Return Of The Fallout Mod - Hearts Of Iron 4

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[Music] right this was looking suspiciously way more Mexican than I remember it hey everybody and welcome back to the old world blues Martin our nostalgia filled a couple of months in the the forum for fallout Mart it's been a very very long time since I last played this one and there have been quite a few updates oh you might be thinking now a little mama see you down there might be a cradling her baby there but no that's actually a history boy honey get yours down below the link in the description guys that's Christmas coming up is only a couple more days left for you to get your so very special so yeah I did a few videos back on the fallout mod when it came out I I played a couple different nations I even went ahead and played is a couple couple months for the game so I might be mistaken but I'm pretty sure the big new addition to the game is a Mexico now I'm not too familiar with the lore of Mexico in the Fallout universe as I haven't really deep to that far down is the most obscure parts of the wiki but you know I in my own head Canon I like to think that Mexico wasn't even nuke I just think they love a good time really so yeah a whole bunch of new nations two players down in Mexico one of the most interesting is the free fighters who are a bunch of Mexican wrestlers yeah that's yeah okay there is also a whole bunch of other bandit nations to go around we got the cartel appear they're still doing fine and then we have oh yeah it's uh a Squidward we also seem to have a bunch of sort of a native slash Aztec type of dealios going on down here which is us that that's where I aspire to be right there all I'm saying if things ever go to hell the whole world goes you know into the Dark Ages again I will immediately start plucking chickens that's all I'm gonna say oh we also have some Honduras guys right down here under the leadership I've come and dad there Louise who you know it's kind of interesting there's a whole bunch of guys going on I can't actually say for the life of me if anything else has changed up here because I haven't been following the patch notes obviously I stopped doing ahoy for for like a year so we're gonna play Mexico Avery hey you know uh there's better than a better wrestling I I personally would go down to New Mexico right now and you know get there but just sweaty men so if you are new to the fallout mark there right there is a whole bunch of Technology so we we can't just you know do like you know robots and stuff because unfortunately the Mexican nation that is role-playing is a bunch of Luchadors it will civilized apparently but we do have a entire focus tree to go down and I'm actually hoping I pick the right options there cuz there is a there's quite a few we get to pick from here alright so obviously first things first we need to research naval war ash the presses you have been so dumb you can't figure out the scrap motorcycle I have one of our great first choices we get is whether or not we want a fight that said defense bonus or 5% civilian factory construction bonus burner it's kind of easy to choose from because when we currently am currently make use of that fight with an extra builder build focus when I can't build anything I just thought about this because of the you know the man that goes update and you can now make naval variants what can can i oh I can I I can edit by canoe oh yeah yeah you do need oars for your canoe I don't know how the hell we get it moving without them I could also put some like deck weapons on it which that just appears to be Gary what are you doing on my canoe Gary right well it's time for our first war and I have the the crack team ready to do we've got ourselves Gabriela Lopez de Santa Ana who is they have he's a panther leader I don't know you've seen my guys they don't like tanks to me it's just it's just it's just gonna have to do though isn't it really oh let's cut Moab the majority of their army yeah I say army but you currently call that army can use it's just a bunch of guys you shall have fun not wearing many clothes and be a real damn sweaty now all of the units are actually a hundred percent better than mine but I have a little thing called brain power and the ability to pause the game and just walk around them really and eventually you spam out enough units you can walk around anything oh yes actually that's a lot of juicy resources that I needed really badly unfortunately taking that loaded give us a border with a certain you know bunch of nerds laughing as a Roman Empire not gonna name any names Rio a little bit bored playing around folks is so we're gonna go declare war against the the Gulf action down here and they're probably gonna they're gonna beat me right so I'm looking through what exactly this event doesn't it basically unlocks which one of these paths were going to be doing now I think I'm gonna be doing this great Federation one it sounds pretty interesting these one just gives you a two different war goals against someone but I could just get war goals by right-clicking and click and justify so we're gonna do great Federation I was you know III can resonate with this guy up here the champion of the people that's kind of like me right and my history boy much okay so there we're holding our defense I think we're just gonna try and grind on them for a little bit and then we will try to invade them which I think we should be able to do just fine you know I might've lost all my guns in that war but I gained a lot of territory well they were over probably not some kind of god of a bit of an issue going on in Mexico right now in the the the weird alien a I think that uh is in charge of this but in Mexico now has a separate identity that's invading this part of Mexico which is very nice because I quite like the Texas arms Association slept by Todd howitzers got the feeling when push comes to shove this centi an alien robot it's probably gonna kill me probably pretty easily too oh that's pretty interesting I just got brought into the Rio Pact who were who were at war with uh yeah I'm not I'm not good at those who come again involved in that one guys I think him and his robots and motorbikes could probably dare be a new one oh oh no oh no it's not the first authority man oh okay oh okay he just exploded he just exploded okay now there's a there's more both of them now and they're not looking to he'll face a second who's this guy once you look like you fell over in a birdcage screw it okay the stupid robot AI is probably gonna kill me or some player I might as well make it right now let's go surprisingly for a robot AI he's actually not that he's just moved all these fruits why was I scared again ah oh my god once again after losing all of my equipment we we did it oh okay finally something is happening where we might be able to take advantage of because this is the big war so we could maybe sneak in and try to so weak against mister furry boy up here and now obviously this is gonna be the best time for us to strike against very much fur pants but unfortunately for us our stupid little incursion into AI territory down here has meant that all of my guns are also now made believe so I'm just hoping that this war over here is so damn messy that it won't matter really and I'll be held to strike pretty damn hard when the time comes out just as hard as some motive Mexican wrestlers in their underpants can really do against you know an entire empire okay just looking at this already I'm not I'm it's not a giant banana right we're just well we're just gonna get in there now I can go ahead and do this I'm not entirely sure that oh my god that's a lot of red Oh fairly good out here you know one of the big surprising things I've noticed here is that the NCR's last ninety nine thousand men hoopers leaders lost 22 K and I have done 9k of that what are you doing oh I I've managed to stabilize the Frog somewhat now so we're not losing territory and I have noticed that they are actually losing equipment down here so if we can somehow war of attrition this I think we're gonna die I am ever so slightly trying to get encirclements on them no to try and do something but when they have up to 229 troops and I have 51 it's not only do much I can't keep doing this decision up here though to rise up which just gives me like a few troops and then I try to get them over to this poor and then bring them all the way over here through Rio Grande which is working so far you know I missed a new California Republic I got summer yeah you know I'm proud I'm glad it all it took for you to you know wake up and start winning this war was for a hundred thirty one thousand people to die and a bunch of hurt you know half naked Mexican wrestlers to push that's all it's Chuck oh so quiet quite a while later loss happens I got declared war on by these guys I'm now gonna declare war on these guys I'm not even bothering with this forum anymore I'm just gonna kill someone else and hopefully that the furries go away I just realized this is there's a lot maybe gonna open up at a massive front over here too so ashes Fudd the worst part about this might as well is the fact that are just crossings everywhere well it realizes it there's a giant playing card on planet Earth in the 2285 just before the earth blew up mr. house installed a chime playing card of himself on the planet and I you know I admire that effort really right we're attempting and never push into other the Volquez Legion it's going all right it's not going too bad I think they're of 200 108 cash was like God what are you doing I think this is probably one of the like my least favorite features and the fact that literally every I'll open a line you take you got it you got a guy lots of Garrison's of these damn straight so no wait wait does it work if I block hate them what if I make some canoes to blockade them so I have been doing the the gamers rise up folk a decision like every time because I don't know if this is supposed to work like this but you could just keep clicking it and I've got to the point where I now have just a giant army right in the legions capital you know I kind of gamy but I also had enough of these goddamn river crossing my guys realize that new Vegas is absolutely huge why is it with the the AI robots if this god GEB gate I guess mr. house used to be human now he's just a shriveled up penis man you know I don't want to say I'm gay majorly cock-blocked by mr. house right now but you you are quite literally driving a massive wedge between my lines there and also don't look too good on equipment of stuffs and my troops a fire like garbage now but I honestly just don't care anymore I'm just gonna let them keep going because I don't think mr. vault buzzers and there's a legion it's what we could do much about my gamer force now I won't afk and I came back and it looks like I won the war and I wasn't even here there we go after a grueling war we're way too many people died mostly from California the war is over so after the peace deal it looks like my nation well I managed to you poop it all these guys and New Vegas got all this land and I got a little bit up here so no what happened really and I think I'm gonna leave it here though because I am I'm a little bit bored it wasn't a fun game though for like the first bit but I get I did end up get a bit you know a bit bored towards the end there as you could probably tell it is definitely still a farm art I just don't think Mexico was really for me maybe if I played the weird AI guy instead that guy seemed pretty fun but why did I play as the naked Mexican wrestlers but yeah fun night as usual the old world blues Mart is on the workshop it's if you search my most popular it'll be there cuz it's one of the most popular formats obviously cuz it's it's got a lot of Lord it a lot of detail a lot of stuff you can't do and she want to see me do more of this mod I might do another one squeezing up on him before the end of the year but it's finger at the end of the year the only thing really coming now that I know hundred percent is country rule and I'm actually really close to 500k subscribers which I completely forgot about and at 500k also try to do a nother make a campaign but I don't know if I'll get that out by the end of the year or not probably not but we will say but this was the end guys this might be the last video before Christmas but the next video after this will be country roulette so uh hope you guys have a merry little Christmas if you celebrate it and if you want to go ahead and get yourself some history point much link in the description but until next time guys I will see you around [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 458,688
Rating: 4.9498525 out of 5
Keywords: isorrow, isorrowproductions, hearts of iron 4, hearts of iron, hoi4, hearts of iron 4 funny, hearts of iron iv, hearts of iron 4 modding, hoi4 modding, hoi4 mods, paradox interactive, italy, italian, funny montage, funny moments, isp, Fuhrerreich, hoi4 germany, hoi iv, modern day, fallout, fallout mod, fallout mod hoi4, old world blues, old world blues hoi4, owb hoi4
Id: NC27g3cmLNw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 11sec (851 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 24 2019
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