Instant Coffee vs. Pour Over Coffee Taste Test

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(rooster calling) (lion roaring) - Welcome to Good Mythical More. Is pour over coffee supreme over the instant? It has to be, right. Or we could be wrong. - But first a random disturbing fact. We always wanna learn new things so here's a random disturbing fact. I didn't need to read the because I said it. The average person spends four hours on their phone each day. Yup, it's true, losers. - Yeah, whoa, we had quite an argument at my home conjecturing about how much time, I'm just saying we all spend on our phones, I'm not gonna single any person of any age group out. - And was it your teens maybe? Your teens? - No I'm not gonna single anybody out. But then we realized, it's in the phone. The phone will tell you how much you're using it. And that didn't settle the argument, the argument just shifted. - Moved the goalposts. - Yeah, it's weird how that happens. Okay, so. - Who's the best teenager? - Tell 'em about the brands that we have here. - All right, so we've got three different brands that offer both an instant version and also a regular version of coffee that we're going to pour over and see which one's better. So we've got the cafe Bustelo, we've got the Folgers, and then we've got the Starbucks. - And we've got the Folger here. - And the pour over. Just so you know what's up, this is what we've done. - The pour-over method is complex, and if you are a coffee aficionado you're probably gonna get upset with us, you should probably just not watch right now, Okay. - But we're gonna do the best we can, and we're gonna love ourselves, okay. - So the target audience that we're intending to reach for this video should click away now. Okay, so we have four different pours that we're going to do. - Pours. - Now, I'm gonna do this one, and then you do this one, and then repeat on that one, okay? - Pours. - Uh, let's get all these scales on and zeroed out, that's important. - I had already done that, but apparently I have to do it again. Okay. - Now, the first thing we are going to do, Link, is start a timer? What? - Start a timer? - Okay. - Man, I don't like timers. Seems to much like sports. - Okay, we're going to pour water slowly over the coffee starting at the outer rim and moving in a steady spiral towards the center of the grounds, and then stop when the scale reaches 60 grams, which should take about 15 seconds. - Okay. - So this is about 15 seconds, 60 grams. - We're really going for 60 grams though, right? Whoop, I'm already going. - Start at the. - Are you doing your timer? - Center. Move to the outside, and you're gonna stop when you get to 60 grams. - Shoot, mines in ounces. Okay, 29 grams. - Whoa, I went to 69 grams. Nobody said that. - The pour part is like, very artisanal. - Artis-anal - Artisanal. - Gotta say it right, if we're gonna do it we gotta do it right. - 58, 60, alright. And then for this one. - And then we let that go for 30 seconds. - This one keeps turning off. Man, you and your timers are stressing me out. Action. - Why are you starting in the, yep you did the right thing, I did the wrong thing, don't tell anybody, I don't think it really matters. - You start on the outer rim. - Okay, and then the second pour. - And then you work your way in. - You start in the center of the grounds and pour in a steady spiral and again back towards the center. And you're gonna go until you get to 150 grams. - What did you say? - Start in the center, and go to the outside, come back to the center, and then stop when you get to 150 grams. - Oh gosh, so start in the center. - Start in the center. - And then go round the outside, till you get to 150 grams. But how long were we supposed to wait? - About 30 seconds. - Did we wait enough? We did wait enough time. - This Artisanal people, man. All right, 153, 154. 136. - Allow 45 seconds to 65 seconds to elapse. - Nope I'm pouring this other puppy. - I don't believe it's important. As the mixture of water and coffee from the second pour drops to the bottom of the filter, pour an additional 100 grams of water using the same pattern as the second pour. - Hoo, I'm exhausted. - This is, we're gonna wait on that. - There's a meditative aspect of this. - I'm so relaxed. - That I do like. I like that. I like the idea. - Do you know that when Locke was like 9 years old he was really into a Chemex pour over coffee? Well, I mean, like, insisted on doing it? - It was because he was, we were hanging out with Julian Smith, and Julian Smith talked Locke into it being the cool thing to do, I remember that. - No, Locke was into it and then. - He got Julian Smith into it? - He talked to Julian who knew about it. - And validated it. What are we going to? - Okay now we're going to go up to, same method, but up to 250. Start in the middle. - Start in the middle. - And then move to the outside. - See and if you're just, and if you have a mantra, now's the time to say it. - Coffee, coffee, coffee. Coffee for me. - You're a sweet peach. Know your worth. You're a sweet peach Know your, how long, to what? - To 250. - You're a sweet peach, know your worth. 256, I'm a juicy peach. Now let me turn this one back on. - And then for the fourth pour. - Oh. (high pitched beep) Okay, this is now down to zero. - Go up a hundred, add a hundred. - Thank you. - When the water and coffee from third pour drops to the bottom of the filter, complete your fourth and final pour, add 100 grams, bringing it up to 350, and this should take about 20 seconds, and then serve and enjoy. - 20 seconds. Pouring it over is tough on the delts, man. Am I going 150 is that what you said? - No, 100. - 107 yes. Now it brings us up to 250. - And now we're going all the way to 350 on our final pour. - Dang. How do you, okay, four pours. - Is this why those people at Intelligentsia take so long? I'm always like what is wrong with y'all. - I'm standing out here with a bunch of smelly hipsters. I gotta get outta here. - This is what they're doing. I thought they were taunting me. By like, looking at me and going you want your coffee? - Come and get it. - You'll have to wait, sir. - While we wait, let's put a spot on. - No we have to do the last one. - Okay. - Last pour, 100 more grams. Bringing it up to 350, or in your case, since you started at 100, up to 200. - To 200. I mean. 200. And this one bringing it up to what? 350, yes. - Woo woo, look at that. I stopped on the dot, 350. That's gonna be the best one. - I'm gonna stop on the dot then too. - Cafe Bostelo. - Okay, 340, 342, 345, 346, oop, 350. - Where do you want your spot. - Um, whoops, sorry. I want you to put a spot on, I don't want anybody to see it, put it on the darkness of my chest, AKA the nipple. Dot the nipple. - You want the whole? - [Link] No, not the whole nipple, just the center of the nipple. What's that part called? The teat-ish. - [Rhett] K I'm going. - What are you doing? That's not what, I don't want you to make it into a flower, man. - Well, too late, man, too late. - What do you call that, what is the name? Wait, don't do the middle. - [Rhett] Areola? - I don't want it to get hard. - Is that the areola? - Is this gonna stay on my? - [Stevie] I'm concerned. For your nipple. - Oh look, you know what it says? Big nib whiteboard marker. I gave you a big nib, man. - Do you want a big? - I don't want a big nib, no. - What about in your ear? - Is it ear safe? - [Stevie] Let's not do the ear. - Hold on let me read about it. - Do the outside of my ear. - [Stevie] Sorry, I wasn't paying attention before the nipple. No, guys. - The outside of my ear. Oh, come on, why you going so deep, man? - 'Cause you went all the way around my nipple. - Yeah you don't use your nipples to hear. - I'll get the outside. - [Stevie] No, come on now. - What, you don't be sticking, a big nib into somebody's, you don't stick a big nib into your buddy's ear. - It ain't gonna get to the drum. - Hey, I got a big canal. - You've got a canal. - It's like Panama in there. - Panama is a country. - With a canal. - Yeah, but. - Okay, it's like the Suez in there. - Yeah. Suez is also a place. - Okay, now, I'm gonna make instants. - This should be easy. - I don't know. - So throw out three glasses. - What are the instructions for this? - How are we on time for this? Are we waiting too long? - No, it's, you know. - Once it's in there. - Once it's in there, yeah. - All right. - So these'll be the Starbucks these here. - So how much does it say? Uh, one rounded teaspoon per six fluid ounces. So, we're gonna actually make this, we should use these, we should use these measuring things. What are they called? - [Stevie] Scales. - Scales. - Well, this is pre-measured. A rounded teaspoon? - No, it's six ounces of, I'm measuring the water, homes. - So, okay, so this is Starbucks, keep track of that. - All right now I gotta change this to ounces. Fluid ounces. - Why did you take it? Gimme that. Re-read the directions, you're right you're right, don't listen to him. - One rounded. - Yeah, one rounded teaspoon. - I'm gonna give you six ounces. Is that the wrong? - [Stevie] It's fine. - That's fine. - [Stevie] It's fine. - Teaspoon? We're gonna make it stronger which will only help. - Yeah, only help. This is Folgers. - Does Folgers say six ounces? - Yeah. - And what does that say? - It says the same thing, six ounces. - Six ounces, okay. - Per one teaspoon. All I hear is red out of my left ear. I'm hearing red. - Oh, hand me that big flask. - This for the, yeah, okay, so six ounces. - I can finish this one out with that. 6.3, that's roughly allright. Allright so hit that one. - Hold on, why is it set on. - Which one was this? - Can you? That's Starbucks. - So I'm gonna put it back here. - Hold on. So, look at that. Grams. - Just use this one. - Ounces. - Allright, I'm gonna do this one. Bear with us. - How do you zero it out? - Tare. - There you go, six ounces. - And I'm gonna six ounce this puppy. - Oh God. - Oh gracious. - Sorry. Come on. - Allright, six ounces roughly. Now we're being all sciency because it matters. Look at that. It's like we're in chem lab. - Exactly six. - Now which one is this? - That's Bustecco. - Bustecco. What do you have in that? This is nothing, get rid of that. What is that? - It's not nothing. I'm doing two of each one. - You don't need to do that. - Hold on, you've screwed everything up by not knowing I was doing two of each one. The whole point. - This is, we don't need two of each one! - These are both Starbucks. - [Stevie] This is a good time to remind you that we have Good Mythical Morning Mugs available in three colors. - Are these the same? - [Stevie] At - Hold on. - Why are you making two? We're making one of these. - These are both Folgers, and then this is Bustecco. And I'm just gonna go up to the same thing. - Folgers? - No, Folgers. - That's where you need to be. - Did it go high enough? - No, go up a little higher. Like, past my fingers. All right, all right, now back here. All right all right all right. Now, the Folgers. - Folgers. - Now the Folgers is as dark as the. - Folgers. - As the Starbucks. - Now you gotta stir 'em. - Right so let's start here. Let's each take one of these and taste it. So we're gonna take the instant Bustecco. Let's get to this, Man. - It's not Bustecco, It's Bustelo. - Bustecco. - God, I'm glad I've never worked in a coffee shop. No wonder those people are always so mad when you walk in there. It's like why are you interrupting me making coffee? It's so hard! Which one are we eating? - Bustecco. - Woo that's bad. - Whoa dang. It's just bad. Put yours in front of mine. Now let's have the Bustecco from here. - And if this isn't better. - This has to be better. - It's not Bustecco. It's Bustelo. - This should be smooth. Drinking it like this it should be smooth. - It looks pretty weak. - It's weak, but it doesn't taste like crap. - It's watery. It's very watery. Did we do something wrong? - [Stevie] I used to work at Bluebottle's so this whole thing is hilarious to me, I'm sorry. - Yeah, exactly, you were one of those people. - I mean we followed the instructions. - [Stevie] You guys did a great job for your first time doing it. - This is better than that, but still. - It's not good, though. - Than the pour over. - Let's try the Folgers, which, I'm sure this instant Folgers is gonna rock our world. - Yeah, but, Folgers is, you know what, Folgers is known for being instant. Folgers is like, instant, and we're not apologizing for it. It's better than Bustecco. - Yeah it is. - Folgers, better than a brand that doesn't actually exist, that they thought was Bustecco. - All right. - That's not bad, I'd drink that while camping. - Hand me one of your glass. - You know what I'm saying? That's like a camping situation. - Yeah. It's tolerable. - Like ah, everything tastes a little bit better because I just wish I was at home. - I wish I was at home. - It's too cold out here. I need to shower. - Here you go. Folgers as a pour over. Talk about lipstick on a pig, here we go. - Well this is not Folgers instant. - It's Folgers beans, which I didn't even know they had them. - Hold on, smell it, just smell it. What happened. I think there's something wrong with the water. - Did somebody wash the inside of this mug out with a dirty towel? - Is this a joke mug? Meaning a dirty mug? - It's smooth, it's a lot smoother. - It's not great though. - This just tastes like a lubricant, like a tractor lubricant. - Yeah I drink that sometimes. - Which I know is not the first thing you thought of, when I said lube, and that's your fault. - You know like a tractor lubricant. Otherwise known as oil. - When I say lubricant you say tractor. Lubricant. Jake. Thank you Jake. - Okay, in the last one, which I know all y'all hate Starbucks coffee. People talk so much trash about it, but I always enjoy my cups of Joe at Starbucks. - Well, let's taste the instants first. The instants. - Well, you know what, I have had this while camping. - I've had this while camping. - I've had this while camping too. - There was a time when I would travel with this Starbucks VIA stuff in my purse, so, you know, in my satchel, in my fanny pack. - That's the best instant. - That doesn't mean it's good though. - No, no. - It's horrible. - And finally. - I mean, if this isn't the best. - Our tour of crappy coffee comes to a conclusion with a pour over of Starbuck. I think it's 'cause we're drinking it black. I mean, I never drink my coffee black. I always got a little something in there. - So smooth. It smooths it out, you don't need cream. - But what if you had cream? - What if you had cream the whole time? - Hup, hup, too much. - Oh is that real creamer over there? - [Stevie] Yeah you just poured oat milk. - Oat milk? - I like at milk. - It's good. - It, the pour over really makes it nice and smooth. - Smooth. - So. It's almost overkill to add the cream. New GMM mugs in three different wild styles are available now at
Channel: Good Mythical MORE
Views: 1,084,446
Rating: 4.8534136 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, season 17, s17, good mythical more, gmmore, will it, taste test, Instant Coffee vs. Pour Over Coffee Taste Test
Id: LtHq3Qd-I0s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 09 2020
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