Baldur’s Gate 3 | The Sword Saint | Ultimate Duelist Build | Fighter / Bard Loreful Wyll

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all right so generally wielding Rate beer being a so-called duelist is in one of the more popular player Styles and fantasy RPGs especially Baldur's Gate 3 and Dungeons and Dragons paladins are awesome casters are cool and of course two-handers or all the rage I mean look at these good Chads you want to be like them right right now look at this guy what a freaking badass but wait a second who is that that's sigismund the most badass of badasses in the 40K Universe the ultimate melee Space Marine Chad now you're thinking Moses why the hell are you showing me 40K characters in a Baldur's grade 3 dozens and Dragons video just give me a second don't leave yet I swear I'm gonna get to the point also like comment subscribe sigism is a German name and you know who else is German one of the greatest fencers and Duelists in the history of the planet Sigmund Ringneck it isn't too much of a stretch to say that the 40K writers were Loosely inspired off Sigmund and writing sigismund describing him and his fight style now there's one quote that I wanted to get to that's going to describe sigism in the nutshell and it's this quote that really inspired me to make this type of build sigismund did neither of these I never saw him simply Parry a blow for every move he made Blended defense into attack he somehow deflected Abaddon strikes as the after effect of making his own attacks now that is pretty freaking cool and one of the coolest characters in 40K is based off a fencing guy look at like we'll get a Rapier fencing is awesome guys we're gonna Parry we're gonna evade we're gonna be mobile we're gonna repost we're gonna feel damage you're gonna be the sword Saint now let's get into the build all right guys yeah I hope I got you pretty pumped up for uh this video in this build I'm very excited they're very good to you I haven't seen too many videos tackling the whole uh one-handed finesse Dex base uh Rapier or you know one-handed only no shield no well dual ability no two-hander uh type of play style the sword Saint so at least in a bg3 unlike DND 5V and unlike Pathfinder we do not have access to like a strictly sword saying our only options really are bar College of swords that uh fits to the archetype and then also fighter with dueling one-hander Focus so those are really our only two options Ranger makes a little bit of sense but we're not gonna go that route talking about DND 5V uh the monk actually has uh can see I don't know if I pronounced it correctly but yeah which almost pretty much literally translates to sword saint that monk build is more focused on weapons so for race selection it doesn't really matter too much half orc is an incredible race Dragonborn just got buffed I think Doral half elf human really into the archetype as well as you know regular elf of uh really agile you know Rapier duelist focused melee build I think that works out really perfectly but you really can play whatever you want so again race is all personal preference to start off I like to go Fighter for the first five levels just because level five is such a huge power Spike and with that said it's kind of incredibly hard to ever really justify any type of early multi-classing for a marshall build because if you do go any combination of three two four one you just miss out on getting extra attack and it's not worth it in almost any scenario now you could do it because tactician doesn't require you to really power game so that is good just one note if you go fighter first you can go barred if you want to if you want to bring the board and you want to be the board EMC or if you want to make Willow Bard and then go Fighter for him you can do that too but just so no for our fighting style on fighter we're gonna go defense and then when we go dueling we're going to use our fighting style with Bard for uh using dueling there so now for ability scores this doesn't really change at all we're going to be finesse space where you know we're we're agile dexterous uh really character here and to be a duelist I really feel like the Rapier the Finesse weapons are short so this is what it is so this is going to be the initial stat distribution we're going to do two into decks and go one in the con because we still need some help right now we don't really need straight because we're not focused on that our damage scaling ability is going to be dexterity again when it comes to dexterity the way I'm going to set up the build is going to be fighter Bard where we are able to get three feets and we're going to be able to round out to 20 decks the way this is going to work is that we're going to try to get three builds which we will be able to do in my setup and of course if you go something like athlete or some other initial one point stat uh increase with dexterity you get to 18 and then you can use ASI to get to 20. you can also you do the hack Quest if you want that is another option and then 16 con for here if you want to go 15 con you can do that if you want to go uh two feets out of both Asis you can get one one indexcon to get to 16 18 and then you can use the other one to get a 18 to 20 but it's all personal preference guys I just like round that out 16 count I'm not going to invest into it anymore and that's the initial character setup all right guys so following up from last video I'm giving you another Google Sheets I got such amazing feedback last video with the death knight compendium and I I couldn't believe it I'm I'm really shocked that so many people loved it I'm so happy to see the positive feedback and all the really really wonderful comments so I brought it again this again it's not as comprehensive as the definite build because it doesn't really need to be I think Far and Away just going to fight or Bard whether you go primarily fighter or primarily bar is the best way to do it you know talking about the build highlights and like the lower appropriate like it being lore appropriate where the ultimate duelist build where the sword Saint uh it fits into the fantasy of a Rapier Realty fighter we're super agile we're gonna be tanky by utilizing uh repost evasive footwork and defensive flourish we're gonna get more AC from defensive flourish we're gonna get disadvantage on attack roads towards us with evasive footwork and then we're also going to be able to utilize defensive duelist which I think is a very very good feat and not only is it lore appropriate but it's very viable for a build like this right so the primary build again is going to be eight fighter uh four bar this gives us access to four feet which I think is incredible I think the fighter variant fighter Focus variant really dwarfs the bar Focus variant we get an earlier power spike a level 5 with extra attack compared to compared to Bard we also get two more Maneuvers at seven with fighter and I think Bard six it's only one more uh inspo charge or maybe Bart 7 one more inspo charge bar inspiration for uh their you know fighting their uh floor skills which I don't think is good enough uh two I'd rather have the two more Maneuvers because we're gonna use the superior already die a little bit more than we are really going to use Barb like we really only need to use if it's flourish when we need to but the way it's gonna happen you're gonna go you know you get fighting style for fighter just go defense early if you want and you're gonna use uh while for example who comes with a Rapier he's the blade of Frontiers right like literally he to me personifies the whole sword saying duelist type of build obviously there's the Warlock aspect but we'll get into that in a bit but if you want for the end game version when you do eventually get to uh fighting styles go dueling level one or defense is up to you but for the end game version fighter you have to take defense because Bard fighting style you only get really dueling that's viable for this build so just know that you get action surge we go Battle Master now I guess there might be an argument to be made if you want to make an orc but orc you know half orc really isn't uh the sword side type of version of me it doesn't really make a lot of sense but you could go champion and utilize that with the increased crits with the uh the Rapier in act 3 but I don't think it's I don't think it makes too much sense I'd rather just go bad and master it just really fits into the lore and everything that a swords ain't uh expert and made like combat the way we pay where you weave in and out agile and do all those things right so the Battle Master things are very very good the only two core ones you really need is repost and evasive footwork from there I like trip attack you can get two more at a level seven fighter but those are all personal preference fight uh frighten uh disarm there's so many good things you can get guys for the first feet it really depends uh we get four feets which I think you know I think seats are really underrated a lot of people are ignoring levels when it comes to feed distribution and I think and you really should get three but I've seen a lot where like people are only getting like two feets uh in a multi-class build I don't think it's good enough honestly so the first one we have a combination of fees that we can get athlete is very very good because we do have low strength getting increased jump distance it's very good plus we get one decks to round out from 17 to 18 or 19 to 20 depending if you want to go and Asi to get two decks into the build you can't do that defensive duelist is incredible I think it's very very very good and plus It just fits as you know the Rapier wielding duelist the sword saying right it just makes too much sense and then Savage attacker is also very good being able to double grow for our higher damage die it's very good I really appreciate that especially because we're gonna have a multiple actions of return especially later in the game when you're able to attack multiple times a turn so it really increases value once you get to level five and then further on from there so leveling up the build early game mod would just go five fire for the extra attack that way we get Battle Master we get our Maneuvers and then we're gonna go three bar and then you can go back to fighter I have this set up just for the end game version of the build but the way you could probably kind of understand this is how you know once you get extra attack this is going to be key then you can just go to three or four board if you really want to or you know if you want the other fee really really early you can go six fighter into three bar but it really depends it's all uh what you guys want to do if you want to even just go pure pure barred And Delay that extra attack by level that's fine too and then you can respect later down the line but whether you go primarily barred it's still generally the same build you just get a you know one less feat here if you go The Bard version but you get access to level five spells you get another Bard and spell charge so there's you know there's a lot of benefits maybe if your party needs some more Bard Focus then you can do that so that's why I added this option here I don't think it's as good as fighter but it is what it is right so getting into will I think out of all the main characters he really personifies what a duelist really is I mean if you look at his character selection you hear his story his name is literally the blade of Frontiers like he is lore wise he's the one that to me is the most duelist like like he even comes with a Rapier he really you know he's a hero and it's kind of weird because yes he gets his powers through a warlock but to me his warlock Powers aren't really the Caster focused version it's really you know packed at a blade and going towards a melee that's where like the Warlock Powers really play into him being up the later Frontiers melee Focus so that's why I have him at least in my version as the Duelist type of hurt you don't have to do this I think this is perfectly vile as MC you can make any character really this and it'll fit if you want to make Shadow heart this go ahead or you know even lays out this even though I don't think that makes too much sense but lore wise I think will really fits into this now for will you I still think just going fighter Bard is lore appropriate if you want to go one level dip in warlock just to do it you can do that but this does bring a couple questions right because again with patch one they didn't change extra attack so a warlock a fighter warlock version does not get access to the flourish skills defensive flourish it won't only get one fighting style but you get three attacks so you know it makes a lot of sense to be fighter warlock or Bard warlock for will but I don't think it's like I don't think even this I think the utility that you missed from uh getting four feet the utility that you missed from uh the bar dip the combination of the fight is another fighting style uh even the lower level spells the Jack of all trades for being an emcee or being like the face of the party and of course like defensive uh defensive flourish like I really think the fight or Bard variant is the best option but if you feel like you can get immersed in will and this is only for will you know if MC obviously you're gonna go fire aboard but if you can't get immersed playing will going uh without going warlock that you can do this it does help a lot especially in act 3 because you get hex you know you get bigger than chronic damage you get Freudian on crits because we do uh in I3 you get that weapon that increases the critical threshold to 19 and if you have Advantage your crit chance instead of 2020 if you go 1920 it comes to I think 19 point something percent with Advantage so that is a good thing you still get you know you're not going to be a madeley Caster hybrid because uh alger's blast is so good the invocation are good you get a combination of a Darkness double sight now packed at a blade and the three extra taxes does open it up you can go Charisma scaling if you wanted to with packed it a blade but again I don't think it it's really too appropriate because like you know a sword scene is not somebody that exemplifies a magical use and being Charisma focused to me like they're the physical embodiment of human Perfection kind of like how guts is with strike but the sword Saint the Duelist is that the dexterity version so that's kind of how I see it I have some uh some other options here when I talk about why my reasoning and again one more thing that I forgot to note as a duelist like you know we're not we're not wearing heavy armor we're not even wearing a medium armor well it might for a will I wear medium armor you know you do get access to heavy uh heavy armor as a fighter but it's not worth it with the dexterity so you do get exotic material medium armor that pretty much gives you unlimited decks uh AC scaling and you get this I think lately act two or early act three but getting median medium armor and having 20 decks and getting all that AC from Dex is incredible that's pretty much it for the sheets the the Google Sheets side of this uh you know I'll give you guys access to this and if you have any corrections or something like last time just let me know and hopefully you guys do enjoy this as much either the last video now before I get into a little bit of gameplay and talking about gear because I think gear is very important to talk about there is going to be a a well specific spoiler in this video I am gonna mark it in the Thai check but again if this is like second monitor you're listening to this and you're not watching it just no you know I'm about to give a spoiler in just a second here all right so with the spoiler wearing out the way we get a lot of AC with uh the chest armor there's multiple chest armors that are like this that give exotic material that give you a limited Dex modifier to AC which is incredible in act three when you do uh the final part of the hack Quest you get this Rapier which is unbelievable I did talk about multiple reactions so when you do have that offhand empty I don't know if this works with a shield because the way it's word is like when you're offhand is empty that's how I think so you get the 19 out of 20 crit which is very that's a whole subclass by itself guys that's very very good and you get another reaction which is very nice because you can use repost you can use a lot of these defensive reactions on turn and then on your turn you can use uh duelers enthusiasm which is another you know this is another your third attack here which is nice if you went uh warlock variant like warlock or fighter warlock what will then you would get uh you know four attacks technically a turn which is incredible right and then action surge obviously really really adds to that for boots I'm just using AC uh again just real quick with the weapon you get Challenger duel which is very very good this is not on short rest this is not on Long wrist this is every you know turn you can use as a bonus action I rather just use the duelers enthusiasm for the damage again this is very very good don't think that you can do a thief that a rogue Thief dip and abuse this because you can't because it's bonus action per turn so we can't just you know use this do do this again with another bonus action action search for like two more it doesn't work that way uh forgola just you know plus two you know it works out well Helm you know whatever but really the core of the build is gonna be that Master where chest armor whenever you get this exotic material because it really makes it having AC so goddamn good I have the ring with obscure which I think is underrated you know this is free AC uh the boots dexterity and defense fighting style is very very incredible and you know when we just get into battle stuff like this I normally like to open up a defensive flourish and you see our head chances absolutely incredible it's so funny to testing these bills and like just a tacky flaming fist but we did we are going to use a reaction here equal to our proficiency bonus to do necrotic and it's just solid you know we'll attack here and then we're gonna kill them on this one we'll use that again whatever right and we do this so I did use two reactions so I can't use it again which is a shame but you know you'll see here I did not use I don't think I did right all right so we'll use defensive flourish uh you'll see you'll just go from 24 to 20 AAC which is like disgusting like that's so goddamn good this if I wanted to use a face of footwork like you're not getting hit in melee guys like there's there's no way as long as you turn karmic die off and you know I have been reading uh conflicting things about Karma die where it's people are saying it does not work for the AI I don't know but you know I'd rather just I have it off and just peace of mind right you get a lot of other great things you get uh where do we have it you get weakening strike which is like good like you're the master of melee you're like you make them off balance until like having them have a you know weak grip which just makes sense when it comes to being a sword State I like trip attack we get disarmony attack which I think is very very good this you can get this later on because I think the first three uh superiority that I Spenders you should get is trip uh evasophobic and never post because they're just too good like repulses again one of the best in my opinion super doors superiority die Spenders in a game you get pushy attack this is very cool because when you see here you can push and they save but you could teleport uh an action will come here which you could teleport to them this is really like a 1v1 focused uh build you're not doing a lot of area damage but your output consistently is very very good and then again you have access to all these level two Bart spells like you have uh you have an ability to get a concentration if you want to there's so many things that you can do where especially like old person like it's really nice that you're able to like oh I have a concentration I can just use let me just try to get a whole person there's so many really really good things that you do with this build and of course Bard is incredible another short rest you get so much good stuff guys it's like I don't know to me it's like really lore appropriate and it's incredible and I think will fits it up perfectly that's pretty much it I don't really have much else to add on to the build I hope you guys enjoyed it and please you know if you have anything to comment please let me know you have any uh construction criticism I appreciate it all the time I try to answer all the comments as best as I can and hopefully you guys get something out of this I don't think it's gonna be as popular as the DK video but you know I still think this is a very underrated playstyle and a lot of people should give this more of a chance especially when it comes to will or maybe even as MC uh with that said guys I'll show this real quick oh no I don't mind I actually start but so I don't think uh yeah so make sure one last thing you do the ass for repulse so you're not just using all your uh you press L and then you go here and then you can ask if you want to use a repository stuff like that but you know 28 AAC is really nothing to scoff at and for a medium build that's like crazy you know but I think it fits in melee because that is Armor class for melee right and uh dispels that Target that use Attack rules so you know you are super agile and uh back to the end of the video because I don't want to make it too long but you know I hope you guys enjoyed you know like comment subscribe then mosa with netground tech here have a good one guys [Music]
Channel: Negron Technology
Views: 36,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fighter bard bg3, Rapier bg3
Id: QlTrnLtI0xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2023
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