The Hearts Of Iron 4 Mod That Changes Everything

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this guy gives me major bow vibes hey guys and welcome back to my weekly video it's me I saw productions back in the world of hands flying for saying hello to my gravy babies so as I have explained in the last few videos we are looking at some brand new mods for hearts 5 4 I personally used to be a hearts vying for youtuber I did classifying for every single day and I took a big break and in that time a lot of months came out and I've came back to have a look at them between every big mod that I do aka the fact I just did the new order mod which is a very huge mod I want to go ahead and step it back a bit and do one that's a bit less than you know intense and neon and today we're actually looking at two different mods that is the vanilla plus mod and the random event smart which both already how they sound fun don't that I think it says you know fun like adding a bit of randomness to my very strategic and very intricate strategy map gay hey speaking of intricate strategy map games is a quick word from our sponsor that's right well I'm saying my soldiers to the frontlines to fight my battles why not let them take a break and play today sponsors game rise a kingdoms rise kingdoms as a world-spanning game allowing you to play multiple civilizations and epic PvP battles boss fights and with these amazing 3d graphics on your mobile device there are multiple civilizations throughout history which all have their own custom style commander and unique units each commander has five skills design according to their specific historical background and today I went ahead and chose the German these commander eyes are owns at a skills designed according to their own specific historical background and battles that they have for hohenhauser zone skills based on his famous battle a tutor bog forest and we can use those to our advantage right now by taking them into battle I'm sure most of you are into your strategy games just like me and an important feature of Razer kingdoms different from others is unrestricted RTS style movement where you can move your troops freely whenever you need to who's you can ahead and decimating your enemy's armies you can retreat back to your city where you can freely go ahead and build your civilization up with custom buildings which you can go ahead and place wherever you want design your civilization as want it and your own civilization will change its architecture as you progress through the errors Civilization barrel is cooling analyze your journey download rise of kingdoms using the link below and check out the giveaway for a chance to win some sweet sweet prizes thank very much for Royal kingdoms for sponsoring this video now let's get straight back into the video thank you rise of kingdoms there why is Canada that color so anyway welcome back to heart survive for today we're gonna be looking straight away at the vanilla plus Mart which aims to make the vanilla experience you know like vanilla with an extra plus on the end so the first thing the the tech tree is completely expanded all the way up to the 1960s anyone that plays holy fall past you know 1945 maybe 1950 at a push is a sadomasochists Oso I don't know who that's appealing to in fact they do it to you you weirdo next up we got ourselves I think these are from actually wrote 56 i if I remember correctly I'm sure it's actually based on a different mod I could be completely wrong about that but you can go ahead and do your national character and government policies which kind of gives you a few very specific buffs that that's not over powder oh but oh yeah oh son she just gives you more stuff to spend your PP young ventually you do end up kind of running out around 1942 maybe halfway through your wall so it gives you an extra few things to uh specify into your country your beard some of them are a bit overpowered for my opinion but if it's vanilla plus its single-player who cares one of the big things that's been added is the National ideas which is essentially just from EU for which I it's literally just from Eve or again this just gives you more stuff to specify your country into it does look like a complete cluster F but you know I we're gonna give it a go and just like evil when you go ahead and start unlocking your ideas and ticking them off one by one you actually get these ones up here too which gives you even more stuff so we're gonna see how that plays into things I'm pretty sure the AI can also use them yes it can and on to the last step so the other thing it does is lets you actually build in your allies so that's a fun thing and even more fun you can embargo the a which is great can't do that right now and I don't think China's really gonna have much interesting trading in me anyway considering what's gonna happen historically there was also a billion and one different new decisions that have been added which I'll probably completely forget to use any of these and the political power is gonna be spread very far and fent by the looks I also have the option to a change color of my my subjects their name and color and if you if you didn't know international community that they were a satellite of the Japanese Empire that it's been obvious now now as we get started a part game here just shutting up what we're gonna be doing there is also the other month that I installed which was the random event smart now I can't specifically say when these events will be firing but if they do fire hopefully we will pay attention and notice them but there is essentially a hundred forty seven random events that can fire under certain prerequisites or if they just happen this is gonna make the game very spicy because a few of them I did read through that were found at they're quite spicy I might say more girly under that's right he's secretly a sexy Spanish man under those shins and I have you ever played against the AI prioritizing steel for ships is the stupidest thing you could ever do because the AI can't manage an army let alone a fleet I always I always go for guns right away just because you need them for your army I've never relief roundness will encounter where an enemy navies were live in a fret if I'm playing a big power and I'm more worried about the Chinese soldiers doing jumping jacks and push-ups on my border think they might be preparing for something we demand puppet regimes ok China you're feeling spicy yeah out of the waist 150 cloak sorry I didn't think they'd say yesterday too smart too smart indeed mr. Chang kai-shek but are you too smart for this ohoo they send me one by Oh joke's on you I'm not trading with anyone except America for some oil and the Americans would never embargo me for my oil they love my trade oh my god why is it green I'm gonna send green Spain a attache just because I really want to see a green Spain on the and I'm gonna have to invade China soon so I currently bother setting real some volunteers but please for the love of God can I see a green Spain that's just rude I accidentally clicked on Mongolia astronaut Stalin sorry I'm sorry I respect your country because it's so irrelevant Stalin for Mongolia oh ok so we get our free idea now our first one and I have no idea what I'm actually gonna pick I'm gonna have to quickly read through these and see what I want alright so for my first idea I actually went ahead and got the internal policy ideas which essentially just makes me a much much better diplomat and politician you know I I can now swindle my way around a minus 25 percent policy cost I think this is more down to corruption of oh god no mouths turned up and his glorious locks oh ok actually run into I'm assuming one of our random events happening and that is that a Central America is in a battle royale and Costa Rica has addicts off of it yeah I am aware that a few of these random events do just give a few nations Casas bellies on each other which is pretty interesting so we'll try and see who wins out over here all right China war is over but I think we need to focus on something a bit more spicy and out oh we're gonna do scarier this old you know grayer East Asian prosperity bullcrap arino and I said join a different faction oh lift wany just gobbled up the Baltics it's time to uh upset the balance in the world hey I got the sneaking suspicion that the Italians that might want to go ahead and build in my country just can that idea Mussolini no better way to start the day after the landing in hole and renaming it to new Tokyo pass right no better cultural blending than the the bleakness of hull and sushi can't name a better to err alright asked went down and germany has made well you've made no work whatsoever take it down the other one so i guess i'll do that too Oh kind of skipping over that old d-day thing and instead renaming it to something more fitting like HJ hentai day right boys it's the race to Paris what's going on here what the hell's the unis our showing Colombia's our enemy in the Venezuelan Colombia war I didn't realize I was in this war oh that was war - oh so instead of urge annexed and everything cuz i I've instead I've set up the British Empire it's absolutely huge and I'm gonna go ahead and funnel all of my illegal doing through them so they look like the bad guys and I look completely fine also I did some unspeakable things to the broader z-- of France but don't judge me on a guy could also change the names of stuff so now England is called inger and France is now fluent through aw thanks Iceland really doing your part a we still have to fight the Indonesians which broke free from the Dutch and if you ever had to fight an insurgent force in the jungle before they go Indonesia taken care of and I'm sad to see that Lavinia unfortunately did not survive the Soviet onslaught as they well they ate them up pretty quickly although German war mongers have gone ahead and declared war on the Soviet Union oh I just I can't I can't be a part of that I'm a peaceful man and I have no interest in helping you your expansionist wall so we go ahead and create my own faction a big bitty anime grylls perfect I cannot sit by and watch this horrible aggressive expansion the Germans are doing and as such I must free abu-dhabi right me the British Empire and France Soochow must take down the German Menace realized surely I saw in their faction could the Empire of the Seas who the hell is that god it's some Pacific Islanders oh no I sure I sure best watch out for those guys right we're sending the German war machine back to where it came from which I've already sent if that's where it came from and they just seem to be keep going east so I guess I'm just migrating them to Russia oh that goes Germans they capitulated very quickly and apparently they also capitulated Poland to me and it from the Soviets would be too happy with that now we're just gonna drive our little tank force down to Rome to the ground and then oh that's it Bob's your uncle in encase Bob's not your uncle in that case I'm just gonna go down to Rome and I'm gonna go shoot muscle a knee hey echo I've got a head I've liberated the world and you defied it under a more peaceful government didn't have to shoot anyone before you look at Europe I just want to say that the AI had a lot more war school than I was anticipating and oops so just to look at the faction mode here there's a there's a few communist countries inside my bubble that I'm not quite happy with I may or may not have also from Prussia that's great everyone loves Prussia can I rename Prussia unfortunately I can rename Prussia but Germany is now known as Doyle ooh so that's great but yeah that was vanilla plus like I assumed it would make you extremely overpowered all those ideas did pretty much lead me to stumping over my opposition who didn't really pick the best idea groups obeah was still fun you know it's nice to just dump all over someone in vanilla sometimes now for the random events all I noticed was a Venezuela and Colombia went to war and someone tried to conquer all of you know Central America which did kind of work Costa Rica did did do quite well El Salvador also gave it a go and yeah didn't really notice anything else I don't know if you guys can spiny think else that's weird you know like yeah Prussia - kind of weird must be a random event right yeah yeah that's a bit weird but what about the Pacific worker state owning Denmark huh he looks pretty chuffed but yeah as usual I will linking that both of these months down below and next episode of this I I guess this will go onto the end of summer this series and we'll be looking at a more complete conversion mod and probably just could be as wacky as this honestly but you have you enjoyed the video make sure to leave a like hit the subscribe button down below let me know any more much you want to see me cover in this month of new mod so what not yeah thanks to our sponsor again once will scan rival kingdoms check that out link in description and I'll catch you guys in battle royale Balkans [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 384,403
Rating: 4.9188771 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hearts, of, iron, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, isorrowproductions, hoi4 modding, hoi4 mods, hoid mods, hearts of iron 4 mods
Id: 6q-Pzm1kxqU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 04 2020
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