What If WW1 Never Ended - Hearts Of Iron 4

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hello there ho me and welcome back to another festive episode of hearts of i'm four was festive about it not much or festively conquering the world maybe i'm not too sure and today we are checking out a new mod that actually was emailed to me that's right i do read my emails uh please don't spam them but if you ever want to recommend me a mod always best to check out my twitter or my email which is uh probably the best place to reach me and this is the stalemate mod the frozen war for hearth of im4 which if you can't tell from the title is basically what if world war one never went anywhere and eventually everyone just got bored and went home yes right no winners no losers although technically there are losers but we'll get into that in a minute first off though a quick word from today's sponsor that's right say hello to our sponsor vikings war of clans as you know around here we love ourselves some strategies so good old map games and most importantly history and vikings win the online multiplayer game that it is takes off all those boxes and a little special one there called free to play one of my favorite things to do and viking's war of clans is to actually build up my settlement to get it prepared for the great battle against other players and warriors across the world and what is a raiding party without its raiders with a huge variety of troops for you to select from vikings war of clans has it all i mean damn i am spoiled for choice here niko's world clans is always consistently updated including their latest one the hellheim update and with this huge new update any player can enter the gates of helheim go into the catacombs and fight some mystical enemies and bring back that loot and upgrade your buildings and your warriors in hellheim heck you can even find me in game and my nickname ispoof and you can go ahead and sign up today for free by clicking the link in the description go ahead join the fun today see if you can go ahead and try and raid me i'd love to see you try become a viking lord and join today so thank you very much vikings war of clans for sponsoring this video and now let's get straight into it shall we now in a world where no one won world war one a lot of stuff is actually kind of the same in some places but then you spot a few little oddities lying around i'm too sure how you two are that close to each other without tearing each other's eyeballs out but uh i'm assuming we're gonna leave that to her in the game huh so for the most part you should be able to recognize the map in some regards there are a few things that are different and a lot of stuff that well that's really different uh apart from south america south america will never be different in any market aren't they i'm gonna load a parcel i'm for south america is gonna be missing i won't even realize so starting off in europe as we can see breslivosk actually went ahead and the germans have still got all of this land i don't know if it's actually puppets or in their faction we'll look at that when we're in game but uh the russians well they're not looking too good on the flip side of the russians though we do have the soviet union which has taken control of all of siberia for the pretty much the most part and mongolia and turkish dan exists too austria-hungary unsurprisingly has blown up into two billion different ethno states which i have no doubt will be fighting to each other the the entire game one thing that is surprising though is that the uk actually lost all of ireland so i'm assuming they gave them independence being unable to really spare the manpad put down the original irish revolt during the war world war one really and then um weirdly enough they also lost land portugal and india broke free now that could do good for the british uh bridge on the other hand they're looking pretty much the same they obviously don't have alistair's lorraine they never got that back from the germans in the war i'm assuming it just kind of went back to the status quo and uh no colonies have changed for them other than tunisia which is now independent and that's about it really that's all i can really start spot the ottomans are still there the kingdom of egypt is actually independent from the british it's not even in their faction or anything the italians still got mussolini not that surprising and the japanese have hirohito and they've actually occupied some of the land still from uh russia and i'm assuming in the russian civil war which actually did historically uh so i've been looking through who i want to play as and i'm pretty sure i'm gonna have to pick the british because of all the people that look to be in the worst situation here it's either gonna be them or the russians and i thought i've always played the russians quite a bit i always play the japanese and the germans but i've never really given the british a fair go so i think for this mod we're gonna see what's up all right first things first i've noticed we're at war the indians and a lot of our troops have nothing in them yeah says minus 1k it's probably a lot higher than minus 1k now we do still have australia new zealand and canada on our little a team we've lost south africa which isn't that surprisingly and uh for the most part we're not really looking very british empire but without a doubt we shall be changing that under our big old boy stanley baldwin gonna bring back the team and probably kick the germans but because we have a good focus tree now i've actually been looking at which actual part of this i want to go down and i'm pretty sure i'm obviously gonna have to keep uh keep the british strong and that includes keeping the indians weak now because we're immediately all the indians and i get the feeling this might be a bit of a difficult war considering our equipment status i'm gonna throw everything into guns and try and win it um i say try i'm hoping it's not too hard to do ah good thing is we still have the british empire's uh fleet to rely on which should keep us pretty much safe and secure on our island while we assess what we need to do in the world which is probably never go back to europe ever again that was a bad idea i mean the only division we have that's still equipped there is this tank one uh what if we try a little yeah that didn't go too well now the options we have here are to continue cooperation with europe or abandon europe and um well i am the british um is anyone willing to give me a small loan of six thousand small arms now whilst i am entirely entirely tempted to go down the king's party and just start invading everyone in the entire world to reconquer the british empire i think i'm actually going to go down the status quo option because this also gives you a lot of opportunity to get a lot of stuff there we go when is launching a naval invasion against a superior duggan force with your australian and new zealand troops ever a bad idea no we actually uh well that well that actually worked after our whole gallipoli thing i didn't have too much high hopes for you boys but uh the have fun it ended alright with the great commonwealth troop distraction in bengal we are managing to make some easy pushes now into india we're actually overriding their troops as well we're moving so fast so i think this is going to be a wrap i've realized our stability and war support is um it's not looking too good that's because um well we're not too proud about that whole world war one thing um not too proud at all um well goodbye trotsky did i not just say last episode that um this is always inevitable right now also i could puppet these guys um i'm not going i think we're gonna have to keep them very close after that very naughty revolt all right after re-securing india we're gonna go ahead and now move back to egypt and look at that amazing pyramid isn't it kind of looking like a block of cheese oh the germans actually joined the naval treaty which means we don't have to worry too much about their navy which i'm pretty sure they must still have unless we blew it up at yetland which well that's not very realistic is it well portugal wants to buy some british ships which we might as well do but um i'm kind of interested in why you stole my damn land which i originally stole from you you can't steal what i have already stolen that's against the rule again we have no damn guns but uh the old plan worked pretty well and the egyptians don't have too much going on and the um well the anzac and canadians are doing quite well with the whole naval invading thing there you go the uh the egyptian quickly learned that uh australians that i haven't fed uh probably not the people you want to go ahead and fight all right now retaking south africa is probably not going to be an easy task there's never really anywhere nice to land and uh though they also have an army which is a bit of a problem but there's a bunnies rebuilding and whilst i don't have any guns i do have australians which counts for something right plus uh these focuses just keep throwing political power at me so i'm i'm pr i'm getting up there which is pretty damn good right let's go die on this mountain quite literally oh i was expecting more defense on that mountain but apparently not oh the empire is looking i'd be lying if i said better than ever oh f oh stanley baldwin resigns and it's it's billy small balls time that's right the smallest bulls in the west well wrong answer cha i worry people of ireland i'm only here to add you to my beach landing force which is the most elite infantry i had hey i go much better and now you're my puppet you can well you're gonna be on the beaches of gallipoli again at some point oh i was going to keep you as a puppet but the game had over i did oh no what is this the american economic union i don't like the sound of that what is that is that good that doesn't seem good right now that we've conquered a good portion of the world again like a good british chap does we really need to go ahead and get rid of this damn spirit it's crippling us beyond no limit because we can't up our economy yeah we need to do something about it quick all right i got up departure from do war propaganda and i have to do so much damn stuff to actually get down to uh get rid of that little spirit we have that ruins our army so i'm just gonna say screw that for now and we're gonna go ahead and rush the imperial conference baby excuse me oh um [Music] i thought you'd be bigger there you go imperial federation done it's not like it is in the base game it's just a focus in this and now we are looking pretty damn fine uh also just gonna delete all these troops that we got from them and instead rebuild the army when we have the opportunity to do so and now we kind of just sit here for a little bit longer now that we've got ourselves an economy land manpower and pretty much an army when we need to build it the next thing we need is oil and doing these treaties with mexico and venezuela actually gets us a whole bunch of oil production in uk which is damn delicious especially since to get the us on outside and this would actually have to give them a bunch of land which um now i'm cool bro you know i don't like what you're doing mussolini and i never do so what are you doing oh no no no no no so when i say that sweater sweater said no to the whole oil deal and is it worth going to war with them for i mean they're not protected by america [Music] is that is that a rick astley i just want to tell you i'm feeling oh the russians can join my faction why the hell not ah now i think it's in my best interest so we don't let mr stalin get his own way so i will be over there in a jiffy just let me deal with the venezuelans first there we go we also got francine which means uh the old gang's back together um hopefully it goes a bit better this time i mean you can't dangle some rick ashley in front of me and expect me not to take it don't alarm anyone the southwest of england is glowing all right this time boys uh we're gonna make sure that it definitely doesn't go red again well uh russia wants me to bring serbia into the faction i i don't see how this could go badly at all i swear to god why are you building nukes uh the dream team the commonwealth of nation france russia and serbia against the soviet union oh there you go we also got the portuguese in on this it's a hell of a sideshow got that communist dogs on the ropes of this points and i'm back to where they belong siberia aka hell uh i don't even notice my allies at all the italians and the italians allied with the japanese and that's not gonna look too good for us oh god damn it french why are you losing to the italians i'm not ready for this yet my army's in the middle of siberia oh my god no you're almost as bad as huey long thank the lord oh my god why did you do that why did i gotta fix that's gonna trigger me oh my god there you go brain aneurysm averted um yeah i don't think they did right so i've noticed my allies are pushing through japan no problem in china so i'm just gonna avoid that for now and go ahead and deal with the italians in africa now historically the italians kind of suck balls down here so will they suck balls this time around yes they will so the problems of the italians had irl was um that the british just kept driving around them in north africa and that problem persists today where i just keep driving around so go for the ye old soft underbelly strat which as far as i'm aware can never go wrong oh bit of a interesting development uh the germans also declared weren't the italians which um well i'm guessing they didn't have that front defender well i don't know if you could tell from the loading screen but the game is now endlessly crashing we're at that point of the save everyone yeah i'm not too sure exactly what's doing it i've looked around everyone's focus trees and no one's actually close to doing anything so i think the save might just be broken uh which is a shame because whilst we were just about to absolutely demolish japan there um we didn't ever get to fight germany and i think germany is i don't know if they're actually going to start a great war actually um yeah kind of a bit of a lame end to the save really i would have liked to keep going at least to fight germany but i get the feeling we probably would have clapped them at this point um but yeah either way it was still pretty fun to look at we had a lot of fun pushing in siberia and rebuilding the empire and well demolishing the italians and the japanese but uh yeah i guess that's the end for now bit of a low point to end down but still nonetheless i really like the idea of this mod there is a couple things i'd change mostly the fact you're locked behind your your actual research slot through all of these focus trees which is way way too long you need to change out mod developers and second off you need to go down all of this to get rid of your damn stuff uh your great warcraft which is pointless because i had 100 war support by like 1940 so that was just pain and secondly uh getting rid of the red menace you can't get rid of the red menace if you um have already beat up the soviets which uh get down here anyway you already need to go through all of this and get down to prepare for ideological warfare so yeah you need to you need to change that claim now endlessly locked out of that which means i have a negative minus 15 stability despite the fact we killed communism uh nonetheless a pretty fun man i like the idea of where it's going and uh yeah i guess we might come back and try out another nation at some point but for now uh if you enjoy the video leave a like and subscribe but down below let me know any of the mods you want me to check out that i have not checked out before so yeah catch you around [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 588,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron iv, hoi4, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 mods, hearts of iron 4 modding, modding, hoi4 mods, hoi4 modding, hearts of iron 4 stalemate, hoi4 stalemate, stalemate mod
Id: W-eGiSAKvrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 16 2020
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