How The Austrians Ruined WW2 - Hearts Of Iron 4 - Hoi4 A2Z

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[Music] hey it's that time again the man who teaches you the alphabet is teaching you the alphabet really really slowly and that's right so far we have gone through all of the a's on the hoi for a to z challenge and this will be our final one that's right it's been quite the journey already and we are nowhere near the end so i hope you've all been enjoying the series so much and if you have leave a like and subscribe button down below glad to bring you some fun content and today we are going for the amazing austria game which um i don't know if i've ever probably played austria outside of maybe the first few months in a mod or in some other like old history months but in vanilla hoi 4 there's a reason you don't play austria that's because they immediately get eaten by germany but today's mod is actually one as you can see here that tries to revitalize the austrian gameplay so there is some actual gameplay but before we get too much into it here's a quick word from today's sponsor today's sponsor warpath on the channel we are all about the historical strategy which is why i'm bringing you today's sponsor war path the authentic real-time world war ii strategy game war paths inspired by real historical events from european battles in world war two as such there is a variety of historical units you can use on the battlefield from the french rb1 heavy tank to that's right the russian katyusha you can even go as far as to customize your katrusha to the specific needs of the battlefield and when you've gone ahead and selected the specific units you want to use go ahead and control them in real time on the battlefield that's right hands welcome to the battle of moscow made by katrusha i went ahead and created a global line so you guys can join me and together we can use the power of katusha to blow the enemy to kingdom come now from the frozen landscapes of the battle of moscow to the d-day landings this brand new update allows you to take control of this historical battle and win it the way that you see fit because you are in command now now on top of that if you go ahead and get yourself involved with warpath today not only are you supporting the channel you can go ahead and click my specific link down below and enter yourself into a giveaway for very cool prizes that's right invite your friends to play warpath you might have a chance to win a ps5 switch or amazon gift cards just go ahead and click the link in the description and get started today and on top of that use my code shown on screen right there get yourself a whole bunch of in-game walls to help you get started today so go ahead use a link in the description down below and thank you very much for watching the video and let's get straight into it shall we so here we are in the federal state of austria led by a man who definitely doesn't have any ill intentions maybe that's a lot no this is definitely me when i'm playing high full am i right guys so i read the mob description pretty briefly just to check what is and isn't in there and as you can see we have quite a flush down focus tree but some of the paths aren't done yet but i don't want to do the one that just makes us into austria hungry because later on when we get to hungary that's the only real fun path they have so we're gonna hopefully try and do something a little bit different ah we'll have to look first off though the great austrian economy must begin it's roaring already uh i say roaring more a per from an asthmatic kitten so there's not a lot we can do at the moment in fact there's nothing we can do at the moment we must just simply go down our main focus here and hopefully get somewhere that doesn't require us being killed by germany and that we only have the one path because the mod isn't finished yet but uh the path we can't do go down is pretty flushed out and there's no oxygen hungry so it's pretty good uh like i said i could have got a complete mod but uh this is the most up-to-date one on the workshop and like i said i don't want to see austria hungry for the millionth time already it was a failed state guys just get over it so first thing first out of all this was that we should probably secure our independence which unfortunately the only other person historically that wanted to do that was the italians yep we're relying on italians even though we are currently going to be friends italy don't think i've forgotten about this one ah italy accepts our friendship we we wrote a letter saying please be my friend and they accept it formally oh my giddy aunt as one man would say the british economic sanctions have kicked in for me getting rid of my treaty from world war one you know but uh i don't give a damn i'm cool i'm fly i i look like i step on squirrels so we have the opportunity to keep our alliance with italy uh not that we have one but we could get one i should say all we can say screw that and do our own type of deal i'm gonna do my own type of deal don't trust the italians uh in the meantime too i'm also justifying on the hungarians because we get a pretty nifty uh walk-all reduction time which i'm gonna take as much advantage of before i can get murdered by the germans all right so i pushed back the invasion because we were in no position to fight we got two tanks from a focus and so yeah that's probably not gonna get us too far and um well i guess we're gonna have to try this again with the hungarian yeah our troops are absolutely crud so we'll just give it a go again if not uh we might have to rethink our little strategy here see if i could just pin everything and push with the tanks on the mountaineers uh yeah it's going a lot better with the tanks now and the mountaineers which we both got through the focus so let's try and do a bit of meme here [Music] ah a little bit messy but uh not my best work but we'll take it we'll take it oh i didn't realize we just got a ton of guns from them as well which is absolutely delicious i would have liked a little bit more time before i declared war on the chicks but we're at 33 percent world tension now and there is a high chance the allies could you know guarantee them so we just gotta go with uh she can do the logical thing and try and get them torn in two with my little tanky tanks down here and mountaineers which are pretty much the fighting force of my entire army the rest is pretty dark crap uh oh i just shot yep the munich agreement just happened we gotta speed the hell up i went down my focus to get the greatest faction of all time me spain portugal and poland and uh poland obviously got declared war on by the germans and uh should i join we'll just see what happens if i join but i guess the film's probably not to go well yeah they also got the italians which is the problem and the publisher obviously getting push yeah we'll see what happens yeah that's uh that's pretty much what i was expecting yeah we just don't have enough manpower or men on the front to secure this and um we can't go see italians one-on-one but uh with the germans combined we are mincemeat uh something is you're pretty much locked out of all your expansion sadly because you have to do them through war and um yeah well the allies see to that one uh we got an option to get switzerland through a um demand but unfortunately they said no as well so we can't really do like any of this cool stuff so i guess we'll just wait around and there goes there goes poland um it was nice seeing you around the only plane i could think of doing was declaring war on romania and go to war with the allies it's okay and i did it but that's because i godzilla boris in my faction and his head brings me good luck let me rub it barrows come here yeah i would have preferred not to go to all the allies because i'm not gonna be able to do anything about that but you know what here we are i can't have everything you want there you go romania down we're also going to take out the hugo slabs and get to work on that one as quickly as we can i don't think spain's joining the world against the allies because well apparently they're smart well if that ain't the best looking austria you you ever done seen okay the british are also beating up my ally is there any way i can help there this game is going to hell so i might as well help it get that quicker everything is going to hell yeah this is this is all going to hell very quickly there must be a better way to do this right there's got to be a better way alright speed run time this time we're bringing in the italians hopefully if they accept there we go now we're gonna make them do all the heavy lifting all right so this time around we invite the polish in first i'm gonna try this partition one instead and hopefully we um well we just get it please for the love of god do not make me fight the czechoslovakians i'm clearly in no spot to do so thank the lord that's much better right let's also do the partition yugoslavia and hopefully we get something there and it doesn't all go to italy or something you know what jeremy you're cringe okay stop being so cringe okay nice i don't know how this is gonna go we did not get wait we got these well we got we got croatia as a puppet oh dude all right we've uh been here before hungry it didn't go too well for you all right let's see how this goes with all my buddies uh yep i don't even think i needed my buddies for this one it ain't pretty but it's all we got going you know i think we might be uh good enough just go for the germans right now uh the italian's got a pretty beefy army i have a terrible army but together we might be able to get somewhere oh yeah plus we have the serbian empire on our side can't forget about those bad boys yeah this way is definitely much better because i just got these guys as calls which means i got a ton of manpower and all my 20 whiffs are now filled up and look at that i got a whole factory already in 38 i think we're going trading on the germans i mean you do have to ask yourself a wacosa and it means i'm having to work with the cringed aliens and mr baldi which uh i'm not too happy about i'm sorry any italian fans out there i love you but it was just a very embarrassing time for you wasn't it like i'm doing my focus to get bavaria now and uh the italians are all getting ready the polls are getting ready we're gonna dominate them all right i hope you're ready to party all right we're not gonna do any pushing we're just gonna let the uh italians and the poles oh thank you for the 39 support equipment we're going to let them do all the work for me and then we'll strike once they look weak enough so uh to orchestrate a push from the italians i had to actually do a push which um it's cost me a lot of men but i know there's a little empty slot here and uh i'm just going for a little march through germany oh they finally got me all right endlessly attacking them did well we've we've pushed enough that i'm pretty confident they won't be able to come back anytime soon but it's cost way way too much manpower we can not afford to lose so we're gonna wait a little bit longer create some actual divisions and try again oh i've taken enough land from germany now i could do greater austria damn look at that it's really great all right the front has um unfortunately have to be still because the romanians joined but unfortunately for them i just got my tanks out and i just give a little bit of a practice run while we um get ready for the germans oh god things are just gonna help okay bulgaria joined that's the thing and the service declared war on poland so we're gonna have a bigger front to deal with any minute now all right okay that's romania down just gotta do bulgaria now which fine and i have started offensive in germany again because i think their troops are all yeah they're all flown into poland and portugal girls made the common mistake of not garroshing that little one problems with the river there which means my tanks can just flood right in and cause some kale we just do not have the manpower for a two front wall and i can't push poi for the same time so we're gonna hold the bulgarian one send the tanks over here and hopefully finish up the german oh my god is that a is that an italian naval invasion okay we gotta support that all right it's gotta be the last push now i've got 23 divisions and six tanks the italians have turned back up but they're um today did they join up the soviet they did they're probably fighting the soviets oh my thank you okay okay now that i have all of germany we don't look too bad i also have romania as a puppet but we need to save our ally poland and uh because italy actually did somewhat of a job i don't know if it was a good one or not if that naval invasion helped but they definitely held the line so that's all that matters i gave them bulgaria and greece and all the stuff down here i don't care i got germany i i sent the damn prussians back to where they belong all right but with this weenie manpower so we can spit out some troops before we go to all the soviets because that is going to be a messy one a hell of a messy one though just sitting around building up and switzerland actually submitted this time so we got these guys too we're looking pretty good now though that because we've got all these states called in the south now we can't get the north unfortunately we've got tons of mountain power i'm just pumping out the bishops and we're going to beat the soviets up but i realize they're um they're also wore the allies who have beat japan so now japan's in crimea now you know i might as well just join the war anyway because um yeah i don't want the allies getting all the fun and you know what i'm going to call in my puppet the prussians just to see how they do uh yeah probably not too well because of that one that's right poland took us a couple years but we're here to save you maybe you know i'm not too happy about this um but i am always happy to see a giant poland all right i have no idea how i'm gonna divvy this stuff up i mean it's not the best thing in the world but i i guess it makes sense from who was owning what but um yeah what the hell america uh i also want to know i was gonna give this area to japan accidentally gave it to poland which is just even more funnier to me and uh yeah danish mongolia sometimes you just gotta do it and of course because i did all the war pretty much and killed all the russians i get the russians as a puppet which is great but we're not done yet first things first just gonna yoink that from you and see you later mussolini now you know what they may or may not have been a great health to us but they're also a great burden by existing so we'll take care of that is it kind of sad yes but don't worry they'll be back stronger than ever and a part of my empire i've um just completely overrun everything in the mainland and it's not looking too good over here either but i don't know why they've stacked around me so much over here to be fair there you go they're still alive partially and would you look at that i i you know now it might not be the most prettiest thing in the world but damn it it's quite great uh we also put a very shady man in charge of serbia yeah craziest thing about all this is that there are so many focuses that i just straight up haven't done yet and uh i there's probably a million and one ways you could actually do this austria game and uh i recommend doing it diplomatically because as you saw from the first one uh going guns blazing didn't really go do well um although i say diplo it's more like you know sharing uh sharing is caring in this mod and i do recommend checking out because on our second run it's actually really fun kind of rp um which is nice sometimes you know i loosely just get a focus to steal the italian navy which is just oh that is juicy uh so yeah we could carry on and keep conquering the world but uh there's really no point i'm kind of happy with where we left off we you know take china or something called the allies but i don't really fancy doing that because uh late game allies war not fun oh yeah this pretty goddamn firm mod i highly recommend you check it out everything will always be linked in the description down below for these 24hz mods and if you've been enjoying them like i said um feel free to leave a like and subscribe button down below and leave a comment let me know because um i've very much been enjoyed checking out these little mods and the challenge in general it's very fun i will try and not do too much oil once though because i don't want to get burnt out and i don't want you guys to get burnt out either so yeah but from me and the greater austrian reich um i'm gonna go ahead and call it quips for today and uh we are finally out of the a's which means when we come back oh it's belgium time [Music] you
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 862,204
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hearts of iron iv, hoi4a2z, hoi4 isorrow, isorrow, isorrowproductions, hearts, of, iron 4, hoi4 mods, hoi4 modding, hearts of iron 4 mods, hearts of iron 4 tutorial, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 challenge
Id: 7-UmzMdjBX4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 27sec (1047 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 21 2021
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