Inheritance 2020 explained by an idiot

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welcome to inheritance first we're gonna talk about the main familia of this movie we got that guy islamic banker we got the mom guy who's an ex-lawyer [ __ ] we got broho aka the deep aka i forgot his name who's a stupid politician then we got the daughter sister laura or lauren whatever same [ __ ] she's a district attorney which i think means she's a lawyer for poor people or the common plebs which is a career path she chose against the wishes of her father because she feels bad that she was more into a rich family and wants to help the filthy peasants wandering this globe and she's the main character okay now as the movie starts we get a lot of quick cuts between laura doing some pleb lawyering and helping her brother out with some lizard [ __ ] her dad driving and [ __ ] dying her making the press conference and she gets the news of her dead dying he's like oh my goodness now apparently he died of a heart attack and they have a rich people funeral rich people sad noises rich people big fat [ __ ] mansion lauren deep talking about some [ __ ] dude weeds will dead dad give his wife some crap does sherry stuff gives [ __ ] deep 20 mil and laura juan emiliones dolares which is kind of dick moved in but what be this he left her some other [ __ ] a usb stick and some keys and the osap stick has a video on it of him telling her some stuff like i left you something else it's in the woods right where you used to play prepare to see some [ __ ] okay i left this for you because you're the oldest and being purposely vague because this is a movie and i need veganism suspension [ __ ] but also people might be watching so yeah i'mma die now bye so she goes to the woods and finds a hidden hatch opens it and finds some stairs now hold on there lauren i've been here before before you go down there you're going to want to get some [ __ ] okay you're going to want to get a gun flashlight a knife some twizzlers a hazmat suit then you're going to want to download this app that calls the cops on a timer you're going to set that timer to 10 minutes and leave your phone and she's going inside fan [ __ ] testing so dumb [ __ ] goes down there opens a [ __ ] opens a [ __ ] opens the door opens a light and then finds the sleeping hobo long-ass hair [ __ ] dirty ass [ __ ] and her head immediately goes i'm gonna touch it no don't do that [ __ ] get a hazmat suit what if it has super age you don't know anyway she does that he wakes up in a very abnormal way and she runs back out to the match mom rubs newspaper and laura asks her if her dad has any secrets or enemies she should know of does she try to make sense of the secret prisoner but manga doesn't know anything about it so she'd be like that is not your goddamn business the stuff your father did is not your burden to bear except it is because guy literally threw a [ __ ] secret prisoner on her face like here you go but whatever useless [ __ ] she sends her hubby and her kid off that night has some angry dead flashbacks finally washes her hands and next day she gets a gun and goes over to that secret bunker opens the hatch opens the door opens the light and goes like oi oi can you hear me nope he's asleep so she goes over to take his pins and he wakes up mid print taking she goes oh [ __ ] [ __ ] time whoosh and comes back with a mask really okay first of all kinky mask ain't doing much in the way of concealing our identity okay you already saw your face and it's not that good at concealing it in the first place second of all if you didn't want him to know who you were once you wear it the first time around your dumbass you think if he was awake and he went in there like hey i know you went in this bunker was bopping you think i'm gonna go in like that and he's not gonna look at you are you actually stupid she comes back and we finally see the dude clearly and it's [ __ ] simon pig my man he tells her to take that [ __ ] off her face cause he knows who she is she asks him a bunch of questions and he tells her that if she wants answers she's gonna have to get a mistake some pie some chocolate and some other crap so she does that he shaves he shouts down on some steak he busts her balls for a bit then he tells us that him and her dad were best buds way back when when they were young and spoiled brats had a night of drinking and partying then they were donald driving somewhere then i hit a dude with a car and her dad forced him to shut the [ __ ] up and buried the body and he was so afraid that morgan was going to go tell the cops says his name morgan so he knocked him out and putting him in this monk and told his familia that he stole a bunch of his money and fled the country easy cover story so she'd be all like chef [ __ ] unbelievable so he'd be like i listen here hoe you see that guy treated him like his confessor he'd tell him everything about his life because he's gonna do go snitch nah he chained up in here so he'd be like listen woman your dad has a side piece called sophia used to nickname her gypsy rose go check her out and you'll see that i speak the truth and he gives her the full name and address to go check it out she does some work at her royal job oh and she gives the prince to some detective guy to find out who morgan is i forgot to say that because you know i'm just amazing a storytelling aren't i she goes over to the sofia lady and finds out that her dad did not just have a side [ __ ] he had an entire side family so he has two families and a prisoner that he spends enough time with to tell him about all the [ __ ] that goes on in his life how does this [ __ ] have any time for anything at all anyway she goes over to [ __ ] boy harold the family lawyer and he goes let me call you back wait a second did he actually end the call it says here that you have to do some form of tap and end the call i didn't see not happening christian even the call what a [ __ ] dumbass but maybe the other dude on the other end of the phone call finish to call for him whatever he's still [ __ ] dumbass she calls him a stick in the grass because he know about the side hull and ask him if there are any more secrets or that kept from his family that could hurt them and he goes don't wanna buy homies don't worry about okay dude [ __ ] it don't worry about man don't mama she also asks him if morgan kleginski whatever insert last name here brings any bills in his mind and he's like nah then deep comes along he running for president or mayor or senator or he running for politics and he in some hot water because people think he paid off some [ __ ] to do some shady [ __ ] so he wants his big name lawyer sister to come at a rally he's making tomorrow and give a nice speech you know bump up his rating or whatever to prove that he's good and make nicely nice with the people again no not that type of rally the [ __ ] the boring one the other one that one yeah and honestly i don't get how getting your high position lawyer or sister to come up and say nice [ __ ] about you at your own rally is gonna help people like you more this comes across more jaded and [ __ ] manipulative to me and like obviously she's gonna say nice [ __ ] she's your [ __ ] sister anybody that believes that [ __ ] is a sheep [ __ ] [ __ ] wake up wake up sheeple the birds are [ __ ] 5g emitting antennas that are giving you testicular cancer wake up so she goes back to morgan and she still does not believe his ass and she asks him where the body is that they bury from the hit and run and he says i can't explain it to you but i'll know when i see it basically she needs to take him in a ride along so i can accurately tell her where to go and triangulate and locate the location of the dead dude's body so she actually takes him out but don't worry she's being really careful she's pulling all the stops of wooster only three handcuffs gun at nighttime he nuts himself as soon as they get out into the great outdoors she takes a phone call from her husband who's being an emotional [ __ ] right now because she's not spending a lot of time at home then drives along with morgan to find the body he give him direction and [ __ ] okay okay i got i gotta talk about this or not i don't know of many ways to deal with situation right now but i know for sure that handcuffing him to this [ __ ] headrest is stupid because you know it just can't be joined out right he could just [ __ ] rip that off stab you with that choke you get the gun there possibilities are endless honestly also even though he dug the grave i find it hard believing that he can remember exactly where it is after 30 years of being locked up in a bunker keeping in mind he was kind of drunk while he dug the graves and another thing when they get there he points out where dead body isn't she starts digging and does not let him dig although he offered to despite all the benefits this would entail like not getting tired from all the things having a higher chance of him overpowering you because you're tired from all the digging not getting dirty more accurate things since he apparently has photographic memory of where he dug the [ __ ] grave and this landscape has apparently not changed at all in the past 30 years the only downside really is that he'd be digging super [ __ ] slow because he still be handcuffed you are stupid you're stupid but that doesn't matter because she finds the body and then starts covering it up very shittily drives back he surprisingly has not tried to escape at all and he goes back into the bunker she's very understandably freaking out and tells him to go put himself back into chains and he'll be like no come on man i just showed you come on man i'm telling the truth you saw the body come on i'm not a liar i need to i'm free i'm a free me come on me she says she needs more evidence of who he is which she can't give because her dad erased all evidence of him being existed being existed of him existing in the first place and she's also afraid that if she lets him go he'll go and snitch about her family and all the shady [ __ ] her dad didn't know and past years alone drive her family on the ground basically so i beg there to let him go and promises heard that he's never gonna [ __ ] tell any soul of the [ __ ] her father did but she still locks him up just the same to have some time to think on her commence freak out montage where she calls detective [ __ ] a bunch of times calling about the prince but he says he needs more time he doesn't have it yet next day comes she does some district attorney and she finds out that her father is and i quote a co-conspirator in her own goddamn case whatever the [ __ ] that means and she's like what the [ __ ] harold there's no think about him or you don't think about it and she low-key takes some advice from her bro bro about her current predicament then she goes to kill morgan jk she doesn't actually try to kill him but she tells him to get ready because he's about to get set free tomorrow may i remind you she still has not waited for the prince or got the results of them all right this is a lawyer okay that forgot about the prince ladies and gentlemen i present to you the world's shittiest lawyer lauren you have an iq lower than a [ __ ] broken tree branch moving on lauren makes harold open up a secret bank account and put a [ __ ] ton of money in it and makes a new idea for morgan after that she talks to morgan for a while while he buddies up and he tells her that her dad was kind of sort of ish maybe little not really maybe kind of if proud-ish of her and that her brother did in fact pay off a bunch of shady people to do some slimy lizard politicians [ __ ] for him so she goes over to the rally that her brother's having slaps him in the face and comes back to morgan is that possible within this time frame i'm so confused he gets that one has another earth or a guy when he sees his son he drives him over to a jet that's supposed to take him to the bahama mamas or like some other place you know to live his life and she doesn't never to come back because if he does she's going to frame him with a bunch of [ __ ] to protect her fandom and that plane is never getting out of this hangar if you don't open the doors properly she gets back to bunker and cleans it up a bit find some suspicious [ __ ] like he was doing somehow or something meanwhile a couple of things are happening detective dumbass finally got the prince and sent them over to the summer house and her mom's on the way to said summer house finds the package that the detective sent and opens it and yes apparently this [ __ ] mansion is their summer house because they have [ __ ] you amounts of money so bam lauren gets home and mama freaking now call him morgan his real name which is carson and calling them you were evil told you you should have waited for the [ __ ] detective to send the prince you know this is especially stupid because we just had a whole freak out montage of her calling detective and being like oh my god he the prince now oh my god oh my god why'd you just suddenly throw caution out the window and think he's telling the truth i mean you're literally in no rush you can really take your time to do it in a [ __ ] bunker come on anyway her mom's freaking out and she doesn't know why so she goes like okay i'ma fix this and it goes over to the [ __ ] hanger finds out that harold has been deaded via chess piece freaks out drives back home on my apologies her summer home and doesn't find her mom so she goes over to the bunker and finds out that carson morgan simon dude's there and he shuts all the lights off and teleports around super silently and [ __ ] with laura using echo location [ __ ] bat now he beats her up and chains her up tells her what really happened which is that he roofed her mom years ago raped her mom told dad that took him they fighting car run over kid accidentally bury kid that chained batman and bunker years later come back carson kills dad with poison dad tried to use to kill him apparently he got sick of him at some point wanted to poison the rapist dick bag which confuses me because i thought he wanted him suffer or maybe give it to him so he could [ __ ] kill himself with it anyway laura scratches his face up that he yells you still don't get it do you i'm your goddamn father then mom guy shoots you immediately afterwards i mean i appreciated the longer pause between the luca and your father moment and the gunshot but who cares she sits down next to our daughter and tells her that you're a sullivan morty or whatever their family name is and we take care of our own and they throw grass all over the place and light that [ __ ] up so is that fire going to spread to the rest of the woods or is that going to be contained in the concrete walls of the bunker or whatever yo how do bunkers work this movie gets a scooby-doo out of an uncontrollable forest fire [Music] you
Channel: High Boi
Views: 1,110,359
Rating: 4.9744506 out of 5
Keywords: Inheritance, inheritance explained, inheritance recap, inheritance review, movie recap, movie, recap, spoilers, funny, lol, haha
Id: PxNqeJNAvSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 02 2020
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