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I would have seen that on a reality TV show I would never have believed that whoa whoa that just started moving what do we have prove a [ __ ] ghost on camera that would that [Music] jung-hwan zombies we are here at the Monta Vista Hotel in Flagstaff Arizona and you'll have to excuse me we'll get into the spooky vibes but for right now I'm really really really really really happy because Flagstaff is one of my favorite cities ever I've been here a bunch of times and I'll come here just to be in this city I'll Drive all the way to Arizona just to see Flagstaff but I have never stayed here before and I did not know about the history of this place until this year and oh is it full of spooky things oh this is Katie by the way you know Katie Katie the fly Katie Katie I like fly like cool but like fly like you're an Indian you don't know movies yeah Peters drinking a beer behind camera right now plot twist Peters the drunk it's not a beer sorry am I am i hallucinating what is that is that a ghost beer that's pons nos Ponce this is Katie my roommate my best friend not in that order definitely not in that order she barely lives with me but and my name is Mikey my ki e not blame and Gore not glam gore Mikey you'll have to excuse how you haven't slept much you've slept less though way less last night we filmed at Chateau Marmont and I slept for about an hour and the night before that I was up editing Salt Lake City until 8:00 a.m. and I slept about three hours so in the past 48 plus some more maths hours I've slept for hours we drove eight hours today from Los Angeles to get here we didn't listen to a single song not one song the entire road trip because we're just so entertaining and this ghost hunting is a little different today because we are not just staying one night here we are staying two nights I love the enthusiasm yes because I found two rooms that I couldn't pick between one had a really gruesome history and one had a lot of activity Paranormal Activity I wanted both so we are staying in both tonight we are staying in room 306 but before we get into that Katie I have a present for you I've been waiting for a moment I've been having a bit of a t-shirt theme with this series and feel like you need to have one oh I know that's why I was like where's your wine the one day she orders a beer at the bar instead go get wine it's no open I'm gonna get wine wait can I say something really quick no yes well I just thought it was crazy that you knew this place was haunted and you know the backstory but I didn't know the backstory and when we were walking up to the place this guy literally was watching us his suitcases and looks at us and was like good luck staying there you're not gonna sleep at night that's not what he said you guys know that place is super haunted good luck sleeping tonight yeah oh so she's notorious Katie get changed just an FYI for you guys the dedication I have to that bit was when we snapped I realized oh shoot we have to stay in the same exact positions while this one changes goes down to the bar gets wine goes to change realizes she needs a different bra comes back out mics herself back up gets back in the position just to say I don't know what my pose was meanwhile we're both just like Peter can't move cuz that can't move at all I can't move I hope it was worth it at home all right we are gonna move to continue the story snap again with me I thought if you wanna sit my butt in the window but it's not working out daggit baguette and barbecue from Arizona you know it's time to get serious and spooky yes I wanted to stay in room 306 because it has what I think is the most intense and serious event that has happened in this hotel that they know of a few people have died here but I think the worst thing was in this room two sex workers were brought back here to room 306 one night during their stay here they were murdered and thrown out the window that's with people from the window I don't know but we're two for two I don't know which window there's three in here so two murders happened here - - the website says prostitutes outdated not woke they gotta fix that sex workers sex workers get it right it's 2019 mm-hmm I don't know what year this happened though I guess it was a long time ago and their bodies were just dumped to the street below so apparently when people stay here they report being woken up in the middle of the night and then not being able to fall back asleep because they feel like something or someone is watching them which I buy in a room this big it's kind of uncomfortable how long it is but we'll see if we feel anything tonight and this one's for you Peter men who stay in this room are reported to wake up feeling a hand covering their mouths or pushing on their throat and they are unable to breathe but it's like totally confirmed that two people got murdered in this room yeah how does that make you feel have you ever slept in a room where you know a murder has happened well I think I lived in a house where someone was murdered but not the specific room oh yeah in the last video you told us the story about how you literally lived in a house where it's not Hammonds murder yeah and the little girl that you lived with kind of knew about it somehow in this room it was two sex workers in room 220 this one's crazy I'm gonna shut the winner of this one so you don't miss it it's harder to sit now in room 220 there was a man that stayed there for a while called the meat man who used to hang raw meat from the chandelier I guess he was a butcher and eventually he was found dead in his hotel room three days after he had died and spooky things happened in that room I wonder where in this room the murder happened [Music] we're in the dark and we're gonna try out the EMF meter in room 306 since it had a lot to say in the last video I'm not gonna lie I'm a little more nervous about these want to test it around things like your stuff when I go off on as like the control yeah we can do that can you see anything should I sign something everything's off hold on I'll flash my [Music] lamp why did I get shocked huh I don't know but the EMF meter went off when it doesn't happen I'm sure I had electricity cruising through my body someone else touch that I'm afraid to touch it now nothing no what the hell man cool all right so a control and it doesn't even go off you're cool huh that's weird the tiniest of readings I think I was going off a lot more in the phone in the other place Oh what about my mic pack so it's a working batteries so it will have like a consistent pulse if it's on something that is electric I can't tell if I'm nauseous cuz we're in a haunted place or because I haven't eaten in a while all right let's walk around in the dark if any spirits are with us please tell us where the murders happened in the room but I like doing a thing on the EMF reader anyone in the chair were you murdered in bed [Music] it's so crazy that it's not even reacting at all in last night it was going crazy it was just thinking the exact same thing like you like that means something though I know at first I was thinking like it's kind of a bummer that it's not going off at all but at the same time that just makes yesterday waste area yeah cuz I feel like people were gonna be like oh it's because of her battery pack or whatever the hell but it's literally not doing anything no not a damn thing and murders actually happened here and this is a haunted hotel like it's advertised this way but I did read that comment that said that the touristy haunted places are probably full of spirits but they're exhausted because they're always being asked to do stuff and the real gems are places where it's not necessarily known for that first and foremost not a thing that's good if it can identify what window can you identify what window you were shoved out of was this the window from the story look at the screen yeah something keeps popping in now what is that whoa what is that really is that yeah is that just a reflection of the street it might be hold on move oh it's gone I think it's I think it's a reflection of the street light are you sure that's wise Mikey stand in the front of the window yes yeah let's get that freak out any spooky trash can okay so it's the light debunked we're not here to pull one over on you guys if we can debunk it I want to doesn't mean that there's no ghosts period means that that was not a ghost were you pushed out of this window [Music] I'm so much more freaked out about last night now he's changed the only explanation I don't like so that's just gonna sit in my head as a thing I will never be able to explain do we have proof of a freaking ghost on camera is that what that means yes girl we had a whole last conversation with him her I would have seen that on a reality TV show I would never have believed that I'd be like okay [ __ ] honestly I wouldn't have believed it if Spencer was holding it in his hand but the fact that I was holding it made me think like I mean I know I'm not doing anything other than standing in that spot asking questions it's a bust the EMF meter has nothing for us in here all right stick it out the window so because the EMF reader didn't pick up anything in this room we want to see if another means of communication might get us in contact with whatever spirits might be lingering in 306 so we have a brand new deck of tarot cards which we just saved just in case to cleanse them we are novice tarot card readers as of tonight but we are earnestly trying our best to learn more about this because after we did the impromptu tarot card reading at the Queen Mary we saw your comments about it I don't know anything about them and we didn't realize that there are so many guidelines that you should follow in order to give it your best shot at communicating maybe you don't need a sage a brand new deck but just to be safe that's what we just did and we realized there's a smoke detector right there so we cut that out because this video would be just great if we set that off if we mess something up please be patient with us we are learning and we are really trying and just let us know nicely in the comments where we can improve where do we start open the day okay have this on the bed going just in case something changes even though nothing was picked up on that so we just spoke to Katie's other roommate in Vegas she lives in Vegas part-time confuse them more well it's the time what did I say earlier roommate and best friend definitely not in that order so her other roommate in Vegas is really into tarot cards so we just FaceTime to her and we got some advice and I'm probably still gonna mess it up but despite my intense skepticism of literally everything on this earth I am going to really try to put myself in the head space this is a simpler spread it's the death spread so you pull the death card out of the deck and you place it down and then card number one is going to be pest issues what is to be released and then card number two is going to be the outcome so you'll pull the death card and then you'll kind of spread the cards and like a rainbow is shape whoa whoa that just started moving yeah well you think it's getting mad get the [ __ ] out of here I have Guzman I don't know yeah we should actually reconcile this in my body okay so let's I guess let's keep going so you put the cards in like a rainbow shape and then your energy or whatever you feel well it'll draw you to what cards you should pick my tears are my tears my eyes are welling up again why nothing happened okay so yeah a little bit sorry hold on guys click your phones in airplane mode I don't think it's the phones our phones have been sitting here the whole I know both times you started to explain what to do it's reacted it's not doing anything right now yeah I so where do you guys this is not staged no honestly not if I were watching me and I wasn't me I wouldn't believe me so everyone who doesn't believe me I totally get you gia said that if we're trying to pass the dead we should get into more of a circle for protection [Music] yeah all right you're the end of the circle so protect us normally I would think that that's so silly but honestly with this [ __ ] going on no they're not doing anything right now but it has not gone off since Katie stopped explaining what's right well let's let's give you okay so you're going to put the club in kind of liquor did you see that Katie I would write nothing okay that's a little weird my watch is on airplane mode know what I want to make sure is that we are listening right this thing didn't go off once in this room literally dream flicker mm-hmm except on okay it just did it again hmm it's not doing it when you do it all right well let's do the reading now choose two cards with your left hand and place them as shown I'm going to think about this card and I'm going to think about what happened here what needs to be liked [Music] so the second card the outcome what will be transformed I thought gone off at all I haven't gone up at all ha no I wonder if it was just like trying to tell if it was angry like maybe don't wanna talk I was curious what the cards will say this is what needs to be let go my initial interpretation of that was actually towards the person that murdered these women I was thinking if they're here and if they're angry or hurt maybe in order for their spirit to move on and to go into a better place they need to let go of their judgment for the man that would commit such a heinous action almost like forgiveness maybe they judge themselves for the job that they were doing that led them to their fate and their death I think it it either means that they need to like of either let go of judgment for the person that did this to them we asked us a question do you will you judge yourself for what happened to you do you judge the person that did this to you yeah keep keep going because you were keep discussing what you were doing I don't know when this happened but I'm guessing it happened a while ago it happened in the last century and I mean even the way that it's written about on the website for this hotel uses a term that we now consider derogatory we look at sex workers very differently than probably the time in which this happened to them and their job is surrounded by taboo and judgment and the reasons why people get into that profession are all different and is probably a very difficult job to deal with and yeah my first instinct was that they they either Harbor judgment in a way that does not allow them to forgive and move on or they Harbor judgment for themselves and they blame themselves for their life being taken early or maybe how the night went and maybe they feel like here that that was out of it I think that it's been a car door but it is weird because it kind of felt like I was at the window which is weird no that definitely didn't on that car door definitely sound like something tapped on the window cool okay ooh I thought the next card so this is the outcome appropriate temperance so temperance means abstaining from alcoholic drinks that that makes me look at the judgment card differently and I don't I don't know if you can actually combine or change how you feel about one card once you see a second card but maybe they judged themselves or one of the women judged herself for alcohol being involved and maybe the solution would have been to abstain maybe he was drunk and the solution would have been for him to abstain from getting drunk like maybe it was a crime of passion it wasn't planned and it had something to do with alcohol if this happened closer to like Prohibition era because the red-light district used to be only two blocks away from this hotel so it was probably really common to have a lot of booze and sex workers in and out of the hotel so my interpretation would be releasing judgment from may be a big factor and the solution is to abstain from that factor I'm not seeing any agreement over here maybe I released the spirit with my very first tarot card reading did we do well no so who knows they'll let us know in the comments if I have to do anything special to put these back are you thirsty bye goodbye see ya I feel drained it might just be because of not sleeping for the last two nights and it being 3 a.m. again but we did the EMF in room 306 we did night vision we did tarot card reading boots and sounds and I think that that's what we're gonna get from this room tonight until we sleep and maybe one of us is awoken and can't fall back asleep or feels like they can't breathe we will tell you in the morning if that happens and then we move into room 305 so it's bedtime goodnight I got so the first thing I did when I woke up is I checked me overnight footage because I really wanted to see if we caught anything and I was kind of disappointed when I saw that it only had one recording from the time that we were asleep however that's not them to consider there was a recording at 6:00 in the morning when no one was awake so I watched it and none of us are moving but nothing else is moving in the room it's obvious something set it off but you're dead asleep can't even see us now when Peter moves later at around 9 a.m. anyway except any time he moves it clearly catches him so I don't know what set it off then and not any other time of night it didn't record us tossing or turning at any other point because I don't think that's a big enough movement so I don't really understand what it caught what do you think it caught oh really why why would it go off at 6:00 a.m. just once it records for a full 30 seconds but I think that it just keeps going for 30 seconds once it triggered the initial few seconds are important because that would be the motion that set it off there's clearly something in the bottom right corner of the screen that seems like it might be like an insect or something but did anybody see a bug then I don't know it's weird and the first time I watched it weirdly I know like now it seemed crazy I swore I saw like an orb or something like kind of cross over me I did too and then yeah I got asked did you feel like you had a hand over your mouth or throats and so were the only men one of them honestly again gonna sound a little crazy but I definitely had sleep paralysis yeah and you totally asked me presence no not really any other yes but it was weird it was explained a lot I needed an abuse now what did you hear what did you see why did you smell hide your taste your bubbling that really well and honestly just felt like I couldn't really move and I absolutely could that sleep paralysis but then when you said you caught something I have no idea what time it was but if I had to like my internal clock feels like it was in line with what Nate recorded which is weird yeah yeah but I was I can tell ya what if the thing that we saw the first time you watch the footage was the thing was the thing yeah Damon yeah I know so what we're gonna do from now on is is to leave no camera on while we're not in the room and see if we captured when we check into the new room in a couple of hours dragon know when we check into the new room in a couple of hours and we're like allowed to check into 3 out 5 will leave the camera like whenever we go to explore or overnight again and see if we catch anything we stayed here last night and the door right there is 305 where we'll be tonight yeah we're gonna go to the Grand Katie if you want to see that in 360 vr wait a couple days for my new movie Nia yeah [Music] hello we're in a forest we stopped to make an impromptu photo shoot decision because we saw these yellow trees may or may not have climbed under a barbed wire fence some late respects that's fine look at how beautiful look at how god damn beautiful this place is oh my no I just need everyone to know that we took the detour to take photos and as we were getting back to the car Mikey wanted Katie to sit in the grass and then Katie heard a rattlesnake and then told me to come over to hear if it was a rattlesnake because she's a bad friend but then we get back in the car and Mikey shows Katie one of the photos and how pretty it looked and now Katie wants to go back and take pictures rattlesnakes be damned so these two influencers Murr currently risking a lot for the grant have indicated to do something dangerous just show up and shoot there's a snake baguette yeah look and welcome back hopefully you actually never left if we are in room 305 which is right next door from last night's room 306 this room also goes by the very very spooky alternate name the Jon Bon Jovi room you stayed here once or something so they just named the whole room after him they named their spookiest room after Jon Bon Jovi let's just I just can't get over it oh so yeah speaking of which 305 is by far according to the hotel the most active room can I say something I just realized because this is the second day we're halfway there livin on a prayer according to the hotel itself there's one really really haunted rocking chair in this hotel guess which rocking chair I'm sitting in Jesus tall why would you do that I hate you rocking chair by Jovi oh that's a good pun yeah oh you know what now this name is much more appropriate for the room okay I'm not as mad about it [Music] guess and housekeeping alike reports seeing the chair move by itself history tells us that years ago an elderly woman who was a long-term renter would sit by the window for hours on end no one knows what she was looking at or looking for could it be she was waiting for someone someone she waits for even in death who would you wait for I'd wait for a pizza delivery man for a long time I have for long amounts of time maybe that's what it was maybe she never got her pizza no defeating her apartment and took so long and then they didn't go so I'm saying like I can imagine a scenario in which if we were waiting for pizza in the 1960s we might sit in a rocking chair until our deaths well I waited so patiently and then I got angry and then he was like well now that you got attitude I'm not dropping it off and I was like wow how's it your story that's a true scary story I love how this hotel has the most cliche spooky wind sounds because the windows are so thin cues the too intense [Music] a couple things I find interesting this room immediately felt creepier to me the second I opened the door it was like well just completely different vibe than right next door also the window was open and the curtain was blowing very spooky that gives it a nice effect to be fair the walls are a dark green different than over there yeah it doesn't different for sure I also think it's interesting that the room in which two people were murdered that's not the most active room but right next door this is the most active room and there's no actual report of a death happening here there are also reports that sounds come from inside the closet like knocking at night from inside the closet so Peter you're sleeping on that bed and we'll be over here actually you know what neither was when one of us is either next to the closet or we're next to the rocking chair so I'm not actually sure which is worse hopefully we'll catch something again at 6:00 a.m. in which a ring sees something but we don't for the record if this chair actually rocks on its own at any point I'm gonna be really freaked out because it's a pretty heavy rocking chair and it's taken some real effort to do this right now when I push it it stops rocking pretty quickly so I like I genuinely have a hard time believing that anyone has seen this thing rock on its own oh people say they did yeah that's the most common thing reported in this room is they see the rocking chair moving well say that thank you for joining why do you were listening to the intro that you were sitting right here for if you're not listening who's listening at home there's no way this thing rocks on its own let's go eat and then let's go stuff because we can't go stunt on empty stomachs I wanted me so much peppier that's right he needs pep in her step so we're gonna put food into her good mood I'm really hungry let's go eat [Music] so we went out to dinner we went out to eat around here right after we left I looked at the camera to make sure that the night vision was on and everything was rolling and I noticed that there's all these things flying around the lens then three minutes later there's still stuff flying all over which I assume is bugs but there's no complexity so the other clip that this camera caught from 6:00 in the morning in the other room it looks like there's a bug that kind of like sets off the camera maybe so I watched that and I think okay maybe there's just like a lot of tiny bugs in this place but before I came back from dinner I checked the footage one more time there's absolutely nothing flying around [Music] and we came back and we checked the room there's no bugs in here have you seen one no what's weird is like this is where the camera is we have it facing down right now otherwise it gets set off every time we walk in front of it but it was right here this was looking over here and there's literally just nothing there's no bugs well you shot it into that light you'd be able to see a bug the second one was there it sounds really silly because ultimately we're talking about like these tiny specks and we're looking for ghosts and maybe just seeing bugs and said I know that it seems like an overreaction or like we're reaching and maybe we are but I feel like I have to report on everything because I am NOT the ghost expert I'm just trying to find some on camera and I don't know what is an orb is that a ghost is that a spirit does it look different than dust particles does it look different than a tiny bug caught on camera is it possible that all the things flying around on that screen are like all these orbs because we had just come into the room put our stuff down and then left to go get food and we like kicked up all the energy because this is the most active room this is supposed to be the most active or in paranormally or is it just a bunch of dust that is not present anymore even though we're walking in the same areas what's weird is we also tested again to see if like us walking around kicked up any dust yeah and it didn't and honestly it's just really weird because it's like it feels like there's a slight delay on what the camera picks up motion wise so it's almost like it's picking something and then those things are disappearing which is convenient but it is communion because I was looking at our other ring footage and for example when we came back from dinner the very first second of the first clip of it detecting us being back in the room I'm already in this corner and Katie's shutting the door which means it started recording maybe three seconds after there was actually motion in the room that's kind of creepy whatever set the footage off at 6:00 a.m. last night maybe really was a quick thing that happened three seconds prior to the video actually going on in recording I don't know at the same time we had the windows open for a little while but it's really cold out we're not seeing a lot of bugs here it's not like the middle of the summer but I guess it cutted me bugs I don't know what they all have died in between the time we opened the window left and we came back from eating and no other windows were open yeah the windows weren't over when we left no so it's not like the bugs left anybody see if there's bugs in here they should still be in here and we haven't seen any sense feel like this is a big discussion about bugs but we've got a report to the people all right we're gonna walk around with the EMF meter trusty old EMF step mic back it's working can we all confirm yep let's do something everyone's phone airplane mode just in case [Music] there are reports of hearing tapping in the closet at night so I wanted to check their first Katie's not haunted confirmed the most haunted chair in all of the hotel what say you if someone dwells in this room lives in this room visits this room sleeps in this room please make yourselves known Oh what do thing didn't do a thing yeah when you put it down but do it again yeah oh people are gonna think I was tapping at that night okay so it doesn't happen if a job but I was going like this yo you want me to walk around fit yeah maybe they're intimidated by my spikes and they don't want to talk to me and you look friendly with your wine glass hello if you have ever what kind of questions you ask a ghost should we google it we need to get the spooky mood on so let's turn off all the lights dear ghosts am i sitting on you chair that I did hear that knock find me dear ghosts did you just knock behind her dear ghosts if you're in the room don't do anything Oh what you see why can you do anything oh he scared me not that I'm scared or anything no way you know how the fact that this thing doesn't go off though just confirms to me that Chateau Marmont is way creepier although it did some stuff last night it wasn't like a conversation like it was at Chateau Marmont it felt like a conversation there whereas last night it was just like a like a jump-scare in a movie that one's less convincing to me because we couldn't get any kind of consistent result that toilet seat did move on its own before it literally went down on its own earlier were you near the seat did you not put it up all the way I may I guess you know what that means that's right it's a lady ghost saying put the goddamn seat down yeah because there's supposed to be a woman that sits in that chair oh the woman yeah Katie welcome to co-sponsor right again I'm blocking it all out I think cuz I just like don't believe in this stuff but I do believe in Jedi Vermont tonight ghost just Chateau Marmont ghosts yeah just that whole situation how would you guys feel if you were in the complete dark in a haunted room I feel like I'd feel different if I was alone if you guys were yeah let's leave Katie I can't all your shits blocking the door with Kenny milady scariest part of this trip is Katie's suitcase yeah right she trapped us in here I got nothing I know and my home there you not get you all wet which way to the line it's a Katie's face do you think the bars haunted guys should we go investigate that this is our first video doing a double night ghost investigation most haunted room in the hotel if you got something to say let's go say we're waiting we were already impressed by 306 what you got we're getting nothing on the EMF reader anywhere in the room night vision isn't showing anything that we can see right now I'm happy with the tarot card reading from yesterday and I'm happy not doing that again tonight let's just try leaving the room and leaving the camera running and see if we can pick up whatever that stuff is again I'm not got hair so dry Katie which way to the wine down and to [Music] okay what is this what are we looking at Reza we're back I left the EMF reader recording as we left and I was like kind of just scanning through it on the camera didn't think anything of it two days in a row three days in a row what would cause that kind of it's the TV's not on I like the idea that we caught something wrong you're right in the room it's only the rocking chair it moved Katie what make the rocking chair move - this is how you can trust us guys because when we do this [ __ ] we'll just show you I ripped off my eyelashes already but we're gonna go to bed I don't know what to make of the EMF reader thing going off all by itself we're gonna set up camera and if anything spooky happens in the night we will surely let you know [Music] good morning it is the morning of day 2 here in Flagstaff Arizona at the Montana staff hotels you don't want to be stuck translates to Mountain View or school if you look over there and see a map this isn't the 360 video you'll have to wait a couple of days forever go watch that video do it you won't regret it I have mixed feelings about whether or not this room did anything because we it's one of two things we either saw absolutely nothing in the most haunted room of this hotel or we saw all kinds of stuff depending on your interpretation of a lot of flying objects in the middle of the night it only recorded one clip yet again of us while we were completely still and sleeping I don't know what set it off to record but it picked up this and the only thing I'm noticing again is that there are a ton of things flying in front of the camera and I still don't know if there bugs enough but we did not have the window open one more time when we came back after dinner there were plenty of recordings where there were no things flying in front of the camera while we were in here and what we weren't in here it's as if all the things flying in front of the camera the first time we noticed it were gone by the time we came back from dinner they were gone while we were out you know just giving the room time to record and then they all came back to life when we went to bed like specifically specifically when we went to bed we were in here for a good hour or two before he went to bed probably and there's recordings of nothing flying in front of the camera and then the recording in the middle of the night at 4 a.m. is stuff flying in front of camera right yeah I mean we literally have not seen one like bug nap or anything like we've had the lamps on and stuff were you to see them that they'd be attracted to lights it's like little tiny bugs and there's been none of that honestly I've seen a single bug there isn't about boo I haven't seen like a bug inside or outside of this there are no bugs in Arizona just rattlesnakes I feel like we maybe saw a lot more activity in the less haunted room next door because the tarot card reading was freaky okay so let's imagine a world where the one clip that was recorded from room 306 next door was because that one thing flew on the side of the camera remember yeah let's pretend that's a ghost and that was a ghost being caught on camera or a spirit or before or something then if that's true that makes this room super freakin haunted because it had dozens which would make sense based on people's experiences of this room right however we experienced nothing I didn't hear anything in the middle of the night I slept great both nights here actually I think it's mostly just because I'm exhausted at this point and not getting sleep a few days in a row will finally knock you out but heard nothing overnight I didn't feel creeped out I did wake up really hot this morning so if my hot flashes are an indication of ghosts there you go guys maybe maybe there's some in this room also I said on my story last night that I was really exhausted that we all were and people told me it's because ghosts drain your energy so we can go with that too this is Buki I asked people to talk to me on Instagram last night and someone asked will we rather eat poop flavored chocolate or chocolate flavored poo and that's spooky because we literally asked each other that earlier in the night last night how did they know I think it ghost Oh would you rather ghost I think I would rather eat poop flavored chocolate if there's no repercussions I'd rather something tastes like chocolate already you'd both eat okay y'all are nasty leave in the comments below imagine a 40 minute video of ghost hunting and all the comments are just like I would totally eat thick chocolate flavor actually I can't imagine that yeah like this video if you would eat poop flavored chocolate like this video that would eat chocolate flavored poop that'll settle it like this video if our EMF reader going off while we were out of the room read something let us know if you think this one's haunted because I have been though if you're new here or lurking please subscribe because it's Halloween time and that's all I want for Halloween it's for you to subscribe my birthday's the day after Halloween so give me a birthday presents and subscribe only subscribe if your spooky though if your not spooky don't bother turn reverse psychology them why should they subscribe Katy because if they get you to 4 million before your birthday you're gonna give away a car you heard her no pressure on either end you specify what pankot it should be like a Hot Wheels car thanks for watching bye [Music] you might look like a chair just flipped over all right [Music] [Music] whoa my phone just started recording on itself
Channel: Glam&Gore
Views: 1,772,761
Rating: 4.9619093 out of 5
Keywords: TWO NIGHTS OF GHOST HUNTING AT THE MOST HAUNTED HOTEL IN FLAGSTAFF ARIZONA, HOTEL MONTE VISTA, TAROT CARDS, TAROT READING, most haunted, ghost hunting, ghost hunt, ghost hunters, caught on camera, halloween, scary, spooky, glam and g, mykie, haunted, haunted places, overnight, paranormal, spirits, EMF reader, emf meter, dowsing rods, ghosts
Id: unOOYne8p4c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 21sec (2601 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 19 2019
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