The Hateful Eight explained by an idiot

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welcome to the hateful eight which is three hours long I don't know I keep picking these [ __ ] long ass movies to make videos about just making an order for myself but any hope this movie takes place to the left of the American Civil War and all the characters in this movie are on their way to a place called Red Rock however there's a big-ass posess going on and they're forced to take shelter in Minnie's haberdashery and for anybody who's not aware of what a haberdashery is like me when I first watch this movie it's basically a place where you can by suing equipment and other stuff and [ __ ] that you forgot to pack in your travels in old times and I guess also serves as a rest stop for these old times so you can hang there when you're tired in a long trip so I guess now there are a bunch of characters in this movie but as in able to just eight main hateful once we got general Smithers an old [ __ ] that fought on that black people hate inside of the war and he fought in the Battle of some some Rouge [ __ ] woman's name but it's called some some men a route in which he killed a bunch of black POWs and he's on his way to Red Rock to bury his son who he believes died there because his son went over there for business two years ago and never came back which means he died there we got major mark we sworn played by Samwell Jackson he too was fighting in that war however he was on on the side obviously and he was really good at killing white folks so good that they put a bounty on his head during the war and it was really big but it kept getting smaller and smaller because everybody who came after him would die because he was so good at killing people and eventually after the war and then it went down to his zero and Mark Wiese fought in the Battle of something some huge - and he's on his way to Red Rock because he wants to claim some bounties that he got John the hangman Ruth he is also about to enter but he is a special kind of bounty hunter he likes to bring in his bounties alive so he can watch them hang hence the name John the hangman news however everyone in this movie including everyone watching this movie thinks this is a dumb idea he should just kill him and bring him in and take the bounty and he's on his way to Red Rock and a private horse-drawn carriage to bring in Daisy Tamara GU who was handcuffed um in that carriage Daisy Duggar was a part of a really big bad gang and she's a huge I don't know hit man we also got Chris Mannix now Chris Mannix and his father but mainly his father had a rebel gang that was part of the Confederate side called the Mannix gang rebel group whatever [ __ ] I don't care and they basically had really shitty war practices and he's on his way to Red Rock because he's supposed to be the new sheriff of Red Rock Oswald or some British fella who's a hangman and he's going to Red Rock to do the hangings of Red Rock Joe gage some [ __ ] that sounds like he gargles marbles and he's on his way to somewhere outside ratrock to spend Christmas with his mother and then we gotten Bob some taking care of Minnie's haberdashery for Minnie while he's gone now it's worth mentioning that everyone in this movie recognizes each other somehow I don't know how this is America is a big place but I guess these times there were less people there so it kind of make sense well [ __ ] who cares whatever moving up now let's get into the actual movie after some longest shots of the frozen wilderness and Jesus we got major Marquess war and sin down the middle road on his bounty that he was collecting and a horse-drawn carriage comes along and he asks if he could ride along with them because his horse got [ __ ] because it was old and after some friendly threatening a gunpoint by the passenger who was John Ruth handcuffed to Daisy Dahmer group he's like come on in and after some more long as shots of the frozen forest horses and Daisy licking her own blood after she got elbowed in the schnoz by John Ruth because she called him to pee and this is a huge factor why this movie so long long as shots like this I understand it was shot in glorious seven millimeter Quinton and you want to flex your pan vision on us all and credit where credit's due these shots look dope but it's too [ __ ] long anyway after some more wasted time John Ruth asks to see the Lincoln letter which is a letter that was written from Abraham Lincoln to major Marquess during the war which we always keeps on and he reads it and he's like see this [ __ ] [ __ ] he and the president were pen pals as so [ __ ] cool what know so after mark we seats her out of the [ __ ] carriage John also got seated out the carriage of Mark Lee stuffs the carriage he goes out and gets a Lincoln letter and then he goes back and he sees a dude running in the snow and he's like hey John someone else is in Missoula and John uncuffed himself from this [ __ ] and he goes over to check it out the hell dude she could run away I mean there's no offer to go granted but you really want to risk her giving it a shot and then he'd have to waste time and effort running after her and handcuffing her back to yourself again so the dude in the snow turns out to be Chris Mannix his horse cockatoo and a reluctant John lets him in the car or the carriage but he makes a deal with mark wheeze to protect his bounty while he protects his bounty so you know they protect each other at ease because he doesn't trust Chris and his whole I'm gonna be the new sheriff of Red Rock story so what we agree and they write off and after some more wasted time some casual racism by Chris and a little history lesson about Mark we's they arrive at Minnie's habitation Oh and haul movies divided into these chapters which is cool I guess so they arrive there and they're greeted by Bob and John's like hey where the [ __ ] is Minnie and sweet Dave sweet Dave I think runs the place with Minnie they're not here I run the place where they're gone okay cool nice hat Thanks so John goes in the habit as Sheree and Bob and Mark we put in the horses inside this table and put the writing [ __ ] with them and lay out some food I guess while be the driver and quiz lay aligned from the heavy tertiary to the [ __ ] and from the stable to the heavy dish because even though there's a blizzard they still have to take shits and resources and they do this in another unnecessarily long shot not only that but these idiots keep walking to and from the metal sticks are gonna plan it to the ground instead of just carrying them with them [ __ ] idiots wasting time anyway in this table mark we cease immediately suspicious of senior boat after that they're all finally inside the hammer - oooh yeah and there were a bunch people already there inside the hammer - I really like that word you're gonna hear me say it a lot [ __ ] deal with it these people are the super braces old [ __ ] and the dude that sounds like his vocal cords are made out of sandpaper and the extremely British Oswaldo Marie at this point in the interest of time I think it's very important that I show you something I like to call the hate chart which shows who hates who and why all right real fast mark we say Stacey because she's raised and she's parents letter Chris hates Joe for being ugly John hates Chris for shitty Ward practices Chris hates Mark Cui's cuz he's black and Marquess hates chris cause he's racist Joe hates John for taking his guns by force well he didn't take him yet but he's gonna - all [ __ ] also hates Marquess cause he'd like a mark we see obviously hates him because he's super [ __ ] resent because he also killed a bunch of black people during the [ __ ] Battle of some some rude John hey Stacey for being a [ __ ] and lazy hate to jump because he captured and he's dragging her halfway across the country to [ __ ] hang so though mark we say it's about because he thinks he's lying I'm Bob hates mark wheeze because he doesn't rust as well though he's he's just showing you know he's he's cool so they're in there and paranoid John thinks that one of them people that was already in there was working with Daisy and wants to get her free by Killian so with the help of Mark wheeze he takes Joe gages guns by force and oswaldo just hands his over then he tells Obie to throw the guns down the toilet in the [ __ ] however John doesn't intend on killing anyone he's just doing this as a precaution since they're all gonna be stuck here for a few days till the blizzard finishes or [ __ ] it's a blizzard goes by wait then they all sit down to have some stew and John on cuff stating so they can both eat like normal human beings then or we come back freezing his ass off and John finds out that Mark wheezes Linkletter is actually fake mark we smell it up to disarm white people cause of why people feel better when they know that the black person the correspondent with leprosy don't so after that mark we sticks a bowl of stool and gives it a general old [ __ ] and they sit down to have a small little chat about life post war while Bob starts playing the piano and all [ __ ] tells him that he's here to marry his son and whatnot he's like hmm that's interesting I know your son then he puts down a gun next to the whole truck and old house like you knew my son you see this [ __ ] son went out there to find his fortune so to speak and that portion came in the form of a bounty that was on mark wheezes head it was still at five thousand dollars at the time but when he got there he you know obviously he couldn't do it because my voice is so good he got the drop on her first and he started begging for his life and telling him his whole life story which is a big mistake because when he found out that he had this [ __ ] son with him he was never eliminated so he made him strip down naked and walk for two miles or so in the snow and then literally made him suck his dick so after he tells that to the old [ __ ] the old [ __ ] reaches for the gun but because Mark wheezes fezzes book and this guy's always [ __ ] he kills him first and the way we killed him was fair game because the old [ __ ] reach for the gun first at this point Bob has stopped playing the piano when he closed it and I did not alter the length of this black screen at all this is generally how long it is in the actual movie the [ __ ] are you filming pan vision here Quinton it's just a black screen anyway some narration starts which feels hell out of place since this entire movie had no narration until now Obie and Joe gage throw smothers his body out and Chris was very fond of Smithers because he was a [ __ ] Confederate General whatever claims Smithers his coat Joe and Obie come back and then John and Obie have some copy while Daisy sings a song about John's death then he takes the guitar that she was playing on and smashed it against a pillar then handcuffs himself to her again and this is where they will be really spices up you see the narrator mentioned a bunch useless [ __ ] but he didn't mention one very important thing which is that while everyone was distracted by about cui skilling Smithers someone poisoned the coffee and now John and Obie are puking blood and then John tries to fight Daisy and pukes bun in her face and he takes his gun and shoots him in somebody and kills him then more qui steps in and takes the gun away from her and lines everybody left alive up against the wall to find out who the [ __ ] posing the coffee many bring his crystal for next season because he doesn't think that he putting the copy since he's about to drink from it until John Tobey Sarah puking blood and John warned him with his last time breasts that the coffee was poisoned wait why doesn't this bullet penetrates Ahn's body injured Daisy like the rest of the bull said pantry to all other buddies now mark we start stay interrogate the three peeps on the wall but especially Bob he mentions how the stood that they ate tasted an awful lot like mini stupa uncovers sweet Dave's chair from the [ __ ] that's a lava and he finds a blood stain and he also since how many would never leave her habit Ashley the most precious thing turn isn't our world in the hands of a Mexican since she hated Mexicans and he concludes that he killed Minnie and sweet Dave and he shoots a shot in his stomach but the blood spatter comes out of his chest and shoots another shot into his chest but the blood spatter comes out of his stomach Bob drops to the ground and he shoots two shots in his head and blows his brains out many friends too poor old the copy down to his throat if none of them come forward who posed in the [ __ ] coffee then Joe gage speaks up but after that some dude in the basement shoots mark Rison and nuts then Oswaldo pulls out a hidden pistol and shoots Chris but Chris lands a better shot on him but doesn't shoot Joe gaze cuz he's unarmed and all this from the nut shot to the next chapter screen was shot in slow motion which is cool until you realized that most of it was just Samuel Jackson screaming next up we cut to earlier that day when Bob Oswaldo Joe gage and shaming Takuma right men they killed mini sweet Dave and all minis workers and their stagecoach drivers but left the old guy cause he added a nice touch and they just told him he was mouth shut then Channing Tatum hid in the basement waiting for the opportune moment to strike so as it turns out they're all part of a gang a big bad gang okay they'll have huge bounties on their head which begs the question how the [ __ ] did neither John nor Mark cui's who are very good bounty hunters recognize any of them I just want to go back a little cuz I have a few questions number one why did they wait so long to kill John Ruth wouldn't have been smarter to kill him when he was closing the [ __ ] broken door in the bidding of the movie and all the people inside the haberdashery at the time with people that were in on the plan that seems like a pretty [ __ ] opportune moment for me number two how the [ __ ] is Oswald oh shoot the vase of buildings from this angle and her chest at the same time [ __ ] this bull physic since when we work number three how can altra racist super [ __ ] [ __ ] bag old guy stand to say nice haberdashery since it's owned by black person and have black people working for them and number four how the hell did many not notice that bob was Mexican she literally had a sign hung up that said no [ __ ] Mexicans allowed without the [ __ ] but you get my point how does she not notice whatever let's cut back to the prison time they tell Shannon to doom to come out with his hands up and he comes up and looks at his sister then they blow his head off and splatter his brains all over sister's face and another example of [ __ ] up bullet physics in this movie this bullet was powerful enough to blow his head clean off and he was positioned in such a way that his blood would perfectly spatter all over his sister's face like this however the bullet did not travel through his head and kill her too in just an invisible wall moving on Daisy now matters [ __ ] and now the leader of the gang since her brother was leader and she was second-in-command so now he's in command because he is [ __ ] tells Kristen he has done nothing that she cannot forgive yet and if he kills mark wheeze she's going to give him all the bounties of all that gang members and the 15 gang members that she has waiting for her in Red Rock won't kill him once he gets there then mark we shoots her in the foot to share the [ __ ] up then he shoots the Englishman at this moment Joe gage wishes for a hidden gun under the table and attempts to kill mark wheeze but this [ __ ] in Senator stealthily trying to kill mark wheeze kicks up the chair behind it makes you so [ __ ] up we said he's trying to shoot mark we school right now was hyper-alert adrenaline-filled and already has a gun pointed in his general direction what [ __ ] idiot so after Mark Lee shoots and killed Joe gage he runs out of bullets to kill Daisy then Chris strolls Marquess and Daisy into thinking he's gonna make a deal with her and he's like Floyd I don't believe you got 50 people waiting a Red Rock [ __ ] then he passes out and Daisy cuts John's arm off and tries to go for a gun but then he wicks back up and shoots her in the stomach and Mark wheezing Chris decide to hang the [ __ ] like John pursed intended and then after they watch her die Chris reads the fake Lincoln letter and I guess they both bled out and died this movie gets a wild out of a West [Music] [Music]
Channel: High Boi
Views: 1,954,352
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the hateful eight, the hateful eight recap, the hateful eight review, everything wrong with the hateful eight, the hateful eight cinemasins, movie recap, recap, spoiler, spoilers, funny, lol, haha
Id: Fgx6aAY85QA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 6sec (726 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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