Ridiculous Medical/Police Slang (GAME)

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(rooster crowing) (lion roaring) (wheel spinning) - Welcome to Good Mythical More! We're hanging out with Rob and Erinn, we're talking some medical and police slang. We're gonna learn something. - But first we're gonna check our voicemail. We've got a voicemail, let's check it. - Alright. - [Gus] This is Gus. - [John] And John. - [Gus] And we're wondering when you're gonna be in the Panhandle of Florida. (laughing) - They're wondering when we're gonna be in - [Rhett and Link] The Panhandle of Florida. - John and John, down in the Panhandle. You ever been to the Panhandle? - Oh, yes. Oh yeah. - I, uh huh. (laughing) Yeah. - Panama City Beach is in that Panhandle. - Aw, man. - If you grab the, the handle, your index finger will be right there on Panama City Beach. And boy, it will stink when you smell it. - I love a beach in front of a real muddy, - Yeah. - Body of water. - Cool. (laughing) - You don't like the Gulf, man? - Oh, no! No, did I give you that impression? - Have you had the Gulf shrimp? - I love the Gulf! - Hey, Rob is a Gulf lover. Rob is also, and you already knew this, he was my boss in Buddy System season two. - That's right - And you fired me. - I did. That was real. That was all real. - You probably had it coming. - It was, it, it hurt. - It was all real. - It was, it was brutal. - Yeah, yeah, you didn't like how I, I'm very method, and you felt like I had really fired you. - Yeah, he left for the day. - And he left for the day. - He was like "Oh, oh, I'm still on the cast." - Couldn't get him back. - No they, they had to deepfake me into the rest of the season. - Yeah. - I was gone. - Do you feel that you've healed from this emotional rift? - Absolutely not. No, no. This is the first time I've been able, - Yeah, no it's, - to make eye contact with the guy. - it's a wound. It's a wound. And guess what. You're rehired. (laughing) (clapping) - Healing. Aww, you guys. - Thanks for doing that, man. - Yeah. - That was a lot of fun, in that factory. - Season three coming soon. - Alright, Stevie. Give us something, we're gonna define it. - [Stevie] Okay, this first term is a medical term. - I'm gonna know this. Cause we are pretty much doctors. - [Stevie] Bobbing for apples. - [Rhett and Erinn] Bobbing for apples. - Bobbing for, I know this one. Yeah I mean, we're doctors at this point. Pretty much - Yeah, yeah. - Bobbing for apples. - That's super easy. - Bob, I mean. I just don't wanna brag. - [Stevie] Unfortunately I just saw the definition myself. And I'm not to happy that this is the first term. - Oh, is it a real bummer? - [Stevie] Ehhh. - You wanna skip it? - [Stevie] (laughing) No. - Or you just don't wanna say what it is. - [Stevie] Exactly. - Alright, who wants to go first? Erinn, you're the winner you go first. - Alright, alright, alright, alright. - Bobbing for apples means? - Bobbing for apples, it means removing kidney stones. - Good guess. - From peepees. - Oh that's. - That's where they go, right? - That's a really good guess. - Into your wieners. - Right. - Not into, no they don't. - Into your wieners. - Just right through it. - I've been putting em in there for years. - Yeah, yeah. (laughing) - I said bobbing for apples is the surgery version of grasping at straws. You're like in there and you don't know what your reaching for. - Okay. - I like that answer. - I went with sort of a similar theme. I said when you leave a tool in a person's abdomen and then you get it out with your mouth. - What? Oh! - You know that happens. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - That's not what they call it though. They call that something else. (laughing) Forget it. I had no idea. I couldn't even think of a funny thing to write. I had, I wasn't even, I was so blank. That I wasn't even sure if I could remember what the symbol for question was. (laughing) - Yeah there's like, it looks like a ear. - It's kinda like I put my own little, I put a little mustard on it. - Get out of here. - You just go uninvited from so many game nights. - It's straight at the bottom. I don't know. - Hold on, you're already erasing. But Stevie, who won? - [Stevie] Okay. - We don't even. - [Stevie] Bobbing for apples means unblocking a badly constipated patient with one's finger. - Oh, that sucks. (crew laughing) - That doesn't make any sense. - Why do you have to do it with a finger? - It doesn't make any sense. - Uh, but it works. - Your kinda feeling, - I guess, yeah. - Who's closest? I kinda feel like Erinn's the closest on that. Cause she's at least in the. - [Stevie] Yeah. If we're playing closest, I would give Erinn the point. - In the medical. - Do you think though that it's always accompanied with a sigh? Like, "What are you up to?" (sigh) "Bobbing for apples." - Bobbing for apples all morning. - I think they secretly enjoy every bit of it. - Rhett. - Ooh, counterpoint. (laughing) - [Stevie] Okay, next term is a police term. Wood shampoo. Wood shampoo. - Wood shampoo? - [Link, Stevie, and Erinn] Wood shampoo. - Like W-O-U-L-D? - [Stevie] Wouldn't you like to know. - These are. Mine are pretty long, it's tough to write. - [Stevie] I'm so sorry. - Gosh. What in the world. - My answer is so specific. - Yeah, I'm. - Mine's pretty broad. It's vague. - Is it a question mark? - Yeah. (laughing) - Oh, question mark! That's right! That's what the word is. - Hey, yeah, yeah. - Yeah, I'm just gonna have to fill in mine with just words. - Okay. If yours is really specific, you're going last. - Alright. - Alright, I'll go first. I'm guessing that it's a cleaner for the bobby stick. What's it called? The bobby stick? - The bobby stick? What are you talking about? - Come over here governor. - The police baton. - Oh, the billy club! - And it's like governor. - The billy club! - Bobby stick. (laughs) That's great. - Hello, governor. - That's the British term. - You're like an Anglophile. - Yeah. - The bobby stick. (laughing) - But it's the. - You've got to clean my bobby stick. - That's good, Link. - Shampoo, wood shampoo, my bobby stick. - Oh, we got the wood shampoo. - Alright Rob, what'd you got? - I have roughing up a perp. - [Erinn and Rob] Give em the old wood shampoo. - Oh, I like that. I was kind of in a similar place. - Yeah, yeah. - This is when a cop is standing next to a wood chipper. And another cop who's gotta be in rough with the suspect, puts him into the wood chipper and it gets on the cop who's standing on the other side of the wood chipper. - Oh the Fargo. - Ooh, yeah that was called giving em a Fargo. - Yeah. - But it gets on his head. - Alright well mine is, they're gonna, I don't know if this works. But you're gonna delouse an inmate by just rubbing sawdust all over their head. - Totally, yeah. - Cause that'll, I think it's gonna suffocate them. - That works. - Yeah. - Janitors do it to vomit. - Yeah, right. Oh my god. - Sawdust is very useful. - Maybe it's cleaning up puke in a prison. - [Stevie] Wood shampoo is using a nightstick, which was originally made of wood, - [Link and Erinn] A bobby. - [Stevie] on someones head. Which I feel like Rob is the closest. - Yeah! - Yeah, roughing up a perp. - With a, - [Link and Rob] Bobby stick. - Give em a bobby. - [Stevie] Okay this next one is a police term. Sam Browne. - Sam Browne. (Erinn whistling) Sam Browne. - Wow. - I feel pretty confident about this one. - Okay. - Okay. I'll go. This is when you find two dead guys one of em's John Doe, and the other guy is Sam Browne. (crew laughing) Ya know? - You might be right. - Wait, wait. I had a similar one. It's like a generic term for a perpetrator. Like a John Doe, but it's like, just feels more friendly? - Yeah, see. - Yours is living. - Yeah. - His is dead. - Oh, yeah mine's alive. - Yeah, right. - Okay. Alright, I said it's an expletive replacement for recorded interrogations. Ya know so like the grade school kids can watch it. It's like, "What the Sam Browne did you do with that bobby stick?" (laughing) - Instead of a beep. - Yeah, they don't beep themselves they just say, they Sam Browne it. - Sam Browne it. - Sam Browne! - Like, "Daglamit!" - Daglamit? - Dagnabbit, and daglamit. - Dadlimits. (laughing) - So I had, also my mind was blank again. But just to prove that I'm not stupid I wrote two exclamation points, a question mark, and then three commas just so you guys know that I like my way around. - You know all the punctuations. - Punctuation marks. - Congrats. - That's good. - I'm not stupid. - What's a Sam Browne? - [Stevie] Sam Browne is an officer's utility belt. And it's called that because General Sir. General Sir? Sam Browne was a 19th century British Indian army officer who had lost his left arm so it made it difficult for him to draw his sword. So he came up with the second belt that crosses over your chest. - Of course, Sam Browne! - Yeah. - I actually think Rob was closest. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Great. (laughing) - It was the comma comma comma. - Yeah. - That put me over the edge. - [Stevie] So the next one is a medical term. Stream team. - Stream team. - Stream team. - [Stevie] David, how's it going back there for you? - Going pretty good. - Oh I forgot David Hill was back there. (crew laughing) You're sketching Erinn, right? - Yes. - (gasps) How's the back of my head look? - Do you have like a, any experience with this? - Oh yes, yes. Growing up elementary school, police sketching. - Oh you've been to elementary school. - Elementary school police sketching. - All my life. (laughing) - Stream team. Who wants to go first? - Stream team. - I'll go first. Wild guess is a grouping of veins that gush when severed. - Oh. - We nicked the stream team. (laughing) - Whoopsies. - Quite a nick. - Yeah. It's gushing again. Alright. (Link and Erinn making hissing sounds) I said it's the staff who is tasked with cleaning urine. Like in the hospital there's a lot of urine spills, guys. A lot of urine. - You're right. - Oop, call in the stream team. - Pee pee cleaners. - Yeah. - I was thinking to practically I guess. Rotating shifts in an E.R. Just kinda stream the team in and out. - You're into logistics. - Stream teams. - Stream that team in. - (laughs) Yeah, yeah. - You got the logistics there. - How we gonna get this crew in and the other one out. - I like that. - He's always been an administrator at heart. - I like the way you think. - I think this is when they've lost a patient that was in surgery. Like somebody like. - Died? - Ya know like somebody gets up in the middle of surgery just like, "Why am I here?" - Sure. - And then they start walking and then this is a team of children because it's like bring your kids to work day and that team of children follows the blood to find the person who's hiding. - Oh, you're probably right. - That's pretty good. - Yeah. - If that isn't a thing they should have it. - Yes. - [Stevie] Stream team is the urology department. So Erinn's kinda the closest one. - It had to be pee! - You're right. - Guys it had to be pee. - Urology department. - [Stevie] Alright guys this is the last term, and then we're gonna see this beautiful piece of art. - Wow. And Erinn you could win again. Cause you and Rob are the only ones who've gotten points. - Oh my god, guys, invite me to game nights. (laughing) I'll kick all your butts. - [Stevie] Okay. It's a police term. - Okay. - [Stevie] Berries and cherries. - Uh oh. - [Stevie] Berries and cherries. - Berries and cherries away. - Berries and cherries. - Berries and cherries. - No twigs? (crew laughing) - [Stevie] Berries and cherries. - Hmm. Really? - Oh, I can't. (laughing) - You haven't used the semicolon yet. - Yeah, right. - Okay. - Wait. - Man. - Long answer? - Mhmm. Yup, this is right. - Okay. - Alright, well I'll go first since mine's simple. I just think it's a general term for guts. Ya know it's like, open him up and nothing but berries and cherries in there. - Why are police doing that? (crew laughing) - Oh shoot, I'm still in a hospital. (laughing) - Sometimes cops do that. - Yeah, you gotta open up a perp and see what he's got going on, and like where he's stashed it. - Yeah. Shoot. - I don't think I'm right. I just went with drugs. - Oh. - Ya know you see some like, ya know in the TV and the film industry where they just represent drugs as just capsules. - Just drugs. - Berries and cherries. - But you wouldn't like fool McConaughey just to say that. (laughing) - Drugs. - Drugs. - I had two naked perps, one male and one female. - Ah, berries and cherries. - Berries and cherries. I went broader, this is the term for specialty prostitutes. - Oh. (crew laughing) - Listen we got. - Specialty? - Specialty. - What's their specialty? - Fruit. (laughing) Ya know we got this guy saying brown and then all the berries and cherries. The regular berries and cherries. - Stevie, what is berries and cherries? - [Stevie] Berries and cherries are the blue and red lights on a patrol car. - [All] Ah! - Of course! - Berries and cherries! - Alright. - [Stevie] Okay now the moment we've all been waiting for. Erinn's prize. (gasping) - Good lord. Look at that. - Oooh! (crew laughing) I look. - Grade school did you right, son! - You look guilty. - Okay, here's the thing. This is an Instagram photo. This is when I hadn't washed my hair in like three days and sometimes when I brush it gets all like, it's like a Nagel print from the '80s. Ya know those one like you just put it any position. - Hold on. Are you saying this is a print? - I did some modeling in the '80s for a hair salon. No! This is fantastic! - That's what I thought. - It's pretty cool, man. - David Hill. - Thank you guys! - It's remarkable! - Can you sign that for us? I don't know. - Yes! With this thing? - [Stevie] Erinn's own prize. - With a dry erase marker. - With a dry erase? - With a dry erase marker. - Alright. - Yeah it looks like you drew it. - Yeah, right. I did it! - Look at that. Okay, straight to eBay. Now you can be charmingly mythical. Get your mythical necklaces at mythical.com
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 506,238
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Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, Ridiculous Medical/Police Slang (GAME), rob corddry, erinn hayes, medical police
Id: nltuljvbp0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 3sec (903 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 27 2020
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