This Mod Changes HOI4 In Many NEW WAYS

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what's going on everyone it's me yeah boy alex the rambler and today we return to parts of iron four and a mod called new ways look it's even on it's glowing and look there's even birds that are actually it's like an animated background that's already like in the top 10 of mods ever created i think i haven't seen that before uh this is the eastern sunrise i don't know that that particularly means anything but this is a mod which changes hearts of iron for uh adds in loads of new focus trees loads of new different paths for existing nations and it looks kind of fun so leave a like for more uh 5 000 likes is what i usually ask for in one of these videos it's just arbitrary engagement that helps the channel comment subscribe if you've played the mod do let me know what you think of it did the bird move oh it moves so these are the uh above nations that you can pick and all of the all of the nations here do have uh focused trees including liberia now apparently uh but today i thought it'd be fun to play as a nation i haven't played as for a while uh which is a nation which i'm surprised it doesn't have a focus tree at this point at least has a dlc been released for this that i just haven't been aware of we're playing as greece we're a millennial country oh i'm sorry uh we've got power of george ii bring my taxes to power support the liberals we've got political crisis macedonian separatism social crisis and consequences of rebellion honestly sounds to me like we just need to relax with with a biscuit dunk it in your tea and then just sit back and relax oat based biscuit with some little chocolate chips in it's pretty tasty dunk it in the tea there have been changes to the map too i believe china has been completely reworked you also have the papal states and san marino i don't know if there's liechtenstein there too there's lichenstein huh there we go it's all been changed our boot a historical ai off so we can hopefully see some alternative paths and let's give it a go i'll link to the mod should be in the description unless it's been dmca which a lot of mods seem to be at the moment you've also got the kingdom of egypt that's independent now apart from the suez canal and i believe is that monaco over here as well yes this is like nice little independent states oh andorra remember how i joked in the last video there'll be there'll be a time when i don't do a monakis playthrough but it is not this day power of george ii in such a difficult political situation king george ii of greece needs to take full power into his own hands and independently solve the problems of developing the country let's so let's suspend parliament oh we've got a hospital which produces babies more babies for the war effort we also have legitimacy as an indicator of the people's support for the ruling party hmm i don't think that the tech trees have been changed so i think that a lot of changes here are kind of mainly subtle mainly to do with focus trees and probably a bit of balancing here and there and here we go migration change there are more immigrants oh yes okay we also have um volunteers only so for subscription balance migration average monthly growth low legitimacy okay that's we want to get rid of that i'm a legitimate king uh yes i think georges can be our field marshal too go on son get in the field ethiopia has pushed italy a little bit wow france is in the civil war already really okay it changes everything the commune's already risen up oh look at that spanish leader he looks so happy with himself doesn't he hey oh okay so it's actually borbon france or the movement francaise against the commune given the current difficult situation of the country king george decides to cope with the existing problems on his own everyone should silently agree and now i need to start banning various parties don't i ban the liberals were dust clouds always a feature they probably were right and i just haven't i presume that's like a sand cloud or a dust cloud it's gone now have i just not noticed that playing this for the past four years my god so having the high inflation is really quite bad uh i will probably have to do the dranakim stabilization greece is not in a very good way to start off has their economy just not improved in the past century what if i prepare a national holiday with that or people like that increase the number of weekends boom there's more than 52 now general mataxas actively promotes the theory that there were three hellenic civilizations ancient helles the byzantine and today's greece is the third islamic civilization sure looks like the french kingdom might be on the way out the commune is going to erupt already oh yeah but it's quite cool that like iran has a focus tree so does turkey a lot of the nations which you think would have had a focus tree four years after release now do was that a dig at the developers and not really i just wish that they released more than one expansion a year but they must celebrate maybe that i don't i think the production team of hearts of iron is relatively small so it's probably difficult for them to release more than one expansion a year i don't know i'm pretty sure everyone just wants more focus trees though right am i safe in that assumption oh and now span span espana has erupted i think that they've redone these trees too like everything's everything's been changed to boot so we can either go it's worth focusing on the ancient greeks we could have the byzantine has a special place oh reduces consumer goods or we have our own way you can go your production efficiency cap plus 10 production efficiency growth plus 5 factory alpha plus 15 i mean it makes sense to do this one overall but i do just like byzantium just being a bit uh nostalgic there i've never been to greece i would love to go to greece one day and uh istanbul where else is on my list uh the remnants of carthage hobbiton that's a long flight though to new zealand oh my god once you move there you never move out oh i can buy weapons hmm ah okay sure sure they'll make things more complicated i think when i want to expand but hey ho after a while it becomes clear that in the end no one but king george will be able to solve all the problems in the country that gets rid of at least one of our negative things we're a pro-british king ah can i justify no i have no war goals alas yugoslavia is expanding that's concerning friendship treaty of italy oh no no no are they gonna come after me soon they better not i think in order to start really helping my uh here we go uh removes national spirit social crisis which is currently oh construction speed negative 20 yeah let's get rid of that the position of ordinary groups can hardly be called enviable and until this situation changes we cannot count on their sufficient support create a trade free zone sign me up tell the media about events in life of the monarch sign me up there too please spread chauvinist sentiments ins i mean that's going to be society no anything that reduces my stability i'm not game for this king is not for turning well there we have it french commune victorious victoria oh what do i do let's just get myself an extra civilian factory social reforms symphony sure let's do a symphony growing influence of the church i i really don't know what's best for greece i should know i'm the king do i buy art let's just buy artillery uh infantry equipment i think we need to fight inflation investment of gold bam oh my god my industry is just absolutely atrocious seems to be a theme with nations that i choose to play as doesn't it frankish spain oh franco forgot about him gotcha gotcha god everyone's just just just just isn't happy with each other are they is the mess started in china yet no but it will the greeks must be as humble as christ or parliamentarians want to see someone from the church uh no no no no let's do yes and then emperor george the king of greece has already demonstrated his ability to govern the country but now it is time for new achievements greece is no longer a kingdom but an empire are we though a bit of a stretch this is still bad that's there it really is just the significant inflation and if i do that again we get low inflation low inflation is good i have no army xp oh oh and they've got the kaiser rike uh thing in which gives you a division limit writing off the farm debts will increase my inflation again but i do get two civilian factories so i'll do that and then and then do the whole gold thing again i'll just keep investing gold gold isn't that right george i love gold okay let's do emperor george now boom we become the empire byzantine of the empire let's change this to partial mobe we have more units joining us i will turn the byzantine empire into a powerhouse i can't do it okay we are an empire again uh then i can demand the transfer of istanbul eastern thrace for about half a thousand years or 500 constantinople has been invaded by hmm or i can do i can seek to join the allies and then do new rome yeah yeah i'll join the uk and then do like the demo then i'll demand it from turkey i'll do the investment of gold again can i do anything to help my military here hmm need to go down this route i can't believe that you can actually be called the millennial kingdom don't know that i want that why can i i can't think of a be simple why would the uk deny me you [ __ ] okay fine new rome let's go we're going we're going for the seven twos infantry divisions oh i need to get rid of an infantry then artillery expert boom so everyone's just refusing me the whole time and i i can't even return of albania give me give me it i want it they're gonna refuse me aren't they everyone just is refusing me i i was even refused to join the allies just like what the heck at this point the game is going the way of a normal hearts of iron game where i'm i'm going to be attacked by the axis and there's nothing i can do would they let me in go on no okay oh could i actually justify on greece now the independence of turkey is guaranteed by the kingdom of romania but they also guarantee me so does that mean the guarantees they they they're fine right ah what's albania going to say [Music] no event you [ __ ] what i just get the claim this is probably the worst greek run you've ever seen in your life isn't it i aim to please ladies and gents i aim to please oh my god the islands are gonna take up so many divisions i know i know what would be tempting to do was to would be to allow them over here and then just pound them so i might i might do that because otherwise i'm going to be trying to cross a river when they're fully entrenched whereas this way they'll they'll come across here and then i'll be like why would you ever take a five percent when you can get a ten percent holy mole have they only just taken ethiopia wow it's a bit embarrassing mate let's just do a clearing with germany trade of germany rich grants all of the i should have done this ever forever at least my legitimacy is good which gives me the the following high legitimacy that's good extra war support stability noise everyone loves the king i unfortunately i can't produce an air force because i i just don't have the resources like my industry is atrocious uh it's taken me how long does it does hate to build a factory why do you suck industry how does it take to train divisions too like really right well let's give this this war a try i i very much doubt that i'm gonna achieve my dream here but hashtag yolo and immediate how many divisions they have taken that one place so i'm probably gonna lose this island is what i'm getting from this they have a a lot more divisions than myself eh i need to be very careful here otherwise i i'm doomed we're barely holding on to athens oh dear if i can keep holding for a time they might run out of equipment or manpower overall that would be grand if they deorg themselves maybe i can go for a little pooch why why is everything so hard why can't everybody anything be easy it's 20 20 isn't it so that's this leaving me even asking that okay then we try and counter but with my troops the way they are that's that's not likely why they're not bad oh i don't i can't even give them support i need factories i need military factories please okay then they try another attack over here so let's try and counter that shall we please oh no if they land in large numbers i'm doomed okay well that's well the casualties are looking pretty good however they still seem to be doing pretty well against me like they're the number of divisions they have is astounding oh i could get a mountain rifle i get four divisions for nothing what let's try and send these fellows down here and see if we can't like push in up here you know i mean oh my god how many divisions do they have i may have stretched myself too far even though my industry can't really support it i need to start building military factories give me those divisions i don't get it they have half the equipment that they should do is it just the terrain oh for god's sake so my plan of luring them in the lure them in strat didn't work i might save it here saving your disaster campaign i'll poke i don't know if i'll post it so can i let them come in even so that's hills and that's mountains so but if i retreat past this and they're gonna flank me here but and i can't outflank much to my frustration sure they have they have no equipment but sure let them just keep doing that but they should they should come forward now they're still losing on this front when those divisions spawn in the sea bruh greek armored attack of artillery plus 10 percent yes please see then we go on the attack because now they're screwed i think oh then no longer supplied so we have to attack uh those divisions died oh wow i i that is completely my mistake yeah i should not have done that there would be avenged i can't believe i made such a rookie error there that's that's such a i didn't i thought there was a port i thought there was a port but on the plus side we are able to push now and maybe take istanbul cut those seven divisions off very nice finish them off zippery quick great they're all trapped too so that's that that 50 000 troops that i had to sacrifice uh might get us istanbul slash constantinople then we can cross over into here now too really what the heck has happened here germany is doing war with greece and it's probably game over yep why would they do that in 1939 i might cheat just delete all of germany's divisions the [ __ ] will anyone take me in their faction i don't think they will will they that's the problem with uh non-historical ai i guess you never know what they're gonna do they still have divisions despite them being mostly unequipped at least they were beforehand i don't know where they're getting their equipment they're probably getting there at least aren't they hey look if i can just take it there we go i can say i i wait what oh i don't control that so well i know that given enough time i would have defeated turkey i can take solace in that even though germany is now just going to be like yolo that's really annoying that really kicks the bucket kicks the bucket it's that word like they even have a positive opinion of me so i i have a hub this can be a very short-lived byzantine empire isn't it look i've even pushed in here but i won't cheat because i know that you'll y'all get mad with me i love how the ai thinks that attacking this with four units is is is more of a priority than just going boop they must have the war goal by now do they not i can't even recruit any more troops even if i wanted to because i don't have the equipment and that's gg everyone oh let's just see what happens in the p still shall we oh oh romania joined cool maybe i could have gone and like held greece here but i don't really see the point like it's just romania will lose this who's that oh sure i'll join saudi arabia um despite this scenario going atrociously i do think this is a really fun mod and if there are other nations that you think i should check out please do let me know in the comments below i am very salty that germany prioritized me as a target before going after czechoslovakia for effects sake so i i have i i don't know what they're just just just bruh there we go well that was a fun scenario until that happened that made it to 1939 but hey i'm not afraid to show off a good old rambler fail and if you did enjoy the video of course uh do comment like subscribe this mod has great potential i would like to play it again if you would like to see that let me know but until next time everyone it's toodaloo from me and toodaloo from new ways tata many thanks to onion duck seth cutter stervik maximilian foreman wyatt green zachariah mosby tad house kobe was taken matt zuv vash one p george dave d why the don valhalla halls yeah boy ryan [ __ ] jack troku jiggly crotch used beef sean young and logan whaley for being ridiculous from supporters on patreon and many thanks to all the patrons too
Channel: Alex The Rambler!
Views: 208,390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hearts of iron 4, hoi iv, hearts of iron iv, alex the rambler, alex the rambler hoi4, hearts, of, iron, four, new ways, new ways mod, hoi4 new ways mod, This Mod Changes HOI4 In Many NEW WAYS, hoi4 new update, steam workshop, hoi4 steam workshop, hearts of iron 4 greece, greece focus tree, greece focus tree mod
Id: xeozuUhzJqE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 18sec (1218 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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