley-oop, one more time. - Keep Chunky for us. Yeah! - Got it, yeah! - And the Charleston Chew - Charleston Chew. moves on! - Do it, John Wayne Chasey! - Hit it, J-dub Chi. Yeah, wabam. (farting) - Yup, nice, nice. Real good. (thundering) All right, our first semi-final matchup, we got Baby Ruth versus PayDay. Very similar bars, but- - And I had made a statement earlier on that I wanna retract, 'cause I said that the Pay Day was basically a chocolate-less Baby Ruth. But it also doesn't have the nougat, so there's two things that it doesn't have. - Yeah, I mean, it's missing a lot. - I mean, if you don't like chocolate and you like salt, then maybe you're a PayDay man. Baby Ruth is so much better. It's ease of eat- - Okay, Baby Ruth, we're keeping- - Good all around. - PayDay is- - We're keeping that for ourselves. - It sucks a lot! - We're getting worse as we go. - Oh, that went in! - Hey, wow! PayDay moving on to the finals. - J-dub C, what's in your freezer? Charleston Chews? (Rhett chuckles) PayDay has made it to the finals. (thundering) Only one of these two will move to the finals to go against PayDay, the Charleston Chew and my sugar momma's bar. - Oh gosh. (chuckling) - I mean, it looks like glue. Look at that. It looks like a volleyball. - I mean, the Charleston Chew is just straight up bad. But I already know how bad the Zero bar is. - You know what I think makes it so weird? The white fudge. - [Rhett] Oh! - [Link] It doesn't have that kick, that- - Four seconds into a Zero bar- - Mm-hmm. There's this artificial taste kick. - It's three, two, one, zero. And on the zero, is when the Zero lets you know how bad it is. - I thought this could win the whole thing by being the worst, but right now, we're gonna keep it. - Whatever, yeah. - Right now, we're gonna keep a bunch of them. - Yeah, go for it. Yeah, throw multiple ones three feet to the side. - Then it doesn't happen. So John Wayne Chasey, going into the finals, my home life might be a wreck, the Zero bar. - [Rhett] He looks like he's looking for a confirmation, like he- - [Link] You're doing the right thing. - [Rhett] He seems unsure of himself. - [Link] I'm unsure too, man. - I'm sure about this. Very sure. (thundering) It all comes down to this. - Yeah. - PayDay versus Zero bar. - Sorry, baby, all right- - I mean, the PayDay's gonna have to do quite a lot... It's gonna have to screw up in a way that I don't think is possible because it's an inanimate object, it can't really screw up. - It's not horrible, but it's lacking. And then- - If you lick it, it's just salty. That's pretty good. Man, you know how I have such a high tolerance for things. I love so many things. - The thing that you're right about is a few seconds into that first bite- - Oh, there it is! - It's this waxy... it's like you're eating plastic or something. - It's like something went wrong in the process. - The PayDay, I hate it, but it doesn't taste bad. - The PayDay doesn't make me angry. - The Zero actually tastes bad, and everything about it should taste good. I don't understand. - PayDay makes me angry at the world, like this makes me... I mean, PayDay doesn't make me angry at the world. Zero makes me angry at humanity, that we were able to come up with this. - I don't know what's gonna happen, but we're gonna keep this PayDay. - You got to deal with this at home. - Oh gosh, I would love to just be able to throw one in there and hit it. I mean, ain't nobody got time for this. - Yeah! - I got it! - All right- - Zero bar- - John Wayne Chasey, put it in the final, all the way, Zero bar, the worst candy bar in the world, and as punishment, will be being buried alive. Hand me one, Link. - Here it is. - It's going in. - I'm sure we'll add some somber, graveside music in post. Maybe it should be celebratory. I don't know. You decide! Oh, can I do a nail? - Nope, but you can bury it. - Oh, I got this. All right. (celebratory music) Okay. - Look at that. - We'll have to see what Christy has to say. Maybe I'll call her back in Good Mythical More. But for now... - You know what? Just take this home to her. Like, baby, I got you some compost. (chuckling) - Dig down in there, you got yourself a present. - All right, thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Danielle from Gainesville, Florida, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. Happy Halloween. - Thank you. - Happy Halloween! - That's a sharp carve. - Click the top link to watch us create the perfect scream in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality is gonna land. Join the Mythical Society 3rd Degree Monthly by October 31st to get the Rhett and Link bobbleheads, 3rd Degree Quarterly and 3rd Degree Annual purchases automatically qualify. Visit mythicalsociety.com for details.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,439,372
Rating: 4.9194303 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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