Dumb & Overpowered Ways To Play Victoria 2

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if you're ready for a bit of trash right now everybody that's right I refuse to play anything else but Victoria two productions here simply for the fact that Victoria Freer's never go to be a possibility and I'm very very upset and emotionally distraught by this idea it's okay though at least in September we could play some ck free and I can take my illegitimate problems out on my illegitimate children so while back I made a video called really dumb ways to play EU four and today we're carrying on that tradition with a video I've been meaning to make for a while called incredibly dumb ways to play Victoria can you come read so obviously in Victoria too you can go ahead and try to keep things to a historical path you know the old-fashioned ways of conquering the world of scrape Brinn and getting conquered as France and being terrifying as Germany when it unites but it was a big old juicy but you can go ahead and do things that are a bit uh you know off the beaten path and incredibly kind of dumb and overpowered that's right it's me Great Britain number one great power well peace keeper and most importantly ally of Barack Barack Obama if there's one thing I really enjoy about the British it's their enslavement of the engine you see with all that power comes great responsibility as I now have 50 troops at the start of the game I can go ahead and build playing as Britain is pretty simple you know you should go ahead you assert your dominance over India you get yourself a few walls on China you know the usual static go think about the UK's that you have a huge population both in your home countries and in your car needs to build massive armies so why don't you go ahead and put them to use and well I can't think of anyone better to test this army out arm than a former lost colony now best part is if you go ahead and get this right you can line it up with the Mexican American War and it's gonna be even easier for you to take some land off of the bear you can also call it you're 15 million Indian puppets and you know they might turn up now the overall point is were only taking land off America it's more so just burning the idea of America and its country to the ground so yeah burning America to the very ground it was built upon does take a little bit of time as you're seating down every province independently but if you do go ahead and call your allies and you'll get a nice move a national force of the Ionian Islands the Empire of Brazil and pressure helping you out to do it it is also pretty important that you make sure that the Americans don't win the Mexican War just show you can keep them disunited for the rest of the game and there you go with America fully occupied they no longer have any prestige from losing the Mexican War they have no industry because I burnt it to the ground and they most importantly don't have a military even though they are mobilized apparently they got eight divisions hiding somewhere but the most important thing about this is they're a hundred percent war exhaustion which is going to [ __ ] them well pretty much for the rest of the game cuz you know the time they recover that's when the Civil War kicks up and when you're gonna go back in now like I said you could go ahead and take some land off them or you could go ahead and [ __ ] them a bit further by temporarily making them your puppet welcome back America now realistically I just uh puppeted them for the meme I don't think there's actually any benefit to actually doing this cuz there is a potential they could get back to great power and if they do you're gonna lose them but realistically yeah well they're really a bit upset about that whole puppet and think what is more you know beautiful thing to see than the British United States of America day ago overpowered ridiculous rap it's it's a lot of fun to just [ __ ] America at the start of the game now yeah sure it's incredibly dumb way to play knocking out the u.s. who are you know potentially one of the biggest great powers like game but you can also take this idea of making a massive army and doing it to Prussia you can not pressure out the game immediately you could do it with France anyone you want because Britain is pretty overpowered but yes your British who heart can sleep soundly now knowing that you've gone ahead and you've stumped out the ideas of American freedom liberty and probably put the world on a very katish traffic paths anyway let's move on to the next one you know it was fun Russia is fun cuz it's goddamn crazy pretty much a backward zone civilized hellscape we're only six percent of your population can read at the start of the game but you do have a massive army the thing about Russia is that they're constantly at war with people you know we've got a lot of enemies surrounding our gigantic nations so we really need to start picking them off early while we still have the tech playing field and before people start reading more so cut this together you've got a population that can read you've got a fat army and on your body you got a neighbor who is completely behind you at the start of the game with a really good promise called Silesia and you have an ally called Austria that's willing to go ahead and help you take it burn it all together and you've got yourself a big recipe for disaster for the Prussians rushers will go ahead and mobilize all of Germany against you but you don't really have to worry about ax you've got a fatass army that could just def stack around and crush them immediately I look at that Danish or an opportunity to scurry out their little rat hole and there are obviously burning pressure to the ground pretty fun but having that country being to house and the map look ridiculous for the rest of the game priceless baby oh so you know the whole knocking you know Prussia out great power immediately there helps too but we're not done yet Russia has many enemies in the world and we still have a massive army that would be a first time the Russians are needed to put down a Hungarian revolt now after dissecting your favorite European you know neighbor you can go ahead and fix yourself well what's the point now I've taken down all my enemies there's certainly no one left is there oh wait Russia's greatest defeat Oh shucks I know was coming later on in the world and I feel like I need to take care of this before it gets out of hand right try and torpedo-boat my artillery [ __ ] sorry Japan but not this time Oh so after enforcing your will upon the Japanese if they ever do managed to unify somehow after they've been completely destroyed you you just go back in and take even more of them you're definitely gonna go ahead you're gonna you're gonna need to give a pretty sizable army here those Japanese they do get pretty rowdy they go 1857 and you just turned your game into a joke as you've already destroyed both of your only enemies throughout the game really realistically you can only do this at the start of the game because whilst there are many ways to go ahead and westernize rush quickly I didn't show one off this time around and we are sitting at 18% illiteracy rate so we are slowly falling behind on technology so you want to go ahead and her know just dismantle Joanie and Japan before they become smarter than you also yes the heavenly kingdom did win the China war because I didn't show when I went ahead and took Hong Kong and then completely forgot about it he got taken over by Jackman's but I just can't be bothered but uh anyway let's go on to the next dumb way to play this stupid game Ottomans nutterman's am i right everybody so the best thing about the Ottomans it so you actually start allied with the Russians who as we have just seen in our last playthrough have a em well they have a really big army that's right we got ourselves a bit of a historical Boogaloo going on you see the Astra's might have a better army a way more allies and more men than me but what they don't have is Russia a Russia that also just took a hand off of them and I got a bit of land for it myself as well for free essentially by the couple 100,000 you know Egyptians I let die but that'll also come in handy later except you got a deal with that whole Egyptian real world thing it shouldn't be too difficult for you especially if you know where you do it so really after you put down the Egyptian revolt you've got yourself a nice little snippet of Italy you can just carry on eating someone as soon as they get a certain little revolution pop up because all you need to do is get yourself up to friendly with the Hungarians and you can intervene becoming war leaders pretty cool because you get to also bring in the big guns again the Austrians won't really put up much of a fight for this but peace out is not what you should do obviously because they put status quo it means you can't actually add any war goals but we won't be needing to add any war goals unfortunately no winged Azhar's it's time I'm afraid Austria mostly because the Russians are on my side and they shot and ate all the horses so there you go gosh tree a fully seized when we peace out they will lose all of Hungary and most appalling we just keep them ceased out for a while they lose all of their factories press stage and become a secondary power a ghost of a salt in the wounds to the rebel rush overthrew their government oh yeah you have crippled them enough you can basically say goodbye Austria bit funny there the the Italians just formed from Two Sicilies who was in my sphere and they immediately declared war on the Pope and I kind of feel like I won the Pope ah there you go much better hands it's under there they are they go just uh scientists discovered manifest destiny which is what I'm doing to Austria right now there you go 1857 and I've gone ahead and puppeted the Austrians that's right it's Ottoman Austrians it's kind of like good luck hold on to it bina I fight it to end this part of the video off what a bit of a me anyway on to the last one that's right it's me let the Getty which if you don't know is French for the sausage this one is actually pretty simple there you go that's what I need it again by me just mobilizing the entire French population right now yeah now a we've got a little bit of revenge to hand out Oh found the British Navy just gonna go ahead and snipe that quickly there it goes yeah just got myself a nice little holiday home down in Liverpool am I happy with just taking Liverpool in 1848 not really our first stuff let's just take a quick pit stop to a Prussia really around the maginot BS this time friend hey ago look at that the natural borders of France exactly what they meant when they were thinking of that ideas just the the small old French PP into Germany oh my mind I was gonna shoot Brit again get great power but uh I'm already number one baby look at that Oh powerful there you go well the duck was a 10-plus house you know a little bit over got myself the most powerful empire in the entire world all because I took Liverpool off if today though if you enjoyed these really dumb ways of playing like to some of the work some of them you know might now work that well anyway though I hope you enjoyed the video leave a like it subscribe button down below if you want to see more dumb stuff like this in other games like y4 or so UK - or an iguana near you for being my guest let me know down below but until next time Kaiser I just go like bleach my eyeballs [Music]
Channel: iSorrowproductions
Views: 249,770
Rating: 4.9588246 out of 5
Keywords: victoria 2, vicky 2, victoria 2 uk, victoria 2 birtain, british, france, victoria 2 france, french, victoria 2 ottomans, victoria 2 russian, paradox interactive, strategy games, strategy, history, victoria 2 memes, victoria 2 multiplayer, victoria 2 funny
Id: OJ7A50Grkfg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Fri May 15 2020
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